Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 22 Mar 1948, p. 5

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MONDAY MARCH 22 1948 THY BARRIE EXAMINER BA iiIlf ONTARIO CANADA 100 Dairy Farmers Attend Meeting Re lArtiticial Breeding Approxmutiel lb daily ftlrii ers Were iii attendantl iiiecl log ilcltl at Stroad in March i7 tinder thr auspices of the liltiplc Iilllt nltltlela li Uk2iilll Hal Old Itubelhdfl till ctor tor Sinicot County was chairman Several leprtsentatlves of the ittrilllllill tixik pull in llii program illLltltl int Dr Iltitl the ltiIlllltltllrIIlIIl charge of the Maple Uni encouraging iltmlts yveie present ed on the prowlrs liliitlt to late in connection Wltil tlii artifictal breeding of dairy cattle Tilt Maple unit was set up little over three years new and was designed to serve the breeders of York otllily only Dunn liliii Sini etit County Joined up and there are now seven counties SlitlilllL in the project In addition to the president Mr Keller Mrs lorier the iceplesi dent and Mrs McDonald see treas tliret agricultural represen II tatives took part in the meeting namely ockburir of York Connty Page of North Sini coe and Iisliley of South II SilllLUt Iack IIIlIlgllOs of Stroud i5 the local lechntcran and his work ll lv ct innien ltd not only Illlll1Rltl but by the 80 meni bers in Sinicoe County He is do ing an excellent job and is rated it by the association as being the most efficient of the several tech HERE is lS MAW li JIlNliSING eontplet The purchase part at shipment of 30000 nlcitlnS on the stall Waller Lloyd hit his purchase of seed from the warehouse lbs of lovermtielil standard No clover seed of Bradford Harry torsion of of Siliicoe District CtrOperative Services Mr valued at $12000 This seed was received from glIriImiuIl2d IISZIIISIIRZ23333 II Maw is one of Sinicoe Countys leadingr seed tile United Itllllllls otiOlicltttlvc Company Snmm The in respon growers and is preparing for advance seeding ioronto Smith Studio Photo sible for extending the program vltmMA lnlo other communities II MiI MORE EFFICIENT EATER New ie oil burner iiiav heat yr Barrie Flyrs Street postal delivery in Mid JIMMY SlltAtlIlAN Sincere Congratulations on their Spectacular Triumph 40 DUNLOP ST BARBIE Decided improvements inlnecessary TMmMI BARRIE MRS the number of street name signs land will not be started until erectedfand almote cectivcplow houses and business places have installed proper mail slots oritate the dc boxes ing of sidewalks in winter to facili livery of mail is also Mrs Moore who is staying Iwitli llil sister Mrs It Gallagher IIin llayvleiv Apts Dunlop SLI has itccently received letter tdalcd iMarcll it from llCl daughter Mrs ltMujtill Mildred litlicroc of the Salvation Army Staff at Anchorage 1Alaslta In part it reads as follows There hastbecn lot of sickness here This building was certainly in ilht midst of it all Meir sick upstairs linen sick down stairs and men icouglllllu everywhere believe ltold you that we were crowded Eeveiy night Twentyfive men is lvery full house Downstairs mosth ion the floor There wasnt even bed for Deafic 1A young helper liifflictedi downstairs SOllC has been slccpllilz with David upstairs Ilurilie my illness the folks got Iioli fairly well with Dcafies lmlpflle was particularly strong Oil stews and liaslles Llieaid him explaining to lhlax one day that this was special slewzkliown is Grizzlcy Bear hash Illie others all had the some out zlalidisli names bllt mostly contained Ilhe salne ingredients gave you some details last week icorlccrtiilitt the Fur Rendezvous which has just closed Really it was one gamble from beginning to end lling The youngstershad rides on Letter From Alaska the hltitist2tiostl Ilease yit its titilllt We are to Licl new llllllllt rent 2f possible to itIle folt of the men and get liicnltiul of the baseliiint lint we are not having any additional help sent from llczidtilialtersI but must find our own Iiclp locally There is IllllltllllL next door which we arcI tryingr to negotiate for with llcadI quarters It is $1000 month rciitl or 300000 if we bought it Sistyl thousand tlollarsi Im sure it Ktllllfl pay for itself but whether llQIi would allow it or ltot do lint know The only other alternative which seems to he opeli to its is to get qtlonset lllltan old military buildj inc shaped like ti barrel set till the around This would hold thirty beds but would not be ideal lhei city building inspector is objecting though the council has given us periiilssion fora period of two years Incidentally we have had lot of publicin over it This has not hurt bit The town really believes we are doing the job now Alld My word we met We continue to get quantities of1 food and clothing sent in Tolay more than fivc pounds of bacon eighteen loaves of bread twelve llickcts and luckyiickets for every dDZCllIbUlls ten quarts of jam five that it may continue without cur llbs syrup etc IYOU DONT HAVEgTO The Fcbrtiary Memorandum for iindustrialExecutives issued by the entitled Maw and Manners and recommends thcrcading of that ladrlrcss periodically The organ lzaiion has published this in pain phlet form and it is available on application to theofficc 600 Bay Street Toronto Lord Moultons iaddress was built around his flash iof insight that Obedience to thc Uncnforciblc is the great unwrit lias saidin that address the obe dience is the obedience of man to that which he cannot be forced to obey He is the enforcer of the law upon himself This address gtis recommended reading for any one interested in practical accidentl prevention Work nitUNo FAVEItO POST OFFICE socialite off The Billtie Examiner ten law in any democracy As be men or sAIiELY The educational safety bulletins of the Industrial Accident Preven lndustrial Accident Prevention As tirili Associations cover wide sociations quotes at some lengthl variety of subjects One of those llililll the address by Lord Moulton issued this month reads Back Up Safety by BackingUp Safely and suggests that before backing ai truck the operator should walk IllOllrtlleillluelf he should get in then look out directlvto the rear and back slowlyfusing helper or flystander to direct hiln pill tlcularly when tlicie is tight lit or where there is likely to be anyi onein the way si SAFETY RULES Salety Rules Cant Hurt Yons But Safety Rules Capt Help You unless They Are Obeycdflsays one of this months safety bulletins issued by Industrial Accident Irei vention Associations small homes on 50 less oil iC anadlaiis Cannot afford to it ports The Financial Post Indiana maker is claiming 90 efficiency attributable to radical design gttczil way their appreciation of the ircLADST0NE CURRIE 971unlop St Barrie Phone 3175 RUPERT COMES TO CANADA Because his appetite was too big for Englands small meat ration Rupert OliI of the worlds greater GreatDancshas come toCanadarwhcre lle will have less difficulty in obtaining his required seven poundsIoinicatI1cr day Weighing 168 pounds and standing 36 inches high tlicIdog is shoyvti above with his master Michael Coupplgditcli as they arrivedat the Canadian National Railways Central Station MontreaLI FRA HAMMONDQEAL K20 jBARR seen SOLICITOR ROBERT SMITH no time the peticellnie aims of the IVllClCly oil isIconverted into jets anadian lied Cross Society le has in special tiring head as tlillttl the lion lohn Bracken na scmbly before actual combustion lional leader of the llogressivc takes place Burner is designed JERRY RE Conservatives iii statement is primarily for use in homes of from sued March El in support of the three to eight rooms 33000000 lied Cross caliipaimi this month for services in Canada Provision for free blood trans fusions plans foi instruction in home nursing first aid and nutri With record of 50 years at most antic lion and the maintenance and 05 Inglory tment pile of humonhoidsl tablisliment of Outpost Hospitals You can iioaitivclydcpeud on lll isolated areas of Canadathese are bill low of the lnany services Dr Chasesontment which the lied Cross is undertak inc All of them merit arid am cmmoooomowac sure will receive widespread arid In this dilIve for funds the talladlan people will have Contractor chalice to express in very prac rtmm ELECTRIC fThe BEST COFFEE in Town Wiring Installation work which this Society has done and Repairs in the past and which itpiliposcs 01L BURNER to carry on in the future SALES SERVICE trust the lied Cross will con none to receive the generous sup 20I8 owe St Barnc port of the Canadian people and Jack BuuerI formerly EASTER LILIES REACH mnda arrived recently aboard the of Webster Electric BOSTON Canadian National Steamships The first Easter lilies of the 194K Lady Rodney returning from season to reach Boston froln Ber voyage to the British West Indies tailmcnt the outstanding service with which its name is associated in Canada FA PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY ACCOUNTANTS CHIROIRACTORS AiihlsriiONG MacLAREN co GEOI RI MSLSIE AI BURNS MCI Ax Filzmauricc MacLarcn cm CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS giigagdf 17 0wcnStrectBarricW echanodrhempy 21 Kingslml Tommi 115 Dunlap Street Phone 319 iHARRlS Sr SPRY COREETT DCs IAGTCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORS CHIROPRACTOR AND Owen St Barrie DRUGLESS THERAPIST It Melinda St Toronto Phone 3070 26 McDonald St Herbert HlllllsCPA Barrie Frank Spry BY APPOINTMENT BADGLEY ACCOUNTANT AND AUDITOR MEDICAL hm4735 Bum viCTORiAN ORDER or Nunsss Barrie Branch Well Baby Clinic INCOME SERVICE frotITIi alligator ocloka every Wed nes ay pp ica ion nurses ser WELhi ANDERSON co vices ma be made direct or Charl09d ACCOEtlglamsrTUSlecsi through doctor Telephone 2451 Bmck Blmiiilhtiomay Sf MUSIC LESSONs WARD MAYOR ANDECOMPANY JESSIE BRYSON RMT Accountants and Audltms TEACHER OF PIANOC SINGING WaidE Mal0R CPA and THEORY Pupils prepared for 118 Toronto Street T010010 examinations of the Royal Conscr Telephone Elgm 6116 vatory of Music Toronto all grades including ARCLT Modern LEGAL Methods HStudio 27 Bradford St BOYS BOYS Barristers Solicitors Notaries DOROTHY JOHNSON bi eonve ancers Em Associate of Toronto Conserva Pu MBNEY Tl LOAN tory of Mustc and London Enga Office 13 Owen Sf Barrie COHQEB Of Music Piano and 131 taio Theory BlanCh Jgfiiienovgivkic 152IIMapleI Avenuem snows SEAGEAM COLLECTION AGENCY BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR II lletio of Gvim MONEYTO LOAN Spemhmlyclgougis COWAN COWAN 24 nunlop SL Barrie Phone 4111 Barristers Solicitors Conveyancers OPTOMETRY IrI Notaries Public Etc Money WantedMoney toiLoan 17 Oweantreet Barrie 110m JBARREFIFSCI RessCowanr OPTOMETRIST Registered Patent Attorney 93nuniop St Phone 2963 Attendance 96 IIII MasonicTemple gI arrieI OETOMETRIST MONEVv TO LO 53 Dunlop StPhone 2536 Money toLoan Masonic Temple Building Barrie JOHN REID BARRISTERVSOLICITOR ETC OPTOMETRIST 4VDunlop St Barrie Phone 4201 YE1ERINARIAN Ir DONALD MacLAREN BA vHQllrS day vI BARRISTERL SOLICITOR ETC NOEL STEPHENSON no 24 Dunlap Street Barrie Ont HEBERCE SMITH Successor to DUNCAN McCUAIG KC Flyers nice FLEMING VETERINARIAN and SURGEON Sophia St Barrie Phone 4545 CNRPliatn Barrister Solicitor Etc Ross Block Barrier Phone 2719 MONEY To LOAN LLOYD STECKLEY JOHN WOODS KC FUNERAL DIRECTORS BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR AMBULANCE SERVICE Bank of Toronto Bldg Owen St 42 Clappciton St Phone 2703 Phone 2661 Money to Loan OSTEOPATHY SMITH CO Enwm WILSON BSA no Established 1869 MARY ELIZABETH SIS TH ILSON BUILDING FUNERAL DIRECTORS gt Barrie to AllI EIMBAMERS on aunt Consultation poin men am in mac connec Telephoiie 293 OPEN DAY AND NIGHT Getiige Church DO Associate BARRIE ONT IIHOINE 253B FUNERAL DIRECTORS

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