THURSDAY MARCH 18 1948 Large Audience By Leslie Bell The 11211 llcli Shimrs ictuiiitti to Barrie 1911011 evening 1111 111111 could well become an 11111111111 viszt so 11111111 1111 11 11111 111icp1ttd by le who l11 1111111 them 1111 1111 nous occfisiurs from coast ensemble of young Already 11111112111111 tin biillianti 1111 has c1i11 111 tinH ctl an envniblc icpiitatzon 1111 111 no distinctive small 1111gturc 111 the irrzinizcmcnis by the conductor Like many other lllll musical on guinmtnnn Htiil 111111 lilgtlltlllillrlul the Leslie Bell Singers arc in 1111 growth of schooi llltlgtlt project 11 this case the 11111111111 luilulnlc Col lcgiutc Girls Choir proof of 11m from value that can be 1111cl school iiiusic programs when c1p able instructors are given an op pbituiiity to develop lllt 111111111111 at hand Wc 11c ilicudy seeing evid ence of 11 111 1111 own Collegiaic under 1111 1uff11rd 11111 Ztlr Fisher Opening the program were group iiilcd Music of the Masters runging from lIcclcsiustical in comic DELICIOllS BLEND OUHE WORLDS PINESI COFFEES 11 SUE 111E CliUlilNS EUR VARIABLE PREMIUMS G0any limo Thursday Mar 25111 until 200 pm Monday Mar 291h leavo destination 11p to midnight Tuesday March 3ch 11948 FLORAL SUGGESTIONS semi PLANTS EASTER LILIES HY DRANGEA strum120150 ALL KINDS FRESH CUT FLOWERS1 illilti lcatlci 1Scu gt1L1111tl 1111y iSltiff 1111 of 1111 11111111ch typo Singers Ylni 11131 lt1 11pm the liiel licc11gt1atcl 11 11 11 11w 111114 of 1111 tircclv 1191 11 111111 iv b1155 of tin lit1 11111l111 111W itily bu $111 111 lgtti nsxincc 31111111 51 1111111Li1 Li 4111111 11 1111111111 gt11c Cliltl larticfcl1ii Voters 11 the echoes picciriop 111111 is 11111 11 11111gt1 111 111L1 csirul work 111111 czi timid words particiilgirb 111111 tllll1ttl the sniolliii tltlin1i 111111 11ml 111 111111 of 1111 l1151 f1111 sclcitions Eouiiods Ave Maria lt 112111 of those 1111151111111111 zuvoriu that everyone loves to 111111 iguiri 1v pccnilly 111 such 11 ltllitllilllii 111111 pictution f1gt given 11 by Dr 111111 briphtir 1111111 to close 1111 section was 1111 Choral liliupsotly 111s111 1111 The Mikado 111111 1111 1111111 favoritc songs 4tillttl iii For 1111 first ippcaraiitc tlic siiigcis wctc gowncd 111 stiipliccs 111 1111 cd sliatlc worn 11vcr 111111 aissorlastylc dresses of white jcrscy 1211151 cf tcctivc touch 191111 soNus For part two Folk Son19 111 North 1ncrici 1111 1l1111st11 111 placcd llltll suipliccs 11 wide liuponul band 111 111111 111 tlic 11th of their white gowns Dr 131111 saw an 11111111111 of his ltLtlil 111l 111111111111111 Ncwiound 11111d folk 11111511 111111111 with 1111 lwurd Cubic 11111111111121 orchestra llicy 51111111111111 111 lllltllllL ibctwccii 111 and 311 11111111111115 11111 thrcc were 111111111111 in the program 111151 son citinty 111111 1311111 llarbour llaii with enough original 115115 to 11101 up 111 cntiic tllllll Dr llcll said lOnly lllltt wcrcuscd 111111 cvcr cni 0111411 to givc 1111 girl 111 the storytl 131 1111 lly 1110111111113 thc lloat origin of many of the 1cvfoinidlt lundcrs llicsc wcrc tollowcd by 111111 typical Frenchteii1111in loll 5111128 origin Wish Was Single Armin what Dr llcll 11111111111 11111 Shoulin Spiritual typo 1111111 il baptismal services 111 ill the giiitips 1111 fine arrangements 1111111 for the chorus by llh 131211 111111 1411111 ii11 to do with the cfftclic inuiincr 111 which 1111 ics voiccs alone can produce vvry satisfying impression MUSIC FOR RADIO 00111111111101 corner 1111 used to be valued higher has 21111111 catchy 1111111 show 1111 iiiiniisiahublc 1111115 111 1111 Irish Iiicxt lunnorous 11111u of lllttlttllh and 1111111 lovelyNcgro 511111 1111 11111111111 it11iiinncd 111211 page one 1111111 111111 111 was gratied to 2141 111 51111111 Scluls 811 pci 113 they had been returned 1111121 dllbllttl by the 19311115 that 11 ciiircns lllit to have the 1i1111illl to make these state 1111lt 111 said Sthllil features 11 dntrhll 12111 touched on by 3111 lithilxllCJ he said that years ago than 1111 lllSltlt lot but inicstiga tionhznl shown that people were not willing to pay extra inuncy to 111w corner lot therefore the inside 1111s vcrc just 15 valuable Snudurly with business property more was day when corner lots wcro thought most desirable but 111 recent years the large chain rtorcs have 13111511 paying more money to get in the ccntrc of block and 1111111 busihcss stand point the ccntni of block has 1111 highcst 1111111 Mr tiiuy was Windcn Walter Middleton and 111 thanked by Reeve livuns of Bradford 111111 is chair introduccd by 1111111 of the county equalization coininiitic Mr Fytuns said he thought the rurzill inunicipalitics 11111 bccn paying ID 1112111 1111 111111111 municipalities but 11c had 11111111 plcziscd to see that it Was 1111 urban municipalities that had sup ported thc plan for county asses UI huirniun of tlic morning session was tounty Assessor Eric Simp son Spcukcrs 111 the morning in cluded Jc35111 of Wusagu Hench on beach property 1Sscss nicnl Ceilings of Bradford on urban property and Alex Gra linni of Uro on farm lands there was discussion period following each of the speakers and Mr Simpson and Mr Evans said they were very pleased It the rc sponsc to the conference Dr illclls way of arrangimr 11111 Voiccs not in the conventional manner with each voice section 111 heat block by itself but with all parts interspersed throughout and ttlltl from one section of the program to another 100 nictlwd that not only demands that each singer be able to curryhcrown purl without dcpcnding on someone be side her but doubtless greatly aids the wonderful tonal blend that is 111 outsiindinp characteristic of the Bell Singers transcription of Glicres Rus sian Sailors Duncc began in unison For the final sot111111 Musicfiir Riidio tlicizirls appeared in their 1111111111111 pustcl lltEiStS icully rc markoblc llillic 111111111 this choir is ch ch Ii ONE THIRD For the Round trip This long weekend offers an opportunity for Vlele home or away with lriouds DAFFODILS SNAPDRAGON 1nd tfltltlt full choral range as Dr Bell said 11 least eight parts llic two carols were 111 Winter Cold distinctive and attractive piece written for the choir by Dr Bell and the familiar Carol 0f the Bells by Wilhousky The Negro $01115 Dry Bones included amusing sound effects provided by 12 instru ments ranging from triangle to liorsc fiddlcs In Annie Laurie the arrangement was of what is becom ing known as the Fred Waring style in modern harmony and sustained notes The final prograrrrmmberwws Fantasy from Oklahoma the Rodgers and Hart show that seems to be on an endless run on Broadway and deservedly so as the numerous rcul hit songs in it show Dr Bell 1115 made his usual brilliant setting of them for the chorus and in Kansas City particularly the swing is so contagious that toes were tapping very audibly throughout the audience The selection ended with some rather phenomenally high not es by the first sopranos but done with the proper restraint to make them not shrill but really beauti fully finishing touch Encores were inevitable was an amusing spiritual Set fDown specially requested was repetition from last years program The Firemans Bride which the girls obviously enjoyed singing and certainly the audience loved it too To close the chorus repeated an other of last seasons favorites the Russian cavalry song Meadowland the horses hooves Dr Bell mentioned that liis1sing crs would very shortly be giving what is possibly the first pdblic pres Mass for Pope Marcellus The only thing to mar the pro gram was the lack of proper fresh air This is an old complaint about BCItagerbuLrieveiLhasitbeen quite so obvious to the audience when two of the singers were forc ed to retire on the verge of collapse during the first sectionof the pro gram and third hadtogo offstage section ofthe pro first with the cleverly done sound of entution in Toronto of Palestrinas Tllli BARRIE EXAM llIlf 131ltltll CA 11 DA r1 13111111111 UNlAllll 11 iwllnblt 11111 cuticm tour iliitil1 111 lalllullxnl lcicgruizi 1141 11 riftp11 lilnnutr Womens Institute 11 11 31115 1101 11 lclht r1 11111 11111 lit 13111011 f1r July 11 111 41111111111211 son 1111111111 on satin one TENDER 11 11 111111 ciscnsvl 11 PIE5 CAKES AND insures 11 51 11 111 1op 111112 111 47 111111 to 11 1111111 11111111 mi 11111 11 1p1t11tl 1111111111 111 11111 11 1111 chungi 11115 111 1gt 1x 111111 your Nothing 111 you 1111niid Vctrians p1llgtlull 1a1ei1Aiti 11 pic111 1111 111 111t11111111 nppoit the 11 11213113 111 11 11 r1111151lyu11 DJ Wu 1111 11111 11 11111111111111 11 sltlll Hospital Toronto 111 sxlny 1111 many 11111112111 11151 iily 11111c 111 to uni 111111411 111 Si 101 If Uh MS itidaliohs to 111 and $11 Lui11un 1Hitl 01 Clllllitlllwith 12c rhod 11 151 111111 11f Alli1111111111 1111111 11 111 ll Cadc 11111 11 llILIJ11 111 11 liiilltll llllll 7111111 v11111111 11111 11 15111131 1111 411169 1111 21111 11 on March 11 nlrlllil 31 2pi1111111l 111111 sin hoot their at Music festival It 31111 1111 MW IRll i1 aiupbcil pri gt11211tl coin 111 i1 VANS 1111111611111111111111 lll 1111 151121 lltiltllltltlll t1 tltU mum Sum AxyyJum oninicnccniciil WM Il vegetable in Toronto Through tiic 11 311s Klimt41111 ASK FOR the Valium111 1s 111 11 11 1111 t11pli 11111111 1111 111 11 Mtt 111111111111 1111111A 31ligtl 11 BOND HEAD WWW mm gii1111 ltl1tl11i 1111 codm salad 1li1tutt Willi 1111111 1111111 Lira 111 Aluicii 1113 11111 1111 1111111111 erllliid 51121 V1111lt11I11 WM lick ll High School t1111111111111111nt iltI 1111111 Hindi 1131 11111 Alaicli 11l 1pm and 5mmpr btllllL 111 1111 11 Mr and Mix loiitn 101 110 121 111111111111111U11 111 Ill 11 111111 5111111 Sunday with 111 int 11111111 lhc program consisth 1111 Dr 111111 111111413111111Hxi VAN CAMP5 Mr Wu thc taxi 11111111 of the 511111 ldililttS sclcctioiis by the 511111111 to thc madnutcs and triplh 111 number of 1111 11 ludics Lit 51 V111111gt11413 31 WNW 1111111 lclnnr tinnblinc 111111 pyranntl 1xci gizitulatcti 111f tracluis 1111 11 101111011 1111 District oiifcrciice 1111111 wan 111111111 11 111111 will c1115 painrnl scene the irow outs lic Ltitl 121 111111 11 111 Personality and Dicsx 11 1111111 utonxt1clicstru 111111111311 1111 111 thcaL 11111111111 gt11111 by ford Friday 1111111 11111111113 wcrtn 14111111 John dltllltIStHlI piano solo c11111 The United WMS 11111 1111 lllllir 11 Bradley Mrs 11113 Dixon with by Ronald Dutcliii Two day 11 Mpg 31111111305 with 1011 11111111111 laxton Mutt 11111111 11111 1111135 were prmcntcd 11111 111 tcnduncc 11122 llic 11111111 reading 11 Draw 1111 1111 tubcs lcuvc 111111111 11 ltuj Turner and Ann was 1111111 by Mix Watson 3111 $111 11111111111 lilitttlillll llr llii111 lolin litiIXllFtill chairy had been 1111111 21 11111111111 1131111111111111111 111111111 11 D1 11115 mun 111 1111 115 Louid spiulnng 1111 into Mrs John 11193 N1x1l 1111 stllt Mrs 1111111111briillyc1111g1utulatcd teachers and Mission 1111111 11111111 111 11c 111 1111211 311s lcpc Dev itudi1ils and Eilltl that 11111111 would Mrs llurtons 11111 M11 Watt and 11 Tour lliitcsidc thaw r1111 Mrs Watson lltSltSStN WMS 1i111 11111 lidktl 11111111 1111 Wlll next himt at Mrs Burtons 11111111111 Airs 11tinicr lvl111tt With spot111 speaker 101111 511 1211 Mn inp llurold 111tt1111 cictics and Newton ltninnson MMS Uianpcvillc 111111l 211 door prixvs hwlmwn mum gum 44 Essa Rd Allandale arc to 11c llllltl Ihc Study book1 111 11vcn which 111111111111 11 sict up nnd lhip Household Furniture Zon Phone 3609 MOVING PACKING SHIPPING Ill stone T1111 Bible for all lllt World was 135 111111111 111 on 1111 lacilit slllulxqtllu1=0115I6hlh bizilltitlnltnqE11111lllllliiINTI11tillh111131511111ln Il11llil nillliirniamrltefwllnrdiiiimrtdurg Repalrs On 711 11s niii rtlltnlfc llunblshedfiltls Watt 103111111 1111 llustir wash111111 $371 was realized 11111 on bloYongcsLrono mwui 5125 EleCiIICCll HQUSGhOld Appliances given by Mrs Watson liic 1001 1111 51111115 lliiJ1 QUALITY IIOKIIIIRSI 15 IRIME REE REESE 111 5111111111 111111 reruns 1111111111 in sun 11 uiiisr htth stones 11371 sneer me nunsr1139 BONELESS SHOIJLBER nonsr 11 as newness PLATE nnrsnsr cum Romm row AND lI 37LITTlullPIG PORK SHUSEGE elitistsbrss PORK TENDERLOIII Ib69c CUOIIEDHRNI 51111 1127 srionspscrcsn 1b 511115 111101 High In Nutritional Value li 191111111 if OBLAWSJW JILL 02 SPECIALAYLMERWIIH caress it iouiiiausnucrz iiiii 21 101 197 LoaLAws JACK81JILL mm 0L PKG SPECIALQHOCOLATE FLA ounru synur mm Gloss0R on cmowm WWR Milli 13 25 Enunnmr 5111111111112 112 299 1131101 Lonmws mean gram was under way Apparently this stirred someone motion for Soon the drapes on one side of the stage could be seen billowingin with blasts of cold air which the audience could feel and even from TULIPS Plajce orders EARLY to assure best selection TWO DELIVERIES DAILY Wealsorridke up toyour order jg WE ABENOW AGENTS FOR it BIRDS33m iror Frosted Fruits Vegetables Fish iii CABUSO 81 co Wholesale 51 Retail Fruits Vegetables 91100131111133 ILmans 4535 ooonsn MEATS dskets of MixedFruits OTED1FOODS well back could see the chattering jaws of some of the singers It is 111 be hoped that such thing will not again be allowed to cause discomfort andthe danger of chills to performers on CI stage HC WELCOME RECESS cesscs for both children and teach everybody benets from freedom in the hallobservers Health authorities saythatie 61 renecessaryiri school It gives Atheroom chance to air and afspell of LLRINGS LC SAUCE Coffee ExcellenceDELlC10US PMDILoLHRBBI I015 GlllSGEI YOUR COUPON ILANKS IN SIOIE FOR OUAKEI 11 OR Illmi DEAL ron Horoscowmmxsoxicmecuss unswch sPEciiiLwcsrous llAIN or 511121 SABDINES 1311317511395 035N51ng 035 29c ussus ROYAL 47 59 WEE immunities 1111111 311111111 11111 37a 111159111 Juror 11 HEINZ mm 190 351 cum tool it Kmuim 21111 Zc 57m Lsc gusting ems 1113311 25 JllllPillllllllillliusi 7111 irImosrcix Brinmrrr shenrscnorc ennui PLUM SASCO no1 FUJI sumn Home 1111 33 mtrs 101 uilg CD UOZ IOIILI TOMAIO VEGETABLE CELERY GREEN PEA EYEMEI SOUP DOG BISCUITS OR TERRIER KlBBli fMSIfDOIrBISCIHTS or on we ion 01 1111517c 11 novnn cunts no as nouns wrongs11125 coffing samursnu 1111 413a Wtwnms 122155 ravens BIRD Sm We MDNARCIIBABY ciiEizsr 1g 111 411 arms 1311176 11111111111111 1111111111115 TE 111111 52 Ksuiconnn rowan If 5c 111111201 11113111511111115 2111 SW Cumm 35 ammunition 11111291 595 chgGPnii 14 your Best Citrus 111111 Tudor1 um 10111 111111111111 iris111 346 swear JUICY SEEDLESS 15c 1V 111141111 1111111111151 111314 1mm 111W 11 12 11111111111115 JELLY 12111112 Gnnpsrnurr 1191123 3161s son 11 mMBwn 15 lust Arrived Imported Texas SUPER suns its no new cannon CONDENSED Great to start meal De licious in sauces and casserole dishes MEET 11 29 21c111 so WOIIYHSOAP CAXIS17CV CREHMEITES lOc 1111 3111111111181 1101141311011 its SALHMT LoaiAws continues on 111111151951 rinsr ensignmesa LEMONS MB Size 3110 do FreshDailyeRcady For UseYitacrisp Br VEGETABLE 51111111 l5c ONTARIOVGIjOWN COMB GRADE MACAIONI l1 SIMle WRETCH 1211 241 51111 runs 651 1311111 2176 ViaJilted 10 Ontario Grown No1 Washed Waxed lzc 11111111 JAM 111 351291 nurnnncns 15111 slim9 mum pm 202111 25 1222256 540 18 15 SMITIISGIIHPE JUICE 111 26 01111111111 Willi lLlllllis BEEIIIST HONEY ins31 CRYSTALHZEII GINGER grams sour ricamrinsacmrnrmsmw II LOBHIW FANCY IBIIII BASKET We will be pleased to make up Gift Blskets to Yonrpersonal requirementsSuitable for any occasion 1111111 51111111121 EM 511111111111 11111 PIIIIE Iilllt 1=iiliiniIsnk human wilvvlnmuuryuluunrbnn