ISSUE 7925 Copies AUTHOIIIED AI 13500 CLASS IA 01 DITAA 85th YearNo l7 BARRIERONTARIO CANADA IHURSDAY APRIL 22 l948 Section 2Poges to 14 Mill HILKIITLE BARRI TRAFFIC ACCIDENT 80 me SMOMWJI PREVENTION Easier anuda Finals 3rd lune Montreal Forum April 17 iTo Preserve Famous Gardens of Britain Some people who wouldnt thinkE of cheating at cards or in businessl An important step towards the think nothing of cheating traffic preservation of the United King laws They will drive right past2 donis historic gardening traditiin stop signs They will excuse high was rcvealcd when the president may Monkqu Barre MC speed by telling themselves others of the Royal Horticultural Society IlAilIlIII FLYERSGoaL ill Mayor dcfcncc Gziricpy Long Itflllt Mcgci wings Favcro Ash imc altcriiziivs Guardzi St Pierre wi Read Examiner Classifieds BARRIE MIDGET FLYERS won many hon ors this year the OMHA title and Stafford Tr0phy the Midget NHL championship and AllOntario honors Back row left to right Bill McCullough Bill Goodchlld Paul Neger conch Front row left to right Jerry Turn bull John Walton Richard Delaney Bruce Wm Law manager Lloyd Pearsau Ted Gap Synnoff Doug CoulSon Don Coulson Paul rem Don Fraieigh Jim Gardner Em Elson Emms was absent when this picture was Dan MacDonald Dan Poland Bill Sexton taken Barrlc Camera Shop This thcltioniil Film Board the Imperial of llic Tobacco Company and the Royal Wintcr Fair It is estimated that millions will scc the him through out Caiiada in its first year Production of the film proved to be no easy task The matter of lighting the Coli seum and particularly the huge Horse Show ring was one of the most difficult problems The en tire job had to be done in the space of two weeks which reduced the margin of error to an absolute minimumtime for retakes just wasnt there 122 l7 Like Policeman 1045 1737 we protect you against pro perty loss with complete cov arage Theft policy Burglary or Personal Property Floater MALCOMSONS 41 Dunlop St INSURANCE AGENCY Dial 3735 Garicpyc Maycosi $625000 For New Addition Orillia Collegiate up their great show rst permanent record Royal was sponsored by thc Ini pcrinl Tobacco Company of Can ada Limited in the interests of Ag wednesday afternoon followingl iiculturc Ciinadzis lending indusv lei 3mm dry and pf the thousands upon members ggotleleglSi thousands of Canadians who havc Agricultural winter Fair saw the heard so much of the Fairbut who premiere of the full color docu have yet to 5C0 multmy lm of the multiple and The film will be distributed varicd activitiesthat go to make througlr the channels of the Na DocumentaryFilm Showing Activities Royal Winter Fair Ch HF Illnzil Dcsfnrgcs dcfcncc Dcslaur as they dont see police ofIiCCiationzil Trust was to be set up hockey title inthrce straight games twu surprising facts UM Dfuulmm DOW Riel respect all traffic laws and safety value which come under the care iShouldicc OIIHWIL CldOJIIS In for kcc st FIRST Pizinon bind in this game They tied 11 the opening period led 31 lcnziliics Irudcl Gziricpy St pressure scored two goals to come within one of tie and had Mayor Iiiidi Jcnnncziu Gar MENS and YOUNG MENS $3750 $4750 $4950 $5850 ill Ilillllt Aikin Mcgcr EXTRA PANTS IF YOU WISH Barrie started to rally Flyers have usually been trailing in the pump roomIon minor and MENS AND BOYS WEAR If Bariiv Mousscziu Alkiii HI Dolbcci 012 To win against 21 real good club like Montreal Nationalcs tlrudcli for scoring during the OHA playoffs and the Memorial Cup Icniilty body is off and thrit is rarely Rcid or Mcger Coach Hap Emmsi Niillliky Aikiii gel Emily withjf They will doi Lord Abcrconway announced that MONTREAL NATIONALES other illegal driving acts as long garch committee of Britains AS Barrie Flyers defealedNamles 54 at qutreal F0 1m icrs izirtiiu Centre Lillldly around The Ontario Department Its objcct will bc to maintain gar last Thursday night to wm the Eastern Canada Junior Wings itolfrion Cyr ziltcrnates mgnways urges all citizens widens of hismim homeupumy iird Robcrt Jcanncziu Cnduc SW0d out IliftlltSSIZIII Pratt and Hap theoggttmef Ctillleggzcggelgk or lmt First the Flych scored the initial goal and were never be Illltllt St Pierre tAikini end of the second made it 41 and later 52 in the final canto Jtitnlleim READY WHILE But in the last few minutes it was Nationales who put on thcl pwm Richard Dolbm Ashbeel YOU WAIT Barrie all but hanging on the ropes as the final bell sounded 8mm mo TAILOgIEDTOMEASURE SUITS CUT TO FIT LARGE SELECTION OF CLOTH $4750 $5850 $7300 Fans 11ch Will recall that Ill prev10us playoff matches the St mm my opposing team invariably tallied first and often twice beforcll mm Barrett Guardzii 1440 BOYS SUITS SIZES yr to 16 $1175 $1675 $1950 SEE us FORYOUR WORK CLOTH first period but it has always been the other team which hitsg WU Trude Mousscdu E5 the deck as the local speedsters begin to roll THIRD tho 55 DUNLOP ST BARRIE Second Flycrs did not have Jerry Reid during this game and llingxllglzngm Robert they did not have Paul Megcr for most of the last two periods Barrie St Iicrrc fAikinl 1048 without Reid nnndger is quite feat Tthe two lads are the llmulc Dollie offensive sparkplugs of the Flycrs Reid has been out in front Nahum Robert moibcc Iiudcll playdowns with Megcr ii close second Not only that but this duo play the role of penaltykillers for the Flyers When some almost every time sends them out to do the checking and the opposition seldom scores so well do they rag the puck Reid got 2i badly sprained ankle in the second game at Tor onto on April 12 when he collidcd with Referee Stan Praftl of Oftawn and thehcfty official fell on the Barriecentres left leg The anklc was swelled double size by Wednesday evening Oiillizi Packet and Tinicsl Discussion of what steps should be taken in the event that ma jority of the municipalities con iccrncd should approve the guaran tccing of debentures for the pro posed addition to the Orillia Col lcgizitc Institute was the majorl item of interest ill the regular mccfing of tlic Collegiate Institute Board of Orillinzind District hclclI on April DI Hill chairman of the Board reported that the village of Megci was hurt curly in the second periodrab time when he was carrying big load for the team by trying to fill Reids centre spot along with his own job Rushing down centre he ran into Montreal player and somcrsaulted over his back In falling hc twisted his right ankle and could not confine He was carried off and Dr Neil Laurie ruled him out for the night collision RepairsTow Truck Expert Wheel Alignment dnd Balancing International Motor Trucks Enrolment at Kindergarten ClaSses for the year September 1948 June 1949 Will Take Place In an section Elilhc highway be IlWCCII the eastern limits of Col lingwood and Stayncr was block Hart Garage 100 BRADFORD ST Barrie PHONE 3026 Barriolunior Chamber fusrsrtJr cdto all traffic when water three feet deep washed over the pave Imcnt at the Second Line If is feared that large section of the roadde may be undermined When it was discovered in Montreal on Wednesday that Reid could not possibly play call was sent to Barrie for Don Ashbee The reserve forward was brought to Montreal by Ken McKenzie by car on Thursday Asbbee took Megers left wing spot as Meger moved to centre onthe line with right winger Bruno Favero MAYER IN NET It was Gilly Mayers turn to handle the goaltendcis job ahd be filled it capably Thch were just two clcan breakaways in which Montreal player got past DAYLIGHT SAVING TIMEV llirst two readings to the bylaw bcnttircs Coldwzitcr and the Townships ofi Oro and Rama had signied thciii willingness to guarantee their por tion of the $625000 debenture is suc Representatives of the Board had been invited to inch with the Councils of the Townships of Oril lid Mcdonte and Matchedashi early this weck and it was hoped that these three would also give the guaranteeing theifshrcohe dc If one of the other municipalities agreed it would mean that ma Barrie Public Schools As Indicated Below PRINCE OF WALES SCHOOL BRADFORD ST Tuesday May 930 1100 am 200 300 pm KING GEORGE SCHOOL BLAKE ST Wednesday May 930 1100 VICTORIA SCHOOL COLLIER ST III presents jority of the municipalitiesfcon 00 pm ccrncd were in favor of the pro jcct If all three agreed it would mean that only the TownofllOriL Ila had turned it down The OriI 113 Council recently voted to send the questibn to vote of the rate payers on the ground that an ex penditurc cf $625000 should be ap proved Orillia is being asked to issue all the debentures and guar antee 60 per cent of them the defence with only the net minder to beat Mayer lost out on one of them but fooled the incom ing Nationals badly the second time In the final period he had to handle 15 hot shots of which three beat him Gaetan Desforgcs in the Mon treal end had only seven shots in this time and two went in Over the full 60 minutes however Bfir rie had fair margin of shots on goal Flyprs were really tired out in the last period and especially the last 10 minutes when they jus Turn to page eleven please In 33118 Daylight Saving Time will take effect on at 1201 am Sunday April 25 and will continue throughout the summer to end on Sunday September 26 at 1201 am SMITH Thursday May 930 1100 am 200 KING EDWARD SCHOOL BURTON AVE Friday May 930 1100 am 200 3200 pm Parents are requested to bring the pupils to the schools In their proper areas at the times indicated Spring enrolments may be made only at these times Children may be enrolled for admission in September Who will be fiveyears old by February 1st 1949 BARRIEJLUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD AH Felt SecyTreas Daylight saving in collingviidod this year will be in force mm April 25 to Sept 26 GALAXY oim Hespcmcuucr 00 voii have Seevefilhinii When vouliaveseen SEE THESEI GREATZFEAIURES GLADYSI GILLEM Americas only Woman Lion Trainer gt Dom JAGO SELLER Laa 0ii SHIRLEY IIEAII riiiir IIIE nrru iiiiirsiiniiiiciiia chorus com with Huge Elephants THE BOUNDING OLYMPIANS Fast Comedy Trampoline Novelty THE FLYING IVIELZORAS People Trick and Comedy Fly ingAct rim amino CONLEYS people Bareback Riding Act TOMSLBETTII WATERS intim on the Tight Wire JACQUES GORDON Amazi French Juggler on the Unicycle 21 HOURS or CLEANENTERTAINMENT PDSED 0P LEADING BUSINESS MEN IN THE LIONS CLUB IS BIOT AND IMA IGINE THEY CALL THEMSELVES THE LIONS CLUB BALLET DANCERS WELLITITCIIIDSTTDEWI SCREAM ALL RIGHT FDDIIIEAIILTIIL TICKETSABEDVER NALFSDLD AL READY nodlii250 300 and 830 pm POPULARPRICES MATINEE ADULTSircliil GENERAL zVAdults e$100 ADMISSION Children 500 nusmvrinkquts 995 LENE Plowmanturnere it These Priccs Are Complcto no EXTRAS Tom Guiirantced Dy Tho Chamhr Of Commerce Tickets at esviCOffee Bar Wright Cleaners EStophfeiuon Wevayniouvthlsv ookstoiie and Stops 1VBARBIEturnoffGrimm9360100033931L