Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 6 May 1948, p. 12

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WEVV THURSDAY MAY 1948 BARRIES LAST PItACIISING BLACKSMIIH Alex Scottyitmma 01 Ulkuui idv Wt Cleland has temporarily retired after 52 years at the anvil and forge He is seen here with pair of show horseshoes he made some years ago Mr Clc land won several horseslioeirig contests years ago and he plans to return to his trade after holiday visiting friends and relatives lll Scotland Britain Prepares For National Health Service Details of how the new National Health Scheme will affect doctors just been published Between now and patients iii Great Britain have and Iuly when the Act comes in torce every man woman and ciiild making rise of the scrvict Will be asked to make choice of doctor front list of practitioners kept by local executive councils For this purpose everybody who Old Boys Full Days KEEP THESE Sponsored by the Beeton Community Memorial Recreational Association For Sale by Jones Brown Co Ltd Dennis Fidler Allcnwootl Barrie Bradford Edgar does not come under the present tinallli insurance scheme will be given medical card Ilrose til will receive new card and will remain on their present doctors list tin less they wish to change Patients will have the right to change their doctors and doctor cart have patient removed from his list by giving seven days notice btrt the doctors of each area will be col lectively responsible all ticiits in that area TON Reunion gust Cl and Celebration DATES OPEN ready insured or pa w117 JIMVi IS Toronto Fred Webster Elmvale Allan Lefmy Oliver Wilson Mlneslng ll McCandllsh Shyner Harrison Bros Shout Bell automatically Pro ClubSiTraining IKE 3mm mum At Barrie Arena Mean Good Business Locally Midway along Elizabeth Street standing by titanselves are wide set of cement steps Thusul steps are the ladders to making Barrie more widelyknown town For those steps that thousands of people trample upon through the course of Winter lead to the source ofr this prosperitywtlic Barrie Arcrial When the large red bricks werel first attialgamated to form the thriving building lit the Spring oil 1934 few eitiiuens realized tiie value it would be to publicizing Barrie in future years Fewer turned thought to the dollar aiid cents angle that aided the trieri chants of this conimttnity To llln over the subject of pub licity Barrie rlS widespread throughout the Dorriimon for its enthusiasm over hockey but much more important for its courtesy This was experienced by the vgir ious professional semiprofessapnal prosprous and and amateur hockey clubs rliatl chose Barrie to visit and begin their Fall training Last year Buffalo Bisons Dallas Texans Washington Lions and Springfield Indians brought players to this ing exprcsSEd themselves as be ing delighted with the hospitality received front Barrie Those boys came from as far west as Calgary many places in Northern Ontario and Quebec and some officials hf the clubs from the Uliitd States No doubt word was carried back to their home towns about their favorable ini pression of Barrio To illustrate the benefit the merchants and business men de rived from their stay the subject mtrst touch upon currency lio tels of course were the direct source of this flow of exchange They accommodated the clubs for the one month and also meals were on their agenda It meant meat and groceries were obtained so the butchers dairies and groc ers shared in the wealth To maintain their supply of equipment numerous articles were purchased from our sporting stores and as it is well known players areforever interested in ncw wearing apparel hence to tthe clothing stures ltvcre definitely in the picture litre Whit Restaurants BARRIE FLYERS rosr nut Continued Ifulll page nine trilnl veins to drive towards ref erte Vic Lrndtprrst Sliovuig btrt not swinging hick protested the call violently much so that Irridltpust assessed linn With nizrtchnascontluet penalty During the fiatas flay Mayer had sneak ed behind the official and ruffled his hairftiitts placing himself in for llrlrttifltllltl Vlilllliilli IJISlllllllANfE Vexsit by the whistletouting liap IIrnnrs calllt ed lllfw boys io the bench refusing inconsistcntl Markets High value To oTovns Prosperity ibrary Nook 131 ARE emote Till HIGHEST PREVAILING PRICES mu DEAD on crucrrmo FARM ANIMALS HORSES CATTLE HOGS In but EllAitliljir Telephone ollcct forglrnmediate Service to continue the game Over the loud speaker mine the Words tlre liffltlills have givtii Ilarrr Just two minutes to icea team or the winner will be Port Arthur Tire crowd became riotous and as Illllllls ordered his club to play just ducking under the time limit programs and collie littered the ice causing anoe ltl lengthy tic lay liatcarr prtad the IlltllU politans on the tile and read the local gossip iiiilelliiiitiiy Sttaeli an llrunibed the ltilll of son venir program totally the contest got under way and Ilarrio held the Parts at McNalintAys bay titrlil the fold return to rushed willi habot and iezrguard Me wlieir lit Monsseau lson the lone Nabney stopped one inside the zone and shot when lson came over to check him Allis shot was wide brtt Mousseau standing on liabots doorstep slid the disk under the goalies sprawling body Adding new life Ilyitrs raCctl up and down the ice swarming about haliot and his defence like flies Shortly after Slraclian had made remarkable saves pit Ilaccari and Fern as they went in alone Barrie flew in four abreast btit attired as the rebound was pick ed up by Migay shooting it for ward to Iiewicki the speed wing er skated in on Iariepy atil shot once Straclians View was blocked It was the winner atlllll anv re gardless of Strachans withdrawal ill since snacks are often craved and the usual bedtime lunch is re quired before turning beneath the covers ii Approximatelyit is estimated by local hockey officials about $4500 was received by the hotels from the professional clubs of which more than half would be distributed among retailers The players themselves left an approxi Rayv Mayer lurmrnered mate figure of $1500 to the mer Ichants during the training period In moving to theArenas figures the early opening netted in the neighborhood of 32000 which early skating nights All this success may well be attributed to the artificial icc plant installed in the Arena in I945 It is valuable assgt to th flock ofbusincss men oth line our main streets Besides it spreads the name of Barrie over large portion of Canada and Igivs us free advertising which ordinarily the town would not be able to afford to place GS SENIOR somrrn MEETING WILL BE FRIDAYMAY The disappointing turnout at the Centre Simcoe senior softball meeting held lastiThursday night April 29 at the community house obliged President George Danger eld to postponethe meeting until Friday May atthe same place at it pin Harris Motors lastyear cham rpions RCAF and Prysons Grill soil torturicomplclcly old paimwqiipniieretc Epcotilillowsvbnitiulcklycutid iceyenlywllliutbtiumniurkingnnd3 is THEGR fmttiur hitherto rgdily cleund bamboo ill made in the news oslmoyslfnslilqnoble colon it 32 Sooyoiit Olldtlon Pnlnt but to ulch tlig nlroiinilbul mulch ltigcqlpr homo Vaultn in waifr smarts Becduioiidriu bullionhour onclhus no poinly odour Bocguge ilpricducois ti Wonder2 fully soft velvety finish gamma ONTARIO ing with the Parks Board on this OneTposslility is updlngcultivating iploying weed control were the only three clubs repre sented with no sign of CNR in the picture Rumors had Copaco and CGE entering the senior league but they were soon corrected when Bill are and Bud Knapp definitely stated that they would return to the Intermediate group Much idiscussitm on the possible Improvement of the parks resulted in George Dangereld and Wes Allsopp being appointed to contact Morrisdn to arrange meet subjct fTFacedfvivitlj an approachingEhor tage of tanbark caused by blight Anchestnut gt trees the American tanning industry is experimenting with new sources of domestic tan erd a1 mond hulls with 45 per cent tannin content sluts mm snout micron 5175 00 tint plowing billing harrowing ruiow plowing mg no power QkBOIIzThO toil dulsmndinbgurden tractor in the low pricedfield equipped with Gobdyoor Iim it yet with Sand for catalogue of our iuillino onoitt rowan toors ttMtteo Won Wk Gamings Ybur Agent II WIFRANIILIN RR1ANGUS no gt1 Amoun nuns Eon TANNING with one rnirittte left Ilyers tild not get in for clear shot LEW CKI SCORES thelfirst marked himself Barridfs side during the series II started the Ports rolling at 80 onds of the initial in Mous seaus pass Creighton got the first of his four near the close of give Bruins 3g the period to lead Flyers came in strong and check takes in the rental of the ice andled their tway 80315 by MCNab ney Guarda and Ray Mayer to pull in front momentarily for IBradley evened the score to end the second The stage was set for Reids hat trick arid the Owen Sounder appeared to for another goldencboy headline until the poor officiating inter vened It probably will be sortie time before Barrie club brings the laurcls this one has brought The boys have nothing to feel ashamed of They should still be in there we know but what is done caritiot be undone The fighting spirit Will long be remembered iri the annalsof hockey history and the feats will neter be blackened Its been ti long grind and sad ohe but it was taken by sports men It will be hard for Barrie fans to accustom themselvcs to new faces for they will always be ready to say if we had Gar iepy Meger Reid or StPierre then it would have benfdiffer ent Every player on the present Flyer club will stand out as cog in greatmachine possibly the greatest Hap Emms will muster in some time BREAKABLE COINS At the time ofEdward of Eng land there were no farthirigsor halfpennies but penny was deep 1y indented by cross so that it could be broken into four parts YOU CAN DEPENDON mam to 22 AIR COOIED ENGINES oiitiiejmm in contract in coal yardsjetc FOR SALE Angles Ptcgheets Channels BARRIE Vt traumatic 1ft Mulcastpr St Phone 37MBarrlti PORTABLB WELDING ABC and AQET WISCONSINc Flats cord notieas Thus letcki scored and lilSlfyOVBIS OI the game IdhidneytlnilJndexccssuric ncidrcmainle as the thorn in my ruse severe discomfort and pain SlimZ an Doddx Kidney Pills Dodds help your Bradley made it two before flashy hldneyx get rid ollroubIemaking poirns be headed mt gefltciency and vi GORDON YOUNG LIMITED BARBIE 3617 the fly ix the st til ill our itrAivs tn it the be raring ll WW it itu to 12 tins firini pint or It titn pt etlor tirder Laiti In in llit trumrg th lire tento lllllllll and st illit litlill out daiigtrozi il1tll tr llll Until LllMtivts and Utllli Iiarrte lliri ltcrtii torrttri ll12v vie =14 litilil tilt In iltt sticiiilri and lit ll fix near Itlllllt Llrttlil tititltll llliltitilrllt ho tlitlrv Hi its at by ruin If If lialzer liic brave rtl Ul Lil or tiitobiography tit llll lm 1i llirili lllll l1l and lie ttil Ma pat llls llzilzrlt llllllttl litl iii lttt 1ii ll illtli and Pet more ltri mil til iiv II than taiariy people tutti no in fl cal disadvantages Iii lllltlnlill al mare and tire enliiin Hit stale litiuld entertain uii lilt as Ill as adults Slillllls Ifltllll lir Ililtilds Iii iitil ml lo into it aiiadr1tr ii lliiiitt IS lllt ellttt If gr liilriilliiluill Wtl lili li tl in lV daurrliitrs in two bruntlo lirl ibtilo families As lltlll ur ll lllfll Ml lllllli stubborn refusal of thr li rain =i WC 1m hwmrh ML man in litttll toi and eo iri View llltllll4lltilttIElt1lli vl ly ruined ill on luilltllll iv iii tt liiti tli rli till it IHHHLTHICR 0N FIRST ritiiliii rblllt 11 Hit lillill lrilii LAST ItlNS cll Dioxide oti lll plalloriii tliev lllt lirt lilli day building iril lit Not mannerigineers are on hand one to gtlt their apprentice iiidirk IM Hum Um literi lllllllt ltll to do iii is Vi Ult til Motilital lliil llmll hull all illllllildlilil keep an old tradition aim llt lllt fti llllllt lll its tht climbed into the cal Jitli ti gt Ashe Nlt ttigillttl to title in Ottawa on the olatters lant lllil Fillyone years ago Mr tlit ur tirade iris lirst run as llltlllilll With Mr ole on the ariatla Ai laritie tailway now part or llll Chill The new improved ShurGoin Chick Start Licensed er has no equal Highest in food value Anetloneer Highest in protein quality 0W Highest in vitamin quality BUY THE BEST FOR LESS SIIIIRGAIN Chick Starter SHURGAIN Growiiig Mash For Successful Sale SHURGAIN Poultry Starter DIAL 3281 RHEUMATIC PAIN Rheumatic pains may often be caused by uteu uric acid blood impurin that should be extracted by the kidneys ll SHURGAIN Laying Mash Britiritr nutritious ll BELL IIIOPIA HILLSDALE FLOUR FEED kidney in good condition Get and use or PHONE STROUD 23111 and excess acidslipr you feel Letter What Dodds can do for you Treat rheumatic pains by keeping your rnonuctor GENERAL MOPGRS ifiiutomoiivo expprts qnd mtlltonrofmotonstyogrcer Heres why ValveinHead ValveinHeadisgiar ahead bcousejt gives on Is For Aludl inaliround outstanding anticipation of perfOrmance endurancedependability lurid econo Chevrolet ValveinHeodErigincshaiie provdi if Valves late in the iiailbfth Allis litteringmore billions of miles of =sqlisfoclionto morfe cylinder directly over the pisalonsi iovrnersoyer alongver period than any olhrpowriplonl built today 2letleInsljlead design provides 1hf intuit ofuelundrquitltcr and inore caniplpte exhauslvofr fChevrol ifsWorlds ClioimpingYolvorineqd Enginings qnollier powerful reoson why curvyorct ANoonrv CHEYROLET is FIRST mid hell Eem 4Vulye lHeudiEnginelInclusion And Chavrolet offers you these other maoradvarilages ofrbrgCor npce and economy c6le msgprsveh wdhvgafin or waesrCosi gt avowelinnead design painting mowererrfiongs engine life commotion Mid positivr BIGCAR contort or hiicAtt or FISHERSUNISIEEL iv KNEEActiou runs Action uvnnAuttc mm more compacl combustion chum av her means more driving power Valiie mechaniimir readily qccebiiblo IlcgAk SIYLING AND THE UNITIZED for the pistonsless heat loss service is extraordinarilyeasy and BEAUTY OF andlmuitimum economy economical IODY BY FISHER one 85

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