Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 18 Mar 1948, p. 21

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IHURBDAY MARLIEibV 11118 GIT THE BARBIE EXAMINER BAthir UNTARIU CANADA 1511101111 WIN PAGE TWENTYONE 3GEORGIAN BA 1101111 nay Copper Clitlim Weston Simcoe Barrie 111111999th 29111 30111 GORDON REEVE olayncwi1 lc held 111 llamaV TO WlNNERS 81 KITTS 11011 LEAD EOVER 31111111 St1l1l 11ill still 11511 tclitdnhd lutttl 31 1111 games 13 will lie stat M1i STRIKES AND SPARES FROM OAKWOOD EVENS SERIES BADMINTON 11111111111112111 LF the 111 11113 ml lieUignliilalitilt 11 1111 ittilgllil 1s 1= ll1 iit 1111 Ila1 lt1ct iildllJllJ Arsocm 11gt1i we just missed 110 More 11111 to 1311 71111 11 holding 11 will ii distinct 1111111 111 Splint 111 e1 11111 11 gt111111lIrI1tcec13 111 playoff between the 111111t WWW mm 11 15 the Quebec Put111111 Senator 1t of mm Red 11 111 Wk and illpm 111 douse lot 111 ftp112111 HAL 1gtVmt 1L will assists 11o ruff11 UH 1l gt 111 1111t11i 1111 1111 2111111 liar l111llc 1gt 311 fifthi E111 buns111 11111 hour11 ilttnts llf llldl 93151 L613 121 lilac 1111 oiowatcr with 11 henznlt HOCKEY IN 11115 Allin1 11111 11 up 1111Il I11 11 Ieptc llLllllt 31111111 oilidlx dIiall1c 1os pin 111t11 111 the animus11 11111 in 11o11111a1t1aa inll 11 11111111 2111 lewzbtio c1114 511 KV 31 1c1 l1t1l1ltttl f1d 11 111 11 the Sentoi 11 pl yoffs and 15 VVV 1V1VVV 111 131111311 unwed 1111 11 11111 11 Jails1 1113111 gamma c1115 V11111d lltn111bci 11 1ltliligt 111 tintatm Hospital MVV IV 111 1111115 41111 11 11111 1V mnw rt1t 111l 111 ltze 1121111111oialc 11I11111n 111 ll gt1111111ls 31111s 1341 1111Ic preadvtil ll1 illhr 1llollri toilyatds lurnze and VV 10 litre tlllll 211m 1511 links 111 Itia VV VVVVVVV VVV VV VVI VVV 41111131 1111 ll 11 1lllll l11 1l1 In 1111112111111 1ll1I1t11z1 llltllllll tootha 111ltt1111111 pil 111V pl 1tl in Int ll111 1132 lt 1115c ll ltltx ties galin 1131 Ali 11111101111 playd 12111 4111 11 match to SUIwile Wm 1111111 in IIn 1titilimm TVh tlitl tIll131h1ldL=lgt 1111 ll 1111 11loott 11lt Vimt 19111 51 with1 11ttV11 1121 idly 11111 Hi 55 an 30 V4 11l1lgt ltll 33 but1 11l play2 111 11 31 uid as he stopped 23 LgtCh tlliftltv 111 27 l1Ctl 111111 on hr1k111 itIt llrt 31 ant l11y111 all 1111111 111 but 111 1111 pzayers 1111r11 1H 111321111111 itd And VA WM RV RH ll11lll11V 11 111t ltlllill 15131 l11 11 Youth and 11111 11al JIlh Mml 11111 11 11 akv tzp lllc 51111112 kid 1111c lt pit of tin11 tic0v limpa 11 11 own 11 lllt i1t ed 111 tilt11 litlll out will the Java1 and wind torttazda 10113111 ln nday Nighters Mar 23 thi Eel 21 111 luesdafv 11duled for Ld lliftl 11111111 19 11 1111 1L games ill be March Mar will alt1 11 viaV till1 111114 defence the 11111 11111 111111A 111111 lintll 111111 titwt tiltf 11 111 ltgt11 it 21111 Mtxc J112 53 11111 11 1t1 Iin 1111 11 J1EE make as In x1 v11 3411111 11 them illhditll 111111 5ltlll and 11111 1111111 Sorzt 1111 1171 1151 ll1 ttt ltl 11 111 ll 114 11112111 Mitt l1115s 111 111111 alhoatl the the elder tt champs 11 Lo 11 1311 11111111114 lla 1211v 111111 Swimr 1111111111 Altotl 111 tl11littl waits 1111112 They did 1111 11111 11 oftIiiztht but the lllll1 Ullltl not clicl on 111 1111 Izd In lllgtltllt 11111111 lluii ill1t tactd 1111 11111 1111111 tilts 11 xii1 and limited on all four In the middle 711111 alo they had Clll of plays 1111011111 on and ti lllill1 111 11111 llarru wa courttillatsup on the illea 1111c results proved llllllllIlt 1S llltllll lZnuns lIlcctric lTdda Slam of Spri afield irccr IIaIIsporl llndians wasnt 111 larder tty Alttlt he missed with grin and pocketputrid for his newest baby lilibtr llcarn stole the show and Natty won the name for thct Iihiunps 111 not the opener front in 11 Katrinan then peppered 11111111 11 neyt 1111 after Barrie made it ll set up the third scored the 11111111 from Jun McNhlty 11111 the 111111 troIn Kat11111111u1111l1lli1t line stole all the thunder front the ace trio and showed what they could do when they are barbed Into action It was 31 in the first withl llarric playing it even for four Ininutts thtn Ollczirn connected With 1111 Altoft cooled at 057 111 liinms Ml up centri Poland who was the star of the llarrie sruiadl and llouelas was mad as v1 111111Iti fl1l1i lll Vllar lls lft1llll flt tlIIl to Tuesday Nighters Station1 iilCHlltl 511115 21 211 211 30 thl 17 It 12 11 11 III 1111 Final li1tli1 in 111211 11011 to 1111121 11 on 11111 lurtilttle who ttt1 51111111 on Moist llttlilr v5 lllllllt 1=g 1111 ligtii111 ltlIlitlllIlt ltltlgt varT VV rptrrrtmvmi ltfgt 11111111 11111 iii111 1l V11 41 II tllllll tl1fl was 11 1nt 111 11411111 lilt 11H ox1Itttl 7111 1111 tl1 Vl Rlltll 111 11ll1 ll tizt 11111111 111l it lwl its liiTl rans play11 Zoi 1l in 111w 3111 lt111l 1111111114 111111isl to 11 fottud tut11 11 111121 V1 111 littlit Ilillll 1l1 lr 1111311 I11 Why 1111 1111 Shariv llIai 11 flit 111 11 1111 111131 to 1mm 111111111 5111111 111 11 11 1111 11 ltlllitll lll1 tlitills Itlt litrultww hm 1HV1 111 131 breaks pol11l 511111111 to 2111 11 lI 1111 111 111111 11 11 they 1111111111aliy stoma11 11111111 wood ftdl nlt Ullt tl iiil 1111 and had luck lapt Ila ltll to one no1 1111 lltt 111111111 foam in 1111 first p11z11d 1111111 was llll marksman 1111 llll1 twat Wallace hun up on 1111 play Iwo nallus 1r1 llalltlfl oat 1n the lll 111111111 AS 1111 tfllltl pttiod 1111511d l1V 1111 11141 as Slituiti 1111111111111 to 111111 lakwiod in lllfll111ll 1nd Sonic lV 13111111 goal ltlltllll liy oad kept Stioud scoIthss 1111111 Sherith found the mark at 1210 Bowman set up the play About 11313111111 later llowinan ptt Stroud three 111 as llt scored on ilSt3 from Younp and Wallace Finally akwood broke the at 12 larnct Jenkins tookl 1111 1111 11 1111111 til11 claw2 la 11111441111 Militia Lillil lltIJlll Allinw Stiano tiltl 1l11yll1111s 1121 liairie lannnli Moirison Motois llarrit lXlmlllll AF lall llanuit Mill laike laIltt Stull il Post Office ut414s11 Uilt 111 1111 =111i Iti1 ll 511111111 II il11tlll 11 11 vlt1111 Hornl 11 llillilii 1111 111 nlvt 77 WW lti 11 11 Htul lil 11l li1111 11 11111 F1 111 wood Wallet on deli1111 and in Jenkins liltlllttl i11n1t and 1111111 111 1111 11111 1ltv 1111t1 itl 1ll 111 ttllltuili Sillllllllli lTliFV lie 12111I xiuIWd 311 lttltztiittlinlt 111 lt lairiii 1111 sai 15113111 tl1 tiIst llll tll tIu aunts of l1t1l tlitl til 11 1V71t it tilll 1111111 till llit lluulr liizllilts dott1elt 1111 111 11111 11 1I 1111 11 11 pawl rrr1 111 111115 topaco League 23 ittl til 1111 31 10 11 10 10 12 Rio 1tl it111141111111 won It the 5111 11211 VV lrollllHillnae Unfvtuuvk1 1k am my sentattuns 01 um natthts 111 111 111V 111111sV 11111 111111 111llt ll111l1t rslii Ma 111 opposition Will runrile lion in l3 Olympia Ihoe 111 sponsor the P1111111 gm were 1111115111 111 1111 though is in Its infancy as 1111 111 to receive the watch from ltl Cliff ltszon and Siincoc will 5101 on the Barrie team top Will meet in the finals schch only mm Hun rm lin 1111 this season Lilattii Elliitl lo llltle holdur 111 118 llophy lot 1111 up for crazinetition but 511 111111 litl WHOM is 111311 31 3l5= M131 litzt tiltcun bl mug mt 2m U53 WindsorBarrie game on Mon 171 11111 sind up lung111111 Auto 11cle1gt WWW Giff my my Vh day night there were two prev llatt 11111 11111 r1121 11 the Inai 13111111 111111111111 1he1uckvfan was Mrs la 11 and ltwket 111 iia tllw will 91 Ll Wm Bierlow in Barrie whos name lljlliotllttl 111 mp III 11 11 still the 1th to beat for the Inar lt th 131111 to 11ndrt VVIVVV VVVV mm ml VVVVVVVV as draun trout the ballot lio 1111 111 ll lllxIIs Tun what The $125 wrist watch as Tmth donated by liteves Jewellers SumpV louns and c1111 ltt1rtill ale 311015 1th FBI pm N111 system and thanks to theV through the Junior season Juntoi ltzunbcr of 11111111111V and pluyolls up to tarch 11 1111 rzc for til first tune al Mrs Mgrlou 1111111 out on the Vas the Muipet N111 system is cont iordon Reeve reind Gil St Pierre with 73 points Opponents from North Bay Cop we 1th ml spend twoday session in this W115 presented to him by town The teams play each othch Mr mime MM Ml once and the two clltllllt up on Ihl hem 111111 for ltttIalui March 1111 In Vague ihllmpmmmp and Mr 11 11111 of 31 111 in Wins the team Jun Mmmfm 5th 0an llll the highest goals scored will 51mm for ml mm 111111 into the final larcnIo Campbell president of the National llfickey League islThornfon ROCkets Wln itiiuuia idlilft latlint gig11111 1111 rers Smokers ll olnot Jtgt Taudlcrs 11 11isiunii 21111111111115 Sh ippcrs Exporters 1211 3111 11 111I1u1 Kata119 1111 ll 11 llll 11 1111111 til VI1111n 11 111t lh1 111111I 31 3111111 111 llfll cupI luront 2111111 111 11 111 111111i111l pitcs Stall111 l1111 11111 Shim 111 i1 11111111 11 Izc 1211 111iis 11 litilitc lI111 tlt ilt Hal vir 4111 t1 iii111 t11111lt111ri chantry11l1lgtt111 llil 1111 31 21 1lltllt i11111t 11111111 ill l1fc 1111111t111 11l 11131 11 ii1l l1V tlVVV 1V fawn11 clubs as lcntl111il1 lttiirI it 111 111 1111 11 llll 1d ll1l 1l11t 11 tlu 11 l11 11 litutter lllittlll 11 larl linunu Ill luv111 H1111 liftltltlt ll1tl 1111111 ol lllilll11111111 1111 1114 t111t11 who 11 in lllllit 11t VVlttllt 11l 11i1 111111 dewlop llll 1111 plier with lasliiiiutot111131111 Sulaii 11111 ll1l o1lty lttlllltl 1111111111 t1 111 2111 star is slated to tttatli 1shtnItot 11ltt act1111111111 f4 ttawa reports 111 lttlillltl 11111 lllltV HVVVVVthc Lions at training camp In 1111 11 advisory capacity 11111 1L111111 11 Htl llti 41H lllltl llv 11l cxpzcttd be on hand for the Against MineVsing finals 15x ected litre for the en tire stIus lure those flying torts MarCh Exhbhon Nilillllilil fhdllitilgdtlileNiQiiIIfitlbiiil Thmmm mans mmId Ml thc famous fivifortwo deal lovcsnlp Flyms Minimum ronto executed w1th llill lobin undillnlmr mm 10mm Awml his huxoto Black Hawks It isillildlW March hot knownthcthcr 111117 will ofl Milithln ilil lgt 14 hf htilVltl 11m 11 more be 11151111 mittam but the smaller lhornton lb oyraston but at any rate it isi ads covertd their respective Inen believed they will be hexo wcll thus lisorcanivinp the v1si litn llobinson recreational counlWS illicit 3041 Jim lltlll cillor has spent tnuch 111113 in orllillld D0 GNIWHS 01 11 canizint the affair with ltelp from litik 01 Mint Adilmft 110 111 iordon Alcott of Weston and 11114 011mm fin 1101115 ihL 13151 best of cooperation from Wes All LClllg id DO did it Emmi l0b supp manager of the Barrie Arena Adam 001L36le his 10111113 01111 1111515 the Citizens of Ban1L1 tzoal which was scored with less will turn out in large numbers than two minutes tlelltllllLL and support he 1011mmng Thornton marksmcn wereJrank If it is convenient Hap Emms BIOICY 30 E11 CUmilll wil coach the boys picked V0111 byiham Bob Broley Mickey Broom the mentors in the NHL and atihmd and Don Gallium tempt to place Barrie on the map gt of another llockey cycle The 7310pnifaijicmys Simcoe lit 13=ll tw 1111 111111a111ll lll IV VVVVVVVVil 11V 111111 11 It 111 lllltlllill1I Haliw l1l 1111 32 27 15 illIts huth single Widths 3101 three 15 lleacock 710 Ladies 11111 sincle 11 1221 11111111 1111111 Sim 5111 Scores to date Mens hitth sitt1 1111 larrity 2115 three Bea coek iruInnutt 110hi11h av craitr lr Mulcltinock 201 Ladies high single lersittni 2112 three lcresiitni tiiitl over 110 Jo Jerry 1013 111111 111 hit 11 112 AMP 1111111l1s V1 11 tlllll Montanatit was In illllt oui tinliar lIll ll lltlt 1l lIIl film on 1111 llt1111 Iinlayson 111 littli to lllt tlllll Ittilllllt lllt 111ml poultr lilui tairns lott 1111111 111 vtal I11 that toVurna int taltlitllllt the nitIts and 1111111 1111111111211nts 1211 111111 11 fildl ll 11 11 111 Iner 121111 it 1111 soft tally Saints wcrethc most llX on defence of all season larric was all over them and Saints unable to clear I11 151 Recreation sIasoth SUbscrib llilvlllllilll Hulltillhitliditlflniiiflihi To ild Guthrie Jencins pass to litat Snothe 1111111 sttlolt llVlllU lllt lllllCtlt oinuuttets 111 1111111 at work and and at 112 lcnknis attain nca V01 last week we lfllllcommunlty Ha 111111111110 111 1111111 is bent rounded Stunthr this tune from Mclacgarl into Morris llosenlcld who has lJLtllV UBldjn1l1111111111H will lmll SVtroud were playing live Intn toVin the motion picture industry 111 Over $3000 has already been mix at Illl tltllt Hi the 11151 aoul C1ada mintc111 left larric StlllCpltljLfl In public subscription column IN TIME I11 lirst clash of the night came at the east Barrie bluclinc at l241 as Meloni and Eniins scrapped andl nitneed soon local lineup is somewhat similar 81300m1rN01lh 1333 VS 0510 to the roster Barri carries in twill30 DIRCopper Cliff V51 Billlii QlVlllA Midgct play0vnsl TUESDAY MARCH 30 with few added front line per 300 111inme 9510 formers In goal is Bruce Synnott 300 DmlNorih 1331 VS COPIW defence is to be looked after by 400 PmBallieIVS WCSIOH Don Fralcigh Lloyd Pcarsall Bill 5100 lint51111009 VS C010 Cliff McCltllough Bill Elson and 131111830 p1nvainaIsmbctweenthc first Goodchild Forwards consist of Danny MacDonald Danny Poland Paul lEmms Richard Delaneyi Billl Ssxton lcd Garrett Jerry Turnl bull and Doug and Don Coulson lurnbull and the Coulson broth rs are the gdditional strength Alvin McLeod will be carried as an ex Reg Kenwell BrisboisMar tra netmindcr SCHEDULE MONDAY MARCH 29 New Toronto spent the weekend at Mr and Mrs Kenwolls the occasion being in honor of hrs InnBaum VS Norm Bay Weathcrup5 who celebrated her l50 Cppllel C11 list birthday on Wednesday Mar 400 pansbimcoe VVS North Bay PRESENTING 7THENEWGENERALELECTRIC VVVVBQRTAVBLE FARM WELDER D$iqlled 1159315911 Farms Garqges COMPETEWITH weldgiiqnqasuumer PriceddsLowAs$18ttioplugtaxV 45511 10015351an v1cgtnsuttltg 1911mowersmum7 BARBIE 11111111119 Mulcdstersh two teams 111111 1111 1947 wasVGGIBf be biace cot majors Then Ollearn did his star solo act in 10 seconds but the champs coulquot better it when Lloyd linunins was gated at 1742 for 21 siren McNulty got an inchopening on the short side to open the second tthcn Pearsall hipped Meloni at Vthe puck slid under his stick for 1330 and the perfect pOsitional playVV of the night missed from McNulty to OIlearnto Katzman who hit the lposl 13111171 flattened MacDonald in lccnrc iwltcre OMllA rules forbid bodyincl but that did not hamper corner from pileup 11121151111115 Ion at 51 and roared their heads Off on up 11111 pass11p arric 11111111111 offside THAT ONE HURT In 19 seconds Katzman fed lOllearn at goal at 01 then Switz cr pot booking penalty and the little captain saw the enemy score two soft goals with him cooling off Poland and McArthur were the Lsnipers Saints dcfcuce was lax indeed then and Barrie got inside three times Teal and Toyota were senton and Ollearn set Toyota up who missed the open side in over anxiety AV lVlillrgzrmmrlHagmrpttltehedveaeh other then grappled for majors so Rounda sticks were held high Three foeslz ganged upon Wayne Brown who was very much on his own The first 1111 11051113011 Recreation Films Commencing next Wednesday afternoon and continuing at three wcck intervals the National Film biogd in cooperation with Llarrie Recreation Council lltavc showing of recreation films It is intended to show the films in groups of three each group dcal mg with particular phase of rec1 Chief of Police Weatlicrup Sa111151s OIlcarn pokch one in the reation activity The recreation department will garet Stewart and Helen Archer V101COnc0s OBrien set Brown be forwarding invitations to all ipersons known to be interested in the activity to be shown on the ltorthcoming group of films It is possible some persons may be overlooked and it would be greatly appreciated if they would contact thcrccreation oflice On Wednesday March 24 the three films to be shown will be Play Ball Son short on teach ing the fundamentals of baseball mluding elding throwing bat ltin and pitching High Jump land Broad Jump arc selfexplan atory and Show the proper leach ings for the fundamentals of these field events 31311 OHeIun just wound up solocd 1111111111111 the Barrie crew pulled sitting pigeon goalie out and lmade it 73 for the siren Saints second line punched home Itheir 8111 goal in 53scconds of the =Iiilal then Katzman andtMcArthur swapped punches in the northwest corncr for minors at 255 That was thc beginning of the end for Barrie OBrien drilled blucline screen lshot Mcloui got the and Swilzer his first goal of the night Saints did not score when Enims was gated at 542 but Meloni tapered off triple play with their line 101 JVgoal lead at 123 and Saints looked to be Wellawdy Then tliechamps got careless and relaxed so MhTthrcuTitbaka to 124 Dong saved three in secondswith NILNutty off Vthen Hagan notched Barrics closure andBibber starting signing autographs for his public Barrie Lions Goal Kirgwdgfence Pealstalk Emms centre McArthur 1w11112sL jrnotlz alternites MacDonald HaganPoland Stewart Ball Timmins OConnor St Catharines Lions Goal Doug las defence Brown OBrien centre SmcennngsLdbqtc alt ernates Milligan Coons Katzman OHearn McNully Teal Toyota Referee Jack Cuthbert Port C01 borne linesnfan Frank Elliott St Catharines trowu WILL Honor iFLYERSrWIN lose on DRAW 11 Iacj1i1hockeyran 11111 has ttendedLpracllcally all Barrie Fiversf 11111111 games for three seaSons sends 1111111111111 rim Galt where the City Council fetVed the Rocketsat party Vthgy WylieVllwtts given trophy as most popular player Smiths local fan It Is to first for his line Lions Night at the VBzirric Branch Was heldon Friday March 12This was the third group that have been invited to our new hall to see the building asWe extend the hand of fellowship throughout the town The previous groups were Council Night and Kiwanis Just before thrcc more quick goals were cotttll Stroud ed two by blurl with to get the first from Jenkins and Slitrifle uni Spc Vlhrcc more penalties were handed out in this period ted 1th Stroud came the play defensive hockey as they let vill akwood carry the play to them At the 211 Inark however ll Webb let Wicde carry in on him too far before he attempted to stop him was able Wicket away and let side the blueline The shot fooled Siltlli as he From the faccotl El Webb took the puck and car 111 1nd of 1111 p1iod IIVVV1VV ArKING In early tutus scurvy caused by The deal for the site is now beinci lack of fresh truIt and vegetables completcd The lot is 100 by 117 feet was the dcadlust of distuses on 1115 pm 11111 11mm lLptiutnd is located between the arena and lung voyages ca 111 the goal by Wicket From on VVVVS Oakwnud 511cut110auonuuoo11011o1111c11111111n1 carrying the play in Stroud bat ting the puck away llay was years ago He recalled his carlyidrive tor new community hall at hockey days with the llartie oltsGuthritn and was Interested 111 lcarnait about Young and Wallace Mclaupart scored the third nce for out in the third to Let us rcsilver your mirrors cut to any shape holes dril led where required We replace window glass BARR FURNITURE REPAIR 74 llenry 81 1111111111 IIioniilsorfii past the Stroud defence andj Stroud waited for the breaks on which they attempted to capill llowcvcr all was not unsttcc ful as atVlll3 Wright took passi tron1 Vcbb who got the pttclti from Bowman to beat Coad for the final goal of the uamc lhatli goal made it Stroud Oakwood to get his shot It 111 from just out uuunu in it much slower till the end of the never moved game as akwood could rarely pcti 1fn1111c1111119011uouaonaauuguano111115102 ricd in to score at ARENA FRIDAYl MAR 11 3110118019 1151111111111 Kiwanis WINTER FROLICSIOF 194 AT8oo1PM bl Kiwanis 11111510111111 Barrie Proceedskin 1111 of ClubSorviceW91kf 8411 RELAY RACES FOR Night The evening had competition with the heckeyplayoffs on but it proceeded from pin till after12 Executive members met inembers of the club and showad them through the building The members otlhe Clubs played cards and had Elmer Sing 399E The maia part of the evening got under way after the hockey game was overPresldentBob Bibby welcomed fellow Lions on behalf plrtrbranchmndwaedonlaresidr ent Peter Sinclairof the Lions Club to introduce the Lions members Bob Bibby introduced Legion mem bers Comrade A1 Harris introduced Fred Greener of the CarlingCon serVatton Club who showed films on Wild Life The films were outstandji ing and were appreciated by eVery body particularly the hunters and fishermen in the group Garf Bothill thanked the club for ming to Bar rie gComraide Garf vBo1trill1ed the singsongwith comrade Wally Per kins at the piano Garf Bottrill Bob Bibby and 11Harris divided the evening for master of ceremonies duties It Wasiva grand evening en joyed by veryone The branch certainly appreciated the large at 112111ng of Egge11 and Ski vstionsii IOWH SCHOOLS SVPR HIS 1011 RVUVRfiL SCHOOLS 11111111111111 THE RAkaS BARNES own1113111111111111111 tN ACRVOBATICS AND FREE SKATING if CleverColorful Fragram 11 FigureSkating an FROM TORONTO 11 be hoped 111 Worship the Mayor 1111 Council willsee ft 111 do somethiqu simtlitr 11 1111 01m cums whowin lose or draw have certainly provided us with 11 flue win tetlscntertainmpnt 1111a haven dEf telyV broujghn Bari1e 111110 the public eye His Worship assures us that the matter ltas already been discussed by Council and the proper go alreadslgnal hasV beengiven Grillili Public Library outag 10 whim nonfiction were 9655 tormanceon behalf Ifthe Eton Club Regqu MVeVthlng Monday March 15 short business meeting washld Comrade Moves will give his chat oh the Free Educational Facilities lotVeterans available through the Legion on April Red McVeigh repnesentative for Imperial Otl shouted some fine films which proved very eddcationalf Art McKenzie distributed tickets for our April 181 dance tothe execu tive and members This dance is for Legion membersand close veteran ndmmtmfttxlllary members and on 319111 tipkets afford 511 this Tickts 110111 Club 2Hurs Enetainmem for 0k iReservesViAdults 50114 Tickets Ilth 11111111111111111laden1111111 11111111111 2511111 11111111

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