kousswu tea for bliss Doiothyg Gracey was held it the home of guns lullhlxl litll llu sacrament ti infant baptism litttllll Childish evening Many llltlltls attended and were received it Roger lioliiict were Mrs McQuade and Mrs Mrs charge oi the tea was assisted by ls Aiiii llii and Mrs ltaiplt liiitriron lta iv poured by The cvciiine best wisht lracey or Linda bap iii Hell son Allan Hell Elit flittil ng tiii liuiry oiiii3 totticll daugh Carlton bell Coci SlillLllilI lttlili and tli hlh Jail nsuzi ltir Clarke dad itll Jim Mis iir if Sharon litiil lti ttiii llll litr aiiiiioaciiIn tinge to llowaid libhiiis RADIO REPAIRS URTEOUS EFFICIENT SERVICE Teds Radio Appliance TED OAKS cuddle Repairs on all Electrical Household Appliances PROMPT co 44 EsScx Rd itii Phone 350s SENSATIONAL NEW LOWCUT BRAZ Yes its the plunging neckline separation more too the deepcentre the firm feminine uplift All this and in the new Rose Marx lowcut braz 771lwfblllzryou41l8llttClymlllLlSLllllVC with todays low cut necklincd In petalsoft Coramil Satin lacetrimmed delicately lovely so thoroughly washablct Strong uplift support at the base of each shoulder strap hookandcyc closing shaperetaining design only $129 ROSETTE SHOPPE 23ELIZABETHST sturdy white blue rose black at it plunging price too BARRIE Only iiiLibbys Baby Food is giowths nourishment already freed from 09 cellsFor even afteIfcotifmer ctalv strainingmuch of the food value in fruits and vegetables is encased in closed ch babys undevelopeddigestive penetrating As ucomplptely promotin cellswh juices have trouble result babys food is often FAVORABLE BlSlNESS BACKGROUND IN CANADA THE BARBIE EXAMINER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA MRS LENNOX WEDDINgg AGAIN PRESIDENT TO MY MOTHER The Grandeur that from mountain peak in the lutorablc Ltlsliicss back up down and filled my heart ground the lllCttl ii Canadas export trade iii ineiciiantiisc of Has made lasting imprint then3 Which never can depart Mlctl of aboie the March 1947 For we are like the Potters clayi total and industrial unpluyizient at the beginning of the month at is higher than year ago Estim ated tonnage of iilway freight in the first quarter of 29 was higher than in the tits quarter last year Cheques wished against in ii uni accounts in March totalled $627 millions up from $373 mil ittizs ill March year ago Total deposits of $5956 millions at the end of Iebruriry also increased Evilllxtlctl wztn $3731 millions your ago lll Mrs Findlay Galbraith Pa rui iiii flotri daughter of Dr iilitl Mrs John iturluy Ronda Altiyiie Chem daughter of Mr and Mrs Iriureiicc Green SEiaion Ann Greer daughter of Mr and Mrs Robert Eldon Greer lloiinti Mlllltl Hiekliiig daughter of Air and Mrs Kenneth Harold Hitktng lctcr William McDow ell son of Dr and Mrs Frederick tillzzini McDowell John Kenneth Mi ltllllltk son of Dr antiMrs William James Mulchinoek lhe rummage sale held by the Jomcns Hospital Aid of Barrie in the ltltlE Hall last Saturday morn iiti was quite successful with net proceeds of $130 The money will iluwvtlwflmttlgulltl the work of the Aid at the ltoyal Victoria Hos lllill Mrs ll Gable is presi lent of the Womens Hospital Aid this year and the rummage sale was put on by willing group of women These sales are held semi anniizilly and the ladies of the community of all denominations give generously of clothing and household articles to help the Aid in their orthvhile work SIGMA PHI NAMES ETHEL CROSSLAND WOMAN or YEAR To celebrate the 17th anniver sary of Founders Day the Alpha Phi Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi in Barrie held banquet at Robin llllt lnii on Friday April 30 Seventem yellow rosebuds the emblem of the sorority decorated the table Miss Ethel Crosslaud who was chosen Lady of the Year for Barrie was congratulated and presented with certificate and corsage of yellow roscbuds Immediately following the ban quet Miss Joyce Reid and Miss Marjorie Harris were installed iii to the Beta Sigma Phil following which the members and their es corts adjourned to Club 79 where dancing was enjoycdby all tEthel Crosland who operates drug store in Barrie is graduate of the BCI and the Ontario Col ETHEL CROSSLAN ii the Soropti merican Federation sponsored Teen Town committee for wom of the Chamber of Commerce ganized RYEEIEEESI or EXPERIENCES IN SOUTH AFRICA missionary in South Africa thrilled acked congregations at the Free tie with her stirring accounts of experiences on the eld andeii ioute dLiringrthree furloughsf Formerly anOntario girl she ar ac Ahenwaswthe ist Club of Barrie and served two years as the director of Eastern Canada Region of the Soroptimist She served as general chairman of recreation for the Barrie Re creation Council and she was chairman of the committee that During the war Miss Crossland served as chairman of the civilian for the leave centre of the aimed for For three yearsshe was secretary of the Barriebranch of the Navy League She has been member of the national affairs committee Miss Crossiand has been secre taiytreasurer of the Barrie Drug gists Association since it was of ethodist Church in Bari dreamt calming upsetsfa to 54 food But in libbysBab Foodglthe both strined and explodedo cessWitht Stung pupnlli ndfbaby falls tmuch of thenourisbm ntti th only baby food Which is omogenized7these cells are already his exclustve homogenization pro ade extra easyhaby gets en by Li wbtkof digestion in more nourishment from the 5am amount of food with fewer di gestive upsetsamt whichc tests have conrmed linical wma to the booklet Hoallhlul Funding for Your Baby Jmlnnd and addrou to Ubhy Chuthum 0M your na BABY FOODS AREBOTH IRAINIID and HOMOVGENlZEp is Homogenized foo tits4c spOkFby wayv ofTihfodEliBII if those present whom she had known during her sev evangelistic labors in before going to Africa years Her husband Swiss Missionary whom she married whilein the Transvaal is anoutstanding lino guist and their three grown child ren are active missionaries in the eld Mrs Ryfi herself in addition to missionary work has been in strumental in organizing many thousands of nativeand European women in WCTU groups With glowing pride she told of the poised efficiency of trained Negro women in presiding at huge gatherings and in carryingr on Lthelr various activities The members of the Ryff ranliiy are looklil forward to spending the rest of their lives in gather ing but specic for His name district Experience shapes us day by day The simple bauty of the rose held within my grasp The centres of the brain oerthrew And found warmer clasp symbol of Eternity But the sweetness of your life greater lesson taught The selfless deeds saw each day GlBBlNSGRACEY Of interest was the marriage on zuazduy May 1948 of Dorothy Winuitred Gracey daughter of Mr and Mrs George Gracey Billlit to Howard Samuel Gib The rose is dust and yet thill be mm 50 and Gibbms Stroud at the home of the brides parents 24 Parkside Drive Rev Bewell of ficiated The ccrcitiony took place in The deepest mark hath wrought front of the fireplace which was For man tho nite is eternal The noblest things are not exter rial And time will bring me many tear And many it scar where beauty stood And selfish thoughts and worthless deeds May press too deeply oer the good And yet thy beauty Will shini through The foulest deed that may do HOWELL PARTRIDGE PLANS PROGRESS FOR TERCENTARY MOUNT ST LOUIS The Holy Name Society of beautifully decorated with pink siiapdmgons and candles flanked by standards of ferns The bride looked charming in dress of romance blue crepc fash ioned with bustle back She wore matching mohair hat and lace mittens and carried bouquet of Johanna Hill roses bouvardia and gardenias Mrs Edward Grant wearing navy blue crepe with navy and white picture hat and carrying pink earnations attend ed her sister as matron of honor Capt Edward Grantacted as groomsman The reception took place at Robindale Inn Mrs Gracey in grey crepe with navy accessories and Mrs Gibbins in navy blue crepe assisted the bride and groom in receiving the guests Later the happy couple left for Sacred Heart Parish Warminster wedding trip by motor the bride met on Sunday May and elect travelling in powder blue stilt ed Alphonso Hcitzner president matching top coat trimmed with James Bayc vicepresident Joseph Naughton secretary and Vincent Walsh treasurer The pastor Rev Thomas Hayes said that the family Rosary Campaign has been broiight to fitting conclusion when every person attending Sacred Heart and St Louisichurchcs signed pledge card promising to recite the fam ily Rosary daily Father Hayes outlined the plans for the lcrccntcnary Celebrations to honor St Anthony Daniel at Mount St Louis on July and He made the important an iiounccnient that local committees of former residents are most cii thusiastic in their preparations for the coming social and religious functions These committees include the following BarrieMrs Brennan PhelpstonMrs Loft us OrilliaMrs Yon Midland Mrs Geo Goodburn Toronto Mrs Fournici and John Fitzgerald Rev Louis Hickey ArchdioceSan Director of the Holy Name Union Showed the splendid color film of the Marian Congress Father Hickey spoke of the aims and ideals of the Holy Name So ciety and extended his praise for the pastor and people in their de termination to pay fitting tribute to St Anthony Daniel Saint tenary preparations HEART RELIGION EMPHASIZED BY BISHOP ORMSION spoke about heart religion The physical heart is the very ceigtre of our wellbeing and it is no less true spiritually The Bishop said the heart of man was deceitful above all things and desperately wicked Man has the nature that tends to make him think more of himself than he ought 3Man thinks of himself as heavenbound but as God lootoi= down he sees us ashellbound ima man made of himself was far too high The speaker referred to the di vided heartthe man who shitmiedcnvsundaybut To other Ways on Monday and Tucs day and Wednesday He spoke of the conduct of such pleasure seekers as displeasing to the Lot Jhe4tmyqieart77wasjinoth conditionwdescribed Peoplelis ten but are unmovedLI Then there is the rebellious beamthe cite who is awakened but refuses to do anything about it Saturday afternoon and evening Mrs Ethel Davey Ryff for 30 years Bishop Orinston quotedoni the scriptures new heart will give you and new spiritwill pullwithin you He emphasized xfMAcics ORANGE cups ulttedour 15 tapn salt 34 cup milk am Manic Baking Powder Jtoll out IiiInch thick cut flode blocult cutter Toppgchfw little marmalade bake In hot oven aboutvls mum Mom 16 Rev Lawlor who was born and raised at Warminster also spoke and urged all to cooperate fully in making the Tercentqnary celebration great manifestation of Catholic faith anddevotion that the people of thedlbtriet might enjoy peace in their days through the intercession of Me donte Townships owl Mdrtyr Rev Connell McKeown of the Passionist Order who will open the Parish Mission atWarminster on May and Rev Kenneth Moreau of the Deanery Staff Barrie both addressed the meet4 mg and encouraged the pastor andparishioners in their Tercen ARMAIADE biscuns cup man lupin shortening mam do Slit dry ingredients to ether Cut In ahoit min 31ml mixed eat on Illnhtly in on mlk amalgamtantrum AC0 not platinum fox navy blue accessor ies and corsagc of gardenias Friends from outoftown who attended the wedding were Mr and Mrs John Mullen Toronto Mr and Mrs Ralph Patterson Camp Borden Mr and Mrs Beriniish St Catharines Mr and Mrs Charlie Gibbins Toronto Mr and Mrs Sharpe Toronto DICKDODSON At three oclock in the after noon of May 1948 took place the marriage of Stanley Ross Dick son of Mr and Mrs Charles Dick Toronto and Marguerite Victoria Dobson daughter of Mr and Mrs Redvers Dobson RR Barrie Rev Bunt BA conducted the ceremony in Grcnfcl United Church decorated with baskets of pink snapdragon The bride who was givenin marriage by her father wore dress of ivory satin and lace on princess lines and floorlength veil caught to wreath of orange blossoms and she carried cas cade bf lilies Tho bridesmaids were Lois and Audrey Dobson sisters of the bride and the groomsman was brother of the groom Ronald Dick of Toronto The ushers were Kenneth Dobson and Chas Dick Toronto brothers of the bride and groom respectively The bridesmaids dresses were of pink and blue taffeta with flow ered headdress to match and their bouquets were caScades of Sunglow roses Mrs Ward Goldwater the brides aunt was soloistE and Alex Diet of Kitchener brother of the groom sang The Lords Prayer and Because reception Was held at the home of the brides parents where the brides mother wore flower ed silk jersey dress with corsage of Premier roses and thegrooms mother was in grey Silk crepe and corsage of Better Times roses Guests were present from Toronto Kitchener Goldwater Anten Mills and Minesing For travelling the bride chose figured silk jersey dress black ballerina coat black and white accessories and corsage of red Carnations After honeymoon spent at Nia gara Falls and at other points Addressing the rst in series south the newlywed couple will of weekend meetings at the Free have their home at 139 Dunn Ave Methodist Church in Barrie Bish Mrkpr bor Michigan on Friday night Toronto the importance of new heart and declared Jesus Christ doesnt run second hand store or repair chophell make you newt Concluding his Friday night message Bishop Ormston asserted No man will ever see the King dom of God unless he beborn again ltgt WATCH PR01EINS Girls fromvl6 to 20 require 75 III llll at that stage require 100 After en require about usiiI Are you going thru the functional middle age period peculiar to women 3852 yrs Does this make you guer from hot ashes 30 nervous highstrung tired Then mtryLydiaE Pinkhmna VegetableCom poundtomovesuchaymptomilPmRham Te Compound also has what Doctors call eternach tonic effect THURSDAY MAY 1948 SHEARD Dressmaking Designing Phone 5145 Barrie 82 MAR STREET Upper Apartment OF BARBIE WCTU The May intclog of the WCTU was held Walker with Mrs Bewell presiding in the absence of the President Mrs After the Mrs Bewell led in prayer Standcii lhcll conducted the devo inspiring words home of Mrs Lennox of hymn singing Miss with taken from He that goeth forth with weeping bearing precious seed shall doubtt less conic bearing his seedwith him Business ports from superintendents of de partmcnts 215 well as the monthly Millward for the nominating committee the officers for the year to be Hon Presidents Mrs Wildnian and Mi Cumming Vicepresidents Mrs Jacobs and Mrs Bewell lie cording Sorry Mrs Mrs Armstrong It was decided to send lctt Dorian Parker the approval of this society to thel sentiments expressed in the Lett ters to the Editor column of The Examiner recently Mrs Rowell told of the visit 01 delegation to the home of Mr and Mrs Pope when life meni bership pin was presented to Mrs who made were Mr and Mrs Walker Mrs and Mrs Mrs Lennox read the ad dress Blcst be the Iie was sung and Mr Pope led very pleasant visit was enjoyed Mrs MacDonald sang All Things in Jesus Find wcry sweetly close of the meeting tea was served by Mrs Walker Mrs Stranaghan tional message period listen The venerable minister re tired from active servrce with the completion Chalmers Church Alliston in 1945 Since then they have resided in their new home at lslington they have ministered with faith fulness and efficiency and devo lion Amongthe charges served Were Flesherton Paishguelph Hanover and Al again with rejoicing ministry included annual Bothwell mosc reports Mrs repoi ted rs Mrs Pres Lennox Serjeant Irwin Titas Mrs cxtressin Pope Those visit Lcnnox Mrs Jacobs Howell imimpr Routlatumr ome permanent Its what youve wanted softer more flattering salontype permanent you can give yourself in the privacy of your own home Ask to see the RICHARD HUDNUT HOME PER MANENT at 0U cosmetic counter Remember any hair that will take permanent will be lovelier with RICHARD HUDNUT HOME PERMANENT1 Price $325 refills without rods $175 the in prayer At the Millward and Mrs Mrs Adams thanked the hostess Rev and Mrs Little formerly of Alliston Fifty Years Wedded On April 19 1898 Rev and Mrs Little of Allistou completed halfcentury of wedded life and anniversary marked at their home in Islington where many relatives and friends joined with them in enjoying the happy day These With many neighbors and friends gathered to make this occasion long to be remember ed There was large display of greeting cards many of came from well wishers and form er parishioners in and near Allis Gifts and messages of good will were rcceived in generous measure Beside the their golden was other which ton friends who were there the following members of their immediate famlly joined in the celebration Mr and Mrs Little and family of Brampv Gilbert Little of lslington Mr and Mrs Dunstan and family of Alliston Mr and MrsD McK lington Fifty years ago Mr and Mrs Little were wed in Roland Maui and since that time been in life of happiness and use ful service in the onk of Presby congregations to many ton Rev and Mrs illican of Is toba have terian which Saveslpp to half usual waving time if fbuggITtlexonliiix TEA Iniproivedtecbnique gives deep soft crown wave nonzzy ends in my steps Onethird more waving lotion more penetratini longer wedge end paperamake hair tips easiet Twice as much neutralize to for longer make each curl strange only home mane ki to include ieconditioliii of rods Standard size CIOWn waves Two1ength or ringlm extratough deep TnbiiitVOLT motion hooklatfsx enclosed with cuery Richard udu Home Pennaneim Each of the system an explained and plainly illustrated to assure bemlild 940 almond wave CSDEE 13 PH MAGY Barrie lngkn HQleiPk unlit Piiiitiuwslttitllh guSileG cupboa Ngwg hasty baking doesnt mean hasty trip for yeast New Fleiscbmainps Royal FastRising Dry Yeaststiiysfresb in youricopboctdiforweeks Use exactly like fresh yeast in allrecipesiFast acting givesgrahdest baking results 11m bake fat bumorder amonthssupply 6fNew Fleisch manns Fasthiaing Dry Yeast rpm your grocer Once you try iteyoullalwaysus ill MaDRINcANADA