Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 22 Apr 1948, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR THE BARRIE EXAMINER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA THURSDAy APRIL 22 1948 lt WW eWu VA WM tin3 yet seti June 11 South Sim Icoe Trinity Church Beeton June sz Srnzcoe Conanunlty Cen lrc Coilnrgwood June to WEDDINGS ii JII tib II 1er JquL Tuna new designs Willbe shown In lrrnriy Aliglltal Lilllltll on first the nrst time including Lilii April 17 ill18 the rrrrriage as Iyiiut scarves for the jtitilul nrrss Iperforrned of Motgarct linrritred it one the designs should be of daughter of Mrs Gladys rlclrrnls and the late Mclnms Barrie crepe dress vitlr matching rcces series Clifford McKee was grooms Ii Iiorr lirl it mu Eect Ms Goluoyle II The new cd mph IV INV II IIIUIIIII IIIIII III IIIIICIIII OMIIIII Thlrd Term as Freudenf IIlip ML tum The bride travelled wine suit Cant womens League gtttlxlr and all ltl ryl Among the fashion exhibits at tins years Brrtrsh Industries Farr II HEASLIPsMCINNIS rztrcutar interest for owrseas tors London whzch shows ics of famous London land Annual District conventions wt rtrention of municipal building gt Wall lltlltd diliiwtliiil Wornens ltrtttl v1 Bru start itrcttiiitt oi the WorrrensNinety ind OlillllllCG H105 it dington or l1lt ri tt lrrstltutc llrarrch wrll rttcnd ctichliltllll 1W0 WHCS JM Willi Ui be hold in or or 11 the Olympics and the various triets in Out At 11 or tiatw iIltl tildLtS of llllll in gtportrng events taking place held iti chi Simeon totartg air as follows trails The ttrrtre Srrrrou Knox Church The 16th Conference of the East seven brunt it ltiI Lrorslrurd June East SrrrrcOc crn Canada Region American Fed eration of Soroptimisl Clubs Will be iiLIUSS ii Iladden wore navy blue two piece to Ray Ilcaslip son oi Mr and Mrs Qiisnegfihliiniidi Illit rI The bride wore an ice uluc tat wr llrcld in leterborough on April 24 Iarrd 15 Miss Ethei Cressland of Bar irre regional director for Eastern treasurer Kw M11 9mm um um and IIuiIIcgg3lttllILuIIt IXItIhI bIlIutIIhI JCICQgtgt01II1K3 11 ll It t1 Gummy as nachor wrll reside lll Ilium I1 mm mm Prcidcm feta dress with rrratctrarg rcccssorrc and carried wlilte plrl booke Iier attendant Gloria llllitiltdI Ltrlilzirllltt rr nt LN rartl tw mtirt lat tilrlx jfcrenrc winch is the semiannual Irnceting of this professional and bustncss executive womens service Igroup Ihe Barrie Club will be re presented by Miss Lillian Kcarns President Miss Wilda Culbert and Mrs Alma Lee delegates as well its by number of the othey Club rrnembcrs Other clubs rnthe IIaSt tlll Canada Region include Peter bor onglr Toronto Irondorr Montreal nrdor Ottawa and Belleville the Catholic Womens League at Rumble 2nd VicePres Mrs my mum mmmw mild 1W mu LU km 351131fcERNIE tiff JUNPllS lull StllUUl lihl CSHIHIH Klrrlls wcre rlnltll truro Altllit night illvsillvr11l Um LINN Ml Paddison Branch IirLLttrrsI Mrs VIIICIIIIIISIdCIIIS cued UV Imwdly MM WIIII VI WI ralkmI Mm Jumper IIIIII MIN II MIIIIIIIIVI IILILIIIIId MISI IIIIIIIII IIIS IIIINIIIUI Mrs Iiosscr Mrs 11 Ilutsh Iianist Mrs II McFarlanc Asst Mrs McCort Iress Reporter Let Sealnte Insulation blow comfort in your ome this winter Save tip to rule third on your fuel hill WARNER IN WINTER COOLER IN SUMMER Our representative will gladly give you Free idstnnatcs 133 April 26 This recent DhOlOglillm 0f the Royal MalOSliCS rm Bimwmml mm Chas Viekcrsrllarrie Phone 1532 Hugh Graham Shanty Shm Mrs mum Bay Phone Oro 1515 Frank Armstrong SIWINI lhtHH Mrs Fields Sick onunitlcc Sttmlktls at the business sessions iMrs Kane and Mrs Roy Walker will he Miss Grace Nicholls 2nd Auditors Mrs 11 Trillium and rcclrcsident of the American ers Portage lederation who will outline plans Committee otivencrswllistorical tor the 10th Biennial Convention to Research Mrs Walker Agri io held in Toronto in July and culture and Canadian Industries Mrs Gertrude Whiteside of Wind KING GEORGE AND QUEEN ELIZABETH will celebrate their Mm 11 Mcpmtmw 11mm ECU Isor wiro will speak on The Status Silver Wedding Anniversary at Buckingham Palace next Mon omics Mrs Sonics Social Wel lof Wontcii The speaker at the con ter wrr Ivin Fluff1321323332123 was taken while plans were being made tor quiet celebration College Hospital Toronto who will of the anniversary occasion speak on The Cancer Detection member is asked to contribute work Fully Guaranteed Ask about titti Iltitttt lill lClinic flower and vegetable seeds or rovcment Plait 12 Months to lav lmennial plants pr III rummage saIe IIcId SIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIII IIIIIIIIIIIII II llnorning at the Oddfcllows Ilall tinI copy of The Examiner is co der the auspicesof Beaver Rebekah lrodgc 190 proved very successful rs appreciated by friends at dis IIUTCIIINSON ARNOLD FORMERLY 01 NH II mu imp gale convened by MW Deg Wkv The next meeting will be at Mrs Flynns on May Each ZIRSI 4v ll KA lilll ii lltltlld linirimhinm tamonul witctylmtutrd longlzrding lipstile iti zr lowly ncu lgalt hidc llattcring to all coinplcxione go It Inuit The new and rtlllllt ligirr sltrtlic that liltHllit lltt pcrlccl Ittlltll tilulmlltlt iol ltlullllta and redheads lloth ncw bililtlth in lipstick 113 103 211 Matching liottgt LBS bail tiroorn 83 chains Drug store 42 ELIZABIIIII Sl Next to Roxy PHONE 3574 deg goes toward the Cancer Polio and lubcrculosis campaign sponsored by Oddfellowsand Rebekah Lodges all over Ontario The rummagesale sponsored by iroup of the Womans Associa tion of Collier St United Church last Saturday morning was quite successful with net proceeds of about $225 The sale was held in the church recreation room Mrs Walls is president of Group Those in charge of the sale were Mrs George Caldwell Mrs Warren Wilgar and Mrs McKenzie About 30 members of the Group assisted at the sale Garrison Badminton Iubs annual dance will be held tomorrow 0v cnirrg at the club rooms and Of ficers Mess of Barrie Armoury when about 151 guests are expect ed Several predancc parties have been planned Outoftown guests are expected from mer ottltlie brought in over $50 which Last Sunday Mr and MISJOIili ripps of lurks ltalls celebrated their Iolderr Weddrng anniversary at the home of daughter Mrs Hopkins 11R Barrie Scores of relatives attemch the ceremony and extended congratu lations The anniversary date was Tuesday April ill but the cele bration was held on Sunday when more of the relatives could be present Mr Iripps was born ill Innisfil Iownship on Drc At 1874 the old cst son of the late John Cripps and Susan Armstrong Miss IArm strong had come from Ireland with her parents and settled in Innisiilin 1848 Her brother the late Dr Armstrong built one of Sound and Orillia Music will be by an orchestra led by Wally Perkins Clth 79 will cater gr lunch Guests will include active and honorary members of the 135th Battery Officers Mess On Sunday evening at the Wel lington Hotel most enjoyable given for Mr and Mrs family goingaway dinner wgs Kcarns prior to their departure that evening for their home in Calgary Those present were Mr and Mrs Patrick Kcarns Mr and Mrs John Coffey Mr and Mrs Peter Kearns Miss Kearns and Mrs Joseph Kcarns The Catholic Womens League realized over $100 from dance at Clttb 79 in Barrie last Friday night Mrs Guilfoyic converter of the event said the proceeds will be donated to the Barrie and District Memorial Hospital fund The dance was very successful with about 100 couples attending William Merrick as the gegial master of ceremonies kept the proceedings moving and he of ficiated for the various special events Miss Elizabeth McCarthy the first homes in Allandale the house now standing at GU Burton AVC John rrpps recalls early Barrie as small but thriving lumbering town with three sawmills in ftrll swing In Mr Cripps yotmgcr days Barrie had no electric lighting no concrete sidewalks and no paved streets Icn hotels and twobrew cries did big business according to the recollections of Mr Cripps John Cripps and Matilda Ham iltorr were married 50 years ago and after one year in Huntsville they lived it years of their wed ded lite iii Burks Falls Mr Cripps was for many years at lumber inspector Mrs Cripps native of Orillia has sister Mrs Milton Green who still lives there Friends attended the anriivci sary celebration front Hawkestonc Toronto lobermory and Wiarton Mr and Mrs Cripps have five daughters and one son Mrs Harry Hunter Evatr of Busby Alta Mrs JW Hopkins Vera of Tobcrmory Mrs Arthur Ford tirenei of New Westminster BC Mrs William Riddell Muriel of Toronto Mrs Hopkins Beryll of RR Barrie and Sgt James Crippsr with the Signal Corps at Fort McMurray Alta There are 19 grandchildren and slit greatgrandchildren Mr and Mrs Cripps were mar ried on April 20 1898 at Hunts ville by lhc lateRev Joseph Wil son former pastor of Burton AveMcihodist now United Church ELEARVIEW WOMENS INST Clearview Womens Institute met at the borne ovars Fields on April 13 with 20 present The roll call responses included many help ful housecleaning hints The mot to for the month Be the Best of ozommeJmz ramJ 07 Whatever You Are was given by Marys Parish won be WQHLWCHL mm and Veinliousefoptbed 77 gt WWW M13 and MW Kealns 0f Calgary Mrs Watson then conducted who were visiting his mother the election of Ofcers and the Mrs Irene Kearns won china following were relected bymac CI 13 EjafriEIIIriorIrIEEEIiidrIiee coiciigilfrmi $325519 iiiiipreiirsnrfl II cc IpI ant Mr and Mrs Corrigal who rm aSlh0 most popular lady DfISl Mums Flynn Reports of the CWOndeiIful neWs This new modern form of yeast needs no refrigeration You can buy months supply and keep it in the cupboard ltrstays fresh tillyou need itiust dissolve package according todirections and use as fresh yeast Gives you perfexisings delicious bakings in superspeedy time Get new Fleischmanus Royal East Rising Dry Yeast at yourgrocers today Once you try ityOull always use it CENTRAL UNITED witis The WMS of Central United Church met at the parsonage on April 15 with Mrs Jory pre siding Mrs Jory announced the annual meeting of the Presbyterial What migTA beauty with inCollingwood on May bathing suit cleaned at Nu hurry lunch is no trouble at all when MFS Creed look the worship Service Mi 77 777 rserVicean Easter program theme there tin of Libby DeepBrowned Beans EGods Love Revealed through ht Th hand lustheat gadgetveer 1n lessvthan Briiiriiwaleiicgirved 13$ BeWelL led in prayer Mrs InlIlnutes Ye dgleaaPle set WorrellI rendered delightful Isolo before your family Only Libbys patented accpmpnid by Mrs yenover Rev Humphreyspastorof process IWthhCOOkCVCI can at just First Baptist ChurhgaVe an in II spiring message Fight theIGood eraturc beans FightpLay Ionld onEternal LifeI lthesenot overdone not underdonc just The metnng 9105 by repeat III mg the MrIzpahafter which Mrs exactly right Tender and tantalizing WltIlIl Bewerr served daintyilunch Itlrat goodIoldfashioncd bean aVOur that husbands and youngsters go for Always keep few tinsonng shlalf orshurry up lnnchsandsiipperst sary the day before were pre sentedwrth wedding cake do nated by Mr Bloomfield of the Lb Corner Cupboard Roxy Theatre tickets for spot dance were won by George Cameron and Mrs Moran and by Mr and Mrs Phillip Love celebrateftlreir weddingannivcr SURE1 POSTS BRAN MAKES HE llKES II 5III and NEEDSI WIHENHIE DOEISINTWANTW QRIIPMYLI f7 IV ir 74 Yes Stiffy Brmttlic natural hulk food that helps you keep regular and on your toes and Pupils ROYAL CONSERVATORY or none or TORONTO MIDSUMMER EXAMINATIONS F1 on r1atk mEORYJune 101 and 12 ecpIstou coming back for more ramparqu arranged and Viv7 Applications and fees must reach Other PM of When qr goodWII1650llle Wheat bllriltldnt the Conservatory not later than gt rrMAY1194 DEEP ROW ED EEANS 05 sum runes 503940 am 135 Colic Street Toronto 23 II AIM g=mwnmWu

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