Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 22 Mar 1948, p. 7

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MONDAY MARCH 1948 MIDGET 1111111111 111111 51133 rum insurer 74 Fly rs look home and Banzdm e1 1c Jllfl 11in 31 t1r1 11111 lhurrtlay lit whttt the tIZHlEtldiuere clunaiated and Add ilflHmPlCatzIaiIIie the Bari iv in the curtaail llatie liter home llluii 15111 Ti Ittota lilltll LNIHS 31111 Iltnliedill EVERYBODYSV BUSINESS IeilVly liveryonc wants be popu lar llot many of us make the mistake of thinking that popularity depends on hav ing an attractive smile an enthusiastic manner and the ability to be good mixer While these things help not one of them is as impot taut as being dependable MititIInrly in doing what 3141 my you will 11 When people know that they can depend on you it makes them feel secure They think of you as real friend to whom they can turn for help So naturally they will like you better in your job especially dependability pays 80 among all the people you deal with in your work try to build it reputation for dependability Accept more responsibilities At home too you can cultivate dependability in matters thatcontribute to the familys welfare As you become known as person whose word is as good as his bond you will find many people waiting to give you warmer welcomel Millions of Canadians know that they cnn depend conb dently on their contracts with life insurance com paniescontracts which pro vide nancial protection in emergencies and retirement allowances for comfortable oldage W3 67 lAurom Flyus Jr calf it the but lost on the round the sriiipfiiads 1211 eii1 for home two pii1lr1n vllltlltil1lt and 11111 tie1 111 brunt of the inalgcl 211 119 1s game In 1531111gt1ll iii 11 11 tioiiie on it me 111 Saiutday 11 scored the pii iod 111d i1 llgt 1441 ll 1m 111 lvltllJllll pt ilzil11ts 11f Apima stintv1 1111 111 Ull 11 Ft two assists lI Poland picked up lllltt it itzixbl tttt iiItt Walton wet the Milo Ina ltsnttil in lfcllqlltdt lttllitrett 11111 lltv 1121 Ittn1151t111iizitithigiizsi 111 when lCItie Sliectlitt yroitil Ht pass from litti laitilizhni 11 than lwti minutes later l11l11111ltl 1nd ltllofltl lllllllifl to cup 1111 ltrtlii litltiltf ltlt tt oil utilitt Midland tlatl hatil but mucus to tl 111 lted 1111111 tt 12111 was fiIie 19 71 l1 lhl 11 the iltrit trii boards iiiiltook on 111 troet earl 111 the situftli I11 1111 11 ii 11111 tll ou iL Wt pELiyers ictainaiit to nae fold ilhc the two more ycuis Jun Hay has two ain thulch Fciiiand llouie Earl lreLi Jitlf 1111l ttxi 111 playoff Htraenaii WINDSUR SillilltlIS will be In trim1 bid for UHA championship honors u1tl3 til lnv inliil sweaters UHLt lastbrunt and Marcel trotzovost litifrli Utilisnould be tough crew to stop unit set me Jimmy Uniae Max Quacktlll flu llctl iord llaioy Eddie Busch nity sub netunnuei An anteeewng 11it all little ltfttlktlnil Qtttlltlllti eie forwards up to tins year lltklfltlii FLYlCltS lore 111110 ti and captain llay tiaticpy hotli 111i only boys who were 1111 the lost ei lltltkl in 111 season of HHSMl Defunct ili ore age by next season as will forwaia it the 31111 liner fit but early plmw Ru Am Burn 13111111 litrlJlll heie 1111playMay Md EH am my by quI My tlItsc boys Will grt pro tryouts with 131131111 who Detroit prtuerty Still eligtble fos dim ills fling 111 if fm ll mu muml Allltl Stan LongI iil Mayer Bob Biliglv ll fhl it 11111txii t1 1111111 and Han limiusi nd 111 solo effort blunt then to 1111 mm WW Mh Wot 1V W1 tying mum5 11 your 1M 1111 property ot bad nucluus to start ltlbs played tlosvtlieckiutz llttllt content to wan for the breaks Vllll llAlllllll 111NS ran into the toughest ole 1111111131121 when they one minute and 10 seconds rein 111 Ltrl St tatharines Lions In the Ontario 711111 1i 1115 letl furrett put llarrii in 1111 Inilc sentfinals 1h totals Inst 1111 it out it 101 0r ff mm Hm NH WU games by scores ol 12I at St Kitts 11111 ft it Harrie 111 week when he took pass from Hill 121 alumInes has dominated the provuieiiii 1111111111 beat netmuidei letl lknit lhe iarden Ity minor hockey orgnnixatmzi lluclloualtl made it two up 210 sec and 1111 been paying 1111 each season With 21111111111 club 111 the liiiitani ouds later with Poland assisting With Iiiiidget and Juvenile tries llamilton came back slrone 111 111m ibwws fur UN Jumw TH 11W mm mm mm My li lnes liv more no on the waynv liiid and lgt by l1utin1n 11111 IN Ht Andy Fedill made the score 313 1W lllll1 lJlllfl We played for lce 111 111 1oii fore four minutes had been complet Kmpenleldt 7W ell Sl AZIllAlllNlCS LIONS are this bit1 Into the from ltiitHfl Again it was Danny lolaud who Kitchener and we have no doubt they broke the deadlock and this time W015 SWLd film PM Thursday night March 11w1s the end John Walton and Poland loomed swan vimIL 5111M made it three up during the lateE Kelly Signals officer and Pt If 131195 Ul the Wine Mctabc had bang up class oi JIvad upto lec llecs We believe tlieywonidd ivvnl am lIInioi 111111 BARR Gm Synnmi icymom signals The new recruits ltilssal 111 the HM this year and all but tSlltl 111117l1ualIt tiuior ll Division are taking Semaphorel signalling wuhilaps and the olti adets use keys and study the Pearsall Elson centre Poland wings MacDonald limms iltcrA luatcs Sexton Garrett Walton Mc UMP Udu uth will WCMW Cllllmgh 130mm IslMK ML qualifyingexaiiimatiou at HMCS Child York Toronto and the successful HRMIITON OWL llan 19 cadets will be awarded Signal fcIice llbwell llrown centre Rossl 1111 Badge and certificate of wings Creenlee Backborrow alter 1olicic11cy nates Iedak 11ufman Shewchuck mm mmunu ranges with Mlllphyi MCIMIQL Sllilw Lieut Peterson in charge is mite OFFICIALS Cec Cook Barrie surprising Some of the newre League of Canada had two films 1320lor the evening The first on llsw1muung totalificationird cIass lee mm lSWllllliljdS bLlilgllhtUSC whoictitild swmi varts ret 1nrelt ur SECOND PERIOD flier instruction 2nd hiass being Hamilton BlCliUlIlw thosc who can take care of them RUSS 640 selves and first class those who Barrie Poland 7112 could help others The second lilni Barrie Garrett 1E 1850 on the care of Binoculars was also Barrie MacDonald tPolandI Penalties Sexton Muip llL lsoiii Barrie MacDonald louitc interesting 1130de 1930 Plans are being prepared to or Penalty Fraleigh lganize immediately Senior Crew THIRD pERIOD in Junior Crew and four Divisional Hamilton Laufiiian 304 Crews It cuuerwom CPO Mc Hamilton Fedak Drummond and LS Medou will arrf Pomnd Jimcm 30 likely be some of the Senior Crew 10 33 wamm Cadets Ferguson KempVcitch MaCDonaId 14 ripps will start the Junior Crew 11 Bafe Poland lwith severalother likely prospects MaCDonald 1822 The cutters are being repaired and Penalties Pearsall Poland Pedant111 he shipshupi within the next two weeks It is hoped toghavc 111 should not feel disgraced Bruce Reid Hamilton eruits are doing very well Ancw FIRST pERIOD Iookie Bob Dunn chalked 11p Hamiltonshewchuk 93 score to head the list lLaufmani 1150 llitlllmim Rowe 01 the Navy 1110111 for this St Kitts 356 Cabc PO Lemon PO Kulish LSI them in the water early in April SLicut Harris has the Bugle Band of over 30 members coming right along Former Drummer Hant has returned and with P0 Hamiltons buglers making pro gressiwitiis hgpcidseveral route marches will be held in the near future It is expected the rst will the next Thursday weather permit players BunHill Joe Hill Bobb StandardrTirne To Iioronto 655 am 105 pm 330 pm to Gravenhursti toOrllIia onlySt Sun H01 To Owen Sound 1040 am 410 pm b1010 pm except Sun 17101 except Sat Sumo Hol PITtins CONN 700 pm 940 4233111 ECTIONSIATVTORONTOT ForrMontrulrOttawq qnuwnetrqiia RVFABESARELOW Round Trip quIncluded QUEBEC 2775ff11gtnar+=59ttsi STIIOHN 4485 CALEEARY 7950 musts autiaurom Iron in Barrio In Tunisia Phone 3162 73 CollierStreet 0050ng GRA itingBjlLllc13ridc has becnrassist ingwith the druntsand they are really makingprogress LicutHarveyJones is kept very busy outtting new recruits and requests that any cadet who is not attending parades to return his kit limediatcly challenge has been received from Collingwood to play basketball gameand it is expect ed that Sports Officer SLieut Bob Hodges Willhave game ar ranng for early in April gt Campwealosing date wilfbe an nounCed shortlyThatdseveryone hoping to attend campas cadets must he enlisted before the cl ng or they will not be eligible for this years camp as they must have certain ainountgof training lt3 rnrias T0 SENIOR BOXLA PeteibOro intends to play Senior Armstrong and sponsoredcb 1111111 experience and stiekhandllngI alnlItI tor the locals bout half of last seasons champion team 1111 at tumult the other basinf BARllllC JUVENILES made fair Iiioiieli showing and the 1111 After all they 1Ie 11111111 the best team 111 these parts and they trimmed Owen Sound and tishavsa 111 the playoils Had they been drawn against Kitchener instead ot st would have reachcd the final round The main difficulty here is that Barrie being over 10000 population and 11m Inst tvice previously were inovedup to the el Catharines for lnSlilnCtU has population of 113001 County the locals were grouped for playing purposes with teams from Midland Orillia Collingwood Penetang and lilmvale They nevur lid get around to meeting the latter trio of clubs but they overwhelmed liviidland and Orillia in exhibition games The boysdid not get an opposition to sharpen them up not even from Owen Sound in the first round playdowns It was not until they 111t Oshawa that they en countered strong juvenile talent but thiat still wasnt enough to condition powerhouse Who had been sharpened up by beating Junior and teams around the Niagara area COACH CEC COOK of the Barrie Lions will have six regulars Still eligible for next season when they can make another try for the title They are Lloyd Pearsall Dan Poland Dan MacDonald Bill flagan E111 Ball and Keith Micks And there will be some good talent coming up from the strong Barrie Midget team will be over age Goalie Tom Kirk defenceuien Carl luuims Timminsz forwards Cli McArthur Paul Arnott Walter Longs OConnor and Cam Stewart There is nucleus of good Junior team it is to be hoped some group will take them chr and carry on because the gap is too wide between Juyei Junior team here again and some way them public support For time there was no grouping district but now it looks as if there will be ptntor entries from Coiling wood and Midland atlcast while Owen Sound always has team Collingwood with championship Juv ripe for moving up to Junior next so are in Junior this year Wlll likely be around 1tha stroi CaptNormanM Is Won AiBarrie rink skipped Ally Han7 Landry vaMSviceskipalong Walke Close with Howard Draper lead and Herman Osborn second won the Capt Norman McKay Memorial Trophy at the annual bonspiel of On the opening day Monday the Barrie quartct lost in the first round of the primary event to Bob Kerrs Mentord rink That was the only loss the bonspiel tor Armstrong Moving intothe McKay event vArmstrong defeated Crawford of Wingham 735 this season in the 611th ro crosse Association Reports have it the Petesbaye approached Oriltia Burrell and Terry Gordon to move Orillia plans are indefinite but 111113 1y to remainSenior 77 47 77 tgt W7 To 11911th TEATRAFFIC 131603135 1040 am 750 pm TransCanada Air Lines CBFTIEd X1125 1005 26601 passengers in Jan11arywcom 410vgm 145 pared to 28728 in December Ex 341633 pounds during the Christ mas season to 131460pounds in the rst month of this year Airmail gures showed January pounda age of 281179 as compared tel473 710 the previous month INSULATION land TILE IFLQORINGz To Pnetqng 11104011 750 pm 125 pm g1010 pm 410 pm Sun H01 exceptrsati sat Sun 301 Insulatiefyour home for comfort by thclmodern WINNIPEG $4820 sundown 20 to 30 AVE Have your noor CHECKED for rteroofing or for repairs by bonded roofer iiiBeautiful FLOOR frILp for home or place of bust1 ness For Information Phone EARLLYONS 3itiiii press traffic also fell off fromij Long Micks Me Wild round Barrie took the nod over Milson of Brampton by 98 Third round 011 Tuesday found Barrie detmting Rev Caslor of Grand Valley 98 Two close calls for the Arm strongLondry forces ednesday found the Barrie entry in the semifinals and it was St Kitts 9vBorrie QMHA JUV SEMIFINALS tBarric Arena March BARBIE LIONS Goal Kan Idefence Pearsall Emms centre Poland wings MacDonald Hagan alternates Ball Stewart Arnott Arthur OConnor ST CATHARINES LIONS Goal iDouglns defence Brown OBrien centre Hotiman wings McNulty Hearn alternates MeloniMIlli gan Switzer Teal Coons South on Toepta Referee Bruce Holt Midlandr tnesman John Dobson Barrie FIRST PERIOD St Kitts McNulty ltHotmant 2St KittsHotrpan 1041 St Kitts Teal Meloni 1435 Penalties OBrien Ball Emms SECONDLPEVRIOD St KittstOIIeam 318 5St Kitts Hoffman Beginn 938 Hagan WYaha St Kitts McNulty Hotman 1535 Barrie McArthur Long 1948 Penalties Hagan major Milli 753 epta Milligan THIRD PERIOD Barrie McArthur MacDonald 104 10 St Kitts Holman OIlearn 617 11 St Kitts Meloni 040 12 St Kitts Switzer Teal 1451 13 Barrie McArthur f1755 14 Barrie Pearsall Emms 1937 Penalties Emma OBrien Correspondents are requested to have their news in by Tuesday noon possible lE ONTARIO 31811 BARRlEFXTMW 5m 9m sew NTAMS BOW 0U T0 ST CATHERINES 117 ON ROUND Harrie debut ndrrgartcn tnizid Arena 11y Lan Illtlliifld 111 Fall pmvcshg lIL new and r11t1p1ei a1 31 vitltll SPT ANGLES lirtt 1113 tultle ilrz Jv 511 llttidop tlt fittvd 2111s Ba 11min writ1 Will IiltLi uluM fought hqu did for illLilllt incl oscitoiuc The dirt 511 tiltC gnu 1r EL 11 Catliaiines Llilnal bl lead 111 the tits period 11111 ihandersmi mam tliioiigli lloweJiI beautiful counted tbllltlifltli ltttl up at fill of the lititilqil Mont11mm iiliI 1w Wilson thig linker gm and Brae Ilnitistn LiLlsl4 ilttil Good Luck Barrie gt1 old 1111 skating 1310 gtlloi lllitI lflllitl lsoil lilvJll Hill ll 1111 11 gttUl1 tliziil 1gts11111i ititiltitii tltb All ii iiittLti tel ltlic TN and When John haunted by MW 11 titty llax tiefcticwniaii Batitt Mar l1ii ati1f Elllvt1 ttiiiilii1ctl Rolwttsoii again kliullnl toniplete the scoiiiig 1511111 111111 tltl Irnits Il lm 1I lii ll Slitll llalpli tll eboai tl Ken Iall kitiian 111111 11141 in llllttii gt llltr 11 ill ti11l1 will also lll llrtiiio ltt5f Moorsw 11 1lit lt 1111111 11161111111 kindly llli ittitil fut their stioiig 111111111 tltllli ltltli 11 gt1 carry yuit advancing tn llitii 111iIoii 1113 been tried 11 elnunated al1s tlitt ittltl lltl bunk lune lltltl litl Xsft ie ttlJl ItI titl lr1i Vlt Nut 11 fll1v1 111 iii1111 llar of one H1 The 1le11 tlitl will 1111 llaiitaih lLtlll to 111 llllllt l11 11119 111111 liottt lltJlllW 11tiIliult 1111 hopping the sr tAlllAlthlIS ioal Iltlttitr ttllljft pirlttii for 131 luluwiu ltubeilstni lltngoslowskz llicliiuotitl attritiat tillrieu holyY iAltltlh lliiliiIlstill writes lleid 1Htl 1111 uotiie 11111 Roberls Icsiitp llI anift Miiiiiil Swain Maximll ittitl tZIiithson 111mg iltllltt lILninous liapnell Christie ftltllt1v1S 5111 11 This year it traumetl ev111l Loom defttie centre Hale tllcii Kthd lii1 1111 tell tr totitilr ot Stan tiles ti11 IlILIinpionanp and also the allOntario honors which they on 111 cat 11111 1111111 fast vuelllitilanced club with cleve 1=t111111l1r Kills had too lltc ltit tlitt MtAtllitll Mocha St atharines itlRSl llilllt lltlllltlllilei leualtits Markarkm SECOND lllllltil Sanderson Robertson tllogoslowski llicliniontlt 11til No penalties llllRl PERIOD lxittsrwBogoslowski Robertsoui JilllVlIlilkl Kittsritlarkarian tSwainI Penalty Baldwiu 11 ill 1111111 Jlubellsoti tllltt 132 359 I3 llarrio 1135321 its 11m Iltillt Rl Ilt1l 111 likely iiiii tli ll tiltiberlsoiit In the Juvenile title with the llltS Suncoe ilORlAGE RAILWAY DUTY lORTYFOUR YEARS LAKE 01 SAYSREPLACED The two smalpcngines have been doing service 111 trans Portage Rail way near Huntsville for the past iortytotir years have been sold Two new engines have been pur chased in Nova Scotia and will be on duty this Summer The present engines were pur chased from the late Booth of Ottawa when the Portage Rail way was opened for traffic iii 1904 been continuously service from that time to the pre sent lhcprcsent engines were built used by the Booth Company for severalyears around thisI before being brought to Lake of Bays They have transported many thousands of passengers and huge quantities of freight over the Por 2150111md Midland Huskies who page Since commissioned 44 yoars ago replacing stage service ljNGINEs WERE WILLING mi room llll rmvuosz which portation over Next season the following Lloyd Lou They have HAROLD HILL Chrysler PlymOuth Fargo 55 ELIZABETH ST tile and Junior Wenced 1360 and were will have to be found to get enile team this year should be BARBIE 1g club CKayTropliyi Armstrong Rink another close game 1011 before came of Chalswo7777 marked rottnd before large crowd who There were 42 rinks en te1ed Armstrong met Dornau of lhe Grey Curling Club Owen Allenford and won the cup 1065 Sound last week They were the Barrie led all through the game 0011 Fink from Baffle euteIEd but the margin was never too coin The same foursome won the major award the Owen Sound MotOI Trophy last year The McKay Trophy is the secondary event Boss Armstrong over play final 111311111011 11011 111 cmzzq watched fortable as Dornan kept Lip steudv chtermined curlers received blankets in addi tion to the trophy curling The llllLv Utiringhllllg Ottawa will pay back this tremendous total to individual Canadians in the form of refunds on 19312 Income Tax Compulsory Savings and as cash for War TCHE Savings Certicates maturing during the year Some of thrsmor icy rayon N2 EXTRA MONEYjs always useful and in homes gcross Canada these payments will be welcomed as ValulIlEtlTlTlllltTSfhmmne But the catch is that this additional spending powcc if transr Wu lated into immediate buying wouldalmmt certainly drive present prices still higher and increase your ogvn cost of living Itjs Ltberefore arise if your budget permits to lefer7011r pending putting the money instead into the purchase of addi tional CANADA SAVINGS BONDS Never forget the money you hth coming to you as Tnx Refund or asltheplroceevds fromWarSavingsICertificates is the frilltbfwyour wartime Saying effort It representsia ciish asset ofthinktwicbeforeyau spending CCanada Sayings Bonds can ipurdhased the counter at only brunch of The Royal Brink of Canada You can buy them soulrightfor cash orif you wishLts the proceeds of your gvcrns Inept cheque as downpayment fonbondstodie paid forby idolahnentthepxocedpre 13311111111121131 itselfD acne will look oftornllkttails for you You can painflitho wood ijnzTi ovoro NtlyililVAMEt for only Price $590 work in tho itrmbitnnob 99 kitchen With gan tmajoriBaIi 2Emms To SYoull never be sorry you saved at 211011411 new bitAN SMITH Poona 4492

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