Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 6 May 1948, p. 8

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m3 WEEKS ISSUE 7925 Copies Wall 100 CLMI II to cum OTTAIA l9 BARRIE THE BARR EXAMINER 85th YeormNo ONTARIO CANADA THURSDAY MAY 1948 Section 2Poges to 14 PORT ARTHUR WEST END BRUINS were given little chance to capit alize on this rush as the entire Barrie Flyer crew swarmed back to give Goalie Gil Mayer 21 ample protection in the second game of the Mem orial Cup finals at Maple Leaf Gardens Monday night The Westerners however found few weak noments Victory to take twogal Edge in op the Flycrs and swept to an 81 the series Dave Creighton 17 is shown ready to pounce on the loose puck while Barton Bradleyfthe puck carrier is well taken care of by Bruno Favcro On the extreme left and waiting to break ollt is Willi Mousse front of the net and Chick Gundii To Heat Bdildings With IAtomic Heat Some of the buildings at Bri taliisIAtolnic Ilesczlrch Station are to be heated by atomic energy as an experiment The Director of the Station Sir John Cockcroft is arranging for this to be done by 100 BRADFORD SI ONTAR saucer COUNTY SIMPKIN STROUD DIDYUU KNOW THAT Is The Province LOCIIULl coiiiplcliciisch farm FIRST AND ONLY security FIRST AND 6th debts fered FIRST AND ONLY FIRST AERONLY Provinc FIRSTAND ONLY rate if FIRST AND ONLY FIRST Alva ONLY The Ontario CCE endorses the same programme Vote CCF luneth ListnitoEgBJOLLIFFE on circularMental9002m Collision RepairsTow Truck Expert Wheel Alignment and Balancing International Motor Trucks HartIlGarage IO HEREFORD BREEDERS Annual Picnic and Show INNISFIL TOWNSHIP PARK ISaturday lune 12 MEMBERS ANDNISITQIRS INVITEQ ship of his home quarter Province to relieve farmers from mortgage Province to enter into collectivebargainv ing agreements with its employees assur AIing themfull union security including pro tection from arbitrary dismissah enactingandenforcingcanadvancedtradtr union act guaranteeing union recognition effective prevention of unfair labour prac tices and fulI union security Province to extend workmens compeny cation to 75 per cent of wages highest Proyince toenact legislation providing for 14hour working week with the same takehome pay Province to establish minimum wage of $1200a year for permanent teachers rising waste heat from the big atomic pile lleat is generated by the splitting of atoms in this pile and cooling process is used to transfer this waste treat elsewherel It will be fed through piper to the buildings llcad Examiner Classifieds Barrie PHONE 3026 HEREFORD CLUB Chairman Publicity Comm act to protect the farmers owner hen crop failure has been suf to back labour 100 per cent By benefits in the world fIuesdayMayIl lt IKINGTGEQRGESCHOOLv BLAKEST Enrolment ofKIntelgalteIIBlasses for the year September IWillTcIrkeIquceln Barrie zBnbiige fSchaols Indlcttdelev rmlme IWednestl May VICTORIASCHOOL COLLIEBST IThursday May 6930 11=00am2007 300pm KING EDWARD SCHOOL BURTON AVE IIFrlday May 930 11 00 am 200 300 pm BRADFORD sr 930771100am 1940 in 1949 iawitiziiswsciioprl 21000000 pmHI 5930 1100 my Parents are requede to bring thefpuplls to the schools in their proper areas at the times indicated Spring enrolments may be 1x Immle Only iiithese limes Childreniaybe enrolled for admissiondn September who will fictive yearsmld by February lat 1049 mama matriculation BOARD AHFeltSecyTras alsqiactedzzasehisgownecounsel udge Morley sought to lestab Ilisli his claim to 3I6acres of land hiLGeorgianBayatjaaagaeacL public library police re depart ment parks garbage collection general debentures and the gian eral rule The total assessment for public school supporter is $5908 966 and the total amount for sep arate school supporters is $477555 IngaddilitinIlo Mienakes bf $34531587 the Town is estimating other receipts of $4717272 This LionstElephants Horses yGarelen Brothersiiircus In Barrie May 71819 Hey Slinky cmon The Circust is in town Yep everybody and his brother is getting ready to see the big 31ing show held at the Barrie Arena on May 17 18 nd 10 with two shows daily at and 830 Its good chance to do good turn as the sponsors of Gar den Bros Circus are the Barrie Junior Chamber of Commerce and the proceeds will be used for welfare work And for all those fathers who havean seen circus Sincethey werekids thatsa good enough excuse to go Featured will be over 20 major acts of performers fromlion tarn ers to trapeze artists and every thing in between including municipal building property $3500 the end of the first period Flyets his left Wing spot to wrestle theI puck from Guriepy on the oppos itc xidc fell to the ice With his skates making contact With those of the llycrs hardbimng de fence man llay lost his bulanccj beneath him and he swung his arms around iii an effort to re galn equilibrium Accidentally all while Paul Meger directly in fiveriliiiule cnaltv llfitk of Neger are ready to clear tired but fighting llycrcrew Rugged lliiy Galicpy till is prepared to halt Bradley from any further rr udVilllCtmCHl blow Hm Bluuib we ll1ll goalkeeper on many occasional In hlllllllylll REL Mayer nVel II WWIIth WWII Ivan sleet for four minutes giving IIIIIIIIIIIII 93 In Wm stand out 33 ii to do stopped until the officials salted 1190 SlltllllllICIIS 0110 0f Summit IL BIIHIUIRRI Mayer wont0mm f0 BanIa presence lllln to the benchduring the over tIIirougiIiI the stretch Al litIl0I the MIIUSSCIIUI MUNIIIIIIPIW in Barrie will always welcomed time Ilushing and dodging with IIJIIILsII fullls IIIIIKIlIj ml it Ptcl IAiItfiuiII Creighton and the thousands of hockey fans CVCXYUNIHR he had Mayer connect tttl liar cyi 173344 10Wd 1405s goalmouth puss StmI IimumwsIVIIIIIII DIIIIIIIIIIII BIICI it Ll tit iliil 11 fuel him to page tuclve please or liakelieads were two down from all 11 MHyLl deadlocking the count and with SECOND PERIOD to slightly more than one minute left BIclIlllt MCllbly th illsseau ayeri 112 IIIII IISHIIFDIIIIAISIIlnlIgfIIIlonlmk BIIIIICIW1II Aikim 54 PREMIERS $850 ROYAL STETSON $1000 IIIIIIIIIXII III IIIIII III Jimmy Stiachan was slaving off 10W IN STOCK READY WHILE YOU WAIT uric ax no ices means on ilctlptt of $39246859 most of the ulttlks with let lchrc sent out last week from the for 1011 omenal saves btit the daltglirlouls lgiliglllttitiliuwumdlq l3 MENS YOUNG MENS MODth from $3750 193 Clerk AI1tll The 1921 budget provides for Dave Creighton stole the puck lcrlziltiR Mayer ODD TROUSllthl Sues $435 3640 $835 to $1350 IbitI ust irIiIstlIiit2critI of taxes wrll spending 333859 as follows from Stan Long as it glanced off THIRD PERIOD SPORT COATS 35 to 44 Priced at $2300 $2400 lItIIIIuc IoiIi Ititlt and tlicIsecond County if $40I920I18I public his body calmly worked the ptick ll BarrieJth gthIlZIIllUl wrll be due on bepteln schools $71IumImI and debentures in position for clear shot and tlaverfISt Iielicl 458 MENS AND BOYS WEAR Cl 55291201 separate school $525310 Winn0 Slmcmn 10 Hindi Reid Barren 60 055 DUNLOP ST BARBIE The total amount to be collected Barrie and District Collegiate ANOTHER PENALTY 11 313 llIIIIIISrzygfll isI$345I315ItiiI rliis IS $1107333I plus $73424 for the v0 campy returned and Chck 103hufnkk $01 1Ilenore titan in 1M7 IilIlIIgIIIlilIlIIIIttlltltlimrl $831690 for Guarldza got the lIhtIlmb Ior charg III ItliIiIgaIIiII 1430 IO III IISSCSSIIIUIL If mm IIIII lmlSSlOIl ing secoii acr amost 01 lUI10ifhtori late this your is $6386521 The WWW blF 113m $39485 mm WW 70 A1111 DLllhm 50 YOU CANT tux levy lis SSCSSIIICI is pilllIxS Dottlfl $0il1fi2Igarbagc 301 would capitalize on this one to ci 14 Plandrlhurfrrelghl0 II support the towns share of the loam 3mm mumcp deben CV0 01 suPiISSth 50010 The ltlnlilltiezbllomllllI Im alwayb bl bluglub from your Barrie OHOIIIIIICI county 1W IVI flIiresIand interest $3686983 Itonn orrcnsive powcl was overwhelm 3123 Wlxfifwli home but you can protect your hall alterations $15000 munlcmal mg and it hardly appeared pos valuables with our Theft building maintenance $3000 office siblc that the Barrie boys sport equipment $2000 tire hall and ing larger hearts than their bodies could it sli watcr and light and om merit $21012 health and welfare works department $60135 dc bangcd gngg 3330 wafueyi upfmm Dre045 year 583778 pamout frorn bchindvthe net Cunhngencms $151195 stroke of confidence present ed itself when Rudy Migay IC celvcd the hoof for liighsticking and Benny Woit followed min ute later for crosschecking Reid St Pierre Gariepy and their barges spearheaded rush Latter lllC depart goal margin Finally Creighton cliinaxed the lBarrie Flyers Lose Final Came to Bruins 98I0vertime Coach flap Emms looked at his heartbroken Barrie Flyers troor into their big dressing room at Maple Leaf Gardens last iSaturday evening after they had just been defeated 98 in an1 overtime thriller by Port Arthur West End Bruins thus losing the Memorial Cup finals in four straight games Toronto Mayl 1948 will long be remembered by incidents that broke out during the 70minute session Trailing 31 at tumors with their famous uphill fight and pulled even at 44 going into the third stanza Handicapped by one sore legi Jerry Reid gelieralled the attack with three consecutive goals MW WWW to give Barrie 74 edge margin that appeared rathersub Sldllllzll at 1035 iitltlll of Ken Mullins and Vic Lindl Ohm mane ligcussed he tine second later Danny Lens Hullst presented all unjustified ruti mailing winded assmame 10 vicki who llild wandered from mg on ltzly Gariepvs accidental Chm mmwul for Homem Port Arthur 9Barrie 855 4th faint Mrmurial up Finals ifoo gltal barrier tortho ibeis haliknL deferle Vliitlseti cen llc lusty vsillls Chllds lewickt Ir Mild 510 mid hmIltlltlllilltxllllllilfll Iorsltllzu Icru Wtlglitstll Bacciili IIfgxIlIIlIIbIIuIIkEllbf SCI IlamilI521EgglnilznrgI warlarIlt major penalty Ray waxeil ll IlltClIrf making the llu officials Ken Mullins of Moii Hllwllwts lllldl PNW RlmflnU 11 50 my Am the Mn IIIIIII IIIId II may 310155qu BIN49M AlkaIllarrrc anuIneed not feet down iliI 31 Flu ml lllcNabnev the mouth about the call that ICtl NW 33 l011b011llgt llIIIIJRIIIISchri Mullins Monllandcd the Memorial Clip lo thclHdvx wall 15h mm thc be or which warranted an automatic treat Vic Lluthtust Winnipeg 11 mum his mum hockey Port ArthurCreighton 16 BarriewMousseau IWlort ArthurLewickimm tmatch misconduct llIilSCOlldllCLl iSimcoe Holstein Club Arranges Years Plans Forming Cult Club Charles Cliswcll of Beeton Was rteelected president of the Simcoe County Holstein tub at meeting of the directors field at Alliston Ion April 19 Doug icrris of flame was ap Ifillttl vicepresident and shiey secretarytreasurer Plenty of Action Saturday Night Ili Wid At 31 ritsday June 16 Christie formeripresi Ident of the OAC has accepted the clubs invitation to be the speaker oImmitttgtes were named to look Lifter lltails of program The an ltllll West Infill Drums by it posn Bl BmId will Show blc reading of 75 but lhpnIuhI Cthlli dlr amazed the 13053 cash cusII liy GEORGE STOREY Viaplc Leaf Gardens May elpb members and Championship Show at illterboro Holstein to hurdle In Garlcpys three ytalsi Club wm 17 mutbs is being ll playing iithlerrie Ill ruggedl gmwm and achievement day frame has never deliberately illl W1 Bccmn Fun iwwd WWW In upummI Dinetors tiltendihgthe meeting flay is one of the hardest butfwr Vim wlsm rtlglitoiicleanest detencemcri over to perlHilllLYCllvmld Robertson D0111 form in the junior ranks and lllSEFClTiS CNN011 Roy tlltlllplll the third period lid liriti5ml Mind Uldman 355s tl on Lewickis head it Maple Leaf Gardens May IIli riltllllfll BIIUINS iUill Brad Icy ISAIIIIII liLYliitSrr Lionl Siizicti lukcllcad boys $pearhcadlng the attacks tliowing fear into attack ing forwards and acting as second FIRST PERIOD mw Iort Ar tlitirlevtcki OVERTIME 10 lBrrldleyl The home of goodinsurance lMcNabncyl since 1899 048 837i Guaida Mayer tMigay Durham Penalties rMeNabncy Read Examiner Classifieds Barrie Junior Chamberxof Commegce rush before the bell sounded but their efforts couldnt avoid over tilnc OVERTIME Weary after their brave stand Flyers trudged out for the extra session trusting to luck for their share of thebreaks Willi Woil in the caboose at the start the starstuddcd contingent put Ievery thing into their attacks but with no luck Storming around Chabot in the Ports net Flyers threw four menl into the excitement and got caught flatfooted when Creighton and Bradley brgke loose with Gariepy and Strachan the lonc boys to beat Passingurboulitaeye chided Gariepy and fired on Strachan to sink what looked like the win7 XlerI At four minutes McNabney e1 bowsmashed Ofson wher rush The Bounding Olympians are three young men on the bouncing trampolineJacques Gordon is the amazing French Juggler The Ros ettrs do sensational revolving ladder novelty act high in the air The Riding Conleys provide sevenpeople bareback riding act Freda Spence has her pets corn bination of ponies dogs and mon kies in clever display of animal intelligence There is ahaiiiiyoLclownsund er the direction of Bob Carr with all newcomedy stunts and lots of otheivrsensational circusacts with thrills laughter comedy and fun smallarmy of cloWlis guaranteed to keep you in stitches Theres Dolly Jacobs tiny little lady who commands three huge elephants and puts them through their paces Agab beatilifulArrdesettbred Arabian dancing horse is ridden by Miss Line Valty imported from ParisFranceI Gladys Gillem the only lady lion trainer in thcriworld has den full of ferocioua African Lions The Six Paigeswillgivea clever display onthe hiin unicycles districthas an opportunity to wit ing and received the customary sentence Peeved by the turn of events Guarda allowed his tension Turn to page twelve please In order that every childfn the ness thisgreat event the manage ment has agreed to admit them at very low price on matinees only They also announce that bicycle will be given away FREE to some luckxboy or girl at the circus every afternoon Not only will VOILI enjoy over two hours of good clean entertainment but you may also get that FREE bike so tell the rest of the kids in town what is in store for them at the Garden IBros Circus on May 17 18 and 19 Because it 5th nice Failslni Claim Wcrsagct Ldncl WSeWnteifdiVDrce actions were among the cases listed for the Supreme Court sitting Iwhich open ed at Barrie last Mondayafternoon with Mr Justice Wells2presiding In addition to the divorces six other cases were listed tlfiese Judge George Morley of Owen Sound was thepfaintiff and ThIlIand iiioccupied by Harvey Forster and Reford IWhitesides defendants in the action defendants were represented by ThomasDelany KC and George Walsh KCboth of Toronto W2Morley first becamein volved withthe property WhenIhe was practising law in Collingwood several years ago In recentyears he has taken his case to lheReferee of Titles to Mr Justice Plaxton in the Supreme Court to the Ontario Court of Appeals and to the Supreme Court ofCanada In these four instances Judge Marleys case has been dis missed so heistarted thenew ac lion however yesterday this case too was dismissed Iv Read Examiner Clasieds IudtJeVMorley Again tumors still In one of The I$6500 BRILLIANT PIANIST With the blessings ofthree adju sounding through Glebe Collegiate Auditorium Ot tawaLthird music festival con cluded on Saturday Aprill7 after aweek whichdrew more than15000 people to hca70006mpete in I900 classes 7WVW Patricia Ball 15yearold pianist so impressed Adjudicator MaxIPir am When she played in the open piano concerto class in thefOttavva Music Festival that he aWarded her total of 186 marks She Was II so nice to hal ons clothes that bit freshen and cleaner celors brighteranddearer so Albums7LII2$1ooIIeHiipitENIII25 he beat niece 9f negligence classes he hadver heard atany feslitlal Mr Pirani said Iv HMsafiiciaBallis five of Apth but now she reside in Her parents in Ottawa IbL onimdwpieisetyf nished odor free and so fgeritlyzcatedfotfr will worththe few pennies new naoTontumapom more that Quality The Rev li Hanniganba heen appointed by Bishop Beverl Cleaning Cos leyt0the pariah 0f Mdonte with churches atI Prices Corner and Fair Valley Mr and Mrs Hanni wgan have arrived at Warminster and are getting settled in the Rec tory WFor time before coming to arminster Mr Hannigan was in Europe for the World Council of ll Churches Refugee Commission His home is in DunnvilleI Ontario 74 Elizabeth St I0rillla Packet Times Orllliahasl renewed its annual contract for colleetinggarbage for PICK wand DeniCW Jamal cleaanilig PRESENTS My JACQUES GORDON 2mazingnFrenchnlugglerrwhoI unlike mast jugglers does all Axis tricks while riding on unicycle atop small round table MATINEE nEVENiNGs $1titioitunuau TGENEKALJDMISSION ADULTS7 Iinisaityiin SEATS Alinmsipr lumbering I515 7THESEitPRIClIitsiARECONEIETE NonEXITRASlEQePAALIGUAIRANTEED PJUNfIOR CIIrIAMBEROF COMMERCE TicketsNoiiv akasatay Affinetnbers of the Barrie Junior Chamber of Commerce Redervedgeatpal May 10th at TamblyhlsDrugStore Whittys Drug Store AllaLitddlefiJacksqn Dixles smoke ShopI Also at Plaxtons Grill Angus At 3SPECtitL Bicycleiiiiilibsivsgg7W3 Girl newsmantinelm$1

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