grids rwo 1THEBARRIE EXAMINERM Dont Let It Happen Here sum ism ELI this tcelillcs of Canada 1le HIM bum by Audit Burtan of Circulations THE BARR EXAMINER LTD swamk Vrchly forwspape Assaam Halylivlzln lu3 town lnvzgd bi alququ knowlu inn flout Ill Eu Lites every war will lvulliS sum lti Wfkagmfm mm 2950 From the Files of luulltd and happy farmer comes limilli and Lllfild WALLB THE nouns amass ouiri lei hapch um you say Single topics Sc each STABHSNSD lithium or lcnslon lllllllllvlllmll Plan For loll lll Kurtiurntnl life lflxll dins Vim hlldl its lumc lllrn In April as lisltzl But what is help to fear Tliclc is work in the stoic lli lllt only and the offltc New lioznvs Spllllg upnlzd happy lxuilful Ld luiplira ll unions you with Ilrllolnll Barrie Local Nults slittch out ahead They will be pluspelous ll the lulizldiziii mch mull Tum inn1 Sillllll nrnlr ll hulls we great demand The unemai No bioch riding on sidewalks Wild Baal gmwm mid ChNWIIMlV lulln an lllllllkflllalr cstatr Lllll UUIMWUWH mm the 1le duh played pa in pro in Bariu illiiit irlmlud 10 Its hard to imaging anything that could lllllllllt Allil llil Kn it llrllltltlllltlullllrlllh Iluyour vldlng entertainment of different nature 3m in um bV man any mu my of lift in Barrie MUM rctirrunut ll irmidrs you lilll lnunllil inmilic HIGHLY COIWENDED FOR GOOD 8th HOW it appears llltlt is an increasing dBDNUF Tle mm 59 Kim Uh lurk ml mm 5mm and or uriLrs and side lulle rum ill ggtlllllkdlrl lllllld for several oi the former types of en Deon1d Buy um Nclll or list Vullenw and blind lmlml lake thi llluw rtubw ll 1w Hum um the you BEHAVIOUR llellrIJtilUUllll in wall on Thurs llul LClll enough lhal mun lll sympathy with strike choose to LieV nllWm il Wm The members of he Barnecmleglate Con tertalnmcnt day bought the pool and shoe Dilly their own fanullcs of their llsltllillltc by ilillalnlimlory itlliill VCEPkiSlutNl AM Bql MAMGU cert Bond are to be congratulated on their During the D351 Winter there have been stock of Tlilshlilml at ccan bill HM mils ulsv prevent trlluw employer hm sums to ml in lluuP1lll Nil all irt behaviour while visiting in Detroit several events in Barrie for which the aClon the dollar Win41 sold at $1 rimnu Lurml lll life rm trails 1M 4f commodmio was not considered almgetherlm Burk umkd Smmh lllu row of Bunu has lctullll lllltgtLtl now lluii ol ivonts mlmnlugmua lr Wu out 130 one lappenh at 19 Par Mr Sam up 3111 an an ab Murry of our men and girlshavc bun Llppluiitllcd by labor mullCl wur lmmnmul Li nrlmVr hula llc is young people get away from home they feel ddiClUdIfe NW 33 Drama Chm Plays wereVsence ul your would his father at lliu CIO Slickl tiatlicrlngs how bun livid and the Unmns ALUMNI and Mltiu you they are 88 l0 do as they please It is not staged the Library all the series 0f plOt Gcolgc Sllmlli Flank Bern pamphlets and lllclnluic have been dl55llllll1lld Allhuugh ll is null VV runs llsOled the Communlt Concert roscs tenor wiping mntributed flllllililstclu for Bulrlo ll llLttl not cans duliu Just liuczlilsc mtommVon Unsucn mp5 for human to con greatly to LUllttll in lllllu tho 10 lllllilll come to Barrio does not nitan that rlllliii and violent dam DISY processmns at law hour and AMOCHUOH wem hem Chumh and the Frzlnhsg excellent singing ls Ill Will follow IOROIII Cllclall make nuisances OI themselves concerts promOted by the Battle Collegiate ways well rotrived at home and lively WUlltLl lluSil right to join or not to Julll labor union HEAD UrHCE creating minor mischief It is not difficult Band were held in the school auditoriumlauroud Simmer only being it it legal right But no our In in build ruinIto lulu uuuur SHch events would be eno ed to reaterxpllcd my ltclull Willi the fol lightly or to bring any union to Blurb Without fusl llchslnglllllt llu minus pmwre he sommouon Foul ant if he we regentledyin we gesi lowmg clcw Capt lilll McKay organization and the men lcudlliutliat oluluumtiorl llll whom ho trollv MAYO MM Caused by 17 girl5 and 49b0y3 9uh uh Fllglflcnll Julllllsull llllSll ldlls joining hands ISODonlop bliulJluuic musical instrument td Llltflle Mclnnis and Joe Iiiwhip llre It is difficull to sort out the whom from llni Lllllll but it is main VV The act inattth youngpeople cunducwd The history of me meat goes back manya man The billowing lVlillllcs ap ultnnutc goal in life lodo so It every mun duty 10 Know lllt whys Pllziml themselves in such manner that the hotel centuries Fivu hundred years before Christ 319 rhclgyt VCZ mummy Whlm loriu Ullchlsll llll ILa and welfare of his fulnlly und inlids in his mnnnlnnly may will lJl manager was impelled to write it letter of the 1rchs constructed iitheatre at Athens kaV Strum but BAV 5ch appreciation is commendable It indicates which is in existence L0 llllS dayIhis theatre Slroud Simpson Thorn The people in Barrie are proud of lhvll lown llity Ellc lluppy amt these Students are gaming valuable retains the propelLies which made it sucthonH Partridge Crown Hill In stl new opportunities for work tonic lo llurllt and lo know lllul um mild Rap and gullnlll Al lLlLlIl llllllllll discussion lIl hullllwn nd ll Cllup Blllit is held in high Wizard wx lliill Ald zlrd Sll1lll uonh with lllL And lllllklUlL 1d HA tliiinlng not only in music but also Ill lamous Ulllt lWHll four hundred yearsu VTM WOW an Dr hshmm haw MW km Wm purlimmly advisabimy VVV mm and man Bond Head Sparling Commg responsmle Canadmn Clnzens lago The Bushes Vure smell that person ocland Geo Waugh Owr live col scenes like those which mm occurred lttllll lll hilllu bound whip your nmguumnmm Hillary sown1 Illtl mgr mini cummg any one In the 27500 393m can hear llmnS UN SlumllAmerican plnlit in Toronto My my WW puppy and mid occupunls lnllul than ploplty Ullnlpned Vollcv from the Stage The var ju erkN HUI BiShUp kw MH hat each hag bunuliful iw pull lllllil Ullllcll ililiullllml cum Fallows of Chicago spokc on the GOOD lloany season know and for that rlzlson lln Jli UU Wm Ul 11 Emvw up mud WHWHS and your parccl has created mood cheese was so much lllL Unfortunately can thunk you lulczitcr Indeed it lle our way only with words but may the Lord like gift from lllllVlfll should God ill llklthli lLwuld you loin you1 toyed more good hockey in the pasthnter for the orchestra between the stage and Church and mum muW whip than at any other time in history And never the first tier of marble seats cnce to luv Luuu who was ExpressThanksIor before have so many honors been wlm by hoc Today in game we Town Hall as public mulling Wm WC h1ParcVel From Barrie Sunday Application for Shop ky wamb from m5 amulet aumtonum is gout bl day made liccnsc in Burllc was lclllscd lol Exlllllllltl subscripliolis nn 1m jlble ill advance ll your lmprl lulls lo lppcul youll lililul llu lenson Only three Years 01 JUNO Competitm much appreciated accommodation The old Hill Emms plum VFlyelS fem right through Opera House is no more The school auditor tu the Dommlon finals this year Each year him is scarcely adequate The Library Hall the team has showed improvement In the has limitations first year they played some good games but IGeo Waters by Liquor License ICommissmncrs also lullcl Nupo llcon Manvlllcl lUl llolcl lhclp lston while implications of Gray of Royal Hotel and Swuis plans are under way for building neWVIHnd of the llcadquzulcls Holcl could not reach the DEA finals Last Winter uudiwnmn in connection with the Barrie and Barrie were left um St me Flyers gm mm the semifmals This year District Collegiate Institute In view of the Georges Day collbllitcd by muny members of St lroritcs Society the Flyers were on the verge orbemg Edged long history of the theatre and its close ret and Sons of England who pzlllldctl When they came imrough Wm our lation to the cultural growth of nations it to Trinity Church wllcn Bishop Sunn weeks ago rcsidvnt of lame saw the name and address llulcll Obscrvcl lhl Barrio ludi who docs not wish to disclose licl llilllll sent purch and letter to llu iddlcss She received will and translation from the German nus bccn lnadc by Mr MclCcl llCl language teacher The translation lullUWSI like than dcul Muduln Lo cxpicss my and the clilldlclls most lluqill 01 German woman in IN Uniml lllll thanks The pullonrs lit lllL boys wondclfullyilclLAJCliolin lnediato prospect in Germany us far lsclotlllng is cuntrum is ciy bad and am indeed most lttlll indebted to you for buying son lllt in gcstult of fricndsllip tllzil Which was nrodful to us Also the cllccxc eased tho llcnvy plobcm n1 nourishlncnt for couple ol days good deed As tXpllSS to you once ugnin lily siliclll and hlulllilt lllZlIikS icllldill Yours ILly lluly Mrs listIa Scllludcr null sons copy of llu ltlxulnincr is appreciated by llivnds ul dis luncc MOVING WEST Rnwllnwn Limited regularly make up and Illlp Humanoid Furniture Con aolldtodJool lar to Manlmliu Saskatch anun Alberta British Iolunibln and to Allfomln Write Hire or phone or reduced lnlnllt rules Lalnhllalied $85 Yongu St Toronto kingdais 5115 VIN NINE mum Ill SWIM Straight wins againsr windspr Spitres to would not be outol place to CODSldCI design swomman pniiiijgjg wcnhvim Mum 13 119 For that too my hrilticsl thinks PW capture the John ROSS Robertson 0th for ch dito il th Most honored and gracious lady m8 News um pnmar yasa ea Simcoc ounlv Briefs VV suit your lltdl lltlll lnlttl OH Champlmsmp The Myers the This would mean incorporating the properties mm gt to my husband who is still caused Nervous Irouble theda ainst th Polcu lne Combines and KHMUI VlWl lnlllll my and the lllldltns Joy ma 01 the ancrcnt ClCOk theatre With the neces shod 5mm AIM1 11 when mm dun MW Him Im119 l0 VVvVVdIV In Yliuislnm W011 three btltllgllt games 101 the AllOntallolsary additions for modernindoor theatre son Smddm Brudmrd had 17 may now my addrcs Shmlld mist MRISL2idhtiglllihuuint Championship The Winning streak was 2011 Such theatre would be useful for musica sheep killed by dogs Owners of VV lures not give up how My bus tlnucd when theFl ers laycd the Montrcql Canlma pmd Lunatics ookstown wuh wheels VV Nationales and the garrifteam w0n the Easllconcerm as centre for dmmav for 1me Colley Goldwater had 50 cords of Cookstown cricket club was lcor md UU 1N Strained Vlenso north are Often the cause of reallcss nights llllpropcr rust night lifltlr night is quickly followod by loss of appetite irlitubility undi tired rundown condition till it lilll shami that mle In lvpull on llu lUml lllt citizuis of Home and Distrttthave Lil stage is adcqmtt and there is imple space WU of durum EplmpWFamllY In Germany lml ilulull Lunatlu Llulll in gnnizcd Pres Dr Bucllananfo yLM And hd ino small matter to comc through duull em Canada Championship in three Smightiplogianis and even for lectures and publicwood estloyu HSI Ht games Playing against Port Arthur Bruins for the Memorial Cup there were four outstandingl games With crost ofwell over 12000 at Maple jmcctings It could be the centre around whic lthe cultural life of the community would hScats of old Presbyterian Church lat Hillsdalc sold to Uhtholl con lgregation Thinking that the revolve Throughout Canada there is re SpanishAmerican war would vival of interest in the theatre and there islboost primes farmers zllound Cree Viccprcs Norris Stacy Wm Galbraith Treas CurtcrCapt Phillips James Laudrii guns home at Pcnctang with conl tcnts was totally destroyed by re Gco Crawford Oro Station the present burdensome times with thlccrboys growingr up in January l945 our every pos session was lost in ubombing zit tack was not able to rescue For disorders such as these Milburns Health and Nerve Pills lro liigllly beneficiul The iron lllld olhor ingredients they contain help to improve the blood content alilnululo tho nurvoulV system and the appetite old digestiontlllls helping to promote sleep Hilburna Health and Nerve Pills are sold at drug Counters everywhere =more refused to sell their cattle Leaf Gardens After layoff of two weekslevery indlcamon that gOOd use woum be madel Hughes teacher at Steeles spczlrcd 350 suckers one morning thing was fortunate tin inning and With crippling injuries to key I31i133istlfia theiltr such abuilflmg is provided 1nlColners was the proud possessor pal lmcoe 01m 01 new Cleveland bike Gl the Flyers lost out in the first two games but Lhi th 2000 lMarshall who moved from OH to was no grea surp lse an near Penctang had the misforlunc supporters who went to Toronto for the gaml ito lose by drowning boy of 3W es The ardent fans were expecting the Flyersl sm lyearsv 90 may Om the and fell into well and was lead to recover therrwmmng stride and then take Quotmg the figures given by the Barrrewhen found Cmdweu rand Tm the finals four straight as they had agamSClExamincr in support of statement ofthelcumseth Agricultural Society to Windsor In the third game the Flyers playedlvery heavy increase of costs in newspaperlspengdg on crtilaliglng its tfilime mu semonv leSC BC 01 sensational hockey but missed out by score publishing the Huntsvule Forester saylg 13m Operatong this Cytear th 0f 54 The fourth game wullong P9 remem These figures need no substantiationtheyBanting of Essa run over by land bered Battling to offset their 105mg Streak are too easily verified by experience and roller and badly hurt Mls the Flyers fought desperately and with only this also applies to the purchase of mach Strangways Wife of Rev Bi Strangways Methodist minister at even minutes to p13 they had an advantageimely Hillsdalc died on Friday leavinel afrthreegoalsTThelesultmg circumstancele 7W77WViiAffifIitwdaughtier WTMfGHITl ffm gt 7W4LCouple9Lcmruhih39 exmnded the game mto overnme and the Thirty pairs of bass it to spawn in the brnith opened his bicycle livery atl Flyers put everything they had into the game natural way can produce as many finger the 70th minute slings in one year as large hatchery Hon Every Flyer supporter was gratified withEH Scott Ontario Minister of Lands and the Effort DUt forth bylhe team and it WSlForests told meeting of sportsmen in Mid not for lack of trying that the Flyersdid not land This should be encoluaging to the ar win the Memorial Cup this year dent fishermen To honor theElyerswho this year w0n algae Separate championships the citizens of Barbara Ann Scott who has wonsuch Barrie wlll fete the players at Club 19 tonight warm place in the hearts of her fellow counl And the Barrie Flyersof tomorrow will also betrymen by the honors she has brought to honoredlhe MldgetFlyers also won three Canada through the charming wayshe has trophies inGntari01competitionsthis yearlcarrled herselfand the championship skate and they Will be at the banquet With the ing titles she haswonIt has been the subject JuniorAs of much gossip that she is to leave her native jV SUGGESTS ADEQUATE THEATRE Iland for the SA However shehas set at At drangQntelin the collegiate audiVrest all these stories of leaving fher ain Wrium the other night Stewart thecountrle would never want to leave Can adjudicator spoke of the heed for an adequl ada she declared in recent interview Next ate theatre in Barrie He recalled the dayslweek the people of this part of Ontario are TOROnTO when this community had an opera house to have an opportunity of seeing her in hnkklslchrolnmnnawndwhile side which provided aCcommOdatiOn for the staglactmn at the Maple Leaf Gardens under the FNIIIWGIMFBWMMJ mg OfSuCh eventsi In days gone by lecturessponsorship of the RotaryClubs of Toronto WVfmf and plays and travelling road shows andand District This includes Barrie Rotarians 50 cancers were an impor an par of the and one of provrsrons sspecla en mwmiml of this community gagement is that one of the wings of the Manager wall inad Over theyearsthere was gradual change new Barrie and DistrictMemorlal Hospital Arwaneunlicipqlodinrrlvcl in the mode of entertainment and publicshall bear the name of Barbara Ann Scott The Millmrn 00 limited Toronto Ont MONTREGL Now Gm New Monordl BPS UP 9105 delight ourGood Tusle smgle detail dSteilps into Eewlclillssl Here big of theNew Monarchs interiors wi delight You roa envy cart at no is NEW looks with its good taste thes arklin newInstr rm pewbecausesC9mplg91ynewlTheyew PanelwhmOSICONVENKSNFargngementolefilli Monarch looks DIFFERENT because it has trolsa BUILTJN ventilating system with dual completely Newbody girlfblgger body of most ifsoliprnel coiltrolsthatprOVideskmy desired modern construction it RoleER Vbody wulr amount of fresh airhr fresh warm air with alieater Tukvwiiw lmestllat wrll capture your imagination installedlights thatilluminate the Interior when We started fromth CHIThe engmeelSWef WWPPlldqormh upholstenes thatihapw told to start with the no st STRONGEsT LOWEST mom Wlh 90f910u1S311 these and dozens kmcy frame to can hwidest pombk body of other delightful touches are yours When you They were toldto mount this Eameon the newest 0W NEW Mon gt EsmllTTRLDINqisPWESI0 gVthelftettm 073 lm whl3MIImbliecilerlPicturescantcon 51 Fid9Wl0 VteVmotor corindust lienvey the dalmatian ofthis new cal3 Qneithepcan these things Were donethcyperfeeted the sidewlth words give you he ETERbeiof DRIVING aV New the mm madam smoothestatmf troubleireerMoaarcu Go myouruouarci dealers and hecktobsorbersbaswhymci mWmthMaahaMWbkgkawbwg igfocgrmhdlsmrb 319$ 9911118 ladatetpV 01 QPYBWIEhyQtIr Monarchdealera will 1313199 from You lKNOWthatithncwMonarthlsthecai iIEWhllgglvgrPWr7 tYPe Yolflwant he 170 mustbmieto satisfy yOur Amt Oparc riaf 0W0VCIVSh1pJV WV row mo MONARCHDIVISION rn fORD MOT R5 CQMPANY OFFWADLWTEW i9 Inches er cg lam an an VV VV algal