Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 6 May 1948, p. 17

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ill 11V lltlsllt of April 111411 PAGL Huh iIEN SEPARATE TENDERS will be received by the under signed up 10 and including 7th day of May 1948 for the putt lllsr of the folluuing Llllda That poll of =i lb Toxrhsliip ii tiio Silllltk intri giiizl sriibcd egthvd lilZJllti NH 13116 ll Us llxlt ls clnlAl nl on llfcw li1l ltliitiull tulingc Illll 111311 101 11 UAIlZl llllfi 11 Sltlll 111 III lzilii lriii OTlCEmTO CREDITORS NUlltIl gt iii tfii iriiitois iriii iii inning i1 against in IIllt of liltrcil hel lelt late ii the It wt Imiiitr 11 111 toiiiih of titliiii Ilkttlll lllt iiiii lrll 1M 1111 llt fllltl tli Ul 3111 Il Im to coil iv gum 11 to diliiei iii the mil il Ilul I1e11iitiiio foi tli raid Estate llnf iul iii diisris Iii of liii claims 1111 out 111 no line of the if iiiy fitltl them and ii iltl doti tit IIVttliltll lil Itillltll lu ili11i litili the among the liiiViiig lt of Which 11 17 iDi Iftfv 111131 1101 lllHl iiAriiii 1iii iii runny1 111111 lay of iul 1311 illZIll SliIWAlZ intro liiiiio Suliiitiiir to IIcitl 11172111 NOTICE1 TO CREDITORSi NUIICII litllllv giieii tiiutl all persons mixing ltlllih against the Estate of Altlllllt SAGE late of the Township of lnnisfil in the ounty of Simcoe Builder who died on or about the Six teentli day of October 1514 are requested to sciitl piiitiiulais of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 35114 day of 111111 after illlll date the IIxccu tiix Vlll distribute the assets ot the Estate having regard only to the claims of which she shall then have notice and will not be responsible for any others DATED in Barrie this ltlth day BUYS llzirrie iit llittlll BUYS 3v 13 Owen St Ill21b Solicitors for AUCTION SALE Farm Stock Implements Household Effects The undersigned has received instructions from JOHN PRATT WH Lot 17 Con Vespra 21 Miles West Mile Barrie to sell by Iuhlic Auction on Monday May 10 THE FOLLOWING HORSES Bay horse 15 VlS 1300 lbs chestnut horse 13 yrs Hut lbs CATTLE Red cow yrs calf at foot red and white cow ti yrs call at foot red cow yrs due by date of sale steers ing yrs heifers rising yrs calves ltl months HARNESSTSETdouble harness with heel chains double set short tug harness set single harness double set driving harness horse collars IMPLEMENTS Etc IllH bind cr tift cut Ictcr Hamilton seed drill MH mower Sft cut Deering hayrake 1011 11 hp gasoline engine pump jack IHC hay tedder cultivator 12 tooth 1iow potato sprayer North of 31th tirade viicctcd 111 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the isth of Ilf IAII IRVINL deceased mi ilil li1c iclr UH t1 1511 particulai UtltiLxl 114 inlet III litlulu Itslo iftei ill iniuins t111111 lfut till illicit Hciiut notice DATED it 1115 1948 The 1oioito lilo 111 pointioii 31 In St Uni diiiistiito 11y Maloiii iriii Moutgoiziviy iiiiuir loi oilii MORTGAGE SALE Valuable lLirni Property in 1111 loyinship of espra in the hunt iit Slimor ii iilm of 111v limcrs il 5113 ioiitiirii 111 ttl lain iiiniiiuigc iii lll lvc ii luced at the tune of ili will llt lllllllLl lorsalr by lulilii uction on Saturday the tlth tlLH of May 19111 11 oclock at the Queens Hotel llairlc the zigiliiw no lands and pieiiiizc iiiiel 111 the lownslzip of ipii 111 111 touuly of SlllJUl iiil lltlll ltilli liulei and llumil til lul lllltiitii 1111 Ill liu it the tll Vicpia lliiiv the llllllltll 1min and tlltlllltl housi lllll liltlptll lll lNHlllllll loi illt htllllitl lll lttll Dill litiits 11 lli Salt ltn llll tllll ol Illt purchase nioiiiy Lll the tune of sale and the balance lllllll Illlll days lierixiftcz For further terms and lais apply to SIIIWARI SIIIWARI Solicitors lot the Moitgagec Barrie Ontario llntitl April 151 AUCTION SALE Household Furniture and Effects The undersigned has received instructions from Mrs Gertrude Archer lBSyCollier St Barrie to sell by Public Auction on Saturday May THE FOLLOWING Studio couch upholstered in wine velour studio couch bed rust shade as new occasional uphoIi stcred chairs rust and green shadez box couch upholst ed in cietonnc occasional rocket chest of diii crs painted white enamel dinette suite comprising dropleaf and chairs kitchen table kit chen chairs Findlay oval cooki stove with warming shelf and iei servoir Quebec heater large sixel kitchen cabinet 9picces diningl room suite solid oak tripod fern mophong record cabinet with tit records mantel radio tube liday kitchen clock pairs homespun drapes pairs silk reppdrapes wine shade quantity lace curtains cleaned number of books and pictureszg congolcum Gold Seal rug llet coiigoleum Gold Seal floor co crings 9x11 congoleum Gold Seal rug 15x91 Silverware lust ll lownshiii toiiiiwsioii Ill llllltll 1711111 Glassware and Ca teringuimhwvd Wknivcrantl forks Roge silverp never used doz salad fork vcrplated 10 dessert forks plated number of teaspotms loz fancy glass salad plates dozj fancy glass ice cream plates case pie peaches gal tins crushed pineapple gal tins green beans and asparaguScuttings lbs bulk pudding powders coffee ZOOcup cap new restaurant counter chairs red leather uphol table itisl shade 31LAID111ANWA1 lMEREDlTHWAi tank THE BARRIE Exam imam ONTARIO CANADA 136an iiL 21 in st All ll SCRATCHES 11 xluitlsc full puriticularlyi Children mEi Inn much ifI iotpt skilful iiitor will IIFSIuld kt lld be Llcuiilerl of screw avi Nt lkbfli ftiLi ud n3 ti no1 iutics it Did ks humfl uiili the dutlut ti xdrl 11 the lloltlt to tie strength of thiii nations of that 301 are LiEldliiilt iii APPRECIATION Elliil Vltlsllil id 74 lt ili Ll llIlIVllI Yuoiiu lij if llllll iilliiiii ll llttlil 51 Li ii Ill lllllt Iii It iil llti 2i li iitiiiia ipiil 211 txw1 ll llir itiltit linugil iizi uniqu llt iii IlIlal is Viitiiiizi lElltl 1ii llllil lllt ltdml Alli Home on pril iiiil ili tllltl 1411 il MVUIIHIUN A1 lIHIHJl 111 11111 ill 11 Allkillllllrll IN 11 iliillil 11 111 llll rt toiiu tlu liiiinl Vic tiiiin 11 pi linllil iiii 1111 1911 lti iiut Mir llillltllllltl tuiiiii lioiiliii daughter iltlllIll the Royal ic torizi Hospital liuiric on May 111111 to Ali and ill ILluytl lc lticll Ill lIitllii 51 Still 1til the lit a1 ltltllll Ilos pitnl llilll on Iuy 11118 to Mr lllltl Abs liigu Iltj lliiiliiiiouiit Ilondi loroiito son IARKICII Hospital 111111 to Parker Victoria on llll 30 Mrs Ii Vair 21 Vic April the Barrie Mr and llltL Marion liarlot St 2i son lltKlCRlXG the Royal toiia llospital Barrie on 28 15148 to Mr and Mrs Pickering Shirley St son SAUNDERSWAt the Royal Vic toria llospital Barrie on May 1918 to Mr and Mrs Ross Saunders Duiilop St son IRACILY At the Royal Victoria Hospital Ilarric on May 15118 to Mr and Mrs Ken lracty Elinvale No daughter Roy a1 LAMBERTAt Cundles Ont on May 11118 Fanny Lambert ol LamheLL 1121 years Interment in Thorn ton Ccmetery May The Highlands Berczy St Barrie on April 29 1918 Margaret Gardiner be loved wife of Allan Laidman and mother of Miss Marjorie Laidman Brantford Interment Barrie Union Cemetery May Becton Out on 15118 Charles Meredith nTc in St Stroud May April ago lamc Ccnieler lSllEARDwAt Cundlcs on May 1918 Mary Elizabeth Wilson be loved wife of John William Sheard iinswick age 59 years Funeral Friday at pm Inter mrnt St Pauls Innisfil SHEIZEIERDAL110F hOmC Bar rTe on April 29 1948 Mary Es ther Essiei Clements beloved wife of Alfred Shepherd and Sillv 111 liiillltil1 Illilllt shall keep it Airs iiiiii neighbors mo ilir Ivy Telephonel on Saturday icrivi SERVICE MEMORIAM hwr l111lttllllln pltilltl foiittisi iieuioi of my only bro licllnll Lloyd 111411111211 Sgt ll isom Illtl llliiugiiii died accidentally lIl titintuit May ti 1915 itrl lll llollatitt liiiii on Law passed dear liiil siiiit you were called away 11oz tll do ieiiiember llan siii and weary day lleiip 111 my lieait lies picture till loved our llitl ltl lcsl llttilllt you weie one of the best Lovineg ieiiieiulieretl by his only sister lloiiaii llliltgtltllll lll pioud ltilfl iiicuioiy of our dear only son 1198321 Sgtll Lloyd lilloughb died itNideiitally in Heinionv lziv ll 1945 Nowi buried in lliilltiiid Just When his hopes were brightl ltllky 35mm Who W313 01 familiar players had portable radio on his est In pride of his iiiziiihood days The life he hiid planned was shortened 11y lifes mysterious ways iod gave us strength to bear it ouriige to fight the blow For what it meant to lose him No one will ever know Each time we look at his picture So young so brave so trite There is no wonder our hearts are aching And longing dear Lloyd for you Sadly missed and ever remem bered by Mum and Dad 19p IN MEMORIAM HEARDAIn loving memory of our dear mother Sarah Jane Heard who departod this life May li 1946 011 we think of you dear mother And our hearts are filled with pain on this earth would be heaven Could we hear your voice again Two years have swiftly passed away But still We dont forget in the hearts that loved best Your memory lingers yet iEvet remembered by daughter Lida and son Wilfred 19b mi HEARDIn loving memory of my dear grandmother Sarah Jane Heard who departed this life May 1946 No one knows how much miss ybu 77 4w No one knows the bitter pain have suffered since lost you Life has never been the same In my heart your memory lingers Sweetly teiider fond and true There is not day dear grand mother do not think of you Evcr remembered by 191 Grandson Burnest SMITH1n loving memory of LOCAL NEWS 1113 RECOMMENDED Acitffltfii11113 dfmul Jr 1718l Bully Nixr Shop ever Olympia Restaur irit lulu11 wave for $350 Camerons RISTS ARE STRONG Triiiii 4484 5111iil lhorwbilt work shoes it and Lisgtlsllllg them in put1111 lllt which ilziiiizigiilfil lflpllioiie soar litpel llall All are Welcome and plutt il itllttll Crib 11 you luluV now $795 Evening appoiiil up Elma Speak pay mg Smm Allandak iills llmnils Shop opposite Queens Hotel IOpIAlurys bingo hold Ihiirsday Apr 1311 and League lprevious evening reduced the at ix3 1mm pmpprmis Humpd at illuiiles called out listened to Foster llewitts broad cast it the same time lstoie on Bayflcld Steel Ettad been son will be given in the Collegiate auidtorium at DJ sharp ested in THURSDAY MAY 1948 ROOMS AND BOARD FARMS WANTED Eiiic mam third il to 11111 DAIRY FARM itchD Highways ll of U11 uf llLal 1m client fmin To Wiitr Ellwood llldck Yarn lszosei It 11 genu1 Shout Ila 111M114 imam 1219bl m9 12519 FOR ORDINAIION 11111031 AND BOARD for Aiianttale luxt iziivopcii for Cm Sim Ur Sin 51 Brock St tlvkc Ill 4113 lOlypztvj Prrbtly Ur The Duncd $51011 iChurch of Canada held in 1111118 POULTRY AGENTS WANTED WE BUY all types of poultry Call at yuur dooi Box 11 Barrie Ha cm 40c camerons Eric Arthur 11c11wairi of Barriei was recommemleii for ordination Zmlby the Toronto Confidence as ulMAN AA5111 for steady lfivlghmmm with hlllltllg consumers in SinicOe Conny permln I311 of The United Church oi iy Permanent connection With ltaiiaiia Io oiliii candidates for in manufacturer on Imbhil llilkklmb In Ildllllililzli3f ifir iiiiiiirtiy Ilul toatcs of Mnlgmmlvr Cuuwhqmy WNW Haw mutlvliduNkJ gxwgd land and Ivan Cumming of Butilughi 1va 51134325431 Mo W5 limlwi H1Jp lite Wen certified to college Acz trcal Que 4AA19v22bll lJzopltion on the application of Douglas Iioueis lied to iilothei anyuAhx Mu Ur Slum TENDERS 11 the world from urnlittiec1 as candidate lul llltl AI slim m7 Dunlnp wblininistrv was drftllvcl until litIENDERS Wlll 110 ltccthd the fllmivs duhV um AHWIAchoilld be inteViewed by the coni SSKWI may electric wuing at Innisfil ILuk Local oi long distance trips thw illlllItL on idutation and tudeiil Valhalla may by Obmmed from Black caretaker at park IIb call issued by the lottenliuuilti It vlt iivited huhmmg mm WN pastoral ihaige ifhnlllh tlii RA No ltlllltl niussaiily iiiup Lgva and LUIHNU James Dorriaii of Alliston in bi Alli thlk lllllvlllllv 20ml Bum mum qu unni tlti iiitstti was sustainidl Special reg $500 24th We can fill your needs wnhl Allen Leather goods POULTRY WANTED Highest prices paid for all classes of poulA by Our truck W111 pick up flocks of fill or more Mclmugle lins Egg and louitiy Station Al liston Phone 77 11 172tlp INDIAN 11111 Turkey Ranch We guarantee the genuine broad brensted turkey poults Our titr keys are tube tested for pullorum and are 100 clear and were headed by Keptt1 toms direct from Oregon lllt for free cir cular to Indian Hill Turkey Ranch Box 21111 Stayner Onlt lario 11771619p DUST LAYING Petitions will be uttipltd up to Monday May 24tli10r dust laylng in the Town of turrlc by the undersigned at the Town lerks Office This service is available to householders it ii cost of ip proximately cents ii lineal foot frontage per householder The cost of dust lying should accompany petition Petitions should not be pre sented for areas of less than one street block SMIlII Town Clerk today Vote of ippreciatioii was Itlltllttkthtl by the undersigned IIllllkll by two young Orillla upon his decision to continue tori and my crushing plant It moths damage your rug within Rania Indian School and as pastoi 13 hmlsm Twp NU lend new illthVllS DWI11 llie Presbytery ilaiiiied an evatr ransom ll1ll 51 19311111 5509 PC May at Guthrie church Rev lSlENDUR TA at Iaiiiblyiis Barrie and Wliittys bouquet of our exquisitcwmp 133M Uwill bt your song if you use lJlll 191 gt IWtll ani lamblyns Barrie Whit STEAM SIIOVEL and gravel 1911 by ll hblml rubber for sale Tenders 1111 be Special Gospel Service will be nu RN yum Huywunj1o May 14 for the selling of 1i Sunday May ciuigiiursi firllnltlh Meant alluvel good on ltlh another yeai as teacher LlI lllti1 in SW L01 Cm an Burk Wm Np Hi of Rama Longford and litiiuonaimniy WWW All Buy churches itlerk Innislil 20191 lUl gilistic retreat for ministers and Special Marie5 Beauty Salon laymen to be held on Dltllltlll HTS menu 15 5350 9130 $1500 CUM Hart of Woodhridth is WWRS Slippy Ml wuvks $5 Stleltlbl Hi llmne 2131 leblw ii Atlltl of Midland be lll Tl ltltlllSl Mtlllltl DU charge of the discussion periodslNt ORNshNO CALLOUSES or fragrant flowering Bariiii vi WWI filldtrVIlS orn Salve right along ppm 395 Hun35 MW wurship PMSHWmUe at Pisdcns Iliarmacy Cald small crowd attended the St MONFY To LOAN sllitlg Sum Allandall 10 19b slur YOUSAW IT IN HIE EXAMINER KLITRREX clears tip skin ail ments Eczema Itch Piinples Psoriasis etcquiekly effectively Ilave better complexion Iwo Murphy and harles current rates mortgages purchased Slllllkllls Htlllml Slltmit TWO 3L $1705 5111 51011 All frug lllnu Hmk 013193 gisls thlwltib Catholic larger 1111 The Womens WW NATIONAL iiousmo loans build zlltlulltt fan at the BarriePort Arthur BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES SAY YOU SAW 11 lN THE EXAIHNER with the names ofthe No wonder hes happy lap He watched the play and RESTAURANT equipment coin plete with 18 counter and back bar 12 booths Formica top lablcs Complete fountain with 2t gallon ice cream 11 syrup pumps Sinks and compressor modern stools entered through rear Window real bargain prysonvs Grin tash totalling $33 was stolen Barrio Phone 4271 29Btfl Police are invostigating and sus peel group of local boys PLANTS AND FLOWERS At Tuesday evenings meeting of nunit Lodge No 113 IOOF vim mm Grand Bro William Rusk was pre sented with 55year jewel Bro Rusk joined the Oddfellows in 1192 The presentation was made by Bro Horace ColcswDDGM Wlhe annual piano and vocal recital by pupils of Jessie Bry liist lhursday morning it was discovered that Urrys hardWare STRAWBERRY PLANTS for sale Improved Sznator Dunlap and Simcoe strawberry plants $150 per 100 128 Codrington 51 Bar rie 27191 RASPBERRY CANES Improved Viking very early luscious and hardy Improved Senator Dunlap strawberry plants Wm Lang man Elmvale 2748201 GOVERNMENT certified raspber ries Wonderfully productive var ieties SlrawbcrriesScnator Dun lap Kelloggs Premier E1gin Fair fax Valentino Free descriptive price list Galbraith Mapledene Stayncr 2715201 Tuesday May 11 All those inter inusic are cordially in vited Cards may be obtained from Miss Bryson 1819b Gertrude Archer licensed ca terer is glad to tell you that af ter May 15 she will be in new location at 30 Penetang St Phone On his tractor is protected with 4235 We cater to your wedding receptions or other parties spec ializing in fancy sandwiches and icing wedding cakes 19b Past LieutenantGovernor Sam Wilson of West Toronto was the speaker at Mondays Kiwanis meeting He is chairman of the LOSTSingle strand of pearls on DlVlSlon Extensron Committee this Saturday between Tamblyns Drug ycaranghcncsto orgELizcQnL91 svewandWowe 3ireiephone AM more new clubs in Simcoe Countywog 171gp new member Bruce Nesbitt refrigeration service was wcl bDNE SECIION ofd Rarrowlest ed im the c1ub ctwceh arrie an men com Finder please phone Lloyd Thomp son sou21 1719p irn BROWN LEATHER WALLET lost THORNTON containing sum of money license abate Finder please phone 81121 May Barrie Reward 171911 de Coop 0115 to choose from Gun Top tirade Blended Oil cmpEmniun With Additive Which inhibits Oxidation and Corrosion LOST AND FOUND SAY vou ssw EXAMINER MANS RAINCOAT LOST blue gabardinc about 11 miles west of Stroud Ph 33114 Stroud 1719p both widely acclaimed by cooperative members in all parts of the province if Order through sets drag barrows sec heavy steeltired farm wagon top buggy cutter set light sleighs set sloop sleighs farm wagon and rack turnip drill Oliver 2furrow walk ing plow Cockshutt 2furrow walking plow Flcury 21 walking at pm plows Flcury turnip pulpcr cir Milne Clerk cularrsaw and mandrel lBUft Slcssor barn rope and car sling ropes lllb 200011 barn scales fanning mill with baggeij grain bugger wheel barrow 1110 cream separator nearly new GRAIN AND IIAY 301 bus Vic iiiother of AlfiedC and Joseph ine Mrs WGiiffilhsl in Mr and Mrs Frank Lennox and LADYVS TWEED COAT bmwn daughters from Mono Mills spent lost between Big Bay point and Sunday Wllh M1 and Mrs Barrie on Monday Finder please 14911110115 phone 36712 Reward 17l9p More than seventy ladies gath rerdat 1110 home of Mr and Mrs IOSTBarriev Tuesday evening Elwood Bone last Saturday night black leather wallet containing in honor of their only daughter small sum of money motor ve Lucille who is to be married hicle ownership and drivers lia shortly very interesting proCEIISGS Finder please telephone gram consisting of contests read 3009 ings and ladis trio was given vhf after which Lucille was presented YEAROLD RED HEIFER with alovely coffee table end dear husband and daddy Geo Robert Bart Smith who pass ed away May 12 1946 Time changes many things But love and memory ever clings Ever rememberedibyW 19p Wife and Children SUGGIn loving memory of dear husband and father Albert Sugg who passed away May 19447 EVPI remembered by 19b Wife and Family stored chronic trim in goodcon dition gt hr With your Interment St ThClC W111 119 milll Hill 11 Johns Cemeterv Norway May ticlts too numerous to mention No reserve Terms cash Sale SERVICES BARBIE SIMCOE DISTRICT coop DIAL 2429 Auctioneer lNGRAMWilliam Ingram iand daughter Kathleen desire to express their sincere appreciation to all the neighbors relatives and friends for the many loving ex tory oats cleaned for seed quan tity of hay Quantity of hire Forks shovels chains double 71r7es andonanymthcr articles 100 numerous to mention All will be sold without re serve as the proprietor has sold his farm Terms cash Saleat pin Sproule Auctioneer Phone Slroud 23111 GARBAGE fTherGarbageibisposalakrea for thelown of Barrie will be oneni Monday to Friday am to pm and on Sauna day from tun to 11 ThgiDumpiiigofGarbage or Refuse outsidyethe fence sura rounding thcLand Fill Area is notpermittd SMITH TownClerk INTENTION Exprienced Insurance or Ap pllance Salesman Permanent position good futureUnless i=1 you like selling do not answ erthiS advertisement yDe pendlyble gmen Preferaloly married Must have carTGet infbusiness for yourselfNew Ev invention notgsold in stores We make our Vowu product Wej sell our ownproduct No imi tment required last month made household IlllnT singeing shampooing in the said said zone is hereby summoned meet riTthe Knights of Columbus QMTARJO rThc Barbering Industry BarrirZone WHEREAS the Minister of Labor has designated the Town of Bar rie in the Province ofOntario as zone for the BARBERING IN DUSTRY whichhe has defined as llwoplpdoneLhy shaving or trimming heard or moustache or dressing hair Cl giving it facial massage iri scalp treatment and tab honing or stropping razor ex cept where performed in barberLLSHEPHERDMFI seheels licensed by The Industry b1 cutting trimming pressions of sympathy and for their kindness in so many ways in their recent sad bereavement in the passing of dear wife and lloving mother Also loRevL ST Paisley for the words oflcomfort and consolation t6 their sorrow fing hearts and to Dr Shannon land Nurse Robertson for their kindness and care of their fear one of Bradford lifelong friends of the family for their arrangment meondtrcting the funeral cortege 1915 LOVEThe relatives of the late Mrs John Love wish tothank the nurses andstaff of the Royal Vic toria Hospitarfor fheir kindness during her lingering illness 19p Shepherd and EalmrBoard under The Ap prenticeship Act and has received petitionrrequesting conference of theemplyers andcrnployees and family Wish to thank their many friends relatives and neigh bors for their many kindnesses and floral offerings durinLt recent bereavementMr Shep in the said industry and has an thorized the Conyening ofsuch conference NOW THEREFORE TAKE NO TICE that pursuantIto the Indus trial Standards Act PAS01937 Chapter 191 conference of the employers and employees engaged industry within title Hall Barrie owns 011 Monday May 191948 at the hourof 800 in the eyeningfor the purposes of investigating andconsidering the Conditions of laborand the prac tices prevailing in the said indusi try and for negotiating and subi mining toithe Minister of Labor schedulepursuant to the provis IODS of the said Act gt AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that such schedule may contain provisions fixing the prides which moy he charged for eachopention performed by employers and emE ployees in the Barbering IndUStryi and subject to the approval of the Industry and Labor Board and the Minister of Labor the Lieutenant1 Governor in Council may declare 99 tsuch schedule shall be binding all employers and employees in such industry WhICIl includes all persons in anyway engaged or employed in the work or oper ations included in such industry DATED AT TORONTO this lst day of May 1948 iCAS DALEI Minister of Laban her Josephine and Alf 19x ySPEIRSMrs Clifford Speirs and the Speirs family wish to express heartfelt thanks to their many friends and neighbors for their kindness and Sympathy during their recntsad bereavement al so for themany acts of kindness shown them duringVthc long 1114 ness of laying husbandand bro ther 19p ch for ction fllRESSMAlNG sustains DRESSMAKING 82 MarylStroet Barrie AlsorrF Kilkenny and Son and WICKLUMIn loving memory dear wife and mother Eliza Wh Wicklum Two years have passed and gone Since one we loved so will Was taken from our home on earth With Jesus Christ to dwell The floweE on her graveiive place May wither and decay But the love for her who sleeps beneath Shall never fade away Ever remembered by 19p MiKWicklungean Ivan WICKLUMIn loving memory of our deanmother and grand mother Elizabeth Ellen who passed away April 28 1946 Deep in our hearts lies picture Of loved one gone to rest In mtemorys frame we shall keep Because she was one of 11133551 4Lov1ngly remembered by Alice ndw FrediandAfamilyzfmfo AUCTION SAL Mond May IllJohn Pratt WH Lot 17 COD 7Vespra miles west and one mile north iof Bar trie Farm stock implements and thoushold effects Sale at Sproule Auctioir 1819 Fridapray ltBruce 1E iKel lough Son Lot 17 Con Innftsfil Twp 710 miles south of Barrie and one mlle east Highway 11 Auction sale of farm stock implements and household effects Sale at 12 oclock Rutledge Auc tioneer 11920x Tuesday May 18Credit sale of choice dairy herd including reg istered and grade Holsteins milking machine Zthreshing ma chine andr other farm imple ments horses poultry equip ment etc property of Wesley Hindle SH Lot 23 Con 12 Te cumseth Sale at 1230 oclock Rutledge Auct 1920 Wednesday May IllAuction sale ofh9usehold furniture cement building blocks bricks and mis cellaneous articles The estat of the late Arthur Sagar to still by public auction at the White Rose Servxce Station Burton Ave Allandale Terms cosh Sale at AuctiouEer Slessor 1920x able and cut glass candy bowl The committee in charge incliided Miss Louise Seers Mrs Lennox Mrs Gethons Mrs Altman and Mrs Watson Con Oro Anyone kn wing whereabouts please call Charles UI In AIR coNDiiioNiNGuNiis white markingxand ddzfirk steer months straye rorg ot mummime FAMOUS Bar 17191 STRAYED frOm undersi ned round April 30 Reg orkshire boar years tattooed in ear Anyone knowing his whereabouts please phone 2811 Cookstown or gt contact Harold Halbert Thorn ton 17I9p Maniiifuctuied By phone J0 DIGESTIVE SYSTEM Thejapeworm parasitic flat wormwhich feeds in the intestines of animals and humans has no di rie gestive system Notice in SALE Bx FENDER TheResirderice OlTh imeucuniinissi unset iv VA is mo NE Wffcriuivifvfmiwcrs jou BUENERS COAl SIQKERS 43 wellington Street West Alliston Ont centrally located bungalow consistingof llve roomsand basement Tenders will be received until SATURDAY MAY 22ndat pm Eastern Daylight Saving Time by the undersigned Solicitorsvjorr Itlrie purchase of thefabove residential property itsequipmentand appugtenances The property includes partly furnished white stucco fivelroomed bungalow 283335 on 1andScpedIotfndla onegcar whiteshicco garage The furnishingsinclude aGeneral lt Electric Rdrigergtona Hotpointthree element electric range built in kitchengcupboardsreplace screen andandironsidrapes glass icurtairsand nods Vallielectric light fixtures window screens and arm sashes forty gallon tank withelectric hot Waterfheater an 559 oil burner complete with 400 gallon storage tanksTliis house ghas hot water heatingarill fireplace Itis in excellent repair flnspection may be had on Wednesdayafternoon or by appoinb mrit Each tendershall contain the name and address of the tenderer and shall be accompanied by cheque payableto the undersigned solicitors for temper cent of the amount of the tender and the tenderer shall specify the terms under which he wishes to pay the balance of the purchase priceTheowner shall not obligated todaccent the highest or any tender Tenders and their acompnying depOSits will be returned to the tenderer forthwithvon nonaccept once To avoid early opening tender shall be enclosed in sealed jenVeloipeuhiaiked Tender for 43 Wellington Street West Alliston Ontar SlimWIND erEIwELD Howard haELbeen manufacturing heating equipment for over years and buff built up andxmnimulns alligth trained andveijcignt organization with engineering ability second to 410119111 our industry ulrlhehling specialists and are iile to more on the best posiibl installation to maintain heating efciency in your home Now lithe time Anyone interested in leasing above property in the event of to install your new furnace before theydl on Tm thesame not being sold should ontact the undersigned Solicitors lows amPlini 01 Eln ca immediately DATED at Alliston Ontariothe 3rd day of May 21948 MMYFIELD srgr BELL MMLEAN ALLISION our Solicitors form Edwin Wilson Barrie Ontario COAtiMISEK

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