THURSDAY APR 71 THE BARRIF FHA lfttt Ir iv gonLAiiiiiiin uwijEiiXtEEiEESW TOWN RECREATION PROGRAM or 1947 ON BARBIE RECREATION PROGRAM Cirairman I948 tlt OHTAHIO CANADA ron moms TENDERUGHTER moms UNIFORM Minn 01111536115 P10 UR II III IIII II II III II II III II Nymk CIUI fCiIt11td tron pug IIl IHl Retiring Chairman llLIll Iliriplifv plain to be iibiulitliil llacic wmk wnc11 gt cici l1h 251 lhcro xiii port from it1xi1 Sistallt Through it unioy oicaia to Iinnunili CXpJlui tLIIzils llewv sary to but gt1le major outlay war tho playground tin pegbonds liiiirlltlfii 1il cards ntd1nd ratio tlt iititml Softball bats oltbII and lm wor aim Plllllnlitd lazi Board Utrlut1lifi plat119 valuablo111111111111 ot 1113 KIULL moot 111 tho grain FACILIlllas Ft i1tc1gt v12 this igl nthI ll vr2 But rim SL tlln lziI on coo ti11111lat11 to Zr Ellll on this titl Loom 15 Mis lidll lli11 baby from Toronto tin 1l 11 Mr3 and Mrs lloopiz 5r Mrs Hurst chnt thirty diosl all N1ton lLHtlitnHII tio gucrst ul hor st1 Mr bllllt1lt too Foictan tiltill homo 111111 liionto Wostoni llos pital Inucl 111iwtiul in hialth lhi liliwt rulnai will lw In colon thin you 1111 Ma LJ 111 tho now Iittltdllwllli Hall Dr dc Kolroy 1h11nao All or mu FLAVOR NONE or 1H nous woax Van mps Maison CANADIAN PEA BEANS uni 1al1oii IIII lo 13 ILL tlLJtl11tL1 gram llit 1in l1li 1Il1bli to land ll111111r Llilicxtllttlj 9133511 11 attic lt7 3Y9 mum can To SUIT EVLRY IASIE AND EVERY POCKETBOOK LOBLAWS FlNEST Inna Lunar run 50 pp 111111 LIIBrI r1211 Bliss RI NI MI IMRH 1111111 CRAIG 11itiiiit I1l of our litlllrtliillt 1111 of illit li haw lJiItl Lory foiluliato In lizitun Konnclh Robinson it 1111 ltttllllltlll iouiisolloi tur mcoro thanks L111 to thwa Iwno haw providod tho main1s tlio luIiIi1pal tittlitll tho tloard IICIIII IIIIIot iIdIIoIation Ilio Kiwanis and IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIo11 lubs tho IlttlIut Bathing lliach httpltlttfllttll Committoo suminci llartlo Branch of tho Itid lht ll of anada aloIIL IIIIiIIIlin Il 1111 1111411115 litl11trlil llitbyo both lo111i11151ir1i manding llli yIcis in liu 111 tt1til and l1lil Itlgsta ltd lli ill and iii Itll 1111111 tl Ill 121111111 111114 l111 liliiliiI i111 111 14 ilirli 1111 Ui 1111411111111 llllitiross SorIotv JIllmldlmll ll VWl $llLIth tho Ontario Provincial inv lhl illlb 1111 Ilaslur and lusvnnmm DELICIOUS BLEND 0F IHE WORLDS FINEST COFFEE thrillsInstitution Replace that id For Pgrrformonce LForburobility For Lasting gotisfoction GUARANTEED2 YEARS 011214011 theres Moritbvier PMGENLlFvwrltww 77 APPLICATION From To 111 amourINumbar auick 3231 Bulck 3947 Chevrolet all Chrysler DeISoto Ford all cy raid 9339 Ford 40 Oldsmobile to 37 Oldsmobile 31 Plymouth all Pontiaci 3946 Pontiac 3533 Studebaker 3733 audoboku 73946 L2M IM orIH 1M 111 on tho 1111 to fill tho 111 ill Iitsul doloandsl turo grain will Group Our lilil 11 bvion ixaud jIIb 1l 71 on tho oIhoI 111 Iod to Ittl haw no lll 11 roquosir IILIIIIIIIL and still 11111 Ill 11 illli Ilttlilrlllll illl in our 1irllilflilttllt It ibippor part 111 IIo 121111111111 and tho prcpairint of our ohIldIon to Mo ioilhviilo cilIiiis in Tho ti lo Ultllt groups our pro offor varion of ac tiintios for loisuio This should ho more 111 ovidonco Lis tho proprmu ivyclopz and as this final roporl Hr rhauman say that community grows on ono and ltltlt it is so now and 1111oxptorod 1ls1ppal and posslbililio bucomc urcator as ouch Xlttliltlltt incroiiscs Our now chairman and proscnl councillor have big job alioad and ask for tho continuod wholc hearted support of all in tlic com munity In closing my 111ay IRRIGATION SVSIIiIVI indias irriuatIoII systcm Izirucr than tlic combmcd irriuzitod auras ol tho States Russia Moxioo Japan lEgypt Italy Spain Franco Chilc and Javawthc ll counturios with tho iicxtlargost SMSLCHIS vast is total Winterworn Battery with supra 525 Allowoicei HIEor Your Old Battery Regardlss of Condition BattMithurr Factory Tm List Heavy Duty $395 830 Super Service 1625 998 Super Servlce l9I25 1070 Armor Glass 2395 1485 Super Servico 1625 1035 Super Service 1925 1135 Armor IGIGSI TI 25 1440 Super swan 2045 1325 Super Servlzo 2295 1415 Armor Gloss 2595 1565 SupeLSoLvtco 2295 I1380 iArmol Ginsu 32745 15413 SuperSeEvlge t950fI1340 Supar Serving 3345 1140 It Amer 65er 2995 130 TI MARY ELIZABETH srs Barrie Ont 21 l11i iIiII titllv 111 11ltfttltj ward I1 lo lili Ita 1111111 lwn 11 luck mm ll play limo ploasurof Iocroalion gt United grant Tho Hoard ll gtllllnlks Manapcnicnt havo bot11 ox oodinizly haw comp and niodod ooporatno providid inuoh 530111 and labor With much thought and docision nooszsary toward finaucos in tho foilhooininp your your ouucil twill uIvo sorious consideration lolt financing plan for tho good of tho program primary concorn at tho Iinoinoul is longranuo planning io11ly l11111dr1l now function under suporVIscd recreation committcc or council and several types of financing projccts arc used to raise the Izocossary money for propor and adoquatc administration Of tho whose rccroation projocts survey in Ontario has shown that the one Iproducing the best rcsutts is where tho financial responsibility rests many methods in use to financo connnunitios 11po11 tho municipal council whol dcrivc full benefits from forthcoming revenue but mainly hocauso recreation in becoming ono of our more important ways of 1ii11gl1zis been accepted as govcrnmcntal responsibility at all levels gt March Clarke Adams Toronto spent low days at Carsons recently Miss Joan Moran is Lccupcrating Illl her home after her recent opcr zltion Miss Mary Moran was in Toronto for few days last1vcck whcrc hor sister Joan underwent tin oporatIon Easter visitors hcrci cludcdzMr and Mrs AfQuinn liston Bill Lucas Hamilton Lucas and Miss Janet Toronto at the Lucas home Mrs Wight and daughter Barbara Toronto at Carsons Mr and Mrs Darmos and Brian lMIj and Mrs Thornton Langstafl lat Carsons Jack and Esther Cumming Millie Foster and Byrnct ONeill Toronto Joe Moran and friend Hamilton Miss Mary ONeill Barrie at Cummings Jim Adams and friend Toronto Mary Rose Sexton Barrie at Am brose Morans Mr and Mrs Terry Loftus Toronto with Mrs Lof tus mu SAFER FLOORS Several light Coats of wax on the llooiisbetterand lessslippcryr than one thick coat Are you going LhruIthc functional iniddle agc period peculinrto women 3852 yrs Does this makeyou sufferI from hot ushes feel so nervous highstrung tired Then no try Lydia Pinkhams vegetable Corn pou nd tp relieve such symptoms Pinkhama Compound also has who Doctors call stqmachiciouiceect LIIIIIIAI Ir IIIIIKIIAuslttJIltu ROOFING glNSULATION FLOORING Iinsutatte your home for comfort by the modern blowing system and SAVE 320to 30 in fuei ThrivaouLRQm CHECKLEDV for rteroofing or for repairsf by Ira bonded roofer Beautiful FLOOR TILE for home or place of busi ness For Information Phone EARL LYONS BarriISaGrlttl or Orlllia 2108W any pmcrs IN 711115 AD EFFECTIVE APRIL canach pm promo AMWW MAPLE LEAF EHEESI 23c RAM APORXPRUDIJLT 35c YORK Brund BULGGNA 24c 11111111 mm 11111111 SEltEllllS 19c NS MAPLE 111i1 11111er 511111I 11c WHEN AVAILABLE LA IGI 11111r111 LEAFSOFIP tLlllttIS 001x 5111111 rownm I27 LLB cm 30 Lu cm renownEAEELVIIED 25 ISWEET PIICIlIlLES ILl ltIr 01 YIN unionism on NUt CREAMETTti lltttsm 793529 on LESS POT CLEANER mm 111111111 111m c1925 frigid BRANDration om lLl KG Bursar its FLOOR WAX wusu AVAILABLFSHORTENING noursnc or EASIrIIisIr iiilliilrg 1111111 ou1c117or REGULAR 41101 lAlG Iovs AND GIRLS on your Emir limits or ANY LonLAw no F0 or IAIIITVII mu ouuskzlziml PAN rrurrrn warn 0u1111E11 uurrrrs agai EHGLANDADDEII 1ch STKAWBEBPULW iio PASIEURVIZVED 01 Mo CHOICE LYONS COILTEE 111111111111 snrs xJtFtIY PlEtlltUST VAcuuu PACK YIN 58 21 29c ji2 Ize 1315mm PEA SOUP BigSpring JACISIONSv GIAND trail too All LOCK LOG ms szooooo CASH no onm FifitViifllis sauna18s VIIIIIIIII IIttEPERFECTClEANR unrrrrnur 23 gSPEl ll Your bestiynuein ClTRUStodav Iixriioi IZHIRSO 111111111 uiiiluu curs LAiGt pros LAIGII noH II Iriuirssrr cmr inrourunhew ii jCILBBOIS 33529n Ready UsedFresh Crisp Brand Insulin1511111 15 ONTJICOMB GRADE so anus 65 CANADA No PEI normals N011RAIEMESSINA iuauous 11101111 51111111 Mttttlllis altars mm Lon COAL IIN lthGSt our 31 PM no man sunscoucmmmgf PALMDLWE Ifstllf CA LII Houscn Cleaning Contest All LAIGE CASH GET NYIT IMNIS IN Dbl OILS 41152937 IVORY ILllllES afztlo CAMAY TottSOAP ms II 26= 59c 17 1601 1m 3l= N6 II no or lOllAWSJLACI In BLUE LABEL IOILAWSJLACK BROWN Lil ionuwsuuci riiuurrr rot PIG GLASECOSADDED VLCVIN PElltlll JIlitl Cattttlsmtounc Wu SPlltillLTlT QUEEN IOVAL roIIIIuII our NEW IOMATO 11c Iguana 24c MEATYPHUNESZ 27 11 CI so 25 II or nus 15 it 0L YIN ttIVt 0L ltL SPECIAL oinvcsinorc APPLE Juror WHIIE WHOLE WHEAT CRACKED WHEAT LOBIJIWS BREAD PORK 11nd BEANS rims 25 BREX WHEAT GEHWtw29 Jill llYLMElLSIlLlP rumour11m Elem l7= IIIIIIrr DINNER mum 19 MIIIIIIE rIIIIIIIrII Ia LIBBYS SPHGHETTE fl3= at 17 111nm currrr LOBLAWS El 01 ARAB 10 7L OI IIN COIJACI ILOI LOA ISFL Ol llNl or mic IN rouuo wet wuu cum SFL OZ YIN 23 I63 vls 29c 57 5111111 21225 l7a 321Itrsrrl3cg turns1511i Wmihs tom 93051th