Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 1 Apr 1948, p. 8

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Newton Robinson ll o====o=o===or BEAT PORCUPINE 133 THIRD GAME IN TORONTO BARRIEI MARKET 11 1C 1111 THURSDAY APRIL 1948 MOVING WEST Ruhnwn LiniuJ regularly mk up and chip Household Furniture 01 mlidifrlPooHamhM6nliubltlhlth nun AIMTu Briilub Luiumbln and Aiilornu me uueorphonelotmluud freight mm blemished IM no Yong St Toronto Xingu 5m LEANING SILYERWARE 1111 111liJLl for liliiv iiluiit it mv ills pwlalbcw irilrl Kim L111 Lle Four 1ch pululo ore llirfll klel 11111 11 11 mlgpl of poo EjlI 11 nuns mum mm and mm liairu Bl 11111 11 11 1311 11112111211 11 mmmg 1i 111111 11 1113 ipvllllllltl in lliwlxl 1111 l11 guppy and 111I1 11111 MU inf Minxgt5 I1elc 11111 11111111 gt livid 111 IM ilkLI Unvr $1111qu Toronto EMS 11 1111 burst to OHM 511 ciz11gtiv111 WIM lmhdm Ah 11 11gt111u i1c p01 11111 11 II 5111 rpcm Lon 11 IIIIJIIIU Ll1rtlgt brought ohckum c111 1111 1111 2111111 $111 i1i on 111 111 Mrs 111 11121 and 311 0111111 111111111 11111 Ill If 111111 was 111 11111111 mg 1113 11l iiitilii Blunt vlc L11 11 kull 51111 llilsl nrpt mult lfl1 b0 x1111 huh 11511211311111 H0me db 5me Wkly and 11111 111 1111 his dbl311cc l1licl11ij cued Am HII M1 11i1 T11 111111c1111 11 11111 1I 1III mum 5h 11 111 111 must 11121 191 and 1117111 in 111 111i 11 Own li113iihli 11er 11 11111112111 tlllm Ibnlm 1L1 cgciubl have 3111109 1111111 11 lint 11 the 111111 II MCXIIMW I1 111 11 11130 In Mk 1l VII $11111 11134111 ill ii guild 11 1lluilliC1 TV ilk 12m humid tilt In 11 11111 notch lime 1111 A121 11 1111c 111111 111 liilll l11 311 MN All 11 Nichol HM 11 mm mm 1mm mm pu 1111411111111 1111m11cgt lawn imdi Easter fsun launiy 111 ilicln 1111 and Miss 111111 Ihmwi pumiLs 1hr 11le Ih 11131 Aim II is 51371111111113 11f llrltgpdth Harrison Toronto were 11 $115 111 11111 11151115 Ilympd uh Hall mi was lhiic bi l1l did 1111 gt11111l Mrs ii Simian 121 ll111111111 Sash snail l1 mere and liairisonk 111= lllv 11011111135 If Un 1111 10 34111 11 1441 JInli CNN Hltl llilllfilv 11111 lil1i1 111 111 spcud livphvw 0le Joe 11111111111 1121 The 11111111 and pupils o1 1111 ii dkwmi lid l11r gums 141 HitLilllnhlilils 11 l1i 1111111 rliooi lzcld very gt11LC15511i 1111 MIA VHU bllig IH II III treats for the lirv liycls an 31 MIL 11111 and display 111 books on Thursday 101 111011403 11Vl hit UfE IE If iiiiicclnctv and in 11111 11111 11111111111 p1 11111 lmzpr rriteinoon 111 1111 of the Junior ilcd cakes 1lL 11111121111 11 1111 c1 THU 11 11011 A1113 Alli1111 Um 1M1 111 1I1III1 kHzn 11 1311M mags has ilrmai 11 11y 113111111111 at 111 Mimi HENUYTWJ PM Hf 111 11 gt Wul 1IIII gt 31 and 311s llutiliil Hum 11 lllk 110111111 Nth Mimi ion and 200 large loaf ml W5 ll L1 mm V3 11 1L1 11 scucr 11211 1111111 11 311s 11 Jones 11111111111 1111 MW of Hi Averagi prices were as 10111105 111111111 better than 111 1111 11ln Kuurcl sin1 11 11l111l 111 Shrl mm Bmmlm Md 11111di 1r sin 111d illu mi 51 WW EllMU lr 1i 1h LI II 1L 111 111 111 litanus oi Aurora inn Brooks Jiiu Nd MCMRWW MUG hm 11 1111 is V111 111 111 1v 11 111 111111 Pm 1111111 10111 10 11 1015111 11111111 1111 1111 ll11111v111111 Ikmm my UNI 1ch mm 11 111 111 11 PM II 12134111 noihlug 1o outbuics 11111 illiJlll 111 oronto am my I11 11 II II II 11111 11 111 ITWTH mm Hm Biolks of 11 51 54 LlleLH 38C Ii 11 likflJllWiijldnll iildJ iii 1111 nqu Swami 11117 l1i1i 11 gt itlc 1111h 11111I11 l1 11 iw Mind mnl MM Km if it 11111111 111 tor 11 lilli 3111 ileid ALI10 5315 WIN 3M uuksluwll and Newton itobuisou Aldllil gtIlllil 13121 11 If mantis 11 1111111111s illllll 1111 111 11111 11 Hi gt MAMU1 1111 1111151 NI cgetahles lrults Etc 11 11 121 kil1sgt1gt 111 1111111111111 1111 1111 111ili11 has 111111l 1111 l1 111 111lllll WII 1111111ii rompctiuon ill 1111 111111 0mm 111 141i Ic 1111111111 hm 1Uk WW mo pm 111411111144 1111 urrc mum1 11 111 i115 111 T11111111111 11 11111115 baniZ gt gt ml isrir Sun11 111111 111111 raised 11 N111 11th Ml NC ltiw 1112111 11111111 11111 511111 111111 and was pupal 11 1113 Opxun Amm mm Ii Imtlf lbw 11 111 111111111113th candy 101 1111 Ni 11 Al 8111111111 111 1121 linyhl llwrtllu 1111111 II 1I power tromponn russ 1111 1111111 1111111l 11 11111d1v iil il 15 non You no 115 IyII II Us bl 11111111 1211 111111 11111111131 was mllu on qcilen ol guy It liaiuponqlmnl 12111111111 111li lll 111111 Alb Apples 11111lill 23 11 l1 05 bem lilmltzizli lopc 111111 l1ltc1 1JL11uI1 5mp mum tMh 5c 11141 Im HUD CH mN 11 Winner Motor Iwnh all neuuury illlllllJLlliiltll 1111 111111 1lll 111 11 11 11 W1 silll l7 fl vl pliaghnmnu 5169110 11s 111d rll1l 1111 great 11c11i gt MW CHHIL 10 V1 llll lli Complete Standard Motor Bike $749001 rm WW DDT Til Vlwr 5111111 uiibuld 1110 to 111 mnmwz Md mail 981 Wm gn fork 1111 11111 llSilliJlllttl 1111111 III Ill11ok1 away once and l11111 lor 00 1111 1111111 1111 111111 rs Th 0111111 cl11111111hgtl1 Ztlc1o11 pm 11 RIlwl107ie or and 10 mwmu Aw 11 Mr and Mrs 01111141 Russell Bot1s 11 lllcg IIIII Hm 30 00 l1 Bowman 1111o1or1d to North llay over the Hump Baking 12 LEM THIS ii Im 111111 1111 lllllll 111o 11111111 PEERLESS BICYCLE WORKS 1111111fl II III 111111 111211 IwInI If IIII If 195 Dundus 51 Imam llcad Examiner Llassrfieds lium lluus 1111 ozlby Visited the lattcr XlltlllSl 11 lulli and Meryl 11111 oll on Sunday 11 11710 lor iillllllllg but nothing TABUSHED Mr and Mrs Davies and dauglv i11p1ll11 1899 for Toronto wcrc at their collage gt 115 111 111I win 119 111111 111 er the ClAlnll playing 1111 11111 1111 Hume on B1 Dun Mls Dng DU md the 11111 11lh lcubuhy and Mav Douglas motored to lort Arduu II IHItIk mmuk 11 111 111111 11 the 11111111111 tlutl dl lg Mrs 1111 Murray has rcluinco March 2301 1411 111 111111t1d 11l 11 11I homc alter spending some 111111 11111111111 31111111 lcucluug H117 WI l11111III with her daughler in loromo iug llilloru Wit11111111 mimic 1111121 APT ll 1H111t 111l111 as young married Olly111 11011111 111111111111 341111 11 111 111111 loinddc lo spend your lnrdgclcd income valor 1111 Hill flu11111111 lirrausr ou 11111111 lull 111 11111 prolidml for our familys lulurc 111111 11 ion 1311111111111 1111 1511111in 1111111111 lian ili plan oomplclcly FUlHS your rloblcm it aulo maliradly rrcalrs an estate 11111 11 3111 your family Iinuucial iii1lcpcudnmc it is plan hilllllgllillallltCR them an inuncdiulc and regular nmnlldv income to replace the 1113s of your salary 111 1111 cvcut of your 101111 111 addition at llltlfllll of the intoriicpali1ig period your dcpcudlnts rccclvc 1111 lull face value offlic pullvy lsk your Ionliucutal 1111 representa live about this plan today THE BUNIINENTAL 1le INSURANCE COMPANY HEAD OFFICF TORONTO GRANT MAYOR mg 150 Dunlop Street Burrie 711111111 111 Purely Canadian Company ACCOUNTANTS CHIROPRACTOBS lt GEO 118 ELSlE KBURNSDsC Ulcenscd Druglesslirapists Electric Radio Hydro and Mechano Therapy 115 Dunlop Street Ihonc 3194 ARMSTRONG MacLAlcEN 70i LATFitzmauialte4hlacbaieHAi CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 17 Owen Street Barrie 21 King Street 15 Toronto HARRIS 81 SPRY ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORS Owen St Barrie 10 Melinda St Toronto It CORBETT DC CHIROPRACTOR AND DRUGLESS THERAPIST Phone 3070 26 McDonald St Herbert Harris CPA Barrie Frank Spry BY APPOINTMENT BADGLEY MEDICAL 24 Dunlop Street Barrie IiAllTclephoneHSS INCOM 111an SERVICE from 230 to 430 oclock every Wed nesdayI Application of nursesscr v1ces may be made direct or through doctor Telephone 2451 MUSIC LESSONS JESSIE It BRYSON RMT TEACHER OF PIANO SINGING and THEORY Pupils prepared for examinations of the Royal Conscr vatoryI of Music Toronto all grades including ARCT Modern Methods Studio 27 BradfordSt wsncu ANDERSON co Chartered Accountants Elem Brock Building 200 Bay St Trustees ACCOUNTANT AND AUDITOR Toronto WARD MAYOR AND COMPANYI Accountants and Auditors Ward Mayor CPA 18 TOTUHiUiTCt Toronto Telephone Eigin 6116 II BOYS BOYS Barristers Solicitors Notaries Public Conveyanccrs Etc IMONEY TOILOAN Office 13 Owen St Barrie IBranCh Office Eimvale Ontario JRBOYSI KC ROWE SEAGRAM GLADSTONE CURRIE VHWSTER AND SOLICITOR 97 Dunlop St Barrie Phone 3175 MONEY TO LQAN COWAN COWAN Barristers Solicitors Conveyanecrs DOROTHY JOHNSON Associate of toryof Music and London Engzl College OfMusic Piano Theory 152 Maple Avenue FINANCIAL SURETY Specialists in COlleetion of Accounts Ross Cowan OPTOMETRIST Registered Patent Attorney NOtaries Public Etc OPTOMETRY Money WantedMoney to Loan 1V 17 Owen Street Barrie ItOBT1 BARRE FFSc 93DunipIp s1 Attendance 96 I1 ROBERT SMITH 110 OPTOMETRIST 53 Dunlop StePhone 2586 Hours 96 daily FRANK HAMMOND BA KC IBARRlSITER SOLICITOR ETC Masonic Temple Bldg Barrie MONEY TO LOAN DONALD 1r MacLARIEN on BARRISTER SOLICITOR ETC NOEDO STEDHENSON 110 24 Dunlop Street Barrie Ont HEBERE SMITH Succgssor to gt DUNCAN McCUAlG KC Barrister Solicitor Etc Ross Block Barrie Phone 2719 MONEY TO LOAN JOHN WOODS KC BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR Bank of Toronto Bldg Owen St Phone 2661 Moriey to Loan osruoramv DWIN WILSON BSA no 118011 BUILDING 1111 FLEMING FUNERAL DIRECTORS LLOYD STECKLBY FUNERAL DIRECTORS gt AMBULANCE SERVICE 42 Clapperton St SMITH co Established 1869 FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMERS Motor ambulance in connection OPEN DAY AND NIGHT BARRIEONT PHONE 2536 ev ff Appointment 293 Vascy VICTORIANORDER 0F NURS lBarrie Branchl Well Baby Clinic Toronto Conserva and COLLECTION AGENCYC 24 DunlIIopSt Barrie Phone 4111 Phone 2963 Money to Loan OPTOMETRIST rMasonIic Temple Building Barrie DiijiilopHSth Barrie Phone 4201 JOHNDRE1D BARRISTER SOLICITOR ETC VETERINARAN VETERINARIALN and SURGEON Sophia St Barrie Phone 4545 Phone 2703 ongrauilaiions to Miss lirmzi 1houmsand Mcrvyn Dobson 1141111 vcrc 111arricd on Saturday at the parsonage Mr and Mrs Norman Woods iIincsing and Mrs 11 Lawrcncc visited Mrs Tom Bates and Helen on Sunday Watson Rowe spent Sunday with his mother at Newton Robinson Mr and Mrs Wynne lmontol visited the lattcrs parents Sorry to report that Mrs Carrie Scott was takeii to Crccmorc Hos pital on Wednesday also that Ed Paddison was taken to Coiling wOOd Hospital on Saturday We wish for both speedy recovery Mr and Mrs Sam Coulter and lievcrley are moving into Mr Snows house and Mr and Mrs Baxter and family are moving into George Duffs house on the farm March 28 TarBush has been visiting friends in Toronto Miss Margaret Stribbell of llam ilton spent few days here last weekf Mr and Mrs Clill Lucas of Woodstock spent Easter with Mr and Mrs Lawrence Burton Mr and Mrs Ted Vascy of visited at Thos Duck worths over the weekend Mr and Mrs Frank Woodrow and 5011 Paul and Miss Kate Me ircevcr of Toronto Visited atWab ter McMackons laying with her brolhcr 11111111 11111 spent the holiday aunt Mrs 11 Morcau onto spent the weekend with lhcir spectivc homes With Mrs Kirton for the holiday two separate occasions Mr ahd Mrs Gordon Bush were in Toronto for the funeral of brOtherinlaw Gerald Brent on Tuesday March 23 Mr and Mrs Norman Smith and children Of Montreal visited recently with Mr and MrsHarry Smith and Mr and Mrs Albert Middlebrooks IIThossie TarBush eldest daugh ter of TarBush and the late Mrs TarBush died suddenly in Torontoon Saturday Mar 27 The funeral was held on Wednesday with interment in AngusCeme tery II Among the Easter visitors were Mr and Mrs Dick Armstrong of London and Elvin Dean and son anders Walter TarBush and Betty of Toronto at Bernard Tar Bushs Mr and Mrs Kenneth 1Bush Collingwood and Mr and Mrs merge Bridger Joan and Douglas of Toronto at Gordon Bushsi The regular meeting of the UniI ted Church WA and WMS was heidrat the home of Mrs Rose with good attendance MrsL Hodgin conducted the devotional period Roll call was answered with donation of clothing and notion for European ReliefAlem bers of the WA have completed the quilting Iof several quilts The next meeting is tobe held in the AprilIZl Death ofYlmMcCracken in the Angus Cemetery prEltSPIIRJNG FEET Although perspiring Irteevt foot special care of their feet in to avoid infection the ritation sElS some of Pennsylvahiagat Deans Mr church basement on the evening of Wm MeCracken died in the RV Hospital on Satmday March 20 The funeral was held op1Monday from the home of his brother Blair McCracken with interment arel sometimes inditiidiuol chanaoteris tics aMuthhich little can be done health 1authorities say that exces sive perspiration isIlofltendue to the wearing of slices whihldo not eInmit air 11b circ111alef1around ilhe feet 1Ad1vice gforr counteracting this unhealthy famed uncomfortable condition includes frequent bath ing of 511116 eet and the use of powder Those using public bathrooms and showers should 1131112 or or coughsAna cords RequiIrIeAttention llhe immediate use of Dr Weadvstaiwojy Pine Syrup relieves spasms of coughing helps to cut phlegmcnd mucusopon the air pas DI Woods Narway Pine Syer contains no hurn1ful ingredient nor habitforming drugs It has been popular householdnmcdy for nearly 50 years On 111 it drug counters everywhero premium Monaco 011k Anna Slcphlus Toronto Iislmli il1s Sprouh loruulo spom low days viiih Mr and 111 liclly Bcn 11s Marion iiultus of New T111 v1th 1111 Toncrs John and Daniel Sexton 1111lt parents Mr and Mrs iiugh Scy 11111 1111a Shanahan 1111111110 mislor lunc to break one of her collar bones on her way home 1111111 school Catherine Neili Toronto and Mary Ellen MailcyvLondon are spending the holidays at thcir 11 Mrs Gray who has bcIcn ilil her sister in lilmvalc was 111 iliclpslon for Ilhc weekend ilcrn ONeill Toronto at lliclp1ori llotel were Mr and Mrs Herb Hankin of Barrie Andrew Kirton of Camp Borden Miss Joan Frank and Mr and Mrs James Kirlon of Toronto RESIGNS As BCI PRINCIPAL Continued from page one ccssful career as teacher has wado the 101m indeblm in him on The first years ago when the then Board of Educatigg request ed Mr Heath to return to Barrie from Toronto collegiate to head the Science Department This he did at considciabie sacrifice to himself and secondly three yearsl ago when the board was faced with the retirement of Mr Gildwood and no principal to take overf He stepped into the breech and carried on as principal with no relief in his teaching duties as head of the Science Department and that at timerwhcnmost men after many years of successful and faithful service to the school would have rightly expected lessening of responsibilities and work an insight into Mr Heaths fine character and modesty of the man Because without any thought Of his own personal prestige he feels that at this time when our Collegiate is being enlarged to covar much wider area there will beagreat many problemst be faced and he feels that younger man broughtin nbw as principal would give to our C61 ed leadership Ladies and gentlemenla View Of the debt our town already owes Mr Heath iwe must be guided new by hiswishesand accept his resignation BOOKKEEEINO and ACCOUNTING SERVICES for retail and wholesale businesSes lncdmeI tax term Ipompleted Weekly or Monthly Audits IiNQUmiEs mm Oaks 189 Bradfordst sages and soothe 1111 long And this letter gives us again legiate many yars of uninterrupt 111 col pzlssl ic21bucI right 111111 round 1111 1111111111 and ilill 1111 1111111 PM llltlllllllli Jiltk TWH inch space i1vc111 1111 111111111 and spent 1111 1ck1nd 11 Mr and 5111 the right po left 11 TH 111 the lard live 111111111115 iork 11s woke up llurry 111 ex bIoat iii Mayer llcrs upencddhv iinal period with goal al 107 by Ray Mayer his second 111 the gamc taking 11 pass from lariopy Then for lorkics took as Bauic shaved up Lihcrc was quite chccr 1111 when Ernie 111111111111 lccr 111Ii 11111cd shot from tho DELIVERY NOW in Barrie by Baxter Bros lotSerVice 3018 TheeLlemv wczi 111 3141 alum1 through twol st Stan Long lallicd to maki 1111 111111 slightly and put on citcmclit but couldnt T111111 SAVER MONEY saves Avoid lunewasting ovcrhztuls by i11 stalling ChryslerBuilt engine in your Chiyslcrb11ilt vehicle In day we can pull out your worn engine Write Phone or Call Us Tollay Iior full information andhprices ALLOWANCE FOR OLD moron ED HAGAN Service Manager 111111111111192111 GENUINE CHHYCO PARTS New ChryslerBuilt Guaranteed Engine and install new engine which was the same guarantee as new vehicle Our mechanics are trained in approv ed Chrysler Service luinulcs 1111 lcasc on lift lcw new 1111 underdogs chle liuishcd oil 11 CE PHONE 115 1111111111 sr PHONE 2487 cZIunwlW =M1anw no ham to have luck ifiyOurwife docs jiaiil llOlStESllOQ upiinyour no 1111111111 llcun never be 111111171111 11 thongilllulllusliaiirh Let her know Islie cairdcpondbn youto plan for llllOXlicClCd contingencies Let her knowItoday llilil7cIvcn if premature death should prevent you fromIpayihg Off mOrtgagc Orvillehome she and the children Would never be unlucky enmigll to haveto 2111111111011 i1 Arrange now or payment of mortgageHandrumiirigckperiscs in that event Li iiW 77 W1 fe Assurance th Imperial Li Talk itoncrtoday witli your Imperial representative experienced and trained to advise you MPERIAI IFE rouuoeo 1397 HEADOEFlICIE19RONTOCANADA BRANCH OFFIICE fisankbfrdromo BuildinBarrie

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