THURSDAY nlRIL 22 Iii8 THE BARRTE EXAMINER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA PAGE TWO If SEEDTRBATMENT THE BARBIE EXPfMINERWo EGooo INSURANCE elm tin111 or triad1 Amill tirmu lFtUlhllimS lolwllnh AWhlJUHH sLbStIillllUNS lllti in lllll mm SI vhf 51W Ezlt hlswtu no Published Thursday Musing by if BARRIE EXAMINER LTD vthLAREN rwtzfri tm alumM to 1113 WALLS VLlHifiiLlNl mt cums IAHACEK TO HELP IHll BLIND Ni ii llaljtrr qulxilty one we tulle ol the lill tlirll $01 31 oulciltl cl midyear ls Im EVApi Sztih llltnzlo lltpul tz little Soun tiop lltll gested such change but the minutes of gsmoi and tool council fail to show anything to indicate any 324 v7 1l general doslyu on the part of the other melnl 1131 inst zulu sl is 13 ibers to relegate the old familiar name tol WIN Plans are under way for the annual com forgetfulness rpm ualgli oi the Canadian Nationalmstitute vtllg gt Ml Il for the Blind tag day Will be heldlll Barrie Nearly half or ill pidestrlans klllcd ill 1mm mu um mm 55 on Saturday May and letters Will shortly lllraltlltllb sills the Ollldllil Dellallmelll Ull whchm mm be sent out to the hundreds of citizens Highways meet death while walking alongi mum iiitiniherll lli thmugllout the distrch who have supported the open roads ulxho most important prel Seed utiiuzliul emu nrwlrd symmmmm the callitulgns 111 the past 111 Home and caution to avoid such accidents is to walk on slnilts chimp nu Hm 1mm ce trlt mm mm l1 Iegmermlmlllllpersliflho me 1m mm ML Wu ml MW sure in IUlllliillllllh lllCSt Lilt Illtll 31K WOlllCI illl ll Illl il Ilrtriiilier ll lle approaching 011 ytlttl Sltlt and you wonL survey made in lily ll mm have vision ol less than 10 percent Most of lltttlltll SULUiNHNlH filth lnntiwi 1lv li SI li ll Iiilllll OF NORTH llllllllA AND illlllilljll lillllANIlIS lilIIJLiA loss c111 fj llll licdlltltll lii2i lli ltlt gtlu2ll run the rlSk 0i mlllg foul bellnd Dot llhll Um 53 13 in fmllililes taken hurl lriil timilzii cc ed lnthe our Srln hikln and all other rural walkI Lit lnolity wilth Will be coll for mini Uri uh ml campaign will be used to provide educational ing the right way on the left side If your CW 13 mm lacllitles There will also portion of EllClClllldltll walk to rural school safeguard are not ltlklllu email iiistilolitt moiiet set aside ill the welfare fund for use them Oil the uliy by liliplesslng them with IN 5H Ulile ut your 444 children veri in the care lll particular mrx this 5mm who Childrens Aid Society There were fun cases of child protection work and 1111 noting iii lli Niiltutnxv 11 Education has long been regarded ilb llt The Simcoe County Lib completed 41 idoptions during l0 These triiil following it l1nll Slumuldli ritiht of all and is provided for most of us by The memory of the late Jack Miller is btlllg figures Will be WWW Pmls to be ivchcmccl all the animal mcctins Road In nu old lull it lulu to Illi it Sinieie Louny AS in be hit uh 79 Bairre lll xiii the public school system We who have enloy honored during National Wildlife Week prillw Th MN Unsuime 0anEZHMHIEEEP5 doubtful Bthllidllhlvllj ltlldttl ed the facilities of such an education will be Through his influence tens of thousands of in mm rm it 11 nit illil lll It lvlllll wlir Ill opera liun lllllllllill in lTIL tlu ollli iilv lililllllitl llllllllltl0r oili Illlf siiiimil1lieulilct inil lliltll iiilli drougmt lyirc liiiile tllll iliisiililtt liiiiitiiii Iiidilutions lll llli IllL Welfare Everyone Will be welcome to ilrilldol further information if 1812 wt liitl fol loading able to repay some of our gratitude by helping lt to share the cost of education for those who in our native wildlife Here in Slmcoe County require slclnl educational facilities where reforestation is being encouraged Oil substantial scale the birds and game are be BFHTER HOLIDAY FACILITIES lug given greater opportunity for survival Improved quality of food and service and Reforestation and soil conservation also as more and better accommodation is our great sists nature to protect her water supply and est need sziysha news letter issued by thethus prevent the drying up of streams and Tiltlildlall Government Travel Bureau While Canada has enjoyed two boomyears ill theymcn of this part of Ontario can do their part in conserving wildlife and thus make avail tourist industry there are indications that lldlidaycrs are becomihg more discriminatingiable extended recreational opportunities for the countless visitors to Simcoe County ill their selection of vacation areas ou This message should be taken to heart by the residents of this part of Canada because The Examiner has received copy ofpIhe few districts are more important from thefBaltic Review Edited in Stockholm Sweden tourist standpoint than Barrie Here in Hurlt contains articles and information relating onia we have natural playgrounds that areito Europes struggle against Communism unsurpassed There are wide expanses of goldcontributor to the Issue 78 Vol is well on sandy beach rippling blue waters and theikllown Canadian Professor Watson Kirkcon fresh green of woods and parks And addedlncll who has written vigorous antiCommun Lo all these mun31 facilities is me fact thaefistic articles ill Canadian publications for HurOnia is the cradle of an era of early North iseveml years The fact that such highly American history csteemed authority as Watson Kirkconnell With all these attractions Humma is als writer forthis publication lends auth natural mecca for tourists Tens of thousandslenthily l0 The Baltic RGVlGW Any person in pass this way annually the great majority terested in copy of The Baltic Review or the over the highways IL is fact that 35 perillewslettcl From Behind the Iron Curtain cent of the tourists from the United StateSImay write to The Baltic Review Garvargatan travel by car in Canada With this knowledge 11 Stockholm Sweden ill mind the federal travel officials pointouti the increasing importance of providing morej Appreciating the importance of sanitary and better cabins and tourist courts It hasIenVlmnment Canadian health authorities en been suggested that Canada should have acgdorse wholeheartedly the cleanup drives commodation similar to the best in the UllitediWthh have been carried out during the past States ifew years in connection with Canadian Beau Barrie is the centre of holiday districttification said Paul Martin Minister of Na andthe tourist business means millions orytional Health and Beautification Health and ponds In this way fish are saved The sportsl 25 Years Ago From the Files of THE BARR EXAMINERM April 12 1922 Barrie Local Notes For the iirst time ill lhtlt llrld been no County patients in the Royal Victoria llospital This was due tolhi County lis trlbuting its indigcnts among the hospitals of the county Wzitlchope who recently sold the Barrie Business College accepted position as head of commercial ldepartment of large business school in Hamilton From the Dept of Education Barrie Board of Education received word that the Barrie trustees had power to sell the old BCI grounds on Blake St provided the proceeds were ilsed for school purposes The lelllllill report of the Waterworks Dept showed surplus of $5438 nearly double the profits of the preceding year At the monthly lmeeting of the VON Assocn the membership was reported to be 490 Charlie Hunter elected Mayor of the Community Boys Council Barrie Town Clerk served notice that dogs must be licensed and wear tag any dog found running at large after May lst without tag would be desl troycd Barrie Kiwanis Club announced that its second Ladies Night would be held on April 19 dollars to Simcoe County and HuroniaJTherelCOmelt depend ht large measure On clean Mr and Mrs Fred Walls of 713 successful future ahead for those wholliness and tidiness of conditions among which have the initiative and ability to promote and live and labor Any movement aimed at develop first class tourist facilities in thismaking surroundings more pleasant and ord part of Ontario yerly and hence safer andmore sanitary is thus decidely worthwhile The members of TAXPAYERS SHOULD HAVE Slut the Junior Chamber of Commerce of Canada At recent meeting of Orillia Town who are sponsoring this years drive have Council request of the Collegiate Board set dateSvMay 17 l0 May 29F011r hundred for Orillia and District to have debentures communities are expected to take part of $625000 issued to pay for an addition to OPINIONS OF OTHERS 1the collegiate was refused The Maycir point ed outthat matter of such large scope 0w COAL STRIKE AFFECTS RMLWAYS ISt Thomas TimesJournall should go to the ratepayers for approval motion to this effect was moved by Deputy One of tllle upfuu reasons why the lack or coal nd Re ohn ton and car ca mu railroads is that it takes 11 Reeve TudhOpe pounds of it to haul one ion of freight 100 miles and fled unanimously many freighttrains throughvhcre haul 3000 to 5000 We belleve theMunimpal Act should be tons amended so that it would be compulsory to have avote of the ratepayers taken when TCllNG RABBITS FOR F0011 iOttawzl Citizen anYcon31derable sum or money ls wowed Australian rabbits are earning dollars for the Bri Edmonton visited Barrie on their way to reside in Hamilton Mr Walls having been appointed dis trict manager of the North Ameri can Life there There was warm discussion as to the salary for the school nurse and nally MissTrain was rengaged for the position at $750 year plus bonus of $155 annually Simcoe County Briefs John Gossling reported satis Ifactory returns from the 400 acres he bought on Con 12 Vespra on which toestablish muskrat farm near WillowCreekfLatcr the name of the undertaking was The Vespra Muskrat Farms Asked as to the crop of rat skins he expected to get Mr Gossling said that where the farm was enclosed as high as 50 rats to the acre were isecured but he gured that he could get 10 to 25 to the acre llwo young sons 19 and vearst of 13 years school children began to take an interest lh 4m Years Ago From the Files of BARRIII ADVANCE April 14 1891i li Barrie Local Notes Public School board requires $1000726 for current year llils fees were Perkins ichalr maul James Ward ll Love 13 Rliinellull Ii Reid Ieo Reedy and Smith leach ers and attendance at the schools Central lliillett 21 Bentley 38 Miss Lee 34 Miss King 40 Miss Booth 38 Miss Boys 31 Miss Phelon 32 rMiss Caldwell 34 Miss Stonehouse 44 WestWard Foster 39 Miss Lee 28 Miss Bonls 37 Miss Wil kie 42 Miss Fletcher 38 Miss Sherin 38 South Ward Shear 41 Miss Dickson 40 Miss Howe 51 Miss Patterson 64 East Ward Airth 211 Many persons attended Prof Welchs lectures oll Phrcnology in Library parlour 75 members attended meeting of the Bicycle Club in Dr Bosrlnkos office By lentil of Andrew Graham Geo Whitcbrcad in his 88th year was oldest citizen in Barrie since 1843 next In ago John Fuljames in 86th year Members of the Historical Society near Alliston were drowned their father had to swim fur his life when the wagon on which they vvere riding went through bridge into the raging waters of the Nottawasaga at Nicolston The father run to Nicolston half milci for aid and large party of villagers hastened to help all to no avail The horseswerc found about 20 yards below the bridge both dead Fuel shortage serious in Midlandno dry wood and coal selling at $21$22 ton Farmers advertising credit sales in this is sue were John Tracey Con Oro Dalstom Ed Wharram Con 14 Innisiil Little baby Davis Minesing Station fell her bed and was unconscious several hours Owing to the bad roads Rev Stevenson of Strottd had to stay in Gilford over Sunday night Hugh Allingham returned home from California to Hawke sione From Grenfel came the report that snow was disappearing rapidly bllt there was neithel wheeling nor sleighing and mails urrdcrtakingforwhiclramurllcipar tlsll CommonTvezTh pool and provfdmg foodformBri council seeks financial support itainAas well grist year 90000000 rabbits were caught in ustra ia kins earned $10000000 making rabbit It 15 only fa that the talmyer Should skins second only to wool as dollar getter Ill six brfully informed on the protect being pre monthsthe sale of carcasses mostly to the British scnted and them be given an opportunity Food Ministry realized theequivalent of $2560000 TitolYEKfHVlWSWltli the ballot vmw or rtmltti IWoodstock SentinelReview RURAL FRIENDLLNESS After we hadcongratulatedaindiccently outhc From time to time we hear of therfrlehd addition of son to his family he observed This liness Show by the people mime smaller 13 my first sonandl almost hope he grows up to be cormrrttnitiesAn exampleof the good neigh bor spirit was illustrated in Innisfil Town we keep pushing more and more of our responsibilities ship last week On May 10 fire destroyed the on ihggovzmmeml hell be we looked elite bum eI ave every opportunity to be bum be farm home or Mg andi Dalton Fermer cause he wont have to work or save But if hes not Within Weak ne had celleCted bum hell be pushed right into the ground trying to several hundred dollar in cash and valuable pay the taxes the government will need to keep the contributions of clothing and household fur bllms happy nlshings To express their words of personal encouragement the neighbors held card St Thomas TimesJouman DarW and soclal evenmg the community smallnumber of technicians have gone onwstrike hall at Churchill last Saturday night Restd in Buckinghamhgalace and Government buildings entsflom all parts of the district attende itlcludying the Hrguses of Parliament with the result at ere is no or Water in them and the elevators Whne Qrban centreshhave Fertaln at wont operate The Government has made noaitcmpt 1131301110118 they Often 1059 911 nglghborlmess to coerce the men to work andof course the King in proportion to their growth Realneighbor would not interfere with the mens right to strike linescjabounds in the rural areas where the houlics are far apart but the people are close tbgetlie at BUCKINGHAMPALACE AND THE KREMLIN themselyes what would happenif the comrades in Moscowwention strike in theKremlinhand deprived Uncle Jae of his raving Water Our query needs to onmmummog In the appeal of Renfrew Branch of the ab Legion against thetratlbg ofgthc urn Raylslpri Town OfRenfrtaw Judge ofAPembroke formerly of 0111 Dept Agriculture Bulletin This year the heaviest and most widespread attack of grasshoppersgis expected in Saskatchewan since Reports havecome from lmulunicipalitiesf to Do The infested arear extends afrom North Battletord you mf couthrtotheinternationalboundagygnd7fromTlberjv to east to Wynyard Regina an Itevainv in andan article tenSityfoi infestation varies fr0m very light and NOYQSMBUCSSCS patchy to continuousand severe 1e analrecreationaivatuc of the SA Amtcrtolv Daily News Chatham Ont No tragedy seems to most ds as great as that of blindness Therels permanence about ltarri of irrevocabltiiy about itwhicb arouses our deepest uullpal taxation sympathies Other afflictions safarthermayvbevirr many respects have not the bitterness which at in inches to blindnecs The complete inability truce the beaniynnd lovelinessjof this world is tragedy too wildto have the design dbyMumcmy which occuroccasionally victltmtol blindd erm met scam to resent their lot They airfoil utility happy and cheerful carryl at their ago the lazy shifiless moron Why Hell probably be lot happier that Way By the time he has grown up if GBQASSttonult luvusrou wnsri million Departmnt otAgrlculture entomologists tell logthqi grasshopper eggconcentrationsinsufcient he Drape or 1931sth ls nunibers constitute serious threat to spring crops their tor words Yet by one of those at king conita Wesley Scott of1ESSa farmer injures HEARING umms to Milt kw blitilitsntcmmumm Intuit ANY oilith We would like our CanadianCominuiiists roadru notelltnaie llmTueSilrrZHT fromlioilpm if Suitlflryiti Thercu no bbllliottl attending this lrec clinic may the road back to the tehxcd btrulmfreebccrlng thatwdsonc grind mungmin again rile Acousticon imperial nsailiny sepi italic tribunlttcr or in butterycon yqu ALDINONE hormone Hoiie DemonStrations byAppointmentp Mledtmgm4hmuglum go many days sum to uni gt AGAIN mv Tiroli Your nulvtttzits gt Toronto Branch Maltas kill it likely covertyour palml Jamarmu iiitttiuitmiti STRICHMOND 51w TORONTO Telephone ELgln p260 Ythod MhOuf my livmmum imrIt Murat It WY mm and lnon li padlock lillf lulu oi liilli century plittcin mule oz lirllttl clipper puller howl Iilll ii nun tomnhawk litv ll luekei illtl lllltl years 111 tllllt n1 hrlst Church pijeililivzl 11 1111 well sermon Ililtri to liili 101 USA Brown Allunrhili shoe liikel inilliliirtillli lung lish oak tanned hip hook 1m thi lziilwliy boys Auditv 11le in Toronto lilkiliy pull in hmho tourllmnent Ilii Zillliillll milt loge students were in town for Easter Harry Sissoris and Tim Iliumv IiliillliflIlrl Iliumll INSIRANCE COMPANY 01 Mlltl ll AM Millil iicil liillils CANADIAN HEAD OFFICE run MARINE CASUALTY lNSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA INDlMNIIY INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORIH AMERICA THE ALUANCE INSUPANCE COMPANY OF PHIIADHPHIA PHIIADELPHIA HRE AND MARINE lNSURANCE COMPANY TORONTO Smith Toronto Medical llllbilt ll Stratliy Trinity ollryin Shut0e ounty Briefs iillia cyclists aiming zit 200 mum wmn nlembersllil their clubandlliiiltl i1 my humming JIUiS wind mg qullullnllh mud Mk lliil blows lll lltllllzlls illl lilltll park Hos Council agreed to llint swirls my hair and lugs in tsroni Sltl to upon FlosVespru llllt Skins providing Vesprn put tip Slialldl AS it MW HISMHH by The kidney very delicak 08 Sunnldrtlc $10 In last fortnight my memdwechny byuold TM several form homes ill roxonsIL mm the minmi 0515 dulyiuoherimpummnd at id Lomws mlme ng pm mm Non llilt now there inow by lrom the blood When you have told nd VlEll Hm if cannot hold ll in my hands it Work is thrown upon your kidneys dens Lrevmow Anlll hlnsl No matter how try Dodda Kidney Pills help your kidneys layup an 913 WMS clear yoursyslem olexcest Iclds and F1 the onnm lms Leno nd ll wind is ll you llll curries Canadian Workman these llllllllg TM WII0Vlt mm my until tiltl3 Iolll lilo blulli black copies of the Canadian Workman mm McKee sgtiode lltlll Chas Sis sons Victoria University Til poisons caused by colds Ind give you tlunce lo hnke infection soonerfeel better faster If you have cold gel and me Doddt Kidney Pills l3 Dodds Kidnev Pills RADIO REPAIRS PROMPT COURTEOUS EFFICIENT SERVICE Teds Radio Appliance TED OAKS 44 Essa Rd Allandale Repairs on all Electrical Household Appliances just oil the press were heavily of 1H damaged John Snedden ltilvl mu ing Cookstown to take position WHO blillllil 130F10 in axdrtig store in Arrlprior meeting called toorgrlnizc cricket club in Cookstovin which at one time had the best crickctj team north of Toronto Joules Brtimby had two engines running the Colwell saw mill under the management of Chas Harris Jennett wheeled from Ivy to Angus Midhurst farmers inl gaged in sugar milking were jtibiI ant over the run of sap Somcl largo fields of wheat andoats il lendy seeded at Mincsing Phone 3609 ow Stayner in its Red Cross drive raised $80170 exceeding its objcc vtive by $31170 The kittiilow disappearsfroip thchollovvs thc strciims rise sink tuft Clciir again sprout and burscrv the 1iodsldriesgclduvvorkitrlrts again plowing Iharrovvingseedirigjwf5 Springfvvmkrcgrlls f0t labour aodjirioiiefwlnbhWiiggf gt yield returnsunt harvestT In the meantimeitheu Royol Bank is rchdyvvith seasonalloauto pay forlaboultjsccd fertilizer equipment and impro wens to bind nd bullditis Your local marizigcrlisv1wiys glad to Seep ultimo BRANCH It gt vl Mandyct