THE BAR Elect McCurdy Reeve il our years automation to xiii llll tOZlCLl it lift vaCliE by Mr Skian lam Jam MAErd Ngwn lithcls Joseph Domino allfli llv Mclallizitioo us Home lottenlwhbun Humbug 1W1 ham to tilt llit tatslimy left by tlielim mm death of llixll imicy Three wu mi nominated lit rimma Apiil l9 but only Anniu minim W331dilly He has gttttl on the tillage coun iLl jHIILl ELEBILYlll LNILNARY Even for double the FIRST FINAL ii PORT until Continued lit iii page seven disk retained enough to cross ovci theLied lilic between the particpants legs Gariepyf St Pierre and Juzizli argued the point that the puck was kicked in one oilicil land indicated but the decision viis utcirultd and scoic was announced svic tlul An iilgiiiillulliif lhkllllig glnrolilr tonuziittio of Vl= Howls lLl lisiwis was lltlxl iliirllii of ozi Apiii il Ei ti llcnrlcll lti fulll Neil FLAJr =iiii addressed the ixcti ldtnk story was all Barrio ill the third Port Arthur begun to exchange lllt Sports oiiiiiLitiw and tulii of his lid liizitis boll tcgiiu llu DUddChVUf 30k ft out tut was Wiele lgtgtiltl llliillt mg NIH ORMSHD UK cith 11 Ch llittL our tcziili lli Siiiicirc Sim AIMW Holman mun 10 11 05 GENUinf Aspmgn 35 Hull Slialliilliililttl Maxim an Hm kam it ichq hjltllliltti Elt bringit 031451 MARKED HHS WAY4 derlm itdlsmwii iitii ll hc inW filllmlliixulin lll mil lduu 11 Si lc lmnymv Altllliitlisl huirli 200 llziyficld roiuQlliy St licric right ill the centre ulsthc defence The blondci spctdstcr slatted first mid sliot low lie Will dullch MEtiltill Fri tlil liilllll and on Sunday lilttiv Elation bluf ill 210i oclock lit iltill tlttlltnlt the new lltiiltlilill ilhc Siilitiziv cvtnsng spyiuoii will SALES AND SERVICE by lliSliup Oilllstou pack The sccolidjwos when Aikin picked up zcbuiililfigtlli in iii ltltVilttl posing plnycr laid the pilots over to Ilitl lt WI ltlili in ili tllil Mv quota of Cockshutt machinery is almost complete J1 it ii mil tillttltitl iliits Hindu llits hmblhnm mhtwuwu Shot mu Place your order for implements early have ready ltll luv and Vttllithtllly owning inst mi immcdizitc delivery few N0 12 Spring Tooth iiltii1iiiis va and Kid Kangaroo Piows We also keep in stock the following Illally llziv Cars ublc and Pressure Systems ctt and the famous Easy Washing Machines GOODYEAR TIRES AND BATIERHIS Lupe stock of repairs are Luliitd it all times Your enquiries will receive our prompt pCtltlllttltttv attention Thomas Dawes Hillsdale Ont BLACKSJIIIHS WOODWORKERS WElillliltS Moiisscuu lllllt it six by picking Port Arthur 0Ble and shoimg lltliitld tho unalcrh thribot lctc Durham as in till lsl mineMemorial up finals ll Mziplo cuf larrlclis April 24 Pm Mf roiid sooty FAVIIItO SCORES Port Arthur lll11ll to worry5 over their lllltitlltltlllsl built loud lilitl poured on the heat Straciizui Junipyd around the nets its tlioughl on springs and liltLl kicking out three shots in succession coming ltllll AltlllUlt llllUlNS77lool litilHil ltfclnc Woit Olson Lcli tiv Migoy viiigs Lcwicki liilds iltcrlizit Durham Forsliilid llriidltv Johnson Fcro rcighton lliiccuri BARBIE FLYHRSlool Strzicli7 zin defence luricpy Long cclitrc 14 irom liilds mid lmwicki Favoro 31413miimidxlugl phallic in icvcrscd lllt phiv by Ciirlyingthci Phone Moonstone Mayor Molissiuu Barrett Aikiti HIE EXAMINER BARBIE ONTARI 311 wining utter disputed one llt us lit piillod away from thigtrailingtl the puck out of more of legsl lii over centre Bruin llotllmalcti by Dr liiltilllltlg OCk and punched it in Village at Tortenbam Lloyd Legguzl ac corner of the not Charm ap Foows Lafe ML Pearcy Thornton was gum it 93 sni kicking soon enough iinitj seconds later Stan Lung ud cheap sentence forvh2it um termed as trip It attened lbrls chances of overcoming the and as they had Bruins hanging out iizolnentum ln ropes Button Bradley scored the only 11 kti while Stan was sitting out unblc had Straclizin pushed into netting With the puck in his 1titkl hand but the paw was not Art the line The goal judge to have it well covered but utilc miraculous fashion lie llst luxld MfthliL llllliliiltliliS 7Vic liindiiuist Wili nipcg lion Mullins Montrczil FIRST llilthl lorih Arthur 7Migliy ssuausuro 1699 Ilcitkl Woitl 707 Port Arthur7rcigiiion 1034 ltuiltius lurhiln iiiricpy SECOND llilllUll ill I00 Worth of non auco It lort mm 1mm Mimiyl i015 lort Arthur777Bziccori lldho tltrudloy rtightolil lit Part Artliiir7leliguy ihilds wickil It 00 ll lmllp hll wk alwn Fm ti Burrit Ailrin tll7 lillllih llll iliiltlilll tllltl tour home are lilleultilllli name Moussouu limitcivil loll liavt lrtlllttl an lllllllltllfllf ilillt ligtlttliljhllzlxijthilk 933 am In Muir mumy lll ll for your rlllltltlllll Ivwicki M35 ii BuilicLollg tMogtrt 1650 How lllllflt Ill SIM prclniiiiu bring you llirit pm Armurmcmms 1702 gimp sm van mi loiir csintc ii iort IAIllltllMlglly Ill ll 00 itll illustratestliisaumzintlv lilw ll 11 linnltics77Gnriopy Woit liiii cost plan nil liow Flllllll it us to budget lol ll out hum MWW ll lltltilll is stated in round llliiits THIRD PERIOD mm P4 ill lliirric777Barlctt gk llil tlniitiiicntal liilc Representative zllmiii this Ifiziricpy Si Picrroi 430 ill ort ArthurLcwicki it iMigziyr 630 ill BarrioBarrett tAikini 710 if Borric7Moussoiiu Margin Mecca 94 ill zuric avcro cgcrl 20 it ll AP CE IO 17 Port ArthurBradley tCrcightoni 1423 Borric Glizirda tR Mayor 1955 IviiiiliicssDurlizun Long Bu ISL Iicrrc GRANT MAYOR mtg L50 Dunlap Street Barrie iii illlln Purely Canadian Company IMore Parcels Go To Aged Gardenersof iThe British Isles Gift of the Ontario Horticultural Association second shipment of 225 individually wrnppod pock agos of food has been sent to tho Royal Horticultural Society of Great Britain to be deliveredto tliopFnsionors of the Royal Gar donors Bcncvolcnt Society Those are aged gardeners or their wid Cows who have spent lifetime in the gardens of Great Britain and are now retired men who have done much to give beauty to those who were pliVileged to visit their gardens Each of the 225 parcels contains throfollowing articles one pound domestic shorteningl halfpound whole milk powder one tin lamb stew two tins cheese ono tin spiced pate do foio The first shipment of food par cels for those ponsionod gardeners was sent over in the late fall of 1947 and resulted in over 150 up preciative letters being received from the recipients by Car roll secretary of the Association who took charge of the shipment pork and one tin Palamadcsis said tohave in vented dice about 1244tBC You CANvDEPENl oN WlSCONSLN AIR CQQLED ENGlNES Fmva to 22 hp blithirarpi on contriict incoal yards etfil TvaTEELrv FOR SALE Angles Plates Sheetsr Channels Flats Cold Rolled BARRIE ENGINEERINGCo 171Mulgaster St Phone 3144 Barrie WELDING ARC and user illfr iliilri vfiiuil NEWS REVIEW pickgem dealer and the purchase price will the to gt GUAIANlIeflrocter Gamble gucrlntces thptf deanill do veyrythilf claimed for it in this cover moment If you are ndt completely sutiscdrefurn the unuscdprtiou of your funded lES IN HARD warm titlith or sum iio wring SfilllllilShltMlbl screened played The Port Arthur reporter boasts that Foil William take as mucll WNW hadule ricdit for the Bruins as the Ports mOk Md The top line players of Migny Lcwicki and Childs are from the twin city as are the third themselves the lodge whether it was in blinkci stated he had made mistake and that settled the issuc St Relic further hindered Bar7 Pap lies toziieouck With holding pentf ally at 1802 during which time Chick Guurda Carried the puckg up the ice and fired partialiyimsmnani N31301 shot pas Chaim mmlbirthday was establishedfrom an the bluolino at i966 it put the finish on the highest scoring Memorial Cup final ever 5cm 33 ilukcd the light and the officials trio of llaocari Johnson and Fors re533 lgi tdy il 215 nee It Hm mmum ltuli lliLJ lllllBllkLl lllt leltdgc ltd mg counter hind liunto lolliitl piisiiioiiis ti of pucks Willi tzilLV at 1843 to 57 PW am Galltlly DFUICSlCdI USlttg Ute 0X8 style 85 Barrie anytth ltlicir 1gtli to couplinu ili curly iliic his club on 83 count it wiltilml Mid Rally DctSUJldCd thelof throc dcfcnccmon and three for STEM HEQEiARTHURARENTYOU an 11 mm mp mum mm Jun scoured minti substantial but the tiltL to wander over and ask ward lines coach Lauzon decided iiufr Davenport zircrptvii logidtrlJp ILTfLGiires more stills rNo greasy ring round tlie pintNoScloudy rinse abdwa so sparklinlctearaaien with KlbdZtohands buds Faster nudst Langer Tide cuts7grcase llke magic washes dishes THURSDAY APRIL 29 1948 sump our ruin One ton of newsprint provides 69000 sheets of newspapersize The WHAT BREAK Its the same Superb Max well House Coffee blend in either the Super Vacuum Tin Drip 01 Regular Grind or the GlassineIined Bag Purpose Grind DIARY SETTLED IT Attcr considerable dispute by Bonapartes luctual quotation from his fathers Ediaryas August 15 l769 on playing but single goalie after having an alternating systen Lorne Cha Bead Examiner Classied Ads rorzormuc Your murmur suoss lvr Poususo WITH NthGEl c5wm 40 NOTHING LiKE NUGGET SHINE TO GIVE YOU THAT CONFlDENT WALK DID YOUR SHOES You fH5 MORNING TIDE does whats never been done before Washes clothes cleaner than any soap yet leaves colors brighter Its true washday miracle made possible through wartime research You it know you re usmg completely NEwvaroductftbe minute you make suds with Tide Tide suds look different feel different and those wonder suds Just laugh Ward water Etenjnhardestwmrtheybillow upsothickandfast youll be amazed de 9055 gt Washes he eager Im Yes cleanerthan any soap made Youll get real washday thrill when you see youry rst Tide wash Everything comes cleanereven grimy play clothes 77714 and heavily soiledworkclotha Thats because Tide not only leaves clothes free from ordinary dlrt but actuallyrempves dingy soap lm as well Actually brightens colors Coloszrlghtnss perks up lilie magic as Tide nukes dulllng coup lm disappear Washable prints and pend tels actually come out brighteriwlth Tide Tide ls really safe for your dainty wnahable colors gt Have yellows whrfelliings Lw What amassing for yam shirts sheets and lliowcnees No matter how often you wash fhem Mfume howlong you store them Tide cant turn them yellowl from it in your dislipanl lasting suds than anyvsoap in hardest water dunner than any soapl No scum iii the Water film on dishes and gtauslTbath Whytrhoyj oiiitwtrinslw