Mongol 1948 In tie d5cllltllt ol the churn EDENVALE The radiis wow Wmth UTOPIA CRAIGHURST BY urumors mum Mu bcrnusc um tourg mm mo wwmdvwM Hymn Vwv WWW Wing All UHFIll Av 26 Mr numm Wham ULI Md may wjynS Insmim the sirutrin to Utv minornil wt arr SUITS to report that luwvu ugh oi tbs lulcratiwi Sccdlllg rs in full aiming this iturge Atkinson and Dr Booth l1 5iilvfil 41 Thawe Amhr TEJml Later is confined to RV llimprtal Agriculture letthid several pic Wtck and farmers report tin Alhllrgull Barrie have left for fig Ian lln evening out in if il Mi i=1 Iviiilillh Ulillit II aInrl $518 lliigfgiIvtII an at ground working up nicely Nortl ifazolinIaI to attend 3n Klimt IIiI IrIilaInrriIng gingrasp IIan II ItItIiInldI wttllIlItti HAVING MOVED To LARGER AcvomonATlQNI ARE NOW Mr Iand Mrs Cullen Douglas Insist IIfIllI Benign Mrs Sandy Dcmpstci mi smi iml NW gin0 II If MORE ADEQlATELY EQLllPED TO GIVE mm comm ind laVa led mt ChildIUI5nd3 ley rillia spent List tuck mar WSW II PIlj II Hts 3101 SERVICE 05 ALL SPRING REPAIRS itllghir 3n LVH1t Quudy M11 311d MIS Willlbll IIrlll wll Wm Mrs WMWH HIV Rum AND REPLACEMENTS Ilhc boon lImple IrnLl IIin the Sunday Sm Wk MI Idetmugli on May ll Roll call HII slim Tum Mfg Mm Eli Mu Edward Denney iilld Join bi InXilimisv tawdr Mfl PAINSWICK ilmllflff Iflcntb WM Denncy mm Mrs Drums hru liAIIxiunH IMV Slows IlUdllofu HMII7I HL lm lollbrooke and blullltl thi will TV lm alrid IF its ammo oivr is RING Ml WUFl helww owm an Wm WW uvkitm Iilpkxd llleeglfngncf Tl lainswick Wl Will Hittl Lit itchLotion that St ndh her Sister Mrs London May The School was tilled to capacity IIIIfI Inn Igfym Imp Mi Aliin Webbs Painsuick or Amos llilll2il llourtl Lirkllrgl Iiairie IzittIendIItIdIthe ElliottBowler wum was WWW mu dumh last Tuesday night Ito lltixl the III IIIIIII fluffhv ismgl comm Tucrduy May it bpciiul sinoer 5t2il llrll to tour tarrncill mum 0mm Slmd in Sunday morning of Mrs Joyce pm COW ml kldrf iii itlll Crown llllllllllUl Will ln it in tan urn to liltl mei tlml Mrs wrlmu and Pauline Menard which was exceptionally null pin lnltltllig lvuttrrc llembtrs iii Mm and by madam MCNMJD and Be Ma cousin of llugh Pricl ur synr on by the Grcnfel Young People llll ll lgt MR ask bring man MI FACING 1LTRACKS PHONE 3400 hounded rho YR convention pzitliy iiw gucs to the relatives oi Mi Varcuc liilil 21 Sliccvsslulilmm 1th SEids fur the usual Splllll LIi trccmore last Saturdav and sun run run Gmryar Mmr rayiusnu salt of hUUSChUld furlle 311ml Virlluh Mirnine WW MM my poultry equipment Saturday ultrtl MI II vjaiv Mm passed MVVI inst runs 00 and hr IVY ANTEN MILLS 50 ua Elma and rvilikIund twmrnd wmkrnd Sim BillglllrPIIlilIzltISIIIlLlTI it MW llltt Thompson cntn Vespru lulled Mr and Mrs Vickers and v1 spent Sunday With Mr and Mrs Paul Barrie at iriclsll Ham plcamm Wan ovum Wu Muy Id mm Vi lair 183 mm will run held in School Iliursdav Ml Mu Wm ii uti uur ii ex Il sympotiy nie am rs liitges ximktnd at her home it 1llV Mm M0 WW Klem linimlilimim ruinl filling llr ind Mrs ovwmth 5l ii If Wily TOIUnlO last Monday Ml tl Toronto at Carsons Jacl lmLMd difM 01 full 98de IImn with 81d MI and Min lid Ziiiliiiip or 51 Il Mh was former resident here UJlllTlll and Miss lvoster lo 1L in nkr5u1l aim tinmi Hum hillillu PW liavrng taught in the West Ward onto at Trimming Mr and fit51inmaiwcbllidJ Mr and Mrs lilllll Wilson inn Schoolaboutsrxty years ago Mrs Quinc Allisron viih Mrs YI nil Ill Mhlfyig 101 in Lindwwn Silliduv um ili 31 PM Ln lrld CVinmlt lmmlm AUCUS 11 It Spvtlt the dzrv with Mr and lair liNlIm 33 lull n1 in it will ll wumnw wmun lrirdl piliit tluhitrli Willi Mr Km Stimuli CHM mmwiiidl L7 w4 vlll It ll MHI HP Binllng rm alltiltctltill xiiiIt 511 lino irlu ii it he lriIll Muy mm huld WA on lNUllltll of tlnr Lands ind and vam mml lhc WA of Christ Church Incl sluipshot contest was quite tliltl Idjlfghlr Lynn Ormm visited ItgllSIIlIialIIi BEIlIIlIllllsIGIsllglim taltiiItin lhiI will lllttllllf1ll in lnmmmw rrir lrigtl at rs Join uwans in thikillti John Ad Illullds pruyldrng Mm smuuonds in Khan MIMI The WMQ mm11 lmrrlh will Wk Blll HMllllg Th or gtlips of plant linen Mayfl2 at 230 pin at Mrgt mlf WW W115 Ell0n by Jean Iwm McAnhurs All radius ilr Jame LJOgml likc by TA AN RAVE lIIIwcI Norrne Bunting very picasant gHINGI ING um Weekend visitors included Mr lltllm Willllldtd the hostess lmd Mrs walkor Mrs Iwhmmm SUIid mp In and mm AHNh or IAINHN IBMriCI at MrI and MW Wm Mt 1mm ng 19 iyrr LJII VM Arthurs Mr aridlllrs Ross May lNgUI BRIO md if Ml mm Mrs John Rmkins Mrs ll Orchard of hliiirsriiyll AST ONGER Jannu MlI and Mm spent Sunday at KIrnciolt Ullllflt SIDING ltdllll Rownt Lynn and Donald of Le froy with Mr and Mrs Srnitli Campbcu Miss Mum mu nurswinmmmng from St Cauml MIISI John REIIIBI MIIIII wmI Puma cey Mr and Mrs Burniun and Mn Burma Sr mm TOW the formers summer home to WI troklnole Party Imes with her sister at Mr and Mitchell Square Wl held cro kimlt partyat the townhall last Friday night Although cmwd was not IHIIECI an enjoyabm Inc was Spent by present The ms Ewen we as follows High SCOFCSI Berna McKay and MISS Easy fon Ansdell and Eleanor Crawford the farthest Sman smOke Icrlualnm8rinn qt Cummings up girth iKflafejfailxf35 OKERS ASK FOR OGDENS from Rik ONTARIO II rmM Takefnohco that SltllijquS of the Revrsrlng thcer Iord te ptrr gose theanng COmP 1111125 appeais tho A8 er Oters 1515 used at eCtlpn mem Sembly pendlng for the EleCtOICIl DISlnCt Qf it at times places set forth in the SCthLlle hreinafter set out ATTHE COURT HOUSE BARRIE on the 8th day of May 1948 at the hour of 10 AM and on the 14th day of May 1948 at the hour of 2PM to hear complaints as to the list of Voters for the TOWN OF BARRIE Jiidxejtarviu the Reusing Officer and hiSC9rk will be AWegsmthi Esquwhose add ess is Barrie nt AT THE TOWN HALL NE LOWELL0n the 14th day of May 1948 atthe hour of WA hear ctnnplaints as to the list votErsfor the TOWNSHIP OF SUN IDALE Judge llarvle will be Revising Officer and his Clerk willbe Hf Barker Esq whose address is New Lowell on AT THE COURTHOUSE BARBIE on the 8th day of May 1948 at the hour of 11 to hear complaints as to the list of Voters for the TOWESHIILQF VESPRAi udgeHarvie will be ReVlsingOlficer and his Clerk will be Coutts Esq whose address is Barrie Ont AT THE TOWESHIP CLERKS OFFICE CHURCHILL on the 11th day of May 1948 at thehour of 10 AM toliear complaints as to the list 01 Voters for the TOWNSHIP OF INNISFIL Judge Harvie will be Revis in oicenand his Clerk will be AllahESq whose address is Lefroy Ont If AT THE PARISH HALLJLMVALEQ the 12th day of May1948 at the laughm A1mmnafomplaintsiiSftothelist otrVotetsfortheTOWNar IIIJIIIIIISHIBI 0F FLQSLIJuggearviewm bIeIRevismg Ofcer and his Clerk wln be Thus Smith Esq whose address is ElmvalIe Ont II AT THE TOWNSHIP HALL 030 91141 12 day Of Mayi 1943 at the iihomufgmQIBEaMompraims agtotheJlsttoLvoteLgfortheWTDWNL SHIP0FOR0gludgewaryjewillbeievtsmgjlaerwandji er 73401 Wm be BIrrudhope Esq WhoSe address ISIHaWkestOne OntI ATLTHE TOWN HALL WASAGA BEACH on the 26th day of May1948 the hour 012 PIM tmhear camplaints SIQ the of Ivotersifprtthe ROVEREMT AREA Jud Harvlwihbe Revisin WASAGA BEAPHJM gQicgrIandhis ClcrkwlllbIeArcJessop EsIIqwhosgsaadrgssjwaszga 81 II Beach III II VI II II IfAN FURTHER TAKE NOTICEmhat the Listto sow is thieivliiscrsLLttspreparedfot 15115 ohms niim municipal lean Anprunmrinzrnxn IuoTIGENhalgany voterwhodesirestofcoinplainlhgi titsi name the namgs Many person entitled to beentcrectQnthejsatdfmst has been Omittedrrom samconthat ithevnetmes of any persons who are not entitled to be Voters have beenentered thereonamayon orloefore the thinldaybefpreItbedate Iaboye Irixa Imprue holding ofng5ispectivepourts apply complain of appeal to have his nameIIdrthenaquoIf anyother personcrttcrcdononremoved from the List AllynFURTHERTAENQIJCErtMVSuchappealsImustlic bynotioelnwrlttng fingtlte prescribedwtorm signed by thepomplainantSindupltcateandgtven to the Clrxofthc Revising pincer or leftforhlmrat his address as statedabove II FURTHEEZIAKE ListsItobeifgyised maybednSpected tin oniceIotgthe Clerk ortheRevisingomenyuan the Municipal giant EOIatinrrlchthlsI 29m dayofIVAplIll 1948 nuns omitter Chairman0t IllicIElectionlioardtotthe County ofISlmcoc liecds Tuesday evening with the Worship converter Dorothy Bates in charge Evans led was given by Mirelda McIntyre Mrs Curtiss rm Brian MERE ONTARIO CANADA Sunnidqle Corners May Mr and Mrs llunry Lorbctt Mr Cl and Mrs Jack Corbett rind Bobbie attentle the DIEIIXIWIOOlO wed ding in ollingwood on Saturday The lYlS met at Betty Loug The scripture was read by Wilfred Giifen and Dorothy in prayer The topic The WMS met at Mrs Pnttcr sons on Friday with 18 members McDonald Low scores Cranium059m and the president Mrs Lougheed in charge The scrip ture was read in unison Mrs Allie Buie led in prayer The topic on Ruth was given by Mrs Bates The hostessT assisted by Mrs Cor bctl served dainty lunch The next meeting is to bc at Mrs Buics LL BELLE EWART May Mr Fife of Toronto is visiting Mr Archer has moved to his home on the 5th Linc Mr Cook of Wiarton visited his daughter Mrs Ruffett last week Mrs Cundall and son Dougf of Toronto are visiting at her home here Quite few from here attended the Barrieport Arthur hockey match in Toronto on Saturday Mr and Mrs Brown and fam ily and Mrs MAtkinson Toronto spent the weekend at their cottage Mrs Jack and David Mr and Mrs Neibour and daughters Hamilton spentItlie weekend at their cottage WAVERLEY May Thomas Stacey had successful sale on April 27 Morris Drinkle attended the hockey match in Toronto on Satur day night George Brock Windsor spent couple of days with his Sister Mrs Eva Drinkle Mr and Mrs Rossandlack Bannister of Toronto sent Sunday at HrBanniste1s Anumber attended the Junior Farmers Calf Club at theschool Wedncsday evening few of the local YB attend ed the United Church YP rally at CreemorerSunday Vi mam Wallace Wood spent couple daysat bishome here whileJtis boat was in port at Collingwood Mr and Mrs Clifford Brown and amily and Mr and Mrs76 low spent the weekend with Elba and Bruce Brown Mrs Eva Drinkle Mr andAMrs Morris Drinklenand girls Ispent Sunday With Mr and Mrs Johnson in Lindsay Mr and Mrs Wood and Cath erine Midland Mr andTlitrs Glen Murdy Hillsdale Mrs Nelson Edv wards ansLtgrni1L9f Vase Arms Sunday visitorsIwith the Millers LEATHER WORKERS CONVENTIONHERE Sunday llllIlllllll in Hamilton lint his house on the llionip son tarrn in the person of James lIilmr Mr and Mrs lill llcllniiiy siniii Iionzild Mclirichcrn lli pur iziscd the farm at Lot torr ti Albert lrchh is busy ltllrutltl Another of liggbcrls llltlIVr mir Fr as buried in loriinto on Saturday All Work Guaranteed GEORGE HOLLY BRADFORD Nl estimating Product of General Motors Eights with anions Today Pontiac announces series of notable advancements in the car thathas already won theIIwholehcarted cnddrse ii great mechanical mastefpiece which shifgs gears automatically and complete4I ly eliminates the clutchIpedal 314174171151 will certainmoilels extra cost Engine and chassis retain basicallythe same engineering masterpieces which have become synonymous in the automo icnnonsmnsrccri Fortyfour delegates from all parts of Ontario went on record May 2attheeighth annual cIon lventibn Of the National Union of Shoe and LeathepTWerters CCL lheld in Barrie as unanimously endorsing the CCF and calling vuan all of its 10ml unions and in geticaliy aznd financially aii Iccr candidapsji the election The convention further lthcDnm Fedejtitl of Labor The convention Was held in the MaSonic Hall Barrie from Friday the Mayor of Barrie and by Mun lray Cdtterillyprosldent Toronto Labor Council as guest speaker Atithegiiame time the Union passed it recolutipn calling on the Department of the AttorneyGen ral of Canadav to inVestigate the laiiegedry monopolistic practices of Ithe United Shoe Machinery Com panyl Stuart Mactdem Toronto waa Ineturned o5 inresident Charles iMitIchell ondon was elected vice Pllsilh Walter Painter To ronlo reselected secretarytriads liter solved unanimously endorsentlte89vcn PointPo tical Action Program 01 to Sunday iand W63 addressed by mental more than million owners and fricnds Foremost among thcs advancements is ftbe great General Motors HydtletiCI gt Drive Pontiac isth loyVestsiSficed car in thevvorid buffer as adoption this Coupld with this greatIengineering triumph is striking improvement in beauty and luxury Newcxterior smart nessextends from the newradiator grille toilistraiined rear bumper7 widqrange of Features is producd in 315 six at figt Cylinderehgi9e$andi Interiors tooare remarkably improved II triumphpf engineering Iits field for beautygfor performanCe Upholstciic ctitiorcwbcautifhul impra wide newattractivenessand charm In istruinent pancls areIIiliniIslied in smart design and ansIadroit use of chrome moulding adds cleft touch ofmodernity for comfort and forjdepndahilitys can INTHELowamca Firm tile industtywithgoodness andepend ability types and Striking colours with wheelbases ofwll67and 1l9ffrhi$ Againfor rotsi iseuiyrnulnnsgn pausi