or you loom Published Thursday Morning by IIH BARBIE EXAMINER LIMITED Nt it rniMoJtl iNL lclARlL 49 LgtNi U3l ANLEII ltlSAIll STARTS APRIL Opening months crusade against can cer April the Canadian Cancer Society will reek 150000 doilurUlltlole IIienibciShips to carry on its educational and serum proyects in Ontario Bruce Taylor provniclal iiesident announces In the last two years the Ontario Branch provided more than 100000 free cancer dress me to needy patients and arranged for transportation of many patients to treatment clinics and hospitalsj Mr Taylor said More than 200000 pictes of cancer iter were distributed during 19 urging people to consult doctor immediately when cancer is suspttrtltl and pointing out that treatment during the early stages can curb the diseasc before it becomp unconlrolable the president reported iflilt Keiiliy last year accordng to the Dominion Bureau of Statistics Up to half of these deaths could have been prevented by early diagnosis and treatment of the disease medical authorities bellcye MliilFR Ui Cans ertrIIgt ul 45min Audit Bunmi tftietilgimin taiditli Itehl SlitStltlllleS all or ii Sialv Smelt vlit oltiti Iii lI EDITORIAL NOTES Parking meter companies do not seem to make much headway towards getting loul hold in the town of Orillla At recent meetY lug letters seeking to have meters installed in that town Wtlc filed Without evei being read before the counctl William Willett father or Daylzglit Sava ing Time died this month 1915 He proposed advancing the clock in the summer in 1008 and introduced Daylight Saving liill iii the British Parliament for that purpose It was rejected and no further steps were tak en till May 1010 when the Summer Time All Was passed It provided for summer time from April to September 17 but was subL sequently amended from March 28 to Septenn ber 37 It was indicated at the Town Council last Monday iilght that certain items left off theE buying board of works equipment could be financed this year by issuing debenturesn This has undoubtedly helped the presenti council to have tax rate only six niills high er than last year bill it will place burden lltlltIIIIlII iiI to Iili linens the ic toi 20 Ill lIgtIl bylaw 101390 Hamill5 itd 1111 tax rate suclras building Sidewalks and WWI ut the township sup nrr 55th EXAMINER Haggis oxrmto Cabana lStaIin Uses Hi Irorii lbr In of BARK EXAMINER March Ii I323 Ilurir Local X0195 lxlnrkmt Cut Jrs In MILLtcdtcI Kendall llIl mt 51 Ill italpli Guest IR LEWIS MILLIGANI the titnioeratic puiples outstie the lion Curtlin were not so ZtI they would break into ii bust of laughter at some the broadcuts 2mm Hosanna irie latest of these came in the of radio commentary on nu ucsttrn European poweisl tllrl 12llx1IQh reported the minimmg Zlitigt Mosvou iadio immediately zitP ilppllrb with even gnarli dice and troll to Stann Everything we declared we tl ligating lot in the Iinl Wul has gone with tric iiixid and Stalin has taken Utl the rule of the man We btusltdl from the Stage at inchl struus practical yoke on the human race and it Isnt bit funny It liar10 01 frm gear of unitary alliance drafted is burlesque on the story of the l1lzl5 st Bursals on March it mwsIGood Samxriun The man who tell among Ihitrlt hashtruself turned bandit Pemmlly was never in favor gtItvllvIiIl Lotti will it turned the treaty asserting it of our going to the aid oi Hussta II pi of Home Busmess tt1ltgt vol wto In if Henry The question also lI tnlb tiltilo to wine length their Kiwanis Club lfll Kii tItmg mlv of 33 to the Presbytery of Bartuc after mlLlhlI pi titer in hours de I1ti for anotliei ote vii Church Ililtli tliliday March would lack either legit force Or llrllthllonll aulhonly Marisz timed Were not onstiltxd It shouldnt be rteusury to exg this one merits in haw escaped IMYIILK heard It In various tizrilt before from the same quar and from Communists here it ie These latter have frequently ppealed to the law and demandedl and when rst heard the news that Chuwhill and Roosuelt had rumertl le people of the Gruntries mEdecmed to make common cause with the Soviet instinctiver felt that tragic mistake had been INLmtd iladt joke but the mmcahtyl made Stalin had already made pact uith Miller to divide the Ie tiltIll next WM people or perhaps they mspoils of fallen Europe they were II both international gangsters and when we had finally disposed of one of them the other immediate ly turned on the prostratehctiml And now we are displaying more 13W liitltlll P5lld bdo their rights under the Constitu tear of Stalin than we did of llit llilll east unid which caused the ET ll to Send the until piled up conservatives drifts gtllUVplUV up TN gt Iblmm by grain 4hr very low ond Constitu ler and well we might for we are tiun which they are forever de Hunting and would abolish if tlary got the chance But coming vital hlosmw this appeal to demo laced With Illlllie astute and Sinl ister enemy or world peace TheI Soviet has not only fully niobill ized military foru that could Wm WL gm luatsc law and International auth sweep across hurope at moments people at Beach ltc Fit Council on March to secure for III of tltlli light and power Simcoe ounty Briefs The young people of Grenth avmg good tune lei4h riding ll Snowshoeing in the beautiful llltrlllli nights Collingwoods debt $401255 Maul Ptolile suspect they iiaVe cancer and mm Olmms town like 133leriiuiiuml Illl duettors planned it arp afraid to have their fears confirmed by medical diagnosis because they do not know that cancer can be controlled the Cancer Society points out People interested in joining the Cancer Society are asked to mailtheir dollarorniore subscription fee to Ontario headquarters 170 llox 459 Toronto or to the nearest local Cancer Unit WAT INOR ROIGHT To ARR IN the matter is forgotten However there are the KISSLII Motor Co WINNING IIA IINIOR CHAMPIONSHIP Hockey excitement here reached pitch last Saturday evening as Barrie Flyers defeated Windsor Spitfires to win the Ontarin Ifoekcy Association Junior championship Leighton Emms has done magnificent job in bringing his team to the highest honors of the league and this towns first opportunity to contest for the Canadian title and the famed Memorial Cup Congratulations have been pouring into Barrie since the first of the week by telephonei telegram and letter from former citizens and Old Boys of the town frpm hockey fans with no connection here but who have been fol lowing the fortunes of the Flyers through the king OHA schedule and playoff series Here in Barrie even many ofthosc who profess no interest in sportsor hockey have shown delight and pride in the achievements of the Flyers Trierpublicity this community has been receiving all across Canada via newspaper and radio reports is immeasurable and invaluable cannot pay its way in time of plUSptthl it will be exceedingly difficult for the munE icipality to take up its share of Slack if period of recession comes Year after year there is trouble with the water course that flows through Queens Park and thence through property in the vicinity Of Toronto streetto the Bay Each year when there is an OVerflow and resulting flood there is lot of talk for few days and then several innocent property holders who suffer foyerinconvenience and actual loss through no fault of their own It is situation that ie quires action much ought to be led by the elected representatives in thatward The town officials may go on for years quoting legal cases to Show it is not municipal responsibility but this is no solution to the problem Community action is required to have 2i thorough survey of the situation made with recommendation for solution But it the ratepayers in that ward cannot persuade their elected representatives to take the land in getting some action they may as well resign themselves tocthe prospect of antici pating these flood conditions every year OPINIONS Or OTHERS SUCKER LISTS FOR THE GEIIMANS 1me Berlin report to New Republic Bizonias newest racket is selling names and atl dresses of Americans to Germans who then write letters begging for food parcels The average rate for lOname list is around $1 This flourishing business has put an astronomical for lap tip to help pay lul ll new rIllias tax levy llenry Thorn il Ifltlhlillltl $312010 Sir lo lsll and partake at HllKl Llecletl director of IIIt Ontario loud Iltititls Assocll Ald lrea residents considering the question ot legal anti power found If would cost about Sl00 per person year With to mile Midland refused fixed assessment by law toprovide an addition to the tire hallwas beaten by 330 major1 LETTEnsl to the minim IIIAT POLICE REPORT To the Editor Barrie Examiner Dear Sir Being surprised by the magnitude of the police rc cordings at Barrie for 1947 we write this letter in defence of our lotviifs morals Iieve it is not fair touan already lgood town to hire 1201 police lmnn If there have to be jobs ifound for men dont make them those adverse to our be avior Looking into the matter of the report we find that all of the transgressors to Barrie Motor vehicle infringe mnts seem to account for many of the misdemeanors Fifty years ago with from six to eightihous A11 season long from Ba rie Arenay through value on United States phone books the current Man and people living in Bun13 the 18 league games and seven pxayoffs the Storylhattan directory would yield about 845000 The big Igesr price reccnt Whos Who of the Flyers and their opposnion was car ried by Canadian Press wires to dailypapers and radiostations As the playoffS were MARKET BUILDING NOT INTENDED FOR FACTORY lSniiths Falls RecordNews reached the despatches increased in length rccorded number of police court Icases were between two and three hundred year whereas now about the same number month lis the usual Oftcr Chief King was alone on ditty The and we bc do not belongl latttlioraixdid the Soviet annex the llalkan states and by what authorl ltl dues II hold in thrall Poland liungiiry Western Germany and nniv Czechoslovakia and Finland In nothing of Northern Korea lilerc the people of the countries eonccrned consulted The Sovtct leaders should be the Her last to talk about consulting the people for they consult nobody llut themselves and their insatiable reed for dictatorship To them the lgittljilt are as cattle to be driven 75 lt if lit in fwniimiklmm kl land beasts ul burden to carry out gviu Wit ltiicir perpetual veyearplans for nor in Collinv litlitititt in lil hi fr ullltll there is no hope of reward iludgar Ianiieson Ie if this world or the next In the light of what has and is now happening in Eastern Europe trything we said about Hitler mmN 40 Years Ago Irom the files of lIIll BARRIE ADVANCE March 17 1898 Barrie Local Notes Morrison teachdr at Pains wick School for 10 years retired owing to impaired health He had locin teaching 28 years His inten Inon was to take up beekeeping CPR engineers were in Etown in connection with the pro posed CPR link from Kleinbuig passing through Barrie Vansickle building shingle mill at the 0nd of his sawmill at the head of the bay None of ihe three skating rinks laid 0111 on the bay waswaddividcnd produc er in the past winter Mine of Saturday market was the discrepancy in dairypruducc pri ces butter scarce at 24c lb and eggs plentiful at 1216c doz Dutton grocer taking out of thebay near Vansickles mill 300i cakes ofnice for outside parties The steamer Conqueror Iillct Fea 11Ixlsfga itll 100 101111 for words By notice but it also has highly ori Hillier til ll gt01 Mm human 18 or inemunna ganued and Imde nh Hummus prepared to seize political powerl in Every country in the worldt Fortunately We are now fullyl awake to the peril The people of the United States are not on Ihl sidelines this tune they are in thr arena and full of light and they have the atomic bomb That is the only thing that Stalin fears HE has rio fearof the United Nnw tions for his useot the veto ha rendered that body powerless to come to any decision or to told any action not endorsed by thr Soviet delegate IlIGll TIMBER LOSS More than 30000000 acres of United States forest land are burli ed annually throuin lightning and lhe carelessness of voodsmcn of Refuge Beeton George Scroggic of Barrie was fined $500 and costs for refusing to pay his fare in Toronto street car his theory being lno seat no fare iferes an example of the hcmy monthly bills Vespra Township Council had to meet Robt Carson work on Con $10 Dr Wallwin services In 1000 and 1897 $10 Thos Ilebden work 82 Robt Mc Gowan for services re Mrs 105 Wright and children $320 Brown Bros municipal cash book $840 express 30c Cm Tp trea surer paid $3940 fort61 sticks of cedar for bridge and culvert pur poses at East Oro Brentwood correspondent reported $3000 paid for cleaning out Mad river and still the flood persists and farms are innundated Cur tis engaged to teach Painswick School at $390 per annum lwith water and sank at her moor ings beside Mulcaster Sh wharf The owner was ordered to raise her immediately as She was rest ing on town sewer pipe $91 Arthurs company touring in Lady of Quality was Herbert For We BTAILISHE I399 Pension Endowment Plan For Ion IIrizliuminmtal Lift IIari Ion jur Iii its name hunters Il endows uu IItIi penInn III to millhe I1IIIIOI Ivlintliat it ruvrt itrscm urtil It crate an immcdintc htalr hull autmnarnalli pun Mr IIIIIIMIII Imamtum for IIIIM minus IIII your Miraneut it mnidrs Inn uitlra monthly IHIIHIH Inuith manila lump rum in ruIIIIIIIInrr Milkmen nths uut tiiiIIIIInIivv eini EMF you the greatest pIrJHITt This nunruieut IIllI plan is at it lie tlIIIi ElafIHI in Ifn earlier rah Hu wilful Inn iul the mom mkanlagums it In you by rm IlI your Ilmliumlal lilc IIIIIVaiitatne 1min III SLIIII and MI mitir you at tIiIIIIiIIIIi lle illSllllllltf HEAD OPHCE CIIIIPIIIY UKIIIIIO GRANT MAYOR 130 Doniop Street Bulim Purely Canadian Cuinpony RADIO REPAIRS PROMPT COURTEOUS EFFICIENT SERVICE Teds Radio Appliance TED OAKS 44 Essa Rd Allandale BepoirsOrioll Electrical HOusehOld Appliances Phone 3609 An Excellent Cough Medicine Dr Woods Norway Pine Syrup is It quickarul pleasant remedy for coughs colds sore throat spasmodic croup asthma and bronchial tmultles Pleasant tasting safe and effective Dr Wood Norway Pine Syrup hikes Iioltl almost instantly It helps to loosen the phlegm and mucus soothe the Ilfllltltll membranes ltirntiliite tho bronchial organs and clear the air passages Dr Woods Norway Pine Syrup has been popular lnlllllyvlllllly for nearly 50 years On sale at all drug counters The Mllburn 00 Limited Toronto Ont Farmers at Cookstowuhavc tap and jewelry have taken the place pcd their trees and report fine of books anti lightning rods Iivcryn weather for syrup making farmer needs hincsc vnll Patrons and wives enjoyed an around his plantation ster supper at the home of James Coutts Much square rock FIGHT ANtliR elm taken out of Loretto scction Billions of dollars were spent licenan sold his llacre during the warlu find ways to farm at Tottenham for $2800 kill and destroy Many millions Elmvalc correspondent writes The are needed to win the war against lcountry is lousy with agents Tea cancer amending Of old laws and new tier brother of Mrs Daniel Spry lilVVS lOWll bylaws ordersin Thos Tricker of the Wilkinson mill has resigned to take full lllld the interest 111 Barnes hockey team kept It is noted that the Town Council is planning to mounting NOth Flyers have the difficult renovate 03 Market Budding and turn it into objectiveof bringinghere the Memorial Cup last year won by St Michaels College They are no longer representing Barrie alone but all Southern Ontario and theirsupporters will be increased by the thousands as they anctxthe North in the firSt round Barricslbgs long been hockey conscious Fifty years agothere were good senior teams small industrial plant This may be all right providing that it does not prove detrimental to the Market tWe arenoi greatly impressed with the idea If the town legislators would expend money to improve 10 cal marketing facilities for the farmers of theSLlIV rounding district it would in our opinionbe money more wisely spent and would do imuch to make Eastern Ontario The RecordNewshos urged this for Eyears but our pleas have fallen upon deaf ears The Market Building was never intended for councilrtrgmejaws both for and Smiths Falls marketingcentre for this section of against us at the same moment butfbeing brave and determined we go on living in Beautiful Bar iie NELLIE RANKINSISSONS March 22 1948 TEXTILE WAGE RATES Average hourly wage rates paid in the primary textile industry in charge of Painswick mill for the proprietor Coulter ofjvmori onto Average attendance at local public schools for February was Central 340 West Ward 231 South Ward 193 East Ward 35 money required for salaries and casuals $866250 for year RoberIISprott of Toronto Dental Among the members of Miss Julia ing to the death of his sister Miss Adeline Sprott Ice boating here Junior hockeycame into the plcturelfactory Perhaps it has never been fully used fori Qanada are 60 cem higher locally over 40 years agoand there are many what it was intended With Smiths Falls goingl man Wage rates Dald by the millis people who still thrill to the explpitspf Steve Vair the Meeking boys Frank Foystfmxfof through period of permanent growth and expansion we feel that it is high time that some definite action try in the United Kingdom Correspondents are requested to lCoHege Was home few days ovT 0n bay ekcellent last two days Simone County Briefs James Craig of Barrie had con was taken to develop the local public market to that have their news in by Tuesdaylract f0rst0ne work at the House Minesing the Rams the Horsfields Grindfplane the town merits In its present condition or 777 Forrester Gren Caldwell and Others Barrie VitIFthegpievailing facilities there is little incentive gt Ifor farmersoigmarket gardeners in thsurrouuding 10115 mammiiopmegmmmammm in 1907 but lOSt invhewnc1al final Then for disposal direct todpcal citizens orvsummer resi 19 years later with Gordon Meeking as coachldlfems alting thle Riueau LakesTrue there is bit 30 mar et bed on Saturday mornings butzil is any the Barne colts came up Nth really gleth thing but credit to town of this size Perhapsrthe 9MTAI3IO team in 191718 almOSt all homebrewswand reasonfor the small patronage is not only onesided Afler Li iy they lost 103 twogoals in the finalstDwat the farmers are alittle APRIEI 1948 wnmmwou rememberthedastnmmm Yes the town certainly wants and needs new game mthe old Mammoth Rmkfat Barrie Lindustries1galsmadsmegis giggly to develop equrrea standing where CollregiateTSTnow located its local market accommodation The Retail Mer The Colts withTDmLXMooremin goal Tex chants Association shouldbeinterestcd in the mattcr gt YCS men agteOLibbysVDccpBr0wnedfBcan arc irrcsistibly nglll II II Ito blame too We druggist in Hamilton BabcBpgardis Art 45 55 190 BARBARA ANN iarktScotty Sutherland and Tony Dymenty 770 50 SunTmes acclaim which has been greetin came baCK from Torontodown three g0a153 Barbara AnnScott in twocontinents first Europe won here by one goal with two inches of Wat following her spectacular success in taking the er over theme but lost the Ontario junior worldand Olympic figure skating titles and now in title by just two goals on the mund Hockey North America where she is being welcomed back to her native Canada there comes great respon anspf that day Stouuy Clalmlhat theICOItSAsibiliiy Completely charming delightfully inferi WPIeLILhe better team but the water beatthem mat and possessedoi no little beauty to add Io her greatgrace it can be readily understoodiNhylh At Ehattlme an Jumor teams Inthe Ottawa miss basicaptivated her audiences wherever more in the same class Therg was nosuch she appeared Her latest triumph is at Toronto where thing tithe All QB ecu and series she notAOIily took the city byJtorrfn bestowing2i kissmpon that citys new Mayor but also receiv eda great ovation atthe OntarioLegislature White Dalton Meeking can captaingnowl ltgt eidazThl is it at Pieced it weird recess 10 con cvcr can toricalvtender erfecti 02 gorIodaygtButla1934theOHAIogivethe yi Championship in 1934735 the first provincial tltlebfor this town and there was juSt aslpeople through having seenher and witnessed the manner in which she received the acclaim bestowed heparin niche of Angelina heard last Saturday Smaller placsd lchancejinauguratd the Junior 13 series Barrie Cults wonidliait much excitement and enthusiasm around as we saw and Barbara Ann Scott 1135 asPrime Minister Macr kenzie King pointed out proven agreat Canadian Under The provisibns of Citing ambassador of good will Canadawillhave become much more realm many thousands of European upon her The fact that she has to date remained mmpleternnspoiledaf reflected creditr notionlry Ton herself and her Mother who is her constant tion Aci 1946 eeetiVe vApiiii in 1948 each rourist camp operator is rqinrd to scene Iicense IifO OiClerk whichmay be obtained upon application to the Municipal Clerk For imply pf the Regulations gt write to The DirectorDengopment Branch There are no hardbcans on top nOfclrysblrlsi thcinidd19i no softgjmushy beans at the bottom Every beariisias delectable itsreiiqwuniform in appareningriiaumgana rich decpbrOwnctI Slope Justlhcat and Serve Barrie wonLight OMHA Juvenile champ companion and to vvhom much of tie credit forfher Iohship twice in recent years in V194243 success is due but has also been great credit to Canada as natiOn vi 3303990 194546 The Dons Chm spon Those eyes whichlhavturnedto her in admiration tieamsand Hap EmmSWaSIheland adoration include hundreds of thousands of ch lCanadian y0ung people both boys and girls Her in 77 74 fluenc will be tremendous force in thelivesrof those Barrie has gain the high Dro youngapeoplp Not only willshe do much to popu notalhonor available in junior hockey Our iarize this great winter sport of skating if it needed 93 and best wishes dewith Hap and further boost but she will doevenmore to promote good clean sportsmanship and popularize the fine was as they go aim larger honors for frank qualities ofvymrth which are hers Barbara Ann eButwlri or losejlnthe Memorial Cull has shown that Shebantake her success with WMWWWoHuwwm lm Wanna we are satisfied with thetgrand steady head Ber acclaim has been such as to sevener mhmroi marine John Ross nah We charmi She has done himil II it xgsgrydJo bothasan alhfete and as youth PARLIAMENT IUILDINos ON ARTHUR WEISH Munroe IlEPAllTMENIllHRIIEl IIIiIIIII rout Mam Deputy MIAMI DEEprROWNEbBEANSE TOURIST some mucmou went Pro Match 31am AralIII Touch Mill is YOUR budat The Candin Auodl gran of Tom Ind Publicity 3min In pli cd min4