PAGE TWENTYTWO Mrs Littlt iii Kingsvillc owing to the lllie4s of Mrs Riddell who is titan nLccly now after major operation 11 Windsor hospital meeting if lt Had Club of St Tuesday Kenny lirls Auxii Roma and speaker iiiissionaiy dilllllL lllt scas iii Chan in Crete tlis tiltctliii of night lzatl te Toronto lioce she Stlictl over New Oltl Aid Chailze jitlinfil the Al landale 1bet and Supply Co office v2iiLl reg that hiltl been years and U121 Lery stoic for xDallas who was assisted by Mt VSlllilll Mi ll jjtlllitl girls work in Georges Anglican Church last of the South and cast to lied ogt ioh land Daytona Beatn turn Barrie has just itimiizly retinati his new btitlleIfll scheduled 70 intent on seeing the contest tlie motored on to Montreal and ltdlll St Georges Rummage Sale AllANDAlli ful St Witit to be financial success The rutrinage sale held at St Georges Parish 11311 last satur day morning under the umpire Georges Glad Club turned T1113 sale was entiefltl by Mi Walter Rattan 51 Neutlrpl Noble and man livtittlr 110 ltitilfd the elitlieti Return from Holiday and ls Walker Webb and lults lolietlet litiitl an enjoyable has dune threeweek niotoi tilp which took Uh uh hmilthem tliiotleil it states in llltUS ilraveillng ia lletioit they Went letbisburg it their re they stopped me in New York where they learned of the Eastern Canadian finals between llyers and Montreal Nat tiiitialcs which was reported to be for Wednesday night ed that the fixture wits called for rand Value llairy Sanders killlilril interes Thunder so tvtuthtd for the or tra day Then trip covered up pioxllilatcly Root mile calm xliicli 121 failed ltet much tr stole as 1111 Lie 516th Birthday On of the toxvils oilit Llllllda on Finlay pl ll helix Laioliilc St gtiod health he is able to be the home and as et takes an and luOiltl CLl11 lllS inetuo aV not in so clear as fornieily but he ii hi iiise of tumour dumrg his 121L111 fLuh it index built here iii Allatioalc and Vlliftlptg and California in gold lush days For the birthday din her 33 imiiibtts of the new pitsent including Mr and llrs Rentnur idlr and 3115 Minion and daughter of onto Mr and Alis l2 llaiils New loionto Mr and 311s Riddell Bliiilico Mr and Mrs 11 Sandi1s St Iiionias and ladtllslln Windsor absontee alas ilis l2 Dallcy llalifax who was unable to attend ilany gitis vcie levelled by the PHONE Illitl SKIPPER gt Specially Slilllllll SHOES ARE FA lusts with rubber soles and lor Master Junior ltis pretty lltile Sis tcr Skipper Shoes fit right iii to the scheme of things through Spring and Summer alter and loin BABY DOLL SHOES Wedgie Type Baby Doll Shoes to wear with your Ballerina outfit Your choice of kipleather or suede Black red and green Sizes to $395 it viilg youilgTccl healthy 10175 Theyre made on sturdy leels expressly to keep and comfortable Regularly priced $180 per pair Featured tomorrow Friday and Sat urday at special Low Price CRIZPIPSOLE SHOES lhe sturdy Elk Leather upper soles area double assurance of brown Sizes ll to origlasting dependability Come ii and be fitted from this grand lssortmeiit Sisz to Colours and comfortgiving crepe rubber brow white with $395 red and ZELLERS LIMITED60 Dunlop StBARRIE Ont PHONE 2139 llJ Spun Rayon DRESSES Sizes to 20 $369 Still 111 family lt Tot $111 The oill U1 Mrs Wicc and the election of 0111 Fill BARBIE EXAMINER BARBIE ONTARIO CANADA GAE TWENTIES INITIATE FOUR NEW MEMBERS il notation for four new nittin tins of the Gae Twenties was held on April at the home of Miss Jean Browning Sophia St The gills met at Miss Brownings home at eight oclock whereupon the initiates were forced to don overalls work shirts and mens gaps and they underwent make up of black grease paint re jllflldLlll it 1th corn cob pipes pails tooth brushes and placath lhe initiates Miss Julie Lick Miss Amelda Lalliinte Miss Elva Delilbeiline and Miss Kay Denl ueiline then led parade Iron Sophia St to the Five Points Willi the veteran members follow lug singing the club song entitled lere Bunch of Morons and iccouipanigla on the aecordionby club member Miss Fern llam pel From the Five Points lit lells were paraded along Dunlop and Elizabeth streets until 10 pm when they adjOurncd to Dixies IOLIII grlillviliall blivl ulti 01 adds from England Cal Knopfg The Exam ll ins lilull friends lizalZ Ullldlualtlll5 tNli lallit rcu iii Gravenburst lle LStit psintaig and maimed ltt um Ul Atlantiale have been tiinaeiiilazst to the past week tierCrating the intern ii cstaiaant freight llllki buildings on 13 innit lv This unlit will take ia llllttz neck to complete employed at the work Sazltzdeis foreman Lin Bob Scriiton Hal Iilliler Bristow and eook The men occup own innate cal where the iiil tliiic illiktlllltllbl Bannei 114 ll till lilli 500131019 ilzs lleilyai of Clinton has been zsnini tier Shltl Mrs Gre Torr Manila Mis Walter Wilkinson and San Toronto visitcd Mrs lhus ilclxiiiglit last week While fillss Bernice ArnlstrOns it the Royal Bank is taking her holidays Miss Gladys lloughton is supplying in her place iiivtll lo011 local places if litllflt here tare to close up at Six oclock every Thursday until slip 13 1911 Ali4 lI Hurling has returned home after heme With her daugli tel ligt Itlcltlaster in To lonto during the winter months riokstown is to lose Mr and Jlrs Dalton Ranting as citizens They are moving to Thornton Mr Banting has sold his farm in liinisiil and will devote his whole and water lime to his duties on the Relorestr Afterwards stth of the Department of Lands were and Forests and none too skillful game of pool with anaudience of 110 boys who figured that they were not lilt anywhere these days Still singing the club song the girls with pails and tooth brushes intact were taken to the door of the United Cigar they did far more efficient job of scrubbing cement block of on their knees the exhausted girls heartily welcomed with xshouts and cheers by the other members From there the girls mild0YlAiijyllocuidiimtilyllmarched back to Sophia and llarrie lo 1lrand Mrs Basil Popo 101 559 IJVblc ach RR ll Cookstmvn daughter 1L0 55 10 mill mm fore the meeting was adjourned plans were made for partv to Ping fllln7 19 he held at Club 79 on April 13 his lesidente $31 Sheibouine St Toronto Douglas Gibson beloved MONTHLY PARTY husband of Eleanor Howie and The second monthly party and dear father of Reitxmldl Sibspn dance of the One Twenties was at Funeral service tended by 22 members of the club lttltitlll in Mount Pleasant CCllltlll1 help escorts The evening 1011 lproved to be vcrv successful 1111 lblrlllBEN13 twat der the management of the pro igram committee consisting ot liaiu Shaw beloved husband of Lou llowie and tear father of Qlylslifiglcc 519010 dild Mlhb Ruth Rita 729 Carlaw Ave Toronto The funeral service was held on The ibOVCmcnllOltd girls 000 April 111 to Mount Pleasant Ceme ducted various spot elimination leiy bingo dances and congo line for Mrs Webb llcads Iainswick thh DIV05 VOIC given 16 lht winners Miss Marjorie Longhurst lainswiek W1 met at Mrs Tor dills on April 13 with 23 ladiesdhen led the group in singson with everyone gathered aromch present and two new members reportvon the cooking school held the club mike and band stand This enjoyable evening eiidet recently was very satisfactory itldint 111110 41 litlllk sum rm with the announcement that next llospital Fund after expenses were momh would brim the Clubs ual Spring ball paid and some contributions still BV BETTY STOCKDALE UNION ENLISTING MEMBERS IN CCE PLANT AT BARBIE sum up the questionnaire on The liest llouse for Farm Commun itv singing was cjnoyed as usual Mrs Goodfellow received the slate nominated by Mrs King and The United Electrical Radio and Machine Workers of America Tompkins 2nd VicePros Mrs UEClpl has established an 01 Torditl Sccv Mrs Geo Young 93012311011 the Barrie Works of r11t215lltSll Rogers District the Canadian General Electric Directorf Mrs Warnica At meeting of number of Branch Directors Mrs Ralph Len Barrie CGE workers Monday nox Mrs Gil Lloyd Mrs Pol night at the Queens Hotel Barrie worth aiidMrs VWillison Flower it was decided to conduct an Committee Mrs Mitchell and gangng campaign in the Shop and cers resulted as follows Hon Pres Mrs Warnica Pres Mrs Webb lst VicePrcsr Mrs Geo Smoke Shop and played rousing Store when the sidewalk with the tooth brushu ltobt 111ing and Mrs Warnica Auditors Mrs Alvin Wice and Mrs Robt Biggar Conv venersBistorical Research Mrs Geo Tompkins Citizenship Mrs Gil Lloyd Home Economics Mrs Ray Lougheed Social Welfare Mrs Sriglcy PublicityLMrs Robt King Lunch Mrs Tribbkf Mrs Lennox Mrs Peacock assist ed by the hostess April 18 Mrs Sadie Carr spent two weeks with her brother Milton Brown Dctroitand ris nowvisiting DIVA and Mrs Cohoc in Montclair New Jersey Mrs Robt Webb PiilniSlSv to apply to the Ontario Labor Re lations Board for certification of the Union as the collective bar gaining agency for the Barrie cm ployces of CGE as soon as the rcquiredrmcmbership pOsition is established It was also agreed to apply to the international office of the Union for charter and tr endeavor to establish local of the UECIO in Barrie The UE is the bargaining agent forithe AGEaworkersrcprcsentint over 120000 in the United States and at present having agreements with the Pcterbdrough works and the Davenport Royce and Ward Street Works in TOronto The Carboloy Works in Toronto where votcuas conducted by the On itario Labor Relations Board has established the UE as the bargain ing agent for that shop name RECONSTRUCTION At the meeting in Monday an By October 1947 279929 new organizing committee of 17 work llouses had been built in Britain 01s from the Shop Was $91 up 10 in addition vast amount of re act until such time as member pairs were doneto other buildings ship meeting was called to clec the officers of the local The com mittee is chainedby Robert Mac Donald with Miss Mae Flear as secretarytreasurer Miss Jean Leslie and Phil Knibbs ohc organizmg staff of tthunion wcroppresenttthemeeting MrMacDonald speaking on be adhets supplrthetal spark for farm tractors and other machines For needed repairs bring Othemvrto BRENNANS AUTO ELECTRIC Having met with number ofthc Toronto Peterborough and Mom treat GE workers representing their locals at the Conference Board meeting to draw up the proposed 1948 agreement Ican as SUTKthtbatmrbesIImeccsts willbe served by joining with the other GE workers in the Union The UE deals with the problems that we are faced with as workers in businesslike way and am SERVICE Bayfield St Barrie 1410 50 Drchs 47AmsCRIMiNATiNGPSiIoP1 PERS make their selections with an eye to the future Thats why the Smart 18 Thrifty willhurry for these imadeptsoREz cOolSpun Rayon in styles that are right for Now through Summer Styles as shown are colourfully pat terncd on pretty pasteb backgrounds 60Dun10pSt1jet BARBIE ONT rFAST SERVICE 9195119519 MOTORS Dodge half of the Barrie workers saici THURSDAY APRIL 22 1948 GREEN FRONT STORES HARDWARE CHINA GIPTs TOYS WHERE YOU BUY MORE FOR LESS And Now Our NineteenthAnniversaiy Yes lwas back in 1929 and about this time that we pllccd our first advertisement in the Examiner announcing our opening sale and since that time we have presented our wares regularly to the good folk of Barrie and surrounding country through the same medium Through lean years and prosperous we have sought to supply reliable merchandise at prices which spelt good value and that we have been successful in our efforts is borne out by the consistent support of an increasing numbr or K000 friends throughout these 19 Years To celebrate this anniversary and ttempt to express our hearty appreciation to our many friends we are going to offer you great many realbalains during these Come to this store youve helped dc vclop and sec for yourself the good values we have for you CLEANING AIDS AERO PASTE WAX ll 29c AERO NO RUB WAX Pts 29c AERO NO RUB WAx Qts 49c OARNU AUTO POLISH 69c WONDER RUG CLEANER Reg 500 for 23 OCEDAR RUG CLEANER Reg $150 for Site MYSTIC POAL RUG CLEANERQts 49 HAWES LEMON OIL Qts with cioui 49c CORN BROOMS string 89c IIOI BLAST OIL HEATERS $439 the next two weeks We mention some of ENAMELLED WARE JUDGE WARE DOUBLE BOILERS Pt size $169 Pt slze$269 MIXING BOWLS Reg 600 for 39c RICE BOILERS white and red Reg$i95 $159 VEGETABLE Strainer POTS 89c TEA KETTLES white and red $259 VEGETABLE POTS4 qt $ll9 $139 VEGETABLE POTS qt $129 $149 STEW KETTLES qt size $129 COVERED SAUCEPANS qt 69c COVERED SAUCEPANS qt 89c WASHBASINS 29c and 39c CHAMBERS 75c value for 590 SWEAT PADS Stuffed 59c Your Horses need these now QUEBEC COOK STOVES $35 real bargain at this pricew GARDEN SEEDS and FERTILIZERS FLOWER and VEGETABLE SEEDS 5c 10c 150 PEAS BEANS and CORNIN BULK LAWN GRASS SEED 20c 300 50c 60c IIUMAR MILORGANITE 8i SHEEP MANURE CCM BICYCLES now $4900 Mens and Ladies Models same price ZIP GRIP CLOTHES LINES $169 Regularly $495 No clothes pins rc qulred 50 foot line with pulley hooks and tighteners SPEED WALLPAINT Qts 513 paste water mix paint Covers usually one coat Dries in one hour The best of its kind available in Gallons $475 ELECTRIC IRONS SPECIAL $395 ELECTRIC TOASTERSSPECIAL $2ti9 One thing we have learned during the past nineteen years is that to have true friends is of infinitely greater worth than all the riches in the worldAnothcr thing Providence surely upsets the applecart 0f theisinooth operator and how ALUMINUM SPECIALS ONE PINT SAUCEPANS 150 COVERED SAUCEPANS qt $100 CHICKEN FRYERS glass lid Reg $365 $295 ROASTERS $125 for 89c ROUND COVERED ROASTERS $165 for $125 CLEAN CUT JELLY CAKE FANS for 550 ROUND TRAYS 14 are 89c LAWN MOWERS and blade 31295191635 $1795 $1890 Cland FLY SCREEN PAINTS VARNISHES ENAMELS NU WALL5 lb pkgs Easy to apply and to keep clean GLIDDENS Japalac PAINTS VARNISHES LACQUER ENAMELS GLOSS SEMI GLOSS FLAT FINISH OILS TURPS BRUSHES GARDEN TOOLS FORKS RAEESSPAD ROUND COVERED CARD TABLES Plain and Decorated $299 $299 $398 $599 DOLL CARRIAGES ON SALE $895 $lO95 $1395 MIX BOWL SETS of 39315 $125 $225 $285 $295 CHILDS STROLLERS $995 $1095 Awaybelow regular Values Childs play pens $750 The regular price is $900 WASTEBASKETS PLAIN DECORATED 33c 45c 69c 890 $119 $129 $149 FLOOR LAMPScomp1cte $1650 $1795 BABY WALKERS at $159 SALE OF DINNERWARE 32 piece Floral 38 pierceFloral ES ETC Best Of LuckISTIIEITNEIBintheiraremn obstacleas they have the others 93 IUZDUNLOP ST sons last weclt Lee of Bradford Spent Sun day atR Lemons Mn and Mrs Whitcsidcs spent the weekend at Nicolston Miss Irene Harrison from Tor ontowas thomeifor few days last wcckcw Mrs Phillips Ioronto visited over the weekend at Lecsons Mr and MrsWalter Forman of Brampton Spent Sunday at Jack Elstons Mr and Mrs Lornchcst Tor onto wcre at Coborns fondle Weekend Weekend visitors with Mrs Len inpx were illIr and Bruce Ralph of Hamilton Miss Mary Lennox of Aurora Lennox and Miss Marion Thomhill qt Guelph arid John Taylor The YPU day evening Mayor of Barrie pet solos Mrs 90 M910 32 piece Sets Ivory and Gold 5795 Decorated sets $895 Decorated sets $995 Sets of 66 pieces Bramble $2495 Blue and Gold MEDICINE CABINETS Finished and U11 66 piece sets $2595 O1CplluritrMEy tffey hurdle TRIS Tas of Alliston 1th parents and friends met in the basement Sun Harvey gave ne talk on Citizenship Byron played two trum NOW IS THE TIME PHONE 5048 BARBIE FURNITURE REPAIRS UPHOLSTERING REPAIRS ANDRECOVERING samples on request 11901141 possible ++++++++ ARRYQARMSTPUNGm PHONE 2901 companicdrhini on the piano The meeting closed with Singing of old hymns followed by the lunch Correspondents are requested to have their news in by Tuesday Free Estimates 1579reglulngmulmfokaudionscholdffumlcjcn finishing andFrench polingy smbur corrlty will benet by the establishment pf 9112 local our plant PHELPSTON Mrs Cough is Spending mwaaysarlorontp Miss Maher is spending week ortwo with Mrs George Wicklum Mrs Fallon of Newmarketwas onu All Chrysler Corp Built Cars and Trucks vidgys MissLauiineJohnstonentera tabled her friends at birthday party Monday Mr and Mrs George Moore of lWinnipegspent few days With Mrs Toner Miss Mary Stephens has accept ed position with the Robt Simp son Co Toronto NEWTON ROBINSON Ed Hagan Service Manager lt April 19 65QollterSt none 2487 Elitfgtln21ilsnllf 33 ill gt Keith Noble on the arrival of baby Estimates Without Charge CONVENIENT TERMS MAY BE ARRANGED Authorized Desoti Dodge Truck Dealers Substitute teacher here for few Shiva 54 SIGNOF mung 3911876 cram COATS