Howard Norris and His Worship In THIS WEEKS ISSUE 7850 Copies AHINOllIED AS IKCOID CLASB IML DEPT OWAA Bl Jimmy Stillman brilliant netmlnderfor Barrie Flt15 kiCkcd Strachan At the left in the fifth game at Windsor Official friction resulting Other Flyer is Ray Gariepy 85th YeOFNO RIE yw and BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA MONDAY MARCH 22 i=irrirsyiu MN l948 Special Issue 0111 CHAMPIONSHIP lSpectacular Comeback Spits on out rubber til Windsor Spitfires were bamboozled At the right Frank Elliott and Charles Good are struggling with Gord Hatdy the scene are Marcel Pronovost and John Wilson Jim goes into one of his acrobatic acts to block shot from of Spitfires as he tries to break loose and go after Ray Mayer Barrie won 20 Larry Wilson 10thit Mousseau is the player to the left of of Barrie Flyers Mayer tailed Gordall Vnightiwith frequent Thousands Parade In Big Celebration For The Champions Pandemonium broke loose in Barrie Arena at 1115 last Satin day night when the final bell signalled 63 victory for Barrie Flycrs over Windsor Spitfires It was the first OHA Junior cham pionship in the history of Barrie The Citizens Bnud struck up tune and cheers went up in all parts of the arena as hundreds of fans swarmed over the boards to coilgratulate the Winners Among the first to shake hands with the FlyelF warrihmbers of the visiting team Within few mo ments the ice was mass of sway ing and cheering people while cameras flashed to catch the lead ing figures receiving the plaudits of the excited fans Coach Hap Emms was onecf state of happy frenzy were mobbed by their hysterical admirers peak side the main centres of attractionifusion and he received the ovations in tered ar dishes in the eceded 3000 and when the victors reached the Five Points the cacophoriy 0f1101115 sirens band whistles and cheers reached its Added tothe din was the roar of motorcycles FIVE POINTS After pause at the Five Points the parade moved off slowly down Dunlop SL then circled the Postl Office Square and proceeded west on Durilop It was about 12535 when the truck bearing the champions stop ped in front of the Olympia Res taurant and the occupants storm ed inside About 500 were jammed in thc restaurant and several hundred more milled about the door out Inside all was happy con Groups of admirers clus oundeach of the players and scorescf these present placed Along the narrbw passageway orders with harassed waitresses to the dressing roomthe players Within few moments all the place had been used and some of th waitresses be After the rinkwas finally em came overly 9X0 ld ptied 011mm tans semen hun dred gathered outside the main entrance where they were enter tained by the band which played for some spontaneousdancers As the time wore on the crowd around the arena dwindled Most had gone downtown to restaur ants Howevgr at midnight Valley truicki arrived arid the crowd be gan to congregate again coming from all directions By this time the players had exchanged their hockey togs for their smart spring clothes with brightoties and new hatsfThey were given more cheers as they came out of the door to board the truck Seeded on the front fenders of the truck were Coach Hap Emms addition to the newly named Champions of the Junior hockey leagueimembers othcJandLan several team supporterswere also aboard the truck Inspector sRiehardGoxwfth Ontario Provincial Police was on hand with lightrsquad of men to assist in the rpgoceedings HeadV ed by police cruiSer with the siren wailing thelparadeinoved Alderman Reg Ayres had arrang ed forthe Town Turn to page eight please TELEPHONE SERVICE FQBOCKEY FVAVNS Since the Barrie Arena is not large enough to accommiidateA half those who would like to enjoy the championship games hundreds of fans interested in the Barrie Flyers havci been keeping in touch wi 11 the pro Vgress by telephone 315 Saturday night there were hundreds of telephone calls tow the stores of local hockey sup porters Ilowever it was not always easy to getthe results promptly from the arena 1d Bill Valley found me COACH HAPEMMS lS CONGRATU LATED Coach 113p Emms rcccivcd scores of messages telephone calls and telegrams of congratulation following the game last Saturday night Calls came from points as far Windsor south and Englcharf in the north Expressing appreciation the congratulations were pretty well including distant up said we covered The names of those who tclco phoned were not jolted dowu and it was thought better not to list names of hockey offi cialsaudwrganizations for fear some mightwho inadvertently omitted Wilkie Again Esapes From Penetang HoSpital This Tirne With Partner Provincial police were out in full force in this district overthe past weekend in asearch for two men allegedly dangerous who hadiles capcd from the mental hospital for the criminally insanelat Penetang Those who escaped were Melville Wilkie and Leo Cada Each had been connected with murder Wilkie Who had beencharged with the mur der of his wife and childVabout 13 HIS WEShlpJhLMalwrand arsageatOwenSeundwas Windsor had fair delegation of fans up for the game They made lot of noise in the first period but not much after th Turn topage eight please Saturday Came Sidelines BAliltlE ARENA March 20 The collapse of the Spitfires was The press box was really crowd most amazing They beat Barrie here tonight in addition to four games in the league schedule the band local press telegraph but of course all cloSc Their they operators arena commission ctc took thefirstVtwo of the finals the Toronto papers which have and dropped four straightand practically ignored the Barrie the title Flyers this season were fully re presented However better late The Spitfires we do not be than never Climb aboard the lieve took the Barrie threat too band wagon seriously until they woke tip to the fact they were up againsf Toronto Star had Gord Walker their toughest opposition of the hockey feature writer on hand season and it was too late Then with Bert Johnston of Barrie as again there are those who claim photographer From the Globe and Mail there were Steve York state stage All the Windsor of the sports department George players were on various teams in Dulmage cable editor and photo the International Amateur League grapher Former sports editor the Owen Sound SunTimes Dult mage went from there to the news deskof the Windsor Daily Star and as he knows both Bar rie and Windsor well plus two Owen Sounders on the Flycrs he asked for the Barrie assignment Then ofcoursc the Windsor Star was represented by Ken Johnson another exOwen Sounder who has kindly sent us some photos of the last game in Windsor the Spits had finally reached that which operated in Toledo Detroit and Windsor They had lot of games thereplus the 36 sched uledgames in the OHA Junior plusl Vsix tough playoff games of these Windsor players started earlier than Barrie Flyers Detroit Red Wings operated hockey training camp at Waterloo and Detroit Olympia all through last September and the Spitfires were among those on skates at that time Especially in that 100 pasting and the last two periods of the judged insane and committed to the t0 DTOVide the mental hospital For the first 10 years he was kept in confinement but he has escaped four times in the past three years On one occasion he got as far as Winnipeg Last sum mer he was free for few days and was ventualy captured after chase and struggle at Wasaga Beach Cada waslhgrgd with the murv der last summeerinvWestem On tario but was judged insane and committed to Penetang Wilkie and Cada overpowered guards at the Penetang institution on Saturday nightggandi escaped about 800 pm7 Police patrolled the district all night Saturday and con tinued their search the following day Wilkie is husky and Cada is 62and abo pounds man of ut 210 andthe results were im mediately transmitted to the taxi office Citizens soon leam ed that the results were avail able at ValLCXLLQyL numerous calls were answered Afrdihe arena downprllizaV the truck and hundreds more fol beth street Hundreds danced along beside lowed in carswith the horns blar ing At each corner sqoreof autos joined the victory parade and citizens swarmed out of the res taurants and joined the happy processionsn the crowd ex WednCSday nightlast weethe CN Telegraph station provided bulletin service direct from the Windsor Arena The Bar rie Examiner and others in town subscribed for thisservlco and hundredsrof Mickey fans here Were able to learn of the the gamquascver gettiurtiiiick 3811153 He stationed one of his taxis with radiorrequipmentatthi Wuck Wrecked Littles Hill Accident Al NooiVLgslVVFriday During the noon hour lzistFrl fr In Sensational Hockey Vs ah At First Annual Frolic Some 1800 Barriecifiiens and p1ay player must be of ama teurV status Which definitely fingers the no payartic1e After the game coaches of the respective teams handed each individual single cigarette butt lgtunable to namejthe brand VtoomanyVsales then on the clubs andVtwo Wrap Enrthegame aLWindsor on an aCCIdent OnLVe The accidentoccurred 27 scuth ofBarrie anddnvolved milk truck driven by Alan Gates Toronto St Barrie and 1947Kaiser driven by Harold Hay ho of Lime Grove Ontario Each vehicle Wasdamaged to the extent 1210 Victory few moments after of about $5 Prov Cons Iain Hutcheon investigated residents of nearby communities were atwBarrie Arena lastVFriday night for the Wintegr IceV Frolics sponsored by the Lions andKi wants clubs and beholdthestaw hockey game that seemedto have Earmarks of advancing into the seconrl Vchildhqod arealm before many moons float by ReferenCe Vista the one and onlyLionlei VWanis affair of course Vtfhlch brought tolight just howunsteady one isable4to becom in four or 40 years time Why it was amazing At one age these were famous menion Fryers Play In North andperistalsis Thursday andSaturdayw swarms Barrie Flyers play PorcupingVCombiiies at the beautiful Mc Intyre Arena Schumacher on Thursday and Saturday nights of this week in the first two games of their Canadian Amateur Hockey Association playdowns WWW The series is bestithree out of five and the teams come to Southern Ontario next week It looks as if Barrie home gamesf will be at Maple Leaf Gardens The CAHA controlsxall games for the teams entered in the Canadian championship Memorial Cup playoffs There might be one game at Barrie Arena but it is doubtful The earliest it could be played here wouldbeMarch 31 becaiisefllieAiena is booked for the Midget NHL playoffs next Monday and Tuesday Definite dates of the third and foiirth games of the Barrio Timmins seriesiwillbeannounced tomorrow by President George Printer of the OHA gorcupine Combines are the NOHA Junior champions and they will be plenty Strong having picked up three star playoffsj bolster their roster since they eliminated Copper Cliff lastweek Kivtranian Defeat Lions against Oshawa Generals Most VMallVing Barley Divisio Journa Winnipeg contained in the person of Stoddart son of Mrs James Stoddart of Vpers off chewinggum goal once in awhile he had pos th blueline he found woven defence awaiting No notof men The scramble began wankeno Hall coasting towards the Kiwanis session of the puck As he neared but of actual rope strung across wWindsor Star Photos LOCOMOTIVE JUMPS TRACK NEAR ANGUS IN SPRING WASHOUT Voff when two extras were pushed by amiters who hemmed Windsor in mm engine 503 left the Villmslcy tracks in washout near Angus oriSaturday morning and the ISOton locomotive sunk in 20 feet of mud Engineer llcnry gEGives Barrie 63 Win OHA Junior Title Barrie Flyers are the new champions of the Ontario Hockey Associations Junior series Trailing by 30 Vat the end of the first period Barrie made an amazing and thrilling comeback to beat Windsor Spitfires by 63 at Barrie Arena last Saturday night and Win the sixth game of the finals By virtue of their victory the Flyers won lthc series four games to two in the best four out of seven set Windsor won the first two games of thcfinals in Windsor by 42 and 65 Then Barrie won four straight games in Barrie by 64 and 100 and then in Windsor by 20 If Flyer haddropped that sixth game on Saturday the Series WOIilCl have been tied and the seventh and deciding match was scheduled to be played in Windsor on Monday Such grim prospect was obliterated by the sweeping victory of Hap Emms boys here Barrie Flyers now move into the Memorial Cup playdownr sponsored by the Canadian Amateur Hockey Association with the winning teams from the West the Maritimes Quebec Ottawa Valley Southern Ontario and Northern Ontario HOC key Association The locals are scheduled to meet the NORA champions Porcupine Combines in the first round This is the first Junior title for Barrie and the first time the town has had an entry for the famed Memorial Cup Windsor were real Spitfires in ilic opening stanza and for the firstllong tiresome jaunt to Windsor and five minutes of the second but from furthermore they wanted to win the there othhcy were never noticed OHA Championship with their own Paul ltlcgcrs shot that climaxed fans behind them What it was that Vthrecway passing play with Red inspired them to suchan extent is llavero and Jerry Reid was the tonic questionable but whatever sort of mecded to start the Flyeis off in witches brew it may be it is pollt winning ways Jet propelling their ent motors to the highest degree Flyers PENALTY COSTLY banked in front 43 at the end of Following up those three goals the second and were about to take was the Reid Meger Favero dynr their own home for so long that it SPITS STOPPED CHECKING was moreor less becoming public What actually trimmed Windsor hotel Then Marcel Pronovost turn Spitfires were the fundamentals of ed out to be the goat of the series hockey It is known that team Shortlyaftcirrthc 16 minute mark Pom 0f Allndalc was shaken must check and check Constantly he took down tripping penalty but no person was seriously in jiircd The train lamp Borden switcher was travelling west from Allandalc about seven oclock Saturday morning when the accident occiirrcd The track was entirely washed out the train was proceeding slow ly and damage was not ex tensive as it othcrwisc might have been Extra crews worked all day Saturday Saturday night all day Sunday and into the next nightand daylo restore the line to use It was expected the line would be in operation by Mori day but it would not be possible gt to remove the engine until Tues day Passengers bound for Coiling wood andMcafOrd were taken from Allandale to Angus by bus where they boarded the train to complete the journey Hundreds of spectators went to Angus Sunday and walked mile east on the railway track to View the wreckage and watch the men at work From a7st ance the engine was buried at the damaged locomotive Manager Victory Mills copy of the Canadian Grain photogravure ofan Oro Old Boy Guthrie andbrother of Councillor Norman Stoddart of Oro Township Council With the engraving ap peared the following brief biograa phical sketch Mr Stoddart has been appointed Manager of the Malting Barley DViv ision of Victory Miils Limited He was born at Guthrie Ontario and grew up on farm In 1934 he grad uated from the Ontario Agricultural College with Bachelors Degree in Science of Agriculture specializing in agronomy and field husbandry Following graduation Mr Stoddart joined the staff of prominenw an adian malting firm where he served as apprentice maltsternd did re seprelrrvworkwinthmmpanxs 18 search and control laboratory in Montreal He then spent nineerars as maltstr in charge of production DimeCalm ydoranch plant and one year as ma ter in charge Vof the Toronto branch plant From 1942 to 1945 Mr Stoddartwas attached to the CalgaryHighlanders Reserve Battalion Read Ekaminer Classifieds for several humier fcctbut playing his life away for Barrie Besides they must have speed andlwhich proved to be critical condition 10Illi1tC1l Our boys had Coach Hap Emms iced the pow YouWere Great Iimmy BOY Hap mms coach of Barrie Flyers was one of the first to em brace his netminder immystrachan after Strachan shut out Windsor Spitfires 20 in the fifth game at Windsor Looking more like Mickey Rooney in the arms of some lush movieV actress Strachanis evidently as happy ashfsrcoaclrf Windsdr Star Photo th geco er p1yand it hit paydirt Bill viii prtheenpifgsur thriilst Barieff the blonde comet retrieved upon Spitfires was so abundant that the Duel 1n the corner to the left it is almost fantastic Barrie out 05W11n816ymdsw1ftlylaid itback shot Winds6f314 in the hectic and to Gil St Pierre As Windsor ad most thrilling session of the 60 vented to meet the faked shot lit minutes Spits were literally skat DaVsVsVed overV theVblueline to Stan ed into the ice 15mg Sangria mtthVhe open$118 ear saw runway ear hzvtallallr can We caused by Chick Guardas blueT mg Straight Walmsle line shot Sid McNabney had at xh94ihaltr9upge veering tempted to tip it in beforehand but mugh eu Font Stall by some stroke of guicbthmking drilled it home to the upper Vleft the disk was stopped hand corner ins ey That decided the is Jerry Reid the plugger who iS that can come back from three sue team made thesEore read allevenWon is degernngrbf Var champiosmio another similar scramble with Meg thought Windsor for they lacked er and Gil St Pierre drawing Vasi sists Three minutes and two sec onds ago it was grim outlook for on the Spits Vvside for Barrie walked the Barrie boys who had battledlaway outshootingthe visitorsZa th series to onegame edge Aycompleting an amaiing totaLof 71 slight matter if erasing 30 lead drives Oanalmsley and 24 on JimV Windsof established in the first out during the championship Vmagchr the spirit shown in the first period period was staring them in the face They wepeVVanxious Vto avord Vthe es VI VV GARIEPVY SCORES VRay Gariepy gothis finger in the pie when he connected after speaiz headingmany rushes into Windisor end Ray skated inVVangIeWise on the cage guardian and red high shot in strideiat 1008 of thethird period marshal the blades to hear tiiem talk and thought nothingof hitting the headlines 3645 times ia season But look at them now wouldtyoul The relicsf are now mitki 365 evenings year If ever an incident could be termed if you dont succeed on the thousandth occasion try try again this match could VV Via tantra tic effort by George Dangereld roaring Lions 10 to give them the honor of representing Canada in the 1949 Olympics as Mayor Grant Mayorpolnted out in his remarks previous to the opening faceo Howeverdhe missed the most im portant rule regarding Olympic tlum tidpage fourplese radium NORRIS the ice Keith casually ducke tothe net and meeting with A1 Scott Kiwanis Cage guardian By the time hearrived he was so tied up in ref knots that he was ng them robbed of getting shot away whetheiVto hand out penalty or not After lengthy hesitation the rope was dispersed and Smith chiefmentor for the Kiwan lgns was forced 00 ice two iron clad rearguards He is still search ingfor them tiThe rst dramatic infraction iwarils dOWned the under the twine and proceeded Neither Hap Emms or CecCook officials for the game knew came between Bill Bell and George Dangerfield George rutV Av Playingsorkaco for fighting Referees Kenny shaw Toronto and 13111th on the finish with Iittl to declddiu the wayrofratitle While these goal deficit in less than lOminutes Energy was nil in the final frame my Strachan whowasla real stand Mousseau and JohnWilson went off Oshawa allowed them to fislicu to