Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 22 Apr 1948, p. 3

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more aim mimoicwam NA olld fills AWNINGS OF ilSTlNCTION lith ranges of plain coluus and stripe mbluatlons omplete service with new rallies or recovering present frames Bmie Tent Awning Co llil 4314 34 BAYFIEIJ ST It tlsrtd riltiis Pill lulmrlto llll liJlnrllflldik to thin littflit 111 Mwvgi aha My Wm Charles and Ker HUUImLIit went Thur gtlffii lll WM 12 12 iwm M1 um Mi the slnlir Chaij wt or April l9 kiwiWill ezllhlocjl titllC Ptlrtdi lltliliil Lalolldr has liulelit 1wil lvlqzitu spell Wl Mrfm wPswlL ltuul tumriian School of Infamy ii ulcai in line new llflCltH sti he IlitCz Mrs Angmtnual Filoi1 xlrl iiul Wt etelil strictre LAll3r5HHIl nil ngm rl lmd sylziziathn tn lte and lie Milli 911 Mill Eulllll 101 IUlwv wem MU MW hr aim wmnl Uh 1m dhmr Mr and Mrs DArcy lindule Mr and Mrs 411 and Braille Fllvclc 1Jlillv ff If tr El 1511 lle Vitllrtl 11 Ileilnngs osir liarxi 318 wk 21 JllAV 13 bugle LMMfk JLIthHSU il all Limit 111 he rckmd up klljo PM Sill1isll dllmttl ill ugh fllplun iip Borden mm For lnllll my bckld hiltnd VSTTIIHILM CW Skunahrin of liielpston iPIylny9 mm Pills Vlght ol lriceville Ll spending week with lnl dough lel Mrs Woller Fleming The Royal Canadian Svllwi ill lillgt Funnel oughlin rind sun lntdlltl Ullilbllll lwlll 35 ili Paul Mix Hayes and Eugene lilllr ltuitvii by the UWtli Sound Culli my Torunto spent the weekend lH tall um liziuii YMCA lli lll ullip limb at Coughllns Ill lliltll Illl Mrs lltklt Toronto and Hm llli llllillllll Illlklil Illillll Mls lltlroltl Collins Printe Albell5 UAW Ml Ml ly and with the first two liulms bill Sisk returned to Toronto illltli dliig rm llllgllllzll Ill Lil 11 Hum ill oi on Lulu lust llllti gratins liIl 11114111 Hll llwl mum mumlmmhm ll no momu mm mm illii Ah ivlm econ1111 play Hl 6h Xlllldtd lti Litllidl nl llif liifiil llll pklllllig till titp lll lileli Eltliltlltlll Volleyball ill cliiril lvlllllll JUD illifllnvl Welc lilltrll lt litiW lu llli Iliilllitlll wcuk with ftltlmls lltlt llllil lliltlill lli lelluliol eliiinlps rind tlloppetl the however the contractor tilinetl lIll to the final phase Ul construction the ilkserif litile leiluuo iltmisl are litany luid oilice pullllltrlllllll LN beka elected and the plastering contrrinr will Commence Work in few days It is Lilllltk llUde that the litllltlillll lll liti occupied early this submiti and will Lnenlnlnotlnie iill branches oli ltll lI Mlus til lliifllti ltl tltkldt lllt lll ltllllttlliilc illnlllpltllh oi Lluliilio guru Mud mumum mm mum hm Amt luu MT 11 olmwlmtu mm mm utiuinisuuliou til trig mu no Allieltd lininli toluuiiiiii and litiit tltklttl by flit Brennan on Jlivfld HidIrruiihunrfurrvducod lltitllllg olllpuny of llninllion 5l This jil which was Utllllllltlltill 2331i2ltzumdz two years ago was long held up by llu of null liztl Lori II 78 it it Kuwlinwn Limited regularly dink up and Ship lluuurlmlil Furniture 2on stucm To Site in BRADLEY FOLDER Special 43d Colored 98 Complete camp lltilthllillhls ROE Sports All iiiterdniit Ulltylhlll league lids been formed in the Engineers and is getting away to hesitant start due largely to inclement weather The eorpoluls team trounced the llthlS last week and ppm blows soured NEW SAFE 7K pl Sllill iwlin was elected sports director at itcilit meetingI is waiting for the result of the first game between the Brain Trust llll lllf Odds and Suds Need lessto say the Brain Irust con sists of the senior NCOs illllllllt cliuirhoru ttiltllllillltl from the main illlltt Itl1 Personal Notes The senior tiigltietl tlllltci Mil 101 lilctonuell has been away on duty in Ottawa this past wtvk Captain Elmer spent the rst three days of the Week in the North country visiting Iinunins North llay and Sudbury In lllt vcc suui hours last Wednesday nightllis cor let hiin down some llllttll miles north iilllallie and although he lllCllSttl his best hitchhikers technique he was unable to persuade any late motor ist to stop and give him assistance Finally he relates gentleman in an old model came along and lescued him The uptziin spent most of Wednesday recuperating from loss of sleep Supper Bill ooper wandered into our oilice the other day onl Old Chum began making friendsvin Willi ind Its still milking them The beginner and experienced smoker both find the fresh pass from Toronto Military Hospi tzil Where as previously related helluid undergone an operation on his knee He was walking very well considering how recently he had been on the operating table and was displaying the gash in his knee with nlilch enthusiasm Flash CplAyliflc bought his marriage license in Hamiltonovcr the weekend His affectionate nickname for the time being Tbe Tobacco of Quality cool consistently satisfying avour of Old Chum hard iobeul Last Milc April 20 Mrs Luck spent few days in Toronto with her daughter Florence Mr and Mrs Rolling and daugh Iel Belly of Mount Albert visited Mr and MrsJGirvan Sawyer Sun day cut cons FOR PIPE cut FINE FOR ROLLING YOUR OWN Gilford WMS The Gilford WMS held well attended Easter ihankofferinizl meeting at Mrs Lorne Neil on April with Mrs Frank Kc pre siding Remcmbcr Rejoice Re solve was the theme for the Eas ter worship service which was pre sented by Miss Rothwcll assist ed berlS Baker Mrs Comer Mrs Manning Mrs Boyes and Mrs Luck Calendar of Event ful Living was read from the study book by Mrs 13 Neilly and plans were made to send food and clothing to England The hostess and committee served rc frcshmcnts AW Meeting Gilford YPU met at Allen Neil leaJillvaiellMissionalyco QUEBECL 2775 VIREGINA 44 15945 vener was in charge Readings were given by Marjorie Todd Frank Kell Gordon Hughes and Neilly committee to look after scavenger hunt for the meeting on May was appointed as follts Marjorie Todd Myrna Todd Frank Todd Frank Kell and Gordon Hughes Marjorie Todd and George Kell will go to Cree LEAVE BARBIE Daylight Time toiiitlicncing SundayAprilAZSm more 35 delegatgs 31 lhuyeallya conference The meeting closed with recreation directed by Frank Kell Next meeting will beon To NorihlBay 1040 am 750 pm To Toronto 655 am 700 pm 105 pm 940 pm 125pm 3111005 p7m 1130pm 425 am 410pm 145 am tqravenhurst toprillta onlySt Sun 8511011 To Owen Sound To Pnelcmg 10401m a1040 am 1750pm 410 p1nf 125 pmig1010 pm WW blOJO pm 410 pm except Sun H01 Sun 8r Ho except Sat Sun 85 except Sat Hot glSatSunHol BUSCONNECTIONS AT TORONTO For Montreqllolttawct and Detroit Mrs Wm Kell lll charge April 18 MissPhyllis Carson and friends from Uxbridge spent recent weekend ifC Carsons Sytnpzllhy is extended to the relatives of the lathelald Shana hall of Phelpston who passed away last week Mrs Cumming and Jose phine visited in Toronto last week Mr and Mrs Thornton Lilong staff spcntSunday at Carsbns amnsioiziow Bound Tripde Included 2y HALIFAX $5180 ca WINNIPEQ$48ZO with them for week aficlc re centiprislloperation 3WA and WMS Meetingf TheApril meeting of the WA and WMS Was lield athKS Stewarts with Mrs Patterson pre sidjng overthe business session Mrs John Lucas offered prayer Mrs Stewart bright treasurers report and Mrs Stephens reported for theZVbale committee illIts Robertson and Mrs Prosser were elected dlel giltes to the Presbyterial meeting to be held in Collingwood Mrs Seymour Kell Temperance con venerthcn took charge of the meeting and several vvere given Mrs Robert Campbell gave ne talk on the Study book Greatis the Company Mrs Kell closed the meeting with eSTIOHN474485 SillGARY 7950 CHARTERED BUSES 1103enivArEJABrlELi =AT LOWBATES ricircrsiiuo INFORMATION in Barrie Bus Terminal Phone 3162 ICE CREAM April 26 at Mrs Wm Kclls with Mrs Irving Carson returned home CHURCHILL presented readings flque DIODDIMIIT CREAM 19 underurn pnpirluonndadour to 5th Haunt Na nerdtorinu Dub 011 din dubl Hunting to even drlictu fibula Auim or Sale Noniniut norm thin Pu re Heavy Medicinal Pmiiin Oil I6oz Bottle Specin 532iorl00 60 120 130 WINSUM KLEENEX LOTION Heals Rough Skin Dry Complexion or Chapped Hands Large 80 Battle 49 gobmow mm TOOTH BABYPOWDER PM Stronger Softer Whiter 35 on 80120110 Brighten the Teeth in Bill 8d 0135 mm SOAP 201 N905qu Strebgtben Tired Fora Delightful um Economical and Nuiritiout Dessert gt Free Delivery on Time Assorted Flavors DOG F00 Auorled Shapea 19 Mimi total 7AI9A COLGKTE DENTAL CREAM Banishes Bad Breath VEicelleni Goa Denial Flots l50 yards v39 TEK Tooth Brushes Single 29 Double 49 HALEX Denial Plate Brush eMINARDS Mi inn roiiuiur Wm For Soto Muscles Lame Back and Siiilloinis Lismiui Tooth lasie FASTEEIH nose Whitena and STAZE 39592 Special arommim jollyonto FRESH 39ci59c ARRlD 39c59c MUM 39c463c Nter oroooxmr 39 OQDROlNO CREAM 3965c NEET DEPILATORY 68c XBAZIN 39c75c IDELATONE 58c115 DELATONE POWDER 115 NAIR 69 TA QUALITY AT Money Saving Prices RESlSllll CAPSlllES 129229 KAPSfIVIIE CAPSULES 150 275 iisnii SALTS 39 BlSCARBc also 109 PLANIAINSEEII 79 tiiiiisiiiliiu 49 iiusuoii IINIMENT 43 it ill WINIERGREEN 29 soz55 WIIBH HAZEL sitter 39 DENIAIINE iillsulil 4383 FIAXSEED will blast SWEET NIIREUKIDNEY Pills 29 LARKSPIIR lilililN 23 BEf WINEand IRON With Vitamin 01 16162179 fliAUlMlNE lllllllN 43 IiASIIlRllll 4z23 int39 600 Will llll 16o 6340792 159 MALT EXIRABT dim 4779 139 utilitiii 57v CLJJLSILCKSC In Convenient Plastic Cases by MiRRORTRUET PROCESS In Assorted ck Spgfling Spring Shedct Prlmst Vlltegular 98c Fasl Service Gourmand Satisfaction urn nitric no5 Itll lial nimble little Mimi lull entitled to will it delimit Used IIIEDNESS CDIISIIPATIUN mm will 23mm or our 50 van to Whigmgiew minor ski lreonT lion Quickly tweeter Sout much mitt SUDIUMPHIISPIIAIE owl39 1662190 TAMBLYN fountain DENTAL Whitens the TEETH Firms Up the Cums Soffem the Toughul Bonrd min and BILE SALTS Stimulates lb Livermd Bile Due Mildly Laxative Special Bottles of so Tablet 29 SALOTYN TABLETS Prompt Relief forHcadachcs Rheumatic Pain and Neuralgia Bellies of IOO Specia127 mm MILK or MAGNESIA dng nuns Raliscua III we tome PI and Acid Indigestion Bottles of Hourly Qualify Suva SANTAxuoiw aiei Bottles $9 Syringe 119 COMBINATIONAache meni Sets 595 VACINALDbobhe Syringe 1139 SULB Enema Syringe 129 VICEROYIRubber Gloves Pairs L39 030 stopped ialking to Face Powder vat l00 pille value value 35 80lh or 5100 mind limo CONSULTANT Is there any place in Toronto can secure ad vice and help in the selection of clothes for myself Im 35 with young family cant spend it lot of money and must make use of the clothes have Where can get help Both the large department stores have exactly the type of consultant you want Make an nppomtmcnt with thy bureau at the store clever and sympa thctic buyer leI plan your clothes making use of what you now have Its grand service for busy people SUMMER TIME am cook ing for Toronto Scout ramp of 60 this summer for nine weeks Where farti 63 for that crowd of people ggcsi weeks meat please The book you want is Quantity Food Service Recipes obtainable at any book store Meals Sun day spiced pot to Monday small pork sausages Tuesday meat pic pastry topping Wednes day liver loaf of prunes Thurs day steamed wiencrs Friday salmon loaf or baked fillets Sat urday swiss steak There it is filling nutritious with an aver age cost of 1112 cents serving JUNE WEDDING thit are the corpth clothes for June wedding on the lawn Go picturesqucfwith long pastel coloured frocks and garden party hats Youll fit right into the garden Suppose it rains All well keep your fingers ClosSed or fair weather DETOUR My husband has me except trough our 12yearold daughter Hove any legal way to stop this humiliating procedure lily daughter takes advaniate of the situation So long as your husband sup ports you you have no legal case to take to Court the experts tell me But you can take your prob Jemito4hLEamilyLCcurtroA bert St There you can talk out your problem and get wise ad vice RADIO ANNOUNCER What do need In the tray of education to be radio announcer 00 Voice correct diction knowledge of English bOlll spoken and written plus Scnse of humour should help Ask for an audrironei your localsiatiou Send your question 1V KATE mu 225 Jarvis Street Toronto Oni WILLIAMS suAva KIT VING CREAM be 60cSixe and AQUA VELVA 60 Size Ball for SUilERIORBaih$pravQ rayon Mrs Npresiged theWA meeting an rs IOSSeli Gamer surest t1 read the Scripture lesson Ar ing to YPU banquet in the church school room in May The tea hostesses for the aftemoon were IMISGl1m0ur Reive Mrs Constable and Mrs Lucas rangements were made for cater Phdne 2650 srotlcuouitsMong Tues Thurs irom 330 to Wednesday 830 to 1230pm Saturday 830 lm to 1000pm Open every lzgio 59m not pm orsgmwu5mokm

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