Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 6 May 1948, p. 22

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of the town of Mohawk THURSDAY MAY 619478 DR ARIIIURL BALL Dr Arthur Laird Hall native of Barrie practicing dentist at Amsterdam NY for do years died on April at Tribes Hill NY following an illness of four years Dr Ball was born at Barrie Jan 29 1873 the second son of Mr and Mrs George Ball Ior years his father was actively associated with the Ball Planing Mill After graduating from the Barrie Colle giate Institute Arthur Ball entered the Philadelphia Dental College from whichhe received the degree of DDS in 1895 For 15 years he practised in several towns of New York State and Pennsylvania For 31 years he was resident of Tribes IIill near Amsterdam and was highly respected mem ber of that connnunity and long active in its affairs He served on the Trich Ilill School Board 22 years and was also school director He was director of the Pine Grove Ceme tery and member of the Masonic Fraternity On Oct 23 ttlJll Dr Bzl mar ried Miss Gcorgic Kling Lancaster Pa who died in 1924 Surviving Dr Ball are three daughters tWo sons and 10 grand children all residing in about the some area of New York State In the family of Mr and Mrs George Ball Barrie there were four sonsnnd one daughter Mrs Duncan Murchison ATTENTION SMOKERS Are you slave to the tobacco habit Do you desire to conquer this habit easily quickly and safely Send post card requesting details of new scientific treatment to RESISTTORAC LABORATOR lESDcpt Box 302 Kitchener Ontario 1720p Yo can get far friendy NIAGARA gilOAN lihlhd every porpose gt Mansfield MRS It BEYNON On Thursday April 2o 1948 respected citizen Mrs Bey non suddenly passed away at her residence in Thornton Mjs Beynon was the former Allin Jane Doane daughter of the late Lam bert Deane and Mary Ann Fife and she spent practically all Of July 1942 no son Erdman Doane Reynon died in 1943 Three brothers Hartley Wilbert Donne also predeceased Mrs chnon Her only sister Miss Josephine Donne survives as do nine grandchildren The funeral service held at her late residence was conducted by Rev Doggctt her pastor as sisted by Rev I3 Paisley Strolld Pallbearers were Hal bert Stewart Henry James Lennox Black Aland Black Those present included friends from Toronto Bolton and the sur rounding community Many beau tiful floral tributes included one from Mott Foundation Michigan and one from Aurora high school William and in Flint staff of CLIFFORD GEORGE SPEIRS After several months of illness the death of Clifford George Spclrs Potato initiator Bridges BapBotwetn Landand Market 20 MENS WORK is done by new potato harvester pictured right beginning to stream from the roductlon lines in Britain Weigh Ing only 800 lbs towed behind tractor British Inventor 47yearold Mr Parkman left demonstrating model Without chains or belts the machan op crates on all types of land came on Friday April 16 with great sorrow to his many friends He was born Oct 1900 son of the late Alexander Spcirs and Ra chel Kitson All his life was spent on the family farm Lot 25 Con F105 until ill health forced him to give up farming He moved to Stnyncr last December Cliff as he was better known to bottf young and old was Of diet nature andJILLillthesls cen tred on community activities He was member of Jubilee Presby tcrian Church Stayncr He leaves to mourn his passing his wife the former Armstrong two sisters Amy Mrs Horace Watson Brampton Lizzie Mrs Jos Martin Elmvalc and three brothers Will of Mid hurst Clarence and Jack Of Tor onto The funeral was held on Monday April 19 from his late residence to the Presbyterian Church where tting and appropriate words were spoken by Rev Jack assisted by Rev Currie In the Garden favorite of the dc ccascd was rendered by the choir Interment was made in Stayncr cemetery The pallbearers were friends and neighbors Alex Murray Clarence Atkinson Russel Montgomery Dickey Wylie Jones and Walter Marietta Hall The beautiful floral tributes tes tified to the esteem inwliich he was held coming from Flos Friends and Neighbors Willing Workers and Ladies Aid of the Presbyterian Church as well as from relatives and friends Out of town relatives and friends attended from Brooklin Kline burg Plattsvillc Brampton Tor onto Bradford Barrie Ivy Dun dalk Elmvalc Craighurst and GEORGE WM Mum In failing health for five years George William Muir passod away ithih home in Fergusonvale on April 27 1948 His death was due to pncflmonla The funeral was held from his late residence to Elmvale ceme tery on April 30 Rev Bur gcss takingthc services Favorite hymns of Mr Muir were sung at the funeral and Mrs Jones of Elm vale sang TIheDIdBugged CrosAsj Among the lovely oraltributes were those from St Pauls iPres bytrian Church Ladies Aid of Anten Mills and Fergusonvale Neighbors Hon pallbearers were Fred Richardson Andrew Beardsall Robt GrahAm Mervin Reynolds Harry Thurlow and Percy Dennis Active pallbearers were Percy Muir Scottie Muir Laddie Wilson Lawrence Scott Clarence Carson Doctor Dentist or 25 HispltaFBllls coal or Fuel Oil House Repairs Moving EXpensos Taxes or Old Bills etc LIFE INSURED 9r no extra cosh money problemhor alt vice free phone 0rcalltoday2 numbtarantula LL 15nd enough for ERIENDUMESS Finance Com pany ltd rise were shockedhnnd stricken with and IrvingCarson Among relatives andfri9ndsrre sent were Mr and Mrs Percy Dennis Arcade NY Mr and Mrs George Binnie Mrs Thos Reynolds Mrs McGarrity Mr and Mrs Dickey and Jean all of Toronto Mr and Mrs Ed gt Armstrong land Mrs Ward of Bar rie MrfMuir wasgborn on April 23 1878 at Wyebridge and had his schooling at Wyevale and Anten Mills On July 1911 he was married at Betavia NY torAlta Mae Downey For years he re sided at Bataviaand had lived at Fergusonvale 29 years keeping general store there 27 yearSoe was member of the Presbyterian hurch and staunch Conservative His favorite sportjwasshing In earl life he was cookforthe Surviving arehiswife and one daughter Dorothy Mrs Thos Marshall ofElrpvnle two git99d her Thus of Antn Isters Mrs Frank any SaskatOEn Mrs Ed Wilson Margaret and Mrs Irwin Knappg Isobel of Anten Mills 73nd MrsiW Dickey Edith of Toronto Remotes predeceased by On sistef Willison Ellen andtwo brothersJams and John =Wa MRS huff whom killed in thchirst Great MMA INGRAM On Monday evening April 26 kerthevil rid cirlmunityI of Lefroy sorrow to hear Of the passingof dear citizeh Mrs William Ingram Though in failing health Inclthe past year even her im mediate family did not feeling the seriousness other illness WrLsciu BUILDING tilPD Square Rhine PHONEf2325 recent patient in Western Hospital Toronto forXray trat ments she begged to be allowed to returnto her Home and family as she Was suffering frequent heart weaknesses It Was only then the seriousnesls of her cOndi tion was apporent 01 bright witty disposition for weeks prior to her passing she dhhtted and joked with neighbors and friends who round it hard to believe she had so suddenly passed away Mrsl1ngrnrri was the youngest Bafe Thane 4242 childhood in Thornton operated by three men it digs cleans and 1891 she married new bags ready for market It the rate 60 Roman redeceased her longtons in hours Pictured below the she came to Barrie shejoined Collier Street old farm homestead Elmrangc Post office lnsistent 2nd concession of Innisfil the home of her ancestors for over 100 That Mall ReceRtaCIes years and the dwelling of five Mu lm generations After the death of be proved her father 21 years ago the farm During the months of Janumyi 38550319 ll abllet ahdTebrnary notices were mailch bf Infgleepglnmo frigmehflxit in Barrie to all householders her husbmd mds dwgztgr lm whosc facilities for the reception froll old mother retired to takc Up to the quncd standard up rcmdencc in chroy Village She received her early education PostmasterThomson reports that at Gilford public school continll wild survey made laSt week ing advanced studies under the ICVFMS that the Tommie tutorship of Comes in LCllllCS is not at all satisfying my school member um further report has been made to Presbyterian Church hora she the Post Office Department and transferred to the United Church duccursc Homer SetVOfdm with the inception of union In tlccs Will be prepared and mailed August of 1916 She became the The Post Office Department are bride Of William Ingram of insistent flint there must be very port Ferry and am yum in T0 decided improvement in mailrc mmo came with hm husband ceptaclcs throughout thc Cities superimend the Old farm for hm where delivery by letter carriers ailing father is in effect Thcimprovcmcnt is The funeral services we COW necessary not only that the pat ductcd at the family residence on mils mmnselvcs may reccwc the Thursday at pm by hm pastor mull safelybut also that deliver Rcv Paisley Interment was 35 may be Speeded in the family plot Sixth Linc Every house 93 ground level Cemetery As She my lovely in should be prondcd With perm death in hm beautiful casket anent and safe receptacle in the banked in owrs relatives front door or combination door neighbors and 01d chool mates ill the form of standard letter Strcamcd by casting wistful slot procurable at any hardware lingering glance at beloved com Store The Department has ch Fade feeling She is not dead She that milk chilies cannot be ap is just awny Besides hcr sor movw rowing husband She iswsuwivcd For upstznr rcSldcnccs and in by one daughter Mrs Rae Law apartment houses strong boxes of Kathleen three sisters Grace good 5120 may be prowdgd bur Mm Reid of Powassan such boxes are to be kept locked Mary Mrs T7IIStephms of so that no one other than the ad Lefmy Mabel Mrs Stmh dressec may tamper with the mail art of Kipling Sask two nieces The mall boxes m0 commonly of mail were not Mm Elywood Barker of T01Omosoldf0r this purpose are not only and Mm Roland Comm of LC flimsy and nonsightlyh but are lis froy and two nephews Thornton uaIIy too small and of improper Stephens of Hamilton and Bm construction to be kept locked and Stewart of Kipling Sask Her par ems one sister Margaret andtwo ot the popular lenders in all func little brothers Hugh and home tions of the choir In addition to predeceaSed her were four nephews Elywood Shepherd found Barker Roland Corner Bill Stew Will t0 SOTVC art and Kenneth Ingram and two 100m5 cousins Harold Rebelson and Survivmg inodclltion to her Frank Todd husband is one son Alfred at summer resident for many 1191119 one dallghlelMlS years at Ballydown Beach whre Griffiths and two grandchildren in she and her husband operated Toronto There is also one sister small grocery and confectionery MYS Hurst in TOIOHlO store and attended the summer Rev Lewis conducted postal service for both Ballydown funeral SCIVlCQ Salllldalh Mill and the neighboring beach of at the Lloyd and Steckley Fun Bayview she was known and re eral Home Barrie There were spected by hundreds of the sum lovely owers from Collier Street mgr colony which bore silent res Adult Bible Class The Barrie Ex timc during the The pallbearers her home and church wmk Mrs timony in the individual baskets amineocollier Street United pillows and Sprays of beautiful Churchfcoilier Street Choir Col flowers from dozens of residents lief StreetxMale Quartene Lions of the beaches Other floral tri Club MinstrelsshOW Adult Bible hilliwefe from LefloxflindsC13599E9plitlghWChAand staff and pupils of Lefroy Coritin the Imperial OIFCbQPaYTFIIGdS nation School LefrOy Continuation attended from Olilllay Seton BOl School Board HEPCAOLPTeston l0 and Tottenham sisters nephews anda host of rela The pallbearers at Barr wcrc tives and friends Friends were William LameIt Chester 101 present from Bracebridge Hamil Walter Stubblngs ton Toronto Alliston powssan Eldon Reid Carlton Matthias Th Barrie and Stroud Kipling Sask following Monday Malt fun and nearby villages era serv1ee was held in the Me ALFRED SHEPHERD Torontowllflhe pallbteintcrsM there MW were lam1 am er urray 12 3331213 lzTegtgrriXIfedig Preston Clements Hurst Freder Suddenly at hieryhome on Thurs ick Griffiths Middleton Cook and day April 29i1948 She was in William Ck At Barfie 5010 her 76th year For several weeks was sung by MISS Helen Lambelt she had been conned to Wburfuand at Barrie and Toronto the organ was played by LloydTuf gigegggrsege to by ford Interment was in St Johns Dougall and Brown Funeral Home wroororow 111on LETTERS to the nmron li permit of mail being inserted by lhc carriers quickly Now that weather conditions are mori suitable and the Spring cleanup is in the air the Post master is hopeful that holischold 01gt still delinquent will install ltllii slots or ill the case of ten mils have the owners provide slots By doing so now much limo and effort will be eliminated ill the second campaign The Post Office Department will prosecute the campaign through lllllll satisfied and it is hoped that in order to attain their objectives II will not be necessary to with hold deliveries by the carriers to delinqucnt householders THOMSON Postpinstcr 21 FLUS FAVORITES Influenza and Pneumonia dont ploy favorites They arent choo scy No race nor color and neith er sex is exempt from the possibil ity of having them at some time be tween adolescence and old age lncumonia can occur In any clim rltc and in all seasons In is com mon in the winter and spring and in regions where cold windy changeable and inclement weather prevails Canadians are warned that any onset of chill followed by lover or by pain in the chest is dgllgcr signal See the doctor the Red Cross Victor IKnx save 206cm TinLiquid pill WAX DeepBrowned 0N DAYLIGIII SAVING IV the Editor The Barrie Extinilnv Dear Sir Now that are illiiiill impound Willi the IlltHllRtlllllllt illwl roi fusion of daylight mien lion Grasshoppers Willi Wings of Bntrory tumult useum Notes Butlcilwppcrs was the loined or the spot by bright LIilnilliv Ht licfl llt IIEAIIXC examined some no gillsnllbppils on display at tiil lluynl Ontario iutlrl lflt fascinated him in Mviideiwfor lull tlupwl South America rci ccntlv lcipilrcd by the rind me grundookiiig bodies at but were transformedl their kind Museum Ob And these hoppcrs Museum it may Dc of lllltlll to some fol mm mm beam by their gor know that from tln standpoint of seicncc and llytilofbg lzn him is deccplwn ill to train for Scripture cxplnllnlzotl lgaidinc ll When sun dial wrie iiwi tin point niarklli when lilt run at its height was called militia ill meridian now lllllvlllolll hi 3t noon Noll the spvllmg of thatl word and thi pilnlonnwli on sound in ending of morning nivl beginning of lIlII Ilv Ls words in each lllllllsl nulls iillLlllv ally uscll to donolv illllfmvll and afternoon With the clocks the position of tin meridian was naturally and loci cally marked by tivclw lit the lop being the completion ml in twelfth hour from lzlldniglit or ill lolUlll mg time of the suns rising llll dim szul cent back making turiltxfmn both numbers significniit in Strip ture In Daniel 7125 llll it slitnlts of the kingdom ol lllllltltllnl ivc read that lie Will tllilik to change times and laws Not that ll Would be possible to change the iczlllfl universe but in Ztill and doiplrar tlon lllcv 1212v it would be zli tempted After Cain refused to lillcl the proper sacrifice to God hc wcnt out and buildcd city This was the beginning of natural Immunity iiiiii known as the children of men or the world distinguished from those who call upon the name ol1 the Lord Gen Aitlt the nation of Israel in the old testament and tin Church of believers in the now testament llcncc ic 5m llllSi new ideas emanating from such world centres The fact that some iiiiplc 111w the new time system iltii trlirn it docs not alter the truth lllll rather reminds us of tlril in one of our old school rmrlcrs Vice is monster of so liiglilflll mien Tllat to he hated Vllltlls but to be seen But seen too oft familiar with llil face we rst cndurc then pity then embrace Yours truly ERNEST STleIJS Mincsing April 25 min Tin lloavmlll Armani Richmello CO10ured 010 CHEESE Lb Several Brandslbicewe friends the day or two prior to orwaycemem at her sudden passing BornSeptemberilzr 1872 in LiverpoolEngland she came to Canada as young girl and lived Ln short time in QuebeLbeforegoL ing to Toronto in 1886 She made her home in Torontoiuntilrmoving LL to Barrie in 1935 She was married foiAIfred Shepherd and theylived to celebrate theirGolden Wedding anniversary which was happy eventon0ctbber 14419469 Mrs Shepherd was amember of Hope Unitedflhurch Chair in To rorito for manygtedrscand when Improve ihetiter cior of your car United Church Choir She was oneof the most regular attjendersin the choir and he won many ttriends with her pleasant disposition She was one give lasting IWefaril TO FIT MoeronELs Also large selection of mums floor mats 401 Chrysler WEEDERS products COBDVYOOD sow IMMEDIATE DELIVERY DANGERFIELD cannon MDTORS TIMng DeS0to Dealers FORD TRACTOR outrivnrons with lashioilable Eris Collier jsthTel 2481 or Lions lidllclll liltld of about how coloration in shadcsi Christians especially that there is mmgh brown and dmmy butterfly wings should be minced hoppers have formidable loinl of soils tiltllllllt ISnttcihoppcrs licllN wings With at SIX inches the These but pcr course them PHONE 3014 BEEF PORK VEAL LAMB Cured and Cooked Meats GEO COLES BUTCHER BARBIE STORM WINDOWS AND DOORS TAKEN OFF WINDOWS CLEANED AND SCREENS PUT ON Floors Cleaned and Polished AWNINGS PUT UP ALSO PHONE 3107 Carsons Cleaning an PREPAR FOR TROUBLE FREE SUMMER DRIVING OUR EXPERT MECHANICS AND MODERN EQUIPMENT ALL MAKES SERVICED Phone 2427 55 ELIZABETH ST ARE READY TO SERVE YOU HAROLD HILL CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH DISTRIBUTOR BARBIE Tim DAILYSUGARED lchmello Donuts doz 20 rumors Fsncyf Quality PINK SALMON zldfZill 37 HarvestiFancy Airlrsoucr 12 no MimiFan BC ChOice gt gorssrllr M523 gamma ATS owed mco hooligan EARLY siloiilllilolr Spirit spill plan SOAP olirrr WHO Chllfornia=i8eddiessy Rollins Aztlan Greengage not all 32 Red GrimChoice Tomlin micrriazat CatelliLReady Cut CookedBeinz llama Tallies effective In your Domin lomStolo closing time 21 gtolo coili Cream arson oil Society lino roan Tissue 036ml Quaker Mirrors Monarch Pits Ii isolationist FFEE Sweet Sunkist Tex seedless Ontario lil Rhubarb Leaf Lettuce can ch First ribs 51gt ORANGES has our woman 2888 Grapefruit fory25c Fresh Daily grown Spinach Green Onions Cucumbers Tomatoes 29 Legal ASporgbsr 1Lb39cxi 55 30 QUALITYMEATS Johnsons Prime Pint aura Verlted Bi Blue Braindreof mar 59 Rib Roast Roast rift 23 Short Rib Blade loo Shoulderogd smoked ltBld No39 Rogelfss vgliis Ib 313 Wholeor shankjzil lb 43 vlb4tfc

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