Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 1 Apr 1948, p. 9

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THIS WEEKS ISSUE 7875 Copies AUTHORIIED AS EECOII CLASS MAIL to DEPT OTYAI EVE SHOWS THUR Wm pI my fo 13x Mid1 1111191 Wed 2311 rim Evening Shows At 645 9pm ENTER 111151 AY Eve Shows 79 pm Fi Elihu IlIreciIlslf TWOICdrioons News mum MGMs startling sloryiof sidewalk savage who slugs his way into the heart of girl uptown MICKEY Room BRIAN DONIEW GRANADA TATNMENT 85111 YeorNO 14 ROXY HOUSE OF HITS FIRST WITH THE BEST IN BARBIE THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY CONTINUOUS SHOW SAT 230 pm FRI 655 pm 111M ES DUNN TOM ULLY SAM LEvNE Extra Cartoon 61 News MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY The picture everyoneihas been waiting to see Playing for days only VENDORS ANXIOUS TO GET BACK TO MARKET SQUARE Nearly into the board 50 persons crowded room of the Chamber of Commerce Tuesday night to express their feelings regarding the Barrie Market and the unanimous opinion was that there should be market and it should be on the Market meeting were farmers and some had travelled several miles There were also few citizens and merchants and all expressed the opinion that markel was valuable asset to the com munity The vendors referred to the present location in the board of works building as the temper ary market and continually expressed the feeling that they should get back to the land that had been decried to the Town as Market Place Chairman Of the meeting was ll Jacobi and the secretary was Bert Hill The meeting had been called at the wish of the Town Council and report will be presented to the council in the near future Seventh Annual Meeting Simcoe District Coop The seventh annual momng necting links that are in the worst 111111 Simcoe District COoperative Servic es will be held at Club 70 BarrieI on Tuesday evening April The work will be done by the Brennan 111111 1111c financial report to be presented by Manager Emerson Swain will show total volume of business of $656 000 This was approximately 3200 Baldwin in Campbell Ave and on male and other councillors were 000 greater than the previous year Burton 13 Warnica will prcsent the Presidents report and Hunter Russell will present report as shared 71111111 the Ontario DepartI chairman of finance Bruce Cowau Will DYEWm 111 ICDOIl 01 lllCCdU share be paid by issuing dc mic3 calional committee The report of bcmuros the building nd branches com mittee will be presented by Ray Loughecd Hair cut 40c at Camerons ber Shop over Olympia Restaur ant Special am reg$500 perm anent wave for $350 Camerons 2411b Births recorded in Barrie in 1947 totalled 698 There wage lGGmar phone 4484 riages and 106 deaths way Phone 4451 Taxi c1211 Maries Beauty Salon 59 Eliz ments Phone 2781s On hand large Place your orders early for al sheet metal work Morans Tin smith Shop 58 Bayfield St Teie phone 5005 The monthly meeting of The Wo On 3amePrOgrain DONALD DUCKVVW COLOR CARTOON 230pm Don Castle in the 711 CrimeDoclors INVISIBLE Gamble WALL mewwvxuu COMMUNITY Anson fJI MONDAY TUE5DAY iVWEDNESDAY MATINIEEIIWED EVE snows 1140 pm and Iautomobile fabrics ming IIIWe can fill your order broader pipes etc Sap pans order Bayfield St 2297 Phones 5005 18 BerzyWSt At the ed at coffee party Iiiumber is 5191 MillsI IMrs Darke struck ed some concussion Prev Cons Butler investigated las Boyd of Richmond Hill palities Square The majority attending the Theres no delay theeAclive New heated sedans for lo cal or long distance trips Active 511th abcth St regular $500 per manents now $350 also $1500 cold wave now$795 Evening appomt 2th stocks cave lrough and galvanized sheets etc 131311 Morans Tinsmith Shop 58 pLAYED HOCKEY HERE 40 YEARS AGO SENDS CONGRATUALTIONS TO FLYERS 24tfb mens Christian TemperanceUnion will be held at the home of Mrs Irwin 79 Collier 51 Monday April at prn Important Business Vrdiarinvitatiomto all interested l4x Barrie Tent and Awning CQ carries large stock of leatherette in many colors for chrome furniture break fast nooks and automobilantrim 14b fer The regular business meeting of the Soroptimist Club was held at the home of Mrs Beatrice Lucas conclusion of business Mrs Lucas entertain TodayI ThursdaelrAllfil the of fiee Of theBarrie and District MemorialHospitaTCiimpaign is be ingtransferred from the foyer of Club 79 to Dunlop street over EatonsOrdcr Office The telephone Two TQIOIIltO motorists werein an accident on Highway 11 near Hawkestone last Monday evening Darkedrove into the rear of car operated by William the windshield of the carandsuffer Last Monday afternoon thererwas an accident onPaddy Dunns Hill on Highway 2627 north of Barrie Aciirdrivenr by Charles Osborne Of Barrie was damaged to about $125 when it was in collision witha truck driven by Duncan Mason of Barrie Prov Co T0wnsend and Citizensinterested in metalcraft will have an opportunity to see an exhibit in the Library Hall on Friday OVeningat ofclock This is beingspoInsored bythe Siche Arts and Crafts Association and talk ontheI subject willbe giv en later in the evening by1Doug No admissron feewillbe charged special courseIwas held March 1718 inthe classroom of Brennans Auto Electric Service sponsoredby the Simcoe County Farm Tractor DealersASsociatinnrxThirwarini specialized training for farm trac tor mechanics in carburetion and electric service Members were pres out frOm Barrie ICollingwood Ivy and several othef outside munici On Monday Jnorning hundreds of children were lined up for the special cartoon matinees at the Roxy and Granada Theatres Prov Cons Oxner was on hand directing the traffic until theIchildren Were safely inside the theatres It was planned to have only the Roxy show the pictures but when many children werelunable to zetseats Manager ITony Base 1opened the Granada across the street andthe came programecs given there WEXAMI BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA On Monday morning the 1111111111111 telrgram 1115 received from Mr and Mrs iien aldwril formerly of Barrie nuw resi dents of Edmonton Alta MarLurch Editor The Barrie minimr Dear Alex Just read your xvi111 issue Kindly convey heartiest congratulations to up 11mm llurr Partridge and all the llycrs on their wonderful vi1tur3 Quite coincidence that Edmonton Illyllb too won the AHurtsSaskatchewan senior championship Even though 1911111111ch or Moose Jaw may be contending for the Junior finals 111 will be pulling for the old home town Flycrs to win the Memorul up and Edmonton Myers the Allan Cup Kindest regards to 111 Barrie friends iSigncd Glil AND BESSIE CALDWELL in11 was prominent figure unong hoekeyists in Barrie for number 111 years playing win plultlull in thosclluys then ucrc but seven players to team no alternates lwu old photos give good idea of the fine typr 111 players in 1006 ircn played with Slew 1ir Bobby llowc Ernie Williams Roy orbrau of PratLing Howard ice and Ro Thomas These were seniors who played in tinscmifinals against loronto Argonauts In 1902 the local team consisted of iren aldwellhltoy Thomas 1m1c 1111111115 nr l111rd dlic Lyon rcil Irvine and Lon legurt More HighwayACOhnecting Links Will Be Resurfaced At the Town Ulllltll nicelinglrvay 11111111111 511 1113 will weigh last lucsday night dccisiou was21 11 11 ions and With an anglc made to complclc the resurfacing1111111 wdl cost $1034 Engineer of the additional highway convtlirmo pomlvd out that 1111111111311 on the old machmc was condition and this Will be at 1115111110 111 11117 and hp 1111 11 would cost of approximately $12000 Thcll 10 more economical to obtain Paving ompany and vtii be on Deputy ltccvc liarl felt that Blake street from Louisa to Nelson 5111ll1r litilLllllly might be suitable Square and on Essa iload from but other 111111111ch of the board of 111 111111 of ordering the machinc 11111111111111111d by the engineer The Gust hig WWII will mi 1111 111111 wille rcquircd mainly lor the landtill disposal site it ili 11o pmd for by issuing deben Burtone Avenue lrom William 111 Milburn ment of llighwuys and the towns Aulliorizalio11 was granted to in 1111 1511 11 lb On the rccommcndalum of 1111 hi 2700 311180 01 anu town engineer the council decidch ALIDWI 10 mumInf Works lll 3021Lilidgiiclilitdk llltltlllilllllt lllllll plan by Am mm was chine which hs becn in erilion illlil 111 1h following items Ilboi our If NH Khulna authorized to be purchased within 11 1kz the present and might be sold forliihIHIH film Inf it about $2 r100 or possibly more The dilllnm SJBUO dmnmg rods tor sewers $700 mechanical broom for tractor $759 sickle bar for tractor to cut weed $300 detailed rcport of the Fire will be in operation as of April lst lUndcnvritcrs recommending sev lolloe have been authorized oral paid men and recstablishment of lhe station at Allandale was turned over to the Fire and Light to enforce Bylaw 1553 which provides that all motorists parking On the main street Committee of which Aid Verne must use the parking meters iiambiyvis chairman On motion of Aid Fralick and SMITH Town Clerk 3Ald Merrick council voted in favor of asking the police com mission to enforce the bylaw for bidding dogs to run at large bylaw which would provide for leasing rightIof way over the water in front of an air harbour hangar on the waterfront was held TOPCOATSin ock $2850 $3750 $5350 SUITS in stock all sizes $3750 to $5850 BOYS SUITSIG to 16 years All Two pants from $1175 recommendation others$21251 154195 SEE US FOR ODD PANTS WINDBREAKERS IJACKETS TODDMENS AND sovs wunul Electrical Restrictions rrrrcrivr murmur All Electrical Restriction Are Withdrawn Sign Lighting and Window Lighting Ore ngin permitted BarriePublic UtilitiesCommission DIPHTHERIA TOXOID CLINICS Clinics will be held for immunisath against Dfplillaiia or children from months to schooliage under the direction of Dr Smith Medical Officer of Health at COMMUNITYHOUSE45 TORONTO ST InitiaLDosgwill be giten on April 14th succeeding closes on May andI26 at pm Sharp Babies will not beguieighed On these dates Keep this notice for reference VICTORIAN ORDER OF RUSSELL NURSES EXTENSIVE JEWELLERY Brood Coverage JEWELLERY PQLICY will cover mostrisks VOflOSS ordamage CALLIUS FORRATES MALCOMSONS 41Duugps1 INSUBANCE 2161111101 CLASSESle HOME NURSING TRINITY 1211111511 HALL Those interested ifi this course please register for duties April 2101 phone Vina Mcxemie 3779 or 243l HURSDAY APRlL 1918 bl Dan McIAlpiuc Damage consdem Bill Parsons John Nugent Hayward When Fre Breaks out Mary Parsons Daphne Campbell iln Home 011T Willers Mrs Parsons Jean Blue fl Helen Parsons Helen Grieve The home OLT WE Wings COlky JOhnFernside Charlotte St almost 100 years 1I old was seriously damaged sin sailor smbad Peter Pagan fire on Good Friday allClnOOIl Charlie Frank Ransome The Stalled from ml Manager Stan Tolhurst stove in the living room and caus ha Umsb ed damage of swam hundred MllllStela MarsJ dollars in tlieupper parts of the P011098 geant 3g hOUSC Aborigine Jacky Clyde Combo Wine had been abou Aborigine Nipper Henry Murdoch St John Ambulance will CommenceFRlDAY APRIL at 8pm Section ZWPOges to 16 ant4mm GAVlVS 14445 My F4000 flve 11111111 makeim11selfllve 11111151111111 violent world of yours but its going to destroymc and you and turn our loveilito hatred spectacular saga in the worlds biggest selling VJOHNWAYNELLARAINE DAY COL OR BY TECHNICOLIQR with SIR CEDRIC HARDWICKE JUDITH ANDERSON JAMES GlEASON ANTHONY QUINN Starts Monday April for Full Weeks Engagement Imperial Theatre WHERE YOU SEE THE BIG PICTURES 111 111nrlirig1cclpt of information regarding jurisdiction over these water lots Councd voted in favor of adopti ing report of the special comI mitteeappointed to meet with ccr tainmproperty holders affected by the drain in the vicinity of Tor onto slrcet south of Park street Aid Griffin reported that the prop erty holders had agreed to pay for portion of clearing the drain it the work was undertaken by the board Of works Absent from the meeting werc Aldermen James Loughecd llam lly Poucher Valley and Mrs Laurie Mayor Grant Mayor ex plained that Aid Pouchcr was in the south and Aid James and Aid Hambly were ill New Playing ARTHUR RANK Chips Rafferty andc DDaplme Campbell The verlanders Filmed in Australia with thefull cooperation of the COm monwealth GOvcrnmcnt and of the Federal and State Departments CAST 1hips Rafferty prepare his five oclock tea and was lighting the threeburner stove when theaccident occurred Smoke suddenly puffed out at him and he narrowly escaped be ing seriously burned Before the room was entirely filled with smoke he managed to reach the telephone and put in call to the fire hall As soon as the smoke began to pour out under the eaves lhc nei hbors appeared and Michael Mu by and his father helped get Mr Willers out of the house The firemen appeared and theblaze was soon brought under control and extinguished although there was considerable water damage HERES YOUR CHANCE TO SEEVTHE BIGCOUNTRY DOWN UNDER AUSTRALIA SPECIAL ADDED ATTRACTIONS for several days The accident occurred when Mrs Maybee and her little son Denny vere wall ing along the sidewalk on Eliza1 beth St near Hayfield MrsAMay Seymour 81 Dr WATDOidge patientsitlrmakckappolutments ff Office consultations COMMENOINOgMAacnzzndf EMEBGENCIBS WIILBETAKEN CARE OF WITHOUT APPOINTMENT be was knocked down andILun Over by driverless auto that had coasted down the Bayfield St Cline from the place where it had been parked This house has been the home of the Willers family for the past can Mr Willers cameIto the place when hewas only five years Old and ithas been hi hOme ever since II Untilsome arrangementswean Vb made Mr Willers is staying at the home of his neighbor JIJIMurr phy Mrs lawyers IITHospital for5everol Days Following Accident flieuuest their Mrs Keith Maybee who was ins jured in an accidentIon March 20 is still confinEdtothe Royal Vie toriaHospitalI and will be therel NINGEVENTS co 530 Pmg 8430 pulp Rummagesale Sat May15 Bur ton Ave United Church Auspices womens HospitalsAid Rummage Russlfreighhrmd His tirelestra Sal Trinity Parish Hall am OLD TIME AND MODERN May lstDonationsuzelcomedCall 454301 2374 for pick up l4l7b Admission 751 Per Person BUFFETLUNCH INCLUDED Barrie1Community Concert As sociation presents Eileen Farrell at Collier Street United Church On TuesdayApril 27 at830 pm l4b Old time modern dance Orange HallAllandale Friday April Auspices Local 670AFL Lemon counter Admission 35c 14b Orange Hall lecture on Bible Prophecy will be given on Thurs day April pm TitleIThe Ten Last Plagues On Modern Civi lization by Whyte of London England All believersin the identity of the AngloSaxony Celtic peoples as Israel should come and bring their friends No collection Ill15b1 SATURDAY well and

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