THURSDAY MAY 1948 Years Ago 1m 313 mm BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA FROMA FAMOUS SALON to your the Egg improved Robwt LW llome permanent Belle mys Sum prepm ions 53 uxd in expensive salon waves Simple supb7 Slep direxuonsluesl lmplmcv menu It insure win more FOR MOTHER DAY PRESENTATION Us Make An EILABGEMEIT flom Snapshot at Marlin Enlarged to Site From the files of THE ARRIE EXAMINER April 19 1933 Barrie LOG Nous Ullly 34 building poxms we lgtltmtl in llzlllit between Jim and April 24 1923 The Jollles 1933 pm on Kmams my sinls wus hugcsuccbss Among the mwnbcls of cast were Harry lLvlss llowuld lell Hurry Barron COLOGNES of Dillincfiou CAREFREE 1252oo3oo matter No EXTRACT No 22 osmium cum RUSSIE SNAPSHOIS Think ol the mm of my and owning upshot in full colorInd with your own Kodnk Brownie Ind Kudo OOIOC ill Attractive Ernie Ryan Ray Hoover Harry Shannon Al BllckLr Tom Brown 37rlrlllikl3lcthcnnitw and Oliver Cameron interlocutor roudRICllARlHiUDlNUT Spula Wm was excellent Though OMBV PERMANENTHWL my was not onlin Cm of COSMUC countenlme 3325 Cokmdhxmk Om in 10 some czllioeists took advantage Rw In 31 available iv April 33 Bnlu1kml who was mille Conductor fkemm ollingwood run is moving his In al olllngwood April wml was duubh drowning aged on Kmnppnmm Bay Lpro school pumps Win jackmm and Jack Bmlnmt we dump mu Ml yum mm me My and mauled in the icy waters for 30 minmm before Clm Cqey md Sidney hekmn effectedV1 MAN with the help of othersf Anl noulicenicnl that highway No lll BALALAIKA SIROCCO would be paved for fly mllesl north of llm llolland RlVer next year gt Im Revolutionary 50 so Koduolor Pilmls photogra VH ys higgcslnewx Sincdiodak CHANEL COLOGNE Smith of the Toronto Globe Wm lowun of lnnislll told oLsomc of his curly txpolicnccs When he arrived ill lnnislil ill 1857 he was paid $ll month with $3 extra SMELLINC SALTS 05 MIRRORTRUE PROCESS com TO us FOR DETAILS of PHOTO FINISHING for the harvest season Ills em ployer Alex Johnston of Churchill teamed pork to chroy where he sold it at $350 cwt dressed Wood sold at $150 Coltl When the purchase of new flying equipment for the CAl was being discussed in the House of Commons Boys KC stated that the air force lit Camp Bordon then was as fol lows one wing commander squadron lenders llight lieuten Assure You Clear Sparkling Uniform Prints FASTGUARANTEED SERVICE torus COLOGNE 150250 LAVENDER venom nudes300 lAVENDER SOAP 453 Ioi 135 TRIO COLOGNE SET 250 DUSTING IVOWDER 105105 TALCUM sumo COLOGNE No COLOGNE NO 22 GARDENIA CUIR 0e RUSSIE SWIMMING CLASSES ls Il mall proper here In Toronto young woman to enter rock hll bit or Ilone Also is there Toronto where an In swirlqu lessons this ants ll Ilylng officers one warrant ulliccr 10 flight sergeants 21 ser gczmis 1i corpolals and 85 aircraft mcn Continuing he said If the figures We got in Barrie were cor rect between and 10 million dol lms worth of equipment was pro scntcd to Canada by the Imperial authorities and it didnt cost us aV cent Rural mail carrich had trimmer lln stronger here Taronto as you may have learned is quite conservative city Young women going Into cocktail lounges unescorted are are apt to CBIISC comment You can take swimming llntrucllon the McGlIl Street YWCA on Monday Wednesday and Thursday in June Monday and Thursday in July The Schedule for August is not yet completed Slmcoc foulily Brlefs in an lllltercW mu elbow their pay increased to $200 day and provide own equipment Bad fire in Ilillsdulc Frawley in whose store the re started was chief loser he being $5000 down Wheat prospects very promlsmg Bouquet lentherlc Fed crisp with dash of Vuauqiwl LuxrllcnlLl Crisp aml fragrant for You can choose your daytlmeeccenl SIOIY WRITER Are lherc any Comdltn mazarlnes which wlll LIC stories from amateurs Amateur or professional if you can write good short story you will be beloved of Canadian editors The Slmzlard Montreal The Star Weekly Toronlo Chatelaine and orrrd=fri1rrcairarm 11 lt TOILET WATER 123 lid Vnd eulle Lommuaon NH school in Coldwmernwm carried 90 to 43 TV SS Dan Shaw called at The Exam me omce on Saturday last to ask peared ill the 25 years ago 86 VANILLAPARTY fenmg to the drowning of Lhthwo NEOPOLITANTWO ELAVQRS Scott boys Vat Clllclolfitginafltigdtsht 28 Liigllfiltigimllie bgridgc had broken down with the pressure of wagfm in Which 5w rigiighinbsimt ll 3522 tllllioflo Willem gas making the approach to the bridge left his hfe fhP iheneg tvfndlinzmtgd bgfsi their ftherV went in it gym fatal all fects Dan reported another e1 ror was stated that Neil ShavvV $513113olgfthgoglglttve ills 5136 reporteddoing the job was sick and his sonDan had taken the comma and bum 1am bridge was ixplalirlgd Shaw lists as thevimd 3235 in The Examiner 25years before from any oI these Lentllerln Icents Tweed Miracle snottyhat and VV VV DUSTINGPOWDER 1250 125 175 sour SACHET 150 TALCUM 50M thlaunr SOAP 3s cake 40 ICE CREAM BRICKS Canadian Home Journal will all give your efforts reading FACE SURGERY Islhcre doctor In Toronto who does good lace surgery How frequently does to flee requirelllftlnn How long does It take What does it cost These are questions for pm fsslonal to answer Why not cun an2 your own doctor Plastic sur gery Is not so popular in Canadn as in the United StalesButslncc the war Canada has excellent plan tic Surgeons TRADE FAIR Whendocs the Trade Falr open in Toronto Why Is megcneralpubllc excluded How many exhlbllors wlll be here Both for Openingon May 3150 the Trade Fair runs two weeks Tile public ls excluded because this is buyers fair Both exhibilors and bu ManLtmshOdcarelullLanLtogilLl IlllllSlll BATH SALTS 125 in Boyne River being thrown out flood March was degrees colder than average with snow on 10 Vduys Work on reforeslly Lplantation tofstart on Monday at Antcn Mills with Billy Button in charge1f Bylaw to raisa $13000 3m miuwr rncsrrowonl Value l00 LIP STICK Value 35c WWW3JW THREE TO GET READY RR GIFT SET bl TWIN BEAUTY SET QyRicIiard Hudnut Itlarge alroibox of Du FINISHEEN POWDER ans Barry Fm Powder and PORTRAIT rAcg powom bottle of Foundation DOROTHY caAyupsmx Lotlon Both these lovely preparations for the 12002200 price of Face Powder 200 per dmn lone zoo MYSIN VVV By LANVIN FACE POWDER 5137 and LIPSTICK 1507 5009001500 UPSTCK 150 l3lilliys tin ROUGE 100 c001 sy murmur 315 COLOGNE 300 iiixaizrrgv usdw min rm W52 12150401 PERFUMES That willdelighi heart EVENING mus 40 15 100 150250 SHALIMAR in Value I35 Jury at inquest into the death of two Scott boys who were drowned of wagon and washed away in EMMY law vantage The public will be ad mllted on Saturdays There are 1000 exhibltors 600 of whom ale Canadian SULPHUR AN MOLASSES Ive been told to take Ihls prepar ation so that rwont feel the sum mer heat so lnlensely One pound aulphur Insponn cream of tar ur molasses to make paste Is it my good Cream of tartar is excellent and so ls molasses But one minister or health sald sulphur does nothing but cause an unpleasant smell and AMERICAN AIRFORCE TYPE sun GLASSES m52554 43 GoldPlated Frames Simulated Alligator Case 495 eilslrslilrnussllolis we Kim nrrxcn 215 lelvls lrtel Toronto Ont MIWDBMVMEMMWMMWWMmnimuuhluululiuhuhlluilw or jMothers Day TABLE VELVA PEllllXIIlE Illlll PASTE 18 lol 35 For NEILSONS 934th gt my CHOCOLATES Wm PananIVIlooz43loz79 Constipation Athth Hm mam Bill urination V593u2oo 90 VV VV PHILLIPS rauntnnvs In Fish Hatcheries of lionWiniii27 SINIAX IllllEItPAIER to 29 PEIIlIllElJIIVJEllI 1th 14 lllllIE 19 ixkruwsn llllSalIIVVIABlEISlM WW 777i VV mummnlswncmnow nllmnnllumnnmllmn In In givcyl My man makes it oh so 15 455 gsyooulmirnsl amlmlektuemfinevmmwv IIIlllASESI SR slin can us Buildsw iVSlurdyBodies amalgam Emcnvz loliliillilf Rell in Cellos his Emmanumulm unionism lt oah grid Skin Personer Um 3V AllcctionsV Mummnlrlnlmmmmmnnuiuwnm The distribution ofthspeclli touf starts as soonas Cree len and the freshets subside v0 010 FAG and SIM MIIKOE 13 sh hamhesb at thte ALICEBLUE provmce operat epar AWL Laniliitangegirgztielgol CHOSQLATES MAGNaSM illiggnstioi areyreldy for trans 100 Rlig planting in uitblWaers Many 200 P5I Of these hatcheries serve dpal BOND STREET and Add purlsemexalTplilogrrgsg lbw 6899 rso 513 alike VVVVSkelemn Lake 51d Sandfield must be emptied of their speckledfmlll 519 earlvjas AYERST FEE 305ible ht Sggslg rdgggfabg cobLlVER Vae care lt These trout had beenJJtaldmthe lll fa Talk 179 ponds since the previous 593 As soon as the trout have been Slime bass inth pondssuitalle nest ar av vr gt reproductive easont is over the young a8vWellath13e has coltEerlfilnglsn are remVed 8nd dglizufgng bas waters lice mom V1 ngerng out Vfrfoxl 3213 Vosi VV hatcheries areVplaced pa vacatedby thVebass and kept over pi winter In the Spring thesitmul if are readyfor planting as years VV VV lings some of them havan 81 STOREHQURSMbngTues irvlhurs Fri irom 830 lo 830 mVWednsday 830 mlojl230 pm Saturday 830 at ready attained legal size lhls in tenslve hatchery production is repnoductionu lollmll Openovery Sunday 12 lOSpdnV7lO9pVrme awnrallwzgdga WM gnu um