THURSDAY MAY 27 1948 COTTYTRIBBLE WARMING UP BASEBALL NINE Baseball Is tlfll becoming the main topic of diamond which was absent fzoI scenes for at last bctotne quit popular the partIprants and the fillgt THE BARBIE EXAMINER INCORRECT REPORT OPENING SOFTBALL GAME IN SIMCOE Due to an inaccurate sword card the opening South Sim coc softball game between Mt Pleasant published in last utks Barrie 54 win The players on the winning team were listed under Mt Pleasant while the losrrs were under Fennclls on the card won parson 1111111118 lUS Chaple tltfildlc Hartley to the club him who is hcatlazg fir New Liskeatd to pro luc ban Eecals Mtdlltg from juvenile to jllltltrl are the Barrie Flycrs who tui senajr softball opening at Queens Park respective Harris present rial to the dia Matting fnldlllg plays poll running has betup an extent that up and Fennclls 15 favorable OBA pluydoxyns last lIt kVXLLlelHIi of fan players the man the sums duttt Elllh and who dawn the hon ng in the With Ildtlt tla teams Motors two Examiner Pleasant along sport ll the Bat llllcl val convc itfloll Jflfl lcfl to Blll Bob llIl 15 libpuflcd piayof is Iruu lengtle have eyes itId =lntt lcnnclls We are Actually the game sorry that lncorrcctpublicaliun took place but we must ask score keeper to make limb ough check sending inter The Intermediates were tunic1 although not late too well showed iIn nInI Drown $1115 and tlllttllflg le boys from slum pogtllltlll is the Inavylgttlgng lotzl tleger who rteilll This year they are building lief131tkpe sighozr let balanced club and coach Totty predicts they last year and Yl llltttllrrsrti deftndmg lfillJl gt ttllziclll III is asoh hut 5m Ali ho Idle bcfurc Exam cards to The them Sitth initial IIllliore suaelnni Ila plenty of spirtl and punch to make hockey things interesting for the Ulllltrsllllllllv open their season the first week or June and at pres Iorkmg nightly at the tgrleulture laik Jtuunv uiuor 3er past play Nt Illft io eattittle guarding year Itxlllllt ltxlki that the new COHCth spawn nothttni In the 1m Oil Electric and Is slated for Fly 1111 to return tiw lutors von lastlp vlun fltlllt limp had on winter pi otllnt lilrILI Keefe Ernie employed wuh lZtniz tins lltl lion They mm knocked gtlllf the plate folil AIM mentioned lll the tile ilItl clittmptouof twu yloe ltfc Destined to can thud Ilfe should add lot of punch to the Infield Teamng ll MW at shortstop Is Larry am snail yIIy berry who will fill Murray next rice Orer at third is WIb tyleAIthurv fiozz while running around shortstop lgt Murray lllmer tryout SLusulI lltftrlxtV lIllt Junior Ionr reeoud base lxm chat lnlzes cut the team Worlmg llotr Stoke Ramsay who is bacl for another year Joel Turn ltll Ull lift Ilhlll ls illlllllltl Hill lclitll ptleluug vItlI the best many and mohany Wlll to time ma contests lljt oiae who Is tlrjlllnl tour of illpptllllllt juvemle entry lll the England at thr lileIIkIll is expectv OBA and hart oblainyd the ser ed back gtlltplll and will bide his vices of onelime baseball catcher Doug Ramsay to Itach the youme sters the ins and outs of the game baseball now Kerr Fife lion ltlls ale out tefd wIiIen Bruce Simmons grabbng hulls In Illlplcle plenty of promise Coaching tint taken care of by Roy lZmim while sponsbrslnp Is 111 the hand he eounlrkl lltI of Emms Electric Roy and flap litmus and team how FROM FAMOUS SALON TO YOU the 13 Improved 120100 llama permanent Better ways Saute prepara ions as used in cxpcndvc salon waves Simple stepby stcp directions Lites improve tncnts to insure softer more flattering wave in hue Ask for the new itu provcd RICHARD HUDNIII llOMli PERMANIINI at our cosmetic counter Price $525 Refills $175 CusnrNs Wellington Hotel Block them Jack turns that jorIt llarry Suncoe Centre South and llll belr en llll ookstmttl Slinltlt litll lllilll to the ship Is that baseman Moe In the infield le image hides and Jimmy Gil lll be attempting to fill the shoes of the coach and If last year Isany sign then llt is quite capable pefed Camp Borden Kunming llll the NONI Is Shetvchuk Roach will llllIL llarrls Still uIobaltc lluu Athle in Barrie back and lint Maurice three teams 1lilll1 are representediIIseparale lcagues The intermediates are aiming their sights at the North Simeoe thlt the juniors are performing in the The DufferuIStne league wt morn JIIIuIIy South coe junior find Barrie Juveniles as eonteiftli ers once Inore Stmcoe shortstop loblained baseball lll fur from daisies are Freddie mvmomdwleft fielder Laking HS il through Motormen CHURC ILL NIN 15 FAN 001 T0 CONSTABLE Churchill started their season in convincing fashion Tuesday 18 when they 201 win over South and he used Lost from the fold Is llarvey Chappel who is destin for worl in New Liskeard with is counting on playing ball up there and also to instruct in various sports Angeloff iOltllt utility fielder Jack lte llarvty Barrie his lrysom Grill could very well be the club to walk off with the honors this aggressive ob Bob and May out in fixture ha mm red Bond Head softball and movement has latich some xperienced hands to steady the club Back from last hitting laul Meger king Murray Richardson McKinnon llcrbie Thompson the improved Cecil Took and Johnny Young youth season Simcoe llobs played at Churchill The main difference in the two clubs was in the pitching Constable camc up with an almost lle allowed but one hit that in the sixth inninggand The dreambreak was Brown who took ad vantage of the lone hit and stretch ed it into home run Poor fielding was sponsible for the onesided score Bond Headappeared lost espec four innings second frame gave Churchill substantial eight Iun lead They added four more In the third count splurge in the fourth aided by BillBr9vningks circuit MacConstable and Faris Sinclair III THROUGHI IF YOU DONT WANT TO SPOlL YOUR BEAUTIFUL SHOES POLISHED WITH NUGG WELLREMOVE THEM AND THEN WALK year are hard batting Bernit Blake Mi perfect game anned 15 How To MARK SCORE CARD partially rel ially first Eight hits and another eight baseball used clout batting crown hits each connecting for ya dou cards absolutely blc Leading the batters for the win third baseman Sinclair and catcher Frank Kell each banging out three hits hits were counted by Manse Har rison Bill Browning Blake Con stable and Keith Sinclair CHURCHILLF Sinclair 3190 Browning Harrison rf Browning 2b Stur geon 2b Constable 1b Watson Constable leagues who are confined to the ners were Farts note Number players as follows pIt cher catcher rst baseman NOTHING LIKE NUGGEI SHINEii TO KEEP YOUR FEET ON THE GROUND shortshop left fielder centre fielder right from Sonu symbOls used by scorers are The schedule is as follows May 28Beeton at Creemore llornings Mills at Allislon Mans 17 Constable base hit two7basc hitfaD threebase hit home run HR YOUR SHOES THIS MORNING If Gibbon Kell Sinclair cf BOND HEADDsHarveyBrown fumbled grounder Armstrong Harvey Kreuger fielderschoice FC Thompson Barker Richardson stolen base SB sacrifice hit 811 084 800020 struck out 000 0010 lgbasc on balls BB mulled fly out XX Harvey Churchill Bond Head fore on AII ethod of recording play lefthand name A4 means reached first on fumble by second baseman In the upper righthand corner SB means he stole second In the lower righthhand corner no means reached third due to sacrice hit In the lower lefthandeorner 62 means he was throfvnout to catcher at the plate and drag mund each day unable to do the workcranky With the childrenfeeling miserable donl Mime it on nerves Your kidneys may be out of orderrfor fail the system clogs with corner batters lion over and locking back we recall that therehave been ve inspections since the Bat rie Sea Cadet Corps was formed in April 1943 All have received favorable comments and each has been judged little better than the one previous The Corps was due tothe efforts of the Lions Club of Barrie who supplied the officer personnel for the Corps Lions stillfpredominate as seven officers are members ofthatelnb The Corps says Thanks Lions Since the Corpsstarted regular parades in the MarketBldg which has now been renovated to the high office of the Municipal Bldg The inspect by the shortstop Toronto to take his rifle team to Toronto on Saturday June19 at 230 pm will be represented Nee ess 9to say Lieut Peterson accepted as he has some excellent shots One critter will be putinthc water this weekand on Thursday next the first crew will get under when way for the initial practise of the impurities headacheblklchedig 1948 season Two former Cadets Wm Elsom and Hollywood have returned and it is hoped to again have strong cutter crew lt 1450 Seven Corps tarted largely Besides being totally disabled he endures mental agony because when he coal get it he didnt buy insur ancewith total dis Income benefits Ills plight taught me Llesson now have Confederation Life Policy that ability monthly BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA Unt and Taotnpstin Will the otftid mule McKin itut LLzlt of first base 11 course Will Stop but Bob will line up on the ytcpcr may find lzete Equally good than Paul may be 51 hl the but mine opening ehanri like flutters from the onetime Steve and tNlt squad have found to play upheld under Bobs mug One Brothcltbr factor Is that the are all as llomng coach and second ttllll tin batting race Nllglm pear lrmreforc ltttll have lot ltittllllt hitters in the birth in will It lclltls old spot in be if llltl staff ltllespitx is southpaw lnuler from the throne xploding bats of the Flyers by Emms in particular responsible ficldat Barrie at Mansfield at Alliston Mansfield when Moe tramman who single when III31 ttfllft fielder in ltlle olrtznneti from the rail on mt Clare Is an cxpetl tIoIltI eoverer and steady lid llltll fulllrets Bobs llllllltl room at the plate Last but not vii lllllll lllt llgttlltll JIIIlCllUll Im lolatid who was Ialed as post aluable to ltl club last etgtotI laf topped the leagues mining letulds with his whip hall and should be number one on Front tnup llorden comes Bob lall Ittd Dotilllespie both of lltilu Worked llll the fire fighters last year llatl is large Kncosmw lIeavylntttng letl fielder while elm1m So there stands Angeloffls youth movement It may pay Iff They shoultkshow plenty of rustle on the base pathsaud there Neill rfl KL my no doubt about power at the plate llour moundsmen should aust plenty of fruuble all of leich makes the season appear Eike battle all the way Youth versus veterans and challengers eteImined to oust the champions ItLAl players are not known ut they can be expected to come It with fighting spirit which vill do them credit on Barrie dia nonds Uncertain of lineup from vcekend to weekend much dis LIrbancc is surc to come from the SEVEN idth IDUFFSIMC0E 5flts2 JR BASEEALL Iner has published the softball and shorthand as writers in the pro leagues Due to the enthusiasm over the llarric Flyers are again troop ing into the DufferinSimcoe Jon and the pitching ior Baseball League endeavoring were also credith with extra base averages correct interpretation of to retain the championship won necessary last year The league consists of Those throughout various softball seven entries Barrie Creemore Everett Alliston Mansfield Horn chore oTIarking the scores please ings Mills and Becton However Barrieare of juvenile status and are able to enter the OBA play downs no matter what the result second baseman third baseman may be The club is being spon sored by Emms Electrtc vtth Roy May 31Allist0n atBecton Crec more at Hornings Mills Everett June l4Barrie at Beeton Ever iett at Hornings Mills Mansfield June 18Alliston at Barrie Bee fun at Everett Hornings Mills of June 21Beeton at Everett Creemore at VMansfield Hornings illustratton WIll show the Mills at Bdm the Jttne 25Barrie at Creemore Opposnc Everettaf Alliston Mansfield batter Beeton June 28Alliston at Creemore turbed reit requently follow To help keep your kidneys working properlyuse Dodds Kidney Pillsand ice for yourself if that aIlin feeling innot noon replaced the 14thcenturywhen Venice Eechabgnz mm NANNNLLN WIN SECOND GAME 31 AT 110ME Fennells racked up their scrund straight in the South Simone Softl ball league last Thursday May 21 they eked 31 tictoty UVrl Bradford at Fcn nelts Park lured With the part of both clubs and It math for thrilling llll Fennells opened 1h scoring the third Innings when Bill K912 and Gordon Roy lIwings timely triple Ing uphill in the fourth Bradford drew to within one run when Io bias hit safely advanced on Tow aus single and stole passed ball deadlock the count in the fifth on this by Magant and llacko gum attempted but was tagged out pleled the frame as Gordon Todd came home safely llei dried the play with and as Simone cessive passes to Ntllly and Kellf Gordon Kneeshaw was thrown out at first Iodd The top of Bradfords order presented Itself for the final rally but three Infield of Bradford two hits four hits FENNRIJSAG Knecshaw Todd cf Ewings lb Hughes Neilly ss Fletcher lb BRADFORDIIIplint ss lb Itlagani 2b llacko lf Semphe rf Collings Ilb Simone Tobias Cowan cf Fennells 002 001x3 Bradford l0l 10001 Barrie at Everett Beeton at Horn ings Mills July 2Alliston at Everett Bee3 ion at Mansfield Creemore at Bar rie July 5Creemore Everett at at Beeton July 9Barrie at Hprnings Mills Everett at Beeton Crcemore July 12Allist0n Mills Barrie at more at Beeton July IllBeeton llornings Mills at Creemore Mans field at Everett July 19Alliston at Beeton at Barrie Horn at Everett July 23Barrie at Alliston Ever ett at Creemore llormngs Mills PLAY FOR ALL Children whose delicate or handi capped condition does not permit them to join in the Inore boister ous games should be included in some form of recreational activi ty The Department of National Health and Welfare in message to parents points out that there are games which any child may en joy no matter what his constitu tion And only games can child learn necessary selfreliance and retain the sense of belonging to the social group through with as fea flcldlng of The game excellent scored of Fight Kueeshaw home on They threatened Ma home Fennells com sixth steal scoring to third sue forced 11V but choice seot ed batting of Int excellent reached disposed some lupling first on single but was forced at second by Evans from Kell to Fletcher ended atny further chance of Bradford count ing ilwings of Fennells and owanl all batters witle ljtehers Gordon Simone both allowing but BUSINESS Todd lf was straight work double play each and hurled luvans AllistonI Barrie llornings Mills Mansfield Hornings Mansfield Crec Alliston Mansfield ings Millst Mansfield in competitive RADIO Immediate Delivery $13900 and up Mantel Radios $3995 up Tctls Radio Appliance 44 Essa Rd ALLANDALE Is BIG The cash income of Canadian farmers from farm animals as over $50000000 during the last recorded year And it in estimated that food production as related to livestock accounts for over onethird of gainfully cm ploycd people in lanada Dairy Cattle are an impotf tant part of this industry and better breedingr of them is very important Experts emphasize the im portance of grading up in both grades and purebretls 3by continuous use ofltigh class pure bred sires PHONE 3609 Progressive dairy farmers and ranchers are keeping in tIostDloueh with their nearest experimental farm and agricultural college nltieh have both been con cenlrating 0n livestock improvement for years with excellent results Loans to cover the pur chase of foundation or breeding stock or to meetv other needs are available to responsible farmers from our nearest branch Drop in and talk the matter over with our practical friendly manager 52 EBAIIKIFIOROIIIO Incorporated 1855 Branches BARBIE ll Nettleton Mgr ALLANDALEF Stevens Mgr Dont put advance notices of be charged to sender at the regu events to raise Inoney in correslar rate Use Comingr Events pondencc or Lets Chat These will for such notices Dont to savored much incomen MorepvenzL the Corps has moVed tofhe Barrie if Collegiaterthen the BarrieArnL oury where they now meetr Lastyar the tormenAir Cadet Bldg Waspurchased for RCSCC Kempenfelt bythe NavyLeague of Every effort made by Chairman of theNayy League of Canada Barrie Branch Mr Osmond Rowe to secure per manent quarters and it is the earn est hope of the officers andcadets that next yeartheyfwill be able to invite the parents and friends gt of the Corpsto their new quarters SLieutslIarris has aviary good band which new numbers about 23 instruments Every effort is beintr mane tomakethis band the best yet New must be 14 years of ageand at least to be accepted as re than disappoint some younger chaps who are keen 1y interested SLieut Hodges lS organizing Sea Scout group for the younger boys They will re ceive the same training etc as the older boys butwi11 not be uni formed the same SLieut Kelly has four senior gs working on Morseonly and to have theSe men capable and receiving very also hasa largetclass Epcmmammimagma errneutralan WW guarantees are mo fhly beconfe ftotallywdisabnl shant need to pay premiumswhito totally disablcdlthough thopolicy willrmainglnforec duringmy total dlsabllltypnd the full amountlofthe prepaid to my Mite should policyWin CAnada being Idle jeoiifederattou Lifewasoiie ofthlrst Life InsuranceCompanles to issue policies with Monthly Disability Benefit Write for the buckle Earned Income It will tell you all remarkable Insurance Income Total iProtect Year about this Prof tectlon Barons YoonvsURE CONsuLrq ederation Li Association regulations state cadets emits Rather Hatoday and often aim day Its real treat anytime So whenever youre thirsty or want to adddelight to moment of relaxation drink PepsiReuieInbe1 you get more for your money in that big 12Ounce bottle some Hratl hep at sendin shortly studying Semaphore Lieut Peterson auengurom RCSACCVan3uerd nnrscsanrfvni re has received Wm orted sugar fromthe Omani it wassocost1y Amt only gthe ealthy Leonid afford it The simple Sect Yardley Malawi It may soundlikounnsna Itlyieelrotn bank But it based on ntIrexperienee WilhIIllftllSandS of depdqifbrsand we think itll agreoithsensihlc iof saving isregulnrity deposit Tnldneyregularly and leaveit there til you have tllhailimint ryv mvblsotne sPQcicpurPQse II On theiotlier ltandyon try to save more hanyoiijcan ahead it becomesrnotonlya bur butpan impossibility ill have to miss One or two deposits yourself IIowing out your Savings in some current need Decide on min you can afford make your deposits regularlygan fyou find