Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 18 Mar 1948, p. 2

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ommnuotovtm000oaa PAGE TWO MEMBER Ul lass Weeklies til tul Published Thursday Morning by AIIIIII IIIIIIIIII II llti tumor EXAMINER LIMITED HIRIIMH WW 3H MltlAlllCN tmitt cult to ruaowoooo cars Ago Svggy yrzlth$ III II II AA runInn In lSiztatu hour he hlisI HT Ii him 515th llillt tlll ltll IUll Val15 mlm 01 riit 151mm Alll 91 15 11511th Sltttli Lupus II March it 1895 to give voiir set lllilit the attention llltI should in minim renetal lltllS llltltl 11 Service provides it practical solution At Barrie Lottl Nolls lll the tumulted lltJlt llt Ill it he l7 ill ltliitl 5313 alll eorv linued economy to with II II II II tp tations and to substitute ihtt mth 7lHUtl itll lrttlsot estatesailtl titnts oil it tail ltlll illtlul in me lttlltlitflllul councitltirs lllld lllCSt You or unmnI gt Ewascsiill titslaid llie ttis per in II II it itsti llit tinfth noe or less left militarv aggression for tht ptUttoStS 01 WW lll lidllU 121 ti ctnts ovtt Ulu lltllllUll unI1 1s IIII II IIII l1 hi ml Omnwwe galls 91th Rpm MHm Cd ti listtN otlr lt lllltllltllti llll our otherrs l1 in mm ill enaiured trom every de II nonunatnn and in and of so llIunlmiu III AHI AMI 5H Uzi request iiitll Mtlllbtlf 59W laid litMl II Mainlweis ho tttvllllllilllltll the lno in the United Nations Appeal tor told ol solution tot him 01 the 155935 11 1Mi lsblim Lntoelietllv this systematic ren have ended 3day European confeieiiteI llIIlIIIIII in lluhlIlIIU irell AA tad 3310 mttrlmd 01 appraigmg buildings ttl Gtlitlll Vlllcll was also attended DIV SPOh giftct oxmnple til Cantatas only tolitribiitznn 111 Ne =IiI MdI Simpmuu In It Aldrin gt onal llOXlgOVtlllllltlllilli il llttlllll the FllltllCUltlllhtl ltonle lnllatterted lvv theinni 3115 rm Ian himit 1111 has corrected many laults oi pltlltlth asses Omen 01 90 Helm 11 too with belleast at tho 11131 MdmImIIIIIIIIII IIIIIII II III II IIIIIIII IIIIII II II nents IVVllilE there llilVwaptll sOmc drastic organiIiatiIonsIbatIgeJiiid hmriIlgIlItlglt2213 rIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIII III III IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIII III IIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII IIIIIII IIIIIII IIINIIIRAII changes by the new assessment there lutC0Ullllleh f1 101 7an II UK 7lt tritium livtopttlur all over Ntlllltllttltl with llortte stIutil tor services on the MailtuutlI lllnilnl illllltilv lmSibly b9 Im Diallmn my will Canymh xviin eh something different arctiuvtftiral desitin lbultrauo ltIteistrntitu HitId HL ii ih Cnmlminns an ionic ml in modern Canadian residential section is comiitern was ordered row cause most proper1y Iholders kiltw en niiplotl lid and Nvtv wmid 31 padmmml Mm 1001 Imd IImmd III IMIIIIIII IIIIIII buildings had been assessed on the same II II hunk Tomlde MI WWII Imumnck IIIIIIIIIIIEIIIIISIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIII lhxSlS tS lllOs ill tlttil neighbors Tile Ollltfllll lltpklsll llPWS IIEItlltIl IIIlIltIlhI ll Ingtlttll settlers decorated their homes in my 1111iLtIiSlllllxvas tIisveitItiIlgtII lllllllIIllIIII Dwmvr 135i Friday lllimnolmi ill 9011 demo press lepmt that Tmlmh lolln lt lllttls and doors are Chinese Red lhe remainder of the wit 1H tll LL HMlt il leltflltft oi assessors oi Simcoe County gt is beino fornltd to aid the Arabs ill llltll flllli it v1 trte following the pattern oi earl settlers vlo tltitt MN lrav assessment commissioner for Toronto tlni nee llltll oilstl of 1ttmltl itsw iti lt gt against the Jews in Palestine ll such mllttI litmus to tern them lool it Ill and former deputy minister Ol MtllliCipl PIOSlJPlCIiiu hiltl Vtl Sllt It this rincile were applied on an extensive My own criticism of parlianicnttllle sulary ol leo li Henderson hm mm mud mm to King to an elected body that bodybctore they wotild take less than ovmg th groundg yet his ls illlellS service is to be ellCCliVC and pur Democratic government depeilds provtncial and federal parliaments110M MCLCRHL JOhIl50 POWC All Imm unmm in TIPNUITIWI IllOllly Oil llllpl II poseful family that has lived on the same farm 101 One sists Ilhat his way is the only way rights he citizen has or slioultr hundred years to send details to the Township mm WWIbhchuos WI take mil titptttir lt tiptu or gain duun helplng 1m Ci lmvrxtt Courttti to erl 11 Im Cmmlpu II Inuit Still tor iziaintenance of lttti lo ti21 tt unable Vs 11 ll litu gt 25 ASSESSMENT AAGhS From 1840 10 19 me wmm mOHI Hihl llliilv tuiiztiie terttirs lit TU mt Miami mpuwr mt subject or towards economic union which was pleltyI II IIIIIkIIIIIIIIIII II 1c3 amkgmg Ms wmom WW MI TmIcomplete when the Germans detidtd ts ptlt in it 11lr ttl 1mm 10 11 set larilities the broad studv oi investmentsand the group ittdeincnt lllilt lltht company brings to the management ol sororities held by hun majority innc been willing to leave the bustvii theirm Thy WI card Index S$n bmng 1110 It trierd throughout Simcoo County has been Fourteen 01 the nations which dlc partittp it CORPORATION lrllll 71 iii An mull ielani The County all had 45 113in h1g3 ISSCSSIment because 0f the exueme Clerk as soon as convenient llliS illfOlmliOll its place While holding opinions tlHl1lIlgictlllllsuiI15liniiiiuflntf pristhlcrsI of whom itI VOITWYL $9IW 0m 13 high 19ml Vamc lbeirrg desired for historical pttrpOses A7 no their own men who would as nsxlgnm me ask of nding Of the men topic committed for since 1869 or CANADAI WATERWO ONL It tOllldDDeal that We 32 10 assessorsdoubt for the Historical Committee working 34m candidate for any constitlmwi form be willing to listen to the HI gery for sclline liquor illegally 2a Stmco Count 11 only beginning thell I110 Im tlt us on oi man II II II Ik ggIIEIISIIIIImeIIIS LIIIIOIIghunder Sheriff CD1Iury to gather mattrrtlI WHOHSI 01 lheys and to seek mum philosuphy which would for litiirltencss for lnSdnttyl lab equa 13 no for the new county history If all the tOWIl conmion ground ot agreement Ike his thinking straight on any and other 30 were old men comi mi County The card index System wllltships could secure similar record it would That means compromise Elm question which mllfllt arise milled lISIVagrantsItiiichoman as provrdc an adequate measure for the aprtImake very interesting feature Compilation compromise is the only way bylwoum expect himIm beI Clem insane out three AS ahiant 10 Blt values Whhh illmhihl PLODIC C3 80W vigorous thinker and speaker hon Alums Tllllsum 501d his Grist Mm plalSitl 0f butldlngrsIEIiut IVllben DO IEIcIeIlled LheOf the 999333107 maml 131 15 OI easy 11091 themselves Those who c41nnot it with himself and with me at Painswlck toI WI ICoultcr of and lemnl Value ue to taking and may take couplcvot years Ollltl compromise cannot rule and in muSI he hudg 1hrqu 131311 Toronto Mlnesmg casket and3 Phillips Arthur F3 Jithhhlml assessor Will either have to mark time or Step townships would do Well to fOllOW ESSRS BXA Lll11 1WD liuhL l0 uv cottons would lit to tile party crate dolorV now my equipped Em Barrier oInt Barrio Onl in i1 full staff Mr and ll hll in making any Significant changes Such mtn can lltCl be LlLMllldImgdnlhnmn 10 11nd out the tunn 111 it ample ll 41 POSiUUH 01 POWOIWWCY dlLlopinion 01 those who ought to MrsI IAIlkmsgn ally Fully I2 npmsiblc On any question Iva theIpeome wbuid vote for leaving Iutn1e3w ere 1I Mom DAYS OF EARLY PRINTING While some progress has been made with thinking men wrll hold Idlllorent is membm Unipss me people son has lived over 20 yeatS in contor the Oro Jockey Club took pos construction of winch to start soon llion bushels en thel IMUI p110an or opinion is on good men not much can tleLllOll llll the public school aslsession and had qutte rate caption one 1111 Iemmdel of the ancient days Wh lVlsual educatlon canada It IS bemg adOpt the basis 01 political parties Thosef be done inme pmHamemI trustee or secretary for ten years IJ110l1avcrs GrenlclIsaw gIOUlld BUSINESS lillhil 512le the VEry DOORS were printed was we re Ed in Great Britain 0113 mUCh larger sealer in agreement on general principles wm mm menI IQr 1311 9mm At Cotlsloutltional meetng oflhog last wcekIsign of early Spring at Allandalo there being about cently in London England Whena hlghpncelAll schools in Britain are to be Equipped Willi may diller in details The indivi things cart be accomplished Thommn Memomm Chumh it was Jon Sllgley Holly sold his dmeIn bulkemen 9n the Sparey 1151 ld grand church entire herd of Herefords to Mac was aid for first volume of the Gutenberg 15191 1qu Ill 11nd it caster to com II decidedItoIbui II BIND III II IS beIIIeved be the firstbook Cinematograph 131039 rs and thm II promise With other members ol ldurmg 169i meg to the Barrie Donald 0f GuelpltI AIparty of ILdIvance notice of events by er talds t0 teaChmg new Orgamzatlon 15 heme 0w people not using the race track 1th offimals Visued Midland to which money is raised areI not printed from movable typeThe bOOk was warts up by the MinlStel Of Education to deiii113111Eighth the momhem Formerly of Barrie Shanty Bay on February 22 some inspect the site of the new elevator inserted in Lets Chat tl Sth in Mainzt Germany in 1455 and 159 velop the use of educational films on large TrufeAnTY SYSTEM Pensioned CNR oinine copies in private hands Iscale throughout the land This new enter This is the basisIIof loyalty to II The discovery of the art of printing madeiprise will be known as The Educational Former CNR agcnt at Wyebridgc possible tremendous advance in knowledgeipoundation forvisual Aids Itsactivmeswm mm his Opinion governmehp aInd WyevaleIAithtii FallqtyfigldII anclcivilizationRPeviotts to that timewisiom Lnot be confined to Britain oneIof its aims becomes impossible In them treemore retired to pensmn at and information fWElQCOInveyed ONY by WOtfdbeingI to promote the interchange of visual OW members or Pal general lovaltv to the arty railroading or mouth buthrobably most people were too aids both Within the Commonwealth and wrth Dim governmgm wm wage to Mn Faumleld was bom at Life insurance tillers you sure ley of saving for old age sitlt ilessIoi llllllgtlltit in addition it protects your laulil against your untimely ileathullic Mutual Life of lianmla tillers loh cost life inuranre rumhiiiiilg savings with protection Li lutuil lil representative to tell you about it today III II With tutzil of $4890 wiltvm It ll my mt Organized on Ohmmnl 1SI it nd MimilmvllmInii llml Shim II II ntellt said it Mil have 110 ltd 11 Nh 101 that has not 311mm IllltllIsI tlel111flIIIlIIlrIIIt IIIOIIIIOII III III Ins mava The Turkish Government the shovi in tin laud poia lltlllse oen thll gett iiSr ro t1ti Ilt pointed out that tilt Jim agency Sma lnltlld Immflm cessitil concert in town hall larts stricllv neutral policv ill the Palestine dispute Iul Elizabeth St almost unpasssblt llmg DOW punva mum bt an mil MAX mle it hhmlm hm ldtic to snow water on sidewalks ittlptlllltlll factor ill making tilt assessment M11 ll mung row Hlll IMF llii Town Council councillors Will Spenng at 19ng 01mm Hullk Ml liming mm mm had Plllllildhllml AN IVmiEDOTIiliumson and Brennan moved that Macdonell MP for Muskoka gave some Wini trlllts 01 lht HWSCIUf Stttlt Simt0 Ollllll on 10 19 Aftorqdviuj ltllmllns bill tew constructive II VIII II mndmwwl minced mm mm llllt marked changes iullll 213595311101 plC Veliiluse C01le toyount stigmstions on its improve xii ll l1 103 p11 in them to react good books ltllfl Dltllillt ll ll lwn thi llYle Huh UN ml dll mm wimo it IS prObablo that 1mm lblit lile llltt till lit Iiinun ileuv lhohwritort ii lmvim itselt to be used 29 illhN lmg DHJ lid ml would b0 lOWtlttl chlltlse their lLLllLlJillLlEglhe 501 pl IIlIIIIIIId IIIIIIMDIIIIII sllttllttlll ol oppression Now thatIilllelILll it 113k 525 01 lilIHllmllkS lllll be Olllpllanvmv 10w summer comages pmnted 0m that Canada has manV Huh mm the real power has passed tron thllavlnt and stood there tor hours le is to be SOlVEd and itll the Hill would be lllClPBSQti becattseIthcu rental value OEI 63 IIObIemS IO III OIIII IIOIIIIIIIi gtII about Iltll IlanIitrlIt irttlI peti SIIIIIIIS II mg iIIIIHIIItod in pub 310 motion of Courts Fraw would be correspondingly higher RI Hm IfdIL lttilll the rlgitls or the eluzoln Ivy and Bennett that the matter be you In SCVIng easy III III IIIIbIIII CGIIIIIII II IIIIIIII IIJIIId bIIIId aIIIne people for the reapOIlSEIblllleI lpllprlt lltI tat manI In mm WIN nah rm p011 laid IoverI carried onI the ollanving WIIIIIIIIVIIII II MIIIIIIII III III IIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIII IIIIII is one Of the urgent 1168 10111 YOU tical support This applies alike to diVlth YPHSLUVQ WWW liWl Hun Iuluni Ami if Nut mm houseIand spend considerable amount pt in foil the capacity 01 the people to We need iln amendment to theldlLW Pellmlli CJldWClII9 NILVSi stsslllent would notbe increased in that pro think clearly and vote wisely BNA Act which would set verIvI Ball Williamson Brennan II II rental uqlue would not lhtIie will be many Idntrsc opln delinittI limitation to tho powers II pmnon Fans 3116 Lint averng sub At its last meetmg Essa Townsmp COlmml ions 11 these opinions are too vhicliour legislatlve bud Can ex moo th 137 be mUCh gleatelgmnr 11 1d Sq isiwre gave notice to any resident belonging to 21 tltillLlIv held if every votcr in ereise over propertv and civil Thompson elect stantial house 11 19 or 11 he business SCCUOU won their democratic government be have his rights ill the heart II BRANCH OFFICE ll PClCl ORllll ONl RALPH LANG BRANCH MANAGER REPRESENTATIVES 1i WWWWWM the end itFebruary afterrnt years occupied with the struggle for life in thOSeother countries In this connection it is illIfiinctiii The greater the number WaubaUSIleICendgglartedI hi Tlli Idays to give thoughtmo instruction and wts terestjng to nOte that Rev Hendon of parties themorc diflicult agrcc 103d 991 +15 5mm he road as bralreman iWhile on mqticnlly crittersed for beingmore errtdeasiand suggestions for progress Presb ter to attend the Visual Education this Job he met Will an accrdent l3 loyal to then parties than to their line of work the printing art can be called one Of the together to accomplish any dcsued Following IIIS IIIICOIICIIIVI he SIIIIdI ERChUthI if they 81 gOing to premiceship Yalyimls SiatIlonSll EDITORIAL NOTES SHOULD cur PUBLIC DEBT inarrel and separate over trifling appomel age at Wyebdgel tr to Wyevale where he stayed until ve the re llhe Intelligent member Of Pallla Wlth the milder Weather Water IS agam Iy corrile gozefnmentsgshstfsm bghreizlliiin dlgbifiriltlrllic lent W1 do his bes keep his 1930 He then Spent Short terms served as night operator at Barrie Will be many bespattered cars and people The Fmanctal Post Opinions differedon tax cuts mm It Stands bUt he W111 nOt 1mm 1934 to 1936 then moved toIl Creemore where he has been agentI gather man savm II tiom lalllleO long as this true in splashing arelrable to get into trouble the main to the principles In holdSI 101 the past 12 years WHERE THE POLICE GET THEIR CARS Mr and gt II LU emmem an en usras 1c cuter Thgbrrght sunshine of recent days has lPortvArthur NewsChromelei $913135 v51 place of discuslv1rs Falloweld will continue to work showed amohg other thingq aws 5mm 23 IIe it If the snowyhlanket remains in sufficient covered 25 Like the manI haulinga crate WWI 12 place where man can talk things pen Cloijars it will rejoice the hearts of thefarrm and the chickens scattered about the neighborhhod gifiiigwocrrfge 555113213 33 013 ism b0 helped game hemlp and When the little tail to apprectate the true man reached the market he had 13 function of parliament some times think it would be better if II Egrnfgflggtfdcalving igi ill ii tom When they could buy DOORS and news of Hillsdale has been appointed by Barrie ment becomes Politicians aye fre baggage man He then went on began to spread and intelligence grew ThuSWorkshop in Hamilton Iat the end of JuneTjninclplcsw lt men are to work which incapacitated him for this grgaleSt forces inrrcwmzatiopi 7777 if CEEntifyb igyaelaiii 16d telegraphyad flera 39 Financialpost II dihercnces in their point of View in 1913 Six Years later he Veml mg on the Streetsiand highways andlheleIopinion otrepresentative Canadians questioned by Pally true to the91inCiD1Sw1QLJat severnBridge md Thorntonl Drivefs who indulge wilfully in the habit at some fearingthat these might encourage inflation SplilWith it over every we lapse mat ammae 11eij55frer7FahoWeiddsmMasonandl= added to the beauty of the winter landscape Easm City the Emma rem pblicesion That is what it shbuld be reside inCFeemore quantity to grgprotectton for Fall wheat an chickens to market It fell offIIthe wagon broke dew is best Hm estavg WWWEEMANIfOBA+tEMlElLDENOUNCES hungry cold and sick Are they the kind of Toronto Telegraml Icitizens we will want in the world Of tOmOr whim BreIlIllercGarcsIon dgclares in the Manitoba Order Paper may result in egts tire at ana ian ommunists are Itreach considered legislation Parliamentl Igrgus and tIrIzIaitIorIgus to Cn8a the ganadian peoplgl is making laws for the government gt4 dd aIvvare recur some ommunrss an II Twos or car we avea 0V8 worldbitizenvs all PurpQSghor the Petty Warrant this dgnunclalim IO Flos ThiIs sow had litter of gt reiatzazatasgarcataract t2t and 12 25m telephones hmreds Ws Penetana in 1Allschools in Poland were closed during verstve attempts tocreate chaos and confusion in the tgtbgggislamre for Ebersysio Ward of ehemyjocwpation so thattherearIe boys and mom ecnmy thy arming at indlStry the5963 to raise by debentures $16000 ext improve telephne girls of fourteen yearsor age wnonannot yet 331Zigltrailyllllliell1221illleaiiiil$14090 reggem garnish Ireadtand writeIgivemgm the moist11 need corruptingmenae in the midstIsII debenture Was Road expenditures of Nottawasaga for year were $1708556 Peter mourned over Orlllia Other Barilo memT bers were TI Viiners DE haight Wolfenden Williams dayowingm the large number of sick folk Springlike conditions reported by Phelpston correspond Dorienmirminy died in Penetang ovfIOIRonTo hospital at the age of 105 years Up to his 100th year hetwalked podoggjg QfefepfonfandII IWe more Hepburn ioiinet the ll Greenwobd Bert IMarwood ant UFO shippers doing well in ii and ThosRogersi Mrs Audrey aahdlingitve stock at Phelpston n191l09llftaft3 Inhvl9fl teem resident or aittkageoiga 39 192243mms with the WWW InochhotclI IIII rie whose husband onc hadabar was drawing out his What to mfg Tievyteomy rate 522 hGWIPLlYElfamnd MEWS tier Ehop Hm waS Willi 1mm 008138 up to therein no THE til 1foireservalionswiiorwtro from gglmm of in Walkerton In 1922 Barrie doingngnharddgissufoikfciuarg 3gsIOgggggfecfgggI 531$ mi Mumm well in old II THEBARBIEEXWN increaoeIindiebasic telephone rates am III II Public Library lssuedi35192 bodks attendance at carnival atPrin Public School $51I728758pamte Ifygmofqncipaied arrivulw 1923 IWeegarappointedcupers cess RinkMinesing number ISchoolI $4I599I rI 11 WI intendent ofIIBar1Iii Dlvlscifnffog of Brentwood mom empldyIItId at re oesI CNRjvw or of Irene gettlng 01 my funnygimme loaded anar OprquatOQS in Barrie Bayv AMShorte Clicursemin iflrgrrif mt Km pm mi 11 Owing to wish lit the road cultureand Domestic ScienceIheld II For youtliisineans greater value than ever bfOre for the satisfaction of providing tullebestielephoneoervice atthe lowest posstblecIoatk Ito jgWnu character and there were no jltncys on the Brad in Orillla was largely patronized II II public Service Rev EiWeu fordISt route nfthojdays $75 Skating parties popular at Belle Do you spend your nights tossing and turning 35 hadchargeior theIsefbldEau Iworth of 89 us were broken on Ewart OWing to extreme cold and in bed name Ito Bleep Do you gymplowing births intended to open up Killarney ll Brick Beach subdivision Cllingwood ndMilbutna Health and Nerve Pills most helpffldlIII III IIIIIIIII III Imp laying new intakeIIIpipc for its the me the nervouagugm a1 rges 10 TitWW 1ed WWW at ml moi Theystm rundam condition wa Lowell nnd 1300 and coils Grim asked Government to place to Promote tummyle 15mm III MWXTBV in Mamet M1110 Whitesh it this Gerri genuine Hilbmni Health 159 Pm Ll lh it 31I 12 883111 srx an Mn Icgnntgf II II II Rev Gm theHuxlable upsets Vital sta great depth of Snow Harvesting iisticaJar Barrie in February the ice was no easy job James med Huhle End will an appeal hm hsvaus the recoldof sow rig hinting cdbyJoIhn Thompson of Con muummoomf1mi93i In Iain rumour CdManbr Minna were 15 dalhsdmlirriags and Barrytold Innisl Council that he rIIf you sum from such condition you win

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