Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 1 Apr 1948, p. 7

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APRIL 1948 Early POTCupinZTiead THE BARRIE EXAMINER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA Is Overcome by Flyers In the First Two Games Barrie Flyers OHA Junior champions invaded the North land on Easter weekend and took stranglehold on All1 Ontario honors by beating Porcupine Combines 03 on ThursE day night and 51 on Saturday First two games of the Soath VS North annual tangle Wflfllllllmi 11111 nix1111111 all over llr held at the palatial McIntyre Arena Schumuchcr Third 11111119 of the bestoffive finals was billed for Maple Leaf Gardensl loronto Monday The ORA champs were much below their playoff form of Windsor and Gait days Iftheyhad played the same brand 011111 11111111111 11 17 111111 hTCNltllllLV 1111111 11t 111nl11nt went 11ff 201 for itIltci hockey than 111 the 111111111 sm ltlftltlltt Firngame iSecondeame IMBINES FORCE ILAY lOItttgllllr broke fast in the first it lilifTlflt 11111 17 tin tttillll 311111111111 1111a lnteuw pini 1111bi111s 111141 to skatet 111111 chick 5111 f1111ly as 11 1111 opt11111 malt1 1111 they found 13111111 llvcn much hell 2W game The official showed 111911111 lttgtilitgt by handing Itllltlllti 1111 iariepy was 132 to holding they out atedl Itlm1t111y of 111 playing ntaida gut ntliznnui stun two nights 111111e I111k1cs lead on the petiml but hockey again the two pawerful Southern reams as hpy did was given the thumb at 8511 for it was mainly betatna 111111 new last lhursday and Saturday at Schumaeher there would have been different team up thereto face the Combines The Porcupine team bolstered by three players from Strdhury and it fourth on Saturday from Quebec skated fast and checked hard but they were not strong and for much of the time Barrie played down to their standard In both games the story was much the some Combines were The Mcuk mine 11 13 ltlbottnn the better club in the first period and took lead each time 20 first game 10 second game Then the visiting Barrie teamI none to life and took command of the play and scoring Each 11111 1111 time there was 1111 question of the winner after the first period 111 Mayer playedgoal for Flyers on Ihutsdlty and Jimmy Strachan guarded the twine on Saturday Both boys showed the 111111 Belt fans some fine work Combines used homester Mick ey Dentarco in goal in the first gttlll and he was hot in the opening period but had busy time after that Several long shots beathlm so Coach Carlo Cattarello put Roland Perron in the cage on Saturday This lad did fine job in keeping Barrie down tofive goals They say he comes from VilleMarie flOllI New Liskeatd acrossthe border in Quebec The three hnports allowed the NOHA team for the Mem orial Cttp playoffs were all from Sudbury Marty Burton and Specs Telford of Copper Cliff Redmen and Greg Bourassa of Sacred Heart College They were big help to the Porcupine Combines Burton is son of Archie Burton former Barrie baseball pitching star Unfortunately he suffered broken collarbone in the second game Barrie 6P6rcupine lst1lAMliALINIARIO JR fccntrc Mousscau wmgsRny May thing Can now enrol as BLUE cross employee group THREE notlwe Ilhe Protection of Blue Cross the nonprOlit Plan for Hospital Care is now available to employee groups of IIIRISE or more in cluding the employer This 77777wzls 7pleVlOUSIVYJIIIDIICLl 10i ve or more THIS MEANS the small shopkeeper and his two clerkSL the trades man win IS two 1e pers the electricianthe lawyer In fact it means all groups with three or more em ployees including employer The cost is low less thim 311 centsa day for an entire family Over one million people inthisProvince are pretected by the Blue Cross Hbspital Plan WWFor comtilf 11116111111155 write BLUECROSS etAN FOR HosrtrAt c1112 1011111119 Hospital Aesocietlion Toronto 5Onlriov terbor0 Mata Harl has just es mins 173 BarrieMcNabney BarrieReid BarrieFavero FINALS McIntyre Aren ilareh 251 BARRIE FLYEI aycr defence Goal ariepy Gil er MeNabney Mcger Favcro Barrett Gttarda PORCUPINE COMBINESGoal Mickey Demarco defence Edgar Monhgny Specs Telford centre J1n1my Campbell wings Roger Mineault Johnny Kovich altern ates Louie Frapporti Ernie Doin cnico Marty Burton Greg Bour assa Doug Mchn Ernie Keefe Bob Bragagnola OFFICIALS Ken llolmcshaw Toronto Ken Sparky Vail Tim FIRST PERIOD alternates St Pierre Aikin PorcupinewBourassa Domenico Burtom PorcupineKovieh Mineaultt 1534 PenaltieseGariepy Montigny 1213 iGuarda McNabneyTelford Long SECOND PERIOD BarrieReid tMeger 413arric1VIegcr tRcidl 15111 PenaltyLong Tllw lFRl OD Barriegt81 Pierre thorigt BarrieLong St llCllLl BarricTSt Pierre BarrieMeger Mayer St Pierre 855 PorcupineMcGinn 1230 5311 Home 5Porcupme 2nd GAMEALLONIARIO JR FINALS McIntyre Arena Morclr 27 PORCUPINE COMBINESGoal Pcrron defence Ielford Frappor tr centre Domenico wings K0 v1ch Mineattlt alternates Mon t1gny Burton Bourassa Camp bell Keefe McGinn Bragagnola BARBIE FLYERSGoal Strach aniwdefence Gariepy Leng cen tre St Pierre wings Aikin Meger Favcro McNabne Mayer Mousseau OFFICIALS Kep Vail Tim mins Ken Holmesliaw Toronto EIRST PERIOD PorcupineBurton Boutassa Kovich 1554 PcnaltiesMeger Mineault Fa vero if SECOND PERIOD BarrieFavero Meger Reid 1209 11 tBarrett Aikim gt4 BarrieAikin Barrett Long 1249 1339 Meger Favero 14173 PenaltfesDomenico McNabney MpuSseatir minorzand misconduct Mayer minor and misconduct Siditflapd in me We Lblng Mineault Gztriepy Bragag no 77THIRD7 PERIOD Gariepy1Reid 333 PenaltiesAikf Mayer newnconn Fort 1BUTTERFAT PRODUCTION Recalling to memory Mata Hari famous spy of World War new World Champion Hol stein cow named Lifloc Mata Hart Suprem1bredand Owned in Pe tabllshed new 111111111 record for scion iusu And Hard on Nerves Often keyedup 111111111 came restlessness irrita bility and even nervousner If you suffer front train butterfat production over all breedffor her 365 day Huniorthree yedroldrecordmf 905 lbs butter fat from 19635le vmilk average test of 461 per cent butterfat lreyedtup nerves then Milburns Health and Nerve 31111141911311 of help Milburns Health and NdrvPilla 1111111 well balanced medicine for those who are rundownondmay needs general con Mditionerv to help build up the system IIliey stimulate the nervous aysteni improye the appetite aid ldigestion and thus help Get Milburns Health and NerveiPillsat your no Acttom no substitutes Iooklor the trade mark the Red Eeart ole refreshinglrest st drug store today on untiln 011 momma Ont 2477 Longtand the Combines Reid fought desperately to the Porcupine zone Ienaltiestariepy Domenico heoal only it 1111115 St Pcrre who 12 minutes completely in charge 11111111 Propertieswith uii llead tied on Barrie goal only this time it was flttic was no scormg goalie Roland leiton flop 1ll1 but both tillltt did men work Marie 211111131 was hot 211 Mayer picked off tiny hot Ilariic had justus 1111111 of the ones 11111 by Mineatllt tatnpllrli play as the hon11ters hit they and Domenico while llycrs 111t1111hl not ltlll 11111111 who 11111 shoit Reid and Ray Mayer hadpatnful 111 nnniv 111 the first the clown chances for ti11ut1s1 couple of 11111111117look 1111111 uut 1111s for repairs and came 111111 to 111111 out the Ilyrls llll all hands on deck Ilyers AS l1 W05 11 lMimi Ml 1111111 wcrt lax in liackthttktlm and HIV 17 Im Wk ll 1111111 oinhints hail theinhot131ll755 most of the lime antliiltlkuss tlltkltl on llltitllttl finally Bourassacounted on pass li1 lli by mmwmm mm mum BUM Bolton who sunk the 111111111 with 51 lug the puck mm from Ullotttassa and liovnh petting are the 111t but nobody was vsateliiriulimi mm Jimmy Strachan who was 111 111 Tvmm nipping cage for l1lye1s had 1111 chant1 1111 1314 but Mickey Demarco kept me Myers mm ROM Meg and llltettps from opening night Faveto put on the pressure lellllml BM mu Simid ford was just 1111 the tee fctxmyS mm seconds Willi Ilyers all up 1111 the Porcupine ltlllt whcn Mineault broke away passed to Kovich and the latter bcat Mayer at 171214 There were no Barrie players be tween him and the goalie At 1819 Long 111 Barrie and Montigny were put off together for high sticking FLYERS TIE THE SCORE Barrie came out looking1 much different team to start the second period and had all the play right from the faceoff Combines were lucky to get piece of the rub ber Bnt it took until 528 before they cracked Dcmarco for the first score neat passing play Megcr to Reid This woke up Porcupine again conceded no minutes as they to hold the But at 1514 the score was duplicate of the first llt wasi was thumbed for boardlng was cheap one all right but at 111115 Milleault of the lorkics jtnn Finally at l912 Inade hie nightly timers for what called kneeinigf ACTION IN SECOND Early in the middle ssion th fireworks began At 320 But Motlsseau play and it was before he got was able to carry ter that and eventually had out the third game Flycrs failed while Domencio was lightning struck at724 ney was given cheapmnalty for holding His line mesMousseau and Ray Mayer gan toargue with Referee Vail of the NOIIA What they said lid has not been found out 111 Vail blew his for It but Reid to Meger On the combination There was just one cnalty to Stan Long for tripping 0939 FOUR GOALS BY BARRIE The final period Opened with box with mi Long still in the box Combines of 10 minm had one good chance to take the of scrum lad but Gil Mayer made love me net 1y save and the play went back Some mums 1310 play 10Sum ed after Captain Ray Gariepy had cooled off the Flycrs and in par Whit Mousscau who look rs and misconducts This all came ottt in front of the Bar Third Barrie goal came at 247 on screened shot by Gil St Pierre Flyers were putting on the gang attack when the puck went back to Long at the bluelinc Long got it over to St Pierre all alone in the centre of the Porcu pine defence 10110 St Pierr fired through maze of legs at LL ay hands on Vail There they irea complete Barrie line in ic penalty box at the same timc something we have not seen all season in the OIIA And then came the payoffStan Long got 59115 10 0f the fe permltyifottboardlugs ll seconds lltmlco CV01 SJW Duel later It looked like curtains for Gar1epy drew down chagmg the Emm510mw penalty 11 419 bllf this bit kfired Instead it the big break of on Combines as Long St th Pierre duplicated thcrevmus gq so 177 is Bm 1e concerned Short two playcrs for the Flych snancd Passed from 911 10 yong at the ottt of what they were inI ltnd hlUCllne by the 8111 Hoardsz gave out with some of that Wind hgilgrhbla m3 llll Flyel lleetsor stuff Porkies didnt even 511 l9 9311Ih0play 10 have good chance on Strachan 13 Qlcupme aSJReid Megcr Aikin and St Baffle 19d 42 Wllh lhe Dell Pierre checked them into their lUSl ICCIYSWI dv bl Combmes own end and if one did get out lot scrappy aJn and began to he ran into Gariepy or Gttarda OICCICCIL 0133 Came or Still Shorthanded Fivers tied the corner ossed In front of his the ball game upat 120 when 0W Ch 2m Mneau Came Favero pdked home passes from rim to lak the away and Reid and Meger Ten seconds to move fasttHdVe later MiiiunirorcOinbines got 21 ver uni efDomemco pm bear hug tec ssaty penalty and this may ve cost his team the 10 on Mousseatt at 703 RefereeMIhuC The was Off Myers rfni HOlmShaw promlmy pmci P01 threcagoals in less than two min cttpne centre off At7 7723777St Utes Mchbne from Batrett and Pie let wlhlhe DUCkfrom Aikin Alkali from Barrctf and almost centre and he scored It orig Reld from Meger and Fa 31331529ng lazy shalt bultlile of veroall fast W01K which found DC 510 the poor goalie for Combines help and deflected the rubber into the less net At 855 Paul Meger got the And so it was 41 for Bllle Rf sixth andnlast Barrie score with 0wa mllally Rayivrayer assists St Pierre Whipped the and One10 Blaagnola 0f puck from centre to the left blue fur 5135111119 at 183 line andMayer letonethisgolf thingS shots head for the rneztzzlidnissed THIRD PERIODDULL but Meger who was parked at the rThe Tiilld p0110d got ratheh Porkies were finishedMineatrlt This whole plamst one canr was bawled ottt his coach and went to the dress ng room Two uous move pombmgs maa baggy Show defencemen hMgntigny andHFrap ing for the lashof the period but porti legs and could not play so the at no time did it seem as If they could win Burton got aWay Combines had to tuseiforyvards alone once but Git Mayer made back yvith Telford who playdvthe entire period without rest him iiiove first and blocked the Faveromade it5l at 333 when shot The final Porcupine goal was he WellldOWn the ice with Gar somethingot fluke Doug Mc iepy and Reid wastripped at the Ginn came down right wing and defence but shot the puck in let it go with anyeasy shot not While lying 1011 his side off the ice but the puck deflected Aikin got penaltyrat ll00 for in off onenof Longs skates and booking and Ray Mayer was off evtzrybodyfwas surprised including 7811626 for highsticking but the McGinn This Was 12305 For Porkies couldnt dog anything the lastpart of the game play Through the gameVVStraehan hand was scrambly but Barrie kept ley what few chancesihe had with easepthatds except therone that beat him in the first period anoint no MartyA Burton who had played fine game on right wing for Porkiesran into Gariepy near cert tre He had his head down and the Barrie defenceman took just ofie step when he hit Burton and it wasa terrific bodychcck and no penalty But Burton had to be carried off on stretcher He suffered fracture of the left collarbone Established 311 161 is POLLARD RealEstatelrbker Houses Lou3T0bmo bonerl Forms enthused 1111 No NEW LOWELL mom 1112124 0r Achlel De Sehcpper 4512 TAKE CARE WITH BUIIS Many res the caused by people carelesst dumping ashtrays into wastepaper baskets without first makingsure the butts are out A51 cry mttch as if he was about The officials found no cause foiystandout 1penalizing 1111111 17011 when Megermanaawti to setp This lea111 counters ed Megcr 111 the boy for holding 1mm 111 Hymp Favero of Harrie 1Wc 15 Willi relay hoof John Lackic at centre Sparky Vail Red 11S lnctnnmier Jim Gardner so placL ltl 1111 Sanderson New llavenlelul 111 thetall 1111ty s1111otl1111rl Ernitl Domenico slammed Whit Mousseutt pr into the boards and off he mulllmed lutrt on thetum lllllltltc or bum mm Dave Salicly Smi 11 dersoir He was not able to skate well aflm11 Sit tow for the fourth to beatlctron McNab ltop and banish both boys to th were 7suffering from sote7 wideopen Sattaxnn JILWLN Mum whip 11111 leltltl llti1 1y there BURTON STARS FOR PORCUPINE tor of the stars of Porcu lnnr ontblncs that is until he 111 hurt in the third period 11 1hr second game against Ilarne Myers as 18yearold 31111111 lturton of Falconbridge ddly is the sun of Archie button of Barrie wellknown in tllr 1111 some years no as great tunbull pitcher Archit was outstanding in To roulo senior ball and around 1111 minrs He was umted by the Maple Leafs but refused to turn pro For some years he has been in limitless around sinlbury diamond drilling Marty Burton is coming baseball player as well as in hoike He played right wing or opptr tnrr Junior ltednnn this seustm and they lost 111NH1 finals in seven gatnts to Porcupine The om hines 111n allowed to pick up three players for the AllOn Lulu series and they selected Horton Ielgord and Bournssa 1Il of the Sudliury area RAWN with THREE GIVES THE LEAFS MIDGET NHL WIN Maple Leafs finally tlllul our of the ttllal of the 111111 litanyt N111 512111111112 11111 1111111111111 March 211 1111 1111111 1111 lilll 71 broke 1s11n11 reofntl wlnn 1111 nolthet tin11 fueltool 111 111111 11111111111 l111111 tl lfilllttfi 191111111 ltztwn lctl allsnipers the play Only change 111 both with 111111 11111k1r1 Ktih Micks and in line lcrry Cockhurn itarguartL played twotva contest and his l11 of 11111sic Ittrnbullmtall hcd Detroits ltlllt effort on passl Lynn carried 111l zone after taking al 111111 llatcs were 1le with 11111 111l1 111111 were without their 11111111111 111 the nets without pads wo lll games were schtdulA llavcn met Pittsburg and came up against Cleve New Haven downed Pitts for Bris the twine and setting up denting goals John Maloney St Marys Church League product connect ed for the Pittsburg score Larry Reid Iaul Borswick and Garry Long also were in the thick of the battle for Pittsburg Ilorncts found Bill Monger cage custod ian absent for the morning so Borswick entered the nets and played brilliant game Buffalo Bisons are slipping dreadfully fast from their early season pace and now find New Haven and Cleveland barking on their heels Saturday they were subdued by Cleveland Barons 41 for their second successrve set back Jacl Garner with two goals and two assists starred for the winners as did Bobby Hooper and Dick Cain who tallied the re tnaining goals Buffalos markers came Offthc stick of rushing Ken Robertson who is honey of dcfenceman when he sets his mind to playing 11 game 111 the Senior fixture Owen Sound made their undefeated re cord Show five straight when they whitewashed the cellar dwelling Toronto Marlboros 70 Apparent was no stopping Ken Beaver snioothworking forward for the Sounders as be counted five of the seven goals Bobby Garner pulled through with two wellearned efforts Danny Far rell got taste of the victorybe ing rcspOnSiblc for fottr goals as sisting Beaver on two and Garner on his brace Standings as of March 22 NIIL Canadiens New York Toronto Detroit AIIL Gloverth New Haven anfalo Pittsburg SENIOR Owen Sound Stratford Hamilton Marlboros Barrie Marlboros anodiens RidingHigI1 In Midget NHL Series Defeat Rangers get NHLsystem are riding high on topof their league standing Tuesday LIIlarch 23 Canadiens broklir deadlock for to Stand1 log with New York Rangers when theyVITOuncedRangers 114 in fastskating xture Canadiens have yet to be defeated while Rangers are credited with but one loss DannyMacDonald right wing thippet isyduplicating the feats of Maurice Richard of the original Canadians as he flew in for six 150819 to lead all scorers John Waltonand Donz Fraleigh picked 11p two COunters in the overwhelm Unfortunately neat thiffhi ilngt WCOTyvtmlll 7G5rretf77tillim7 once Bruce Synnott in goal was scored upon for the first time in ve games BillElson Leonard Casey Paul Kenny and Jack Cain were New Yorks marksmen who helped to avoid completewwhitewashs Percy PThomas has been ap pointed CNR agent at Creemore He will be on the job in the near future MrsThomas has been ag ent at Cheltenham for the past two years The new agentbas Wife and veyearold son He hiigzgeenfmr the CNR service since 117 SONMOFWARCHIE Two lhat matte lltlltlt als with Porcupine Combines NOIIA standout goaltending Montreal Canadiens of the Mid77 Hundred Church Hocke Annual Banqu ll It ltotkey Ap1rogt1111 gtc111h t4 111r11l Actually the made the Lafittttul 1111gt pitched in and will wh 1111111 Illlllltkl 111 1111 kltttltll mi11 111113 1111d 11 Fruitful it pittttttlS t1lll ltteuutl Ilull tltlrl titllth 0151111111111 of tlie league 111121111111 who did 111Inf11111 31111 111 keeping 1111 111t5111111111r routioi Victor Kilo 911111111111111111 ht Lloyd luffizd 11 1111 11111111 led 51113511ng 112111 11111 sang 3111111 7ll11111 lltl lltlli 77 ilCl litsh 111111111 was 11111hxt1nox111 111111111 as L111 1l liclings 111111 the P11111t1v1il Anotialtfln 11211 111 11111111f 11 liit 111 it 311111111 of Road11111111vtt 11111111 111 Sinclair 111 111 11111l 11111 111171 latrd 1111 losct c1111 11i11111 to the 111 llltl 191111111111 hlcvxtnli litmy 171111l11 11111 llc 1111l11n1 l1h1 nvlnlvllntltz llli1l 111111 lt11111l 11f cntral 1111111 s1 111 1itlt=l v1 1111 11111 1111 1111 trail 11 ll liar 1111 111 lit lllill 111111111 11111111 111 1111 TOP SCORER 11111111111113 Anew HUllllt 111 t111tl 13111111 11111 11 1111111 11t11tul 111111 has cropped up in 1111 Barrie llye1s Junior ing ccntrcnian Jerry wcn Sountl ltcid The scoring records are compiledj from the 011A playdowns only and 11 do not include the AllOntario fin winners Through the hectic ses sions with Stratford Krofhlers ialt Rockets and Windsor Spitfires Reid has chalked up 10 goals anti 10 asl sists for 20 points two better than Gilly St Pierre the leagues second highest scorer St Pierre who led the league in goals with 39 mom ang but four during the playoffs but made up for it in big way hyl being the playmakcr for 14 markers Flych two rugged dcfenccmen Ray Gariepy aand Stan Long were tied with the aggressive left winger Paul Mcger for third position with1 16 points Bill BtlllCllJSl Iierrcs right wing comet held down fourth place with 14 Jerry Reidhcld the lead in goalsl with 10 one better than Taul Mcger andrtwo more than Rusty Aikin and Long St Pierre is away out in front With assists berm credited with Reid was his closest rival with 10 while Garipr and Barrett came through with nine Scoring as of March 24 as follows Reid 10 Bto 20 Pierre WALL 14 111 Long 11 XL 10 Garich lti Meger l0 Barrett 14 Favero 13 Mousseau 12 Mayer lt Aikin ll iMchabndy Guarda Ashbee Jimmy Strachanfliarricsshutottf king ended with 24 goals against rccordrhavlng participated in eight games Gil Mayer who also played for Barrie wore the colors for only fivegamcs due toillness and held 132 goals againstrecord 12 TWOCAR FAMILIES More than 1000000 United States itamilies make daily use of two automobiles surveyshtnvs 111 healing that Hooper cent ot the second cars are nob only smaller and more economical but alsukelp to lengthen the 11111111 the fairiilys No ca NDEPEND ON WISCONSIN 11111301111511 ENGINES 13111111 21171772722114 11111l41ll 1111 111t tll1t111 $1111111 l111 tltallttmnp 11111 lt 1pm Boys Attend League Ct 1ltVE El lttarlol stalled 11111111 ltitl 11 114 He Ilt siblin HLI 1111 111111111 Lug March 23 SJf 47 PAGE am good pcrlstltal 11 LOS lpo thanked 15011 In the Sale the and and than tmupcfa H144 for The grim my 11 ljtt 14 special no1 sent to 12 Wit ll1t play cal 11A 11lc cf Tanks 111 tl11 11111 If 11i 1111 111 111 11 111 11= 2111 11111sl 11111 lialritil 1111 1f 1111 learn 111 11llt1li ttu 111111 11111 1t11litlllt11 311I1l lltlittlv 1111 111 ll 1111 111111 tliliiltlllllflli ltalfilll7111 111111 Hill7 1111 1111111 slazlj l111 tillllttl Ila 1111tl 111 lgnttciul ll 11 lm 1t lllt1 111 11f 111111111r 1131111111 111t111 111tl 111 51111111 911 lll1tl 111l1 12111 111 1111 111 51111111111 l111 111t 1111111t 111 111ll11 tinitiiutl the 111111 1111gt1v111111 111 11111 11 11111 tll 111 111111 ll 11 117i1l 1111 111v 00111 fill11211 71711111711 fr thud 1111 l121li111 HAND III Illi Ill 111 Illlif lltll IIi tslI 11 111111111111s Illa ti7v Btcrcus 51 The Greatest llictele Value 71777 $4900 Ladies or Mens my hot OVERHAUL YOUR BICYCLE NOW gt 01 Have nr Iorklucn Do It 1IIIILI 11 ovlillltnll $250 IARIS and IltlING ICXIIIA omplete Stock of Parts anti Sundries BELTS GOODYEAR 111 llIC YIIIR RIIICIK NOW FOR YOIII IIItIfIJI FOR SIOKICRS BLOWERS and all fractional motors olnpare our prices 313 Bayfield St URRY BROSPhone 3874 Eay 151011 delighrful to smoke 15111111 Radiator Of antifreeze on the farni on contract in coal yardsete STEEL FORESALE Angles Plates Sheets Flats Coiddnotted BARRIE tightened 1111111113 211115 WELDING ARC and Adar equalize wear Checkbnttery bridgitp to par ifits dorm Changewinter grade oil 1111 the correct seasonal grade of Red Give yourcar that cushiony feeling favith TexacbjMarfak lubticarloniobt fratR PRA Check tires rind switch them to IndianAvladorLJMotorgjLi Dr 71115 ramx 11tET USDOTHESE Chpnge the oil in transmission and differential tome correct seasonal gmdes of jMcCollJ Frontenac gear lubricants Check wiring for louse connec ions that can cause trouble Make thorough junderca 71W for BrOkri77b1nlic rods missing greaselitringsiu gtsoline leaks erca 410 1W2 IMdyrlrexzmmwg RltssdiftlaltagltansI 12n1c12111111as1smi

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