Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 22 Apr 1948, p. 13

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There were fifth men and women coiiiniitte gloomy Gaol in the arch 31 I947 These ti contained In re gums are sued by the of Reform Institutions of which Hon George II Dunb Minister in UK Of the lotalriiiniber 24 were ac quitted and released and another six were release by an or of the court williotrial Sixteen wome and 179 men during the year had the option of paying fines and thus were re leased from custody Fortyseven more freed on suspended sen tences Ihe number released for other reasons was 35 The total of those who served their full sentences was 245 men and three women There were 67 transferred to other institutions TimeTahleChanges gt EFFECTIVE Sun April 251948 Full information from Agents Banadian National Htilways Are Wfllilil you tIIIIlIgI plnr uilcs shoulders flare of were Flltltltllly Iilt iiitlioiil shared by both Hllllfl IH licr villioiil llll illlltllll I0 Simcoe rm year endin Port recently is Ontario Departmentf Ilow Broad Instincts One died whili fits CWA illH II Of the 37 countv ai il gin iix in Ontario there were liltl Ik tnat had more inmates during the year than Simcoe Toioiito lgt ihighest vith 11267 The Limit in order were Ottawa IlJ liaiiZ fion Elm London IIJUU ilmiimr 1292 BelleVille lictl Ilaiim tilwll lhlee county gaols had ftl than I00 inmates dump the vtill at rangeville there Welt onlv Ali Goderich had 74 and iiiion Laid 76 mitlcd to Die Siincoe oiinty thiol iviii first offenders Ihiity Hlltll and 2363 men spent their III pi son terms III the gaot at llairu lduriiig the yer ending March ill 1947 There Were 30 second fenders and IOthird offenders and none who was serving mote than the third term These figures veic Strong contrast with Toronto where there were comparativer few first offenders but the number Serving their second third or fourth terms was very high Single men and women outlinin bered the married folk by 1572 to 200 Fourteen Iiiarricil women and married lllill veieweiiienccd and I9 singleXioiiitii iide 333 Sllt glc men Laborers led the occupational group With 23 offenders Ihcie ii Her loo Iiim Ittlltlttl on your Illt laiiiil iiiil iuiiiiagiiiiiiil ol the Illillll are task that are naturally licr to partner Yet if gtIlt ii burdens that are heavy Itlll alone llim mold ln hiri IIIIIII There is 2i way to make iirelliai Ilt Hlllltl poi have IIIP added crushing responsibility fininin iiilli food clothing and of earning Hunt to proiiilo the gtlllllll II lo pill 2h llllllll of your income as you ran into Life Iiiiiraiicc and to increase the amount Ali your iiriiiiilsliinces Life Insurance can IH irran Iiioiillily income that will new values or market upheavals can liurdcii will not all on lioiil msunnuca HEADOFFICE Branch Office TOMLINSON WIB MALLOR FACT llislablislicd Hill District Representatives permit glillo provide iioiiiaiiiillililo be uncertain lllZlI lIiIrluaIing never reduce lliiis your IltllIisI illrs illvlillcd to carry the Iouil it COMPAer TORONTO CANADA 70A Diinlop Street Branch Manager WALKER classification The gieat iiiajoiily of those loll were 30 farmers and nine profesl azilidl iiieii viho served terms ml the Count Gaol Other were commercial 11 domestic 25 mechanic II no3 liiLttilliiIlel 10 ottieis To Classified occluding to educatioiii it wtie illterale fil hail Ilutl iLtZttfllil education and is VIKI described as having an advanied itllitiiltofl Figure iviii aiso tabulated to shit whether oi not the men and toimll than alcoholic btviizigcr Utily one was an iigtlillltl Tin Itlilptliitt men and xvoiiieii itll balanced the inILlllDLlilIt 315 The total iiiiiiibei prisoiiii d8 was 106143 Ihe aieiagc danly population at Barrie was 207 and il of llllt highest iiunibei in one do kii Ill the nitiage llllellIilliillii emit til day per prisoner in Illt giiols of Ontario his year was $l Ell lhc axiiagi cost of food was cents day or seven cents meal LEGIOII in ROTARY HEAR ABOUT INDIA held at Rotarian night at which iiiiiiilieis of the Rotary Club of Barrie were invited to attend This was the final of the service clubs being entertained this year and it proved to be great success iippioxniiately ill were in ittcnd iic Branch welcomed the guests on behalf of the Legion and Blake ITIIdirhill replied before introduc ing the Rolariaii llllllllllt piesent The guests were shown through the Legion building prior to the meeting All Ilarris introduced Ill speak for the evcning Iipt iicii Sel kirk of Lord Strathconas lloise liiiip Borden Capt Selkirk servod with llic Royal Dtcaii IIUIM in 104247 which is British Itegi ment in India with while olfiicrw ziiid native troops The subject the speaker chose was Background of India lintoio and after Partition He gave description of personal litIIKIllll of the Moslems and IIllllt his also an outline of the govern ment both military and political Particular emphasis was placed on the native states with prince rulers who are in complete control of their particular section of IIlt country Many details were given of the political dangers rampant in the far east and how important it would be to continue empire tics willithat part of the world He stated that Canada was supplying as high as 75 of all imports to aucc IIob Bibby President of the lion the eastern countries which is and will continue to be great market for Canadian products Capt Selkirk was thanked for the most interesting talk by Andy Jones social evening was then held which included singsong vitliWallyPcrkins at the piano Both club members led the singing to complete successful evening Next Monday April 19 regular meeting will be held at which films will be shown commencing at 315 pm April 26 there will be Bingo starting at oclock OBITUARY MRS ROBERT LEGATE Mrs Rebert Legato formerly Mary Ann Cook passed silently on Sunday April 1947 at the Marybrook Hospital Stayner at the age of 94 Daughter of Mr and Mrs William Cook she spent the last 28 years of her life in Sunnidalc Township having pre violusly resided at Collingwood in ShNimentqlewnshiprnnd ratRose Iiiesday April 13 the Ilairie lilillitll of the aiiadiuii Legionlsl00r5hlps lllli Nliw lflllt IIEVIIOLEI announced recently According to General Motors minimum of time by itlllliil lotoilt is built in ni Mllis all of Iltll feature redesigned radiator gullc new color Iiiuiiionies in interior upholstery for Rural Girls Taking Courses at Mocdonuld Institute listahlixluiieni of icholarsllip for llll Lli toi courses to be lit models in three llot the Womens Institute Branth went to the Ontario Agricultural College and presented low Heck President and Miss Dorothy Lindsley Director of tlic Matdon aid Institute cheque for $10000 Ithe interest accruing from the in taken at Illc Macdonnld Institute WStmom Of this amount be SM Guelph is result of the raising of the Adelaide Iloodlcss Memorial Fund irv illt Womens Institutes Ontario announced IS by Hon tor scholarship or scholarships for rural girls to take courses at the Institute committee will be set up by the OAC to administer this fund and the President of the no idr Minister Ihntl Mm lWIQ and Director of the Wom Fwhvrl Phwdml Ufw Feds ens Institulc Branchwill serve on ted Womens Institutes of Ontario and Miss Alina Lewis Director OCIEI DIS 173770 youvev never used anything like it Here is completely NEW washing producta result of war time researchmade especially to do your whole family Washn Get set for miracle the rSt timyou wash with Tidefor Tide does whats never been done beforewashes clothes cleaner tlianany soap yet leaves colors brighter And get set for surprise when you rst see Tides wonder suds They loo2 dif forentifeelldiflerent they billow up thick and fast even in hardest water this committee The only qualiti cation attached to the scholarship made to do your wliolelumilywuli was lost in conversion for the new models in order to produce maximumnumber of automobiles to meet the demands of dealers waiting lists gift is that in awarding scholznu ships preference be given to daughters of Womens IllSllltlll members The Adelaide Iloodless Memorial Fund was raised by voluntary con tributions from Womens Insti tutes Junior Institutes and Girls Iliummaking Clubs of Ontario as tribute to the memory of Mrs Adelaide lloodless founder of the Womens Institutes So far $19700 has been raised and $19000 of this has now been turned over to the AC In response to many requests from Institutes etc the fund is being left open for additional con tributioiis GumlilEfAhiiniingNEIFW THURSDAY APRIL 22 1968 Ivelalrii vacant tin and the nrst an in innit of uiimeis took place am Ifir il ate oltwez was un ziiivvi Ruled iii tilt the ex 2nd 7o VicevpresIdent in Ifi meeting uirs Jean iini tiui Itlillttiil her resigna Mr pin Biiswozs became grid Initvgintg 139 133 Litll ltilliltltlil iIIS DI Hagan wagu Lil Pm Subdivision was held in the Gau mar She ttid iv the followin rison Club rooms on the 12th Mrs VLlrciji EH Sunonneaug lewkes presided The financial Em Descheneg report of the Subdivision lms its inauguration in December EMT mim the we was read by Mrs prwm 31 Mann and Mrs llitliw lo Iflt lust zone Mrs YtIrs Jevlti icpoited that site iistoi lid ICcciml cheque Im 51 1M ii f271iKiwi lhctliusinfgg the Community Chest Fuiiil Ihei1T1WWl mlwd Mrs RRRRail II mt UN wt Feb li Mrs mike thanked lltlflf Mrs If Eiiilfoylc of the Blilllt SllbleISlftn for all the aid she has rendered the amp Borden gioup atholic Womens League llead Examiner Iassllied Ads It pays to Iead the Adieu SEE FOR YOURSELF how downright deliciousVPeptiIolu is Its real treat anytime So whencicr youre thirsty or want to add delight to momentofrelaxation drinkii Pepsi Remember you get more for your money in that big lloupce bottle 14340moiq ii Rama 11 mi Ian of in at Louviit nCannda timid nu PEPSI mont Ontario where she was you ii Faun 00 mam ul Surviving are three sons ha FIIfole PETheyile reim Legatc of Vancouver Robert of Wot limit and 10 ndd HeinzbabYeXPens Stayner and Edwin of Edmonton We on E00 I5 veg one daughter Mary of Edomnton th degreeinHeinZBa Imy selectiftesh 82hen and one sister Mrs Padden llllrs They choose he Hemz Rosemont Her husband prede see that k5ka them es urerPac ceased her in 1919 Yes cleaner than any soap made Dump in tlie greasy overalls the grimy mines and If caner by steam or more mm The funeral took place Wednes play clothes watch Tides amazing suds go to work Tide not only leaves cook them All this akes possible daV Apr at the Unltld Church clothes free from ordinary dirt butactually removes dingy soap lm as rider vacuum do entithan baby New Lowell an WIIICh Inter well Try Tide next waslida tltem nand mineral give yo ment was in Thornbury Union mm mm Ids So mothe enloy and Cemetery The service was con gt gt 10w ducted by Rev Dingwall Thepallbearers were Brock Gets domesduzzmg whuemwyire BABY Blitz FOODS and Arnold Victoria Hospital after an attack The funeral wasglildliisday April at ennetts Funeral Home Midhurst She was fond Of music andsociallifeianditooltan active Wood John Mitchell Brock well Norman RaWn John Calder Relatives and friends attendid from Meaford OwenSound Collingwood Bramp ton Alliston Everett Mansfield Toronto Calgary and Edmonton MRS PERRY GILL Violet Maud Hoover Wife of Perry Gill Midhurst passed away Saturday April at theRoyal of double pneumonia ve days be fdr intermentwas at Barrie Union Cemetery Pallbearers were Meore WI iHubbeitgF Frankcom LNey Spence 33nd AL Dwyer in 1891 andtwas thefdaughter of Mr and Mrs Isaac Hodver lLater on in life she moved to Toronto where she lived until her marriage when she took up residence at partin church events Surviving are her husband two danghters Alberta and Mabel of Weston Sisters Nellie Mrs Wheat Alice and Mrs Lafener all of Toronto four sons Whitford Weston and oward all oerld burst and Clarence of Toronto Those attending the funeral front all of Toronto and Mr and Mrs Moore Collingwood Midland Music Festival expected competitors Rosemont Lisle Minesing Barrie gtThe service Was con wducted by Revinw Clements Minesing and Rev Mr Wilson Mrs Cilf was born at Markham distance werel Mrs Wheat Mrs Lafoner Mrs Hayward to have 460 entries and aboutZOOO Walt tillyouv see the dazzllingrwhiteness Tide gives white clothesli And sheets shirts pillowcases keep their gleaming whiteness week after week Tide never turns themiyellowrrrr Its amazingt AliMoral Prod its Rifde uoEs ii Actually brightens colors =Ilieyre Wait till you see your colored clothes come out with that spanking clean shining bright Tidewashed looklTld actually brightens your gay print dresses Does it safely too Yes Tide iii safe for all your bright washable colors glasses rinse and wiptngt CLEANER EI4tiiycsmuresuil prove it in youtdbhpu Kindtohands suds Faster duds LOngrlIastingsuds than puny soap in hardest gt gt water Tide cutsgreace like magic hunches dishes cleaner thanany soaprq scum inthe waterINbcIoudy VfilmIThatswhydlches and sparkling cleareven Without dry so II will WATER MIAHS OF 5005 N0 WATER SOFIEIIERS NEEDED EUAIANTII use Prpcterjicamble supran euthatTldeMlldOevuyy thing claimed for fun thin advertisement Lyounre not completely paddled retan the unused pqrtlon of your package toidulr iind the purchase price berefunded WM CLi

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