Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 6 May 1948, p. 10

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Vicepresident of 1111181013111112139 Mrs Frank Guilloer Addressed Collingwood SubDivision of CWL By Prcsident Collinguood CW1 Mrs Frank Guiltoyle of Barrie the Archdiocesan Councd of the Cathl Toronto Olic Womens League and conven er of League Organization gave splendid address to wood subdivision of the on the new League adopted convention in 1947 The occasion dinner of the was Collingwood division held on Monday April 26 at the Arlington Hotel the Culling League constitution of the at the Ottawa the annual sub record number of fifty Iiiembcrs attended With Mrs Byrnes President table at the head The chief Speaker of the evening was 118v Gallagher Chaplain of the ArchdiOccsan Council and pastor of St Toronto own knowledge cleaned Thomas Aquinas Church Ills topic Catholic Edu cation in the Home by copious illustration of through fifteen years work with ANNOUNCEMENT FURNACE CLEANING The business of Walter Bud Fisher has now been taken over by his soninlaw SAWYER To customers old and new Enjgy having your furnaces all types it was enriched from his his subject The Powered Vacuum Way NO MUSS Place your orders early AVAILABLE the Catholic Toronto Welfare Bureau in Of note amongst those attending were Miss Mdry Howard former pittlttpill Collingwood Mrs Joseph Bourrie Wife of Alderman Bourrie Mrs Christopher and Mrs formerly hcrty and Miss Sophia Doherty of the and many others of St Marys School Sharpe of Barrie Miss Du Collingwood Hospital Staff REV JAS DORRIAN LEAVING ALLISTON SUNDAY JULY iAlhston Herald After pastorate in Alliston of eleven years Rev James Dorrizin has expressed desire for change and the congregations Of St Johns and Burns meet in the former church on Sun day following the evening service to select 11 new minister from number who have been heard in the pulpit licrc recently Mrs Dorrian will go to Tottenhum United Churches will Mr and where the minister will have charge of the church there and that 01 Rich Hill The change of min isters will take place on the first Sunday in July the satisfaction of eplaces and chimneys NO FUSS Phone 5291 TI Singer SOWing Machines Are Serviced From Our Office In 77 COLLINGWOOD NEW AND RECONDIIIONED MACHINES 0N TERMS Liberal TradeIn AlloWonce ONlYOUR OLDMACIIINLS Free Service On Minor Repairs Phone or Write Your SINGER SEWING CENTRE 37 IIURONTARIO ST COLLINGWOOD EILEEN FARRELL SOPRANO THRILLS BARBIE AUDIENCE Ellttll FuIIcll Illlillctl Ilicliilnlz of Baiiic Conanunity Concert As sociniion Wlili her amazing so prano Voice and LLIPLlvhltllg pci sonahty at the final IcClIil of the 194718 Stlltn 111 Collier SI U111 ed hurch auditorium Iucsday evening 911111 The young New York singer who Is sitadin rising in Zlic music World wus 111 troduced by Ill Moirison OBE pitsltlent of the Bairic As sociation Sympathetic accompani mom was zcndcicd by Nathan Price pianist Miss Farrell and was song fire gentmus the insistent demand of the large audience Her first group con sisted of The Scc1ct and Bird of 111 oups III ciicuics to he lish followed by Verdis aria Pacepace mio dio fionr La Forza lel Destino The soloist was given full scope for her 1111111 ing volume in this 211121 In the second group Miss lar rcll 511111 four 1111111bcrs by Jo hannes Brahms the second of which Holsthalt was delightful its the supreme lyric beauty of the music with the swaying companiment by Mr Pricc gcstcd the winds The Nightingale were in English The aria Un bel di from luc cinis Madame Butterfly was giv cn full justicc by Miss Farrell as her major work before intermis sion but she responded with lovely encore Cyril Scotts Lulla ac sug play of the two songs Scrcnadc gentle last and by Mrsl Edwin Incson gcncral chairman of the Barrie Community Conccr Association spoke briefly after intermission members for their support She announch that membership campaign would be held next Oc tobcr for the 11118119 series but appealed to the members to signl up again 11 so that campaign would no be necessary In any case Ire would be only 11111 thanking the itLd number of applications avail able bcr Pianist Nathan lricc lemon stratcd finc technique and feeling in his solos Busonil tGrlffcsl and Poulcncl rathcr interpretations attention For her fourth group Miss Far rcll opened with Over the Steppe Russian number sung in English Hcr second piece was Rachmaninoffs Floods of Spring by Les and Cnrnaval for new members by clo of three Iicltidc lBach White Icncock Humorcsquc unusual music which drew rapt rendition Chorale The piano Berccziux Fourd followed tFainel rain Moving to the modern scene for her filial group the soloist sung the Irish air My Lovcs an Ar butus Ecstasy by Walter Rumt mcl If Thou But Sing to Me Clifford Shaw and then many of the audience appcziling Let My three timcs to sing Summertime then lovely Old Irish song and finally the popular number by ACCOUNTANTS PnorsssiouAromEcronv ARMSTRONGn MacLAREN 00 GEO RELSIE ABURNSDsC Fitzmaurice MacLaren CA CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 11 Owen Street Barrie 21 King Street 12 Toronto 24 Dunlop Street Etc Barristers Branch Office ROWE 97Dun RARRIST Dunlap Street Phone 2661 THE WILSON Consultatlon 1by Ooorgo It Brock Building 200 Bay 51 Toronto WARDlMAYOR AND COMPANY Accountants and Auditors WardE Mayor CPA 18 Toronto Street Toronto Telephone Elgin 6116 BOYS 1B0YS Solicitors Public Conveyancers ETET MONE TO LOAN Office 13 Owen Sh Barrie Elmvale BOYS KC SEAGRAM GLADSTONE CURBIE BARRISTERAND SOLICITOR lop St Barrie Phone MONEY TO LOAN COWAPI COWAN irirrBatristers Solicitors COnveyanCers Notaries Public Money WantedMme Owen Street Ross Cowan Registered Patent Attorney FRANK HAMMOND 311 KC BARRISTERp SOLICITOR ET MONEY LOAN MasonicfTernple Bldg Barrie Telepbtme Church DO Annotate HARRIS SPRY ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORS Oan 31 19 Melinda St Toronto Herbert Harris CPA Frank Spry RADGLRY ACCOUNTANT AND AUDITOR Barrie Barrie 34llTeleph one4735 INCOME TAX SERVICE WELCH ANDERSON co CharteredAccountants Trustces Notaries Ontario to Loan arrie DONALD MacLAREN BA ER SOLICITOR ETC Money tOLoan 7111113801110 Temple Building Barrie JOHN REID BARRISTER SOLICITOR ETC Barrie Ont wHEBER Successor to UNCANF1 McCUAIG KC f1 Banister Solicitor Etc Ross Block Barrie Phone 271 MONEY T0 LOAN JOHN WOODS KC BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR Bank of Toronto Bldg Owen St Money to Loan SMITH OSTEOPATHY EDWIN WILSON 385 D0 BUILDING pointment 293 git Dunlap srrii CIIIROPRACTORS Liccnsed Druglcss Therapists Electric Radio Hydro and Mechano Therapy 115 Dunlop Street CORBETT DC CHIROPRACTOR AND DRUGLESS THERAPIST Phone 3070 Barrie BY APPOINTMENT MEDICAL Vices through doctor MUSIC LESSONS JESSIE BRYSON IUVLT vatory Of Music Toronto Methods Studio 27 Bradford St College of Theory gt 152 Maple Avenue COLLECTION AGENCY FINANCIAL SURETY Accounfge0tiion or OPTOMETRY ROBT BARRE FFSo OPTOMETRISTl 93 DunlapSt Attendance 96 ROBERT1 1OPT METRIST one 25811 Hours 99 noun STEPHENSON OPTOMETRISP ED VETERINARIAN DR ammo FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE 42 Clappertonst Established 11169 AND summons Phone 3194 26 McDonald St VICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSES Barrio Branch Well Baby Clinic from 230 to 430 oclock every Wed nesday Application of nurses ser may be wmadewdirect or Telephone 2451 TEACHER OF PIANO SINGING and THEORY Pupils prepared for examinations of the Royal CORSCI grades including ARCT MOdern Music Piano and gt 24Diinlop StL BairTeA Prone 4111 Phone 2963 smirk 30 imp niop 81 Barrie PhoneVIIZO VETERINARIAN and SURGEON Sophiost Barrie Phone 4545 FUNERAL DIRECTORS LLOYD STECKLEY Phone 2703 SMITH CO FUNERAL DIRECTORS the Vincent Youmans Years Following the coiiccrt there Was reception in the church parlors when members of the executive of the Association had an opportun ity to meet Miss Farrell and Mr Price Through Prices1949 idercury Passenger Cars Are $2711 and1$2682 Prices of 1949 Mercury passenger cars publicly introduced across Canada recently are announced by Ford Motor Company of Canada Limited Including excise and for the sixpassenger coupe These prices do not increaseb in any senscof the term said Greeneld director of sales and advertising The 1949 Mercury is not new model but brand new automobile specically designed for competition in higherpriced bracket of the motor Car market than its predecessors VSENTENCED FOR ASSAULT Douglas Miller andClarence KennedyrdthetwoweungToronto men impica ed ingthe attempted assault upon John highs of Oril Us On April 10 appeared for trial before Magistrate Foster here on April 21 represent Europe by 311 ISlliilli who will addics womens 111111 cash the no BARRIE EXAMINER 115nm lion Army 11111111111 and 111111 11tllll at Sttd crul 3iiliiti11 H111 Mun 1w Udrnjghn GEN Arnriir ORsIIORN or Horsmani both numbers 111 Eng international lcadc1 of the SulVili and to oration Song Fill Your Heart Ernest Charles lior cncorcs Miss Farrell came back and sales taxes but excluding freight and delivery charges factory Ii prices are $2711 for the sport sedan Iiiic tinned from tozir of f1c1=11dt IIIIIJIII 19001 BILL Martin and 1111c1i1t Pin1111 coni inzmdcrs ol the Iinta and the Nina of Columbus cxpcdilion put up the for their ships Spain furnished only part of lht money needed ORIGINAL ISNT Il Biantfords county Baseball Associations JIIII ior division will be known as Ilycrs sponsorslnp of thc Brantford Air Force Club Planning Field Day lnnisfil Park Iune lchanti Illt 111 41 at Alllsltlil on Apiil 91 Hoodlum Hi citc1111 1cc Floyd Iilll diced seen1111 ytzcasurcr as South Simmerl 111111211 1111111 v11 11111 Holland of Atljhltx Cecil illllllltll flurry W11 ttllt and fins tottawusaga 11t11on from rSecton Agii Society to hold thc annual 1111 Show 111 Connection with IlttLJIl Fail Fair ncxt October ixtttlilttl 1111 were discussed for t11c 1113mm llciictord Field Day to be 11 June 12 11 f3 Wainica rc vti that IIlIllgtlll Park was avail end this met with the appro the iiienibcis lloy Tooth 11 Wurnica and lirncsti ifi111c weie appointed to select to ftllaflillltl visiI It 11111 111 Mu IL Ill 111 1115 ictciilly Little and prizes for the conipctil 111 Will Ill illtllllllmnh 1111 ccil Ncwton alvm Irelandl chI AltMullen were appointl to be in charge of sports andl Simpkiti and Lee flantingt tIl Illillltfl to look after achr 11g grounds and lunch speaker at the annual tiictt 1111 was George Ilodanz vicel l1widcnt of the Canadian llcrc 111111 Association Mr Ilodanz gave report on the annual meeting at l1111onton and also spoke of artifi1 final Inseminatum uniform classify 11111111 for beef herds mating of females at months instead of 111 and registrations 311 llodanz also led discussion 1111 pasture management as prac llgtttl on his farm 11 motion of Cecil Newton and It Sinikan the meeting unani mously decided to ask the Ontario Isabella of Ow entry in the Inter stcinming from the 13 770 Procter Oambles amazing new discovery Youve never usgd anything like IIdc for your ffnmily wash Iidc docs whats never been done beforewashes clothes Cleaner than any soap yet leaves colors brighter Its true miracle of modern science made possible through wartime research Youll know its completely 191V productth rst time you try Tide Tids wonder suds 100 different feel different from any soap youve ever used And they blllOw up thick and fast even in Imrdestwater omv boas ALI rook 11 Wusliesiclollieis IEANERIV r1 PILOTS 0F MEET IN BRITAIN Ifii 1113 fercntc cf airline 11 London last ALc lttlttltil LU 11m oguii11 two countries UIIIUI LIlft encd 1111013 111 tlzllJlIlLLLI diiccluis tat1c lllt AOtfvllm1 discuszmn llltitltlc t1 and big 121 11 hit 11 B1 1551 1111 tfi 111 ENLI halt fItltfilfil 13ltk LHVi the m1 3113111ka 11 411111 noii Itfdlfxl FINISH FOR EVERY SURFACE INSIDE AND OUTSIDE 143 11 No matter what your favorite washday soap may be ITidcgets your whole family washlcleaner than any soaplEven greasy overalls corpgglean as whistle with Tide Tide not onlyleaves clothes free from ordinary dirt but actually removes dingy soap film as well Gets lollies dazzling William IIAIIIIII Youre in TORI real washdaythrill when you hang up your rst Tide wash Youll be so proudof that dazzlingwhite cfgaiiertlwnsoap look that onlyTide can give See for yourself next wasllday 1317dually brightens biolors 411111qu CLEANER YesrTide combines the cleaniggvpower you need for heavy we rk clothes lIlLClliixin 1111 It OLNIIIII Enamels Wax Stomach can 552 111 It 2121 14 an at 11111 lbw111 11 119 15 iflt Varnish for sale by TIIE SARIEANT COMPAva LTD NEVER BEFO have you seensuchu WushdayMirucle Millerwasgrvmne year dc finite in the OntarioReformatOry with six months indefinite His companion was17 remanded until of six months definite with 12 months indefihit 7W7 The magistrate gavea coniple summary of the case show hlthough Miller actually 19 struc severe gash near one eye Kennedy nothingvtO assist the injured motori rider ed terms atCue1ph election on June To make sure youre getting Motor ambulance to upright 11131 I111 1111 IIAYER row on 1111 INDIEIRA RARRm0Nr PHONE 2530 remained with him all through and yesterday when he received term Ingles within bottle inflicting3 inane mnhdre6ently goinpit who had given themtpv Churchwill beizithe returnv trig offnicer for East Simcoe for tho Hymarol 7minute actually come out brighter as Tide washes away dulllng lm Made in Canada gt prove it in your grinddry sparkling withOUt wiping 4GIVesmore sutls with the sdfyyOu neEdforTbrighfprint dresses All your weslfdbleicplori dIShpanI Kiudtohands sudsLoilger lasting suds than anysoap in hordestrwatelide cutsgreaso flikeinaicfv wnshes dishes clehnnthan anylsoaplNoif scum in the waterlNO cloudy filmlDishes and glassesjrinsei learf even 2W Disorder ay body far maimed fr11 the 11 111 53h lzcailuir min Bad Realities is caused by an ailment of sci 5111111303 or some intestinal why 111 try For buttock Btu11 151315 is fnvOuritl It help1 to rcgtillte tho ts fIslttai ithuhlcii itcrs is 311111 at all drug counters 1111111 Co 111 Toronto Oct es Paints do everything Incnt If you A11 return the unused portion of your package to dealer and ulIdBdl GUAIIANIII Irnctcrldr Jumble gUIrlhfcesithatiIide will claimed foritin this ndvcrtisc are not completely rulisedp 119 purchase price will be re

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