qutim Chompiom Va Barrie Flyers For Memorial Cup Continucd from pugt itIlt be ready to Slcl IIIU lfii forward plans by Mayer who gm ion the cxiubumd Hallie Sahib on Monday should aim UV and fit by the kvnd Port Arthur Illtlllu son long btll Illtlllaiil by as the touiii it twat ILI um orial Clip iixilicii Lauzon tlitw lli in Chabut Jr zi in nctniindcr uf NOW YiiLt Itll the twin dcfi and Ctlllll Iltil IlIalS on iv Collch mun Highly llltl Wllh inkluzui If it Loziguc for Zioii Flycis Ill dcpziiinxntu scrvc powci pick lip lint For lillir Scull film Illilllllillvl won Sounds wmuv ulnll iziri lli lligt 12 Sf in iii unil SPRIl Drain Radiator of antifreeze Check lircs and switch them to equalize wear Check bziucry bring it up to par if its down Change winter grade oil in thc correct SCilHHIlll grade of Red Indmn Aviation Motor Oil Give yonrcar that Ciishinny feeling with lcxdco Marfak lubrication job itiln inf pzm liilii lgti IN US DO THE they knocch off in pulwiful Moose Jaw Cialllltii lZi xllia Iltiifl and tlicn twat Port Arthur tliicc stiuzgni All vltswzmh Nutlh Sons ilii Aitl Di our iliui lluf Eli up ltl1i2 IIJV ll limwil IIIU II li lfi ms ul lil1ll iltiil liili of lzwiiix Illt lii iaiizlik by ni vllfll win lwir luiial Il pins to icLii Ilil tIltli IMCAR NHDS Ill5 rawcf THINGS NOW Change the oil in transmission and differential to thc corrcit seasonal gmdcs of McCull ITUIIICIIIIC gczir lubricants Check wiring for loose connec tions that Gin guise trouble Make 2i thorough undercar inspection for broken brake rods missing grease fittings gasoline leaks etc VZZ EMMY mommaam 4m Wm RUSSEL Siiiiiiiciiiirs 02 Bradford SL Barrie fi fijgri IITTLE WONDER as 151mi OWL WILL HGIIVWE you 34 MORE MILEAGE rncss management of which Cecil gFYouIl be fire happy when you ride on the new Goodyear Debbie Tire Itsa better tir slorigerwearingtire asafertire with added blowout totibii and tests prove it can giv you 84 injlag than the bigmilage Goodyearif replaces wider nttcri diamond tread of theJGoodyear fputs more rubber onthc roadzz more sharc theldqd more rubber=t01grip ye you extra profectidnfrom skids ad Conditions You not only get gtire ire Drop in will today but you got Canadas most wo have thesize your family from blow equi ybur car with egumd afer Tuboo lie Service Phone 4305 Barrie Too Mfume sown IN SIMCOE tLoEiiisiucd lion mill do only tlmiougn ion lt tit llil lllEliI ill pndt oils Clxt2l of IN xelxclait lilltl rl rdIIIIL Ltlm iiiiillruliii of grant if iifilrlaclii ltlll ill by bliillltll lilltl lir liltlgtl kwp in high and plziic lift and good lItL E5 lo pcgtcd of iliciii Scicciiing lir iililuilltli ill U251 liiiiillllll offwc of your County Agii ruliinul lltllttllliillt uliirc ll lil tic to fit thc lllttillli ills of zany typi of fliiiniiii iinll Tlllu gtpcnt in owzlinuling fii Iiillllllfll null and pin Himv if In ncw slictils lgt will otliliilc its it will ILMlll imii iii iiflil iiLti licMici yiiil iiig tioigt Wini lijriiu Illiill clwliic inutor cin bc UNfl to lipilillt fanning mill at rillitll sct of iiistiiictioiix for llllt sugucsicil ltltlllild of attaching lllt izicfi xscillxl ll4 lifl ailublc cos lttlllt motor to tilt mill inn lip ulitiiiid oy applying for gtillllt Displayil of Vllllftltlx both it mid ilidlllflii lllllt bllfl nftcr hur igtl 2x lllltllll to which ciiouiill itcniion Ilfigt not bcin pnifl on tho 1ftlllLi fziiiii of Litc chd wtds iis litlfiil tllllll by binn burying Wlltlt buy in nu Any lllfllllltl of disposnl III iiiiii liit is liziblc tn culiso lllItflillllll of wcclls on your own liltilltl is iiimi iiiilicsiinlili Ilgtlltifll on ticighliors property it iiiiinwful All Illitltl culiuinl pructiccs such curly tllllpfilll scrd licds lsilnll crop iotniions including hucl crops spring siiiiiiiiir nnd iftcn Illlltl ClilllVlillUll siiiotlici crops twirl iiiownig of buy ClllllllllL of iiicnduws ind cutting or pulling wiids iioiiiid fciicc coiiicis llllfl buildings lIL zirc cssmitnil fac tors in tho control of most nox ious woods found on our lllllllS lodny Now rind ziliiziblc lllt fziinicrs fight zigiiinsl wccds lli lllt diffnimit tlltllllllll wccd liillors bring plnccd in tlic marl lUl today Vnrioiis cliciiiicnls can now ho piiiclinsid cncli with suiinbh rccuiiiinciidntions for cci liin typos of vccd control but the oncs which lllt most rcvolu tioiiziiy in llltll rcsults iic tliosc which czm ll iipplicd to tho grow ing tCltfll crops lllll without causing damage will dcslroy such lswords as Mustard zind Stiiikwccd land control Itltllllllll Sow lhistlc thilpllll III by prcvcnting it from going to scfd Thousands of acrcs of grain in Wcstcrn Cnnndzi find tlic Unitcd Sintcs wcrc sprayed with sclectivc wccd killers during 1947 Excel lcnt control of vccds in thc grow ing crop was obtained Ell zi very low cost ptl acre and tlicyicld of gruiii pci ICIC was substantial ly incicziscd chcrzil dcinonslra tions in spraying weeds in ccrczil crops will be zirrinigcd in North Simcoc this your Federated Iuniors Of North Simcoc Continued from page one Miss Louisc Collcy dirccfor of rccrcalion for Simcoc County spokc on the importance of rccrcn tioh for full life Referring to the recent recreation conference it Osliziiizii Miss Collcy sziid Siiiicoc was the only municipality rcprc sciitcd that lllld ll rural recreation program Ross Bcnttic sziynci viccprcsi dcnt of the Ontario Junior Furni crs spoke on the Junior Farmer program and said it should be well balanced He stressed three IS Vpccts agricultural cdiiczition then rccrczilion and third Christian education gt Mrs Elmer BffiCUCII Illiiivzilc spoke briefly and mentioned scv cral projects that could be carried out by the local clubs Bill Clark of 0m said ll members were on tcrcd in the home improvement contest DuncanMoore spoke of thesucccssof ingcoiirse in busi Chappcl hiidbccn the leaders Monty Leigh made an appcaLon behalf of the children of Europc and collection netted $3054 Followingfh0ibiisincssmecting the tables were removed and the floor was cleared for dance and social evening under thc leader ship of Louise Collcy WAVERLEY April 19 Walter Dcnggtmto is visiting his sisters 77 Mrs WilsonLMidland visitcdnf the Darbys Mrs Ella Brown is visiting her sister in Huntsville John Bawks Midland Sunday withrc11tLc 5i Mr and Mrs Clarke and daugh fcixMidlahd visited at Thos Rey nolds spent Apiil l0 rpciit tho AIIS hot llIIll SE gt1tigtlli Achici LLltlll alIl IIUWLL Mix Jus lids icturnca ittcr nu with her liiiii iii Iliiii AIIN Itllil Unziiivi is Visiting ni lf try in Iuiontu for iliiincd home Zlilit iti Aid lltld lllilt2 or April ll Tommi spcni the li unmet Mrs gtitlli All lluwn tllpit o1 Huck Ill liiiontn iizd Stiiici llllt lliilllt of Ednas Tun Room ciiioycd ill iricnds int hm lltill chmpcd by its new own Tlic Elm Grill Mis lid IllhAll Angus spcnt low day lust wcck with her duugnim Ali liti McAiilcy Ilegtll Illlllllz lnisy Sound isil ttl his giiiiiiii tl Mrs Ritch and othur innds this wcck Mi null 31 Uiizil Edwards oi lliiiiltuii nui Itilllllll IIlIdS of loronto Ctll lioiiit lill thc wcck cnn iIi limoclo fiIiM liliiSI iiitci istin iihliins iIll lllt lincc llivcr llitiict ut St Andicws YIS lust Wrili All Iifi iiiil Til lIiiiin tlll xpint tlu llltlltl lltli Iilillll llhlillhlll ill Illl Ilziiik of Toronto shill liiiw lillll tiniisfciicd to liintoii iiiil icpoilcii for duty ill chnisiiuf Mi uiid Mrs llillt Ilowlcy ilttndcd llll finiciuil of Mrs Ilow lcys mint Mis Fitd tnrvcr zit Alniilc till ltllltilll Mix Iliilltlllll Mrs Jos Adams llllil Miss Fostcr ill tcndid llit lliliIknii District iiicct iiig ill lcntoid on Friday llllt Milk llni nus Optlllll last wonl by liowncy in thc Iiiiilliini liiiniiily iicciipiid DAL ltnloii is groccrjv storc Mr ind Mrs lcurgc llilcliii Si itliiiiiics wcic uiclund gucsls of lllt foriiivis SlSltl Mrs JilS Ilcnidsnll Wzisngn llcliili BORN At St Aiiiliivs Ilospi til Midland Ill April 1948 to Mr IIIl Mrs Iinnk Ilobcils tncc Nun Slirgt of lllllillt dough tl Il Jyrnlli of Oshawa loiiioiur of wcchcnd with Ill Mr niid Mrs Arthur Vfllllllll Snsk yisitcd willi tho Iiilllltl iunt Miss Aiiiiic Lock and otlici frunds in llll commun ll Among tliosc llillllt for the wcckcnd wcrc Miss Agrics lizini Ncwiiizirkct Misses Mnrgarcll Iinliuni Muricl Illlcllltlllld Belly Stcwnrf 211 of Toronto Mr and Mrs John Toronto Miss Lynscll Liickc of Corcornnl rzivcn burst and Dr ind Mrs John Cox coizin rind liiiichtci Midland were llic guests of Dr nuers Corl Ollth Mr illlfl Mrs itll Austin Donl and Dorothy Mrs Ilobt Evansl of Toronto lllld Mrs lltllllil Iczichl of Stafford England Vcrc guests of Mr iiidMis Goo Drysdalc on Sunday We no glad to icpoil flint Mil ton Tllllll ictuincd liomc on Sun day from Toronto lcncrzil Hospi llll whcrc he had bccn ll pziticntl for l1 months IS llic rcsult oil having brokcn lcg Thc lirc siicn sounded zit piii Sunday when gross fire in Amos llcims yziid got out of control The lircmcn soon put out the blow With firc cxlinguishcrs ll lrcw quilci crowd of spcctzitors Glcn Itcbckzili Lodge No 209 hcld special meeting on April 15 whcn Mrs Acfnn Buinstcad Vice Prcsidcnt of the Rebekah Assembly of Ontario and Miss Vina Uffland District Deputy President of Col lingwood District visited Glcnl Lodge Mrs Bumslcnd in her adl dress spoke of the CP Fund and urged thc members to assist in raising funds Miss Unland gave an intcrcstingaaddrcss on Rebekah work Dainty rcfrcshmcnts were served ill tho close of thcniccting and social hour enjoyed Savcthc Children Fund some liilic in YWCA work in Gaw and gmc Vivid word picl Izlzc of olltllllulls of displaced pct of lltl work in connection with camp where 200 childrcn attcndcdl fur tliiccwcck pciiods llu nccd is rt gnuif help is urgently nucdcu Ai opportunity to help in this Nlillli cause will be given us l2i11Itllltill$t cunvuss will bc niznic to rcccnc contributions from IIIZS community The Latc Mrs Robert Harris Mis Ilobcrl Harris passed away at her home in Toronto on April 13 lilizi Ilcr death was the result of lift illilOllIOblIC llCLldtnl slit haying bccn struck by motor car in Srptcnibcr 1947 Mrs Harris whose niziidcn name was Emma lhircficc Montgomery was born Junc 12 1876 at Cookstown dough te Win and Caroline Mont goir Shc was niillincr find ilzilLtl on businms in Fjliiivnlc uiiul hcr marriage in i910 wlicn Sili mowd to Toronto She was ii incnibrr of lnikdzilc licsbylciiiiii lunch and was active in lilt WMS iiid llcd Cross Socicty Mrs llllllh had host of fiiciitis by whom sill will bc sadly IIIISSCLI Slw is ihi lust iiiciiibci iii the funi ily and tour iiicccs by lltl minister Dr Mchil short SiHltL was lltll it tho OD iiicicil by Ilcv Burgvss Invi lfllllllll was nnidc iii Elnivnlc cciiictciy Tlic plillbtllltlh wcrcl Ilobcil illll Gcoigc Graham laisl VllSOll Andrcw ZlIlI Jiiincs llciird szill mid Tipping Ilic btlllli tiful lltllill tri utcs tcstilicd to hot cslccin in wli II Mrs llzirris was licld by icliitivcs itlld fiicnds Rclnliirs ind ficicnds wcrc prcciil from St Inthnrincs llcllcvillc Midland Oshawa Wcslon ziiidl Toronto ColumbusSmith Nuptiuls Colorful Juscs and swcclpczisl ilccorntcd lhc ziltzir in Our Lady oil Lourdcs Church IIlinvzilc on April 14 Illill fll oclock for thc vcd ding of llicliiizi Ilvn Smith dziugli Icr of Allrcd Smith find the latcI Mrs Smith to Richard Micliacl Columbus son of Mr lllld Mrs llcrbcrt oluiiibus fill of Eliiivnlc Ilcv Frithcr II Doylc pcrforincd tlic ccicniony during which Miss Mzic ONClllilgllnlslubilllg wed ding hymns Gcrnld Columbus and Edward Smith wcrc ushers Tlic Iovcly biidc crilcrcd Griti Cuinutioiis sons in Emopc iclling specially WU SurVivuig air live nephew lcft fur ll huiicyiiioon trip tliiougli The mom gm llic Nizigiiizi district llic bridc trai lLi hold on Fridziy zit iuiicral 9mm will bligt llh lioinr in Toronto wzis condiicicd KW CUPS$01105 and 11 LUCK 51101110 315i Ns luncrnl Iloinc llllll was conl W111 HSKIC 1H lllnillt llic I95 Dundu St THURSDAY APRIL 22 1040 NIL IRRIGAILS EGYPT The Nile RlWl has some of th gittest dam in thc world greatle incrcasuig the nixgated Egypt PROFIIABLE BUSINESS lndias ranways are run at profit large portion of which is credited to general revenueil IQIILVIIIg the Indian taxpayer fAc lunch HIE tiic arm of hci father Her fulllength gown ofsilk tai iiia was iaslnonvd WIIII long bltulifi and sweetheart necklinc xitli an biertunic which fornwd point at the back Ilcr tiara pcails held in plaice licr iiiiguitip tll ind she cairtcd ll cascade bouquet of icd roses and wniic ticd with while not Silt won tlic giuoins gift gold cross and chain Mrs Lloyd llitchic the grooms sisici was iiiatronofhonoi She wore if lulllcngth gown of tuiqumse iicl fashioned with 11 lace bodicc and an under skirt of taffeta match ing headdress and vcil with fur quoise mitts and carried cascadc bouquet of pink roses Following thc ccrciiioii rcccplion was hclu lit the Jolly Farmer for one hund icd guests The rooms wcrc dccor zitcd with pink zmd whitc sircam iris and tho brides table was ccii trcd with IleIllLCrlltlCd wedding czikc flanked with vases of roses Jzniics Wclsh uncle of the groom proposed the toast to the newly wcds followcd by Mrs iniigford ind ilic bridcs fzithcr Fnilicr lloylc in congratulating the popu lair couplc ckprcsscd bcst wishes for the future Dancing was In joycd following the delicious buf fct liiiiclicon and grand innrcli was lcd by tho bridc and groom Vllif Mrs Null Holllfillilll IL ihc plilllt Gifts wcrc prcscntrd to ilu biidul pziiiy from the bride illlll groom Thc newlywed couplc Mud Ihc sets which often accompany babys first solid foods arccaused by thc fact that babys immature digestive system cannot completely digest coarse fibres and the cellulose walls of food cells chn the most careful straining does not break them down But Libbys palerfell homogenization process ckplodes and pulverizcs them before fhc process of digcsnon begins so that babys digestive iuiccs can immediately act on the liberated nourishment of red flicy cozit Shc worc 1i corsaigc Upon thcir return MOTOR BIKE As result baby can digest Libbys Diorc quickly and more completely He gets more nourishment than from the same amount of bod which has been strained but not homogenized and with less risk ofdigcsnve disturbance Wiilo for the fin bBBHBI Nullhlul Fading In Your Baby Jim and your name and addnn to libbys Chulham OM Amevicu ibiilliul power tramponu tion Youll go I25 miles on gallon cl gull IV Importation out Ihols hard to but Whixxu IIVlolor with all nutnary $16900 STRAINED and HOMOGENIZED Complete Stqndard Motor like $24900 Semi Onluxo with Ipringlorli $76900 DIN48 Romil wiih on or nnd I0 dapolit bularm 200 PEERLESS BICYCLE WORKS loronlo Iibliys Evaporated Milk is Homogemzecl foo Dr agging these winter goblins around Costs you money community service was licld in St Andrews Church on April 18 in the interests of the Save the Children rFund rArspecial musical programconsistcd of choruses by Grade and of Elmvalc Publicl School Glee Club of Elmvale High School vocal solo by Miss Joan Langman vocal duct by Misses Joyce and Laurine Minty selec tions on Organ and pianorbyMrST McGuire and MissMary Currie violin solo by Miss Frances ii Whitney trombone solo by Oscar Gray piano solo by Ronald Dut cher trumpet solo by John Mc Pherson Rev Burgess pre sided and Rev McFarlane introduced the speaker Miss Grc tal Hacbcrlinof Havergal College Toronto Miss Haebcrlin spcnl Mr and MrsMorris McWattcrs and girls spent the weekend at MrsIrWin Elliotts Mr and Mrs Oliver Hutchinson and son Lawrence of Torrance called on friends here Baptismal service Abaptismal servicenwas held In St Johns Church on Sunday when SandraQElaine daughter Of Mr and Mrs LOu Gettlep and Marie Elizabeth daughter ofMr and Mrs Morris Darby Were baptized PURE NEGROES fNegroes form one of the twin great classesbf the human race lower Zambcsn 00 OBIIILEII ELECTRIC Contractor Wiring Insfallatliin and Repairs 01L BURNER SALES SERVICE 208 OwenSt Barrie DIAL 4725 Jaok Butler formerly of wehpter Electric and the purest racial strain is found along the Guineaj Coast and 230 SHEIIS AN morontum PRODUCT roger your car gitready for warm weather driving YouVCandeDeitdon him for service thatiiiprodiptrconurLf fiteouctandemcicnt See hiiiitbday lTENiIINIEIY shuns iiiLAconninhrioniiiiiic SLWHIRLFOAM M6TORCIEANOUI000110v chicken FILTER Your Sunoco dealer sells the E35 gt folirlsunocofDoalerIicsxtheright 321 f8 01 productsand theproper equipment gt39llll39 99999 if CHASSISVIUIRICATIONLSAfoZLubiical rtion hIPDSlop trouble beforcit shifts DIlAlNANIIZEREEZE CHECK HOSE comiecg IIQNS sinspecffor Iecksr 5jinsrrcf BATTERY jciean fefmiiiiilc heckycaybleizadd distilledvvalci ciisck siiAiixfiiiiicsrcio heip gel inaxi Li nfiimgamliiiemileageg no sworn an iirefillwif inspch cartring arm AIR FILTER giokeep dirtout oi izarburetoip Io cnrcx TIRESIIGHTSWINDSHIEID WIPERS for troublefree upgration CNANGETO swings cm luailicAms for safe proteciibn of vital transiniasidil and differential gourd fut pawnkilling disparity him gr ii