Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 6 May 1948, p. 9

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PAGE TEN lltlttllILl UMMIENIIY HALL was crowds incinhers oi 111 recent Saturday night when friends president of 111 V11 neighbors held gathering io collect s1 oiisoieii the event The evening was spent THE BARRIE EXAMINER BARRTE ONTARIO CANADA uo===o=o===oil EPMVALE BARRIE MARKET A111 3o turlrrs IIOId Annual Meeting SLXLII til I1ttuvtl llltii 110nm 11111111311 OIESTABLISHED 311T HUNTSVILLE lltlnLsttlk Forester manual cl 111 taiiiaci held 21 market on 51211111 agiludtf fd ILlltl Milli Lllk IiiSI Slump l5 8111 with tE Il Im The first mebtl plan um quart its 3311111 01 lullulil UT Iluuiu title sour She 1111 tor 11n 1111 planting Iotatms Wtlt 5111 Titcc 1211111111 totc of available but other rgctalrh thanks to the Indus which wus re It be getting Ldftv 11111 Cold SIUI Igv uolkiatlu 1111 nuanced that HIV flu bosongs known as the Penguin which Britic P111 oI Borne 111 111 itqtilttd lutu an in full on or before THURSDAY MAY 1948 Wu TOWN OF BARRIE TAXES FOR 1948 The Tax Bills for 1948 Taxes are being mailed this week and should reach rate payers in the course of three or four days Discount on toms of One Per Cent of the whole amount will be allowed ratepayers who pay their taxes 111948 This dIsCOunt wlll be allowed on any balance of taxes unpaid where ratepayers have purchased Ittpttyltlfnl SMITH Treasurer Town of Barrie ItDltMllliJIlVf in Iluntsvdlc In community service and 1H 11111511 periencc in the packing plied 111 in Mrs ll Wllilltlll were unchanged Simmons 111 been propi 11tui and The Iltilillltl gt1 IIRYl FflWiWL ii 1ng WitVS wpre Unuwsz that from Mary 19413 thcv Willi Saliwnfm 1111 on the int11 11114111 whole1 of 111 11111 1111 511111 at viid MWHWL all All k4 111 only and 1li Lit 11 1111 mnd 3ch lhl lip 1l11 IAUrtII JUL lt1 ping olc 111 thanks gr 111 111111 Eggs for Slot 11o Campbell for valuable butter 701 James Shims11 ul lliintsvilic Ifrtclllfai scitltt 111 tullllulmil 1Illl the 11111g chickens lb 4111 fuiiucily of 11111111 will manage MillLind 31 111W It 1h mzlinli chickens 2111 to 4111 Hit 111 111 aciiuiicd li1iiio11ufl llemg Annual 111111111111 by It L1 UM 23 Cuwm Bank April 21th 1943 11 AWWM IL 93 Vegetables hulls Talc 111 111 cpznt wall 111 poloy when NL 381 xllkglw l11izb bunch lot opt111111 branches the mnpany ly New 11 Lynx izlllllb lilhkll dk Will stall Ill branch tailor ll lizitos Blilx 1HgtHftwi Ci hims 11111 Illc tofitlc pimdilc 111 113111111111 Moond toz many ycziis Ilcis wellvknown imiiiliwr 213 111lii1 Max 74 111 3123 from Huntsville and distiiei lmth lotlilly 111111 111 11115111121 tllflth and business is of 111111 Handing ctw Lll Ifrx lzIimllu IUbkll Stlc 11 11111111111 11111 llsii III the fiitiurl Yul Stubbr Auditois lippmt Ilrlrs onslat 1111 as deulopnu it of 1111 111151111 ltlllt1 iamily Mrb Toad 15 land Dun1111 1ll115 Rev 2111111 LilllllpS cath 51 to 101 warrants it he Womens Institute which iliilil 3200115 for Mr and 311s 11111111111er nlayiiigi cards 1110 enjoying 11 pleasant social 1111 211s 311111 Todd is seen here with the hour fwrri 11 All 1111111 ml 11 1111 1111 TH MUM Mrv MM bump in Barrie by thalt 1111ll 11 1111 11111111 11111 31111 5111 1111111 and 111111111 II 11 Mi 1111 311 W111 loionto llttl at lillllgtll 1111 Tuesday Baxter Bros Iior Service 2111111 31i1111iti PHONE Mrs Neil flush 11111111111 lot111 1119 week altci 1ll wztli tltl Iziotlar Lisle Wilkian of 111 lioit onyraiulataliis to and His HONEYI NOT ONE sottrail Docs NUGGETPOLISH EVER PROTECT 5110135 SHINE TO PUT YOU BACK ON YOURFEETI suggess Thief Poland 17 Russ Alliance ck Poland Powe at atta 11125 mm Britain buet arrives ammun reseslrc Brimm 31 War PUBLISHED EXCLUSIVELY IN CANADA BY Standard 11 IILIJ IMIIIFW vaNuGcEr lrMrsliuckr Mrs Todd Mrs tgiss igt111111ltcc ieic appoinicd and Church parade will be 111111 IDI Tm Nuns In May It to St Andicws thurch 111M mc lllic Boys up it DItMIILttlh Nlllml LAW il little and the hltL urthy up to Alex Mcxtiilcy It Sinclair wasl mugl1 11111111 on the birth of 5011 3111111 311 111111 in 1111 llV Hospital 111111 11 Mothers Day Service The United thiircti vill hold wince on Sunday May at 930 1111 when the Sunday School will Illll ihe Congregation to obswvc Moihers Day All parents are tnidlttl invited to attend wiih their children Death of Mrs John Love 11 Sunday April 19411 Mrs John Lovc passed away in the Royal Victoria Ilospiial Harrie where she had been patient SlIlLt July 1916 She was Elizabeth Mis campbcH laughter of the late Elizabeth and Hugh Miscampbell She was born in Innisl Juno 111311 In 11179 she married John Love and they made their home their retirement in Angus until They then moved from the farm to Everett day April 27vit11 service at the lltlllli of her nephew Andy Mis eampbcll with Rev Buntof the Unitcd Church Angus in charge 1115s tiordon Withers accompanied by Mrs Gordon Bush song very appropriate solo Good Night and Good Morning Interment was made in the An gus Union Cemetery with Bert Willoughby W111 Gauley Bryson lllcdfcrn Garfield Jennctt lhos Ford and Dr West as pallbearers There were some beautiful floral tributes from the relatives and other friends Her husband predeceased her some years There was no family gAmong those who attended the funeral from distance were those lfrom Toronto Collingwood Ever ctt Utopia and Barrie DALSTON May Ii Miss Eva Wallwin spent the weekend at Handys Mrs Cline Toronto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Brock Cline Mrs Celeste Watson has re turned to her hOmc here for the Summer Eldon Thompson and Miss Anderson spent themveckendn Toronto Mr and Mrs Nash 11ndMcrvm of Coldwater spent Sunday with Mrs Watson Next Sunday May Mothers Day program will be used at the Sunday School All mothers are invited to attend Rev andMrs Pellcy Mrs Handy Sr and Mrs Handy attended the WMS Divisional 1meeting at Collingwood on Tues lay GILFORD Sympathy is extended to WII lium Ingram and daughter hath leeh6i17hd21th0ftheirdcar wife and mother Lorne Neilly and Mrs Lou Neilly attended the WMS cunvention 1n Collingwood on Tuesday Little Miss Beverly Kneeshaw daughter Of Mr and MrsLloyd Knecshaw spent few days with her aunt and uncieMr and rs WW Kenneth MacLennan was at hrs home 31 Bennett Brook this last week Kenneth had some wonder ful colored lfillms of camp life around the Gatineau also some local beauty spots Several from the community had the pleasure of witnessing the mar riage of Rev Lancasters daughterBetty on Saturday lasts She is the rst daughter of the Manse to bemarried in the church erectedin1888 Miss Robinson Grillin visitedforvai WeOk at IAuNeillys Ethel andtlfariorig Todd Jean Bell Paris Sinclair George hell Frank Kell and Allen Neilly attendedetheYEU convention in Creemore Saturday andSun ay Gilfordv YPU met at the home of Mrs William Kell evening with Mrs Kell in charge Revi Lewis of Cookstown gave most interesting talk on his missionarytrip out West xJeau Kell took charge of the games The hostessserved delicious lunch isllellllllf115 gt ii Eliminate Waste combinuiion of valuable vego toble remedies blended together under rigid atondorda of purity tion andminordisordera of the liver Itonueh dud Wold They help the oliminttory is often theccuuao of constipation aiek and bilious spells headache and heartburn Once tried youll be deli htpd by the renewed feeling 01 We gbeinz whichthgyhelp to op The funeral was held on Tues Monday mlburnoLoxoLiver Pills are often Valuable in thorelief of construing or and clear the system of waste 1W Siuhlis and litv IStii on aking lthc winner of the draw iin curl mg 510an lilIlIiilll 311111111151 gave dciuilcd account of new curling iink showing vanous plans and estimated Ct 1515 hearty vote of thanks Was iindeicd to Iiesutcnt llairy lInWli by 1111 cxvcutlvr and Illtllllltl 1111 mosh lsiicccssful year rf THORNTON PHELPSTON April 24 Iruckcrs Expirrience Unloading I1I1 Monday aftcrnwu Perry lIiinconi drove his truck Into llnlpstoli WIIII 3001 ft of 41ecn tinnhcr on boaid As he sioppcd i11 pool of lfaiiiills store to icccivc linstiiictions to iinloadfhe feltthc May 15 11411 111 the truck begin to sink 50 hlliihll3illlMlll hlzilllglwbl CHIP111 the danger 11c manoeu Pigs 1tl his niachinc closer to the euro where the road appeared ImV INS Ill Kbtillphl 11111111 But unluckin for him Jas IHmm the right rear wheel hit soft spot May 11 where the frost had heaved up the Momb Own road and the truck began to list LIIP United Church next Sundayl Inornlng with baptismal service followed lthe Mothers Day 1111 lgIIIID Standards of Worth er 1111 the 11111111 Landmark Moved Near Ivy on Saturday landmark was removed from our midst lhci to llll starboard By the time props could be placed under the iack the wheel had stink almost 11111 of sight and the front whchz on the opposite side was gradually lifted until it was about two feet 111111 the ground oles trucii engaged to building till 1111 10 known 03 movc the lumber and after four many NWTV WP 03 one loads the Iiranconi truck was emp house in which tons of the world mid Spun blocks mm mm lbcst honey had been extracted and pluccd undm 0nd of pk mm VIIS SIOICd 35 moved UVFI IVY form and with the aid of the by be 59d IWlhlg Alma draiilic hoist the truck rightctl it ently this building was more siib stantiolly built than it looked the mmk 09 gang mon VUCkS adidriwn away from the hole finally bulldozer had to be 503th mm lled with gun cured Shower for Lucille Bone very pleasant evening was spent at theliomc of Mr and Mrsi IElwood Bone when the neighborf lhood ladies gave shower forj lMiss LucilleJBonc bride Of next1 week After 11 program of con tests songs and rc1dingsMiss Louise Specrs read short putlii and the biidctObc was presented with coffee table matching end table and cut glass candy dishi After an appropriate reply by fliel bridetobe refreshments were served by the ladies PLEASANT ANAIISTIIEIIC Surgeons of the 18111 and ltlth centuries gave alcohol as an 11111 aesthetic After block was placed under the wheel was an Read Examiner Classifieds Norwns MUSIfmlrWv In early times bells were not cast in 11 mould but were made of thiu plates of hammered iron rivitcd together Skinliruptions Here is clean stainless pene trating antiseptic Oil that brings speedy relief from the itching and discomfort Not only does this healing anti septic oil promote rapid and healthy healing in open sores and wounds but boils and simple ul cers are also relieved In skin affections the itching of Eczema is quickly stooped Pim plesrskiiperuptions dry 11pzuid scale off in very few days The same is true of Barbers Iitch Salt Rheum Itching Toes and Feet and other inflammatbry skin disorders You can obtain Moones Emerald Oil in the original bottle at any Tamblyn DrugSt01c or any mod ern drug store Satisfactiohor money back rwguuuuu DIRECTORY Barrie ExaTminm ma figtlnters and Publishers The Corner Clipboard Roastateria Beauty ox gt Bcauty Sa on =1 in VelmdiBooutySalon JEdwin Wilson frOstcomthloIhySigiapj Cook Construction Co jfTrnautriai Aoceptanceu Corporation Ltd Niagara Finance Co Ltd um Perkins Dentist Barrie Chamber of Commerce Mitchell Art Studio Battles Leading Business Block Fond skirts dirom whoel trim ring on 31 qudfdrd Street table For apartment cotiage or kltLIlLfl ilic IIlRlIlIIEF is cfliticni dc cndablc yet mid gci size 211 light as feather Can be stored under sink or Save soap lioiwatcr iinc wiil lliRIlHI IE 1311 ycar factory guarantee CASH OR TIME PAYMENT 555 1r TODAYAT EPLETTS Furniture 61 Electric 139 Dunlop St Phone 3721 while Ilduwall flmoptlloncl at extra cost whenovalluble 51911111111111 Mr Simpson has been la residcntl 10200 of lliintsnllc and has been 11 in ccononiiul new for your daily Mercury moves up Info on emirer new class Its bigger heavier ONTARIO NOOSINO PLAN FIFTY PER CENT REDUCTION OFVDOWN PAYMENTS ON NEWLY CONSTRUCTED LOWER COST HOUSES UNDER THE HOUSING DEVELOPMENT ACT ONTARIO The Province of Ontario will arrange for the loan of fifty per cent of the diflcrcncc between the amount of the first mortgage and the sale price of newly constructed house the Provincial advanccs not to cx cccd $125000 on any one iousclhc loan will be rcpaynble on 11twcnty year amortization plan with intcrcst ill per ccnt pcr Iinnum satisfactory cvidcucc will be rcquircdtliat the amount of the first mortgage advance is reasonable propor tion of the value Applirnliml Mum and all canary lhotlilllllll min be bliuIm lrIm THE DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING and DEVELOPMENT Room 4002 East Block Queens Park Toronto Ontario The Honourable Dana Porter KC Minister more powerful more baunfully appointed cor In appearance In riding luxury in engineering and In performance It has new distinction new advancements everywhere you look llNew long Low lines At first glance this allnew f949 Mercury reminds yOu of those low rocketing racers which streaked across the salt beds of Utah 11s big curand exceptionally broad And Itcrealry lowonly fact 3inches from road to roofline In its sweeping harmony of curves theres the very spirit Of dynamic motion Yes this great new Mercury moves like 11 whisper with its new powerful 11f horsepowerVtype8cylinderengine xg llflew Inside the allnew Mercury you will nd lhat everyderiitfmblnem xi mum convenience and usefulness Wit clean modern design The instruments are grouped for easy reading in main panel directly in front of the driver The rear seat is full five feet wide and the floor is lowered to give plenty of headroom From the broad deep windshield to thebigpew real window you get ii wideopen view In all directions Interior lights crime on when any door isopened The car is ventilated with clean fresh airsupplied jmder slight pressure to prevent Closedcar drowsinessmand to defog windOws When Mercury heater is installed the system giggles frgsh warm air MEREIIRY AND LINCOLN DIVISION 11 Interior Liixuty housingyvhiiih is set out from the AllNew Lullaby Ride Theres new Lullaby Ride in the allnew Mercury which is the result of many features all developed imperfect tbalance The passengers are cradled in the comfort zonewell forward of the rear wheels Independent front wheel suspension with coil springs long longitudinal rear springs soft actmg telescopic shock absorbers and the new lowpressure tires all comfort Thevnew low centre of gravity and ride stabilizer take the lcan out of road curves Allllew EaEe of Control Its fl real pleasure to drive this all new Mercury with its effortless straighgline steering Road shock cos176 reach the wheel The all new hydraulic brakes haven self energizing action so that they require very little foot pressure 01 So thats the storyor rather just pftrf of the story0f the allnew 1949 Mercury nOw reudy for your ins tion at Mercury and Lincoln dealzis There are many more advancements toomany to mention them all But when you see it youll know why thousands soon will he sayingiIts Mercury forme r0110 MOIOECOMIANY or CWADJIITAIIED MORRISON MOTOR SALES MzncunvrtnucorIIfsuns11mservice COTITDIITEIOEIVCRHOW highziruiding Wynvwr mu 41 pme 4nGAL

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