Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 22 Mar 1948, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT lt Eastern Ontario Editor Decrys Present Trend To Higher Education llanru Editor ut the Alnlonte inttic has one of the newspapers ll1 he 311 11l iK iflizil tillliiile lno doesnt drink 910 doesnt lllh illlkfS no mo es iys nliilllg into these EltgtI lg vezlaiicnt giant or Slll popular with large le lllii as stated lll tlifse 5H llave 4rolvn llpl older faster Irckly Ontario reputation of being forceful writer fixthe lllcttc publish town of All rnonte on the Mississippi was newspaper editor of the Barrie Examiner always taken an interest in the Gazette lr 111mm is generally elasle lnlleptndclll Conservative or believe Here is good example inlwi of his style iltl Wm that in the pretty present tl IllIII III lit ye lltlill the 111111 Ilull tl1i whitl Iln ltltll first know have taktn from the lplwplv itnil lPtT If ccllllltil ivWiHth more brutal til 11 Banmvmegor lil Shower of IltziilI tillllti II zxlml lv lltl ll 01 was pl lrlnyr itllt lliex pact lllllfltt1v lttlt1ttllll tlifllplllivltl 1Iztazli trl Iillllllllllll cllrtailcdl Ilenelmlv lf 1I tiovezlr llII oil5x went Muriel5 opotlllisll llaldy Ironovost llllitl lleilevlh Itl llHit Im iiitil verlil 31s ltlillfi and until the costs of ttlllr lIosIII laltlloli Isilaciioll lllrl IIIIIIIeIllIle1 at all lll llll high it would be necessary to lexlili to llllee taxes of such all Huh 1iliiltrxili HIHH lliiItl lttillf lllll juihJDlIli Wilson majorl Ilt iforll in pa them and keep lHlI illcl Illtll hezllls lrlnildalne Lilllll Ilch vr ellilltllli Ililx lint Ii the lllSltl lllltil tilll lillllitllll lspeli lll tillwli as 110 of Illlx pl Ilene Mfltll making ilioil 16 lieve has itillnll grants to 11 was lllLUltk ihe riltt tlslil lilolley chairiiiitll NICICU IS the overeducated have llill ltry zlllll there armliiilli 01 VUIIIIIII Who Is too proud to Itf1IlLIILp limdmg do ordinary work knows no trade or noel55mm Iantl has no plttfthSlOtl What we want he flls to feeliin Ontario are more good trades lonm fioilll at public llolllll new of in llil iiiWI Il ole disposed for loverlilnelli llle Illltzslit It to ttilllillillt reasons he Iiizllllltaltlalli iltlillbtll 111st by turning ol the printing presshillell of the revenue ialsed by government comes from Indirect llolllllll beverages race track ILti and gasoline are Ide good examples of what we mean lIitll are three of the most pioliill sources ll Slessor LICENSED AUCTIONEEII HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS FARM STOCK AND iMPLEMENTS Phone 2577 oftol of tlI the pocl tilli Ihal lulllellztl viill= ti ltl11gtl gt1 littlilildli to box 11135 gillil iI of lft ll this Iltilgtil Icllll ILlili So it Is pomlble that the Ilovill iovel lllltllls levelililzlllt lie Zac lilllllll Imi hand outs on trees llHl loInii1 matter with desperate sit io revenue These costlv gtlltlil services and grandiose lfrllb llai fads lit edllcaizonare all Wl Im the dwsnueulnled to Improve the standard 01 and the that lttl llltTI taxes llt Ill llill If lites or if it even 15 going to be just 11 that time were to come lose who now howl loudest against the llemoi Ram and the race track lgtlllll le Itlielr UlllIllll lllIIllgleil of III Ihave to tllll ilill ll1 llil lilstl bitter added eil most ls about taxation they would slated li the start education is great thing but under the present Ibroadeliing out policy it is costing staggering amount of money Cer IailllIlllally people have little sym Itiilllfv with this high school area ClilCillltllllSlS lpressing Hi all unwilling public The ltlollble is today that teachers and Isehool inspectors have too much to ISM about how the Department of Edlleatioii should be run Premier Drew might do well to remember program tllllt Barrie Wrrybftn Causes Loss Of Sleep Worry is probably tho most common cause of TEEIIFSRHCFllmhllxietics and fears all take their toll iof hours of restful sleep Such condition may eventually result in nerv ousness and irritability loss of appetite or fatigue If you suffer from nervous condition or rest lessnessgwliy not try Milbllrn llcnlth and Nerve Pills Thousands hmx found Milburus Health and Nerve Pills benecial as general tonic to help buildup the system and illushelp promotorrefrcshing rest and sleep Ask your druggist for Milburnn Health and Nerve Pills identied by the Red Heart on the box Tho ltiillilirn 00 Limited Toronto Ont Congratuatlons Hap and His alrFlyers Barrie 6Windsor lUIIA JR nunsism 148113 Barrie Arena March 201 WINDSOR SPITIIRIS hhltlfIISlty ItItllLc anilthIllJl Ill exact centre Larry WIISoill Wings Join Wilson altelrlates Olicllcize Lnlnc Taylor Illliscl Ilay Bert Glescbrcchi McKay IllAlllllIZ ILYERSGOIII Strach an defence Garlepy Long tcntre vtutir Wings MeNabnty Alli e1 ael11its titlarda St lltilf Aikln Barrett Reid Nlcger Iai Yell IIltlALS Ken litllllbl1ii Toronto Bill Morrison Oshawa IIRSl PERIOD WIndsorGlcebrcCht Itlllaw Windsor Taylor 11 WIndsorBLIcll 0263 ieIlaitIesMcKuy UIIiacIIllillg SECOND PERIOI 205 ll 1511111 It Hliltl what nameMolilm would happen Ollcilo were to of alcoholiclh 1lftl3 holse ltlll were out17 II the number of Inotorl Il Ilavero Reldl ll illeNzlbney Gllilltll 10 513i Barln Reid Mcger sz llellel 1243 lerrlewlxiiig St llerreHrlett1 18137 Penaltiesiesebreeht Qllzlckcll THIRD PERIOD In Barrie Gariepy Illailetl Longl 10 08 19 Ilalrle liong 13281 Penalties McNabncy Taylor Mousseau 11111101 and ImaI lllliil the most abject derelict in lul men like we used to have thirty or iforty years ago It is said dllringI the depression professional men were drlling taxi cabs in Toronto 111attime may come again Too much money is being spent on high er education on social SCIVICCs and on other new forms of uplift cab living but which ill the end may convert us into something ilklli tol peasantry Certainly inability to afford all automobile is not for ward step in our manner of living W15L THE BATTLE RIARGARINEE Huntingdon Gleaner During the past several veeks It will have been noticed that the various llarm forums and other farmers organizations have beenl DUSIIIV engaged lil discussing the question of whether the ban on the manufacture and sale of margarine in Canada should be lifted The Iresolutions sent in to the governI ment by these bodies have been to lthc effect that the ban should be taincd and if more butter is needed iiithis country that it be imported from New Zealand Soon this question will have to be fought out in Parliament and the members there feel that it will be very contentious matter when it Is discussed They fear it will cause split between the country and the city members Rural coni mulnitics being mostly composed of the farming population are 011 posed to the ban Ibcing lifted whilc city communities being mostly composed of manufacturing population feel that margarine should be available to them be Icause of the high price of butter The farmer feels that if margarine is manufactured and sold in Can ada that he will suffer through In slump in the sale of his own pro duct and that it will react unfav orany toward him Theropposing side feels thatthc introductionof margarine will not affect the farin er asthe supply of butter is still on the short side and will remain so for long time to cbmc They say that if it is necessary to import butter frOm New Zealand then the manufacture of margarine in this country will not only help the supply situation but give employ ment to more of our people thus keeping the money in Canada They also point out that margarine is made and sold in the States and that it does not appear to havc caused any undue suffering among the farming population there lt Butter Production TenPerCentLowcr I947 Production of butter in Ontario up to theIpreSeInt time is running about ten per cent lower than in 1947 says the summary of creamery instructors reportsissuedbyG Lackner Director of the Dairy Branch Towards the end of Feb ruary however there were indi cations that an increase in produc might be expected whe Don nsnnnn Harrismololsud 8889 81181118 freshcning season approaches The lack of qualied buttermakers is anwrimportant factor in holding down production but some cream cries report that they have been lccessful in securing the services of qualied makers during the month Butterfat pricesmoved up in semeI sections of Ontario in February Mr Lackner reports thatone creamery purchasedby milk condensing rm has discon ltinued the manufacture of butter and cheesewlmeannther plant hasbecnclosed up on account of its small make of butter The new llynbihlc dizzy gt Series60 Oldsmobile brings several noteworthy quality andvalue features to the popularprice held in 1948 In additiOn to pOSSessing numerous styling comfort and performance features foundin higherApriced models the Dynamic Segies 60 foi1948 well within reach the thrifty new TH BARRIE EXAMINER BARBIE ONTARIO CANADA st Waitin for Whistle Thousands Parade Honor Champions Continued from page one band for tthcelebralion and the lunch served the players and the musicians was also provided by the Town The Mayor made few brief remarks which helped to 90 liven the proceedings and from time to time individual players were hoisted in the air While they were unable to say very much the excitement and evident joyousness of their rcmarhsi brought down volumes of ap plause Team Captain Gariepy was all smiles lie wa lifted abovel the crow and ej culatcd iml veryha py we woof Paul Megcri was thnext one up but he wasl too overcome with excitement to speak Bruno Favcro started off faInl ously by saying its nice to haveI everybody here to cheer with us but his voicewas hoarse and when it broke off he got loud er applause thanIi most of thel others Mayor Grant Mayor rshoutcd We are planning big reception for the victors and Ray Garicpy added Wait until we win the Memorial Cup Evidently very pleased Trainer Harry Partridge held his hand aloft and said Twenty years ago played for Barrie and this was my ambition From time to time individual playerscould be seen pushing in to the telephone booth to teIcl Competition was mighty still in the corners Saturday nightat phone the good news to their laml Barrie Arena when Barrie Flycrs beat Windsor Spitfires 63 i05 Here four players jostle for the puck being held against the boards by the skate of Stan Long Others involved are Not all the players could Ibc found in the Olympia when the admirers were seeking out those Jim Hay 15 and Bert Giescbiccht 12 they would hoist aloftfor few WIN IUNIQ CHAMPIONSHIP Continued from page one until the final bell did they forget about hockey Falls tlirollgcll oil the ice to con grailll lie the boys and Coach flap lilillllb for their great achievement Within minute the ice was one large mass of black Seconds mIIl lites passed by before the Flyers could reach the dressing room Laughter Icliceriilg rejoicing was heard for hours Down in the Spitfire dressing room another picture presented self The picture of defeat and no doubt stood in their minds zls to which was the better team Kicking themselves for blowing threegoal lead bllt not taking any praise away from Barrie Windsor remarked they were indeed worthy champions Coach Jimmy Skinner replied to question that the hand writing was on the wall He knew it despite Bert Gicscbrechts score at 205 and when Jack Taylor turned the tables Ion power play by breaking in alone on Strachan He sensed the feeling despite Eddie Buschs solo flight to Strachan all in the firstl period Jimmy said that feeling of his told him Windsor Would neverlgat mom There would have bee Iflve or Six thousand at Saturdays game if they had been able to get Itiekcts or even standing reom uous three steps away The nortthIl talldlng mom Inimkets were cast and west must be conqueredbd advancer one at the door and it should be interesting to seal how other clubswill show againstm to up at the dc dnor see another game Now Barrie are reaching for the horizon which is short but stren Barris fighting spirit ALL 17 WERE FLYERS Not 13 players won the game but 17 Flyers Hap Emms the execu tive and the many fans thatbacked preferred 5pm along the rail their club to the limit whether the It was long Walthas the game chips were down not Sure doubt did not start until nlnc oclock to will lie in their minds whenBarrie accommodate the merChantS 3061 was oil the short end of the scoreStore Clerkiv many 0f 107th have but they continued to give the vic been 58350040118 SUBSCIleIS to tory yell Something which was Seat lacking on Windsors side There were no individual stars of the game Reid Mcger and Fav gt77 II cm were in the thick of the excite IAlgonquin Stury by Audrey ment as usual St Pierre Barrett Saunders is vnewrbookr of espe and Rusty Aikih worked as one cial interest to those illho love the With Aikin skating miles afteilthe outobdoorsV particularly those 171le Mid no ShOWing mark 0f who are familiar with Algonquin pain on his face The initial park line is the line that had the dirty work to do and they did it well Ray Mayer checked Gord Haidy so that Haidy become useless lllarrie llyels have become much At one am Johnny Elliott play sharpcr We believe both ideasle the National Anthem as cor Illlost bf thcs people had stand cal survey dealing with Ontarios words Ray Mayer and Sid Mcv BARBIE PL as SATURDAY GAME 1111101251 l1itt3f Rusty Aikins comment was Its really an honor to be on an OHA championship team and Continued from page one Gilly St Pierre pleased the crowd games Or could it have been thctevcry daywhowants hat ilowcwr its il good thing the net solo and the celebrating was Detroit Wings called up Terry officially brought to close Sawcliuck from Windsor arid sent halfhour later the main him to Omaha as goalie Saw streets were again quiet and the chuck was undoubtedly the class moon Shone down brightly of the Junior group almost too town that was happily resting af good ill fact Since he left Wind 101 Celebrating great victorY sor the 18yearold Winnipeg boy has been the allstar goalie of the United States League While PIOWIng Match for lvan Wallilslcyv did wonderful The Commonwealth job ill the nets for Windsor he is no Sawchuek was Brtaln Barrie roolers were on hand Umtod ngflom farmers Cm from far awayBud Kashncr all ml pnzes plowing mamh the way from HornepayncBruce agamSt 109 0f canidan cham Reynolds down from Sudbury Plons held Yorksmre January Bill Miles from Detroit 30 There were Classgs Roth for tractor and for horse plowmg The Those who suffered most from manager Of the canadlan party Thursday to Saturday inclusive PmSldenI 0f the ontario Plow President Charlie Christie and Secretary Archie Marshall of the Flyerswtrying to satisfy all those DISTRESS IAslle Sleeps who wanted tickets butcouldnt Panalratos tStimulates dun Into bron cheslnndbacksur chici tulm with local IlIIc Immi cpaclaicooihina inmaomtortln modiclnll 9013 909109 This effectivospeclal pene tratingstimulating action workstor hours during the 1118111 to relieve distressof colds while your little one sleeps Results are so good ottcnbymomingmostmlsery of the cold is 9388187 1231 By 430 however some people be the or no and by six oclock there was lineup ncarly block long mg room tickets and wanted to get no you LOVE run 907 or DOORS Packed with detail and care fully researched this is an histori be8tknown provincial park fit IMonsseau and Sid McNab ney caried the twpman offensive of more attack while Mayer Was sociable with Haidy but when Ray opened up on the offensive things staffed oppingJarriesdefeneewfRa down the Windsor attackers Gil Mayer and Barries own Jimmy Strachan were the unbeatable net minders for thescries and once again have proven thattheyware tepsinmheleague Don Ashbce who was used for two games Bbb Bingley and George Ford perhaps didnt wear the sweat ers to any great extent but Were on hand in case of injuries and their The book has ve reproductions in color from the paintings of the ate HimTh Garlepy Cthle Guarda and Stan omson Who was ac Long has never played as brilliant ly as they have inrthisseries and descpuchuch credit for slowing Lkihillustrated with numr erous halftones and maps of the lpark The volume is clothbound fromthe Department of Lands and ontoat price of $200 565 PlziseZ d6i1tforget Harry Partridge who bleeds bar rels of tears minutefor the boys Behind theiscenes maybe buthe knows what team has or hasnt car buyer according to General Motors The powerful 100 hp sixcylinder engine is available in this Series Also avallabl as optional equipment is General Motors HydrarMatic Drive providing fully auto matic shifting in all forward speeds Oldsmobile marks its 50th anniversary this year races origin of the wilderness area than 2700 square miles HOUSE OF HITS CONGRATULATIONS TO HAP EMMS AND HIS PLYERS FOR GRAND AND GLORIOUS ACHIEVEMENT Starls Monday Playing Entire Week wunm soon In 0119 111191 1108 BARBARA ANN SCOTT IN THE MAKING Eve Shaws 655 and PM ROXY FIRST WITH THE BEST IN BARRIE mens Associa spoke of how delighted they have been with the said Ihclc is no mis taking thc good this kind of thing does These boys are going to takcI may make return visit to Call lnlNlll game Windsor lift not look by waving one of his hats and back with them grand impression nearly as sharp as in league adding This dOCSUI 01an the Old comm Everything doing job of work and getting to know their opposite numbers 111 hoped that thc United King ddm champions in these matches mp ada In the autumn to take part International Plowing they have seen has delighted them Matches at Toronto and they are going to talk about it when they get back home This is the way for our countries to gel togetherthis exchange $7500 will be needed for school education in Alliston $1000 more than in 1947 this car men ONT 3400 Minus REARCHING LARGEST STOCK 0F GENUINE REPLACEMENT SPRINGS AND BEST EQUIPPED SPRING SHOP NORTH OF TORONTO COMPLETE STOCK OF ALL SPRING ACCESSORIES BARRII SPRING 811117101 IZIBcryfield St PHONE DAY ON NIGHT REPAIRING drri Ont WI TV SPECIAL FARE AND ONETHIRD FOR THE ROUND TRIP G0 Any fichHURSDAXLMItCh 2539 mi 1ncludiz2PMi MONDAY Much 29 RETURN Leave destination not lulu din 12 midnight Tuesdly Much 30 mefmv back to theirdays of Champlain dentally drowned in Algonquin and boxed and may be seamed Forests Parliament Bldgs Tor trainer lift fast reliable serv10e 79911091166818 Prowl AIIEIIIIIIII OUR REPRESENTATIVE 7van CALL With the addition of new modern work ingIquarterSandtbe doiiveryjof modern printlngegnlprnent including new II Ringo hutpiniitlc Printingkrniss The Examiner commercial printing de partment is now in position to give Before 1188833901113 neitt printing or der done lctus quoteyou on It 110 extra charge of charge ll yv tutr Our representative willbeladtdassist you with design and layout servi ce at Our commercial IllustrationService is stomers free atthc 1139053494 11 Nimnnnxynnilcan FAST AUTOMATIC ransom 111811838010Examiner

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