THURSDAY APRIL 22 1948 FILMS SHOWN 7TiWMI APPECIoled by BCI Bond D0 mt Writes Jenn Livingston LET US HIESILVER YOUR MIRRORSI Miss mnr new VT Just Phone 5048 for free estimate it ll IIilf ixl began its trip lo the Mono 11mm Hm dw ltauk 5px Iv W1 Nativnulknnivrcncc l3l BARBIE FURNITURE REPAIRS All fli HJ dmlh of Willi Connrt In Wond MM fxltllteitttl l3 lcctv Ullntmlv lfhltlutc ant Vo ttlIuitnt in Sxfltnll Amp 19 we Iilct If ll 1M our stopilrd til JJHII milzc Iltltoll Halal tIfg IAlIlc of Int friend Sonic 12m xcck 111 Bntrlr r1 lltc uremiad tlt tending bllatlirba llr ottd Mrs Idlu Mr and Mrs and Alf ctk Raw utl pcnt in tmtxlaml and lintl Tuftifiiu II III IZIHL plurc 311 all It tun In lit Iti lib1 Ntarly 100 memth Ittcialul Blair meeting of the Home Horticultural 11 lantaati iiio Tun Itt 11 won in gMncIarcn 111 Toronto on Friday attending nitMing of 1Int IVitttllh of iv rtthllk of tIula tctaltnu lligtlr It the nnfrrrnn or loll 315 11 lg nial IIl11t Iln Elias l2tr atllttldl Ilttrlfitgf 17 ttulirt Utdct of fund on Aiti LTIb Ic1liltgttt 121 LEMON LIME ICE CREAM llzlgt SODAS llll loiuttto and Niagara Ll NC Al with the 11mm Rolitnmt Electrical of Calgary and 11gt Everett ant Mrs George ltilltr gtglct1 laxt ttltiltl mtiti lr Hewitt gtigtlciz Mr and Iulll1 Idol1 of ookstnwtr ant to YOUNG llt1on 51 1111 ult amt tlai la tsrck Illt IICI Hand and HI llttl toyabw in Calgary two cits nflct an III rm in llzir latlt 2x ELIZABETH ST 1111115 kirk danchtc EM 31 ll lint on Ilnttxozi Rodgers itiuiuttl to hr larva ltltl Ull itnck 11f trunnion of 1hr llcwtt Llatlw Iltil Atzzltttdt tatttcn 17 hr 3a ILIIJvUII Alizil txl LIIAI It Ill =tttd it tlul Fill llaruw of g11tltl ll tllttl named llmclt 110 with M1 itittfilrw theft la pull ltIltI lltl 31 NY 14 ltv Ill ttxrllll lhmnpmi and 17 hme MW dattiu litatitoiti tuzd 3m 115111q3tlItitty IItpplcsltul it dzcd lll thct utlittut Kaipalm It Htxkpattxk Mrs uul ll at vtt Hr lllaclniocn at old Harttt ltoy xltn now igt1ltl Ilttccltu ofllnjMcal Education Ullltlll Montreal with national Mill 15 an ltoun 1tllt1 coincnttntt of tin tltltllltlli for Iltycal Education and IIIcttattoti ltelu ttt Motttrcal Satutdm afw mi of IM 11 It Dtl lrSltlttl Maul 313 Ion am on from Huf Fdns into and lt IllIIIZAI Innkpnrt 1ctltll tilISetlI at the auv Ilealtll In litl FIllt Mam ago It tl IIII and Um Wu Iul um tttt hcri out 10 gm tilltlllutltltll of IlivunaI I1 IlI It Wm In In Ititllla 41 mint 10 Mi yea Mt Slitclan IIuSS 51gtIv1 writ l1 ltank Spry made ltctt llittlliv with lllt illtll tizxtkwt gt11 tzp dress and get on stage VUULIAIUUI ttavtiltng utustctansl arc pctfrct th1 Just pm or sing lllllttll Littngaton arrived vttl case of laryngttis and was to Sit the whole evening In the audience RICHARD lllillll1 llzc Ilil11l t1tt lu Richard mu Wm went mil wtth the usual Speccites littFxl VIVIHHi WitEll 11 Ilixllli do by our own Fisher thv llt Sunday April 11 111111 1le held 1trtitart ofthc School Board nmi ott lctlIIeSIly ttIltllllUl April l4illc Kiwanis tcprescntntttc 1311 fttly tmtencc Steele AH the pcttorttizutce we all Niictl lllt gtti ltt v1 conductedi Lullltlttl 111 the mudtrn gyutuzis hy Rev llianph and was 1m here our hosts were waiting llltlztlttl In many fric lgt and rclttt to oxcort 11$ to our billets tivm Ihett tl mm of Ilftltill lamb and gtzcrtis succeeded mi IISMKLIIKS llarrtc Hill throughout Will Dilll 31111 the ltltl Gordon llltplcirIt llaroltl Cooper mil Nipper at ClappmonsSticzct in the 11mst H121 last Karim and auxint in lvtlutlsltxkIrltln night Uliltttlmx Ktlc shown and gtvcn The ftlms Chm Henllltl ILid Ilt htttls itlcd by Green Cross Ilifttlltltlt land shown by Don Mahh III of To vonio Following tliezuxc Manna condnctco llIt period Iclatttit to 9111 mi of ttgtng the uciillslti85 Ellttou insects Mrs Ilitngstoitc tcudance at the Ontario lltlllittll Aswciatton Niagara Falls List March ll 12 Wltttcsule of tie wed poim 1ltlCt1llIItIltlll service of Inc 1111 inion Ilcptilltlltlll of rtgllttlllttit Illldl lillowed mine bettin NncnlSRCWIWi Wllltll lllllfilltlltll lll tail on Dcstgnmg ful floral trbues flout husiuess hurling caclt otltctwe ptoccedwklUllHdS Announcement of llzt late for the T3 InnMle we Bar when We won shlvged dnttut IA punu at ollntgwood thr eagor Ktwumunxgwho spun ants made as VlLllltbtlltl July Two tolotcd Siltllitl 111 llrzrold legall chzcliihlc Iintch were pro Friday mu Iiss Il Gilly amt 33155 May tcpnitcd on their at convctuion at tillti 1119 the gt11Rlll home Saturday my 300 HATFIELD ST BAIIRIE ONT Special Dedication Services week pm Bishop Or District Quarter pm Womens dissionary Society Ethel Ryff Missionary on Furlong pm JointMeeting WMS and 45 pm Youth Rally YPMS Miss Ethel Ryff Special Speaker prll 30 Con ltlllitv Sunday May 000 am Love Feast 1015 atttheorge Fuller Jr of Toronto Challenge trout Layman Once in tiIteration 1145 am Holy Communion 230pmDedlcatorySermon1318mmMlittiii1ou 730 pm Bishop Ormiston ALL ARE ELCOMR Free Methodist Church tl ltclti 11 tom Lis Kenneth ooper litn IIlltli WII WV an llh lNrm luum Ml tit 13 ltllllltilltltlgt Utlitlitlll ttlllllt for the lt tltlthEtlltS and coke we lltllll vlctord Iltll llarry Adderlevi Jr ItlI1ftl 11 11 hm Ail the people were more cottidfkoka and Parry Sound consnutc and then ice cream pics lA 1C Whitby 1L charmm of tho lresitleut purpmq MHHIUIIIM Central United Churgh Minister REV BICWELL BA Cltoir Lender Mrs Lettover Organit MR SMITH Collier St United Church IIIIV Ii LEWIS MA BI Minister Lloyd Tnffottl Organist andl Choirmastcr SUNDAY Alllll 1910 11 MORNING WORSIIII SUNDAY APRIL 33 Im 11 Wearing tltc Uniform Pill Lovtsl llttul THE CHURCH SCHOOL 11 bl Nursgy Beginners and Primary Dept 210 PittSENIOR SCHOOL PM rADULI BIBLE CLASS Me It CHURCH SCHOOL 11 AM Beginners Primary pmYotutp Mens Class 230 PMThe General School PillEVENING SERVICE Young Peoples fireside following Illt rervice First Baptist Church REV IIUMPIIREYS Pastor Miss Elsie Clouglilcy ATCM Organist and Choir Leader SUNDAY APRIL 25 1918 BOLIVIA SUNDAY On this occasion we join with Can ntiintt Baptists across the Dominion to cclcbtatnc the Golden Jubilee of our missionary work in Bolivia 050 AMSUNDAY SCHOOL 11 ADIMISSIONARY MUSINGS IMWHY MISSIONS Mon BPU Four Star Rally iti Gravcnhurst Tues PM Youth for Christ my Wed ll PM Prayer Service REV Trinity Anglican Church RIIV II CROSS BA It TH Rector Mr II Wright Organist Minister Choirmastcr SUNDAY APRIL 25 1048 11 AWLMORNING WORSHIP Preaclter1hc Minister PMAll Departments of the Sunday School PM EVENING WORSHIP Preacher ThcMinister COME TO CHURCH mm Independent MITCHELL Ministu SUNDAY APRIL 25 19411 11 AMBible Exposition PM BIBLE SCHOOL Regular Classes PMGOSPEL SERVICE Mon PillY Service Wed pinMidweek Prayer Meet Snnday April 25th Easter IV 800 AMHOLY COMMUNION 1100 AM MORNING PRAYER ine Chosen People Thursday 745 pm Forward Bible 1100 AMBeginners Department Cllb of the Sunday School May 6th WMS Open Meeting 215 pMBtbte masses June 13 Rev Gordon Toronto 300 PMSUNDAY SCHOOL Visitors Cordially Welcome inn pmEvning Prayer Voices and Third The SolvOtion Arrny PRECIWFTHODIST CHURCH The Home of Friendly Worship Adjutant and Mrs Strachan 201i Bayfield St Phone 4572 AND MRS LL CHASE ministers ll AMHOLINESS MEETING Topic THE DIVINE PATTERN 700 PM+Sa1vation Meeting Topic NOW IS THE HOUR Wed pm Fellowship Club Thurs FEMHOME LEAGUE PM WEEKNIGHT SERVICE Topic TChrists Coming for His SUNDAY APRIL 25 1948 pate in 900 CHML 830am for Light and Life Gospel program Fellowship Meeting 330 PM Evangelistic Service 730 PM His People 73 ngfreenge group ery eries on the Second Coming of Friday night Christ Bible contests film strip Aand hob welcome awaits you at the Army by craft for boys and girls E=rf firms RMTPRAYER MEETING Burton Avenue United Church RcerL Carder BA Minister Organist MrRay Williams Gospel Holt LL 19 Parkside DrtW= SUNDAYQAPRIL 253943 SUNDAYJAPRIL 25 1943+ IIAM BREAKING OF BREAD II MMORNING WORSHIP 3P1IlSunday School and Bible PMEVEN1NG WORSHIP 77 355 Ci 7777 757 PzzgspLMEEngdy Wed RM Prayer Meeting All yelcorne teats free altcollection SundayrSeheolilM Holly Services at PM andfs PM All services on daylight saving time uREVN1R SINCLAIRMXA DD MINISTER itsbaaltFreshmanChurch BUTCHER Organist SUNDAYJAPRIL257I948 10 oo kMsUNDAY sonoor fr grew 13 anactaiy 1311 or stfkiidivfiy Qngbeo will preach in connection with the Ad lat ebekahs will attcnct the Evening Mackaywtll preach Inj the Strand Presby hRHuMu 1tl arrangement of word and soul Come to Gods House on 1115 Day St Andrews Presbyterian Hayfield REV JAMES FERGUSON Dawn Mr Craig Hamilton Organist ztntllblsmclt5 TUIWW Collier St BoptistChurch u4soc0LIIER3Tw 230 Ill112111 Departmentof the life division of the Ontario De Motor llIl clticlc office moving Hayfield St on lll lTlllp Htur cut 40c at Camerons Bar bcr Shop ever Olympia Restaur ant 24tfb Special am reg $500 perm laneutwvave for $350 Camerons lftlttiiw 4484 241 Patching and mending lone Apply Ala Needlepoint 00 lapperton St Phone 3189 13th rliuy your 1ltkt15flli the Lions ilub Minstrel Show at Weay lntonthx Iltullt Store lclcphouc 4033 lTllll Ihcrcs no delay the Active way New heated sedans for itnl otwlong distance trips Active llaxi Ihont 4431 fillfb Rev Frank ltrst Baptist Church will address the Adult Bible Class of Collier St United Church Stuay at Ipnr Ve can fill your order for lbroodcr pipes etc Sap pans to litltt Morans FltlSillllll Shop 511 St Phones 5003 and 13181 Alfred Potter in the for over lycars is now in charc of the bttt ltcry department ofBrcnnans Auto Electric Service Spccial Maries Beauty Salon 50 Elizabeth St regular $500 per mzutcnts now $350 also $1500 cold wave now $795 Evening appotut ntcnts Phone 2781 2tfb Stewart of Barrie hall his 10411 automobile stolcn last Satur day night It was recovered by police at Stayner the following day The car was not damaged In any way On hangl large stocks cave lrough and galvanized sheets etc Place your orders earlyfor all sheet metal work Morans Tin smitlt Shop 58 Bayinch St Tele phone 5005 In England The Bishops Wife was the command perform ance On this side of the Atlantic it will be the demand perform ance film IhcatretgigDkmil 26 17x Buy Berton Guaranteed Moth Spray today and protect your finc clothes furniture and rugs for five lycars Berlou guarantecs to pre Ivcnt moth damage or writ pay for the damage Caldwells Drug Store Last Friday at 515 pm the siren atop the fire hall was used in place of the fire hall bell It was found toIbemmommsatisfactory for summoning thr firemcnndir will be used in place ofthe bell for this purpose Town Council Mdnyinight de SUNDAY APRIL251948 ICIEIeEl tOTppOInIJChcster Ley as fulltime driver with the fire de partment jLL Vsalgiry of $1600He 230PMSUNDAYSCHOOLivill continue to look after the BlammrdyCamGWWBarliW7 municipal Offices until other ar rangements are made Awaimon who is now residing in aToronto is at long last able to return to the curling game after an enforced rest months Ab was an outstanding curler while with the Barrie club and in his career brought many trophies to this town Mrs Montagu Leedsrrhad aI very informative article onCounty Library Work in OntariotA Pion eer movement of onlya few years growth in the March bulletinlof theCanadian Library Association She dealt mainly with the work of the trustees 0f the Couvntv Library Board of which she is one Yesterde morning 2700 year ling laketrout Were planted in Kempenfeldt Bay These fishwere from three to ve inches in length and stand far better chance of survival thanjthe fry The sh were brought here from Chatswdrth near Owen Souridby Tstet of the shand wild partpient of Lands and Forests Game Overseer Gordon Rule of Staynerrr went outeitima rowboat with Cliff Carley tolplant the sh Arrangements for the sh to be brought here weremade by Adamson of the public affairs committee of th Barrie Kiwanib Club Also on hand when the fish were being transferred was Bert Hillmanager of the Bar rie Chamber of Commerce The previdusday 2500 yearling take trout were placed in the water at Jacksons Point The events were feature of wild life Weekwin this district In lItlmphltNs of the battery patriotsShannhun passed way alluwuyds should be made 011 11 basisi his resulencctn Phelpston Rcf tom morit TIC Under the The deceased was born at Mount 13180 Starts at the lmperinll of tour or vemanently Settling in America Mr chttittnlasttc in their reception and lltttf biography of the latel am sure every member was Mr IIIunleszon published in thoroughly satisfied laltt Itl issue of lhc llanic Exr TUVSdH mtlnlng limo 51 tminori gtlttlll concert for the Woodstock QIS ANNIE MAY AIIJISIIIONG hieloin rcsident of Vegpta in itlic person of Annu Muy ruI lp to the United States tiloria llosnitnl ilat rte out lllnuxday April 13 1012 She was For at 0f week born in the year 11101141 durlttcrBef Project of Mrs Altitsttoil and the lath Ruhnd mmmli Nominations for the First Lady of the Week will he made this week by the secret committee of Near l111 left to mourn are her mother two brothers Richard ilhmlnhfllnnlk Millysmginomltiatots made 111 hv leadinu IILL gtIgttct M15 alter lorhcs BwSicp nulsmu MCViLlllltllS whoeventually will select Cutclteon Gladym of sliaaj oulshmdm Burrm and Mrs1Wm Mason Kalici of grew me mrm 0f lieu Toronto One brother William ofhlmm hem4 VWled by the mil tam1 pwdwmscd hm gnationul organization through the The funeral took place on Aprillhml mm 8mm PM 17 from Mtnnikins ltmcral Il11110l While 110 1100105 If indllldllill 11ll Rev IIlctnents of Mine ltiomiuees are yet known it is certain stng conducting the St1lctS Illtlint the committee has canvassed ferment was In ironicl ctttelttylitt possibilities for the First Lady Ihosc acting Its pallbearers chtflnf pm Your mm all fields of cn 21111111110I2ttlEgahl dcnvotx including service cultural Ilrticsl StittndtR mt ctvilt mld we wmk home manna NSF hm ncss and other community activates Women in every sort of common lity activity have become so in GERALD PAIRKK IANHANcrcasingly important in affairs that lengthy illnesx was terminated the international organization of on April 11 1041 when GeraldRota Sigma Phi believed these determined by an unbiased committee of outstanding citizens Members of Beta Sigmat Ilti are not eligible lhis Intemational organization mok place in St Puuick3rcenm with membership in Barrie of tent with David Kenn James twenty will celebrate the scvcn Toner 110M tgptty tecntlt anniversary of its founding Coughlin and Joseph Kcancy as cu April 30 1948 With more thanl pallbearers Friends and relatives 05000 members in 2400 chapters inl front Toronto Barrie Newmnrkct Canada England Scotland the Unit Penelang Slayncr Elmvale and ed Suites territoriesof Hawaii and Winnipeg were among those who musk attended the obscauics St Louis Mcdonte Ip son 01 BY Go Mr and Mrs John Shanahan At The Mm lingo was originallyl an mm ago he went to live in applied to those who supportcd plos p01 40 years he was p031 Disraelis policy of sending ships imastcr at Plielpston where he also 10 1110 E351 10 SSISI the Turk had general store He retired against the RUSSinS from the grocery business year 01 so ago and latcrsold thcstore to Frank Hamill He had member ship in the Holy Name Society and in the Knights of Columbus Immediate wrclatives surviving him are one brother Jerome and three sisters Mrs Leo McLaughlin of Anten Mills Mrs Mary Toner and Mrs Coughlin both of IPhelpston IGNACY WYSOGLAD resident of Barrie for 18 years Ignacy Wysoglad native of Poland died in the Royal Victoria Hospital on Wednesday April 14 1948 He had been in the hospital three days ldeorn inlhlandq50wcaryagoMr Wysoglad went to the United States at the age of 15 There he met and married girl from his native town inPolarIdTMrjnnd Mrs Wysoglad came to Canada in 1926 and after short time at Amherstburg and quicm High Mass was sung inSt Patricks Church with Rev Thos IIaycs as celebrant Rev 11 Doyle as subdeacon and Rev Gerald Loftns as deacon Burial Something New on all orders of 50c and Over TWO Deliveries Daily MORNING 11 am AFTERNOON pm Orders MUST be in before that time WEEKEND PEACH CAKE New Branch Aft coming mcrica 77 nearly 153am ago Mr and Mrs SI Wysoglad had made three trips back to their native land and they farm ed there few yearg before per Post Office Square shop inBarrie whichF is being car red by his son or twoyears III alsonhad farm in Essa Township wife Mildred and three children Wf Choice Cooked Meats Ed rBrre TOI onfdfrando Alige bf St Calharinesr PASTRIES FRESHDAILY at St Marys Roman Catholic Church on Friday morning April 16 by Very Rev James Clair The PRoPRIETOR Anthony Batan Tony Cancilla Pet er Pilat Charles Grant and Jack LBRANCHV Mooreulnterment was in St Marys Cemeter and Main Store Wysoglad operated shoerepair SurvivingMr Wysoglad are his wThe funeral mass was celebrated Russell Bloomfield pallbearers were Victor Dudek IngerSewihgMliihs pyttreslzervtgeqt FromQanjbfcelh ET NEW AND RECGNDITIONINIMAIGIE were AVAILABLE ON TERMS LibjetalTradiIn Allowance ON YOUR om MACHINES Free ServiceIon MirtarPRepdirs ltPhOne or WritelYour SEWING CENTRE 37 nonoNTAmosrr VCOLLINGWOOD lis by Jean lavutgstotrl 57 lVlrsblrank Slack and laughter were to return ho SiUlItL passcd away 111 the Royal Nomnahons 36mg Made day from the RV Husliltulnall lIlOlIl doing nicely Sunday lsclttitll at 10 1111 and Ill Worship MHKf at 11 light Saving lunci Glcrtfcl meet the Church Friday April 23 at 11 pm MORNING DELIVERY on orders up to 930 ztm in addition to the former usual AFTERNOON DELIVERY on 0rdch up to pm NEW PHONE NUMBER GORDONS GROCERY 151 Bradford St Free Delivery Presents GRENFEL Mr and Mrs ltatlts Ilcmwr atul tltllIS bcfotv proceeding on our filllllmll 5111143 Will Vll Mill harltc lulvr Illtlllltulltli April 23 Sunday 111 hoth on Hay omtnnnily ltth vtil Films will be shown by the Hell Ielephhtu APPRENIICES to train for CUSTOM DR ESSMAKI NC SHEARDS DRESSMAKING 82 Mary Street Barrie new Ownership there will be 5002 58 DUNLOI ST No need to sacrice foot com fort for litsltioulee our new llr Lockc SIlOCSI Smarlhdesigned styles le or lOlelE lightlully dressy heatitifull tailored Wt as IlIISSIIIIIV cnnfurIoIlc as scienticall constrnclctl as always llc fitted today in your own comfortassuring Dr Locke Last WALKWEL SHOE STORE Opposite Post Office BARRIE PHONE 2397 another superb talent ilr Evangelist 11311 totterne Pianistllcne Hollands FirstBaptist Church The BestRecipe for 12 NOONVTO PM guthwrally pockdwwithlenlhtuisiasmond Toronto Girls Irior Bruce Lockcrbie 30318011121110 TES APRIL 27 pm HQ mil incbdsv 91 Tlfwllitdnubtet if 30TQ7I3M