33 3mm LA 21948 IRSDAYI AP New ragtime is Organized April In Sunnidalc Mr and Mrs Cecil Atkinson Cains Corners Wormus tiistirlbchmibcfgt 1mm MM tote was Organich at 513s EuiiITlmrsdiy Stood Utilctuu Tupsday IMHMMI IiIIis 311111 13 with Mrs pJI Visited her lNllcItl at handout Ftmdctit of West Slum District 335 93 presiding The tollowmg Ulllccl Mrs Wallvl Middleton liltiivale were elected Pres Mrs IlulxIllilll the weekend with Mr and rcr Vicepres Mrs ll BiocktvtllthIS MCNilII her dream Ml Dickinson New Um unufd 13 VI II lekllm INl Last Wednesday ctclilng about rmIll runrumgtIAgrictiltuiIc killd tU itcigtiuuzs and llltlitls gullltlttl tirr istrv tlzsI LI nthi3 IllZVn it tln IIUIIIL of Mi iiiid Mis It It itch Mrs tailliiy HiSltJllkiili Miles to ltulml titt 11civcclgt ltrwaich Mrs tuition IIuilitIKIl and Mrs Alex Smith llltt lcuiioiiiics Mix pleasant LIllllg Nerds ltioli Alice Milcsi xiv Mrs Smith Social Wcl was mm with music and singing IJIK hit Fleming Iliiectots Mrs 51 Bowing govt an unitlslllg Ili trading entitled Men get itiarruu IiiIitlnlt M15 Nctlla tli biiiitli Pianist MI too and Mrs Mow conducted himllr contest Fluid lloiiionce GRAND OPENING Aliblc liltrli LJInl lttilirll iVisitiiig tuiiiinittce lTWu writ laden mixers or citiiia Cain pyrck were plcllrtt ti the gozidt Both replied sitting and tft ital will all to IIICir fir tunic hl lfrntlliilcl AI Ilit Isnt UI III trltlg IIZt Indira plimltltd AI dainty tututi Officers IIIHch for liit WI held their ztiriuia th nus Ilictllllg ill Mrs Larsons its Thursday The members ividu to cooperate vlth the feder aion til Agriculturt in pull UNI polluck supper on Aprtl in iui of The Children til Burupc Join The brimis elm1rd went lgtn Mrs Mair lit VIN Zluw ilis Aubrey lullii 2nd Viccfits vIIZ vcsl Ward Fieryl Tltd llgt Bullzicl ASl SUP trczis Mrs llusrtzl Matt District iliiiutoi Mi Maw Utanclrt llircttur ilrs ll Linton Titas of biicit Fund Mrs lluyiiitinil Wurd Mrs lMcNubb and Mrs ll Maw ttin ltcitcis Agriculture Mrs lilfcn illistoricui Research Mrs itliiw lloiiat EVUIIUIIHLSHAIIS Aub rey Illltll Social Welfare Mr luisuii litirciisiiip Mrs Iioodi itlltiw Auditors Mrs 11 tiitItnl lMls lotidrclliiw Pianist Mrsl lititislltlltiw Browns Wanhouse Qppdood At Meeting Flos Twp Council Heeling in Elinvalc on Apiii 121 with Reeve Deputychctc Ibllll Coons Archeraiid Trace Pltbtlll Hos Council on motion of TriitkI valid Archer paged rvstilution opposing the establishment of it Brewers Warehouse Wlllllll the bounds of the township Ullzct resolution adopted were ArchervMaw ordticd that tin uuncil take no action on thr ic quest of Royal Victoria Iltbpllill for pymcni of extra Evililottl and ways for indigent paltils TraceMaw ordered that $2 rtranied as prize to tip pupil in each School in Flo locating Illt littlest number of nutrition liarj berry buah within the cutltlllcsI of their res ctive school Stllulla Council mall application to Ulll employment Insurance Luiiiiiiisf sion certifying that the employ merit of Ed Atlaiiisou grader oper aior is permanent in character AlthelTlacc ordered that In Slii itiiiiit be made for prizes for an essaywn Weed Control written byi it indulge he are lln compound for llrlhzil tlladcf of tho stomach liter and bowls If In Over Eating Boomers If the atomti Idlinuncs llt1IIIiiili $111 tllrldrt 2qu lufjigu tillm 111 uflrti hid1 111th ltlicls stimuli we quid ICIitI Burdock lllucd ltittcrs is pure vegetable int we indulge In riill It mung mm ha lraliinth and tligrstiiu organs tlni iiitprunng dig Jul csthL Ltnl viiiliithtlull Youll and 151511 on sale at drug counters cryptere Accept no stiltilrs Htervll llllllwfb Blood Illllcls The Stilton Cu Undo1 Toronto On Reo Conditioned Trucks ood llsod Vehicles Prices Range from $25000 to $138500 LI If NIIS EUAIIANIIQEII IIMI IIIIU IRACIOII Motch 2t AIIS Reconditioned 2815 cu l11 Engine Exccllciit Tires 825x20 Duiil Rear ti bo or girl attending piiblicI school and in trade or the litoncy to be distributed its follows lit 2nd 3rd 32 also Ithl consolationIprizcs of it cat1i number of accounts mostly lul Relief and Hospitalization wen3 1930 Cookstown Dance Pavilion Friday April 23 IIIDIILSTON oot lsitrti Frank Bogart and his Orchestra ADMISSION $100 IIIJU MODEL IIH 115 Wliccl Base Stitkc Body 11 32x0 lircs into MODEL iiitii Chassis and Call Rcur Tires IIIIO Platform IIOtly 123x Iilxccllcut Ilrts 750x20 Dual Rear MACK 1111112 lltAClOlt Almost new Iircs 900x20 Dual Rear WIIIIIZ MODEL 708 Chassis and Crib 10 fl Back of Cub Excellent Tires 000x20 Dual rear DIAMOND lructor Model ISM Good Tires 825x20 Front 900x201ui1 reitr Iticludmg 5111 Wheel two 30 gallon side mounted Gas Tanks speed rear axle and Trailer Brake Hookup MACK JR Cllb ovcr Engine Chassis and hit 150 Wliccl Base 32x6 Duul rear tires INIICRNAIIONAL 22 Passenger Bus litcimkl for 1048 Good Tires 750320 Diiiil rear wurrr MODEL iii ton Delivery Express Body Good Tires 32x0 Single rciii 1938 32th Dual FLOIR AND FEED and supplies zilllml at $0000 were destroyed on Sat IUHHM Wk urdtiy April 10 when fire lmed the llllltl1 warehouse of Simcoc District named or payment My mm Ms IM haw COOp SLIVltcgt on the Market Sqtiult The building owned by the lnhwm Grmhll American Hotel was total loss and Will not be replaced Mis Handy and Bob were in Toronto on Saturday Lottie Iliuidy rind Partridge nprlll tltc wcckciid iii Lindsay lllsiuvic UI Iildcii Lake has piiiclizistd tlic Mclrlaii fiiini ii Noble oi Ncwton Robinson is lsiiiig his daughter Mrs Hi Wright Mr and Mrs lvuii McLean rind fuiiiily litivc moved into Howard Jorys house Mr and Mrs iiid Jzick visited Sunday afternoon Mr and Mrs Kenneth Wood and family of Orilliu wcrc guests at Woods on Sunday Mr and Mrs Ruv Mchnckcri iiid Mrs Miiloiic and woe daugh lt1 iic visitors at Frank WoodS Mrs ll Bertram llltlIlVlll spent lllc chkclltl tit London Mrs Ir win Bcrtrziiiriiiid Robcrt returned with them The ladies of tlic church met Tuesday afternoon to clean the church Mr Yorke is engaged to dd the decorating of the Sundayl writ Council adpiurncd to meet in Elmvalc on Saturday May ll 1941 April lit The Oakland Hill iiockcy club hold it cold iiicat supper and damc lti Midhtirst hall lust lcdiicstluy iiight WI Elects 0chch At the annual meeting of rownr Hill WI held at the school on Mar 30 the following Officcrs vcrcI elected Pres Mrs McIoiiildi 11st VicePres Mrs Swiizcr 2nd Viccdres Mrs Atkinson SccyTrcas Mrs Dtuisuioru Asst Mrs Caldwell Brunch Directors Mrs Rix and Mrs Biltclifle Districtv Directorsl Mrs Partridge and Mrs ll Chappoll Organist Mrs Atkin son Mrs Tuck Auditors Mrs llix Mrs Atkinson Flower com mittce Mrs Rix Mrs Caldwell Program Mrs Biltcliftc Mrs Gough and Mrs thompson isomeric 1940 BARRIE MARKETQI lotiitors vcrc plentiful and of ril i2 Mrs Ariiisttuiig spcn last week in Toronto Joe Shaw ws called to Toronto IDS WtCk owing III SllltUS lll good quality til the itiriiicrsviiiiir 55 his blh Will lltl last Saturday Freshly dtig The iiicitibcrs of the Womens Il pursiiips wcic tiflcrcd but ciirruts stilutc ararciitiiidcd tlizit the Imcet WNW 13 onling chick Thurslly Wle WI tll Dairy litittcr sold quickly Md in the blSXmLm Judcs Eggs were plciitiful but szilcs vclc Chumh rather slow There was thc usual WWI 83 pl559d good display of ippctiuiug home SldL Friday Vlllllgv WM mm llliltlt lurking was received here of the death of llcrb Close former citizcii of IM llul Wtx Essa and Thornton divans for seed were on sale Iait Rough Show includnd MLi 20c lb and Isiiizill potatoes for and Mrs Jas Spencer and children llillllmg All blfkcfI of EdgelyI Cunninghams Average prices veie as fulows Mr and Mrs Whiting of To Lugs according 105120 and ronto with Miss Whiting quality dozen likiiry bllllCl 1937 llcg Hcrtraiii Joy zit Browns 1935 Iiiizui CALL OR WIIIIIIFOR FURTHER DETAILS Reo Motor Company of Critrada Limited Mrs Lynn has returned to her 706 wlth the Worlds Smallest HEARING AID Its out now at lustan entirely new kind Of hearing aid that brings you easy hearing easy wearing and powerraised clear faithful tone quality The minute you use this magicladen 1948 Beltone youll know its com pletely new revolutionary so dilloront so much better than hearing aids of the past SMALLER so tiny it slips into mans watch pocket or clips easily to womans brassiere Worn coni pletcly hidden UGHTERI SO featherlight youll hardly know youre wearing it IiOrmore convenience and comfort MORE POWER Iransmits to times more sound intensity Hear and understand conversation even with power turned way down iMAii COUPONFORFREE BOOK If you are wearing hearing aidor even suspect you may be losing your ability to hear it will cost you nothing to learn some facts that will greatly add to your happiness POTTER EKBPHONE COMPANY 229 YONGE ST TORONTO ONTARIO Established 1917 Potter Earphone Company 229 Yonge StToronto Plead pend without cost or obligation your free booklet olinberesting facts about Deafness and how IQlg to overwme it Nam AddrmuinWuII3 CioHPTOV carrot iiiiiciiiu Ivwmmwwnpw FINANOP School room lurgc crowd of fricilds til Mr and Mrs Burns Watson gathered Lit friiigliiirst Hill on Friday night to shmvciqthc newlyweds They ing and 11 lunch concluded the Icvciimg WAV ERLEY April i2 Lloyd Henderson Of Toronto visited at Henry Iruaxs Victor Campbell Toronto spent the weekend with his parents Con ratulations to Mr and Mrs Alfre SUI Miss Noreen Sproulc Of Toronto is visiting Mr and Mrs Isaac Wood The Guild Of St Johns Anglican Church held their meeting at Mrs Lorne Archers Mrs Jcnnett is staying With Mrs Irwin Elliott and issomcwhat im proved in health The sympathy of the community gtics out to Mrs Scarlett and family in their loss of husband and father The YPU met in the school on Wednesday night with the memv bersof F103 and Tiny responsible for the evening Visitors at Mrs McWatters were Mr and Mrs Colonel McWatters and family Mrs Brennan and boys Mr and Mrs Cecil Kells Mr Truzix tinthc birth of and Mrs Charlie Bennett and fam ily The WA Of the United Church had their April meeting at Mrs Hornsbys One new member was added to the roll IThe Mis sion Band was started here Ion Thursday with their first meeting in the school Mi3MUYTQQ81 MFsTRby of Midland organized it with the election of Officers Meet ings are to be twice month on Thursday STAINS to worlt iii seconds GENUINEAtlinw is mum made fhediffefence Troughtwee us msuub Mvo gnaw cost Oflierhafm foliauiiiiiiiwmmm II gt GlVlllIIllI fnlllli alion Ha clown icccivcd iiuiiiy lovcly gifts Danc home in Shamrock Sask llfltl spending the Winter with hcr mother Mrs Patterson and her sister Mrs Stewart Mrs Cunningham has sold her homeon Barrie St to Mr and Mrs Dalton Banting Mr Banting has sold his farm on the corner of Highway 27 and the 4th Linc of Innlsfll to Mr Wilson of Churchill Trinity WA liventyOne members and vist tors attended the WA meeting at Mrs McCutcheons Mrs Perrier and Mrs Doggctt had charge of the devotional partthc great need of today not only scientific economic and mechanical development but the vitally important spiritual need thclack Of which will head us back into chaos and darkness Esther Downer read You tell on Yourself ecial donation was received frth iss Laura Thump son to help with the preparation for this years celebration Of the 50th anniversary of the church Mrs Thompsons usual an nual donation was also received Material was distributed for bazaar workt Mrs Gordon Henry took orders for assorted cards Plans were made for the play Improper Henry Proper for next Wednes day evening clipping from Toronto daily was read on On tario Pastor applies Parable to raise funds Misses Pcarl Newton and Esther Downer assisted the hostess at refreshment time BEETON 13 April 11 Yiiirliiig cliickcii to 40c Boiling fowl 35c lvlziplc syrup small tits $110 Vegetables Fruits Etc Carrots basket 50c Potatoes llqt lfic to 50c 7511 brig $22fi Parsiiips basket 50c IApplcs brisket 50c Sucdc turnips ciich SC to 10c Sccd Bciins lb Whitc Beans lb Home Baking Bread 102OC Tcil Biscuits loz 300 lituis 30c lics 10c BE and April 10 Mr and Mrs Graham were recent visitors with friends in TO ronto Miss Sarah and Dalton Slight Cookstownspcnt Sunday with Mr and Mrs in Copeland Mrs Mabel Moir Toronto spent fcw days this week with her son Billy MOir and Mrs Moir Mr and Mrs Gallaughcr and Lorne Gallaugher Toronto were recent visitors at their parental home Despite the cold and windv weather maple syrup making and house cleaning seem to be the order Of the day Several men of the community gathered at the church one after noon this wcek andclcitncd tip the graveyard All hopethat it will be kept in better condition from Mrs Palmer spent Thursday in InW Toronto Mrs Ritchie entertained WMS on Thursday Don Palmerwas Thursday on business Miss Law Toronto was home for the weekend Mr and Mrs chg and family spent Wednesday in Barrie Ken Complin of Buffalo visited friends here overrthe weekend Blake Hamilton has accepted position at Gore Bay Manitoulin Island Mr and Mrs Herb Harmon of Cookstown were in town on Wed nesday Mr and Mrs Walter Palmer of the Tottenhanr were the guests of Mr and Mrs IfPalmer On Sunday Billie Thomas is in Christie Street Hospital where he is having treatments All wish him speedy recovery Though itIisnt May Day there are anumber Of families moving Mr Marr from Queens Apts to Mr McCagues house on Centre St MnMcCague to part of their The new store isto open Thurs dayThe Snack Bar is 36 feet long and is exceptionally well equipped One special feature is thewdish washing receptacle with three compartments fOr sterilizing for washing and for rinsing in Brrif Now that the roads are in good condition Rev Doggett will conduct church service here each Sunday afternoon flOTlTllOW on at 330 pm Services will still be in the school house until further no tice SCHOOL RECESSES Need for strict Observance Of breaks in class routine in school is the subject of pronouncement from the Department of National iHeallih rarndWelffare Ottawa The health Officers point out that re icesses should be Observed carefulIY Class rooms should be given chance tO air and both teacher and given the iibenefit of short from instruction of freedom 5T3 study new duplex on Main StMrsR Hill and Earl to tbeQueens Apts French Chef has been engaged for special cooked items The snack bar was installed at arcost or $6000 Beeton is certainly groWing We ware having dentistatlast $150 FrOm Euchre The rst of series of Euchres in aidof the RecreationaIVHall was hat inrthe Orange HallFriday otgllttlwith thirty tables The con vener Geo Lisle deserves Icredit gt2 for thestlne success Prize Winners were It follow Ladies Mrs Par ana otieiiham Mrs Cool and Mrs Hazel Ab Rileyand Daldi Mrs Gordon Rey Butler and Ralph Cook Net proceedswere $15088 ATTITUDE Ift 184nm natural to be unhappy Rubinsonp menu Mr kvljdraw Bill Wail 200 Convench Of Standing Commit teesAgriculture Mrs Chap pell Home Economics Mrs Thompson Citizenship Mrs Gough Social Welfare Mrs Atkinson Publicity Mrs Jltix IHistorical Research Mrs Part ridge After it discussion by the members present at this mccting it was decided that instead of tlic member at whose home the meet ing was held supplying tlic liiiicii twO members livinffcltnc would joint hostesses for the meeting Handling money efficient banking service Prices icccivul ltJl tilc zinrugc iiiiiic than lliicc tiiiics tlic lllllll Molll 36 YorkvilleAve Toronto Telephone RAndolph 1105 IEN EVENINGS lislicd by HM sruiimiriy Oilicc llicrc has bccii ziii stctidy risc in prices of British ttxlilcs from 240 pcr cent of 1031 all the licgiiining if llllli lii Iili pcl tlll lll clulwi ititi rltltlllsll rrzxriucs Britiin tcx nods iii the export market price According to the lily Digest of Stirlistics piili if mnev llt costs yOumOrO to live tliosedays And it casts your bank more to prOvidc Bank Stairs tremors than half as Ian again as hefODe the war payrolls ha flicarly doubled Taxes are optSONistho cost kl luof vcrything banlcsrbuy If Ytlymimay hombre fOribanldogsoririce Canadians are bank customersharming Vevidencelof the evenwideningusOfulnpss of competitive banking in ourI irrational life all the time assent doctors in the Departqu of National Health and elm Ottawa Pointing out cloud has silver lin IL ingithie health authorities urge Search er the rainbow and an ap Wu ineviitrhle shine maxrim esiilsananemyot PEW caterer air recruits ctuhvatliglaumfilmgti ii formatting insomniac name nd