PAGE SIXTEEN 111111 isrtiui 1m orrrr itri Luiruir St 11 titll ilfn ii 131C Branch 11t1h his 1l lnst tori 11995 lii 51 111 In iitorir izru it the 1irrrlt 11 the 11 II outis ll Solar annual LIME ICE CREAM SODAS 15c INCH AT BRYSONS lice Cream Candy 25 ELIZABETH ST 111 Ma ri llor trcizltuial coriwntroli Airii kiulllr riui tiihir cu GAGEMENIS 312s iii ililaou 1ororttu slsir ri 1511 tli4cirtrt Lilrtli iittli Vlllililid ttfl ll yl lilt 1lt Tits 11 21 1uiulrlto t1l11 pi tililifl Saturday WILL ASK 01C TO SPONSOR MARKET MEETING in lriotion oi lleput Reeve Hart and ltl lltlt Holts touizcrl on Tucson tltiltlttl risk tlil lralialm til torrlrraczle to spoiisoi rwctrm to ltl111 ltiltttltgt inter tSltil in tlic markci more and rrsturs the liinttci 1lic uicilbaiits oi the town would also be iirillcti Deputy Relc Hart said 11 were iiiilllli to tune liiaikct lets 12211 one it not lets be done with Tile deputy recve tclt liti market could luburlt up to be 1111 2gttl tli Hattie rd lrrtlii spoke of ill ll11 that had been 111 The Harrie Exam lriiir lilvitlnu those interested in the market to lllt$ their lllltt list and there bud been only one response 11 FRWEVEV METHODIST CHURCH 200 Bayfield St Phone 4572 imv AND runs CHASE ministers SUNDAYTMARCH 11 1940 riCollier St United Church Time in 000 CHML 830 am for Light and Life Gospel program rumship Meeting 330 PM Evangelistic Service 730 PM 70 l1lvrlCtlif10 group Friday night lible contests film strip and hob4 by craft for boys and girls rriursJS an PRAYER MEETING every Collier St BaptistChurch Independent REV LEWIS MA BD Minister lair Lloyd Tufford Organist and Choirniaster summv MARCH 21 19411 11 AllllORNlNG WORSHIP What To Easter Means Christians The Resurrection llbc epitaph which was changed from Here lies to Ileis 111R1 berczl ifor he is risen THE CHURCH SCHOOL 11 AM Nursery Beginners and Primary Dept 230 PMSENIOR SCHOOL PMADULT BIBLE CLASS PMEVENING SERVICE The Life After Death in the light of some new Testament teachings REVS MITCHELL Mmmr Young Peoples fireside following SUNDAY MARCH 21 1948 urnBIBLE EXPOSITION Communion PM BlBLESCIllOOL pmvGOSPLL SERVICE Mon PMY Service Well 15 pinMidweek Prayer Meet ing 1iliursday 745 pm Forward Bi llib Visitors Cordially Welcomeu Grace Gospel Hall 37 Mary Street Barrie SUNDAY MARCH 21 1948 1th PMBelievisiMeeting PMSunday School Meeting All are cordially invited bl The Salvation Army 60 COLLIER ST The Home of Friendly Worship Adjutant and Mrs Strachan SUNDAY MARCH 21 1948 ll AMHOLINESS MEETING 230 PMSUNDAY SCHOOL 700 PMSalvation Meeting Wed pm Fellowship Club prs pm Tonight Speial Ser Brigadier Knaap Speaker Moving Picturesof Indias far East Goodriday at pm Easter Page ant 230 PMBtble Classes First BoptistChurch REVF HUMPHREYS Pastor Miss Elsie Cloughley gtATCM giQrganistond Chair Leaderr lSUNDgflf MARCH 21 1943 ll amSubj saviour Dies pmSUNDAY SCHOOL Lessom The Kingdom of God 7pmSuraj The Sinnegs Saviour Tues pm March 23 Easter Canr lfata presented by First Baptist Elliott Everyone is cordially 1nvtt ed to attend 81 pm =Prayer Service the service Central United Churc Minister REV JF BEWELL BA Choir Leader Mrs Lenover 491ganist1 MR SMITH SUNDAY MARCH 21 1918 PALM SUNDAY amMORNING WORSHIP HOly Communion and Reception Service PM EVENING WORSHIP The Pattern of the Cross ll CHURCH SCHOOL AM Beginners Primary pmYoung Mens Class 230 PMThc General School pmBaptismal Service The lnterchurch Good Friday morning service in First Baptist Church Fri Mar 26th 11 am Trinity Anglican Church WRIGHT Organist 6th Sunday in Lent PalmSunday 800 AWLHOLY COMMUNION 1100 MORNING PRAYER 1100 AMBeginners Department of the Sunday School 300 PMSUNDAY SCHOOL 700 pm Lenten and EasterCan tata From Darkness to Dawn by Fred Pearce gt Words for Congregation provided Burton Avenue United Church Rev Carder BA Minister OrganistMr Ray Williams SUNDAYj MARCH 21 1943 11 amfMORNING WORSHIP 5PALM SUNDAYSERVICE pmfEVENING wonsmp Andrews Presbyterian iMinister Craig Hamilton Organist rand Choimaeter MW 12scrimmrroetsamatgol the JAMES FERGUSON BA Sunday School Holly Services at PMand PM Gospel Halt 19 Parkside Drtvo SUN 1A1 MARCH 21 1943 ll AnnBreaking of Bread PAgundw School and Bible 33532 7IMGoapeliMetlng Weds8PMPrayerMeeting jAntbIMFvseatlfrec no collection tflltll Iltt ilb tress of Kcnsrngton The tron of Prince County 1111 dow the 10nemetery rie ruaolmssous la Second son of Tthe date Jonathan Sissons and Margaret Ann Shaver to at the funeral srvice gt tii imam 1viltxfi BARRIL UAinEllU candor Nkrl riurr lrrs car 115 tl in 11 for =lti vow it rsz tin lKl HRS SllAliSflaIl liiliitii l11s Sstrr 131 11 11141 iii l1i bi February to the 11r place ll flan 1001 llit sliHCt 11 Funeral 110511 at cnzttiiy 1ltll rftltltii lll 1iicpattoiniiis iws ot the tltllJstil 21111 lltllliltl Illll lit littl laii st ti 11md lltttt Mrs linicly untrue Illirult illmi was loscphinc Maud tim ilis born in 1uliru Thu llltigzliil itiii Sophia toitiiliiis She Sister ilil and when came to tolucll litll the rest of her life She llitllllltl of the lnitcd liiiili linrncliiatc ielzrtlvcs sin are her husband Illlt ssstc flit Mrs Ford Harrzi and one brother John tlouglrlcy 13in date lit 111 ii 11l 111 121 1rl vitis ll lt HEATH ll1lls Ur February 11 1011 Heath Monroe passed away iii Death was due to coronary ilrzorzr bosis lp 1111 1111 day be died he apparently was in manilaalto lhc tiiiicral was held on helm1 ai it private conducted by llev Nt11tillt Smith at the home of 1r sitp taucbier Mrs 11 Harrie aird his remains xrrt ior awarded to his home in tiliisirrctorr P1Il for burial Deceased was born Sepiinrhci 213 1070 at Norboio llIl son or icoigc arid lIllen ilovcrl How 1lt was tar lmcr arid fox breeder 1n icliioir he was nicrnbcrot the Liirtid Church He was Past Master of tl ltt my liilount Zion Lodcc A1 KK 11Jllll lot the tliapter at lxensrncton former inspector with the anaii iari Fox Breeders Association he had visited all the provinccs or that capacity He was Past President of the Liberal Asmcia Mr and Mrs Bowncss came to Ontario last October to spend the winter wrth Mrs Bowness two daughters planning to return to their home on IEl in the Spring Relatives surviving are his wi tornicr Bea lanc Pro flttl one son Donald with the lBunk of Nbva Scotia two step ldauglrtcrs Mrs 1C Bowiicss Glenal Barrie and MrsxF Pidgeon Vern Streetsvillc Our two Sisters Mrs Jacques of South Amboy NJ and Mrs Delllllttlft of Kensington PEI also one broth er Harry of Kcnsington lonswrrormirr Suffering from repeated heart attacks during the past year John Tordi passed way at his lwarnc at 101 Mulcaster St Barrie on March 1943 For number of years he had operated the Barric Cmarnmy with his brother However be re tired from business when he sold his interest toCccil Norris He had been active as an under7 taker and in house furnishings for numbernof years before he cameK to Barrie liarlington the son of the late William fordiff and Mary Jane MacLaren he resided in Brooklin for number of years He was member of the United Church and was active in the Masonic Order as well as belonging to the Brook lin Hunt Club for many years The funeral service was conduct ed by Rev Lewis from the home on March 10 Many beauti ful oral tributes were received from the United Church the Ma serfs and his numerous friende Friends and relatives attended from Toronto Oshawa Port Perryi Whitby Pickering Columbus klt 11111 How ttl Born June 21 1888in illillilxll 11 being wild am 51 had tlh tllltiltl Vlimilitl out or Barrie 11 to in lilTl filll re lis Spiait York slcizrd Mat 01 1890 she John MR AND MRS BIRD SHOW COLORED MOVIES or BIRDS of her 115 Ashtorli tiltlillt Illtlh life til lllt Cltllllllllll ii is life llltlll an XVI15 The first meet 11 of the Mctb 111 liiriirorid Hill was 1oslc to which she was member ir it 111 riute from the 1nrirorr rliartcl 111c1 riiili lrihrnoiid 11111 flowI lurk lllUlltSl 1t 111 marry lure tro nci ill the Horticultur iil ii tor 111 in 11 exhibit rrrtd gtlllgtgt Always in 111 community affairs 1111 31 lciilon pics for every 21111 of May 11111 about 15 years 1022i she was one Er 111 group of 30 patients inertl the lttiilt Patients twilli 1orouio leireral llos 1122 irczic the insulin trelli turd been developed by it 211m and was carried out by ll uirlpbcll For the last ycrzs 1i Wright had been lire list survivor charter member re rrsulilr club 11i gt1lli oi tier hcallh finally rwcvssraicd the rnpulailorr of first ore 111 and their the other Mrs izilrt was always the centre of irri =1 aid vrty in her borne to one years she was at her home 10 tiriii1 St Richmond Hill where lllLilt rfwiileti Three years auo she came to Home to live with Jrcr other dxirchicz Mrs Stewart Page She had been planning to return to bci home at Richmond Hill just be fore she suffered the stroke prior to lttltltizlll Alibirich confined to bed Mrs Viiqhi had many visitors especial ly the children of the neighborhood whom she loved so iiriich They had 1llf1 elected licr 1191101111 pre srdcrri of their club an incident of which she was very pleased Mrs Wright was the last of ti fzirnrly of eight She was predeceas cd by her husband iil October 1945 Mrs Hardy 11111 riembei of the llf 111 lii oiari 151 1111 tid ll in law lriils 1111111 ll pi il lii 31 stl11 oi inrds their it 111 oi 1111111 l1 work rii in obtaining this on wrtltlllllz tol lttllttt of nature pictures and 1111 1111 tkcii some pictures Horn leils gi rite of only siy ilitllc This 1izot only 11 plrotocmp lltllllllllliilll1111llltltnll 11nd creature iii order to gt1tt1t lii1ilttl photos on cxariiplc Mr llir1 showed iiws of ibliieb1id lltttltllllti owl and later of the birds ferdrill the 11111111 1be mother bird nurde 33 tzrps with lllSSlltIttS for tlrc yoiurc iii two hours and the father 11111 his share by making four trps iu the tllt length of time Mr lll1 llllS Bird were introduced and thanked by 1th llhotla Young president of the Worriciis unadiarit 1lib Ice Harvesting Shows 22 Inches Clear Blue lie cuttinc for the llarrie Fuel and Supply Co has been going slladily oil toritbc past two weeks lclther has been ideal with the exception of be two days rain this week lbcicc this year is 22 inches clear blue for the first time in several winters Early snow and iollowmg heavy frost caused tltltkl cning below making the best icl Office and yard irianaccr Stephenson has about 20 men on 11 payroll and the work is by day labor uttiiip is done with powcr son drcdiri infancy Surviving are two daughters Mrs Page in Barrie and Mrs Hardy Hill of llicimrorrd 11111 lcv Lewis conducted ser vice for friends of the family at the home of Mr arid l1rslige in Bari rieori 11itlrsday evening March 12 The body was later removed to the family residence in Richmond Hilli where itrested until the service at Richmond Hill United Church on Saturday afternoon Friends and relatives attended from throughout the district and there were floral contiibutiousfrom ollicr Street United ChurchuSiml coc County Library Association The titiirie Liltlc Peoples Club Richi morid llill United Church Richmond 11111 VA Staff of Oakwood Collegii atc of loroirto audseveial others The service at Richmond Hill wasl conducted by Rev Bretben as sisted bR Lewis and RevI Harold wellwoodinterment was made in Richmond llill Cemetery WEDDING ii JCDDMORRISON On Friday March 12 1948 The marriage of Margaret Kathleen VIVlorrison only daughter of Mr and Mrs Gordon Morrison of Barrie to John Keith Judd eldest son of Mr and Mrs Judd New Westmin ster BC was solemnized iritbe First Bap ist Church Barrie Rev Hunlphreys officiated Given in marriage by her Father the bride were floorlength white satin gown with tigertip veilgathered with wreath of orange blos soms She carried bouquet of red roses Her bridesmaid Miss Corabelle Penrose of Thornbuiy wore fiber ilength gown of skyblue satin with tulle Her bouquet was of pink Brooklin and Ann Arbor Michitlilips Ernest Morrison brother of gain PEIIbearers were LiAllcmsth3liide was groomsman The Ie Caldwell Osborne Ladc Bruce and Morren Inter ment took place inthe Barrie Un Suinngesebis Mite Lillianl Knight sister Mrs Arm strong fEdlthtrMO AlibiArbor Mich two brothers LTordiff of Brooklin and Tordift of Bar There passed away on Feb 22 1948 after short illness at the hospital in iLacombe Albertad Frederick James Shaver Sissons ofCrown Hill and Barrie Mn Sissons was born athrown Hill and was in his seventythird year After taking course atGuelph OAC he swasrmarried in 1900 to Louise Creaseof Barrie Taking up farming at Thornton be tinued there six yearsand in moved to near Lacombe Alberta There he folloWed the occupation of farming and ranching His Wife passed awy iifApril 1935 He is survived by three sons three daughters and also several grandchildren one brother SissonsProfessor Emeritus of Tor onto University alsoby his step mother Mrs Jonathan Sissons of Barrie The Rev Joseph Woods Vvorth cousin assisted his pas in Lacombe United Chilrch with the Masonic Order taking the grave side service on three occasions he visited his relativesand friends in the Egg his last visit being in May Fred Sissons will be re membelfed heie byrmany early friends being prominent in sports ception was held at the home of the brides parents For their wedding trip to Detroit thebridedonned light blue fur trimmed suit with brown accessor ies The happy couple will reside in Toronto aru qg er FreSh daily through Lent The Weekend Cakeis HONEY MACAROON Youll likeit alsoWHIPPED CREAM PASTRIESETC athbothrfthe NeWBranch Clapperton St and Main Store Post Office square Corner Cupboard BAKERY AND DELICATESSEN Choice Cookcd Meats PASTRIES mush DAILY ltuSselt Bloomfield IPROPRIETOR DIAS4 3944 BRANCH5021 apann No 51 BLAKE STREET irc 1is ttllti to llarbara Ann ficc storan by teams that switch over to other sleichs altcriiatcly Barbara Ann Scott Star of Benefit Skating Revue the fluidly iiui if ii 111 til 1111 is of 1419 The ritia tl1ll block 111st blot it 1111111 titrii llazu pl131x tir1 tlicl or lotntv may 1111114 the triki1 Io ItCJ ljttsl 51111 11 air of iili 011 Lulu ploplc lgtliti outstanding attraction Ill11111 lAll Ztt lilrrc 11 ioigrl proncits from lli 1111 if liin 11 para tritiuta tickets 111 in to horror ir Swit 111 ruclr whosri rllrllgtl in trillinltlllj this it rrsblgt to iaisct re various rrranners au Mr Mlltlllllaott the little and His1 Lil ttilllll1 Hospital oiirniitw ll czrniiriizur of titlt outlining llr firll our izitciitioirs lit lllt limiter Kindly remember 1111 all monies raised during thci sale of these tickets will be going toward the proposedBarbara will Scott Unit in itr new lrorpitiil and when the 111111 is opened full recognition will be given to every purchaser of ticket Sec iidvcr1 tiscincrrt clsewber in this issuel for particulars of sale of tickets saw sliplrrviscd by llusscll Jory Another power tiltll lifts the blocks to slcrcirs llitlt arc hauled in pairs by trucks to the beach ap proach and transferred there to the it rs expected that with the pics 0111 weather the full toiiiriiec will be safely packed LADIES READ THIS Unwanted hair removed instantlyi from face arms legs with Flash Hair Rcrilovcr Harrnlessdcavcsl skin soft and smooth You cant lose Monv promptly refundedl iflrair grows back after third zipl plicatiori with no questions asked Complete treatiircnt $2 postpaid llsPostace extral KAIEX PRODUCTS Dept 299 Box 22 Station Montreal Que He is NOT the 3058 He is one of our satisfied Where Food Reigns Supreme and Best Peeple Meet ROBINDALEINN rqnpuqqpnna sr COATS netSUIjTS Finest lHURSUAY gliARLH lo ltiits We have large schctioir of Hi jciluwll Potted Plants and Cut Flouris tlfth r1owrns txnvmtnr VISIT T111 GREENHOUSES 011 PHONE 3015 Boulderfel Greenhouses WE DELIVER Fendley 74 BLAKE ST uAcy Radio Wave This new professional precision pet mancnt features automatic control and Splitsecond timing ends over and under processing anti leaves hair soft and lustrous Now Available At LUCKYS BEAUTY SALON Elingeth St Barrie Phone 2853 0aunw0uu0IDn 00oiionoole enjoy blissful relief from foot aches and pains iii 01 Locke Shoes Walk with buoyant stepyour feel at ease iii natural position in Dr Locke Shoes lliesc famous shoes are constructed on the corirfortasri11r prin er ciples Dr Locke proved in his vast clinic experience Qtlfexpellflltelstleti8fllfptlfiltllrntdfflxtf jf last designed to help relieve your specic foot trouble See these smart newseason styles in Dr Locke Shoes todayf DRMWIQKE only man Who ever treated over million feel 58 DUNLOP ST Opp Post Office DIAL 2397 Vlsjv NOW Sh Hundreds to dichobsei gsmoilldeposit will hold oiny violets