Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 18 Mar 1948, p. 9

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THIS WEEKS ISSUE KO DIME OTTAA BARBIE RED CROSS CANVASSERS WARD Mrs Maclaren Captain Mrs Caldwell Mrs Ken av onaugh Mrs Caldwell Mrs llebcr Snitth Mrs John Woods Mrs llamp Fralick Captain Mrs Fred Walsh Mrs ll Henderson Mrs Mitchinson Mrs Geo Coles Mrs Gilchrist Mrs Cameron Captain Mrs 11 ll llooke Mrs Neill Mrs LeGear Mrs ll Dawson Mrs John Scdgwick WARD Miss Kells Captain Miss Olga Brownlee Miss Rita Lount Mrs McCuaig Mrs Peter Lyon WARD3 Mrs Read CaptaiinMrs Roy Christie Mrs Lavell Rob 85th YeorwNo l2 BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA THURSDAY MARCH i8 i948 gi YOUNG LADlE iplnce of FROM BALTIC Executive Officers of South Simcoe Iunior Farmers for 1948 Elected to the South Simeoe Junior Farmer Association for ccutive board directori Doris Nicol of Allistcn secretarytread lllson Mrs James Munscn Mrs 1948 are the above youngladles who have takena keen interest surer Leila COChfillle of Ivy director and Kay Walker of George Wright MrSwC Read in the association in recent years Left to right they are Stayner director BUSINESS AREA Mrs Chittick Captain Mrs Boys Mrs Warren Wil gar Mrs Walls Mrs Fred McConkey Mrs llarold Forster WARD Mrs Robert Hodges Captain Mrs Hammond Mrs Hin ton Mrs II Hook Mrs Knox Mrs ltowell Mrs Langley Mrs Beaver Mrs Margaret Gray Captain Mrs Clarence Jones Mrs Per kins Mrs Norris Mrs MeNabb Captain Mrs Wilt llarris Mrs Twiss Mrs Buchanan Mrs Cameron Mrs McKenzie Captain Mrs Little Mrs Needham Mrs More Mrs Fisher Mrs Empke Miss Lyons WARD Mrs Frank raig Captain Mrs Mayers Mrs John Partridge Mrs Stan Hines Mrs Sgnott Mrs Geo Seymour Mrs Harris Redmond Captain Mrs Geo Norris Mrs Art Robin son Mrs John Partridge Mrs Patterson Mrs Nicks Mrs Lambert WARD Mrs Pugh Captain Mrs Goring Mrs McLellan Mrs Grabour Mrs Yar iiiill Mrs Spearn Margaret llolt Gates Mrs Hooper Mrs James Webb Mrs Fraser Mrs Bert Owens Mrs Lee Mrs Weider Mrs Rowett Mrs Goss 35 MOSTLY FARMERS Only about five per cent of Filipinos are employed in indus try much of which is concentrated around Manilalilipinos are chief ly farmers Do youcarry the insurance you would wish you had the day after the re IF NOT SEE SARIEANT INSURANCE 49 Dunlop St Phone 4421 inquiry brought forward discussion relating to the method of conducting business at regular council meetings ln recent years it has been the custom to open the council sessions at 730 pm receive deputations hear one or two enquiries then go intocommittec of the whole The LonY his pen anion oil tl1lt=Coit cl is usually only It or 15 minncs However the committee sossion lasts from two to three hours On the rare occasions when visi tors have been present they have been made welcome by council until going cussicn committee dis speaking into Technically this was the correct procedure if the committee discussions were not to be open to the public However the reporter for The Barrie Examiner has been permit ted to remain during the commit tee discussions In fact practically the news contained newspapgrrreports of the council proceedings has been taken from remarks made in committee dis cussmns Occasionally in the an alderman re quests the reporter not topublish statement Speaking the iepbrterteels free to make use of any remarks made It is during such sessions when membersot council sometimes dis agree that the most interestingre ports are obtained Councillor some but generally of course will ing and anxious tohave aJayce representativepresent during the anybody here He then made opening council sessions but not motion that the matter be discuss all thought it would be good idea Noreen Bantingef Ivy director Belle Warulca of Barrie ex Executive offlccers of the South Simcoe Junior Farmer As Alliston all directors sociation this year are the above young men who are well Frank Todd of Gilford past prcsidentSam Npllly of Gllford known throughout the county Left to right they are Dalton and George McCague of Wright of Ivy Frank Kell of Churchill Kenneth Wilson Should Barrie Ratepayers IBe Allowed to Stay While Council is in Committee At recent meeting of the town to have committee discussions mm bmolc Cplam Mrs council letter was read from the lYoung Mens Section of the Chain ber of Commerce inquiring if one wan Balms Capmm of its officers would be permitted Mrb Nablo warlow to attend council meetings open to the public During the discussion at the council on this matter which iii eidentally was in committee of the whole Ald Hambly asked why an affirmative reply could not be given to the letter from the Jun ior Chamber The Mayor pointed out that the press was represented during com mittee discussion and the reporter could make the council discussions known to the public Ald Hines past president of the Junior Chamber said if young ipeople weresexpectd tortake ant interest in municipal affairs they should be encouraged He added that it was very difficult for young people to find out how the town business was conducted Speaking in favor of having the committee discussions open Ald Ayres said it should be part of free speech and the sessions were afarce if the public was barred Ald Mary Lauriesaid it was shame that young people were not given better opportunity of tak ing part in municipal affairs Veteran councillor Ald Poucher indicated he was not in favor of having committee sessions open to the public and he suggested young people should get elected to coun cil and learn their trade as ap prentices Ald Corbett spoke 0fstatements made in committee discussionvbe ing repealed outsideugunclljad he also mentioned that the report er was often asked not to publish certain remarks He made mo ticn that the letter be led ch ever beforethere was aseconder to this motion Deputy Reeve Hart asked fwhy are we afraid toihave ed at later date and by ii bare lt9 Freight Crashes Truck 0f Jack Walker of Stayner president lllston both directors were received and read from over seas thanking the WI for food parcelsvsent from hercpdue to the housetohouse canvass in Novem ber All the parcels weighing 15 lbs reached their destinations in perfect condition and were much appreciatei musrcal program Was enjoyed Mrs Arm majority this motion wasicarried On CPR in Medqnthwp vDriverJumpsitOWSafety Wednesday afternoon last week Rvii VicePresident WARREN WiLuAii who was elected VicePresident of the Royal Victoria Hospital He succeeds Rev James Ferguson who was stepped up to the office of President last Monday night Many Thank You Letters from Overseas Ccme to Barrie Institute WI was held at Mrs Creightons Elizabeth St with Mrs Corbett in the chair and 26 ladies present Roll call was answered by Irish itJokes which caused good deal laughter Many nice letters The March meeting OdelllC strong rendered some lovely selec tions Mrs Creighton sang Seren ade cfthe Bells and song con test was conductcd by Mrs Baker with Mrs Armstrong atathe piano This proved very interesting This ends another successful Phone 21951 107 DUNLOPS From all over the country weve been gathering full variety of choice Easter Plants andfin iadditidn our irefiigifuioii willkbe filled with lovelycut flowers avoid lastminute disappointment telephone today jandi we will have an IQPprtunityto serve you superbly for 5uperb occasion line of Medonte Township 10t0n caterpillar tractor was being transportedoneajlcat Mr ICHANGEorrocA Grier drove the big truck down an incline and crossed the railway track at the bottom of valley He was proceeding up the hill on the otheriside when the truck be ganhto slide backgdownvthe incline towards the tracks Glancing back Grier spotted the approachingrwtraini mped clear of his cab The rtheirrain striickthe thrown into the ditch Onercar ot thetraimwas derailed and considerable damage was caused to the truck and tractor Prov Cons James Freeman of Elmvale and Prov Cons Ian ut gt cheon of Barrie lnyestigated struckbyaCPRfreight train where the track crcsses the 4th 20 iiy the truckand the bulldozeriwas Howard Grier of Wei$138 had Wm narrow escape when his tfuck4mmmlcels W111 be held at Mrs McKenzies 112 Bay eld St on April FLOWERS BYWIRE HARRIS no iitdiiniiimiieaiioi We Deliver tore QUEENS norm FREE Becks healthfandl in fact in almost any phase of health conservation minty study iltiifre litre ifederal governe montt in cooperation with provinw civil authorities issues whole se ies of very inlfoirmlative publicar lllonis These may the had on pli catlon to any Provincial or coal health oilfioe Such terms as dis inection dislnteshatim lumi gation isolation qrwanantlne and others related to prooeduras reOmnmeinlded by health authori ties are explained as well as meth tied in preserving com The payroll of Midland Ship yards With over 500 employees is approximately one million dollars in per summit Ariyone interested in public thtfthyi have MOVED from the previous location at DunlopStreet to fasouu Wlslilo Council Procedure Somewhat Changed From 15Years Ago day night meetings Some years ago it wasthe cits tom to lcCCth deputations and re ports at the Motiday night meet ings and decide only such matters as it appeared could be settled without involved debate Corie spondeiice and matters requiring investigation and consideration committee meetings and one mayor boasted that he ivasalways able to get meetings over before nine oclock All members of cotincil attend ed the Friday tiight meetings and each committee met in corner and threshed Olll the business at hand Most of the discussion was on Friday nights Each committee maintained its own book with copy of the re cords and reports After the re ports were prepared and passed by the cotiiicil they would be re corded iii the committee book Town Clerk ATMWIWSinith said these books are still in the mun icipal office but they have sel dombeen used in recent years Eventually the councillors tired of attending meetings Friday and Monday and the procedure was adopted of going into committee on Monday nights This plan has enabled all 15 Amembers of coun ci1t0 discuss matters that prev iously would have been settled by small committee been abolished entirely Inlact some of the committees meet fair ly often and thenpresent reports Committee meetings have not to the entire coutTcilHTTvWeT some committees seldOmmeet be twn council sessions Apparently one of the main rea sons for going into committee at the Monday night sessions has been to permit members of coun cilto speak more than once on topic yeaixfor the WI The mectingl closed with singing of the National Anthem delightful lunch was ROMAN NEWSPAPER JIhe earliest equivalent of mod public gannouncements called Acta Diurna issued during the Roman EmpireF ha rm STUPI ii LOP isr Otter Hunts NeWJStore Smith pinion Studio UiTie 88 6iBarrie NER Section 2Poge to 14 chter McLean Age Five Struck by Auto Near Wale School liveeaii NEED RUNNING START Many longWinged shortlegged oiids iitist have room for takeoff lllll an aeroplane before they are lillllt to get into the air ltl still of M11 and 31 Jack McLean Eliibetlilml Ive iSlllltlkd facial laceration tiiiillllliml lfiiareh 11 when lit was struck by 5x mm mm Apia car while Uil his way to liiiicti1 UntilKl Illt countries of Europe aiizved lililf Willi5 SUMl Mm llne lztile Wtlt glVlllkl li Ulixllils tlltiilll iltlllll HUM ll National lttliitiiitit Servici andl beenf displaced lluropeaiis to ltJllit to Canada as iiniiiigrants One of lin yearold is trained lllllst her llilllVC l15llltllllilll tongue sliel speaks fluent linglish and ieriiiaii She is iiiciiibri of the Lutheran Following the war Missl Kalanlalmtin served as iiuisel Operated Army William Earle of fig was tttgtlletl to the Royal Vic where ammo itvcre attended to and Xrays were crossing the cuts taken Peter hospital ieiiiained until Saturday Barrie immunity was local had among llw in SUITS TOPCOATS IN STOCK READY WlllLEYOUWAIT ALLSIZES SIITS SINGLE or DOUBLE BREASTED from $3750 up BOYS SlllS to 16 years two longs or shorts breeches Bring your boy in and have him fitted from Sll75 STETSON HATS $850 to $10600 others $550 $225 WILF TODD liitllltl liitllt Veronica liflllllllllilfllflll in addition tol Church WEAR BARBIE MENS AND BOY 55 DUNLOP ST hospital United States Germany Stevenson iAlllSli by the in occupied in the Hospital atl Miss iltlL liiinung of Esthonia is also point to the hos pital at Alliston Others of the Lithuania llelve gone She Memorial going YOUR DOG TAN COST YOU PLENTY UNLESS YOU HAVE COMPREHENSIVE IABILITY INSURANCE crre low Coverage broad ALCDMSDNS INSURANCE AGENCY from Poland party Latvia Sister of Veionlca of Mrs Two others are al Barrie lltllllt lt and to the home Twiss Barrie so remaining in Jelonek ll Seagrain tnel to life home Fine The Slaczkzt County Natalia of Mrs and Eugenia Kuem of Mrs George Bo 41 Dunlop St sixth young lady Josefa has gout to the Sinicoe at Breton women journey Dial 3735 Home For the young the end of commenced when had been iiinedays Atlantic and as man admitted most had been sea They had arrived at Halifax March and from there were divided itito smaller partiesl all heading for different parts oft Canada This it was that had liebiuaiy ieiiiiaiiy they They crossing the Miss KahlilDal Announcing the ReOpening 0f SUPERTEST COFFEE SHOP foriier Blake And Charlotte Streets 0n Highway N0 11 sick immigration Town council procedure hasspODSllCtl by lllt 1l0lill Govern chaiiged somewhat in the past 10 ment and or 15 years to the extent that made to make these wonieii wel lllllC of the business is discussed come and 103 mil1 and decided at the regular Mom of employment $3 month plus board they are admitted plan of every effort is being assured not less than before Under New Management Featuring ChickenOnABuii Using Exclusive Recipe Of Mrs Marshall Formerly Qf Burton Ave Imperial Station Funeral Business Smith and Co Will Be Removed lLIC lCIOIICd l0 the Friday mgllli Smith has announced that the undertaking The Monday night meetings Smith and Company will be 010 50mm 1810 than 930 Pmi moved on April from the pres ent location at the corner of Col lier and Baytield and will be tem porarily carried on at 127 Baylicld street until new building can be erected This undertaking business has been carried on in theSinith fam ily since 1869 The building on the northeast corner of Collier and Baytield has been leased to Dick Steele of St Newfoundland wvholesale business of BREAKFAST REFRESHMENTS OF ALL KINDS SERVING ONLY HIGHEST QUALITY FOOD PAUL HART ProprietOr who will retail Johns operate china store and look BRIGHT in This Years Easter Parade siow sANiTONEnia ennui KIND or DRY CLEANING commas croniasu rock thErNEwl Yes our Sanitone the fstreally scientific Cleaning method Garments gt8te cleaner free from spots and stainsFabrics look and Dry means your clothes are bette pressed arejree from unpleasant dry cleanldors Minor repiridg done free and loose buttons tightened 77 Be ready for the Eastrim Parade iniclothes cleaned the Sanitone way ammo rig omens sis

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