Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 18 Mar 1948, p. 17

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Xlii 111ch lllllllllll THURSDAY MARCH 18 1048 1325 operating Royal Victoria Hospital The 101 lill fu LittulJ 11 pogl liltlldlcil cnt xlrss lickn Han llt trim lili aiiiii1 Hp 11 is walnutii 114 ilorlrc Lon pidiiii 15 lltz stitlali1tlitl rat 151114 rlil t1 11lllrv all over littli 1212 111 i111 ilzc daily 111411 Will The total iiiirrrb days was 211330 rii littti or an increasi ovvi tl pronoun peat was 101 lira Vido i1l 11x lus 1r Hospital is im 111 anti tile Sii 111 iivi inch 111 the its tl11111i1 of pillttlll ll cotllparorr of certain to in lllt llttl=1tl 1940 and tittf follows llklll llllll Major IMlillllllli gt131 llllttill operations Nlmt zuid 11111161 llirriuliotl lil iliill Total operations 1703 Still 511ttft1 inciirbcis illultc 1ltllil litrtS 111gt11112 llic 11gtllwtlil been added to the flllllllgl the year Miss 11 lulirian Sllllllllllllllltlll Mn Obstetrical Stttlltlfdll Mist lllfgll ll llooirl Supervisor We have Illt ttilti tullint IlltlSl than ill lllti follows Senior Total filltltlll lliooks liliilol 11 llruinr the year the students 11L lowziiice whit lll training was iii lleased ltllttl $1 $3 and $11 month to $0 all and $11 iiroiitli fort lst 12nd and 31111 year students respectively This has meant great deal to some of our students Number of student days lost throusdi llltll was 103 is our pared with in 1010 The graduation cXirciscs lltltl in June with thrcc nurses graduating Mrs Stewart attain cave her home and supplicil the icficstriticnts for the gradua troii dance which was greatly ap preciated by the sttidcnts Ilrc Hoard have provided the toitowing entertainment for the strident nurs hockey and their trc itckcts Vulrridc party corn roast llallowecn bristrnas Val cnlinc Day Graduation and Gap dances The nurses look forwzird to and enjoy these pleasures which are made available to them Several members of our gradu ate stafl have taken short courses DRAWINGS AND BLUEIRINTS Architectural Mechanical drawings to your specificat ions GUY CONCRETE TILE 184 Dunlop St Ilarric Phone 4926 d4 NEWWKITCHEN hl I1Uiiii incliszl itilttusi li lfrl zctrvic litll tat the different teaching tinspdals in Toronto and Hamilton and 11 iire School of Nursing of the Uni tlgtll of Toronto 31m Booth is taking the teach srirgrouise it the School of NtllSlt rug tins year and will return to our teaching staff on completion of the course The Medical Stall has been most taroperative in giving lectures to tire student lllllStSvrit total of 101 having been ffntll during the School ycar The following donations have been made to the hospital during the year Electric Suction Apparatus and Oxygen intralor lac Twenties lthrb it fled lan Ilusbcrs arid Sterilizers barlcs Robinson Floor Clltlt1 for nursery Lady Kiwanis Chairs and Dresser for Lions Room Lady Lions $200 to wards ncw stove $500 towards llLW stove $300 towards linen pur clraScs Fruit of Christmas for Ward Patients Womens Hospital A111 wish to thank lbc Ladies of the Womens Hospital Aid for their help in supplying the linens mak 1111 dlcssriics and supplies and mending and the different groups who have been most faithful in 10111th the operating room linen and baby liiicii each day also the Board of Directors for their co operation and assistance in every way also the Hospital Club for making the babies clothing for the lllllStl Respectfully submitted IllLEN SHANAHAN RN Superintciiitcnt Ilair cut 40c at Camerons Bar ber Shop ovcr Olympia Restaur ant 24111 Owing to the illness of Crown Attorney Frank Hammond there was no sitting of themagistrates Otlll yesterday Special run reg $500 perm anent wave for $350 Camerons phone 11111 124th Theres no delay the Active way New heated sedans for 10 cal or long distance trips Active laxi Phone 4451 51tfb Spepiil Maries Beauty Salon SSSElizabeth 81 regular $500 per manents now $350 also $1500 cold wave now $705 Eveningappornt merits Phone 2701 mm Miss Mary Bcaton from Parry Sound is now an operator at La Velma Beauty Salon new coiffulc Ilronc380l 11l2p AMake it point to call at Coutts Childrens Wear 24 Owen St which carries everything for children from 10 minutes of age to 10 years 12b The Boys Scotrts are preparing plans for townwide salvage col lection during Easter week All citizens are asked to save their paper and watch for the dates to be announced for the collection Havc the tNew Look for Easter Smart Shortic Coats and Suits Isizes 12 to 18 also full range of latest styles in Rats Straws and Feltsl and Childrens Apparel all tmoderately priced at Irene Collins Ladics Wear 12b There was large congregation in St Andrews Church last Sunday morning at the quarterly commun rion At the preparatory service on Friday nine members were added to the roll two by certificate and seven by confession of faith 11 is time to have your sum raz BARRIE sum nestle School Spbrts Uri Mar 11 HCAMC School Wtll dilclilkd all scriiziiiitll basketball 11 1630 appelo and Stirrup r1t lilzlixllllltlg to llic losers Unty ltit store was orriwsrtitd the play was lot more rimrusting than it would rndcltc HLAMC not find dullculty ttl iirriimg the basket 32111 RCAMC Silrool No irieatcd RCAt two RlillitS to one anti on Mar 12 ltCAMC School on thicl yours by default liorn MCIHill No lbesc wins have placed RCAMC School in contending position RCAML No team were defeated by ilCEMF losing tiirec glories IlM Regimental Dance On Mar 11 an RCAMt Heal lriciitail Dance was held at Club 70 in Barrie Personnel were trans ported to and from Barrie iil char tered Doses approximately 173 persons attending An enjoyable time was had by all Royal anzidian Engineers the current power stiortaltc waved its wand of conscrvation ovir tliniprllordcn again last week and the immediate result was further interruption every after noon from 1213 to 113 pm or as ttic Army has it from 1345 his to 1313 lllS In Camp Borden the power conservation program now consists of three hourly interrup tions in the early morning from am to any ant to am and 11111 to afar and as noted above durrnit the first hour of the alternooii in addition to this tlicrc is all extra interruption from arm to it am on Sundays and all street 111111111111 is extinguished at iriiltiiicbt It might easily be thought that very little savinr can be effected by these early morning interrup tions but when it is remembered that all of the central heating plants throughout Camp are opera ted by electric return pumps which arcppcrirtuiu constantly it can bc seen that these interruptions result iii considerable decrease in pow crioad chcral members of the 113111 Civilian Staff have been away re ctitly Vair spent few days scouring Toronto for street niltat Lines our genial boss plurnbcrxl spent several days in Toronto sup posedly hunting for materials but returned with that entertairrcd look in his eyes We bet Billspent more time in the movies than he did in plumbing supply houses llrat noted livestock fancier lid Partridge is enjoying wc11 earned holiday from hisduticsas painting superintendent Rumor has it that the famous Camp Bor dcn Rain found its way into Eds kitchen while he was in Oshawa The Ram insignia which used to be seen on all Camp Borden Ve hicles will be well remembered At oneQIime before the Ramfwas dis continued in favor of the more fa miliarPinc Tree chunky wooden replica of the Rain was made up but was never used This military totem pole has reposed in the paint shop for years and periodi cally Ed has been caught gazrng on it the way Rembrandt must have gazed at some of his master pieces We dont know wholed the Ram to the Partiidge resi dence bitt wefll bet that certain peoplegive the Paint Shop wrde berth when Mr Partridge returns Sapper Glover has toured the ranks of the pilgrims making the crosscountry trek to Chilli wack where he will take Corps Training for six weeks Peter Mchbe Dies In Accident Within Sight Of His Home Peter McCabc age 62 of Ath lone dicd lastszTturday nightorr Sweaters Sizes 14 to 20 Fine Quality Wool $398 coedlooking Sweater in your wardrobe is an attractive assct at any time doubly grand in Spring when you can learn it with your Suit for extra warmth on coolish days See Zellers beautiful iLong Torso Cardig HIS ZellerThr riccd ling moat1 no to um um You in pain the 19 dd ork tnihe 1uverage kitchen with fNUVEhtAMEI for only Prlce $590 mmmvm NUfENAMEL Puoiia 4492 CARS WANTED mer furniture recovercd mdreL paired rcady for the bright days ahead Bring your deck chairs porch chairs and glider couches to the Barrie Tent Awning Co for 111 moderately priced face lift 10tfb In Saturdays Globe and Mail therc was picture ofga group of delegates to the Ontario Horticul tural Association Convention at Nia gara Falls One of the party viewing the Spring flowers in the Parks lCommission Greenhousewas lCoutts of the Barrie Socretyw At two oclock last Friday morn ing Basil Rayne of Stroud was tak en toghe Royal Victoria Hospital with facial lacerations He was pasSenger in car driven by Clara ence Smith RR Egbert The car struck light standard at the cor ner of Elizabeth andToronto streets Barrie Prov Cons Banting inves tigated as Read Examiner Classifieds foxFarina FrontEnd LOADER for Ford Ferguson Tractor Hydraulic operation sFQIeSALE BARRIET MOTOR SALES rnonu 2214 pCabe was run Well County Highway Np 127just 400 yards from the spot there his elder brother Matthew had been killed last September Mr McCabe was driving home from Bceton and was within 100 yards of this house justsouth of Lorettowhcn the car apparently went out of control The car lswcrved the driver was thrown out and pincd underneath when the car rolled over Ronald Horne age 12 neigh bor and Jimmy McCabe age eight passengers in the car were ttappedwiilside the vehicle Ron ald managed to kick out the heavy windshield and he then pulled Jimmy out Ilogetherthe boys raced to Ronalds home where help wassummoned Mr Hornemanaged to lift the carenough to free Mr McCabe and few moments later priest arrived to administer the last rites of the Roman Catholic Church Shortly after his arrival Peter McCabe died Surviving Mr McCabe are his wife and three chil dren Last September Matthew Mca over by truck Wedalso on County Road No 12 NFB MAKES ATHLETICS FILM Young Canadian iathTtEswwith one eye on theirjmtlscle and the other on future OlympICS will have chancetosee just what champ gees through to redchthe top in the first posed moving picturesof Barbara Ann Scott training for the 1948 Games EntitledfChampions the Mgkingyrr mg lm also brings to the screen upcoming as as presentday athletic champs It starts at the Roxynext day Among the topnotchers appear ing in the picture arelHenrii Roj Chou and Bill Cutts of tennisfame Syl Apps GusRyder if the Lake shore SWimming Club and Bar narrow HILL CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH DISTRIBUTOR 55 Elizabeth St BilBRIE Phone 2427 bara Ann Scotti Fitmgdmat the Ravlna Rink in Toronto the dad zling Barbara Ann sequences in cluding her tAlicevin Wonderland routine and examplesof Olympic free style Skating are the rst ac tually posed for the camera lens by the hardworking Queen of the Blades The Ontario Athletic camp on Lake Couchicliing training ground for potential champs is also fea tured Champions in the Making pro duced byAudto Pictures forthe Canada Carries On unit of the National Film Boardis narrated by Clary Setteh Canadian radio SPOItSCQSlQle BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA values to Delight the Smart is Thrifty Fashitms for Spring and Gibson Girl Blouses Checks Plaids beautifully styled in the demure Gibson flirt manner Of tubbable cot tori vith blue green or red on white background Trimmed with crisp white pique and 11111 irnlshcd litlllltJtS Yecrlllritt lriccll 01 Sizes 13 to 20 Rayon and Wool Skirts To earn witli your Smart Blouse es and Sweaters skirts of fine quality IlayornWool fabric fashioned with kick pleats iii front and back Zipper closing ColotirsPlaids Black Brown and Navy tchlerTbriftlriccd Plastic Calf Ciains Rayon Bengalines $398 Sizes to 10 $219 lr The styles shown speak for themselves in terms of attractivenessYou1l find many others equally lovely on any counter All well madc lined and eqliippcdwith ighange purse and dill ror Colours black brown navy and red Noteworthy Value Ladies 40V5 WASHABLE DUPLEX FABRIC SMARTLY STYLED INEXPENSIVF $11rpr GLOVES are an important part of your tisterSLSpiing Ensemble so be sure to select goodlooking wellmade ones that fit well and are easyto keep clreflriisvee Zellersrassortmcnt ofBlack Brown Navy Natural and White Gloves attractiveQ lyfinisbcd with wibirpstitcllinguieirsygtig Many Smart Styles group of Handbags specially designed to please Miss Junior madepfptastic in calfgrain or patent finish featuring shoulder strap pouch andzipperltop mod els Colours Red Green Brown Light Ellie Black and Navy ZellerThriftlriccd Ti waSh ZellcrIhrlftPriced SMART PROFILE Ill Model of smooth Swiss Straws braid to enhance your love 1y Spring Outfit lrininred vrtlr colourful flowers Rayon Taffeta flow $359 llIltl AND IREITY llAlE of Swiss Strawhraid trimmed it 1i flowers $359 SMART Sllllllllgtll MILLINICIKY beautifully stylcllt Right for Easter rind throucb Spring into Summer 711lIAlrlCtS $198 $359 Rubber Overshoes 111ik or Brown lilibbcr Ovcrsboes to buy now in preparation for thc Sltishy Weathertbats sure to cornci Come and see the assortment at ZcllcrTliriftlriccs FOR lllLliRlCN FOR MISSES FOR LADIES Sizes 11 Sizes to ll $269 Pr to $219 Pr Rubber Boots Sturdy highcut Rubber Boots to keep feet and ankles sure dry when the slush rains come Made with solid rubber heels forextra long durability Childrens Sizes to 10 Misscs Siics 11 to Noteworthy ZellcrJahb Pair NYLON HSiERv find $165 99mplil39ll smart outfit with apair of these beauliful 42 and 45 gauge Sheer Nylons Theyre in the new darker shades 401 the ultrasmartappearance you want wullovers Look Ganglsmoothlooking Pulloversvthatll rate anote of ap proval from Teens who are in thegmove Crime in and seethem Youll likethem Spam sBuysfi forthe made offiletltlype Cotton Lace with dainty interwoven designlailorcd edges Each Curtain 36 ins wide by 214 yards long Made in England 71311112 gt 40 his wide Yorirchoice woffilet orjtuscan weave Cotton Lace Made in England Yard L7 of irivw DOMOLITE PLASTIC 54 his wide White background patternedtwitli kitchcndesigns in red blue green Yard he Duncan 4011 wide rayoircotton Drapery Fabric lunchtoned burgundy as well as iieiifral eggshell amended Yard Shades of bluerm 112111CoftonlMarquisette Cur4 taifiing ivory or cream back ground patterned or dotted Some with vred blue or greendots Plastic approximately 50 Patterned in centre 9in col oured border all round Zellcr ThriftPriced

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