LEFROY ua MI and Mr Rum ning the holidays llrl in Guelph Fallll Brill til biopic Sl the Vttitvfitl rt tic parental The May of Ilzi lirrtll was held the manage Strorrd Garnet Slaw and rill Bun Cain Ul thlr uric guests or MN and ls IciCLA Mrs rrltls Flat ch Mr and children weekend Miss ii Week to months Idaho 75x Mr and Mrs sons Gdfltlt nrers mother the lioldr 0n uvdntstiay Mitt lied tl ltli Zlc lot li XIULt Itllll slides in thy church ing Will he trltn iMalton on Sundry Illtlv met the All are plump 31 and latters iiiotlur 31 built anti Mrs Robert wart pt lozorrto lsistcr Miss Bertha Scott who mine back at liltlt litlllt audiby plane tron Winnipeg The renewing coirriritiii ictrvltr also joined in etEerirat vlrs Mrs Max Holland was patient Scotts tiilh birthday last fronds vsi her iltcr her opera here Join in coiigrutunitrzins on lit in Toronto General llosprtul veek llcr itrar quick recovezy tron Mr and Mrs has snrisi fairs It Stephens but It MSI United hurc Co sptzikcr and iii led Irv Baker it ttlt the on te ii on ioEtLiritii la xx xlrtl 31 llan Bulllt also Qirestien If Ilcrd CGIT wrll pitsuit play and hate IIHVHY xtvtr Ullcl Sulfur lr Ml AN EDDYQUALITY PRODUCT NZ9 and Mrs Jos Mather Mr and Mrs Fred Gibson and Roy all of To onto were recent guests of Mr and THC lULal birhall ldddli to defeat try In Week It lthough Lefrny jtttriu they pl The Anni next Sunday t0 rt ll Rev Dr It 33 at the ylil llt pid xiiius choir lre llt cancrliel er 30 til of Toronto 35$ gttlltc ll The WI ll Lt eitetincd at the home or Mrs ll Reese on Tuesday ttllll June ltoll earl ttolc Ll tillll tertrcyly afistiation of ciirira will hr by Miss Fern llletllitl of Bar it rte an address by Mrss Islaclaieh er Tea lustessrs vlb Maurice Mrs Wu fvlcfildlan Sirssl ill IIlLi hits Ii ii illlrt vlniLVli Lezroj errr 1cens who know Mr Scott tltltll well through ler frequent visits birthday and sale ioianey Sunday visitors were Mr and iMrs Vernon Iae Toronto at reiglrton Zeus lr =lorrn Miss llrown and lilii Alelatlaru il Toronto at Maurice llcrds Mrs Gordon Strouti and Miss riirace liirdorr Toronto at Wilfrid Steyvarts Mr md Mrs Mont gorricry and Mrs tlrizles lilldtltlt at Sheldorrs It zil Mr and Mrs Isaac Ietinett llhorntorr visited Mrs iex Den nev Sunday Miss Aileen Miller Mr and Mrs Itcg Wilson Ivan Speers and Miss June Specrs spent the holtday weekend vrtli Miss Muriel Spceis at llala Mr and Mrs Iack Mctann and Mr and Mrs Alex Denney lorrimy IIell and Jack llllis have had their homes wired ready for llydro this week The final progressive euchre ptlllt tyJor this season was held in the School Wednesday night Miller had mens high score and Mrs Ilector Iurnbull was the topl lady Visitors last week were Mrs Isaac Snell Toronto with her pari cnts Mr and Mrs Alex llenneyzl Mrs Bell Mr arid Mrs It Pepper and children Torontol with Mrs Allon Miller llarry Rank kin Cookstoun with Mr rind Mrs Dempsler Robt Kale Hamil on with Mr and Mrs George El lis Mr and 11s Morgan and sons St Catharines with Mr and Mrs Bell Moore Liberal candidate in East Simcoe promises to seek an experimental farm for that rid ling if elected oiilaius tion is severe Copper beenan SCIW itcan CjlitPotaro Sprqys and Dust ass rc ilepcndahle lowcost proteetiungahist Io motive insects blights other fungous diseases iii1L POIAIO BUSES or 3111 40 copper wrtlrs eeial carrierstickr iglily curve against early and late blight loaf uppers and beetl DEETROX 57 Contains SIQIDDI and control of blightaiid iiiscdtsvoriiseed for controlof leafpr era lle marry other insects in estin yoedasa barn andjlivestOc spray DEECOPCON18IIISDDTandXCdCO cr LlrID auqldqstwcuwmscmqndigspedp celroxit controls blight to spra rather than dust ifor Early end lilo Bllglii PERENOX highly ownoeutrated fungicidalpmvder which contains TilCOLTriBami per Sulphate containing 52 9f clapper By adding copper Speciallypprcparetl for potato erons Or when aph irifcsta JJIROX Iiistderivcd freiirilixn cdconcrivs blight and other fungougdiaeases realm comm Oa TTliese lusts may he applied all My ttiiteexcrpl lurm wind audrum lliaydo nopdcpeird upon dew for tlzrcioir cit name srms DEENATE 503W5The 50 ultramicron DDTingeclicide Recommended a7 beetles Colorado potato beetles and orchards and certain truck crops Widely prepared forgiovvera who prefer pandas combined fungicideinsecticide All 011 Rotate Spray materials come ready toyruse llugt mmmth water They will not clognanlam COULSONS HI on too weeks holiday from Tel ultlr Slay L1 tnk Toronto visit thet at Mr Stuart ylcQuarires his in Wednesday night Frank Steele and ei on Monday tuna bittytire of lue for the holiday Buchanan of Toronto is Id and Mrs letil tinmp htlttliii on sunday Mason of Toronto is vorting Mfr Ml AM and 31 Maser llcc MM R991st and Strobe Isittd at on Sunday Mrs Shir icy llarirbly elister and Satire of lrl cure in the village for the rr it Lcrlli Harry Morrartys and Mrs Douglas Fraser of tatharines called on relntrvesl Eire er Saturday lliils and Don ilines of lo llI spent the wcekcnd Willi Mr izul Mrs blllcringtoii NI Iize prtigram put on by hills Col Ity of Harrie in the Hall Friday exerting was much enjoyed ylary Craig Barrie spent it ioliday weekend with Mr and pills1 Traig at Ii Castons Llrsses Betty Caston of Port Me Nuth and Dorothy aston of Ki vere home for the long And now ladies Jolt drop Will in your duhpon kad cod PRESTOII Mr and Mrs Maurice lteadman laud family of Petcrborough spent Estimating Trees Ages reading aboutthe tree IrSllltlnlfl Iliilkixlsnlllilll Ldind uh Ml never heard of it lltlolt til said By BllllSh OwnerEditor rhe popeyed wrth awe you arel Irinly five years out lle told Illi brdil delicious Ilium Napier Moores Scratch Pad everybody how voiiderlul was fun iiu Financial Pull it couldnt rrsl losing such repu IV Philosophical about weather is Im 50 Wtl Wis 1411055 in SuperVacuum liii ll Woods resident of Ihrdottibimwn mid Just Ml Drip or lligiihii iinils ilaelxay and Co He spends maiin At that ll viiiter weekend at his country tun ty guess how llow old do lussnuhLnrd Bug yum9 igoypaioltl house at you think that elm is Steve saidd Shanty Ilay Hasth Saturday velhtcc hundred years should INNC HUN 01 went there in cornpany with Theo think Said ll Thats just hle Maxwell nus Stephens proprietorcditor oflzibout right We led Steve awayl the llirtrsh publication My Gar in sort of daze llltttlt instantly ltl lilt ll den Steve had just arrived from California and Victoria BLT Enl route as We drove through sleet to frozen Lake Simcoe his eyel brows went up but with Chestcr tieldian politeness he made no audible comparisons ll After lunch swatlicd in Eskimo IIastcr garrricnts ve squelched forth to inspect the pride of the Woods propertywan elm of such girth that walking round it onccl would be goriil mornings cxer crse lor us Now Procter Steve an authority on mostl firings that grow was asked if he could estimate the trees age He said Ah never try to estimate the age of tree Once visited an estate in Ireland The owner took me to see one of the most venerable trees ever had seen He asked me how old thought it was hadnt the foggicst notion but made wild guess370 years My host said must have been Fools Gold is Found Everywhere Ontario Museum News Fools Gold is the name often applied to pyrite an iron sulphide pale brassy yellow in color with metallic lustre and greenishblack streak When in masses it is often mistaken for gold but in crystal form pyrite cannot be easily eon fused with any other mincralTho mineralogy galleries Of the Royall Ontario Museum display numbc of the crystals One of the most common of all minerals pyrite ls found in all kinds of rocks with all kinds of associations in all parts of the world It occurs in vast beds as at Rio TintoSpain or as one of the constituents Of ore veins Colorado Utah and Penn sylvania are among the best Am eriean specimen localitics whilci Italy and the iron mines Of thev Island of Elba have produced many superb specimens Pyrite has been mined in largcquantities not as an ironrore but for the manufac ture ofulpbprlc acid solmport ant to mnyie of our industries Because ulphur makes steel brit 7tlcran since it is not easily separ ate from the iron pyrite is scarce ever used as an ore for iron Gold one of the most important impurities in this sulphide is often scattered through the pyrite in in visible articles and sometimes in quantities enough tOTnake it worth while mining pyrite for gold ATOMIC ENERGY CONTROL From The Weekly Guardian Manchester England The view that the atomic energy control system proposed by Mos cow would not protect the world againstatomirwarfare was exl piessecl by Mr Richard Miles at Mondays meeting of the United Nations Atomic Energy Working ommittee On behalf of Great Britain Canada ance and Chi na he moved that Russias scheme be rejected on the grounds that it would not prevent the diversion of atomic fuel and othermaterialsl from peacefulto illegal uses would not provide for the detec OLclandesllne work on at cnerg andvavouldrotprovidc prompt or effective enforcement actiOn against violations On the other hand Mr Miles felt it w0uld give aggressor nationsthe oppor tunity to gain overwhelmingimili tary supremacy through illegal atomic activities For theUSSR Mr Gromyko againcharged the United States and Greathrfitain with deliberately trying to wreck any international control of atomic energy The following dayathel other technicalwcoinmittce of the Atomic Energy Coinmision the OHAIAMIllyProcter Glmblo guarantees fhllTida will do everything claimed forit in thin udvertigcment Ifyou are not completely nt iaed return the unused poi tion of your package to your dealer and the purchase prico will be refunded control committee collapsed com pleter and decided to Suspend its activities indenitely The work of the Commission has thus virtu ally ended and itwill have to re port to the Assembly its failure to reach any agreement on atomic riiiiuue FACT More Pearle buy and glimmer Ma resin well House monthly other AMxwllll9u$ utility price ForgIOriously rich and mellow coffee say 1le WORKS EXTRA MIRACLES IN WATER MEANS May 24 David Albutt is at his home here The Watson llll Jr Institute Wilfred Neilly of Gilfozd were at Stettuanr Gordon ltrx and gcotr and Irene Moriarty who met attending Toronto Normal School and Mir Kr lillllll Onl Amelsz Hambly Miinico Mr and leti Mf Ulld 5515 WWW Mrs Ileg lrsdalc of Toronto all antenna ii IDESIO 0i as modern wusliduy miracle Waste clothes clgaiier Yes cleaner thariany soap Notlngs toodirty gt for Tide Even greasestained overalls come so marvelously freah and clean cleaner than with my soap youve ever used Because Tide not only leaves clothes free from ordinary dirt but actiially removes dingy soap lm as well Actuallrlglilensrolorsl Prove it for yourself Take that soapdulled fadedlooking print wash it in Tldes miracle sudg and see how much brighteti it comes out Tide is really safe for dainty washable clorsl skimromantic sudstrL THURSDAY MAY 27 1948 45 ANNOUNCEMENT BARR SPRING snivrcr HAVING MOVED TO LARGER ACCOMMODATION ARE NOW MORE ADEQUATESLY EQUIPPED TO GIVE THEIR CUSTOM ERS QUICKEB SERVICE ON ALL SPRING REPAIRS AND BEPLACEMBNTS Oivr us ltING 5m 313 mi 313 lhme home for the weekend ITS SPRING were Doris Ktitvllitt loionto Chili Florence Sturgeon Brampton Mary Fennell Toronto Mary Sturl Allandale IIION 3400 Gowan St FACING TRACKS ID youve never used anything like it The inside story of this postwar miracle beginsr back in the years of Procter 8rGambles wartime research0ut of the new knowledge gained in that research crime Tide Tide does whats never been done beforewashes clothes cleaner thanany soap yet leaves colors brighter Try Tide just once and youll know its entirely different Tidea amazing sudsloOk and feel different and they billow up instantly even in hardest water omv me does ALL rouxr VV Never yellows whitetlimgs No matter how often you wash theme how long you store them Tide cant turn whit clothes yellow keep them dazzling white week aftervveeklw Prove ll in your dislipanl lasting abduction auysoap In hardest waterlTldecutp grease to thewatertNocloudy lm That why dishes and glasses rlnae and dryso sparkling Elearl OF SUBS N0 WATER SOFIEHERS NEEDED