Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 29 Apr 1948, p. 1

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THIS WEEKS ISSUE 7925 Copies Amount AI ICCOID CL IAlL 70 Girl 85th YeormNo BARR BAR Creemore YPU Win lstBAND MEMBERS Place in Drima Contest Creemore United Church Young Peoples Union won the finals in the Sinlcoe Presbytery drama contest at Barrie last Friday night The oneact comedy His First Shave was directed by Mrs Eagle Gordon McArthur of Stayncr president of Toronto Conference of the United Church YPU pre sented the shield Tile trophy Was received oil behalf of the Cree more cast by Pauline McArthur The Creeniore play centered around the simple incident of boy upsetting the entire household with his elaborate preparations for his rst shave The boy was Jack Graham and his annoying kid sister was Paul ine McArthur Lois Ierry was the mother and Bev Machcsney was the father Kathleen Latinicr was the girl with whom Jack had date She soon grew tired of wjtching his prolonged deliberations and when her young man accidentally smear ed her pretty face with brusliful of lather she went off in huff and left him The climux was reached when all mcmbers of the family rushed in just in time to prevent Jack from ending it all with his fathers straight razor While the play was simplethc adjudicator Stewart KC of Barrie awarded the shield to Creemorc because of the clever way in which all members of th cast kept the action movuig rap idly This play he said was well directed with plenty of movement and crisp gesturrs Each character was well portrayed and the stag ing lighting custunles and make up werc adequate George Shepherd provided the sound effects and the inaktutip was by Rev Eagle OOKSTOWN Yltl The production by the town YPU She Was Farmers Daughter taining melodrama With authen tic costumes and stilge settings of 75 years ago the play was color ful arid well acted Cooks Only ers the simple country boy who exposed the city villain was des cribed by the adjudicator as simp ly magnificent Osgoode showed the characteristics of splendid actor by the way he dominated the stage while he was on The part of the farmers dangli 91Wl10wl15 glad to return from the sinful city was played by Edythe Gilroy The Villain coni plcte with handlebar moustache and sideburns was portrayed by Earl Gilroy Mrs Gladys Wilson was particu larly commended for her portrayal of the aunt suffering from asthma With her whcczy and highpitched oicc she remained in character Turn to page six please PARQUHAR OLIVER LIBERAL SPEAKER MAY CONVENTION The Liberals of Centre Siincoc will hold tliir convention to sel ect candidate at Phelpston on Monday May The meeting has been called for 830 pan DST and the speaker will be the Ontario Liberal leadei Farquhar Oliver MPP At Centre Simcoe riding as sociation executive mcctmg last Friday night Woods On tario organizer was present and lcdthediscussion with plans for contesting the June election Arftingcmcnts were made to rent rooms in the Wilson build ing on the Post OfficcSrluarc as campaign headquarters Representatives were elected for the nine municipalities in the rid ing Bradford Fred Collings Wcst Gwillimbury Frank Hambly In nisfil Todd Barrie Cecil Robertson Vespra Harold Osborne Lambcrp Shepherd Vic my Sunnidale James Buie Flos Field Bin Knox with walls at Downcy Tiny Montcalm Maurice the piano contributed several Penetang McDonald much appreciated numbcrs Veteran Killed When Car and Bus Collide In Midland Saturday Garland Crawford 26yearold former Midland veteran who mov ed to Toronto some time ago was instantly killed Saturday night in Midland when his car collided with bus His brother Gerald Toffenham Masons Pay Fraternal Visit To Kerr Lodge AF AM About 20 officers and members of Tottcnham Lodge No 467 AF AM paid fraternal visitto Kerr Lodge on Tlitlrsday evening last The visitors were welcomed by Morrison WM and the viisting officers then exemplified the initiatory degree in most efficient manner with Bro McFadden in the chair Following the lodge work re freshments were served and short program enjoyed with the WM of Kerr Lodge presiding Bro Irving MacLachlan proposed toast to the visitors and the WM of Tottenham Lodge also one of the charter members of that lodge Bro Abbott and Bro Fleming of Elmvale responded Bro Clarke proposed toast to the candidate Johnston who fittingly rc spondcd quartettc composed of 22 and Beverley Tucker 27 are in hospitalwith severe head and leg injuries The accident occurred during heavyrainstorm which Midland police believe contributed to the collision The bus driven by Robillard was about to stop at thecomELofE1ft11Stgand Panes tang Road to discharge passengers when the auto crashed it almost head onrGar1and Crawford died within fewrsegondsnofwafgactur ed Skull new Drgtlfh was lt1 Friday and fine program in the Folitiken aradical leftwing which Anglican and Presbyterian paper with daily circulation of different was an enter about two oclock Mr and Mrs tensive exhibits concert Choirs joined in was given about 170900 MCConkOV Headsi Annual MetigiafTIAS The annual meeting of the Sim coe County Childrens Aid Society at Club 79 Barrie On April 22 was attended by 150 delegates representing the five branches of the CA8 throughouL the county Chairman of the gathering George McConkey welcomed the thCAS and Spoke of thegrislng of flier those from distance The speaker for the occasion was Hise deputy minister of welfare report address is ivnjn Valium eeVe Louis Truax inf IESSE Township commended the work of Manama Managing Director Naph tali referred to the printed reports which provided details Of Countvaork as well as the yolun teerwork done by the individual branches Mr Naphtali declared that the GAS must be partner sliip hemeeanEJrofcssionalsm gARRIVE HOME 1510119919011 After being greeted royally by the Woodstock Collegiate Institute and Vocational School the Barrie Collegiate Band continued on its way to the Music Edticators Na tional Conference in Detroit on Tuesday April 20 Stopping forges iii London we proceeded to Chatham where members scattered around in the restaurants for lunch Morrison Mr and Mrs Leighton Clarke and Mrs Rodgers met us there The first impressions of the city George Faris as sgoode Sinithlwerc not quite as glowing as the expectations On our way in it just looked like another city with smoke stacks rows of dirty houses and more smoke stacks All doubts were brushed away how ever when we arrived at our ex cellent accommodation The meals were delicious On Tuesday evening we at tended the concert in the Masonic Temple put on by the combined Detroit high schols That concert was marvellous example of what can be accomplished in music in elementary and secondary schools Mr Fisher called rehearsal on Wednesday morning and every one gotlast minute instructions for the big event on Thursday morn ing Through the arrangements made by Leighton Clarke we were taken for most enlightening tour through the Ford Rouge River plant and their the Thomas Edison Memorial Museum Every one tried to see all he or she could of every building and dc partmcnt from the blast furnaces to the grinding of glass in the Ford plant and from the crystal chandeliers to the first locomotive in the museum The transporta tion exhibit was very interesting With its covered wagons royal coaches and early model airplanes concert Wednesday evening was presented by Michigan State schools THURSDAY MORNING Things began to hum as early as am Thursday and nine oclock found the band begltlning the program of all British mlisic This took place in the Cathedral in the Masonic Temple before good audience for that time in the morning While the whole pro gram of English music was very well received the single Canadian number Rondo byWilliam Mc Caulcy of Ottawa Technical Schoo1vividly portrayed the Can adian Ski Trail to the delighted audience After the concert dis plays fromwueh famouswrmucic houses as BOOsey Hawkes Theo dore Presser BuesCher Bank In struments and many others were open for our inspection These ex offered an un usual opportunity to see the lat est examples of instruments and music demonstrated Thursdayaftemdbn included tour through the offices and plant of the Detroit News as well as the radio station WWJTV where complete television broadcast was witnessed from the rehearsal to the final production and broad cast We were free that evening to attend any number of musical programs Friday morning preparatibns got under way for our return to Windsor When we arrived at Patterson Collegiate at 330 an audience of public school boys and girls was waiting for short generous dinner was $939930 us by ladicorganjza tion thongh every member was tired from the strain of the preceding days then evenTng concert 811116 same collegiate was exceptionally wellperformed As this concert was sponsored by the Windsor Teachers Council everyone was billetd with teachers SATURDAY AT LONDON Our old friend and former eu phonium player Bill Maitland was waiting for us on designated corner in London when we ar rived there Saturday noon Bill had taken the trouble to meet us RIE ONTARIO THURSDAY APRIL 29 the county court house in Barnett0e on Wednesday evening April 21 when Slmcoe cullensicial election three yearSEgo tan address of welcome new 16 LEO ATAMANCHUK 0F BRADFORD was the first of 165 Siincoc citizens who received Canadian citizenship certificates at ceremony in Barrie on April 21 Judge Harvie is seen here presenting the firsticertlficaterfhCSouth Simcoe Junior Farmers Association had conducted course in citizen ship throughout the winter and the coticlusion of the course was celebrated with the ceremony at the county court house followed by dance at Club 79 Photo by Don Johnston rinks sTiIrI Point 1950119 91 Mormons Iiiom ILEini Baum TEAM By GEORGE STOREY Skating at terrific clip POrt Arthur Bruins went two up in their Memorial Cup finals against Barrie Flyers on Monday at Maple Leaf Gardens with an easy 81 victory Bruins took commanding lead in the bestofSeven series with the third game scheduled for last night and the fourth Saturday at Toronto Flyers began as though they were out to even the series Sid McNabpey Don Ashbee and Ray Mayer who were the top Barrie line started checking the Ports big threesome of DannyLewicki Rudy Migay Alf Childs Mayer was order7 edf6Sliadow the speedy Lewrcki Riid haWkedhlfn bn eVery turn Ashbee and McNabney carried the better of the play for the opening minutes They threw rubber at Lorne Chaboti Jr in the Bruin nets at every opportunity and skated with Lakehead attackers from the goalmouth out PAVERO SCORES FIRST Flyers continued to drive when Ray Garicpy drew an unnecessary Port Arthur 8Barrie 2nd GameMemorial Cup Finals CITIZENSHIP COURSE ENDS jdleton lpartincnt of Education lship during the Fall Simpson in Central Church Even highsticking penalty at 527 rollicking defenceinan led rush down centre accompanied only by Red Favero As he neared the story WolfDurham twosome the stick came tipand the puck slid on Theresult was one broken stick twominute sentence and sore head to Durham Meger and Favcro were the for wards slatcd to hold off the Ports offensive power in the emergency They did marvellous WOrk for 75 seconds Meger intercepted Port Arthur pass and reversed the PET quickly to menu 099 111921 The Maple Leaf Gardens April 26 PORT ARTHUR BRUINSGoal Chabot defence rWoit Olsen cen tre Migay wings Lewicki Childs alternates Durham Forslund Wrightsell Bradley Fero Creigh ton Baccari BARRIE FLYERS Goal Mayer defence Gariepy Long centre McNabney wings Ashbee Mayer alternates Guarda St Pierre Mousseau Barrett Aikin Meger Favcro REFEREEkVic Lindquist Win nipeg Kcii Mullins Montreal FIRST PERIOD BarrieFavero Meger t6 beat Favio lswung in as he crossed the line took beautifully laid pass fromwlyleger and dump edikbetween Chabots pads looked like Bailre were coming into their own after fearful opening game But their the tide turned QUICKLY TIED The West Ends sailed through the Barrie four and in 23 seconds had thegame all tied up Rob bie Wrightsell deflected Bob Feros relay into the net Actual 1y the play should have been stopped puck above the heads 11 POTtr ArthursWrightsell Durham Feroi Port ArthurLewic Few PortArthur Creighton Bradley Port ArthurLewicki Port ArthurFem Wrightsell 1438 enaltiesGariepy Fero Woit Favero Long SECOND PERIOD Port ArthunChildS Lewicki Migay 1425 PenaltiesMigay Wolf Dur ham THIRD PERIOD Port ArthurCreighton 1948 IN crayon unique ceremony was held at 165 South received Canadian Citizenship cersj tificates During the winter course in citizenship had bEen sponsored by the South Siincoc Junior Farmrs Assocnition of which Jack Walker of Stayner is president The successful response to the course was celebrated with the event on April 21 Lashley agricultural rc presentativc was chairman and was de livered by Warden Walter Mid Norman Lindsay supervisor of Community Programs for the Dew explained how the project leading tip to this ceremony had been carried out Each of the four junior farmer Cltibs namely Alliston lVy Churchill and Newton Robinson under the direction of the South Siincoc Association and in co operation with thc Departments ofl Agriculture and Education coni ducted short course in citizen and Winter months llis Honor Judge llarvic administeredthe oath and he wasl assisted in the presentation of cer tificates by County Clerk Ti The reply on behalf of the apt p1icants was made by Robertl Brown of Bradford vicepresident of South Simcoe Junior Farmersl The evening was concluded withi dance and social gathering at Club 79 Ross Bcattic vicepresi dent of Ontario Junior Farmers was master of ceremonies and thcfollowing were among thosei present Grant Mayor Mayor of Barrie McCague Allis ton Dr McKelvcy Beetonl Clifford Lockhart nisfil Harvey Cookstown cxWarden of Siincoc County Fred Hunter Reeve of Innisfilzj Reeve Wood of Stayncr Jack Walker of Stayncr President South Simcoe Junior Farmers and Allan Brown Past President North Simcoe Junior Farmers Norman Lindsay assisted by Miss Evelyn Follcts of Toronto conducted lively singsong Russl Creightons Orchestra supplied music for dancing Reeve of ln 16 Aynsilks Shipped North carload of 16 Ayrshire cows were shipped from this county last Saturday by breeders of this district Bought by If Waern of Han morc Ontario the load totalled approximately $34000 Loaded at Orilliauthe carload went to Sud bury before being taken to Ban more Jermey Crown Hill sold two of his prize Ayrshires to Mr Waern CAS DIRECTORS NAMED FOR 1948 The directors of the Simcoc County Childrens Aid Society were appointed at the annual meeting The officers will be elected at the next meeting of the heard of direc tors The report of the nominating committee as presented by Clar ence Simpson was adopted as fol l= The Liberal convention Will be in Barrie on April 22 Section lPoges The provmctal election campaign is beginning to gain momentum and appeals there will be four candidates contesting Centre Simi There were also four candi Mahlon Beach of Barrie will again be all Independent candlo date lie was the first mail dei finitely in the field Mr Beaehf got 1215 votes in his first cam paign iii June 1945 The rogressrve Conservatives and Liberals have each announced next Monday May as their cori vention date it is likely that George Johtll ston of Minesing Will again be the Conservative Standard bearer Mr Johnston tzls elected in 1945 with 5900 votes The Conscrvativu convention twill be held at the IOOF llall Barrie and the main speaker will be Hon Leslie Frost provincial treasurer held at Phelpston on Monday May and the speaker will be Far quhar Oliver MPP Ontario Lib eral leader and leader of the Op position in the Legislature McKintlon as the Liberal candi date threc years ago gained 4337 votes However he has since CONSERVATIVES CHOOSE MAY CONVENTION DATE John Boys KC was elected campaign manager for the Pro gressive Conservatives at an exec utivc meeting of Centre Simcoe riding association in the Library Hall last Friday night Plans were made for the provincial election to be held June Dr Orok of Midhurst riding associatiokgrcsident was chairman of the mcc ing Each of the nine municipalities was repre sented from Bradford in the south to Fonetang in the north There was good representation of women at the meeting Arrangements were made to rent thc IOOF hall on Collier street in Barrie as the campaign headquart ers The nominating convention will be held at the 1005 hall on Mon day May and the chief speaker will be Hon Leslie Frost provin cial treasurer Others expected to be present are George Johnston MPP Hon Earl Rowe MP and Julian Ferguson MF An orchestra will Lbe provided for the convention meeting anddetails are proceed ing for large representation lows 7ORILLIAqAtJzGlassMISWD7 McGill John Woods ALLISTONH Harris Mrs Russell Shaw Rev Doggett if IRIIEIRISRLMr Dr Maitland Benson Miss Wagg COLLINGWOODNi Noon an Mrs Hicks Miss ESM Dawson Wallace Cook BARBIEK Mickleborough and MrsDerry OSullivan The following were elected to itWOtTdstOlfTlf Oiway down to complete arrangements forthe broadcast over the Londonstation from 400 to 430 Following an appetizlng dinner served at the Catholic Culture Centre we went to the broadcasting studio for re hearsal andvvaited in the swelter ing heat of the city for the broad cast time The program waspiped the ptayers WES knocked down with high stick by Gilly St Pierre but no whistle was blown and it caught the Flyers out of poSition With Gariepy back Lthe locals once more rolled along with preo cision But when the Bruins ran into penalties one minute apart lhafirsttoiemand asecond to Surf the Citizens Wlio served on 11 volunteer committees An ekcellent chicken dinner wa served and during the dinner hour piano music was provided ner Icingsong was led by Vic tozUKnon coStS against the County He said if the demandrincrebsed sthey would have goto the province for assistance In presentingthe treasurer5 re pqrt PH Fisher said Siincoc County profideal 220003 the 000Approxlmatgli Ley was spent for of wards of the society Board The total budget forlthe yegr end ing December 31 1947 was $1023 lfalf thisivmcng maintenance GAS in 1941 and 5W1nl475 cost $36213c10thinzi1111191511395 and medical expenses were $1819 Maintenance for nongwardswas $7133 Administration expenses totalled $30900 LeSser expenses included maintenance paid to outs side municipalities Mr Fisher explained that CAS collected family allowance on behalf of the WEId9 of the CA8 The amount of $13005 last year added to the previous balance made total of $30494= Disburse ments ofa proximately $10000 were made carriage bulimic of $1 3261Thismoney 101 1119 war 13h heldln Cational fulfil Orillra stamp and we understand from home listened in With supper completed we Benny Woit Fryers triedsoihard started outhHRst lap of our Barrie about 160 am Sunday Even thougltfthere were two or three pople with very upset stomachs evrylasu member bene Itted in many ways fromth tutu Our thanks goidutto Mr Leighton Clarke Who made shell findin rangements for Us lnDetrOit and to all others who made the edu portunfty available T0SAVE OMAN DetroitiAprll wouldbe attacker literally got the bird sion40c LunchfbijJJ 71718b Bingo Monday May Orange gt Nearly 1000 birds parrth and parakeets tdok the chant help help when yearold woman SCIearned for help ll shewas drag gedinto an lleyftear where the birds Wereer The birds heused in Bill Shorts aviary aroused him and he went to her rescue The attacker escaped but the Worntinnvlraii unharmed The parrqtsJStibtt said contin ued shouting help10r 20 minutes After amontti use of opium tho user becomes it named ad dict li 42uL RIEAIijlsivINGSTON 31099 PAREOTSISCREAM HELP Hall Rummage 531e Saturday mornd ing May Legion Hall 930 am 17181 Regular euchre party Thursday April 29 830 pm OrangeHall Elizabeth Dance at BaxtefAp1il 30 1948 Music by Paxtons orchestra Daticing from 930100 1th Dance Cralghurst fCommunity Hall Friday April 30 Admis Hall Elizabeth St auspices Blue Haven LOBA 815 sharp 181 Everybody dance Ivy Orange Friday April 30 Stroud Mountaineers Lunch caunter 18p Dance at Cookstown dance pav ilion every Friday to Don Gilkes and his orchestra Admisslon 50 cents 17ffb Stroud Softball Club crokinole euchre and fdance Bells orches tra Lunch counter Friday May 839 pm Stroud Community Hall Admissitm 35c 1811 ice 2971vf0rpick up Single copies of The Examiner cents from news dealers and at The Examiner Office Examiner subscriptions are pay ableinadvance4fwyourpape quite fewrpeop1e1hey collapsed Holding twofails to appear youll know the Tumto page three please reason the general committeerGeorgr McConkey Clarence Simpson Chittick 11 Fisher Gordon Foster Cameron Very Rev James Clair all of Bar rieand Evans of Brad IOrd SALVATION ARMY ANNINGAPPEAE By switchover in many centres from September to May for itsan HON LESLIE FROST from EXAMINER lto6 Likely Four Candidates In Centre Simcoe Riding The CCF nomination convention Will be held Wednesday May in the Orange llall Elizabeth St Barrie CCF member of the Legislature or one of the provid dates in this riding in the pruvm leial executive officers will be the speaker In June of 1945 the CCF candidate Harold Bingham col lected 1626 votes The Centre Simcoe riding ill eludes the following municipal ities Barrie Bradford Penetang Tiny F105 Sunnidale Vespra 1n nisfil and West Gwrllimbury 1n DufferlnSlmcoe riding the Liberals have already nominated Dr Maitland of Calling wood as their catididateThe Lib erals did not have candidate in DufferinSimeoe three years ago The Progressive Conservatives will hold their COIWCllltOl In the near future and it is exected that Rev Downer MPI will seek to retain the nomination No announcement has yet been made regarding LCF candidate In Simcoe East plans are get5 ting under way and there is ini dication of threeway contest similar to that of three years ago The sitting member is Dr McPhcc of Fort McNicoll Pro gressive Conservative Conven movcd to St Thomas and the Lib llmf Win be held for Ch the lcrals will select another candidate Fame5 Shortlyn Tag Day For Blind Here On Saturday It is surprising how little some of us know about the various scr vlcc organizations to which we make financial contributions in the course of year We are inclin ed to take for granted the fact that they do good work without inquiring very closely into the kind of work that they do Such an inquiry should in most cases be satisfying one We would learn thatour own contribution is in reality form of investment in the welfare of our fellow citi zens Tile annual appeal of The Canadian National Institute for the Blind is one that meets with warm response from most citi zens principally because we can think of no misfortune worse than blindness But how much do any of us know about the way in which our money helps the blind or about the difference which the work of the CNIB makesin the lives ofthose it serves This year The Canadian National Institute for the Blind celebrates its thirtieth birthday Thirty years ago man who lost his sight re ceived little or no guidance in the matterrof new be could71M ended earn his living Thirty years ago the darkness surrounding mm was not only physical but mental and spiritual Today the physical dark ness remains but into mind and spirit shine rays of hope bearing promise of independence and of active living to replace the fear of idle helplessness Watch for the tag day for the blind in Barrie on Saturday May sponsored by the Ladies Aux iliary of the Barrie Lions Club This tag day will be under the joint Convenership of Mrs Edwin Ineson and Mrs Arthur Pugh All workers are voluntary and the entire proceeds will be turned over to the local Committee for the Blind to be used for the bene fit of the work for the blind and the prevention of blindness in this district LONG MOUNTAIN CHAIN the rough Italy and across Sicily Submarine elevations connect TheApenninaMOuntains Jam ItalianmTAlps South lthMlhflhtUlltalfffbfNOllhi Africa Liberal Candidate Alliston neraid Dr Maitland Collingwood surgeon was selected candidate for the Liberal party for the con stituency of DufferinSimcoe at meeting held in the Alliston town hall last Thursday afternoon In his address accepting the Liberal leader will do everything withinmy power to live up to the faith you have shown in me The highlight of the rally wasr an address by Farqubat Oliver in the provincial house candidacy Dr Maitlarld said that he realized the great responsibil ity placed on his shoulders How eVerjhsaidJiwithalltheLibeE Mr Oliver praised the inleetfng in its selection of candidateand said With 111311in of manleadgd ingjhejbcralswin thisch nual Red Shield Appeal TheSaI enArmywlllthisyearhave itSfrst totally Synchronized na vale Set for June 24 in the Arena htThorntoniS changed to Thurs day June 18b Womens Hespitau Aid Rummage 318b SellerOddfcllowSTHa1177941rmiMay Dohations wlcomed Call4543 Opening dance Crowes Orr Lake Pavilion Saturday evening May and every Saturday Same oi Chiestra same admission 1131911 Meeting of the Progressive servative ASsociation Shroud Con munityHall April 29 1948 830 pm DST Lockhart Prsi dent 111p Central United Church Glee Club concert Minesing Hall Wed nesday May 815 pm Admis start 500 children 12 and under 25c AuSpices WA 181 Womens Canadian Club Collier Ste United Sunday School Thurs day May 830 pm Speaker Misti Ida Brandr Subject fOut pest Nursing ActiVities illustrat ed bytlsound film 18b tional campaign acCording to Air Marslial WmA Bishop VC CB DSO MC DFC ED LLD chair The date for Essa Music Festi man offThe Armys NationalAd visOry Board announcing the com alfnTtliis constituency behind me veeveIycondence can win DufferinSimcoe riding from theConse1vatives want to thank you oneEand 311 jlre said forthe privilege you have given meant assure you that pletion of Dominiomwid cam paign vplans National objective grill be $1100000 for maintenance pluslcapitbl items Renown Mainstmisho clared The SalvationAImy is just revertingto Its prewar pOllcy of do memyredwtmmmuf the Liberal fold This riding has been Won before and it awill be won again he said Mr Drew is fightingfthi electiim on the Hydrobhange bver from 25 to 60 cycles Nevegjn my long expensg ieifce in publiC lifeliaveI seen an election fought on sucha phony TCCF Or axiy 001 0Y3 party was fglven to tlie conducting its majornancial ap pea in the month of May change over gt What thenvishis issue Mr the house tth llehad heard it In government war measure directing Athat wait Service Preempaigns should beheld 1114116 Spring and home service campaigns in the Fall was the prime reason for The Salvation Armys change In longestablished policy Another importatit reason for the changeoVer the Air Marshal said was to avoldconlctwith the dates of Community Chest Cam paignsl ln alllarger and many of the small ccntfesthroughout the c0untry Community Chest appeals are made in October This com pelled The Salvation Army to launch its Appeal not latertltan September 15 outside Sources that someiwhoWiete5notinr the change and 431081110 haveit that way He ordered an election issue As matterpf Schthere is no issue at all no opposition Drew iipldtned to

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