Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 6 May 1948, p. 13

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PAGE FOURTEEN Wm Moore of Orillia Liberal Candidate East Simcoe Riding lr follow tiens pledged It moi young nay lnlllitlth el In file lliyl Manning iltcliwln hingr llnli Alttun names it Willitlltc it lllilt ul lln 1tILl Wwvrw wot GUARANTEED f0REVER AGAINST RUST AND CORROSION NEVER NEEDS PAINTING WONT BULGE OR TEAR WONT BULGE 0R TEllIt ram serrrnfng hounds back into shape after impact framed ltlon errrrii placed between two chairs took the tvciglit of BilSIb man WONT RUST OR NOT Neither snow rain nor sun will cause it to fail Tclon screens can take all year Wear WONT STAIN SIOING Say goodbye to ueg screen bleedw stains on exterior Dllllltlltll you say hello to Vcldh WONT STRAIN BUDGET The initial cost of Telon screening is lowno upkeep cost because it neverneeds paintiiig Ask for IvInsloim Vclou Screening at your Firestone Dealers sforc your Illlllal or depart nrmrryWuzfdcrs supply house Iac PNIIIINIIIftggstonteliiins 0i ciIIIIIIs No1 IIIii airzaq ll Zlictl moi lit oil no1 A5llllllgti enough tl Mr Cram Mt Movie to get around Ld 33 the lltllllL and talk to the pCODlt alum announce inl nciswizzillyflic warned the cantiil of letting his llllt llllf cute not to place too much imp0i nu ozi llllll llllilf1l once on hall meetings such as fluI ti tlIlZli11 was lilt to lIIlI ont ii oldwiitcr Friday night My Moire inc oIYItsi tiitind They dont mean much Saudi lvmze at exactli 030 pm 1l Mr Miller man of consideralr My Miltm til7illllltt in campaigning him Tm WNW 3h iseli He concluded by saying flu 011 117 upmwi llttlil had ii good chance to we ItIIW Walden lll pioviiictl lite ill Hlmg Bl dont lake an vious highlights of tlII WenI 11 11c lltl llllt one Sober lltl11l1S VICTORY though when ti and he wished Ach lorbcs another Orilliii Ulll friend Dr Tanner ttitlltll1ox and the party standard 1111 bIllli llt lllv llllt lllt only locally tie oin to nerd to bewide Slltl vaidcn who vxoiiivd that the candidate chosen Iwozld have to get out and vorllt ll id Wesley Iiidliopc nominee fiom Oio TII11I1I7 took onla few minutes to declare liiiiiseli oztl of the running We have good opportunity of winning if le all get lltltlflfl our candidate llthsllltl Illt IANNIIR tlillltAl In liiniici formei MII lni lllt lItllllLl said he would have llll 1liked Io have accepted the noni inzition but that his answer must Ibc no lie felt however that there was just as much chance of turning out lll government now ias there was in ltlZll Conditions are similar he said He then went on to censure the licr lress llernld for an editorial note which sought to lay part of the blame for the recent hydro fiasco on the former llepburn lmcrnment lhe editorial had pointed out that it was Mr llep ll1llll who had first cancelled the Quebec contracts some 13 years ago Those contracts were iniquitous and sinful and had to be cancelled defended Dr lannci Inciiibei of the Legislature at the time It took twoyear coolingoil period by both parties concerned after which they were rewritten in Imannei much more favorable to lflniario It was not the fault of tthc Hepburn Government that they were not put into effect In 1941 he continued the Government was warned that more powerwas needed although Drew and Challics stroneg opposed the mcsure Mr Drew in fact was Iciolently opposed to the Quebec contractde deelaredit would never be kept That was the one lpoint hedid keep in all his proma Ises In concluding Dr Tanner criti Hopeless wastrel oranother human being reclaimed for hippyaudiiseful living VInninecases out often the answer rests with ThSalJationhimyDayin dayouhe Armyitirelessly pursuesitsymerciful task of tcseuiiighumanjlwastage tilf of turning despotidcmmem women and pcliildrenvgrol Waigds usefulness happinssland selrespect Iainnualt appealIlliclSalvation Army alooks confidently to YOU It is YOUR dollars that make suchiwoirk possible it 75 NYE GENERousiv Chdiimejc PARSONS Treasurer illFOSTER Liitd the gieat sum of money in Nl Wm which he said had to or on by themselves 6xtl lit llioilglil Col Drea It time eriticizmg word of pinise for Faiquhar OI In the paity leader Nultl Illtl an cxuarden of Simcoe also zlucw his full support behind Bil Moore whom he cliaiaeterizcu logical llil to represent the part in the riding sidcration to the matter of running naire iutt cite rule in Ontario bccll pcm by the Drew 1llieill in advertismg the hy anti Ml l2 not enough on Ill Utxll plUllllCE lliAlSKS MOORE iii tn plCSldenl 1il Liberal Association sap out not intend to stand but do he itll the riding had tiny Inu qualities in Ins bitl Logiapliical sketch and concluded vitzi lltl lttl he will end this onemaul llllt ilillci Iceve of Cold young upwindcoining and the thing for granted he warned bearer III the last pioviiicialelcc lions said he had given great Con again but had decided the part would be best represented by MI Moore 110 has the ability to make very strong succcssful run of it said Mr Forbes feel sure be will get tremendous majority lll hillia and if he gets fair break In Midland and in the smaller con stituencies he will be elected he forecastcd Iouching on the coming election which he termed phony one he rcaffirmed his belief that the Liberal party has been and will be agiiin the great reform and democratic party am anxious to see Dr McPhec defeated as was last time he grinned bit Iiicfully in conclu sion HOUSING DISGRACI Wilfred Manning of Coldwatcr Canadian Legion zone commander in this area said that while he had been lifetime Liberal his posi tion with the Legion sometimes made it necessary for him to take issue with both parties He would however do all he could to help elect Mr Moore he promised Touching onlhe housing ques tion as it affected veterans Mr Manning declared it was the Worst disgrace the Legion had come across If been Liberal Government liad responsible for the housing mess would ask every Legion to help bring about their defeat he stated GOOD SPEAKER the evening the newlychosen can didate Mr Moore impressed the audience as capable speaker Tall geod looking he carried him self very erect as perhaps is fit ting for man who started out as rating in the Royal Canadian Navy and wound upwa lieutenant commander After thanking the convention for the honor bestowed on him he said he felt it privi lege to represent them in fight against Tory despotism headed by the greatest autocrat this province has ever known might say have not taken this task on lightly nor without thought he assured them But now that have taken it on in tend to devote all my time and energy to it and to prosecute it from now till June with all the ability possess Irvvant to impress on you how ever that this is not one man job he warned No Tory machine as rmly entrenched and well fin anced as the present one could everbe defeated by one man alone iltiS job for every one 01 us and you may be assured that will not hesitate to call on chry member of the Executive and every mem ber of the Party to assist in any way possible to restore responsible government to this Province It is up toyou as group as well as to me as an individual to fight this election and can assure you let me down Continuing the new candidate said that to call an election on the hydrp issue is inexcusableijmd patcintly purely political move 73nd oiioted similar opinions from leading Ontario journals He gave it Bill Moore lie 13 cw ooomm wlicic ltc thought the least noticed chided develop if the Liberals arc ie turned to power 111 June llctore sitting down the llilbl In by far the longest address oil will not let you down if you dont lActive in Collingwood Dr Maitland Selected DufllerinSimcoo Liberali flatlts lltlll of At the coziwtitioti the SilliLtiL illl lllliil Associutwn litld Iislon on Apiil 23 Ill faultr atitiul o1 Lolliitggtood ts tlttlxd as candidate and will cuti lc Liberal siandaid in that All tlltlLilvUlllltl ltI liecl lltll llit cyst of hung and benttit the IiiE tlitltliil Citlitll Mr Drew gtl or any to collect Llllullltl $13 it would TENNhing on social ccoiity leg islation or the lack of it in the Ilt Governineut Mi Itlooit said his leader had sought to iiitiotiucc bill to incicine Wuiknuns oir ycnsation bentills Iioin tlti pti cent to TTpei cent and to lttltlltI the waiting ptriod from seven to lllltt days This bill had met ill leaf he recalled but pltllfllHfl it would be put iiito effect if the Liberals are retinich on June Finally let me say this he con unrnot farmer but have never heard any iarinei say that Mr Drews lovermnent had assisted him in any way As you know Mr liVer is farmer and when Mr llcpburn also farmer was in power the faimcrs bcnc titted halve not the slightest doubt that the same llltliillull will Simcoe candidate said he intended to have the Liberal leadermakeonc or more speeches in the riding dates and places for which would be announced soon rlltl brief closing remarks by the chairman one of the ladies rose to ask if be Mr Thiilault did not consider the Clr laity threat havent heard any mention of them here tonight she remarked They have no hope whatever of electing member from East Sun coe declared the chairman Mr lhiiliuilt also warned of the necessity of seeing that all possible Liberal votes were added to the various voters lists in the short time remaining Midland lists of fcred the biggest difficulty In this respect he said as only the muni eipal lists are available In towan of 10000 or less lil li for the Provincialelection litvlltl on June Other iIiIiniiiatmns tlt Lmo ii past campaigns and hast illt had the interest of lhel lltlil party at lieuit dssea carried on It mine of lvlltlllllll Jiltl lolt Di tliiitlantl lio sutooii Libciiil lllltllV Kilt liL graduate of the University of at ycais in India having charge of lltlll hosital in the CCflllvll Provinces under the Presbyterian huich in Canada During this tin lcgained vast knowledge and tXiltlltfltt in surgery and eye In England he continued gicul studies until his re llls tiiin to aiiatla twrnty years ago v1cn he took over the practice of Dr Mcraul which he has with eminent success liver ltlttltl of improving his surgical skill he has taken further studies at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester Mlllll and the Lahey Clinic of Boston Mass Dr Mait land has been certificated as Specialist in General Surgery by the Royal College of Physiciansand Surgeons and is now devoting his full time to this Specialty and liyc conditions member of First Presbyterian Church in Colliiigwood he has Served as an Elder for number of years 1ialernally he takes kCCl in tcicst In Masonry being member of Manito Lodge Al AM Past of the Rdyal Arch Masons member of the Scottish Rite 32nd and also of the Ramcscs Shrine Always Vitally interested in the welfare of the community he has contributed generously of his time and energy to the projects of the tanadian Progress Club and Ki wanis Clubs and Served on the Municipal Council of the town llvcr young in spirit he shows his interest in Boys Work by acting as Surgeon Lieutenant in the Sea tadets RCSCC flood An ardent supporter and past President of the lntermcdiatc Hockey Club he has for many years treated the wounds of the mained in summer golf is his hot by and in the autumn of the year he joins the ranks of the Smokey Island Hunt Club out of that SgtClalliilll bull iztlIVt In the party ranks1 As strong siip ha giicn gitat assist oioiito lh Maitlanti spent sever Complete service with new frames Barrie Tent Awning TEL 4314 PASTURE for POULTRY PAYS Shortage of animal and cgetablc protein feeds need it StllrV farmers VlH make use of good green pasture especially alfalfa llcrc is the cheapest and most efficient source of protein foods available for poultryplus vitamins and minerals so essential to brooding and rearingqof healthy birds of or more years Hug gcslion sow alfalfa with nurse crop the first year removing the nurse crop as grain at maturity laslure with poultry the second year keeping it short and suocnlcnt for the birds BARBIEll four possible reasons forewhat he termed Mr Drews unwarranted will have to reacha tax agreement miuion Governmem reduced taxa One is tht next year Mr Drew with the Federal Government 01 imPOSCaPIOVlnClaliincomQAtaxfw he enumerated The second is that he wanted to get new lease on the office of premier rather than wait until anationah health he had rejectedlL iTlilrdwand pesslbly most obvious of all isthat 1htvislfdto havethe prestigei another victory so that when John Bracken leads the Federal Tory Party to another defeat the leader ship will fall intotlie lap ifMr rth reason he continued put to by Mr Oliver is thatvhis govern ent has delayed in imple the Hydro agreements as great as it is today REMOVE GAS jIAX Abolition of the tax on gasoline was one of the planks in the Liber platform Mr Moore stressed He saiddhat this tax dropped by the Federal Severnment caught by Mr Drew before it reached the grdundfl had account ed for half of the governments 25milliondollar surplus In other words when the IDD insurahce plan wasvoflelred and thenhave to run for office after tent that twoyyears fromfnow the Hydro shdrtage in Ontario willfbe but AWNINGS OF DISTINCTION Wide ranges of plain colours and stripe combinations lApcrts advise rotation frames orreeovering present Co 34 BAY FIELD ST llon and plant to Iioctl crop the llllltl year Then return the land to llltlrt crop and alfalfa Your nearest epcrliucntal farm and agricultural college have practical nicu workingr all the time on farm problems llll information they have gathered is yours for the askingand can he rcal liclp in increasing your farm earnings IIie experienced capable manager of our branch in your district can be of real help to you too He knows your financial problems and is genuinely anxious to give you practical assistance in solving lliciii BARIWORORIO Incorporated 855 Dranchel Nettleton Mgr ALANDALFrF Sunnis Mgr courier Aiqz 10 rsN IlMELXfSERVlCES ArAcombination PRICE CVIWIjIIIRLFIOAM MoroitlctsANour fl 47 bihuiyulfpoygnkllling deposits CHANGE rollsumac CHANGE To SOMMEROIL siittlicaunnnv cnacx spARkatuc cuscxoiiriiniks jctEAN mimm CHjCKLIlliES News WINDSHIEiuertRS CHASSIS tuBIuCAiIbN DRAIN AntimusCHECKHbssfcoNNscnous gt IGAAttUBRIGANi$14 CAN v77NY9PR$08090 DEALER Lfskecurruareassamz to stop trouble before it started VL FOR HIGH QUALITY TIRES BATTERIESFAND AC ES 59 In addition to famous Sunooo Drusiuel and two mu Sunoco Motor 13005 your Sunoco Dealer cprrieif completeline of highqualityres batteries and accessoriesQuerying Your needs to help keep it runningand looking its best rfnaiefnfgiaaoneasnormbushielqaiiamlo water fires motoroilaudbatlerylHe is proud ofs tbeappearaucenuddeanliuess ofbls stallions DEFEND our Sunoco dealer sells the best TIRES BATTERIES ACCESSORIES EXPERI iwoRKMANsuIP 41 Anirsilioetsioz lubrication is inortban iust it please if Special equipment spew Sunoco lubricapts lipeoisl ohmtrot yourjarhelp blind

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