Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 6 May 1948, p. 20

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THIB WEEKS ISSUE BAR cop 01 50 CL AIL nu YearNo SEC 4P0985 l0 Mary Ellen Young at as WInS OrOlOflCGl urora ed ih nl um MAM km digitkajllfltii i1 BY GRAN ax1mum arie Jili cruciate rzstitote wori Vilth WI WENT TO MARKET 013318lgartlmignegtlllepzbplg WV Vlitlivib 01 district in ther Of all thcjobs that performed in liil0 gt it uv boyhoods happy days gm habm iforthgenef Widf 01 til lliilliv Mzmc has bogeilndngffedgailhl rhnibit Sign dnd Theres none that seems more ons amqu wuc w5 ma il3d 93 115 UW 055 pUK em ket Shoppmg have to large ex cipiil of the Barrie and District hev Mt Sltl an excellent on lllCilSmK 851 Iliillwr ll Stays im mmded mm lllililicouulit rm Tl tent been forgotten Toronto Newtnarkct Aurora kl mm 15 mmlhmemed tan ost times had to go to market Samrdav Today the homemfes 1mm Branmhml Midland 011 Scout llc will commence hismit iiy highly by high ranking VV uwunv VV VV WM bask loaded on each arm or havkc so greattlyblintctctisedd lis to $11 pmccedb VVilVVoiiOfxllinul familial middling in the United wagon handsleighV nil El UHDFfOlVd CtVogllmn JOUVVlh lianauum lzanipionships exptct In 38 175le VVll Ulmtm lVVfi iongratuldtoxy While parcmg bargained here and sgzngfrkzr Cllawygagiieiliiixirl xx lcd to ho hold at Iihle conventiongmm kill natiutigh 82 39VJflilzliTmEd lulu the HM tested my saw lg Vk lllVblltlllii lum zit0 VQHVIIS is rI in ic illlitt tome giving eggs and bun greens and 950 up icommlirm1 trVuL ailn 5ka it m1 in Kiting His BtiClic limii moduli Kori wolrk or the Hm mg ea or ng so argey in supp yumldugt5 Oppmumm rm Ymm ii it cgice spcciii icing Ill ilit an their catcilvr Fisher and ing demands the smaii individual wimm ii mm puma mil1C ml PhiW 2m New also Waited on the farmer does not bring his produce From 1033 to 1939 he was tiri is iiioil thinpotnmg BM mi Di Pillh INCHES U18 rh351t055251mvthmssg Sdcaim to the retail market as in the past wad MKmmd Wm hvllori VAllltlll Then he Went to were visited which was most in WM nequpV horSCVdmwh wg WHEN MOTHER SHOPPED CMmd UH hum rm mm liViiii Technical VSchool tiillillOosliitg to Wch member pres ms lined we squares along COL Standardized manufacturing AWN Hume DMUCMHHV 81 144 lie was appointed principal lelil it was full that the time and or sweet Wim me great production from My MW Umpplod the bmgiuf hum ma Collogmw and Hume 5mm mo mp was w0lmknown concerns givescach um bu was was there utitil 1945 when lllillllllg in comparison to the value No matter what the price was PM 0H1 Nude backing for highest walk WC Tumult k0 Maw urn to ault Ste Marie as prunccttved by the students from asked it always should be less ll IMP were 50 keen bar lcy almtl hula 3oilqt liqmld hill Sillith Md plevmmly on Mr Bowman was selected llOlllllglllltlxillll Cuhmunll and soc gamers the 01d mm gueSSV now ge wot as in lt oo im zono ll contests AV And so our parents ambled round days when people knew what Aw lmll 80 Pplltdllih for lllt posia mom was passed aumonb and Sized up his and that goods were The men know how luff Ill3 Of 19 illllllCiillll Wlltlnm the secretary to advertise for And never closed deal till they to Choose What onsmued twwwu iltnlflliu ImNTQMMdhelm llllran cxperrencrd modcriis special knew where they were at Wums and many 0t can remom MM mg mad 19 depalllncni effec They always saved cm two her how mother used to shop SEVERAL BAKVRIIB LADth attended the lGLli pital Of TQFOllll Miss Ethel Crossland 0f Bur Al WWW 0i lilo board dim0 SODI everything my bougm when usth tislgduezcgthlireig an aitmual Soroptimist Conference held recently rie Regional Director Miss Grace Nicholls of GIRLS Elll RN Collesiiitef The board ltiide iio send rcw cXI iiy as urinary llll ClSll zgi Pt elcoinorliieyedhzg toubeVplzdctistep 0le and knew the quality of the Peterbolough Seen here at the dinner Ioronto 2nd Vicepresident and Mrs Edith made to unendgmc migmufnygqijitdltllllt afszoo to the Barrie Re BmedO lm for giwlfm good and what the price ought meeting on April 24th are left to right Dr Scott the president of the Peterborough club liirv schedule is follows mph LOW Mrs rs was appoiu lCNCSQH that Mothch Little Man bf MOtlherkWarlshnpt at thi Tony lJllllan Chase 0f tthWomcns College HOS Peteiborough Examiner Engravmg itllthlll llltlb male from $3000 tom the Council Stood waitin to be loaded like was wa vwwm mmm pm0 he15 AlClllillCl meant by buymgno one sold lhrec boys and girls club pro1m 333 53500 SPPClllSlSi dame was mddc to haw delivery van Not much Right from the very start hed figured in his mind That in some farmers outfit ilicrc hed almost surely nd Some very tasty Samples of his applcs plums and pears While the owner found interest in his other business wares But when mother does her shop pingi now and for the family board Livestock and Poultry Books in County Library her anything she jboughiit It was one thing to rclyvon mans word because you trusted him it was another thing entirely to trust him because you had no knowledge to look into the matter for youri self Retail merchants nowadays have taken full advantage of these con ditions and have placed stores and supplies so conveniently that cus JohnLougheedWins Nomination as CCF lIn Sirncoe Centre One of the Canadian authorities on livestock and how to raise it lo WVi Macllwan and there are three of his books availablc in the County Library collection ilhe first of them Breeds of Farm Livestock in Canada outlines the OLD MARKET BASKET It was the old market basket when people were neither toolazy nprhad false pride and were not ashamed to carry it through the visiting the market and choosing Grey County where he was her supplies 0f fresh g00ds just brought up on farm near Max in from the farm and then carry well He is past president of ing them home herself in the Oldllhc Junior Farmers and was an WiCkC market baSket 01 CaPaClOUS organizer for farm radio forums lo date It includes the feeding of poultry as well as livestock More specialized books are Dairy Cattle and Milk Produc tion by Eckles and Principles of streets that helped father to feed handbag in Grey He was also prommem Dairying by JUdkms ms 001 and keep them SChOOI OLD PRACTICES the Federation Of Agriculture Books on Poultry are numerous and well clothed And mothers were some shoppers those days too not alone from choice but also from necessity for while There are many practices of the and taught Sunday School in the old times which by no reasoningUmted Church can be made applicable to the pre Since coming 10 Barrio ihiecl g0 Ml Iowheed but among the best are The ABC of Poultry Raising by Florea which treats of general problems fpoultryraisingrbothifla lid EOVRS IHVSt thDV0Vcn If If wept like lacecapped grandmothers who employed by Copaco and he was and small ocks andSuccessful mm 11 50le did not come long since have laid aside thelra memberan the union negotiat mun Management by Jun as casin in such volume as knitting needles and their hymn ing committee He IS married which stresses producing quality and has two children In addressing the meeting Mr Loughccd said he had been brought tip as Conservative bill inowadays and the savmgcf books for golf dubs or dusty cent 01 ViW00n that and the uneven straggling country roads other thing an added to the nonclwhich never knew asphalt or even too large amount usually availabletscrapen and hmncs with kero eggs and poultry economically and making the best use of avail able markets The Home Veterinariansmlland once had for He felt the CCF was more inter ested in the brotherhood of man in encouraging each person to help the other We can make good showing and win the elec iibn lbeiiif 1W he declared Miss Elsie notices candidate forthe CCF five years ago was chairman and she said it might be new for Womanto be chairman of the political convention in Barrie but the CCF did pioneer The CCF has Mrs Gladys Strum the only women member of the House of Commons and there was also Miss Agnes Macphail who Archdeacon of Simcoe will read the letters of institution and the preacher will be Rev Wang MA BD of Honan China mitted neighborly gesturing gos sipz which now passes over the phones when theline isnt busy RT REV BEVERLE to the housewue for home supplies sane lampSV we asthmatic was will vex in vvill Beige fa Ti Emit W00den Pump and Well the life CCF and heliZd worked 10 Berggss oratmgrgnf 3leGilalirgglllsalnillkdidfnilaariii 5a is ymg 5e EC any erm ailddth SOfafWhiVhlandlbig jusf semiiii lite CCFES lie trials and poulify It suggests by Phone now allows and 315 per boxstove N01 15 ll SGIIOUSIY the Conservatives Chumh Banwsunday mm The treatment for minor ailments and hoped they should be You cannot advance an outworn beliefno matter how popular it once may have beento delay the onward march of progress any more than mainly with powderhorn shot bag and muzzleloaders might ex pect to hold off battery of ma chine guns and Big Berthas It iSnt done and yet as someone once said and someone else reu pattedhthose were the good old days rst aid procedure for more seri ous ones If there is not public library or country library deposit sta tion in your neighborhood you can nd outhow to start one by writ ing to the Simcoe County Library Barrie We all of us have helped as children to formcliquecarry ing convoy with big basket on each arm or loaded on home made wagon or handsleigh when our parents shopped and bargained on the Market Square for butter eggs meat and vegetables which went to supply thetable for the morrow Sunday and the rest of theweek Messrs Milne Mc Fettridge Peter Kearns and Mar rins were buyers on commission ATOMISER FOR PENICILLINN new method of handling peni cillin enables this wonder drug to be used in combination with oxy gen so that the patient can be supplied with an oxygenpenicillin mixture through an atomiscr This new combination produced under the name of oxycillin has been successfully used already in number of the largest London hos SPRING CARE OF PASTURES Proper pasture management is of primeimportance in 1948 says Murphy eldman Ontario Department of Agriculture The farmer who can make his good pasture produce more so that he PIONEER CUREALLS Someone onCe said that care less woman can throw out more in those dag in the Market from house with teaspoon than fought our battles for long pltalS espexlallylfor bronchial can break up his poor pasture to Square man can bring in With shovel time fections ca 1brated container grow more feed grains will be do But it wasnt thatkind 0f house We hear all the time about Shwsths Odor he much pem ing service to himself and his keeper Who used to gather eKCh political freedom in Canada but Cl ls emg recewe by the pd Province tient under the oxygen tent If at the end of treatment small amount of oxycillin remains in the mixing chamber of the appar atus it is simple matter for this to be returned to the container ismcousuuvu Summer andFall supplies of bur dockand mandrake which when steeped were ionic and there were many other homemade cure alls to be found in the family medicine cupboard 1004 Tansy was placed on the pantry shelves Good pasture management be gins as soon as the snow is off the grdund If the eld has been top dressed with manure in the Fall there may be somelumps which were not evenly spread and if allowed to remain that way may here in Barrigwthggw are those whoare in fear of losing their jobs by taking part in CCF ac tivities but she added that there were many more CCF supporters throughput the riding now titan ORANGE HALth BARle gt Lecture on Bible Pros phecy vvill be given by whe she was candidate five Mllhg inllng and elsewhere as ahbaritlicatlle it year ago Pulp and paper mills spend an smother out theplVnts underneath THU My 13 mggygg gemgzgg idiomsauysoiimim my minimoamsmreggaeegsadvveme t9 have tgPM drove away the mostfcious 91 and member 0f the DIOVinCial towers and tele hone lines design 311 canalysls before Ordermgfer believe in the identity of cold if brewed It routed feVer $332122 0f the VCCFv was the regrggtsmaintam be output of their as zircon ti$i3ii or cme amL bring friend cagobe The asafeudabag CCF movementin Saskatchewan $67 and several persons present Brisbane Australia Was rst Thereiis cancelion sus ended from the neck put away he said it was larg due to the made pledges for financial sup settled as penal colony in 1825 by ec support of the coops He regret port indhe campaign Sir Thomas Brisbane at is Were cow my asseschestnut or sum in Ontario Wh Stm felt they Examiner Sdbscriptions are Biaini badmsier 0f 01 potato chunk of rock sulphur coufd remain outside the CCF able in advance your paper Ixuemmsjgnehttcr The speaker told of the exten sionof Social services inSaskat chewan and said this had been done while the provincial debt 26 yearsof leadership David Col iails toVVgppear youll know the lins is hissuccessor 1935011 carried in thepocket put rheuma tism 9n theb ink and so did dried Wintergreen carries and leaves whensteeped Sulphur and molas miniincem it widenecked bottle or braniiy in whichvarious goodsized chunks of camphor had been Seeking for an indenite period would cure headachef stomachachc toothache ins or bruisesvlike nothing eISe fa wgdggof spider websor built the hospitals ln1944ither9 were 39 beds per 1000 popula tion and today there are seven beds per 1000persons Whereas in Ohtario wStill vhaVe only 34 Harry MVcCulloughimw ThPiTgissiv Consfe sesrwamSlimOnimevepywen gagrtfgfixrlrzggcmw $7200q900 regulated family medicine chest vative Committee rooms which no boycf those times will Sasatchwan pig Wm 10mm in the oddfel forget he had to take each Spring X2232118Oilfichgmgroxllgelxlerg it V1 ltsyifV ur at and ggiiniiioiiiiiigfwallfwmga 993 They PrFVidedthe SETViCEat min will 13031 charge ofi Mr OLD TIMEREMEDIES iliurgercogtbfmiilidsuio$115tally EV fao All spppmfters of the frostes hive Conscrvptlvorpurty are cordially invited of nine the fuiilliliesprovidcd and sug cantons tor the ramp beds per 1000 Irrdhefirst mo sectlon of vvaspsmnest preSsd nthsoffiee Enlwm hospitalization 116000 ersons uponagcut did thetrick Awooleni in be reel to used th hos itals andMr Haas pp 15mm we Rem heat mid felt thesewoiild bethe same pro Tultho page 24=pleasc portion in Ontario if the ervice wasavdilable at such small prem iums and if the hospitals could accommodate sud numbers The ea at will IplanrvmSBSkaichW we proildlgf Flfimgnlgy todbmld al eqmp 059 was pRQVINGIAL POLICE RADIOE UIPMENT mb into givingfreg careto every person pu Without limitation Operation this district in the nearfullure The main Station to Mr Haas said 30000 persons is at Barrieand the control unit is similar to the one shown SaSkatChew MW had free med in the above picture There accentsstations at Bracebridge Lunch 55 1085c BEAUTIFUL sunRoUNDINos GOOD SERVICE ical and dental treatment as well as thefree hospitalizatibn and the numbers were beingincreased with the establishment of further health units throughout Simcoe Dufferin MuSkoka and Fairy Sort have been equippedwlth the tvvoWay radio units When 1Asingsong was led by this equipment is put into operation District Inspector grain are being promoted lll the township of Notlawasaga by thcl Dcpartuniit of Agriculture these projects Betty Franklin Collingwood secy Jack Walker Siayner club leader and the care feeding and management makcup the exhibitors in the renorcssroNAL MEN 1N DPs yearbiilldiforfm to come to Canada here in Canada for poultry feed Burks Fallsfand Parry SoundgjVAbOut 30 police cruisers EXAMINER ccts namely calf swinc in $3 33 ill Al lm iston The Great Northern Exhibition and the Kiwanis Club of tilllllgltl to report to the board on the wood are cooperating in support of Will in DtllOll With liit COllCIliillc At meeting held Band le Duntroon on Thursday cvcrtirigling the board for giving her the and presided over by Lushloppfllltlllll to represent them at characteristics of the various boy do have to tag 810nggomcclgnsiwccrgllplgl lliiittilicegcyoflllglllcold breeds and points 0m their an icy the organization of tth tluccithc festival stated that the chair Students to attend the circus be hen hig home that hoard ll ak The kccn CCnlli L1 Etta tagcs and disadvantages His two Clubs as wmplotm OHM mu 130 was more and Show jg womomd by me Jumor OfV com30V VS now much easwr lllSltVtVO to ith 3C ct tictlclda Wu tlltnlllolllil 1111 0th bouks The Science and elected accordingly Vrcport as well Mrs Rodgers gave Chamber of agnmmrca Vwas mm were agccd compc ibilon la so as dctVV primc CliVloll Bic 10 rficpgc pmmco of Canadian Animal HUSV Cu Club Rom walk SHIV in ivory mmwsmm MW of the 10 C105 the mm cxammatlons Just phoning to department store was Vy OVWv 0Sl 911 rm 110 01105 fly ibnndern and Feeding of Farm tier president Archie Currie ofi itll when she informed the mem for everything you need serVice supplied But fancy labels May He won tho convention yummy Vicmprcsidmt Jessie be of me mam inwmstin laces DERMATITIS lnnd acking parafn paper 601 over Ald Arch Verri 0f Pm mm me pmwwl mm But there still is many household iV IV VVL Whose mos are so explmmtoryV Hare Vof ollingwood secretary they ViSited and how well the wanic solvents which may at who nd that It would pay lopachandscpataleVpastcboatd 0i tang Haiold Bingham high school Another stundnd book out 3nd maid walk 01 slavnmlbmld was received It was van lacknmwuh Ination of me To copy mother and her basket glass 0F 111 Containers 1111 808i teacher Who was Ii candidate in mi of hm 3mg is Feedg md club leader encouraging to be able to state vapours through absorption at Mdlkd satmddy ltdgntchycmanandsgggiltiinylilsisgt mama1940 demon Wlmdxuv ms Pending by Morrison him has lien1 in ROD hanklm that wery Stude performed ms mcnl11llgtClrhmchWHhtmeslkmf gone into twenty editions being ingwoot presr cnt DOllllldtH her duties With the band in an illel isle lt31an one who still nds delight in Mt Loughccd IS native of continually revised and brought up 01b5 of Smynerv Vicepcside Comm mmmm and when National Health and Welfare as it James Wright isst club leader Collingwoodd Swine Club Milton lCAllllllllVly much pleased with the man Stayner pres Lloyd Somervrllehner in which every student con ease Stayner ham Singhainpton secy and Wm Grant Stayner club leader vicepiesi Elwood Cul Ross Beattic Junior Farmer mldumiHssistedwiththworgat ization of these clubs He was iii iroduced atmthcr meeting by Min Lashlcy as the newly elected presi dent of the Ontario Junior Farmi ers Association discussion took place in regard to the club pro gram particularly such items as of the calves and swine andtlicl seeding and caring for thc grain plot owned by each member It Was agreed that each of the clubisldk would hold their achievement dayi in conjunction with the Great Not them Exhibition at Collingwood in September The members will Junior Fair which has become prominent part of the Exhibition About onehalf of the calf club members will be showing beef cplves the other half dairy calves Most of the members have already purchased their calves and willhbe starting to keep records on th cost of feeding of same Each member is required to complete monthly report on his calf and send it in to the Department of Agriculture ctpal mdlnml $3200 53600 specf Barrie as well as this board and Collegiate in particular others will speak Fidelity Appraisals Limited make appraisal of the Barrie and District Collegiate and the Thorn ton Continuation School No action was taken on re lquesl to promise financial support ifor music festival being pro moted by Miss Rumble The board declined to grant per mission for closing othhe BCl at pm on May 18 topermit the lists female from $3000 toll l00 nonspecialists male fronil 000 to $3400 nonspecialists fcl ale from 323800 to $3200 The chairman asked Mrs lodg lVlJS Rodgers aftcr thank dangerous substances The depart ment has issued warning to work ers handling such solvents to take commonsense precautions since they are capable of causing derma titistoo common an industrial dis ity their conduct was credit to Mr Morrison stated that he was Liberal Womenaof Centre Simcoe will meet at Liberal Headquarters Wilson Building Barrie on Tuesday May 11th at 830 pm Charles Henry Liberal Candidate and MALL ARE INVITED mech Make HER Happy MOTHERS DAY the Perfect Little Gift HOUBIGANTS BANDBQX er Something useful something to keep generous flask of Fragrant Chanttlly made from1M Alliston The swine boys will each use pair of purebtxedweanling SOWS Among the 5000 Displaced Per sons brought io Canada so far have been doctors lawyers and mem bers of the other professions says The Financial PostglTheyre serv ing out on farms in minesthe But what then Many of these DPs possess high academic qualifications technical or scientic skills Can they 160k forward to their own professions With the exception of the teach iingprofessiottwhichlemandsrthat teachers in public schodlsbeBriiJ ish subjects the prbfessions would accept theSe DPs How could they QualifyBy satisfying the councils of the vari WWQQWJCQWJVV PORTEDoils and Dainty Lace HANKY $250 COMPLETESELECTION of Perfumes Colognes Dusting Powders $350 to $1250 DRESSER SETS in Gold Silver and Pastels $900 to $1500 NYLON HAIR BRUSHES $125 to $495 KOROSEAL MAKEUP CAPES in colours 65c LiBEAUTIFULLY BOXED gIFT STATIONERY WIDE assortmeni oflViOTHERSDAY CA See our many Ornamental and Useful Glfts for QIQEN OF THE HOME rgct aGay MOtherfsnainox of they and dont f0 Delicious Smiles NChuckles Chocolates Resume SOVDunlop St Opp Square ourprofessiOnalirassociations and societies that they possess quali cations equivalent to the minimum standards forgtCanada setby the various bodies WhenV Could they qualifyDe pending open the length of post graduate or refresher courses re quired to bring thenl up to the necessary standards and7 their ability to cumply with fall the regu lations of the Various professional controlling bodies GOOD JPOULTRY FEED about 4850000 pounds of sunflower seed annually and imports about 351000 pounds each year mostly THANKYQU The members of the Painswick Womens Institute wish to ex press their appreciation to the 68 business people and merchants who so kindly made contributions of prizes to the cooking school held in Barrie April and has been donated to the Barrie and District Memorial Hospital Wright withuMmy John VLougheed Richard Coxwlll be able to have litimediate contact with at the pianop cellection batted provinciaiconstabtes onpatroithroughout his entire district Fund TheHUnited Smtesproduces This event netted $140 which OUTTS HILDRENSSHOF Clothing andeccessorics From10 Minutes to IIflIIllnlloIljIlIluyHlVVr Built righteaii steelppclng names enameiiea in choice of calors Smartly styled with casyrlding comfort Chm miumplated tubular reversing pushersj stainless steel thib caps four and fivebovl lined hoodcrvrlthfm curtains and weather resistant Covers Twowheel bra es caiety straps Choice of blue martian andgrey finish Atwolnsone folding Gilcm Priced $3495 $3995 $250

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