Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 6 May 1948, p. 14

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THIS WEEK ISSUE 7925 Copies menus Ll CU IA DIME WAIA 85th YearNo I9 HOUSE OF HITS FIRST WITH THE BEST IN BARBIE mmURSDAY FRIDAY sarunDAY CONTINUOUS SHOW SAT 230 RM JEANETTE MacDONA JOSE ITURBI JANE POWELL EVE SHOWS 650 RM Entire Week No Advance In Prices Please Note Starting Times Below 77 lAJOLOIlt im3 loy lru waif461mm Warp Evening Shows 630 and Be sure to come early and see it from the Beginning Remember ThisSunday MOTHERS DAY Give Hr ABook or Famous Players Theatre Tickets IDEAL GIFT Now ON SALE AT BOTH THE ROXY OR GRANADAI GRANADA ENTERTAINMENT THURSDAY FRIDAY LilSATURDAY MAT SAT 230 21roPNorcH FEATURES rugW wmI rugW RAINER RAVET JEANNE cum rlllllllllllllllIIfllNNllllllleNlIIIIIIIl uvunvsnow Asses PM TreatslCartpon grid 49 for the playoffs Appreciation Banquet ITo HonoEWBarrie Flyers The Citizens Appreciation Banquet for the Barrie Flyers Junior and Midget hockey teams will be held tonight itTliursday at Club 79 commencing at 630 gala program Fhas been arranged by the committee headed by Ald Reg Ayres chairman of Town Civic Reception very fewttckets were available still at noon today so be sure to get yours 2at one of the usual hockey agencies or the Chamber gmerce or at The Barrie Examiner office Members of the two Flycr teams will be paraded at 630 from lEmms store to Club 79 led by Scotch piper Don Cameron His Worship the Meyer will be chairman There will be Iscvenpiece orchestra led by Bob Powell to playfor the dinner Eand also for the dancing which will follow There are to be number of distinguished guests of the hockey world although these names were not available yester day But it is expected that Art Chapman former NHL centre istar and now general manager of the Buffalo Bisonsand farm Iteams will be on band also Archie Campbell famed trainer of theToronto Maple Leafs who of Com patched up the injured Flyers The program will not be long but it is planned to be snappy and there will be number of surprise features Presentations are to be made to the players But above all the committee are anxious that therc be full attendance of fans to show thelr appreciation to the two Flyerteams who won so much honor for Barrie this season INNISFIL COUNCIL ASKEDTo MAKELICBNSE so to By At meeing of Innisill Council held at Churchill on May 11 pc tition signed by fifteen of the Township merchants was present ed by Vic Woods and Gilmour asking that action taken to pre vent pedlers of any reduce or mer chandise in the Township without license They suggested that the license fee be set at 5300 this to include all deliveries of any goods not grown or manufactured in the municipality Council felt that before taking action they should consult their solicitor and also ob tain some opinions from the rate payers generally ASK FOR TENDERS Tenders are to be advertised for crushing and delivery of speci fied type of road material to be crushed to ill inch or smaller and not to contain more than 25 sand Tenders to be in by May 14 NIGHT PARK ATTENDANT The clerk was authorized to ad vertise for suitable night attend ant for lnnisfll lark commencing June 15 The matter of toilets was dis cussed and itvwas felt that flush system could not be installed ready for this season so the Supt was Instructed to build some additional accommodation The matter of electrifying the camping ground and arranging for trailer outlets wlll be covered by tender TAXI LICENSES motion was passed authorizing the clerk to advertise that persons using motor vehicles for carrying passengers must have Township License Before this is procured there must be certification of ne cessary insurance The Township constable was given instructions to check up on anyone found carry ing passengers for hire TWO EWES AT$22 sheep claim was passed by the township valuator Lucas for Ronald Allan at $22 each Council has no alternative but to accept the claim although the amount seemed to be high to most of the members FENCE BOTTOMS The matter ofcleingiup fence bottoms along township roads was discussed The Road Supervisor advised thatithe Dept would allow subsidies on this work providing the fence was removeddoy the rate payer the brush to be setback as far as the rst furrow The Town ship would not be responsible for any part of rebuilding the fence This matter was brought to the attention of Cotineil when Camp bell Reeves claimed Township should rebuild the fence where brush had been cleared Most of the members felt that the fence was not the Councils expense TOLLENDAL CORNER The Road Supervisor was auth orized to acquire property at the Highway and Tollendal Road so as to round the cornerfTowifslp to refence the property inreturn for the land acquired Authority was also given to construe drain across lot at Cedar arbor in order to drain portion of the roadway opposite theJot Theowner agreedto the without cost to owner BUILDING CABINS John Webster who asked Coum cilabout constructing cabins last Fall asked if Couhcil had further pBDLABs $300 drainfprovidinthekworkiwasdonei decision ronithis vmatterlrlgwould Ba LDINNERSLEIochndup is if Sundays 12OOTNoon id 283015113 ponchocg mm of Me ROM0 MM iiociuzr AND URLING Hockey and Curling are alike in this respect at least that the teams are made up of an even number of players or are supposed to be In the Memorial Cup series just ended one really wonders were the cards stacked delib ermcly against the Barrie Fly ers Firstin the matter of players while the Bruins good team were permitted re inforcements and they were good too Barrie Flyers had to depend onthcir originals alone with heavy casualties to car ry them through Then as was stated by many supporters had twoman advantage for the full 60 minutes of each game although these did not wear the Bruin uniform What would the curling game be if such condition were allowed to prevail for even 10 minutes We venture to make the prediction that never again will the same two officials he allbwed twhiiafe Memorial Cup Series Jim Coleman of the Globe and Mail didnt pull his punch es and made it plain that he in common with thousands of others felt that there had been some pretty cheap penalties handed out include ush toilets as the build ings were to be used as guest cab ins inconnection with his hotveL He also asked to operate store adjacent to his hotel RESTRICT SPEED The Road Supervisor was in structed to procure and put iup signs on entrance to various built up areas in the Lake Shore district speed to be according to Highways Act TAX RATE UP The 1948 general tax rate for Innisl will be 22 millsplus those for schools and other Vspecral assessments The assessment 15 said to be upped about $200000 ltWAs found that the additional assessment was necessary owmg to the higher costs of wages and oper ation Two mills have been ear subsidy CLEANED UP BELLE EWART Erasmus cut ing passed unanimously inlune atThornton SATURDAY BIIII Powell and his Orchestra Admission couplCouples Only the opportunity of getting person marked to cover snow plowing which is to be Township share less Wm Ruffett who was appointed CoTinciI to supervise the clean ing of Belle Ewart streets report ed faVOrablyiandrwas authorized to employ man during thesum merto keep the streets clean and Council oicially adopted DEEP light Saving Time the motion be The next regular meeting oi Council will be on thrst Monday THE BARRIE EX BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA THURSDAY MAY 1948 COLLECT $65040 ON CNIB TAG DAY List Saturday the taggers for the anadian National lnstl lute for the Blind collected $05040 on the streets of Barrie Mrs Ineson chairman of the tag day committee said this was the highest amount in 11 years of INIB tag days Nearly 100 taggers were on the streets at various hours during the day and two boys who were on the main street during the evening hours col lected substantial amounts Girdwood is the gcner at chairman of the campaign and It Ls expected the total amount including the dons tions by mail will exceed 51000 BAND COMMENDEDl IN LETTERS SENT TO FISHER Dear Mr Fisher At Detroit during the Supervis ors Conference did not have an opportunity of seeing you but do want to pass along lllftlllllilllull which received from number of bandmasters who heard your band and also would like to give you the impression of your band as seen by those of us in the display room In the first place heard at great many complimentary re marks about wbat fine organiza tionyou have and how well they played These remarks came to Inc from bandmastcrs in various parts of the country including Florida Indiana etc am sorry that did not hear your concert but 1vas tiedgup at the Conn dis play and just was unable to hear many of these performances at the conference After your band had played some ten to thirty of your students canft in to our exhibition booth and want to tell you that have never seen liner looking group of students than these for they were so courteous friendly and in terested that it was indeed plea sure to visit with them and to give them the information whieligthey asked for They were so well be haved that not one of them picked up an instrument or piece of material without first asking per mission and can tell you that that is quite unusual when group of students visits one of these dis plays Last summer was in Toronto for the Canadian National Exhibi tion and heard number of the Canadian hands You fellows are certainly doing fine work there and each year more and more in tlic grand finale giviiNsriiBL snow AT BCI ATTRACTS LARGE AUDIENCES Vcii mes tlioiisapd persons enloyed perfoiiiiaizces of the we oizu annual Llons Minstrel Show ii tile Collegiate Auditorium on lfylay it and iloiiday night the alistai pro gram pnsentcd to the students jlutsday ind tednesday nights tlure were packed houses for the colorful and sparkling show The progiaiii written and di iected by Craig llaniilton moved quickly from the ocning curtain to Particulars of the program Will be published in next weeks Issue of The Barrie Exam llicl weather Chain Bright But Moderately Cool Nllllt comparativer cool during the past week the weather has been clear and bright High and low temperatures were llzgli Low April It 55 37 April 30 5st 33 May 35 29 May so 23 May it 58 40 May ll 60 30 May 59 0NDAcf LEA BY DRAMA CLUB Ar LIBRARY HALL Tllf final performance of the Barrie Dianui Club for this season was staged in the Library Hall Ilast Friday night when two one aet plays were presented Threes Crowd and The Devil Among the Skins The first production Threes Crowd written by Sara and 12 Mcarty revolved around the misfortunes of boy taking his girl to dance He didnt have taxi fare and the girl finally got tired of walking on her hiin heels and then left him when another friend came along with an auto It was then that the youth real ized the kid sister was along and he belatedly discovered that she was better looking and had much sweeter disposition than her older Sister Those who took part were Lynn Coutts llelen Nicholson Joyce Llndel and Ted Garrett The di Iiectorwas Mrs George Cadogan The second play The Devil Among the Skins was draina tization of the 15th century folk ltalc Big Claus and Little Claus from Grimms Fairy Tales While tcrcst is seen Perhaps this year when come to Canada willhave ally acquainted with you FRANK REED Central Div Sales Manager Conn Ltd Dear Mr Fisher cannot say too much in appre ciationorthewiinrbandwhich Raikes HmvethartridgeTWilfre you brought to the conference They played well and reflected credit on the Barrie High School and their community May ex press myv compliments to the Chamber of Commerce who sup port your fine group and sent them to us hope you and your associates felt that the trip was worthwhile FOWLER SMITH DiVinil Director of Music Education Detroit Dear Mr Fisher Congratulations on the wonderful program your band presented for the Music Educators National Con am sureyou and your band were impressed byttyhe con sistent applause following the con ference cert in Canada continued success GRAHAM OVERGARD Wayne University ROLLER wanna f5BeSifi Adultsl It Was great show and We are all very proud of whats being done Best wishes for your SKATING TUBSHHHsmsarr 830 to 1030 Specialrtskating period for Children Say tumours 35 the woodman was away his wife was baking meat pasty for her wlfriciid the iillei farmer ar rived seeking shclter for the nightl but was turned away On account of the rainstorm the woodman re turned unexpectedly and he wel comedin the tanner Meanwhile the miller was hiding in trunk The characters were Elsie Prissick and Sandy Coutts The play was directed by Mrs Wilfred Prissick Directingthc work behind the scenes were the follofving lighting Noel Stephenson costumes Aud rey Gray makeup Rose Doucette scenery Louise Colley properties Gordon Eeswetherlck music An gus Ross staging KennethRobin son Between the plays an entertainj ing interlude was provided witha film production of The Highway man The lm was produced by the Amateur Movie Club of Tori onto with The Old Mill as the set ting Wilfred Noyes poem 2225 read by Angus Ross while the 1m was being shown IT ISNT NEWS One of the bulletins issued by Industrial Accident Prevention Associations this month to indus try in Ontario points out that ac cident prevention isnt news The bulletin states that it is not suturing BARRIE ARENA commencing sat May MINER Section 3Poges IS to 20 it IMPERIAL at THURSDAY FRIDAY QSATURDAY Family Entertainment lonely orphnnx punly ght for he problem in home that didnt wont himl dog mh WM WHITE WALTER REED UNA OCONNOR V0900 by llllll NANA Mm Showinci on the some Programme BORDER MAN with GEO OBRIEN LARAINE TOHNSON RAY WHITLEY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY Romance is on the spot In love affair tonlunny forwords Sllllltlb IiIii WILLIAMS IIIIIIIIIIII HALE on In If FOTfER you min 54 WWMJW Wswmzsmwy 2nd New Feature Hit EXPOSED AdeleMara RobertScott Adrian Booth but that it is news when infection develops and permanent disabili tyrorr death results Finally the in states fit isnt news when the stairs in plant are kept free of obstruction but it is news when someone trips over something on the stairs and breaks leg or arm Inews when saw guard saves mans hand but that it is news when the handiis lost thatvitiisr not news when safety gogg es save an eye but that itis certainly news when an eye is lost that it is not news Allen man goes to the rst aid room for minor cut or scratch and prevents infection Keep This Date Open Festival Concert of the Barrie Schools BARBIE ARENA Evening of wed June 1948 400 VOICE CHGRUS THE BARRIELCOLLEGIATE CONCERHANL Alteiiif All Skatesnew or carefule reconditioned TCHIADAEN 15 To Seeilhjelf BARRIE DOGSHOW onSARMAY15rAuDay Many rare dogs will be exhibited coming from California New York Vancouver oind other Centers Children under 12 isd Entrfoitting The COLLEGIATE GLEE CLUB There was an audience of 1600 last year plan welL ahead forthis evening 2nd OVetelrfans Dstyf and Vimy Night 7929s sFrldny 57tu191948f1 Sponsored By THE BARRIE CANADIAN LEGION DINNER ENTERTAINMENT Program Starting at 700pm SPEAKER ROBERT saunpunp BOBpowBLLioBcaigsrBA Floor Show Featuring Rafferty TICKETS satinAdmission Lby tickets only Tickets on SalezI Bibbys Barber Shop Store Dixles Smoke Shop Club 30 Ilaictons Restaurant Align Yd Whittys Drug store Allan at ACGQMMQDATTON Jacksouls raga unim

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