Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 22 Apr 1948, p. 5

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THE BARRIE EXAMINH RAMHPI UHIARIIII II pAGE AI II II II II II II II II III rm WM HURSDAEL APRIL 22 1948 Ilulllid rr Mw Glee Club Uiltitl ic Anti Ar IrI was 1432 the United Ln WA was 3f lunch llgt ft ray nest 5151323 moms our room PASTRY yr zch rt agron tn AW lg writing lelrtorr Rum IVI Hi II Mmlvy View II II Paid onion hot la turn of Dalton Banting on csrdtlil oi tin Sf Inst IIIi gtltfll Illlltii Lhuich was built in to Following Hr afternoon when the stock sided ant lluli night cl lrrrtl fun Us vv that ltjl DES icll St 11 liltfl iv lsui vulh eron Didnt ht Irlrlidl CW made he hillknrl hi mi NUCR if MM Chapter 11ml All mi 5h WWL Hil Mcisi II III II II tryrh all GINIII IIIIII II II plcmcnts and some furni of thr II II IIII II II II III Reccut tsdors included Ml Anlt or Simsctl 0i prtscnt and lillv rttnic ltltlitl in Tl ltt servcd iltlil ilvl is II IV II IL HM Humle mm JW GOD anting pasl Rent or Join flit 1011th Itl lJL tut II II II IIIIIIIIC gun Ur Kimmy NEH JOSH II omens Institute tla ltllll has lived on the the first itdy caning ol cacti gt EI gt II IIIm IIIIIIIIII NIIIIIIIIIID In IIIIII 111$ch on titwil rttr turn 33 years lie has accepted month My If II All II II is ie rretrrrnzrnr it 11 YIlU mdmn Kerwuoa inn Hill the Iortstty Dept pngmur II III II inn Lt II nun Uri hi llLll Spirng lay Tucs rI 3w grim Ih two llttlJlY is Again my 1tmem ircr tail was II II II irnntrrrt oi tuthrrv is the trfic in treat cattle mu him 57 35 or dm Warble Hy and plenty ll morn available at the Town tltidtllllc rgi willte lice lot the adltg mad lliloth of dollars toss rn Illdtfn is WI Branth lter no3 morally by this pest llcd Ht of the contented cow ill this villa leIlecvc Bantings Sale last and on ttt of tire largest crow is to nccdcd heir to us Illilll art farm salewas present llutc tlt litIv lorrdtc Dtglttr ii 11 Iirirdtrrr Appeal tor lilitllill lll rtatrorrttl Iltlt llcli the plc film tum prti is tr Nvh ll llixu mm 0003 KUliltliilw Ll mom with lea Muiholarrd nd Hum 31 2m ulndldl Utll Oil Ilituowlii loll the ltlillldi crvrrc on Satuidav in 4151 ILll WWUWOHC lllllli ll Tl Maw White Goderrch rt Izdtar Webbs Wf 010 lilmbllltb ml It al lLl MlSn Orchard and Iva New Institute Inaugurated new society roll of UlllctHEI lilr oodfellow rsknrr Another of those worthy groups resulted as oil Pres Mrs relieved of the tar ot women who have accomplished Allan lst Miss Mari iioqntnn 1w 31 liter BeannI II II McDonald of mind tr 31L rrr had nmnytor and Nrm gt tl is IIIPWHLIM IhJIn many objectives in the past has Jmlt annrng rrrruproa inn KI Ill II 11llmull mm load lrllilt it 1051 Wu tltilri lit Lo 1114 Ilrliltl this community htv be It wt lm icon rnatxgurated at lleiruy when Douglas Reid Scic Mr vivi Lorigratnlatrotrs to Stroud Hock or loan Lets gct behind new rink so tlrr lrryr ill have Stiiirt ldacr to practice next year in Add the movie Itm no 033 In 5mm 1mm M1 Kim mirad ull it Min Roy oodiellow District more litas Mztlltltt lltttilI All ot this dcpnrtnrcnt ror lrrwariopt started the Iron oil 1713 21 tatrur and Jillillttltlllvt audience in the II AI 1gt Mt AH II II Ii Iunymmm Th talking iItIsiinIrIrtrorrs rt undrr IthIr rblc cliaiinitrnship or Branch lllttltn tir iIIItc ItIIIIIIIIrIrI tIlIIrIII mIIII hpmmmid OIESI was achptIct re clc IrIon orIIozrr Mrs Allan So many of the Mrs McMrilarr Mrs IIIII II IIII II Hm kiwith of Canada ltblllltd as inlloxrs lltr an IIytttn or 19va WU mm land INAInn In IfII II Ulmllbtlll lgtt Varpm 1r lattrnd tlrc hurclrrll group tlial orlnriittce Mrs II II If lirtt Iovan 2nd Vlttwtttw 131 litrc need of the Ilciroy organiur Sawyer Honor 1r wright blllilllIW El lion lclt blc Mrs Sin ldon orrvunclS sllmh WM IWM Minerva lindzc on Historical Rustarch MIS in II Ircd ltlulholland laranrt llttvtl elebratetl 75th Anniversary Reid Itlblicily Mr lltlllltll ors Mrs Leonard rirv itlI in Friday evening members of itimmhm 31 Th 311 Mrs Rik Mrs 11 viltlt trrrcll Minerva Lodge were At Home at Canadian Illllifrlllt Mrs ll OlSClllztlisliip Mr Hrrrartan the Savanah llotel cdar IIarbor Allan Home Ittlittttlts Mrs lxllllttrll mmW 0f MS Hill Atlllcbllllit and tarradrto the Grand Master Otiiccrs anti Sheardown Social Welfare illgt it to intdrrn eri in Indumhl ll Wlble Villiolls Ledges of the Sawyer Auditors rlr Stctih lM li Fwd1 was Nelson Historical lienarch 3h rorgian District About 150 were ens Mrs lranl oinrr asit55at3rttti$ lave 13 warm mu nu mu llhtn irzlvrs Ilocs tllrin rnilltc you llillitbii welfare NI lmlllwn hlz lllmiml DiL runIn the hou rm imr It for15 Wmusvhigh Spring Mrs tovczrn Linl During the interval preceding Inllltd llrophy has been triad fOR LUNCH 0R SUPPER NItrIHIi Irv letiItio try LydiuI Goodfcllow Mrs Gibbon Trlrs tlrc introduction of un mmd reticral thannran oi the campaign lTHINcurlumiTll Lowr Home llttltltiltirt Ivlr Minster there was tlSillRSOIIK led 01 10 Ullllttuvmul Arena Fund hiltll yrnptonr lrnklrnrnaotnpounId Nhuuh mm WWIIIIIH Im St Hug CBC VI gimme Homo ham ptlll illiiirijiiiwiim mm ommuc Mis10 Black Lunch lit rcsiiieiilhiif 0theKIAike bank hilaii if 315891 VEGEIAIlE MIS Webb Mrs ltiiilrllitllfllltl lie also sang several it is estimated that SilltilliWill lit COMPOUND Mrs Webb Mrs llmrl 11 rm tl MHI iIIll iris curing iIc tvcniInt II required to complete the AlLlld connd rc Snail 11 1hr ltot Wotshipful Btotlicr Marquis Mrsl WiclthltnPianistll Simpson KC of Hamilton DNA Int1 Mrs Farris The program rnclndrda tirand Master of the Grand Lodge mk Alhmn paper lHtlHHttl Airs itrx rmdlot ntarro was introduced by road by Mrs Curran on Lhuiltru Robbins in his toast to the alllitllllt mediate scrrritinalists had dc licit of $500 on the winters Uptiil EGG ROM Hour tsp Magic linking Iowder tsp salt Hrs shortening Illl milk hard boiled eggs tbs milk tsp lemon julco tnpchopped onion tbs chopped parsley tbs chopped green pepper Mp dry mustard Salt pcppcr paprlka Silt together first Hngrcdtenta lot in shortening Beat egg In measuring cup add milk to rnrik cup add to rst mix ture Roll out it inch thick on floured lmnrd lhnp hard boiled eggs mix $11 remaining Ingredients spread on dough Roll up like jelly roll and bake in hot oven 425 Minimums Serve with cheese sauce lnotto IA trrcud rrr tired lraird Lodge He gave the breth frtcnd indccd mud wtlltl by rrcn resume of the life of the Mrs owarr and wry intolv ttlrand Master culrninating in his match and interesting tall by luilit elected to Aloud the Masonic Ilarold Webb on The liltillrllt tor tlgitlucs of 0mm lthc Blind telling of its organrav ltron aims and the splwrrdrrt work being accotnplishmt lie told sev Ieral interesting storrrs ot lhc won dcrtul courage and arnbrtrons shown by some of thrre sightless students pleasant afternoon was conclttdcd with bountiful lunch lrand Masters Address The Grand Master expressed his appreciation at having been invit ed to the celebration of Minerva lolgts 75111 anniversary He also felt that the opportunity to meet the oliiccrs of the lodges of Georg rarr district was an honor We have taken silent and active part in substantial con tribution to the development of our country We have established the principles of moral and upright teachings which are exemplified by the growth in numbers of our members We are receiving new members and forming new lodges throughout the Province and in nrany places in the world whcrc Itree Masonry was suppressed it will thrive again shortly While the warais over we are paying price in sacrice and our nation isdeading the world at large in our efforts to relieve the hunger and IIsIutlcring of mankind where hung er is rampant Our lodges have increascd their parcels to Britain iIfrom fitc hundced warmth of 20 11b parcels to total of 1200 nronlh evcry parcel gomg to ineedy family recommended by the rand Lodge of England These contributions are still coming in and any brother may have his share in this worthy el lort We can show our apprecia tion of the privilege we have of living in this the greatest country of the world by helping those less fortunate feel that there is too much pub licity and freedom of speech and press insofar as certain isms are concerned urge on the Masonic brethren to see that no change is made in our way of thinking and living and that the substantial in stitutions of the world remain so carer After his address the Grand Master was prescntedywith gift trons according to report snbnntv wnH IOMAIO 5AUC ted to the Legion Executive by AND CH EESE Iloward Dcschamp chairman of the SpOrts Corrinrittce IIIIIISENNIE SEEDS Willinggyms tit iiiifiiprr suns 5c to illiiii Eiiii29c 53 not root it no 312 45c Bug PRIZE In 10 SPRING HOUSE CLEANING CONTEST GRANID SBROOM AIR LOCK LOG CABIN PLUS $200000 CASH 100 CASH PRIZES ENTRY BLANKS IN ALL LOBLAW SPNtrttrEmu CLEANER 23 rmva or rerun VLAIN OI MEMO LOBLKWS PRIDE oi EQEAM whom inventi CHEESE swan trumers users Loz no god 13 27 wt 01 JAR 215 L01 nus 23 liliEFt 63c tic29 11111111111th TtillSl arzrrr 2313 ozllglts I36 ACAlEMELO WASHINGTONS 321 54 of pair of silver entree dishes In repinto his address IBro Mal IIchctajy IIIIofWI Lodge thanked him for rrMAR110F11LPEIIS srvdr 211c IhI cvcnIng OI DeCI IZII IhmgIII hold it rst meeting with Rtth Stainless Pot Cleaner Asu nrcnz 19 Mm CHARM WATER 50 1II HHWES 003 WAX oxu auras taf 15 25 29 CLEANS POLISHst no Ewponf Huffs 29c um titOI Billy Stewart Toronto shgdizltligg rim gommlfggs wastwilli235255 IIIWI SHOE POLISH sorta 18 not WWW IE coucrmuao iiiEL l7 SEEME55 Busle Walls Tor with Mr and Mrs MiltonRid YL DiCk comm Tmtg spent the EIIIE ENGLAND uni weekend Willi his brother and zisagas 19 NADDEIIIIECIW II 01 376 It gym It STRING allow an familyp 4559mm JAM altars 34 LRSEOCLEANSEB Mr and Mrs Ruttau and child rcomrrcr suitin LOBLAWS JACK 8t JILL PEANUT rurr LOBIJIWS BREAD meme Mr and Mrsi Jim Oxford last wmre WHOLE WHEAT cuAcxsu warm 1602 JAR week Tlref1u with all its nasty miser minors Pliiitillltls 5e Iggmu T30 MAPLE svnur hwy rrr43c JEWELAurmtz cm 200 iuillion acrcaof land in directed front tire Central Ex seen in 45 am 4d surve ed periniental Farm at ttawarn The community extends IawIarm Idlld I1ch II welcome to Mr and MsIIBrl SJeIrIp ll1cm my cvSFilltlllluucuuL 2LIraUllllltlll flfl and Chlldrefrm are now lrvmg on the farm owned wilt various laboratory and lepa5trnontr3I of Agruultuto IbyMaxIIHoandII 105 is prevalent in the community Almost every home has one or more victims MrsRoy Jack has returned from ix vemonth trip to Los Angeles CHICKEN llllllilIE LBRUNSWKK 24c BABYF0095 Stitined3i3 25 TOMHTWUICE minnow Jirtrtlc IIYLMEIIBEIINS sosroorowh ZoitlrsZSc APPLE SIIIICE Haven tact cellZita SYRUPcornering 33 IrIIlIlIlIQIIDJPEAS attrition Icy35725 BE 3055 TEA mm my 57 DIEEDBEEII$I cutthroat an 15 Latest figureekehow that over areas in Lianadalhis wit is Calu Visiting with her daughter 6W F1306 field tests iii the soil provide anddiiiive 3rmnrmoron Thet SyngatIhyIloIi theHcoiSnIrIrIrnglIneg is ex enre oI os Ir helpful inforriratron my many experimental fariunulrrclt are MIMIIdea MI his gist IMIISII injanadafarmers John ongins who passe Iaway 9w fndvm sully everywhulc atihethome inIWiarton during the irrigationprojocts dccrdingj for the asking can have nI past week and brother whom shehadnt on land improvementpolicics liable upItothc minutctulyico 16 Concert put on the hall Wu hi land evaluatidn and use crop on individual farm problems 0n nes ray ame km II II MMEATS adaptation andfprbdution ala11yliltt it tellimt HereiSveey neltetrfor 0mm soillertilrtvanddrarnugc prob servrce II gt it rtemswomng ofcroszughwqy Amulet senweI Itrquall my gigani constructionrctcctcrgrBBB fuporlam is that of money or oi5are in the eld RelmSiIl mlll relY SDI Your feetrmay be so swollen and in vdry provinbe and the work upon ourIIrcapgihltIu Ifrrcndly iname that you hink go Cam cm lime oan to go ano er sepu our oes may WIHWHUIWCWUI appralsal la LoBLAwr QUALITY BEEF Sign ampEarns illr ill cl sea gentlevouuecnsrn if AS annoys LBr36cir4 77 c7 777 HOMELESS SHOULD nomA scrolls um NW5 3mm Juiceomcns it 43a Em40 ONIAIIO nowaunt bump LB roan snoumms rafase pom our rust or errors no 95 gave tigers Iitthypu trawlI not tried more en you ave some II BA Nathan ZigmagmtIo IIIeagl Get bottle today ALLANDALFnl StOVGIIIOII Mun feel as if they are cutting right has been made of all the land help improve farm eurrung into theflesh You feel Sick all 7IF48 over with the pain and torture youd give anything to get relif Two or three applications of Moones Emerald Oil 8dil1ifew minutes the pain and soreness disappears No matter how discouraged you mom ncnlc soulHock or pom SoumERSgi7m 45a tuemu tsnlcun cum SKINLESS WIIINERIS iiil 37c comm nrrr 5ch 33 non trim mint aunt yn Drug Store and all druggists

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