URSDW APRIL 22 IHE BARBIE women BARBIE ONTARIO CANADA Owen Sound Win BadmintoanLYERS PLAY Barrie Second at Orillia SUDBHRY tattle Flych did not stay ldlcl an hill the attaind lllc wililrr of Port AlllltflLrllillflllgc suits Storm Damages Airplane Anchored at Minots lSevere Storm Tuesday CHURCHILL lSprIng Weather Here VV d8 afternoon lapelta new lrieetl April 19 Contact filftlliilir at Mincls PittlllV Miss Jean Flowrr Toronto spch and damaged the up in my H1tlu EVLklHHd iith lzcr lilothcr View of possibly sum The ptancg Rev and MI Hunt and LBV Lulud by Hilton Swan of Barpoll of Angus vtsrted Mr and Mrs bccpmg if for the Armorial ilc 3W Patchon on Monday 1mg up finalsV ilycrs LVVVKCVVBQFUN 11 glib 79 Th plan xias on the shore and Mrs Herb Graham and ML itlt at traIn fol builtimt Monday AprilE PMt 59 Na anilloiid wuh two tuiltrclz John Selman of Bradford Kttc 19 and laughd if an exhionlolii Munbcrs of Karma BowitngCtub veighls and the tail was lied to attests or Mrs Blulii on match hm similar Allsvils Vclvsed another successrul the gtivft tftl$ltlll last Thef Tqu IA dz Ill rm in ow up mule iiiialutl The Mr or szlll ii 51 minim April 10 pcnt St in let irgtr trill lays iii6 rii itiilUiLl ilitf llitl llililtt Cttipllfv tliS tmt by la Sound for the tint tune IL Illil postwar Geogr BVl litlllilllttII Association ltilltfnflll MEETING APRIL 29 iii trillli Armour last Saturday Soltbalt organfution is com relUIIle l5 pllillfiij llll 12 fit llllilll twill Mr in and 51 ll flloii and 59350 fcltte 305 Thunday with their annual ban act at Club 31mm Mr mpg VV Ihi Wind was so tcltlftt thati Congratulations to Ronald Allan wards Jrry Md and Paul MWl ll Ion end Hem When am hi Plimt was lifted irlto the lil Who Won mantlc ridio Ihill ll lilo boys iitlll lw Til iltltluhl vv 36 me 83 and turned finI backwards lSuuth Simcoc Iarntcls Were cll Aw llili Garrison Club Winner of the clip fionl lVUlSTKQ filligtlicii close with mdlmw my Emlle lFlLlS Wet guests tinmde All ll 17 WW Wm 0mm Currmm mmVVVngV was 1300p SVVVVVVVV VaVnada chanilons brought in Alderman Maurice Hines was VillVanp was wrecked the fusing VVV it AVVVVV VVV VVVVVV VVVV VVVVVVVVVV VVVVVV liub Ills lllElIl tliib were also hm of 2an Vlib McArthur from BtiltiiVtltalllllan and led ill happy sing lab 15 milgfd and mim Am in tltllli in Iltlil lilt VVgVNMrd mm HMSij NEPI noun mVV Harms Juveniles and the liliiliiigtiillgsungs Music was by Wally Per 59mm 15V diSlrtllHl 5ll1luy150 in IIl2tttt Yall liltlt Wu l5bllde Ctlllwm33llis ahnzatm all to miln cellbrittcil ltlc illqu blfflns Piano Boll Powell and All Nilmun Commie and Wilhaml WW WM vi 31 bursa Port Elliot Kincarilllli alldl Pi lilotchlng goal as llycls absorbl5lltPlNlIl Mixes Camille Cimpoli VUlll Wctc up in plaiic oicrl Mrs ward 91 gt vlll VVHVVV IV Vilmumly 9H0 an 34 deftqu Jrulils lhc Barrie airport chin tllc storm mm Smun his IIIII tll ltl Sound bull up nice lead 1rofsayrutlxg 82 The boys playcd lt casy at Vgl tVanc iblcksn dinner IIf linuki Tilty managed to rcachV algxizvium ml Wham mlP RObbiilS TLv ill ulv gt icy inn tic bow at 1u in NW gt1th lIlVt VUVVlVlllCV Prim senior series will he acccptcd Haleyin IlllRlVV Emms of the Flycrs who dclivcreg In llftlxbtllrltllgllilzllllxvHill infill Ihi Slttnklt for Mr and Mrs And License Suspended ucll th WWW Wm ml the executive elected and gcn thug 1de JVVVEVItVVVVVVVVV VjVV3Vi sonic hockcy remarks and thanked Careless Driving Chafige li lulu liv flziirsc in the mixed melts in discussion heldV VVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVV lllt Club for inviting the Flych hum mm old ladlcx doilblcs Lirl Saturdav has iXttpllUltftllyu ill in TL Iml himfm VVl lull on pit VL pitsclitit tli lo pulpit and many thlttl tllllli llll Ugh rm lmkil dmltf ll PLOP lilttl$ chcllcrs Trophy to thc llu lictp tcplflcc tliosc lost 1ft lllt ll mia Him Wm Wm mp ka stiffcrcd slight concussion wllcliCaIizidian Gencral ElcctriC No ltrc social hour was spcnt chatkindly Jimmy Alllmlls 0W0 SUUHd MN ARM iN Rubian 0fbiinipcd hcavily into llic hoards tcam 104740 champions also Vim 31mm Tum mommathVm thc individual star of the tourn mull md Mrhluhmmnb UV QWVVVV llottcvcl It in cxpcctcd llc Will llmlS tJChVDlaytlbGOrd Mc poo sonic humorous lttllitllllli hum llllt It as tic won the mens sinclcs bc rczidy to cntcl illll lltt jtlflltil lAUl P9 MCGIUDQ Green tml ltllictl was sirvcil Sound lie defeated Johnny Ciiltllh pp Mk ilii fIs ltlcy llonlu llid ltll cti With Mrs Isobel Agnew to pm gm N40 sing LklnpiIVVV finals batiirday night iVlldklB tr Jack RIVchardeVoyVn MrV and My charm Smmsun VVVVVVV Nl lb Wde 153 in filial cxhibiimi The nxlemnlvd trio of Mc ill mp at iltoigt on Sunday at lion cut lamp ilrul tlli ttlllftl iiiincw as runnerslip A1 FV filfll lllllshid first In the first scr Wm Mb HH elm VVVVV VV VVVVV b1 IOHMWllumilmemPliiylllt WW Uim ics for Monday Nighlcrs and The April fllttllnt of the wt llu tlill$t IVlwg2130mum WINS impsnml indwmm miles We pmHh two WHISV MWmanned mayo Std WHS hcltl at larkzinori tho llollu lo Two major piircs camc to Bartin III the senth ill tllc Officers Mess by Al MtAlllll NW lllt Htlk finals tllcy dcfyatcd thc CCE No Hanan 11 lltfukll fhlVQllTlljiwt Mrs Lucas on lIiisda Hump HiVVVVVV Ha Mum or 01mm pmsldcm of mvn my tltlltlll April The loll call Hillllt unl ii the Georgian Bay Association aslmd Bl lillltDVY tallch onch tczlm by 04H to 6313 101VVVV ml thVIVVVVVVV VVVVVV VV will 1th ml Gmtl BYUWH lnerdUCOd K0 Mrs WIs Wilson ilt11lll1ltl$l him himmw ink1 lillmlilillll slstcd by v1ccprcsrdcnt Fred Alld UUIlllV illails of The Barrie Examiner who weri itsliars on Sunday with Mr lull llnllfl crlon and Kctlctary Rumm Tig AllStars iccd formidablc also spoke briefly and presented and Mrs 11 Kan11 lHIMllwVf llltV billiltVlN lttl tlV sincton lclub having Roland firroli of plaques to the lncrnbcrs of the Ito tlic iiicil and 510 to ltlltiV My purcuvim jumbmlS mumnglCanadian Comoa Electric NOV tollilnunity llilind 33 to lnlilstil id Horticultural Societv rlll llcn it llls mt spout Mmt rum ltiltli 15 11mm hlp lOftl Brit It lllf same club on llftllCt itilllipl lltl liwis1ord Hobbs Mail Ilcbll ill MS Am SW llltttlltd llh How it twoi VV VVIV VV VVV Murdy Campbell Al Itilddickpand Iccclpls Vol for tho lliiuliiin il it Jump Vi Mm Shitijtilstuwlllm VlilljlerIHQVl flob Mallion captain This team iAlilical for llllllltfl rialirtl iron hum iliii ting the planc ancholcd lr llll llo1ililtl in ltlil trf 3111 and to Illicit ll llilr Ill Vllllt ll lll local itlltll ll hil ll Xliiltsol stiotsand placing appcarcd also in mixcd doiiblcs exhibition wrth lliliiJf lIlt Ilouse lranlng Hints as llollisRobilisoli and Fred Alid clton dcfciitod Abbotls and Agnew for tho mens doubles cup and the Sihttl tczim of Mrs ljlllll McNabe and Mrs Jack Buchanan won the VV Va Iailics doublcs Mrs pct Jtiltllrllttltl of wcn Three Baffle BOYS Sound won the ladies singles cup by dctault as the runncrup Mrs EXPECled To Artilcw Stilliltfl all iniurcd should VAt TorontoVMutch in the mixed doublcs final and ltlllf tlu tlnvi ll llililillilur ltwllllll li lullll ill lii iIIHlitlt llaIlliHlIl llu lilitl finished second in the first scrics till ml ml INN lll difincc against llle folnlil malts Monday MEMO and mm MV VV lllVV tlu vi tulilltiollVViliif lilluol Ht ptW in me cinulmhlpr Up front tllc WIIlIlcrs sportcdmined tho nals II 11 llV ll illltllls it was lttltlltl lll holr tlll ill llil ctinillq KPH Robinson remmple mum VZVll1V PoppaLIIIIV of St Cillhilll Amby mm presented ms Own lit Hill ci11or reports he AAUC comm incs Icc lccs icmkt AIIIISllUllltrophy to Ross Pcacock for singles CONSOLATION FINALS lwo consolation prizzs also wcrulomirl lNlXWL Cllllltlflltlllsllflh mid if humid kmhlus 5W hlmpmmmp RUSS Cd 70 lllt ihw ltltl illi 143M ll ll llllli iuil tltlllllltlllllV hhowcr ill hurtll Wtl flvlll 11 1M ltt Mus Riitll Mclaan tllisttin Hm at ltilj llollu llttt fol lllt sululliiI Jltlll family who had llti tltltt 1115 rl llitlllti14tl it lortunc tolosc tllCll lionli With 11 It tllllltlllS by lilc ltlolt tot Mrs 11 tham Stilyntr xpillt M7 WV id Hnl MI lllt IVVl5 VllSlV tk Vll Rolillcy on Aullctltlurr and aIlaV lll than lndustrics Mrs flows Jm ll ll nll Itlycnsllip Mrs Constable ills HimM Vll 35lll tolical lliirtelircli Mrs Lucas or MN luvsmnn lloliic Economics Mrs 11 iodrl Miss Ilcryl lzirkc forolito slitllt5uml WNW MFSV Mm Shwmlq iooii 11w tlll 11 ill illL ll gt tllc Alllcllcall out Murdy Campbell with ill crack bowlers in better at Massey Rail Toronto with tho ISllt Bttls filial cnlry late 501 at Friday Apr liockcy Lcaguc as onc forward TlltltV Wcrc 23 line Taller McClellan and If nal3 it is expected that three boys Yackcr Hymnboth of Guclplillhnn 00 mo tUllllltlHt Hui fillson and Mrs Elizil McNabl dc lcitcd Mr and Mrs Kcn llrown of hillia Garrison ill mixed doubles liillitl till ll will lltl considcrcd Mrs Arthur McKcnmc and MISS 19mm McGrcgorwoli the ladies doubles consolation beatingV Mrs llli toillll ntwili tltll Charlie Knight vicepresident prcscnlcd the clip to Sid Wood ward fol high average for the season 220 the sccond year in it Much praisc was given to Mc row The out for high triple wont to Card BrownVwith 906 and high singlc trophy to Murdy Campbell with 425 Other high men men tionid wcrc iord Brown with 411 and Bob Gray of RCAF with 400 Ross Peacock presented the trca Ioor filliir lliiltTtuiT so ii for llll had his car com plitily Iintiricd by tlorrisous will represent Barrleiiu lhc mills Biltmorcs and Ted Toppazzini lundcr the guidance of Arcllic YOUHLOI brother of 70 form msor ml MNVVVMHIS of Thompson ArchieV hasV been in 0d anothcr attacking unit Soulldiu the final New few rillgmlllidml lads Vcrn Whitclcv defeatcd clubmatc or mmt Winter Arthur his Slltlwinll lhcy arc ready for Show lvlt wth not Iltlltlil Still lvll Owen lusl WTk llh mum MS Publicity and Mrs ll Slttvalt Belllll llU ll gtlfk llSl olnmuliilv Activitics Mrs Roj MP 11 VMISVT Mfkm ml loocllcllow llSl1ltl lIcsldclltl bah 30 AISWH Stroild was thc spccial spcakcr Mr and Mrs Ronald tttl tho and hm 11k wk mp pm 01 Vefktml rciiiw of thc mics and lctiullllitllli Sclvicc in thc Unilcd Church gt Mllilllllll to thc W1 Willi spcclalVi 0X1 hillltldl APlII 35 Illcntioll of the chanst madc ilil 1193 Vlk TlllVl 5lulllc past cw years Mrs itltltlltl mic and in bl litcl hurch at 115 presidvd 0W Updim 11c work cd hard carried the puck wull and checked heavily which could nicun that the Barrie lad is slated to fill Junior birtll ncxtsa sorbw llob Kclillcdy of Iillia ill the con Solution lncnk singles whilc Mrs liililily Abbots dcfcatcd Mrs Farmer Iissillctoll of rillizi ill the Ladies lillall 11u consolation lucns doublcs was all Olillia Garrison as Ken Brown and Roll Emmet dcfcatcd loc Mac Reconditioned Trucks 1946 Ford ion Combination with hoist Si speed axle 1946 Reo stake body 12 foot sotVIVIthIVIVIVBIItmIVvlliclV Vsllowcch rccci Ii once $60V Ilhiik was adopted 3n Ittftlog if kV VVV ViVVVVVVVulI cdgcr sccondc by or Silltlb oclock JUST in 194349 The WA of tho United Church 11CSVVLMI lggllsmblc held vcry succcssful toil and sale pres MrSVV AV Watson 2nd Vm Donald and Polil Cairns VA feature of the evening wasthc appcarancc of Stan Cults of Toronto worlds professional badmintonl champion who rcfcrccd several of tllc finals alid appeared ill exhibi tion games 110 teamed with Farmer lissinttoll to play the new mens doubles champions Robinson and WORLDS mo CHAMPION Andcrton and it was thrilling battle tied at points whell the game was called as Tissington fell heavily on the ccmcnt floor and suffered painful knee injury Cults master of strokilllz dropl uooooauoooo uv on you sovei 525 also or more on your fuel bills by trading in your present oil burner on wfTimIIen WallFlume Biirner County nunloocioD NHL Hockey It looks as if the curtain on the Junior Chamber of Commerces Midget NHL Hockey season has finally rung down Efforts to com plctc final game between the Canadicns and Rangers have come to naught due to the unccrtainty lol iccwrcmainingwjnghe Arena Howcver with the Canadians not losing game allseason and only once being really pushed it is doubtful if anyone would serious ly challenge their right to be called NHL champions Drama Over the past few wccks climin ations in the United Churchs Young Peoples Simcoc County Drama Festival havebccncarricd on OnMonday night last in Cooks town the local presentation was awarded win over the Giltord playch in the Simcdc South semi finals and tomorrow night at the Barrie Collegiate Auditorium Creemorc the North Simcoe win ners and CookstoWn meetfor the title Both plays are showing improvement withcontin ucd productionand for those in terested in this activity pleasant evening of entertainment is as surcd Basketball sThc lchgil basketball picture has faded out for another season and possibly the final game will be on Saturday evening when ton out of town teamshmeetdo decide orrGanr adian Legion district final Orillia and thcjgronto Chiropractic Col lege will face each other in aVsch final at the Collegiate gym The cooperation of the Board of Edu cation has made thisgame possible which had been causing concern to the sponsors as itwas ncCESSary to locate neutral floor without too much travelling involved Tennis Encouraging news for the many that the Board of Parks Manage ment is goingahcad with plans to travethc two courts in Queenie Park available for play just as soon as possible It was decided to concentrate on the playingsur $100 IN PRIZES The third annual bowling tourn ament sponsored by Dick Hend lcrson proprietor of Dicks Bowl ling Alley will be held riom April 26 commcncing at pm through to April 30 All games are play lcd at the bowling alloy with April 24 the final day for entry Prizes will be given to teams of five doubles or singles showing llhe highest score for three games Twentyfch dollars will go to the teamwitlt higblotul$ltc sec 0nd and $10 to third High double can carry off$20 with $10 going to second and $5 to third placers lThc leading single is able to cop prize of $10 iyith second single carrying off $5 Ill Vulla totalof $100 will be pivcn away to win ners The entry fcc is $100 per per son per event In past years the tournament has shown steady increase in entries and it is expected that this season will set now high open to and the sur Thc tournament is bowlers of Barrie rounding district Entries have been received from Collingwood orillia Midland BradfordAur loral Newmarkctand other ncighl boring towns and villages FortyFiv Cadets Among 103 of 45th In WeekenCl Twining First of f0ur wcckcnd training schemes atithc ATV Ran gcs was held by the 45th Anti Tank Regiment SPE RC nGrcy Simcoe Foresters last aturday complement of 103 men includ ing 45 high school cadets gathered lat Mcaford Friday night Training consisted 0fbasic drill oil L7poundcr antitank guns also driving and maintcnimce of self propelled guns and army vehicles Instruction was in charge of the devotees 70ft this game is the fact slab of the regimentrhead ed by Capt lHowzird of Bar rie and SgtnMajor Harry Blackof OwenVSound LtCol Kennedy DSO ED of OwenSouud was in com Amby Rivctt announced that he had been rcclcctcd president by acclamation also Ross Peacock as secretarytreasurcr Gord Brown was chosen vicepresident and the clcctcdl directors were Vic Lchar Wib Hirlehcy Gord McKenzie and Bud Knapp Cheques to teams and individu als were presented by Ross Peu cock in his presidential remarks Am by Rivctt said would like to extend my con gratulations to the Champions to the Runnersup and to the win tiers of individual aWards apologizc to the newlycrowned champions for having doubted their bowling ability and consider ing them beaten when they were 120 pins behind in the fifth game In the future will make sure that the playoffs are over before order ling the trophies am glad to sec all the teams lrwcll represented Tonight brings us to the completion of what your cxccutive thinks has been very successful year for Barrie Bowl ing Club The bowlers seemed to show more enthusiasm this year Id with three playoff positions at Sake in each series the competi tion denitely was kcencr In the Tuesday night group particularly in both series the top teams were only one point apart both times the series was won by onepoint marginand in both series the fourth place team missed getting into the playoffs by just one point During the past season we did add anothchcvent which had not been held for some years previous That was bur Christmas1urkcy Roll We think thatby having it earlier next yearthe date will be more suitablcaitd more bowlers will participate Wc wouldbe ungrateful to overlook thanking thse who have contributed geuerously of their time and effort in the administra tion of Barrie Bowling Club Wc must congratulate Dick Henderson on the department of his staff of pinsetters of the league games that saw was there ever any troubleon ac count of the pin boys whichwas welcome change fromconditions ilt chant ioli and Sam llcttio of 1f umcs in thc lavoff bczitin wml by llzirrlc Garrison tcams fcdOlmlm 15 mll MJY 7i V392 Such as both theLeagueandDick had to contendwith in previous years lwouldilike to mentionin ividuais such as Harry Kerr Bud RhappTWes Perry Gordon Brown Gord McKenzie who very often helped out with the scorekeeping Not once during any of baking and candy at Mrs Geo Johnstons ltomc on Wednesday afternoon last In spite of thc rainy vczithcl thcic was finc at tcndancc Mrs Dusto and hcr mother Mrs Carter Barrie arrived homc from Toronto on Saturday Mrs Cartcr was in Toronto rccciving tlcatlncnt for broken shoulder and arm and is staying for while with her daughter All wish for hcr colli plcto recovery Beautification Featured at Horticultural Meeting lhc open meeting of thc Vcspra Township Horticultural Society held in the continuation school last Friday night was well attended Jackman of Och Sound Director of District gave mov ing picture display of Flower and Rock Gardens spccimcn Flowers and places of interest betwccn Ori tario and Vancouver The Cities and Hydro Development Plants cnl route were of thc urcatcSt intcrI est He also showed one strip of comics and sports Miss Salsbury in moving vote of thanks assurcd Mr Jackmzin on bchaif of the Society that thc in formation and inspiration brought by the pictures wcrc just the in ccntivc needed to carry on the work of public beautification as well as the growing of flowers for ones own personal pleasure Mr Jackman in replying assured the society of the pleasure it gave him to be of service to it The Presi dent Rcv Wm Clcmcnts rc ported that Andrew Ronald liftfl given permission to use his prop Vcltyat each end of the curvc on the highway for the purpose of beautification and that the fligh wayDepartment had promiscd to cooperate in the project He statcd that ZlbOltt 70ptrpils had registered in the Junior Society and that they would Show their flowers ill their own schools in September lll pres Mrs Jocl Prosscr Sccy Mrs Charlcs Lucas lrcas Mrs King District Director Mrs Allan Todd Branch Directors Mrs Icrrier Mrs Stttrccon llllSi Stcwart and Mrs Kclly Pianists Mrs Allan and Mrs Sinclair Auditors Miss Sloan and Mrs II Thomas lcii Committcc Mrs King alld Mrs Constable Converters Agriculture and Canadian Indus trics Mrs Bouncy Citizcnshlp Mrs Stewart Historical Rc search Mrs Kcll Home Ecoml omics MrsR Lucas Social Welfare Mrs Todd and Mrs Bcatty Publicity Mrs Stow art It pays to read me Adlets THIS ST GIVING YOU 1941 Reoshort wheelbase dump with new motor 1939 International st speed axle 1938 short wheelbase dump 1938 Reo stake body 12 foot 30 DAY WARRANTY WIIII ABOVE TRUCKS BARBIE MOTORS DEALERS FOR REOMOTOB TRUCKS Phone 2214 ake body with Barrie BANKRUPT SAL HAVING TAKEN OVER THE SHOPREC OCCUPIED BY THE IIIIIII llIoIo lillo urulllcl 101 Dunlop Street Opposite Queens Hotel WE AREP1LTT17NAG740NVS ALE HE EN STOCK WHICH WE PURCHASED AT REDUCTIONJVTO MEET OUR PLANS CKMUSTltthOVVQ UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY ENTLY THE BEN or SECURING THE FOLLOWING ARTICLES Al GENVUINE Price Reductions or 39 to 60 attended every llama Players Mantef Radios Console Radios lorcan Fans Curling Irons Portable Radios Records tot Plates cesIrlashiights mirinerreis AVir Heaters Washing Machine favors FireExtiiiguishcrs BreakfastToasters Poultry waterWarmcrs Whirlilscaters Irons Filodrains Exposure Meter =3000rChimeS Silex Filler Rolls Iluiiricanc Crysiiil Ifitiitilil LightingFixturcs ElectricVKcttlcs Copper Wail Iliitckotsg Trilitc Lamps Bed Lamps AndVMany Other ElectricVAppiianccsV mand of the unit Second training th 055 arrangements for cooking staff meetingland were always available ginfifgtylgrgs tailing em MimrlslfromCamp Borden through cour to help out at any time Ross Pea Heres how to nd outcexaclly vtiesl tesyof LtCol Lapoint of cock has done wonderful job ipplgtluwffhgtlh the RCASCSchool The menap He haslookedafter the averages 331635 hemd 5ng hif pefd very much the excellent for the Mondaynigbt teams made erI nines area ncermngyou are lt75 3mm my much YOU can save Dtgfown girls softball teams enV aultFA Lemoine and GWood SentVln the FeDOFlSfOY The Exam VterjngmeVlchalVladies 1eaguVerone huge theVdjreconOf Staff Sgt Vmgr He Id not look after the mm ShantyVVVBayVhan Vibe iherpw VMV KedzioraV VV Tuesday VnihtVnverages butlth me NewmapketV LadiesV am VV look after the report for the paper Borden made enquiries Which hathObemadc up SZilIIIb concerning entering the tooth and WIT MISCELLANEOUS SHOWE night 14cm safety soythat Ross districtsocks lfagge hargd Vyeam AESSVVgerIVIgSVtsitVII 83leziigwilgiy givento Vun rs an Veij in VV clusjonwm be more than welco M155 Margey MlIlml W85 hon league schedule There has beenwa aTilIl enfwaiIFiameou Previously the RCAF Station at ledwilhia vmlcellans WW great deal otwork to do daring Burnerm biickeduplby ComDBordeh had led their WRAP the We MANS the playoffs and fortheifarrangihg Qwritien guaranteorsavings desirertentering th 100p also Jack PllTwenlYeigtneighbors or this banquet which he hasdone evilmu olvdiowcmuhioh Th which1will notrontyrswe to in Vahdolher friendsygaithredand foui Willingty randavery efficientlyAl olwiprlnisionolpaintliob eoiier prison Im en own creaseintrestl for the followers girl friends of Margey Gloria though not here tonight we would qoickcmtih DABJhoVnew wonder of thlsialready strong league but Hadrian GracelHarriVs Dorothy also like to mentionVicLeGer outopotnmfwi leciqu no iiiah GallingeranaJean Bessey carried Who has been so kind ito look kpmoikst All you do it WIPE in twoiarge bask of lovely gifts after the Tuesday night ayerages If 0N3wiiii tho applicator pad stiors cotjrse ady to TilsainEvemn confluent ilrhesecnd4nmumemyea firmllmij face and completethebackstops etc just as soon as matcriaizintifcmme Meafmd planned for labor are available May 79 magi Captuwilmn Wllgar 0f Bamev larly to Gordon Brown and Wib Iff JInspit mrtsgossi Legimcntjuquortecmaster Made Hiehey who wish to express my apprecia tion to each member of thecxecu tive for their cooperation particu Bridgeiiamps Humidifich Electric Razors Coffee Makers 1ccill us With our scien tiVc testinginstrumentswefll Idljfcheckyom presentioit btir her freel ooooojoo If ltflsilnriiclent quill Vwafstef 1we11 replace it with ttIilils CASH iiioutlawthanas MERCHANDISE NOW ON DISPLAY fur siro Ref Rec VII7T1 OcCUPVIgED TBYj VBARRIETRADIO78 APPLIANCES ersfreisaviiig upto 25or 20 31f 31 dOSngVonggkengq 339 grants to goitey What could beVVfaVVIreVer VV a1 uszerptlyl We if Vngrdely testVVyour prVVesent VV neighborhood play areas and theirl er VlV time basis this year they were well aPleaSant me $383163 132$ rock you solncltned Furtheciuformation At the close refreshments were gt 85 Bradford Street no thmlgh ivacanCles for three ms fol presented toM by the staff of tie yegr PPR more candidates whoweuldhbein Zellers store hreiiehMargey was terested in thistypeVvofsummu employedV VV hour to dry employment NeitlhboffhoodmoV Thelbrjdetbe Was greatly 5m Beautiful children ofrthe woods duettroop thersare also cordidliy invited to prisedwhen she wasdnvited for andeldsl 4V Mottmu aims in in onthemurse Manlehoweditheevening She cordially voiced That bloom by mgmti Stream Interest last year In the play the thanks to those ho had remem Vlts mm the heather mm rim nice gifts and 01 Into clusters nonth the hazels ground activities displayed at theirlv you Services could beuti1izet on apart Rad helped to make the evening the WILD FLOWERS VIOlDunlop StreetOppOSitejQiieensThief THIS STORE IS TO BE iTHE NEW LCCPQTIQNQF manly Manon Mwhiwt Manon Son Ioin Muniotoyltu Joinlmun humor Gm WalhllgtchIliu litmu Imiu the rst week 30f Miiy thre are mg beautiful card table Were and has Oelied milhelium agam if on concerning the 1731 may bgob served by Mrs Plant Mrs Cecil the 9V Ime weln om we not Vino 3855 name mined by contacting the Recrea VVHenson and Mrsray Plant mtgl ot VCoIVrIrVrViIiiiltyiolIsei not Examiner continuif HABRISFLoerSHOR