PAGE EIGHT NW WWMW MMWJCW FOURTH GAME TO FLYERS til0 BARBIE ARENA 33 int EL feli lliistv Aikin made up for it tmi in rliltlt and showd it in lllr tzio emscrossed diiectl ll front of Walznsley laii piobl ililj lull know what was coni lilariepy on an endtocnd rush 14 anu lilt second on anothei gmhi bu mm 1L nu Smdm llliis li an aiitotiiattc printer which lllli tttfltlllklttl lllt lmll lmhl will speed up the work of making 113 llggliCilll ll llizniitict prints This machine will illl future and it was all llarriestbp pmmid by Mrs Vmaibsml lilliiltni ivl lllt Kim 85 Slllll ht who has been with the Silllllll liii lovely ill soiiiront In one cards lll lllt lit loft WEAYMOUTHS BOOKSTORE Elizabeth St PHONE 105 Harrie iit trait mg and fur inuv imuu 0nooltgtoe ittlilliilit vu in BARRIEHARDWARE 40 Baylield St HARDWARE SERVICE TO INDUSTRIES CONTRACTORS MECHANICS FARMERS Some Hardware Lines Are Still Scarce 1F ITS AVAILABLE 4W HAVE 1T PHONE soot Wraimimdm Salltllztllit instriitnuujrnds ICJllsill to the stiiili gtl tactics rag mafiavirwcAiommmz in Me ltllvsitally lit these stildiirs Hecltliyl they had til lie to pass enlistment ljillllllllv 774 lltlllsifiiillltl lligjlll3lj lit VTlicyiare vclliw led clothed given physical training luiivitlcd itli varied rand at all times gtvn llLC cadet exptris lCiLILJllUll rmintdital and dental arc ifmlmml JLUL hamlet wlb us malls iiuio N131 only lllylltlillwglwhlglllrl LillClv jg lice lor these top lliglittnidiius llicii ltmdniimmn initialaiming ale Tillllllilil They have generous leaves wiili pay lllcysct new places they have security in their chosen career AND pen sioii awaiting them at the end of their gt SciVicLr WISElitiiiiSc they inc wise limit has been trained lll soiiic special skill inidcr expert instructors witliiiiodcrii scicii tilic equipment ThcyiarcwiSC in iinotlicr wayfiool They have learned llztlltllclr srriicrin Canadas New Army brings with vii sense of pridc in ihckind ofioh they citizen otrmore than 60years in and Aikm fiii ll izliil Cllkl lii xli hag Baizie ltiig lei iiiiie Spacious New ninth Si outs opened the thud lil tii llioto Silltlltl operated by Dunlop street in eliiiiiiiig irewag pmsiiig llld Iii F1VLlsJ til lied pioiiipzl li illll Lo degii who llil iiiioi Tito ruined The iiiw Location is onethird piilligt It Baltic Ulll it 11 hurl ll prclllous studio lu hiea tiiiidi ll WWWS MW beml Lll full rim thump lttltliiiiilctlllillUllgllUtll Vllll new ttoaiin liu down and Wllll mo lltlll lighting the spacious new studio very attractive livlliilll ziilviitage out is li the Could tit about the head oi the stairs is waiting loom at one end of which lgt ii LUtllllvl and shelves for photo l=illllill psiig play llllhilill perm Si ileiie rent iiieti iioiizitl the ltldllkt iii iioii spotted Aikin inizi in in the other slde and slid toahiiotztii pass to llllll Whilst ioora dressing room from lliCll one can go directly to the can iit room The studio has ade ate facilities tor work from in photos There are two darkrooms off MM illllblllll lVlfWi and there is also slockreom tllllilih with two goals in lll rtlcll minutes The fiistl me on picture play made cameras lenses lighting enlarging and new unit of equipment has ziiouth pass by Bill Barrett twvtn llairie Flyers and lvaiilsiudm my imm mg laliiisle Maybe lialinsley 15 luck but good goalie is luck Consider the few occasions tlia lltll Sinith came to llarrie from ng lieie he has expanded thr ltlm lmid lllll Ollnulllllslllts and does all types oi chalich when Jimmy was flat otil mmmmnphp 11 is member lll littlli 01 Plill had ICVCISCl 1Litlie Masonic Order and of St Airl the other Side of the net lliatldwavS pwsbyililin Church and my but dont begrudge it fterlctimmittcc this year all it was time some blew our way and it was refreshing Jimmy Uniae Windsors high scorer for the season was absent tltltlt groin injury lined some llitit ago and Jack laylor another top point collector was hemmed down with the flu Red eyr flay filled one gap bitt eoacli Jimmy Skinner was con tent to play with ii men ro LilliKinks WINTER FROLIC innit NIGHT Continucd from page one Coach Charlie Read will board the players as they venture off the ice Assistance is to be Sll plied by Walter Cotitts and War ren Wilgar that is if they can prevent the scrap between the two agencies The team will sport Lion Tamer in the person of Ted gOaks and Ted is setting up sliort wave system from his shop for the convenience of the spec ltators that are unable to stand the sight of bloodshed After considering the list of vil lains the Lions are to present it is lilllllSCCll they are going to be tough to upset but coach Smith of the Kiwanis is crossing his wires so his prizes may run smoothly and predicts little trouble lahead He claims that Dr Bige low in the nets will have ample time on his hands to prepare scrums for his future operations Dr Bigclow agrees He says he cannot avoid being star of the game for he has the towiisrtallcst defence prodigics since Wright cut the old elm tree down to form the outside rails for his race track Doc of course is referring to none other than JakeJacobi and George Dangereld both of whom have had plenty of excpricncc in blanketing theopposition and un bolting the rivals attacks Running along the milky way will be Freddy Norris who is to mix his products with Jack Wheaty MacLaren and Ray Tabloid Livingston Bart Sim1 mons is quite satisfied to let the fur fly up front as to keep Har old Todd company in belting tii pants off their front line oppon cnts George Caldwell desires to1 win byusc of his castor oil mix tures John Ough wants to ad vertisc the brapd new oak sticks his store stocks by demonstrating overthe head ofa Lion Picturel plays will be executed by Fred Smith with Jed Church andFrcdJ ow THE BARBIE EXAMINER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA Hiram Smith Photo Studio Open Premises Luigi to pol itu Johiisiiii lis tieet ill ll lltllfiulu We salsa 3T EATON REALTY C9 Suit First Mort gagi Sinking Fund llniiil liazi speedy ireot Sury to report that it betdillti ry to removi Arthur llaiiii icr iratiiAnt azl lilkiimin ti the RCA purchased the piopeiiy of the late lleiitlersen heir on Satiiiilavl Soiry to report that Mi George eaeock is ill in Albion lloltpital ilAll hope for her speedy lCLtHA tlV past 10 years has my Jud tenW the blltLl 10 31 thinlop over Hunts new storey fl liospit To mature larili la Iltih win Price Hill and accrued interest and Russell Bellamy and ltiiiiily loioiito VlSllctl Mr and Mrs weekend ll Douglas lleilaniy szl hiixiness grown 811 giapliie supplies Oil the waiting to lM held in the school luesday evening Bill llllll laioiis Main Store Toronto and the nipcg Halifax inonfiilgii iiiisfor was Marcellus had the to have dr ving pulling bulldozer struck by Clll train at Martinville The bulldozer track iividtial phitiaits to large group float and dam aged badly were one lot developing liliii and the other for printing and enlarging Between these L911 large workroom The practice of suttce abolished by the British in ltlltl required lib iti issoi tinint of ti llindu Widow to burn lierselt on and other facilities are available it Pull LT hmbands hum mu and Mrs Smith and their htei age tour and llltll son lti reside at Dalton slimti Established 30 Yem POLLARD Real Estate Broker Houses Lots Tobacco General Farms exchanged lHl NO NEW LOWELL PHONE 102r24 Achicl Dc Sclieppcr 45r23 DOMIMON SECURITIES CORPN mun Underwriters and Distributors of Investment Securities Since 190 WYEVALE March 15 tniigiatnlatioiis to Mr and Mrs ll Asselin on the birlli of daugh on March ii The WA are having St IatI church leaford It years ago Since com lONDON HAMIUOH MICHINUI OUIBFC in its bases lb tl kill llUllll llltli Mint the Kiwanis Club in which he Illtlll lliltltllll Mill HOD llKk Ul Jllllis chairman of the agriculturali laity Wednesday eieinng Stewart Page will address the lRderation of Agriculture meeting List Your Properties with us Therell be anew store in Barr arch19th Dunlop St friiis sroiiiiiwiii illE ll riiiriiiini srtiiir it WILL iii Bill CLEAN IT Winn Lociirim Al 35 orationsuing friioiir 4842 lltr laton Realty Ufnfuflt liliiiieil lHLlll pro pcrtiu used in the luninen ll Illie limited and certain of its Siihsidiiricv founded in 130 the laion ll the largest department store and iiiil order organizations in the girl liitonsiollegc Street ih on itores in Montreal ii lon Hamilton Regina Suka litlnitinton are among the print lllll properties leased by flit Realty ioiiipani to the laion organilaiion lillll it into on lnder ilsinc agreement The Liton limiirl is obligated to pay rentals suitient to meet interest and Sinking lurid payments in respect of these lloiids lt ll all line hami ll triii imt um rrwmmrm Ier or ilfflfllclf Desi riptiic circular iiiailahlc upon icqucit TORONIO MONWIAI UIIAWA WINNING VVANCOUVLI MAYOIK LONDONJNS HAHle SllNl 101 I1 ie Viiriiiiii curtain ruin the rivals to Shreds John Tom linson is also insured ija playoff berth The golf pro Charlie earscyfwill take time out from kinga65 to manage the team ahdgthe capable Smith willactff3istroiner All in all it is going to be loads offun with arihlcelandia Revue to make the evening picturesque and The Ramsays to thrill the crowd with theloop the loop trick Publicschool racingvand music by BaieCitizens Band will round the program into an enjoyable eveningW Gcorge Robinscn noted Pcnc tang curler golfer andmerchant who died recentlyhad been thatvcommunity Also known as been member of the Presbyterian Church choir for over half cen tury are doing feeling that they are iinakiiig vital Contribution to the welfare and future of Canada 413 are 0m swallow and warf careeracid IItr ml at your locall fliertiling tenre or nearby armourjy and 05min further details No inelid lobe victiiiibf JVegefablctbxative may bellieanswer NR hefpsrcmovc wastes relieves wearyfeeling headaches caused by irregulariyg Thorough leasin action heyre allvegan leN Tablets comp in two atten ihs NR IDd NR Junior 21 dose or extra mild action Plan or chocolate coaied very ne singer Mr Robinson had Titth IQOUTSIDE riii sronr miniii iii iifsiiiii sinus iiiiiirs LriiiiiSiiiiTiuiirii7 005 irwiism iiiosiriiiir Titi riiisTiiiiiirsaStalincitrus iiifioiiciirof SINCE mu HUNTS STORESVHAVE BEENESTABLISHED llAMILTOIl LollniollflTAWA AND0L Fl FDIFEETIINEFYtOPSISEBYJNGi THEHQUEMAKERSWTHESE ciirii Liiiiis wart riiiiiitn 1nevistore Wg We tinimiiiai yjoii irinrriieawill like llii established port 75 offyOur knowlhdt itwillssoonb well buSy modern business section weivealradimaduimumindsaissuimagmatic1 iii Airiiiiins oration THINGS To an PATBIESTHAT JUST Mair in illicit incur iiiiiicious ciiiimiis IBESH BREAD Aim inns riiiiiiiiiiiiiirtiiiii iEkllAPBTllWHEYItfojllcllmmmm iiii Paistjries Ice it We lik itbejcause its alert and energetic LWe likelt EeCauSe itsathriving industrial town wither big future We like it because its lhejgcrtewtiiy to Ontarios lcmmus northern vacationlands come on down to 36 Dunlop street and get acquainted with the newggtumgmbeigyour mem Infw Hour Judigepc ber of the triendly Hunts stores 36 Stores to Serve ya sin HAMILTON 0va OTTAWA mum BARBIE hTORONTOJ if