Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 22 Mar 1948, p. 2

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PAGE BARREE EXAMINER BARREL asthma cassm zstniJz tel 31111 DEPT APPROVES vrsmns $16565 pom GRADER ill Judith item pi c3011 iLZtmi Er ltuul 17 EASY WITH ONECOAT MAGIC FOR WALLS aphruml 11 Cut 121 lll 3h Raiatl gt SLUA plum1 sium DRIES IN HOUR 51 11 dries in Ituurllien you cm 16 The liilii Cuts painting time in half replica curtains Jnll And your paint lab is dry within on how furniture ONE COAT covers UM Luiit is usually enough over wall paper Jllhlertl Just thin SPEEDEASY with water and start right in It flows on the wall with the greatest at ease planer wixcrctc brick archiv It 11 irilsi 95 liver llt111lf IIciwu Siiiiiti iiio ithIg SIIIIIII THINS WITH WATER iic chillunol $912121 lY atcr makes up to mixed with 15 gallons ul paint teu 111Il iiiiii Monday EASY TO WASH After about weeks you can wnh SPEHIL ICASY with mild soap and wmr AINT DEALER Use The rxamiiicr Classifieds Theres CH PAINT to every home need outside amfinsido Before you point SEE YOUR CII URRY BROS 36 BAYFIELD STREET LJOHNSTON ALLANDALE FRASER YOUNGS GENERAL STORE STROUD 111111 to wear and take home You can get fast fneidy NIAGARA lOAN 20 mo for any and every purposeL Best Wishes IO pinto Dentist oi Hospital Bills Goal in on House Repairs Moving Expenses or Old Bills etc LIEE INSURED at no extra cost If you have money problem or 1d likefinancial advice free phone forcaodak ingenuit or fXPERlENCL mil mughiwriiimuiitss lGA FinanceCompany Ltd Taxes lmeeting the hostess assisted by awou 45011WINNINCTHEQ crown 44m The WILSONBLDG 2P0 Square morn zszs 15mm ST mum ilorunto lelegrami 1t 1= natural for Cay Moore 21 City As for IlIontrealers Cay hat for her welcpmo 11 to bat for Toronto with to Barbara Ann Scott llllll at drop of hata hat conscious is known for ui smart creations which al to catch 1hr Current ruins whether 1t1lllt by he or rozn the hands of millin lliiI was it 11 but for Barbara iiit Car and are friends and nm have gone intoa huddle With 34 Scott over this business of Inlms on more than one occasion Jay knew the champs trip cross the Atlantic would br all 12111 with scarf on the head but iiat triumphant trip throuin Illt trerts ol her own city that look nat young gay happy hat lllit 11c heartot its wearer iida hat was bought Cay plan Miss ay Moon is daugh tcr of Vlr and Mrs William Moore Hayeld St Barrie lti lwr capacity as socml hostch and publicity woman of tlic Royai York Hotel ay has eased the way 1111 travtllcr about Toronto foi Cay Moore Has An Umbrella Hut Too catch up on the doing of the town about it loiind themselves out buying one encouraged by ays sample ml it for welcome home prescnt lltl iiiilliiicr Karen Ross produced llt little white number with rost iiid umbrella aloft Canadian cliicvciiieiit tor Canadian girl fay Moore is wellknown for IlLl air for clothes She was tlioliisr Toronto to try out the pctticoat node and some who wondered iiaiijv season finding things to things to do and people to meet llicic have been tlic movie star Illt 1ioiii London and the movi star herself from Hollywood to so nothing of Ontario folk within thi adiiis llI tiw miles who pop intt Inc Royal York all the time an Red Cross Campaign For Ontario Division But liars There is where Cay shines always catchingwhe move ment or style and often with makcovvi Her ermine hat Awhich rlaibara Ann liked so much she wrote Cay from abroad that shcv was hatmg one madc like III was makeover and her Violet nun bcr lltlYlQlllbtl violet is high styli this year1 was itumadc by Cay herself out of an old French felt shape with violets and veiling and on Cay it looks just right Plats were the fun provided by Cay at party slit gavv for CPR publicuy roiiian Charlotte Kyle Everybody had to make hat and Cay herself was decked out in huge red sailor with toy bobbing bird on it she wore it withsiicli poise that people in the lobby tliOiight it was the new mode TO RAISE $50000 Making Good Progress AS MEMORIAL FOR DA Ian llowie of Toronto chair man of the Caiiipalgn for the On tario Division of Red Cress an ioanccltl on March that Ontario had raised JIVtl iuaitcr of its $13000110 objective Returns from HunV4 01 1m my hundred customs we do today is the theme Ontario Branches showed total The Origin of Things by Jiilius 12 LlpS oped throuin the ages and l1 While this figure docs not com pare with the aimitiiit raised last year at this some period Mr iloivic stated that taking into con sideration several factors includj mg the fact that many branches 1l not begin their campaign until second andthird week in March the results are not unsatisfactory The national objective is three million dollars cultural heritage Linden on the Saugus Branch by Elliot Paul This is companion piece to The Last Time lsaw Paris and =TheLife and Death of Spanish Town which together form the rst volumes of the authorsmem oirs to be known as Items on the Igrand account The ncw book takers We reader back to Lihdcin small Massachusetts town where Ithc author grew up in the know ledge that life and the pursuit of happiness were not incompatible March 10 His remembrance of things past gt MI 11nd MIS Albetl Maw 213090 will evoke nostalgia for the dear Mrs Porrett at Gilfoid Sunday dead davs in mam breast and nld Mr Clark Mirldletonl esire to have lived loved and zmmwllig laughed with thcijgprous com panions of Mr Pauls youth Uionf The Federation 01 Agriculture Judgment Glen by W1 Elm mct in the hall on Thursday evens To in Yorksmre 3119131 this 1g Cecil Chappdr crown H111 storyas about the Yorkshire settle ing and Mr Monte Leigh showed lydownrafanatically selfish mag scvcral pictures istrarte moved from the old coun The Womens Institute heldathell try to settle his three children March 13991102 at MIS Hv 310905 whom he detestedon farms He With 3800dd ablenflanfV 50 cilIHpfannedto return in few months up wercdealt With$5 was voted tol lion and recewe mle EQWGYGI Issave me Chifdren Fund and it Atate intervened spirited active was decided to cooperate with the Story or early days thQMWI federation of Agriculture in arItlmes rangmg supper and program toI Raw Norm by Charles G11 rziise money for the Fund The ham branch will sponsor clinic for The description of trip by XRays for Tuberculosis to be plane from Alberta to the Arctic held on 31111le at EdenVale MXS Ocean and south through Alaska goocueuow cmzenshlp con The author spent much time in Venels the 30k Charge 0f the the north whii he was biologist meeting and outlined the citizen In snip program and Showed sevall With U13 Dept of Interim Ina books avai able fromthei Govern ment MrsA Maw read paper rmthem life and people+Eskim on Citizenship and Mrs Maw 03 fndians mounties and traders lgave reading What Makes It makes Veb reading Itlood Citizen At incense of the Iers Gien served dainty llunch WM HOWAEITSNIDER JILLEILBY FALLILICLLQQ William Howard gnkler of Flos died suddenly on Friday March 1948 at Camp 14 of The Stand Chemical Co 30 miles east of South RivernParry Sound district when logsrwihich he was loading on truck fell and struck him on the head He Wasinhisvthirtieth year been= wardedvthe=rornweliB 1946 March at Wycliffe Anglican Church Elmvale was conducted by lEevsMr M33011 Interment was made in Elmvnle cemetery The pail Ibearers were Ivan Furlong Atriert Swan Harry Romney Lloyd Ritw chic Farley Ritchie Bert Swan Beautiful flowars were sent by relatitIes and other friendsoffere Igyearold Scout HAFPY nor rough an asy style he describes AWARDED SCOUT VC For having undergone=great suf feringrrin anrheroic manner Scout Peter Bullckifot Ste Anne Ic Belleime Troop Montreak has thehmBoy Scouts Victoria Cross He is suffering from Leukemia fol wing an accidentin September Jackson Dodds CBE Dominion Spout Commissioner presented the aiardgto Scout Bullock in the Royal VictoriaHospitalon Mar Two days later Canadas Chief The11109131 SerVice held onI Scout His Excellency Field Mar2 shal the Right Hort Viscount Ali hexander of Tunis KG madeaspe cialtrip toitbe hOSpitaI toyisit the In 1947 01711036 tax rate jumped 42 mills over 1946 making the total levy 54 mills reduction LATE ARCHBISHOP Sponsored by General Synod of theChiiich 01 England in Canada How human culture has level1 wmpmg 10 misc smpmr 01 memorial to Archbishop Dcrwyn we use the articles and follow the Owen Wm be launched on Apr 11 rst anniversary of his death it 01 cry rcadable book on an was annmmwd Saturday muggy ihropology The authors aim is to 11mmore C0013010110 111110 It will involve establishment of tions by explaining our common The memorial will be dual one lecturcsliip to be known as the Archbishop Owen Memorial Lcc fare to be delivered every two or three years on the subject otgt1he Church in relation to present day =problcms and two scholarships to be awarded each year to students inOziny Canadian Anglican theolo gical college with preference to those ready to serve on gradua itionb in tone of the Churchs mis Sionaiy areas The campaign committee spon soring is headed by Ven Elsiwars Archdeacon of York who for many years was domestic chap lain 10 Archbishop Owen It in cludes 40 outstanding clergy and raymembers of the church includ MONDAY VIARCH 22 1948 ENPIIIYEIIS MIISI IIBIIIN NEW UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 110018 All Uncmpldyrncnt Insurance Books now In use expire on March 3lst 1948 New books will be issued by the National Employment Office to employers but only when old books are completed and turned in to the Ofc Employers are urged to exchange Un employment Insurance Books promptly at March 3lst Penalties are provided for failure to comply UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE COMMISSION BISSON ChinI Cmiiminianrr LTALLON ommiuivnlr MURCHISON Comlimos Cogratu ationsf BARR LYERS STAN LONG ingthcELLma1archbishnps bish ops deans archd aconschancel tors lay representa ivcs and mem bers of the Womens Auxiliary Albert callawayhead ofToronU to Diocesan Laymcns Council and gave an address on Farm Financ ment in Nova Scotia Helgcr inl close personal friend of AVM bishop Owen issecretary ofthc fund committee Campaign licad quarters are at Church House 004 Jarvis street Toronto wonw CHAMPION Official figures just released by the Record for Performance Branch of the Dominion Departmentof Ag riculture credit Lonelm Texal Hap apurebred Holstein owned by Berry Wilton Grove with her terd consecutive yearly record each xabove30000 lbs of milk on three timesadaymilknyiappy thus becomes the official World Champ 1bs ft iirresteemzndi respect Among those who attended the service were friends from Tomato VBarrie Midland Brockville King Iston SouthVRiver Crystal Beach mcounme SERVICES Beamsvill Georgetown and the surrounding district forrrretaill and Wholesale Howard was born on August 20 1918 on the SecondLine of Flos where he spent most of his life ex cept for four anda haIfyeats in the Canadtan Armoured Corps in Can ada and firmbenngiiihorttiem On tario11nreligion he was an Anglican Left to mourn his loss are his parents Mrand Mrsdlhiet 31nd at one SisterhMrs Grace Black and one brother Orville miner new llxamlner Classmate of one mill for 1948 is expected ARRIEISFIRST JUNIOR CHAMPIONSHIP smut Tnnto Ini 30000 LB mamm TO BECOME ion fer milk production for three eomcmactirno timesaday milking with her total of 91691 lbs milk cOntaining 3357 THATS ne thing shout cotton whether its shirt at Madrid bedslieet or ven graceful wedding wow you are sum of your moneys WOII cm gives win to laundering Lona service database so iasmes to mull and alum 13 disk mi in man or er an in wlrcnmmndmmonqmtoasoods clean ncss living man Titxrit COMPANY MIT Manufacturers of Tanmid red at but

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