Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 29 Apr 1948, p. 2

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mmw THEGBARRIE EXAMINER 31111 it Of Ill Published niursday Heroin shin is IIIE BARBIE EXAMINER LTD by Wm MoclAREN 51158tlfllllilj5 Ithvfiull ouwmu Show Arnaldo Irv0 lilliiii WALLS Alllllill Si rs Li rlisiolhl Mi aunlnEt more Single mph KJLII ROYAL SILVER WEDDING LUSL Nlonday 26 Klllg 080 nal Slgt illc Firc ISLE llllilll lu ilililrxl fulfill lU As iiilkliies lid ullut lodzly lorolltiuiialis Queen Elizabeth teilbrated their fallVer Wed tuh lpraclise llll liveday wrek Ilil sevenflour day the mug Annwermry The ID11 Laxage 00k Ihelthninutc rcs PllIHLI llllllfi iilil afternoon and $33 zlttilvwzu 55 Hrrhiir uI Afihiln zeal of kllcululiula New ilvrfr Asmciallun Ontarios population is crowded into Toronto land claims llie Midland paper the rest of ltlie province is paying the price of such crowding is gtl8ll lllfit linuls away from home St Pauls Cathedral Following the service alosiiiiliiui tlxmjly 1111 was held Bllcklnghamibecause of lllt length of lime ll lakes in gel lo and iv mm0 rornmllflum winll in U111 capital ml The fiveday week is luluc uu Lu ng essentth lul luau bredaxe lity liqu liu place in four hem With Gomnlmmll hams Si house lllrlf fpiiilhrs in the iiirtropolis and go home luv lsil lliutllcr iiu clildicii on the ioiig weekends guests lAlid for ilii Lflziiiiiiilt icsl period twice lay we PU the ML married liftl wonder if even that is sufficient to compensate for the More desuny canal them to become nglnervewrackuig experienci of being joslled pushed lmd Quele the llVQd COmlmmllVely Qlllel and bumped about by llle iiiultliudes which jam pack streetcars llllMs lesiaurallls ill fact all the ilVes However since ascending to the throne As to llit extra per week lor ng George and Queen Elmabeih and the olilolilaiis tlllii it and llll spend it If icluillly costs LWU mugth have unfilled me Smw OwlWhat much Illtllt to live III the Queen City than it gallons with generous grace WIIEII the Klllg does ill many oilici iiibiil aniliiilal ceilires through Canada in 1939 Lhev wonluul Ontario And this takes liH account of the cx honor of frayed nerves inadequate food insufficient recreation and trust of other ills lliitl plague the city citys flicilllzcs and Queeil visited the admiration of 111011 loyal subjects wedding anniversary is happy Occamon Ilic l111tgt of Illl KUIKIS iiid selvues we buy reflect IU ltltblulf iilltl I10 millions of SllbjPCtS Illlgt unsound concentration of population and III tilroughout the British Commonwealth of Na tlllslllrs llh rrllllum mailer wages the lower lliitflt in day production the larger health and lccrciltloll bi mm pray that the Grumub Maa lilie cost of street widening and subways slum clear eliioy many more years of happily Wedded dictum 11 Vlll paid for ii in sum Mogul by he countless thousands of and Queen to hankggving service al IIIUIC pcl AHll Nil down lilll lll elliployees iurliler the villager and the lowllsnlull luroillu says hc Free Press Herald is suffering SHAKE THE AND THAT HELPS from an economic social and educational collcelllrai Shake the hand that hdpsn l5 salvauon tioil of the arteries and ii lgt about time if doctor was Army Red Shield Appeal suggestion which Called iii it ed the citizens of Barrie will carry EDITORIAL NOTES out during the campaign for funds comnlellcir Sit is hearsay of course but farmers are ing next week The Salvation Army has long been desig nated as The Army of the Helping Hand becoming recreation minded observes the though not by the selfstyling of Salvation Farmers Advocate It cites the SimcoeCoun ists themselves The name was the expression ty Federation of Agriculture purchasing of those genuinely appreciative individuals good holiday site on Bass Lake and the Dur to whom The Armys helping hand had ham County Federation developing com leached out and perhaps down munity centre ill the heart of the Ganaraskal This helping hand grips the hands of Forest as good examples of the statement thousands of prisoners and ixprisoners every year in Canada conveying 110pe and encour Soon the forests and woods Will be tinder dry agement The same hand carries necessities and those in and around them should be extra to the needy soothes the brow of the sick sup cautious when lighting camp fires is the ad pOits the lonely aged Helping hand on the vice of an authority on Forestry Canadas shoulder of more than one erring and dclforcsts are one of the great natural resources airing man has turned his course for the hilt large areas of them may be exhausted flatter through careless use of fires The forest cover The Salvation Army needs encouragement not only provides timber but conserves the lii its gigantic task It also needs practical aid watersheds so essential to fertile agricultural 11 dollars SO shake the hand that helps land and ill so doing make certain donation is left in The Armys palm to assist it to con tinue its necessary ministry Vanguard Britains great army of volun teer land workers went into action recently record total of 200000 volunteers will takci STEWARDSHIP OF THE LAND part in vital sevenmonth drive to help The plant food taken from the soil by farmers reach their crop targets for 1948 The growing crop should be cost item ill every number of volunteers exceed last years total price structure No price is fair unless it takes by 50000 This ensures that every one of the soil fertility into consideration and provides 100 agricultural campsset lip throughout the to the grower sum that will enable him to country will be fully manned until the end Of return those essential soil ingredients to the the season land Then the state should see to it that an What people usually mean when they say equivalent amount of plantfood is restored we are overgoverned is that government is and soil fertility in our good farm lands mafn overexpensive points out the Vancouver tallied 31 Sun There they havesomething This year The time has come when the state Should the City of Vancouver will be asking for about set up requirementsof stewardshipkand the $60 from every man woman and child in thel owner or operator who does not measure up community The province will be taking aboutl to those requirements of stewardship should $75 apiecerThetwo together represent about be dispossssed Farmers Advocate $113 month for eachof us without consider gt ing the federal levy N0 TIME FOR GOVERNMENT SPENDING SPREES Emigration still takes top place in the The flow of venture capital into private minds of great many of the peOple of and corporate enterprises should be encour Europe Britain leads with 42 wanting to 313 rather than curbed at the Present time move to another country according to Gall in the opinion of amaiorilv 0t Canadians up PollThevlist is then33 in Holland 29 questiOned by The Financial Post They cite in Italy 25 in France 24 in Denmark and as reasons increasmg wealth dndpopulli 13 in sWHiChdda leport17WHnting tion demanding increased productive facil to move which means of course to the ities continuing worldwide demdlld for while the US reports only thinking of many scarce goods capital is now plentiful leaving the country and cheap lt Regardless of whether Canada can or should Millions upon millions of dollars worth of reduce taxes at this periodwith surplus 0f Canadian foodstuffs and manufactured pro $300mllll0ns antlelpatCS there is one 130ml ducts will soon be on their way to European on which there should be unanimous agree countries This program was assured when ment government spending must berigidlv the United States Government passed the curbed At present ordinary expenditures of European Recovery Plan previously known the DominiOil Govemmenl are running more as the Marshall Plan Under the terms of than three times the Prewal 1eVel and mOSli this progrifm more than five billions of dol of tipiOllllfllal and municipalgo onto are ing equa ers money This sort of thlgig adds to in flation just as surely as th firs will beavailblethekffrstuyearand nearyon this amount could spent in Canada The ERP will mean food and pearl countries and teofproduction in need This is not thetime fo wrbyany governmenWliinancial Post Referring to the Red Shield Appeal which WWRDTSHOUFWKEEP beglmyfwlmonalobjective of CHECKON DEBENTURES $1100000 Commissioner Chas Baugh Commentingrupon thownoFBarrieipro headwfvthlrorganization in Canadatate Vldlng for the purchscOfcertainmiinten that theris nota unit in th88jhonios celennipmonthmmmgdeognures the hostels and nosrrLais operated by TheSa1 Huntsville Forester remarks IfBarrie can vation Army in Canada handling almost 60 rnotpay its way in prosperous days how can OOOpersohsa year that is notifuld beyond lt expect to takexup tho Slacli shouldde capacity That shOuld be sufficient evidence according to the Commissioner that The Sal pressiOn comerIsspikng debentures does not meet the debt it simply postpones the day Hof Settlement The MunicipitljBoald has plac ed somdrestrictioris upon the issue bf deben tures but further action shOuld be taken wnhecmhemnicipainiemnrlouowt THE BARRIE EXAMINER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA Religion in Public By LILIHS MILLIIIAN 5111 Stalin Suture toiilt has lain ill lellgious gtll Ul1i lir cliol be given in put lil clnmls liic coult upheld Li protest by Ml MLLUIIUII am ist wlfr of Ulillrlil of floor prufugyu will Colliefull that system of leilgluus leaching ffi llallipluill III schools break IUWII the Will bclwwn chum and 1an Sllc Clhfilllillllkd IIIer liel cldsl 5U aged 12 wps en barrussrd because fir was tlic only child III his cluss Iiul taking religious instruction If seens lhiil leliglous instruc tion has been givm iii sellout buildings either during or outsidc of school hours in many commun ities of the lcquest of the Ilul council on religious education and if is claimed that no one church has benefited as igiilnsl another But th Supreliic Court has ruled that ilic practlLc is illicollsillilfimi The court argued that llllg ion and government can best uciiicVe their loflyliilns if each 15 left free from the other within its respective splierc There is no doubt that the US Constitution is lliipliatlcally op posed to any established IPlllu ship between Church and Stalll The Constitution of 1708 stalld1 that no religious fest sllilll evl be required as quilllflcuiimi any office or public trust under the United States At IIIHI timi llltlo were thousands of people who had lllllglutcd from England because of law that plovidlvf p50 Years Ago From the Files of IlAIlRIII ADVANCE April 21 1808 Barrie Local Notes Tenders asked for improvement of market and fire hall The Aiitocar Co wrote asking the Town Council for inducements to locate here They would need acres of kind and would employ least 25 men Board of Works recollmiendcd extensive improve ments on the following streets Burton Ave Oowan Essa Elliii Blake Ross Back Ienelnng Wors ley Owen Iiayficld Mary Tomlin and Dunlop Total cost wuswslinl died at $503 SpanishAmerican war predicted as likely to start fill April 23 Rev Hudson of Elizabeth St Methodist Church preaching seriesrof sollllolls on Spiritual Mathematics gale from the cast was so strong that ilsdrove the bay water so hard that the new GTR track was damaged to the extent of $500 The steamer Lillie was badly pounded by the storm chgers Drug Store had fairsized udvt headed How to Wash Your FaCe Two men living near Bradford were sent up for trial on charge of stealing three robes from hOtCl sheds in Bradford There was lively debate intown council over the contract for street watering ill Allandalc Conn Ballthought that $90 the amount paid last year was far todmuch for watering in front of or stores Board of Works recommended acceptance of Mick le Dyment andsCos tender for pine at $1175 per ft and those or Vansicklc for cedar at $11 and hemlock at $8 Dog poisoners busy ill Allandalc Willi in two days four much prized canines belonging to Messrs Geo Poucher Duncan Overs and Ber ry were killed in this fashion IIIII Simcoe County Briefs Mrs Casey of Craighurst has goose 26 years old Creemorc assessment $122930 mail bag lost in November at Orillia has just turned up During the erec tion of the new depot bag con taining mail from Barric was thrown off the night train Falling Felva totheplalfolniit layunr noticed until last week tvhchit was found by workman WagesdorrnllnahdtcamatMid land elevator averaged $3 day laborers $1125 skilled workmen $175 and up During the first quarter of 1898 Collingwood had 24 birthsk 11 marriages and 11 deaths CPR survey at Beeton passed through House Of Refuge farm Seeding in full swing in Cookstown Defective Beards ley took one of Brepttvoods sport ing youths to Barrie one day last week to answer to charge of throwingan emptrivhisky bottle through the glass door of rail road cOach with the lnlOYllIOIIrO hitting the conductor Garden ingihaordeLAofhusi ville Grenfelito have football team this year Alf Bell blacksmith at Oro Station had narrow escape from being killed bra horse HSeveral farmers at Oro Station are throughseeding The grippe and measles very pre valent at Edenvale The Town rGouncills monthly Waisjlrty cents ohmscoat vation Army is needed As an organization it canmake dollar go fartherthan most the Commissioner said but it still needsthat Gallanamillion of them inthej forthcoming Iephone bill Cdsliman and Perry got $490 from Council for final flu one Luulil lmld public of iilgt lie ltmlt Elli 0L1 lu stip wil llt istdblislud Church of Inglaiid and they Wished Iu be ire in iulsliip Bod according lo ililll owl consciences Ili suppolters of lellgious iii sliuclluli pollii out that school buildings are used for pollIlCLil findings that the name of God appears on US coinage and they llflil flaw added that Congress and ulllel US legislallte Illidles upclied WIIII prayer They that child should be III gi cc coniprliui by public authority lo attend classes for religious in struction but beyond that the iloycrliuunt should not interfere with the action of local school boards Ili chief argument against re ilgious Instruction is that it might lu the thin end of the Wedge of ILsuiblished Church but there is liille fear of that in the United Slates where there are so many llolliiliufiolis Moreover relig halls fretdour is stroneg guarded by the Bill of Rights the first article of which precludes the establishment of any Slate relig lon One can well understand Mrs Miullums objection to religious instruction Being professing atheist she naturally desires her son in bc brought up in her own belief that this is Godless uni verse 0n the other hand pro fessing Christians have alizltural llSlIt flint their children should he brought up ill their belief tlulf this is not Godless universe It is unfortunate for Mrs McCoilum ilial thereale so many professing lirlsliiilis ill Champlain and that llley do not want their children to be tdllifllrfl ill Godless schools as in Russia The fact that her boy is embarrassed ashamed lltLllllSl he is the only child not inking religious instruction is no reason why the rest of the chil Illtll should be deprived of that instruction Ihepoor lliillority of one alid be we wonder whether the only wise person ill comlllullily For lily own part tlllnk that religious instruction ill elementary schools can be overdone The proper place for such instruction is ill the home and the church But in these days when so many professing Christians never go to church and neglect to send their children to Sunday School if is he Illly0f the church to go to them and at least to infuse the education of children with spirit of reverence That spirit is sad ly lacking today ill the rising gen eration due to the indifference rather than the Opposition ofpar ems towards leligious Every child has within it the seed of im mortality which llriisl be cultivated or it will die Religion is the highest instinct of man it was the first to distinguish him from the beast and to set his feet on the upward road to civilization If that instinct is suppressed or neg lected processof devolution sets ill and men become earthbound and nothing more than intelligent animals might Ills mother the BLIND OPERATOR OF NEWS STAND TRICKED OUT OF $9 FINDS SNEAK BY VOICE Although he is blind Douglas Robertson 55operaior of the Canadian Nation Institute for the Blind newsland cfreshment stand in Orillia is not without ability as detective About two months ago youth ful patron gave the blind man $2 bill and by representing it as $10 he received $9 change after making dollar purchase The patron left sofast that Robertson became suspicious and checked the bill with another customer was told that he had been defraudg ed but since thepatron had disap peared there was nothing he could do about it then Afcvv days ago theblindumanr recognized the same voice when another purchase was attempted HemadeuxcmTilmefhe stand tocall police Then he en gaged the young man in conversa tion until Constable Everett Lynn arrived and made the arrest The fraud artist proved to be 15yearold boy who escaped from the Bowmanville Boys School He has been sent backto the school Oriilia NewsLetter BOOKKEEPING ACCOUNTING for retail and wholesale businesses Income tax tom iiiiicompletedrr gt Weekly or Monthly Audits INQUIRIESWWT Oaks 189 Bra ford St boy Wis He Training Years Ago From the Files of IIII BARBIE EXAMINEII April III 1923 Barrie Locaifotrs Town Council passed bylawy making it compulsory on stiiicsj selling drygoods mlllinery grills lUIIIISIIIDSS hats clips or clothing lo close on Vminesday iificinwns between May and Sept 30 Aid Wallwill was llic only He referred to Il as firilk legislu lion usulplng the rights of the individual and ii most abonilni able thing otlncil received ill claim for $0036 from llic Tanning Co because they could not employ the number of lllLIll called for If the ilgieeiiielil lllll the Town owing to the unsettled business conditions but it wa hoped to increase the stall duringE the current yeil Mayor Little said Council should take some act lion against gasoline pilliiplllgstiit lions They are gelling too num erous he said Up to this vcclil Bell issuer of 1110101 licenses reported that only 1370 find birfli issued for passenger cars and fifty for trucks the decrease was itlrii buted to late Spring County roads heavy vlfh snowf For 1922 more than 3000 licenses were issued by Mr Bell 11151 Saturday was recurlkbreakingg day ill 1023 with 53 licenses After hearing deputation from the CNII Athletic Assocll asking llle Town Council for grant to enable ilie Allillldiilc end of the Town to gel recreation pillk iii was decided to rifle $100 and ilsov the use of certain equipment fol pill the ground in Sllllpi toms and excise reellifts for llzirlic for last year as reported by Ti Young made record $131013 furl free goods $180378 for dutiablcl entries total revenue of $0350811 Slmeoe County Briefs Mrs Elizabeth Ann Iilkey was awarded $2500 against lhc Town of Orillfa for ii broken leg lllili other injuries received from fill on an icy walk Judgd Vimch gave judgment ill the case of Unit versily Estates Limited vs Wisdom Ills Honor found that the plaintiff had no capacity to do business in Ontario and fhat thelel had been fraudulent misreprescnI lotion by the agent who had sold the lots MI and Mrs Bethune returned to Stilyner after spending lhc winter in Florida as usual Rosemonl Presby teriun church sold by auction fOi $1025 Collingwood public lil braryestimates called for $3700 of which $3273 was to be raised by levy Allislons largest dealer in potatoes said 45 cents was the highest price paid growers during the past season Collingwood Board of Education refused to flir nisli free text books alld supplies 10 public school pupils at lures ylimale of $2500 year Mrs lGeorge Hickling of Crossland was ifound unconscious lying on icy ground near her home Itwas UIIJIIUI Ilarlle and many luv young children was evolved by German Friedrich Frocbcl lsiily fresh longer because of the illcreasid sugar highest about 430 pm THURSDAY APRIL 29 1943 nvestor service SunUhndt vuln slftlllllcs in modern Llllll Iollci is and Itflllh income liciaicis regular shiftllhllls including tflllfllfillfltfl stilllllitlil llll llltllllir LIX Liilllts will uilly lldlisliliulls ill ululiluult lll1 instructions ll your entire lxulfollu ill lciisl once year Makes suggestions from lime to lllllt if such action ifslilay appear desirable in your interests You retain full ciiiiuol of your securities and lillt lcilliiills iii your name lulnplllel git lug full particlllals including rates Siiif ull fjlltoL If NIO GICNIXR ALTRUSTQ If ll If Mud 1mm ISJ 5m lemma ADNIINISIIKING ASSPTOS Ssllfflff011fl OI GERMAN ORIGIN The idea of kindergarten for Rnwlluwn Limltod regularly mk up And chip Hounehold Furnilun Con oolldnted Pool Curl lo ManlloblSuknlcb an Alberta Brftflh Columbln and wv STA FRESH LONGER Flowers cut late ill the afternoon NorahmmMnmwmmmnwucd Inlaht nil unburned was 610 Yong 8L Toronto Klngodnle 512 urine Mulll 1111wa ul mam content which is CoughSAffd COIds Require Attention 1lie immediate use of Dr Wood Norway file Syrup relieves spasms of coughing helps to cut phlegm and mucus Open the air passages and soothe the irritation Dr Woods Norway Pine Syrup contains no harmful ingredients nor habitforming drugs It has been popular householdrulllelly for nearly 50 years On sale at drug counters everywhere Tho Mllburn 30 Limited Tornnfo thought she slipped and roll no3 advanced age70 years made her condition serious Replying to request from the Orillia Board of Trade the General Manager of the Central Region of the CNR advis ed that film Railway could not see their war clear to improving ser vice by giving Orillia ii train from Toronto at 10amjlnd all after noon train to the city 1947 SALES or TAMBLYN LARGEST VOLUME YET TOTAL OF $7052902 Tamblyn Ltd sales for 11h reached the largest volume of any year amounting to $7052902 an increase over 1946 of $614114 or 954 per cenl Irading profits were $1055835 an increase of $14090h over 1940 ImBrowne president slatesrl several new units were added dur I7 ing the year Plans for thocurrent year include the opening of stores in otheLDniariomitiesnoLpresenL 1y serviced aswell aspirl new loca lions in the Greater Toronto area onven A7 Widn an afford life insurance Instead of asking that question 1r answering fluSe flan you afford ltldlth or ilccilIllll Ian you ulloril lo retire hell you reach ii cer IllIIlllgt Ian your family afford the Illsullf your illcollle II the answer in theseis lui IIIHI you cannot ilIIUIII fu=ie lfffffnlfl file ilillriuire Let the Millnul Life of Ianadilreprescnialive explain 10 you the special features of Mutual forums life insurance today IHE Providing lift insurance servin Woynnlbln sinro 1859 NEAD OFFICE wmemoo om 48 gt or branch Ollleellreter Sls0rillia Ont RALPH LANG Branch Manager REPRESENTATIVES ARTH UREJOIINSTON BARRIE ONT TI LTPHILLIPS BARBIE ONT on OE CENTRE smog line ofileast renounce rind taking theeauegt The Midland Free Press Herald sosin the way out wlthout typermanently settling the obligation andlcavlngithc ratepyrs to take genre of debenture and interest as welf1t rsjeejmsf WT ls that rvaluiibl protectIOncouldi be given the rmunicipallftm by making vlt dmpbssfble to issue debenturcsfor tits re quircmcnwwlthout first having its nitric Earthenit believesit the part of wisdom to ion carefully jconsidered by the the opinion of the rural residents of and makinglt impossibleto proceed without the area as it is the farm trade that will be permit fromthe Municipal Boom affectedmost for nine months or the year As far as we know there hasheen no effort Ts to make such ahcanvalss in Barrie It would If rtonto really npcecsaryl fniatfafthe benoeaay lobfto undertake but undoubtedly megidlund Free Herold It wouldbe interesting to learn in what pro given Vino editorial port Onmeters are used by tourists farmers road hogs that are amenacelto the retail aid parking meters frequire constant watch Ingrby the local police to avoidvlolations hill and local clogging proposedinstallation of parking meterSln that townfa plan to attack me statlohary trade In the opinionolithe Free Presslllef today cud often wavy day Its real um Anytime Sowhenever youre thirsty or wvplutoadd delight to moment of relaxation drink Pepsi Remember you get more foryour money inthnr big 12ounce horde Rafi63 Elli on Illa quieted wwwsz Gouda nPcpsiCalo Compaq isxtiwoniy meetingOtherom Arthur ICLAQBTCNE CORR lt gseoritnry ONDA Daylight

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