PAGE EIGHT ultra FROST land 1w got priority for hydro Ifarn chief We Luv butlt incail 1003 hit and added 60000 custom he declared We are iil thl Kclr five tie came into rize plat tCorilincai we es of hire provrded 511 its ti public M1 ward beds and Erin Sloth to Im $2 but In llL Ltuisllmlmti liI II DRUM new 13 Uni Lite Referring to 31 film of Xm th 711151 bf 911 gara Ieills 31 miner sa 335 lilvtl llt 31nd IIhI 3in if the iroic venl would be in said he llEPC at Ontario of line One of Govcrntturrt of Ill Ztl Why sure Darling Except course theres Iioricvgoklcll Honey Golden eh knew it blonde Im going home mother Hey wait minute mean ohso wonderful Posts GrapeNuts honeygolden maltyrich Flakes Oh thats different Sure theyre different arx Hf 1t llitv 13531 lll 111 That Illtr4 lil Lil lllt lik iIIJ the town It tttlzllpilrlLLil Willi trince lie added cue Titty00 rttotor ve U111 lli litl 4000000 Do you love me more than anything else in the whole wide world of famous GrapeNuts flavor is dif fercnt from any other cereal flavor in the world know knowbecause theyre made from two grains instead of one Surearid loaded with carbo hydrates and minerals aridothcr food essentials You will Go ahead and have another bowlfulaud think Ill join you to AIlzd rememberm applyusually lessiI economy chairdI room ergo sit vault weather which mean true paint IBfore you prainl whether to Fitvial 36IIBAYHELDI STREET Ia 5L JOHNSTON IALLANDALF MNTINW Hou5eiteed painting this spring Nows agood tithe to check up Paint costs less than repairs Good paint is the cheapest paint Good paint covers better looks better lasts longer And costs no more to tPtiysIoUsellsllluinls CIL PAINTS have long proved that they ran TAKE IT You can depend upon them for theenduring beauty the stucdyiresimnceefc wear and homer7 LISLE GENERALSTORE STROUDI it Continued from page onel up car crossed into Ontario liar year Doral you think its good thing to let the boys anus Lv llllc contribute sonictiling to iii LUlfct LL asked The provirioal treasure alil the Drew Liuicltttzlcfil find llt1Lllctlliil record 21 education lva years ago the school boards were gelling Sbtitldslltl year Till Drew prom would pay 30 per cent Oliver said ll could not be We did within two tdl he did in Mink the tune cost 5251001th and lill year Ill school grants Will be Stiliwolal MUNICIPAL GRANTS llort Mr Frost said the people in Barrie received about 517000 front the Nixon Government Fu riiglit lull are receiving Utl 300000 in grants lie explained that the mill rate in Barrie Would be up 2s mills if the some gtctvltts and facilities were IUVItlrtl will out provincial assistunce lit PARSONS him was ti lllll Shun mmw LOU volumeL inlerit to his EOEhH who recently cattle lt veils ago the grants were Hunt mi Il It in WV to arm as mariugcl of lllt an 35 100 and today thri 5l mud 13 adian Bank of ommerce llli IIIUIIII ITI II IMAmI IIII Id II in forntu nr llowc said he could not con fI If been appotnted treasurer for the Hm My 5pm Dr ltldl branch mm to pop liter to III SI II III CUIIIIIICIIII than vim of the two parties annua campaign avnfioli assessment Mr Frost emphasized that every thing had been done and paid for and 5270000410 had been paid off on the Adebt tlfI$liULll0Llllll left in the preiiotis govtinmenl ot Those things are dontf said Mr Frost They are 3th an it IIIE BAHRle EXAMINER BARRIEONTARIO CANADA JG JOHNSTON AGAIN until t1 vfililllledllm page one invaluable whenev was sent to igti$ Dctlt drptllalltlll tillJ Til Ausclln ald he knew It qultlblnli was man who could be mitt upon and he would get it vote on June 111 speaker of the evening was lien Leslie Frost provrncial treas tier and report of his address published in another column of antic EARL ROWE flan Earl Rowe MP lauded the the Government in Ontario and gtiitl was unfortunately the only ttlltelvitrve administration in the British Empire However lcgt5td that the Drew 13m had restored dignity and lie congratulated on going in opposition the Drew Government tn the country at the present time In bib lrinuer Drew was culogized by LI mw new mman 2111 llowc as man who was giv tilingHi it llue the Dirt gittllllttlll but icln vorkliig ll tlililllUll we have man or putty 0f 11 dcrils leading us in0ntario to lttlng lLlllt llll lit1110 of what tp propose in II do fill confident the people of different rtll still anti $77 NIX Ontario will give us mantlateI Mr llllll twf utilit clailrlin the former federal cabinet min lo continue on June ltl lili llitltitll tho ponsuit Liter warned of the danger of The speaker spoke of Life hydro lin llnill hm nil1133 sinnfl nlrlrllunisrn and said there was and housing expanstoii programs in lb tlufiulil o1 gtUtlttl Itglslu Hdltlf DCICcnlngc of Communists and said $330000000 of new tnotlt lulu llrcr Hiltl lhut zlilzlda today than the per wuulrl be needed in the next four 111 ltllll out nt ltltdl coinage in llussia when they took years 110 said it would all be llvplto l11NlS1llAllOl Ml Julian Ferguson MP for Sirncoc itllsl II 111D MI IHEII IIIlIIIII IiIIIrIfigiIIIlillIIINolth congratulated Mr Johnston incremcd llIItII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII WI IIIIIizuirl spoke of the success of the 05 mmmwdm Hum IIIIII II IIIIIII IIIII IIIIII UIII III Drew Government He called on present on nominating GeoigeHIImlIt IIIIIId Cited HIIIM llSlllD0Il he Pillly ill the Johnston and said such men as IIIII HIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIII C0nIIIAItllit elections Mr Johnston and DrI III DI MP IIIII III IIIIlI IIIII IIILIIIIbIIIItSIII l1 NICPIICC NIPPI 01 Slmr kbonc of true East also spoke briefly and me me the of the rhino onzlnlsslon and in the Progressin Conservative Party incur CONVE111ION Mr Henry spoke briefly about the Iiydro shortage and how badly it had affected the farmers Prem ier Drew and his government were solely responsible for that trouble he asserted FARQUHAR OLIVER Farquhar Oliver Ontario Liberal leader was introduced amid cri ihusiastic applausc from the 300 assembled It will be Mr Olivers only appearance in the riding dur ing tliccampaign The support the Liberle party is getting now must be very dis heartening to Mr Drew said MI Oliver It is only year since we had our convention andthe Premier figured we wouldnt be organized enough to fight an election now but already we have the most men in the field Wcjare not Out to put up passive resistance in this election We iritlend to beat the Drew Gov ernmcrit on June tereste in leading an opposition party in the Ontario Legislature The Liberals mustjalways be and have always been the champions ofthc people in the high places The Liberal chieftain stated that as without policy in the last two campaigns But they have platform right now and it will be added to in the very near future It follows the great principles of Liberalism which willstand the test of time longrange policy which will yield the pedple the best results POSITIVE FARM POLICY Mr Oliver spgke at some length on Liberal farm policy We will set out in concrete form what we propose to doll to build up the farming industry of Ontario he stated WJI want uxiderstand how any farmer canVoteyfprthe Drew GOvernment They havent done anything for the farmers The speaker recalled that in 1943 Mr Drew had made three promises directly affecting farm ers He had promised to take over the Union stockyards and thereby stop speculation and mani pulation But the speculation and manipulation is still there Mr Oliver asserted The Union stockyards are wasting asset and will not help the farmers of On tario Mr Drew haderomise se committee in each county the Liberal leader said Wellhe has set up some said Mr Oliver but they are not worth the paper they are written ensa fifth wheel in the agricul furalsetupr We dont need them We alreadyhave the Ontario Fed eration of Agriculture which is working for the good ofthe farm ing industry in the provincet committee of inquiry useless Mr Oliver viv lt Aers all citiZens It isa record achieve You can depend agriculture Prosperity tamed prosperity in IOntarioJ RAISEOA PENSIONS am not in th Tories had charged his partngoot financier you have to give ThirdspromisewaLtoseLurLe forpolitical purposes This is stated It hasnt met for over two years arid doesnt matter it it does for all the service itTreiidersI to the farm MrIOliver thencontrasted the record of the Liberal government horn1934 i9 1943with than the Conservatives from 7319431 to 71938 He pointed outflhat Mr Hepburns government had put thesabsldy on hogs sugar beets cheese and WOOI paidrltalf theI freightoh grain from the headbf the lakes took over IIthe full upshot provin cialchigliways paid the full cost of all patients in TB hospitals to mention some of the benefits to fment alongside the puny effort of Drews govrment and it is out standing and startling if you care to analyze it MriI Oliversaid on men to start and finish projects of benefit to in the farm lands is the basis for sus Mi Oliver laid the Liberal govI eminent it chosen in JunIe would raise immediately the basic old age pension to $40 month The way we in Ontario have II III II cxprcssed confidence WM 11 the p0 llltd IImlI sull of the approaching election fling and political bungling tort hers on he platform includ the current power shortage riiinlIIId III TI Simpson meld FI Mac for the failure to extend IlytlroIIImnI KCI MSIMemcr ammonIIoccupicdon earth rapidly enough to rural areas lJolln RuBoys KC We lll make provrsion for Illtitltltlltlll for the municipalE mp gen3gde WP as llllS usllit Ilytlro on the IIydroitmlmgt Mme was pmVlde mom pmm ImmIissionIu Mylo fivepiece orchestra ptibltc liver continued The LibcrulMdrUSS Sysmm amplied the talks parlv thus will recognize in fact rm to and me Stage was as xlll in principle that as the ldlmmlCd Wm owers llll mtnsrs ii Illlt1 the people Dr Orok was genial chairman of Ontario are elitltlttl to iiioermmluctinl the business with des representation on their own Courllillkll illld the Giller meeting was mission through their own intui CUIICIUdCd Within lWO hOUIS icipal organizations and have voice in the administration of Hydro throughout the province lplan To conStruCt New Market Mr Oliver promised that the Liberals leI to all in our power to spied the completion of Hydrot conrmed from page one power development in order to Ilthleem0ml leave of absence reduce the period of power short mo to illnCSSI ages by encouraging producers of By letter Delaney Boat Lines necessary basic materials and Sde for Incense to erect so facilitating sources of both stipldrink Stand outsidc their building piles and labor lie also said rm the Summer onths on m0 that in order to extend Hydro lo mm of Am Grifn it wasgram everyone in the province where it CdI is economically possible we will Aldpoucher wished to know if remove 1h present restrictionsIftn another gm could not be placed rural Hydro seivice of two con on Essa Road between the comers summilfli mic of Cumberland St and Burton MKWINUAL FAXES Ave BarrieAllandale bus lines In the last five years the taxes Stop in the centre of the block of Ontario hart more than doubled mld it is quite dark there he said the speakcn lIow lorig can said and automobiles rounding we continue this spending spree the comer might easily crash in he asked Prior to 1934 the fin the busIn ances were veryipoor inithis pro AldI Grifn asked for improved Vince But Mr Hepburn was gmmg at the railway crossing him credit for it llc brought ggnEcsrszstaadn gikgatgidarfagy Ontario from the brink of bank nights due to poor lighting said luptcyI to financial stability We MrI Grimm have reckless spending now In By letter MrSI Higgs 103 John the last five years we should have St asked ihat the Shed gm in been building up reserves instead from of her home be moved to the of spending every cent Moreover post on the other Side of the we keep mldmg laxcsh street This was referred to the Mr Oliver said the Liberals watr and light committeeI would at once strike off that three in invitation to the Sport night cent gasoline tax It was more being held at Club 79I Thursday than the traffic could bear he felt night was received by each mem and over the long run eight cents be of the CouncilI tax would bring ill just as much TheTowWas authorized money7 to sin th contract llowin the He promised aid for the hard BellgTeleghone COIa butrsnotbystiing on theyfztlrperr ChamberSI cent amusement tax which Ottawa might give up responsibilities in regard to our hospitals he Said running in the red to such an ex Police Commission carry the burden much longer DOMINIONPROVINCIAL residence at 72 Worsley St Murray Pratt received tario come to ataxation agree would removethe hydro pole from the centreIof Brock St else gets financial agreement with Ottawa we Would have to put on double income tax and other taxeslokeep going in Ori tdrio9ne of the things that hurt Ontario Was the continual bicker ing with Ottawa dont want to be servile to Ottawa but II wouldnt want to keep sniping as Drew does but saidMr Oliver He asked Centre Simone to support Mr Henry and if the voters stood firm they would win out on June We believe can and will give the best goVernI mentf0r the peoplef of Ontario The onlyway Drew can winds through thoroughly divided pOpulati 11 the Liberal chieftainv asserted lSm Irun everything privilege able in adVaiice reason THE SAFEST LONGEST WEARING TIRE EVER BUILI Weston nae 011 illiio it it Canadas No1 Tirefor Safety Mileage and Value Firestone DIeIdler 10183111 stabilising sz IriitAiiFonDI sr Minna mm Into treated old gage pensioners is he Govern 1115 leadership and fashioning pub Ormston TI to place pressed hospitals 0f the Wovmcei boothvadjacent to the police court II Ralph Skinner asked permission We Show P9 to transfer Bill Stewarts taxi li big enough to shoulder our speeific cause and this was referred to the TheV are Mayer Grant Mayoi moved that George Kirkwoodreceive lent 1310931 P601319 ca hardly licenle to operate taxi fromthe the go It was very important that On ahead signaliwithI his plans to open street west of Cotter and ment at once With the Dominion south of Brock There was an governmentrnMr Oliver claimedr fenquiryinifn the Public Utilities Social legislation was beingheld Commission would release 54x57 up Unless Mr Drew or someone foot piece of land and if they Mr Oliver denounced Commons It has nothininn common with Liberalism he said As for the CCFIMr Oliver saicLit was not sound thebry or philosophy thLLtrying to have the government The Liberal party is the party of the people he concluded It must never3IIbecome the party of lExaminer subscriptions are pay If your paper fails to appear youll know the Army Donations to the fund may be made directly at the bank in to any member of the Sn ration Army Dedicates Church Continued from page one story regarding the teacher Socrates was told All the ptlpllS but one look their teacher tine glflfi The last pupil poor man oilcrctl himSclf to Socrates as slave and the great scholar replied thank you for this gift and appreciate it bill promise to give you back better man than you gave to me He likewise wants us to dedi cate our property declared Bish op Ormston Honor God With the first fruits of your increase All our possessions must he C011 sccraled to God Referring to 1fI per cent tithing he said 10 per cent was cheap rent for the space Bishop Ormston spoke of di tors and lawyers and the garage men would get the money if it wasnt given toGod Rodents and weevils were described as Godsi tax collectOrs Brought up on the farm Bishop Ormston recalled buying baby pig from his father for 69 cents In few days he lost interest in his pig and his father fed it and vine ownership and human stew ardship He added that the doc looked afterI the pig until the Fall When it was taken to market At that time the boy asked for the $20 market price becauschc said it was his pig lot of people have treated God like that He has been feeding and clothing youbut do you realize that if God withheld his sunshine for two years there would not be person on the face of the earth Bishop Ormston said it necessary to preach judgment and ailing silica Iqudlily you canbuy WElS If most importantiorolljIfputdowii disputlding hellre to stir peoplcjlThis world isnt the endof things something better and long lasting over there not of life for so little money Corigoleum Y6ul be surprisedrIhowwmthh luv boldSeal angoleumjlugs product of CoIIiigolevnt anbcla LimitediMontreal Yriuildealormof temporarily out of Congoloum glbecatisa suppliesore itllIvary short Please try him oai he receives Ilmlfed shipments from time to time THURSDAY MAY 1948 He Plaie thick your listing in the Will Pitts Make sure it is correct If any changes 01 additional listings are required please call your telephone Business Office today SMITH Managor There is The Bishop spoke of the second coming3 of Christ and said some Ij IInnidolhVsurfocefisdsy to IclIIeIanWith the svliih bi qiidomip Cloth And duroblel Computing look for the fciiiiiliquGcIildSeal WithouIrit it Gold Seigfcbglew in now when Christ will soon caught doing than building its Wednluyerof healtoughened pdidfiundbglted leilumel qcfudllyequolv in thicknessjtb coafsiof best flognpainfbpplied byhandl BuffWhenyou buy your lilememIberlIiiisnt would ask why build church becoming Bishop Ormston replied There isnt anything Id rather be church when Jesus comes again THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA 44ng