Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 18 Mar 1948, p. 6

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P30 51h mme in CKl Mi siren Kl ilil so iii iiiiiiu an ii iiiiiiiri lCiwivaii tiiiii lt iit of $ilai Ititii imiaii antiii this vctiiii ili ill iiiiiiit iltl inariuurrrr iiaiviE EREEZER THE KEY TO BETTER ththi 11 Visitors Opens new horizons to glori ously Better Living Its all yours with Marquette Home Freezer more tempting vitaiiiiu packed meals juicy tender meats and lowl luscious fruits and vegetables Enjoyan eiidless Variety of the seasons best all year iound All Marquette llonie Freezers are designed for Fast Freezing as well as Storage TripleSeated doors For Coni plete Satisfaction INSIST on Marquette AESMITHI FURNITURE STOvizs 7129 Dunlop St Phone 4492 igti rM THORNTON LLJ tii the will lit Vllitll IlIlttli Wormits Institute lhiI ioi vii itt siiiii whit llilt iii St iiiiiux tl tw toxin 1lltll itilllti 11 oi Stliliiimei lll ie ui lhisV lli lmllii tiisuiil up Litiilillrtliti lilii it id llilinitoii ivi lililll lriiiit WATS liliiitr Mis hop Es iiisilm itttiiioiii lli liitiliiiti ziii 24 iiiiniiii to il iii shortly llrl Ill sitllltllliili iiii itlil iilt iiitlit ieis had lead in th Htiiiix lllie lttlf chapter Mrs llioiiipsoii lllllillill lt lllt id that liliitlltt tlt those ot thi tir oiiitii oi la year lrinity Womens ssotiilitin The meeting this month ii Mrs leacmlts proved very inlet sting and bus It tiwllilhlb and iitteiitliiift li Lennox ttilHlltltii the iiieititiiz lwith Mrs lioake itltl Mrs iiioip son tilkllii the deviitiona parts xMrs Simpson helld as setlet iii the absence Mrs llttll Mrs Mdiitelieoii saw to the lien siiiers part ioiiitiiiilee ltplVl Fiery citing Tees and Feet ixiiiaz nil itilii ialrii int ltlill ill plultl iiiii ili liyuii iiiil dull lit Here is tltiiil gtIillllltSS anti septic oiltliat will do more to lhelp oii get rid of your trotilile than anything vouve ever used its action is so powerfully tiLtlt tiatinp that the itching is quickly lstopped and in short hate you illlc rid of tlial iiotliersoiiretiery torttire The same is true oi Barbers itch Salt itheiini Hereiniii Slilil liwttr Etl mother troubles You can obtain Mooiies litlitilllti ipii iii the original bottle at aiin laiiiblyn Drug Store or any llltitli itiifiiiiiiifsloie it is safe to Use liiIse ailf itllllllttlti unsightly and failure in any of liiienls is rare indeed iiieetitii iltiltitilti on and Garryqspeiit Sunday with mitt ii lser Seals Maitli to lilltl es who am as orthop iii iiiit ii ioi is iesiili lll last idiluii to iizt stall tlttl Ill li lunch choir and WA iii Itil to my eiioir izowiisl itltiill to inre Mrs intuitv tor liill also tittillttl to send aiiiiiial donation to thei ioiiu iis touiieilf llie handed over substan tit iiination min the lion lZail thrice to certain ltlntl ititlll thank you letters were read iiir IS loiil lUSttl tllt illi piayv lhe hostess Mtttl refreshments unit We ibmunsoti lii iitiitl ritiitoiisl CRAIGHUBST March 15 Barrie wast Arnold Meraeken home ior it ie days tr iilsoii was liltilllt lrom Tor will for the weekend tlrs llitit lonei loriinto visit ed her mother Mrs Hart last week lien linker of lIIinvale gsited Mr and Mrs MeAiile at the lilrs lleioiiald and daughter ior Arthur are visiting Miuand ll ilti Siltllitltl Mr Mrs Htetoii iiid lerey Thompson of liillilt Viili Mr and Mrs icon Slittlieivl at the iitlli ind Stitehaii oil lieiid iritors with Mr and Mrs iiirt aston were Missesl rung and Betty iistoni oi loil nieNitoii and Miss iilabell lliilihrilsiiii of Barrio iwlzeiid visitors with Mr and Mrs iidlliuifiiam were Mr and1 ialiiiei and sons Anten Millsi and air Mills and Miss Genevievr liillii131liziiii of Barrie Mes liven Greaves Toronto Eiittll the weekend Willi her par eiits Mr and Mrs ireavts Si ireaves returned to Toronto Itslltl daughter or visit The MHnuiis institute will meet MirlitMrs TI Craigs oll all An ltiSll Joke Pro liaeMtttiiy Social lilitlltl wt oiiie clinics and ar il tiiiltlltl Miss iipliziiiiflhu cowl iilt erw Lowm jmzf Miss Mathews inotoiili to Sir Lt iulrcli The institute iiis itiiwes lr evening Miss Jes Stainton t=l Visited her patents Smut Mr and Mrs Beetroll and tram Toronto visited Itlrl lurirr Mr and Mrs George itizsseli and HitI Ba erii Bridge Sunday Mr and Mrs iariield iaddnmri Lollingwoud spent drindily tlii Mr and Mrs Ed liitltligtgtl Mr unit Mrs Ken Mellillnim and children of Barrie spent tiizg teekend Zelmu McGillarra Harrie isl spending some time wth litl pith ents owing to the illness oi her lilOUHi Congratulations to Douglas Iiii iehaiii and Miss Betty Wootiier oiI Ireemore weeks ago who were married linl Mr and Mrs lhSehepper taiiiily have returned iiouie iitel spending some time Will triendsi in Delhi iit Mr and Mrs irtiyaert andl liaehel have Itltlttltti lllslilt alter ispending here time it isrtiiii some they were Helgiiiiii their people in the homeland The Library Board had Dr Ives rot Striyner to show his pictures of the northern counties ollingwood also around snow belt and the Devils Glen They were very iii terestint and were Itititll enjoyed The school children sang some songs and the ladies served light liinen ll lfli Sili IIICLI TY HAPPINISS 70R lilllIJCI CHILDREN ii it iio Soiiit loi Crippled Childii tin iiiii appeal for aid through new the pond work done by lttltt eoiisiiliaiits to public health iigi irwaimeiit aiai iraiispoitation shown during visit to tfasiei Seal zalis our extra periil llJillittl iii oitliopaedies BEETON 7777 March 13 Hit Mis Tilrtaiiii oi liiill her igtltl littllllllltill is the and Mis laliiier Mrs iiillitiiilli and Miss Gal tiraith spent the weekend in Osh awa Mr and Mrs Vaiideliaiiier spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs laliiiei and loionto Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrs Notley of St rith ltlilltS spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs hlLltIlllll Mrs Hayes has returned from litavcavalter Siiiildilli the winter with her sister Miss Gordon iiii itlgitl of Vancouver lelt for lioiiie alter Ftlllillit few weeks with his sister MisSGugin Mr and Mrs Don Palmer Shar li ilttll oi Mrs spent Dolison oi weekend with Jack ilii Mr and Mrs Sparks of Toronto Mr and Mrs ilerl lIarinon Miss lieison li and Mrs Miller speut Monday with Mr and Mrs lalinei Another very nice evciit took place at the Rink on Friday night called him Parade There were almost litil present The Brooiii Ball Adiala iiitriiiiiSttli was Won by the latter The matched between Cliii irahaiii oi Sclioiiiberg and Bill English of town was won by the ioriner Bill ioiiiiei champion of this district although showing lack of condi tion glided around with amazing agility but was unable to hit his oldtime stride The relay race was won by Clifl Graham Danny Watson and Bill Stevenson Bill English Jack Dale and Gainer Watson Winners for door prizes were Mrs lio Armstrong Brett and Marion iegg iiiltlifuttttitl isvontow ilionias Mr and Mrs Iiin Neil and Betty of Totteiihaiu visited friends in Angus on Sunday Mr and Mrs Fred oiilson andl family Ioronto visited the form1 rs mother at the weekend Miss Valerie Dexter and John Allason are to be congratulated on obtaining first class honors in Theory of Music Exams at the itoyal oiiservatori of Music loi from Son Willi the tonne lliiilli ply4 V1 and THE FAMOUS 0000an Tilzih ii tin tinc iitie is Viki lilt his Ztl tiaAZo ll etiiit Ioi to ii that Viv1 at gt the hospital IR lil iii iiiiii Mir Liliii iiis iii It liaii hem eiiil 31 li sleight that th itilte ii All Itlltl lili ito lLti sjiiltlilit lUlUlilH vial1i Kit and Mrs tier itltl iiiieii on Sizirhi ii 1lt glad to report Leslie ili it llulil ii ti lining titerb Alltll iasioid iiitiitiiiiviiv HM tit til ogi lioi Ln ipgaiiiliittis linoi in The Happy iie mi in Riltliie iiii VtilliimilJY ix 111 was much tlUUVttl ail klmmhll 1l it WA Itiitl vfus liiil iiiu=iH vibe 31 13 Maw WEN ii HMHD liit will lr lilill iiiiiier Hm MUM Mn MFA aii on the arrival oi io troy thiir conducted Hut win4gp iiiiifli and ii iliniioiitl llt Mrs Vlt litm lttiiuikl itilg the Hallsl oi lul 31m last chapter of the stiidv hoot iiu ihaiil otieriiitz meeting li iiif in Ill1m gimw 1h About in held in the school tlli Mar 2m when out the ltivre iriildren oi io Station ladies Will entertainlliirdpe ir lliwtli oi Shanty the ladies ol Forest Home ilillilit lia who is an Iilililtili worn fan llikestone and St Anthems lilttiiltti ithese piel tree so very pleasant evening wietthat the intro plowml tlli to spent on Friday when thlt Yii otlthe iiiiid llaiai mi Stir lttrl the United hiireh put on Muv siei iiill slim iiitt Combat That Cough Dr Wood Norway Pine Syrup is ii prompt pleasant and effectual remedy for coughs colds Lionel Tilr lltlt=I Sacranwnt til the lmziir Slipper will he itptll ii at tiie Uilllul hiareli on Stitiea iiiltli Zl arid Mrs 1iiii oi till til hoarseness sore throat bronchitis spasmodic IlUltli asthma and bronchial troubles Safe eeellre inexpensive and depeiiduhie llr Woods Norway Tino Syrup helps to loosen Iihltgtil tiltil mucus lltiit the air passages and bring quiet relief for coughs and colds Got supply of Dr Woods Niirwiiy liiio Sriiip today The iliiburn 00 Limited loroiitn tint CI March 15 Mr anMrs Ella Brown spent aw Sh if March i5 Mrs lCtiltSi Baxter of BIOClHillC is visiting at Baxters Ron Iroinbley Toronto spent the end at his home ierney of Toronto is US lug witli Mrs WiiiJIrombley Mrs ltalph Cnitiss was taken to ilrs day in Toronto Harry Lamb is visitingr his Sister Mrs Lloyd Armstrongi Mr and Mrs James Darby are lspending few days in Toronto Goldwater Mrs visited Wallace Wood Mr and Mrs Rossrilsmder Ger ald Snider andFay Kinnear of Jordan Mrs Annie her sister Toronto spent thc weekend at Leighton Sniders 77777 The EUheld meeting on Iomasine of Toronto were Sunday WednCSdy flight when they had it gMns art asgu lllCLXLU LilliJami ezmd Harold Sheppard ace cntaliyl Wyob diam They had CnltT took the end of his finger offwhiti taiuei Chris Gardiner of Midland doing some planing last weel with his tricks ofniagic About Mr aners David Prcbble of persons GDJOYCd his tricks V813 Tunxoispenpa few days with his much Games and lunch bIOnglll at evcnin to aclose Our village wharfwisr being re btiiit which is very much needed as it has been unsafe ntor time Congratulations to Mr and Mrs to thcsCanadianRedCioss bles you to bring 33iggyal$icffallo3i help comfortulifcielfILTO theneedy and thestricken in Toronto General Hospital on sun Mrs Sproulc and daughter YOU CANBEPENI ON WISCONSIN MR Fromxzto22 hp NOWwarmer most populor tire Goodyears famous DeLuxehas lbbeenimprovedtodtlivetwmorrwfr mileage yet it sells today at less Ifbanjirewarprices ital March 154441159 tbiMTLand Mrs Robert Taylor on the arrival of baby son in RV HospitaLMar 15 Mr Henderson of MeMastcr Uni versity gave very inspiring ad dress in the Baptist Church on Sunday overhaulHe will also be blood donorclinics Youiteach rst aid swimming 36 speaker onanStel Smday and will have Good ETidYSIViCEh1i and water safety You operate Red Crosslodges at the Church March 26 at seven All are cordially invited to attend Military Hospitals 30 that wounded veterans have at placejfor recreation and for receiving their relatives When disaster strikes you are there withifoOd clothing and medical aid In isolated districts where the doctor is beyond reach you establish Outpost Hospitals You provide free blood tranSfEions set up additional Ti79Nsrrucc Millions rude roodgiesf miles haveprbved that this newDeLuxe averages 34 miles rhan the ioigniieiigeobguyegr it repiaccs ram DESIGNS Altwinner Show an me iislu Mghertire in every woyl Huskier shouldersmeanzgreater 7y StrengthAwiderattervtreadputsi whorerubber on the road to give wear giveym extra Thomaentuehinsoni Iiiroadctr0ngauperMstcord7i ltagainafer being provides calm stainian and extra protection againstblowours Enibyihitbbluxporfomucetight now your Goodyear dealer Angles Plates Sheets for the greatest tire value ever mes com Rolled had very protable afternoon rriirsnraci BARRE Elliilllliillii Co Spent Sunday visiting Luke Houn Some in Penetang This is the rst time Lulre has been home since his litMomma St gt We 3y mic MOIEfIOE RIDE 0N GOODYEAR TIRES THAN ON ANY OTHER KIND ducted the services in the Presleyi Iterian Church in the absence ot accident last July militia irritant no no of mm mm ninthW to mm as and friends March 15 Jim Stevens and Michael of Toronto are visiting Mr and Mrs Johnston You becomea partner in all themiSsions of mercy carried out in peace as well as wirriyaundgsskilled iierLchcdjlrossworkcr broken rlen cessful cuchrc partylat Mrand Gm the RED moss Mrs Woodrow McConnellis on Fri SPACE DONA rep memorial VBANK for CANADA Your donation willlreiglodly rocehecl any brunch of this bunt ChasRobins helda very suc1 cesslul auction sale Wednesday at ternoon The Ladies Guild who served the lunch at the sale also Toronto Was the student who eon Ralph Ibnald of Knox Coliege

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