Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 29 Apr 1948, p. 22

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we nrVanMsiaigthvuwa an Wk ores wrap more TWENTYTWO 1E BARRIE EXAMINER mar ONTARIO CANADA av REYNOLDS INDUCTED APRIL 21 Edli re litsbyteiy iizct ill the Pier Tltml eiitiicii Ltioksluun Wed Ltlllt April ii for the in int ltev ilds ili appointed this illS totigltgiiltoti dating the able to cull Shim and llollit of The tiers of llung have been presid pieseiit tI enor tioi on llunte then put the tisual brother Reynolds and after Presbyterian WMS be inducted him in The April inretaig of lllv Road liesbyteriaii WMS towt plillll was held it Mrs Burton Di their addressed the nisler Avenue Mrs ieen iilgh was and ltev ll lule addressed the in charge of the tttlltlltll period people lth gt lliilit Nailing llit ter the service there was Wmew MHlJNY MN 31 DICK il hour and the ladies served flisttlfl its il Xl lltltlllkkltllliJCxtt lthe liiitetang Ulllt next meeting will be held at lis Size to POLO SHIRTS Underwear Shirts Tounty Young lliitons held in snmniihdllmillar Shirts and Shorts Allantlalc was plt od over by Springweight Cotton Polo Cotton Knit Fred SiLLlk of MU Chum Golden Wedding of Shirts lll Cltlltlt style chferlliriftlriced Master Plan iidc for the Mr and Mrs lhos larling lm Elm Slew Whilc mm of on ruimd Tm porwmilgc of mm dcoupics Lightweight Athletic Shirts and LOdtli Of British Am to DU who live to observe their golden Wm blm NMH Ibo Shorts plainknit or simulated held lll Stavner on May 23 and wedding is compar ivelv small atid lltlllWNlPC Piltlmm If mi we be ct 14 R91 ltmtil two new such an event is al cause for At hm Ling lodges organized in Stayncr and rejo mg On Sunday pril 18 1948 69C mm me wear Del Kellerlow prices Youllfind it illmvale Mr and Mrs Thos larling were HegurmihsswnusWMS permitted totelebratc such an occa 11 10 Sim Ht 70013 01 your Burton Ave Auxiliary held their sum in winch numerous relatives April meeting in the school room mm pflltlupdlod liedlt on Vlrednesdav afternoon Apr 21 illV Mmlmg mvc Nmrlblcwcd crewem Style The president Mrs 1311 presided Newtonltobmson and Mr Marlinit Slzes 14 to 36 Polo Shirts in small medium and it members were present Ar rangements were made to hold Lilac on Friday afternoon June The Treasurer reported substantial increase over last ye lnglis assisted by Mrs Micks con ducted the worship serVice and ad dressed the meeting on her work as matron of the Childrens Aidl Society in Wallerton where she was for 13 yea ller listeners were impressed tli her devotion and service to so many unfortunate children Spearn sang much ated solo was born in Cookstown and the 50 years since their wedding have been spent in this community The bride and groom of fifty years ago were well remembered with flowers and other gifts from friends and relativ cs who joined with the members of the large Marling family to do hon or to those who have just completed half century of wedded life Farewell to Mr and Mrs Banting The Cookstown friends of Mr land Mrs Dalton Banting and two idaughtcis gave them very en joyablc farewell party at the town ihall Wednesday evening Howard Cooper was ch lopiilar stern style Dungarees of goodwearing blue cotton Denim Seams mire doublestitched and front pockets rivetted for extra durability Turned up bottoms Al $259 $298 OVERALLS Bibfront low back style with adjustable braces Sturdilyanade Work Pants tliatll fill the needs of men ho want their utility clothes to work overtime Made of longwearing cottonfabric rigou pockets belt loops cuf ted bottoms fillerValue $395 MENS BLUE DENIM OVERALLS lloomy EasyToWorltIiiOv eralls of good quality Blue Denim are just the thing for ATHLETIC SHIRTS sizes 34 to 44 At 69C98C ATHLETIC SHORTS in sizes 3410 42 Elas tic at waist At 98c and large siics Hemmcd at bottom Available in white canary beige copen bluc navy royal Come and see this splendid assortment so iii vitiiigly Zellerlowpriced Boys Vthooped Pants Burton Ave vcning Auxiliary One of the features was the pres Bea Little giaeiously offered her entation of coffee table electric home for the regular meeting oft8b10 lamp to Mng Banting liirst quality nylon hose in colourfast lltlIVy 01 brown lhe Evening AthlllillV last luesfiliWk Starld to MY timing an that beautiful new spring Sires to 10 at com acts to Norma and Marion suspenders needle seams for dgyfmght it Chfglcl Ca Mrstpcmmnce Cooper read my imfebcpflstel Ntude Allah $185 ox durability and handy more wrru DOUBLESTITCHED SEAMS Whoopce Pants of durable cotton amlolg mff lml ffngnC suitable address and the gifts werh gauge Stileng lgtitlicts Sizes 36 to it fabric in si7es 30 32 34 with three pockets elastic at waist cuffed bottoms Or my mu 15 05 lm presented by Arthur Cooper Doug Iclltrni1riml $469 70 hrmhlced me who opened her pmgiam Fiqher Donald Ham 0nd Mrs With reading on love Besste Greenacm and Eileen Mapcs Thosc Sanforized cotton fabric in ill mil 110 SpendS lit d1 DRILL WHOOIEB PANTS sizes 26 to32 with three pockets elastic inserts at engaged in heavy worlt ThoWC made with adjustable mist Lufde bottoms Navy Milerlhnftlnced Spearn introduced the special speaker Fern Hampel who gave very interesting talk on the in honored made neat replies After the presentations there were few speeches expressing regret at the tricacics of making Doulton departure ofthe Banting family and tiresand han threcmodels to il lustrate her talk Gladys Robert son thanked Fern on behalf of the members Thoscrpresent were favored with beautiful solo by Helen Lambert after which lunch was served Borrie of Favors Calling Ne Conference DominionP ovinciql The incmbersof the Barrie Clli wishing abundant success and hap piness in their new home at Thorn ton During the evening cuchrc and dancing were enjoyed and of course the refreshments were well looked after for the Federal Government Itc jcctcd was the suggestion that these fields might be divided rc stilling in system of dual taxa tion levied by both Dominion and Provincial governments Succes ber of Commerce have recomended continue to be provincial tax ber of Commerce have recomien Cld 115 lilldailovn in the British ed the calling of new Dominion provincizil conference to expand the present taxation agreements to in clude Ontario and Quebec the only Lwop1DSLinct25 which have noL yet accepted the tax proposals put for ward by the Federal Government This was one of the recom mendations adopted on recent public opinion ballot sponsored by the local Chamber Participat ing in the countrywide referen dum being conducted by the Can adian Chamber of Commerce the Barrie members advocated that personal income and corporation tax fields should be left exclusively smsuodet CGARDENIRACTOR Sl75 00 lightplowmg billing harrowmg seeding Cultivolin spraying wed control yang powertalteoltr 1hr unendinggarden tractor in tlie lew priced field equipped with Goodyear Tires il 10v with Sand for catalogue at our lull lino onus power roars thllED Wm Milt Onlcilo Cone 79 Your Agent IFRANKUN tantamous North America Act levellingoff of financial re sources whereby the less fortunate provinces received Federal sub sidies to ensure that uniform public services could be provided was also favored Unanimous approval was in favour of legislation to eliminath double taxation of corporate earnl ings particularlyon earnings tax ed before payment of dividends and again taxed in the hands of share holders aftcr dividends are distrib uted Concerned over the political and financial uncertainty caused by the failure of the federal and two pro vincial governments Ontario and Quebec to reach satisfactory agreements the Canadian Chamber of Commerce Will adopt Nation al Chamber policy based on the references shown some 500 member Boards of Trade and Chambers of Commerce across the Dominion St Gorges WA SthorgsWA held its regul meeting at the rectory in Ivy Apr 20 with twelve members and one visitor present After the usual opening Mrs Donald McMaster readtheVQth Psalm The Scripture reading was taken by Mrs Smith Then followed various prayers and the Members Prayer contest called Missing Letters was conducted by Mrs Higginson and very muchenjoyed Mrs McMaster read shortrstoryRev Simmonds closed the meeting with prayer delicious lunch was served together wittrait extra treat by Mrs Simmonds SeaKingOiitlloardMints 5IHaPDELUXE TWIN with FullPiimt Re my manna Weiqhsanty 39 lbs with pleairotrbwr erse Single at and days the ebuntry tinting slimfitting Slacks like iIlaqualityJtlpirirscloth Theyre Ladies Rubber Crepe So eSpOrt Shoes Sizes to strong Elk Leather Brown Red White Shoes with rubber crepe soles are extracomfortable for long walks in town or country as well as for golf cycling and general wear Come and sec Zeilers assortment of Loafers ShanksMare Pumps Mocassin Oxfords and Saddle Oxfords attractively detailed and just as smart as they are comfortable The quality is excellent the price VERY MODEST Pair LADIES SLACKs imheihhaadeauquitelikeMerpreservin the graceful lines ofpyouth and attering 511 your fashons Because no other handeau has thatrlspecial Cordtex support that lifts from underneath in suchlla Vuaturaljcasytaeagh Gothic liaiideziiix come ina range of sizes and gure types Wear Cotliic for new bosom beauty Hbrown natural sizes 61 to IESSy styleswith novelty detailing Casual styles whipstitched in trasting colourtSplendid value at pair MiSsS Cetton Peasant irate Aergiant if gnuBACK fijTHAlrMAKES Ir SOVOOMFORTABLEVVC Beiidstoop twist ride golf or do days housework yon Nu Back does itsiconstant job of keeping your figure trim and free The Secret That curved slash in the back telescdpes witti every motion preventing ridingup iigarter straiannd only Nu Back foundations have it Sizes 28to 34 $595 LVSwisSVIllmbroider Edging on Neclt andSleeves thr self iriiisonsievgs Whiteonly sizes 12 to at monotone sriuriib COTTON BROAIViCLOTHFROCKSnviith faceflatteng colorsswing or ammo short sleevesWhite background With tight bright Ordark stripBSLBlzqs 14 toZDchlerslfhriftjlrlceil grown Grey Niwy Green madewlth militant creaaaiandgstpwket andzi loqittstin attractive cq Zolle ours cinemas QHAMmtAXS rim brittonfroiiti dresses in en some with tuckedior pleatedbib Fl0une or arealdrtsf 12 to It and 38 to 44 ZellerYalue Small MediumLargeMade ofEiastio Nowthat wee ymistline and rounded hips are theFashionKyOull wanting one ofthese Pullon IElasticGlrdle Resignedito mould the figure for the New LookfTearose zetlerafhriftBoed THRIFT creams

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