r111 mums EXAMINER 13111112112 ONTARIO CANADA THURSDAY 1PRlPl 1943 PAGE TWO THE BARBIE EXAMINER lulilisltrd lhurstloy Mornin lit lllll llgtltltllI IXAMIXEH 111 1g1 1113 Ti11ltlLT NlllStltlllltl l3lllll11ilt$ ottf 31 11gt turn111 1111111113 111 tiltitt1 111 WWW Easter in the Churches 21ltltt 11 111 1111 111111tg 211111 111 21111 311 Jul 111111 111 run1 knives 11 pitigtuiu clttl LLll this 11111111111111111 111111 11111 1111 111111 llttldl mums ll tn the lllt BARBIE Hill tlilfllxl lg tlttlcll Ill13 ziltoiictt Louie 111gtt 3411 to Ila11 llit HILL lVlu Mg ll=3il The Home lLtlltllcl llllJHLSRF Liking tho 2111111 11 tXl titg 1115 illttlc thunks to tho lllllrlAl 11 11111 F11 llxllllllltlll 101 Mm 1oltlt1ftll troy 1311 humid All 111 1111 1111 1t $191k homo llny Mawvi 11 111 51 11111 NWTl1 1111111 had job to do 111111 111 11111 thut mutt11111 11111 olcyod 1111 m1ch 111 1111 tliitl 1lltl 1111 11111 was 11 ton Vicll strttstittl llll thotr Work 111111 think 1111 Coliti 111 would do Vtll notto iritcrftrt H166 hr UT and mmmwmmuz UH 1llt1tltill 111 1111111111 ltl11l11l lioultlutpitri 11ml al SCttlllllCS lltis llthnltil Scrxitc 11111111111 1111 111111 to ii the Easter lJtLI 11 11 8W 13y this 11111111111 ol pitytucnt lllc 111llltl PREVENTIUN Y5 writs lo llUltl down 1111 cont til 11111155 Eul lllt Lil mli ii7 ill11 Wllll 551 11111111 path1115111 Liinttcd 111111lt11l to mum street 11 Bdlllr 111111 1111 yeur Dtlult 1111 ltllllllltl 1111111 Wu 1m LU my mt wrmcmg 611pm 11 11111111 whilt ttltlsslzlg 111 1111111 Sllttl ltom plum1np End1g my 11 NU mm Jr Tub15 it 33 5111111 11111121111Falllltslrllltts iixcd the etl1 TlllUlll lllllxllt lllll Illlfv Slillil 11 llllll lllli toty puytntnts ot 11111111111111111es tor indict111 111 grudtnttcd ILQllltllls 1111 11111 public It 1LLttilt 11 tiltsent 11 111111 complain1 sorority llllllxttlltllls 111 11111111l11111 gmo llllit 1111 solo p111 Joios titio ltio 11111 lllt lJUUZ tic ll tIlllii 111111 tho with 1155 1111 lily ll 111111 vottr lllSlllltlltlllQ 1n 111111111111 wc 1111111 111110 11111111 11 utlml tlltiriill Spec10111 11115 tlccllults tu ciltlllttl lltitkncss Shut t1c ot the Rev LL15 prom11 11 scr 1zttltlod Illllllliclll tllllllttl Sultutudi on 1115111 111111111211111111 111 tolltor Stirct 13111111 111 1111111 Otll portlollo trout tittic to 1111112 111111 11 llll Slllltlrll 1151 1111 1111111 cl 111 ttitzttitipiilitzts which 1111 lnv 11111 SllLLtSllOllS 115 to 511115 111111111111 liilllt 111111111 1111 of 111 inrcorutittilfttit111s111111gt111li1111111111111111 11x 111111 tul gt 11111121ll$tllllt 111 your lllltlt1 11 1111 lor our 1111511 1111 it 111111 pzttnpltlct 111 1111111111 Sui11 tor lttll 1111111 111111 ltoutts 111 uttxtotts putttits llow tttzttly morc mumb pier14151111 5111112 run11 ltoni $11 tlllltllLll will have to 111 knit1 or 10101111 111 my mg for ct hospital 11l Jlllc lJllUll Wm lllllllill 5131ll lllllillllllts225 pot 1111 pct indigent lol 111155 111511111 stuntkl be 111 program wum org111111111 111111 11 1ppctltcd ttlutttl payments mity 11111 ltlttllllllt 111111 stupor torsomt 11111111118 At some schools specific cases 111 which 121515 1111115111111tts will L1 51111 1111111 11rr11l 111 11111 tltott ittebt titcossuly 111151 lio 111 not 11 itttllltl with this pltl rm1 pmOWNnmmtgcredit 111111 illml 111 ostttblishitig the Hospital Aid 1111111 1x l111 Town 111 llriilllt 1115 tour sclt11ulslocutctl 11111 seeking to ptlptLtllllt the lodcrul 111111151 lions While this 1111111g11111111 should 11kt11 About your 1111 Mlttitll suit1y putrol 1111 lioxnitiils out 11 their deficit position their1 11 11111 gt1ricit 11111gt1c for 11111 111 tuktn from 11 Wit1111 orgntn ll tltol 11111 prettchodl 111 tttoitltlli lttiltd hurt1111 5111 1l 11 1111111 1111 11111ul llcnltty 111121111411 by SClVltl 311 0111111 11111111 lllc cltott illllllilll 1t 11110 1111 111111 111cn 11111 gt111 By linil 111 1111 tun11111 tilt Morn vu Ming lull tllolr Solo putts 1l Miss litIon 11111111111 Wtllintti 311$ lohtr Mrs llulty ltnisttottgz 1111 11111 lizistor Clll 11 ltllhtlll 3111111 11111 311 11111 ltgt litslcr 31151111 Alltotl Slltll 111111111 tot11 lttot 11111111 1211 1111111 3111 month 1111 gtllltitllf4tll the 11111 Victor Ktim 11 Knox 1111 obbEllzll 1y 111111 Wilhguu 11111111111 A1 tho Salvation Attity tttttdtl lltotr joi titltltilc mulling to do 11 311111110 To 1111 111 tho litcnttn Would resign 1115 1111111 11 11111111 Willl tho 21111111111111 know titw sltzttigt lirc Lllltl would 11115 0115011111 1111 11111111 Yours truly It TULK TOWN GRANT lO CANADIAN LEGION 111 1h 151111111 11111111 lIxtuntner Dear 511 The Town of Ilztrtlt to 1111 llultlo including 111113 It 1l It1 om 1111 T1111 TORONTO GEN1111111111111813 Allth liit Iuu liiolrro 11rindiun LotJon 11111111 itpprtcttitod 1111 11111111 the btlxltsl hitthwuy in 1111 Provmcc tiicnt 111x111 otdttlo cstupt trout 115111111111111l 1111111 All 11111 111115 tauntr 1lt UbSLlVttl 111111 Hub1111111111 111 1111 1111 Answer 111 1111 11iixsliit11 IS vort d1 111 111111111111111 1tlllllltdltllll 111 01111111 E111 1111 111 ll 111 or 11111111111 111111110111 111111111111 on 11101113 pitdgt 11 1111 pm hm SWIM TM mum Hum WWW Mm by hmmh cross this 1111111 litghwuy 1111 tut11 wuy 1111111olltlllttcd 111111 deposited Vllll 1111 1111111 ltl my Awake 135 gmle Thu mung school1111 ltitlltc 1111 llllS rotitt is 1111111 suchilinc 111111 this 831100000 for 111111111111511111 onjtuuil 811111 111111 1111 rolo 1111 is byltlllllli Soloms 11111 1lrlt llllXJtlt 1111111151111 this 11111111 11li1ll 111111 11 lttktS 1111 Llltll 11111111 two or thttc thc pulilic ward bod b1515 111111 51150000 torilUlltt t11111 111111 11 01111le 31 xillwl 51 ll lllm lllrtcS minutes in 111111 it suitable bit11k 111 1111 llow new c11nstructlon 1510001111 public word 011113 1m 111 If 311 iimulll in mm Im 111 11 V1 gt 11 llllllll ll75 51111157 01 llll llllllllllllSSBIIUll ptl tlllOlllt 112111 OllKttltSttlltl Will DUE 1mlt1l1 ipuunt 111111 Mrs 12 Snot111111 It is not out of plucc to 11111 Ul LlllS llllt llllllll lllllllill llllllllllll Bllllll 10110311111110th lllt Altl lundotic1gt1t is SH 111 11111111111 sttvicc on lInstcri lti 1111111 1ridul 1111 111111151 11111 sidct 1111 brunch 115 11 1111115111111 more is not 11 5111911 stop 1154111 111 lllltlllllll This 1111111115 the lroviiiccs combined ttlllllllhlvi Wm 511 111 5l 11 3Slllii 18 gt It or 1111111 1111111111 111 jtllllol solvwo Ill 11 11l ripttst 111111 1cpt1111111 111 1115 lSllltl 11 111 tlow 11 1111111 to 11111117ptluttiuns 1101 11111111111 111111111111111111 tosts will 111111 51 if ll Mum SDUMIR 11l3 dm mm dimid m1 01 CHMblllillll Wllllllllll llllllllwlllllll lllllt 100000 11115 your 1111111 111 Thu Midrllohht Stlchl llot 11 SititlttiiEfttstd lht sorriccs of tllo Logiott tune lttllOlln plains 111111 bttll proposed 11 Ail1111 cttllcCllltli injttslicos in 111111 Ylit 11111111 1111 morning sorl1l1llltlllllltl t111 1gt=111dicttott two occasions 11111110115 wort 111131111111 in 1111 1111115 Ullltllls Itll its DruOHS Iv 11111 the hmttuttons on tho tlbllltt oi 1111 11111113 mm mm AIIMINISTIRINUASSKIS 01 Slllotltlllltln COMMON KNOWLEDGE youngr lo 1111111 111111 1111 1111111 1111111 oxpcl 1111 irritztlno toxu 11111 lllll Everyone Sllotlltl 111 1111111111111111l lltltlx nut11 11 111 hotly witIt 1h 1111311 prlnttplox til hmltltl ltillthltdllll 1111113 11111 tht liit1tc11111to illllllllllt litiittt 11ml 11111 11 1211111 11 5h liitv 5111111111 ltntiw tor 1x1111plc1111511 1111 ittlvttt 111111 1l111111 11111111 111111 11l 111111421111 or 111 would he 111111111111 111111 1111 only 11111111111111 11 1111 purl of 1111 body 10151111 qttulilitJ 111 11111 11lt 501 111115 for 1151 111111 plotttiion111d ll t11 1711ltl1ll1 I11 1111111 ltoulnlcnt Wo tilo titvor too 11111111lr11=x OLSTERING Chesterfields and Occasional Chairs Repaired and Recthiretl For Free Pickup Find Delivery Coll towe Sons Phone 4365 Free Estimates 1111 11111 Notwithstunditic the 111154111111 1111 hospitals EXAMINER 1923 The Ontario Branch of the Canadian Canl cm the Files of cm Seeiety is conducting an Aplil campaign tum BARRIE ADVANCE for 150000 dollarormore memberships to 111111 L11 111111 on 1111 theme 111 Ihcljutunt Strut111111 1111 111 1111 llowoll didntrod 1111Ihubiltlutiori clc This could not 10 Cellnlll lo mml thug lrulm 101iciptilltlcstomctt lltll ltlltlls llltlt 151tll1111111 81111111 sung 1111 lCusttr nits nottiioti 11nd 1111 Jumcs 1911141151111111111 111111 111111 do1nonslrulc11 itlltllll3101110115 oome lltlstlllm 111111 1111 1111 other Side to consider the impact upon Supp hutl 1111 1tspo11l1vo ltdlll Ihcilllttn 11 1111 tdvittigmnwn 11 115 11011 llltllotllt plobltlll tlll lt moltttl tlltll taxpayer or bonnie that most cum115 1111111 12 llll 111181 Illiptist 111111 filth 1111 1811111 111111111 ilk111 111 11115 1111111 111111111 110 now lllllllttllv 811115 111 town but 11111111 1111 dilution of lulltltotts 11155 11111 1115 11 11c1111111gt 11111 111111 1111111111111Ls 111 ibo mom u51 50 ll 1110119 11111011 lltllll kluwlpy plxsoled 11111 51111 lovoly 1111111111111 soloihtur 11111111110 12 litiycs Scrvict VilllouS Olgmllzmmns Slvm Tl lhllt ill 1110111 115 amusement taxes 10 directly 101 111 1111 ll1l 2111111111 The otittttcr The congregation wits 11111111 up oilllurttut Officer oi the Pttlvincitil safety the children of Barrio 151110 10101119011055OImmqu sun917mgmttghbms 11111 lint1 11 int1111111111111 setvice 111111sslllullvlef of llnltelllllllCmnmnnd Any voltran 1r tice ponsib1111y 01501111 other org11111211111111 IlttiBtlL there is the very serious question of it lg0nm11 at mum hm imilkyiuilyemSrllrllfulif P01 Commlwoll ht rm 011m 11 ll wnouwr he lUbllc Plplmlml l0 pull laced11111151111l111 litstttrection 1701 led 11 1111 111 101 int111 11 be1l PllbllC 53911001 Boalll llll Hlll 300901 130010 may reasonably be expected to go on pity1ng 1111111 1111 sorrltt most of the 11111111 111 tut1511 111111 the survival 101110 all appear to 51111111501111101thisrosptllltamusemem taxes at the wart1mg mu 01 30 cottgttgutuiu 11111111111111 to 511 thel Sol 1111 SltilvlctLglllgll 11nd 111lewudl SlbllllY SOlllc llilV 10111100 llll llllll SlllCl lllllper cent oven for this worthy purpose Elllli 1731113Ipain223 ears 1111155311 11lcct villullln 11120111111111 Chamber of Commerce 41nd 011 Rccreition ll tontmttuton sermon and an cd lit11110515 tlc httndlcd 111 Council assumed 11111151111 of responsibilitv 1x the motn wonlldcnttnl munitu 1n inaugurating school tttittlc patrols 111111 11 1111 StlVlCt 11 1311111111 Avcnuc Un MWu of Those actions as listed tibovel lS should be to them to 1101111111111 111111 111 11 UllllLll 11 ld Ml r0 ds WU5 pregt pf Vltwo 1111111111154lhc Resurrection BARR 011115 of dollars every year 11nd Mle us 015ml 00 p10 Aim 48 15310111 111111 In Josephs Lovelyi MC iwill continue to do so 111 the 11 Surely there have been enough scrle 21cc1lll0L lVtll NmOlCly 130551blc Bills ll llllm lOllllzmlt1t Dinmt the evening Ba Hurts The Town tcliol budget in cuts to stir action 111 some responsible quarter 1001 blll 0101 all over the world is lllgtnllv SllVlW RC Cdl 51ka 10m 1mm 39 has bee 11 mlm lad Vhitebioziduppotntcdtisscssor1 We 111 Barrie like 10 feel 11111 this noodnecdctl Hmb NCS 0fI 85 1g Le 11119 duct was given by Missl Bfm 51000 3l MYJHNHOH which has touglit for and will town 111 whtclt to live It has at least as many 1105 Anson and Miss Madeline lllllflgll 17 Bllm Itdlcontimu to light 101 disabled ex 10ch 10 ttcln 11 111110101ct1 ndmuuble 181111le as most Otllel mlllllClpttllLI 1mm Vlewpmnt of daylxght savmg was Iblinks111001111011 timingglthe utttercC 10 1M cilmmlm mdl supEliilnzlicocnnslcll to scenic 111011 11151 011111005 185 lexpresscd by theFarmers Advooute when it 1gnmunlsl M15 Rm ilfiafns lplying them 11111111101111 cycles Thu Legion briefs have resulted Attheannualmeeting or the Ontatto Stifctynmde the following comment The com TM mm mots Andrewslitllcufrdrotn llnmtlttttrcuy CglnIm We benets being WW League TOIOnlO MlCh 1519131651delsenstts amongst farmers from coast to coast lltsblllln Church gave fine 303mlhllglglggsgu$0311blt 1111 discharged servicemeni lA Stipelis pOCInlegdllhe ll5 911213 expressed through Fat1n Radio Forums 13 mm 0m the mumlgmEEllgffllmHgEndulglxitinhgtgl 10 acct en an sat am taking the tune mat daylight saving good thing 101 Sport8 cipnlitics tlic procccds 01 tttowmmzqnm 10w bug menl 11 ptiilmt clip this 10111 ryeat rise in this men but bad thmg for the mammal econ Semffmffmgdo AISb Sgnulllhlmdlcds or thousands of dollars it sag 01 llleOn Otll Ostlectscnd highways omy But the Wm be few Hydro luLerrup shgwcd 8583 bggki Sgclvclggilolf bUSlleSS whtclr liavelnftcctcd iglpontgfllg SecausedI inmk It 15 OftSUfnglenilIOHS where daylight saving is in force growing demand for Class l1h2ltgoiV331ossfntiof 121L033 ospen ew momens an as books Ban10 tum19 ourselves seriously Where are we heading found Tomm 030 1211100511 011133tiglgufeglignvehlictlllggf and What must be done to counteract this Epitasisl the local branch of the Canadian Lc itn c1111 ontintic their work gitmnteflection on ourmethod of 111mg to March 24 mg makmg Barnes taxes vet muchimeg my to day lchr thmTorontos 111 308 mills plwm ng Lb tl 10 It 18 11013 happy reflection to constder thatynglfaltmgl lgaugldintdgewllc Barrie Local Notes iglFebruarys warmest dtty was 31 on 082513131220 Elizas hie ivifcnfgii throughout the United States they were able1 efc 8t wf t10 mg 6t 1185 Rev Canon Reincr and 500 30 53 tome below Erratic country Vmwleducapitmfcgmmm to ac so cancer w1 ran uca 101121 cum the pemmned the TownCOm1c and total snoultlllol 211 is an organization the comm 112s by 0111 DELL tit 11 13 palgn andralsotor prOVldefcnnccr dlCSSlllgSrlltv lcttvc thesalary titGeorl Jnc Ghee NllUe 111 gbltiona drind 011100 of 111 wne 1n titario ese fatal acetdents were membershl 01 443 Hendctson bandmastet at $300 In the last two yeaus some 250 cancet patients 1w lch Is one he greatest vices 1ncreasedibysuopercentwinoneyeal1 100 000 1Afwr lengthy dlscussmm It was cumseth tunnel in Barrie pallet8nst thespreqd Communism or Howevw there was one bright Spot in thehave cen ptov1 ed w1 113551115i decided mmmously to may the gourthliild dcllalg0tllzttrhe ltatom this country report of President Stapells 111 thettcity of 101 Sauce soles these ilessmgs have beentgmnls 19 Bamc and Analde 111851111 inrilosttsllt answer some Criticsm Toronto where aKMhbh of the Ontarioprowded through 11117 oronto branch or the handsigoa and $50 lcspecthCly Barrie Conweqmml Church tvot megards to the renovation of r1 Safety League was organized it was OS ible Canadwtlancer Society All contributions 9mm BemlClg Wdas EaEstuary id for chumhoumon new 111111 might say that the ed ff lt 12 willbcused in thefight against cancerinrwgpo 33 mi 33 seed fhfvfm iVOIk has been done free of chmgc or new lcaalles percent as m1 racu r1 Day and niht more dependqble than ever by GUI701V membms TODAY telephones are four times as free Milworklhvolvinga neWheating system and year This was in spite of the fact thatfomario throughout Ontario as whole there was an increase of six per cent Ev1dentlythere is an answer to the prob 19m in Barrie Safety progyam must be orlmunicipality is highly organized With worthl gamzed on at yealjoudxbasjs to protect theiwhile leisure time activities in all partsofthe town at all times of the year The report lives notonly 01sch90jlIchildren butof all citizens Torontoand Windsor havebeenclted15hld be paltlcumrly gramying to parents School children in their afterschool hours as Ontario centres where the best reEults have been achieved Surelythe life ota childhalie ample opportunity to take part rm in Barrie is Worth lustas much as the life ofllOUS activities which d1vert their energies intol child in Toronto or Windsoi useful channels This is particularly the case 1n the summer mOnths when the bathing CONFLICTSOVER ESTIMATES lbeach and pIaygrounrprogrrms are in full There seem 10 have been number of clash Fswlllgs F01 added interest tOemphaslze thei The annual report as prepared by 1111 Bar rie Recreation Council indicates that this 13 es between town councilsaitdEcho01boardsinlprogmmlhlghllghtS there 1arespeia1evenls 0111217131municipalitiesthis yearOf suchlthat are thoroughly enjoyed by thehundreds situation in its town the Pembroke StandarfSays ft looksas thoughthe Townlport indicates that adttlts and others in the findthemselvesal an impasse with regard Williimpale in leisuleitlm aCthlEleSAIld the estimates of the latter body Council one of the most important functions of the faced with soaring costs in municipal admin reCreatiQnioffice is that it provides channel istration 11613on 21511 theschool Board tolthrough which citizens and organizations can ectmsider its irtcites whichshowed animlobtain information regarding recreational ac reosecfeuemillscesmebutMeationHrewEitis that the School Board will standpat feelingl that theyhave already done all the paring OF theycan viputcti or HUMAN CARLESSNESS The bone or contention 1111 can be callcdl thatappears to beilhe prowsmn by thel 101mm Journal Public School Board of $28000 for further renovagpniof the Cantre Ward sci10511116 levelrailroad crossings protected bywarn1ngr de vices 367 iicCidentsat unprotected crosSingsalto getherJB2 persons Were killed and 6313 injured What creation of two additional classrooms Theya pr Dippy 101 huinarr carelessmessy Council feols tlggtithis work could well be gt fdferred to imam convenient Season theil mzvnmr MARKET ouGoonwmu Boagrdfcels that the work must bedonesomel Smiths Falls RecordNews lime and might as we be undertake 111110 11213510150103101Eilliftiilbl$111211 time Whennll can dope to the besr ad pleas was to imprmfe market conditions 1nSmiths vantgge Vfthe municipality Falls We had hoped that the Market wouldbe given diftiWridvbpedtbthfndrtfthzrtitshculd be but any enthtisiasmdo this end seems to have AMUSEMENT To In 08 gThe Market Building is still in an unsatisfac The Telegram tory condition and certainly gives no incentive to Provincial treasurer Leslie Frost has taken citizens to purchase farmproducts on market daye bom commendabm action todeamth the 311 leannets tt market prgduce Thetmoreicto if cemnwera erpr an epresen contton promgmt mienis PrOVlnceEwme and or the building vendors of produce cannot use the lt lionsevidence 0f gWWlng rather than dim interior in case of rainy or stormy weather Anmci in ottawas Jennn of We understand that the cost of renovatingthe ant taxation to the Provinces Mr Margot Building lntoha factory1 will be putto advgtc as arrangednto set aside an revenue ra epayers en the ans are approve or ttt source for hospital main thistil nshHOuldlncrcase the flnaldecision We like that It will show whether the voters are more interested in supplying accommo ut 11111111111th to thezliospltnlsgn 1181 nt 011 the basis dation for small industry than in developing greater spirit of goodwill with the agriculturallsts oftho nutrounding district The RecordNow 13111 Support of the latter said Mr rt of childrenwho take part The annual rel he Games 01 11112511111111 Council and the Public School Boardvmaycommlllllty also have plenty of Opportunities Last Tyear inrCtinada there were 175 accidents at more than good band and kcptl glmgoe 01an Brier977 out manufacturers and other in vestors The high tax rate had driven fourteen ybung maggot town this year Cqun Rogersl Henderson had paid $120 of his salary for new mttsicand he was one 01 the best bandmasters in Ontario Rev McIn tosh of Allandale wrote Council protcsting against the indecent Bon Ton posters distributed about the town Council appointed Wm Armstrong road overseer in Ward at $125 dny and John ing5411 $150 for other wards Atgin auction sale ofthc twowarul Conditions lmDF0V9 QWlllls 3yearblds from the VBrookdalcllTT W17 SHOW SIOlm lggmg 51 Stables gthe averagc price was $571 The oldest inhabitant dc clarcd that the present Spring was in 20 years Furious driving still indulged in mmcorwunty Isllets Cause preparing to erect an elevator of 35000bushels capacity7 near Alliston station Angus McKay boughtAmos Trains farm 0190 acresfat the north limit of Tottenhzim for $5000 Butter famine in Bradlprdon March71 Total receiptSfofCoHingwo public library for year 611215925 1ncluding grants of $200 from Govt and $650er the same Capt Bruce of Collingwood reported as saying This town is in fairway to be depopulated bylhe rush of young men to the Klondike Tltc Sdan $735 sanitary inspector $125 year Mild weather caused the river all Angus to break up and flood 5111 rounding lan1 Pltclpston cort respondent reports village cattle roaming around cvcrybodys yards and not at 1111 particular where they go Shanty Bay folk seemed content to stay in doors When the district was yisitedl by one of Marchsvworst blizzardsw weather very coldand stormy for so laterin season Holmcs of Clowcs stillingjbiwfmmlstock and implements prtlaratory to go ing to 1131941 Toronto Juntil farm tol Midhurst on March 19 the mail carrier was unable to get overhisl wholeroute Barric Motorl Car C0 sellingFord cars quoted thefollowing prices Runaboutl 3405 Touring $445 Scope$695 Orillia paid its CollingwoodCouncil rescinded by law requiring lights on vehicles Beeton to receive $3289frorn the Hydro Commission as refund of depreciation charges on transmis 011 lines 13yearold son EGWarchackax Creemore was thcstablewilhhisllldflhel when frightened horse backed the boy ghiminstcnt1yro tuslt from Orillitt distrlct tcthc West vwasdescribed as tremendl ous gents by Essa Council in March tvere three of $10 and one of $5 Operators of road machines in Essa Tp Were paid $125 perday of ten hours Reeve Miller of Orillia visited Ottawa to present petitions from 38 municipalities in ethedistrictr asking ithatithe Trent Vallcy Canal be completed to Lake Simcoe during the coming year The Myers store atCrossland ties troyed by re buildings and con tents total loss haystack of 13 tons belonging to MrMc Nabb Edenvalc took re and though it was only feet from the barn and strong wind was stand 1ng the fire in towards the barn the heroic work of Mr McNabb and neighbors saved the barn Ice on Nottawasggariverbrokc up March 151ltoodbnthc ats highest in years 1133151100 52111101 closed there belng measles inunearlyi every home Grants made to indil lhxv it FORE 16 monmeau 10 TOROHTO ford Hotels otto lament and centrally located must of 111 750 rooms to dock hotel Myopflymhelhmd radio Fornumulom write or win 0119 Monopol will in oil VIM of anticipated arrival I1 opening address up against the wall kill Is it now pessible for anyone in this town to criticize the graht by the council mg the facts have wholeheartedly We of the Barrie Branch of the Cahadian Legion would like to ex press publicly our appreciation to the town council for their consid eration of our request BIBBY For the Executive of the Crth supported us 131111 Legion 147 Bat11 0111 INCORPORATION Notice91 incorporation ot Pong tang BottlingCompany as limit ed liability company with capital ization ofw 10000 110 par value shares isgitlen in currentissueol Canadian Gazette wood BowlipgClub paid $52 111 1111 1111111111101111011111111ot 111111611 nes and cots for failing to make Amusement Tax returns Cookstowns new town hall openc on March 14 Cous madewthg In Certainly all know from trouble as there are twice as many of them Wenty years ago 111111 Each month10000 are being added so that soon all may have dependable tele phone service and the secutjity that goes with it This is being done years ago in spite of rising costs yet up to now there has been no increase in WtherbasiLPtelephone rates established 21 For you this means greater rvitlue than ever before for us the satisfactionbf pro viding the best telephoneservice at the lowest cost 17 cqu a=an call at 111111111111 tilde thedifflnce No ExtttAcosr 1115 11151111511111 Orlterhollrrwn 1110 11111111 5500 lotIr than 60111111119111 calling above MMJIIILIL 11611111111111111 murtty Tom to still you at 51151911 EXPERlENCE jam coughfor 111111111 Finance Company Ltd 11111110111115 The WILSON BUILDING P0 Square Barrio PHONE 2325 Ivioluo 111111111